• last year
00:00Salvador, please get me out of here.
00:02You can't leave, Gabriel.
00:04My son was born two months ago. I want to be there.
00:06You were missing. I can't do anything. I can't help you.
00:09And if something happens to him because he's premature?
00:11What's going to happen to him? Nothing's going to happen to him.
00:13Hospitals are full of these kinds of cases.
00:16He's going to be fine. Juana's going to be fine.
00:18And you're going to see them when you're better.
00:20No. I didn't want to tell Juana anything about what happened to me here
00:24because I didn't want to scare her.
00:25Tell me exactly what happened.
00:28Nothing. I went out to the yard.
00:30One of the guards came out with a knife.
00:32I defended myself as best I could.
00:35And the other guard, who's your guardian angel, who's helped you and protects you?
00:40No, he has a little group there.
00:42I don't know why they're always with him.
00:45I really don't know why he's defending me.
00:47Be careful. Don't make a trap.
00:49In this place, you have to be careful even of your men.
00:54Salvador, I'm going to be a father, please.
00:58You have to get me out of here.
01:05Hey, do you know how you're going to make that little boy beautiful?
01:09Well, Gabriel doesn't know yet, but I was thinking of making him like his father, Eduardo Rubio.
01:17Gabriel is going to be so happy.
01:19I know.
01:21The truth is, yes.
01:23Well, it's not an injustice that they have stolen him from living this moment.
01:28But I hope we can be together soon.
01:31Without a doubt.
01:34What happened?
01:35It's a boy!
01:36Oh, what a disappointment!
01:38But he's beautiful, he's beautiful.
01:40Even though he was premature, he's beautiful and he looks like Gabriel, like his father.
01:45Well, the important thing is that he's healthy.
01:47Yes, that's just what the doctor told me.
01:49That he's perfectly fine, even though he was premature.
01:52Hey, when can we take them home?
01:54I mean, I already want to start teaching them the tricks and everything.
01:57What tricks?
01:58The thing is that Gabriel can't meet his newborn son.
02:01Oh, you know what?
02:02Salvador told me that today he was going to see Gabriel at the reception.
02:05Let me call him.
02:06Let's see if we make a video call and he sees Juan and me or not.
02:10Call Salvador.
02:11Come on.
02:12Are you serious?
02:14It's been four months, Mom.
02:15Four months.
02:17I'm not going to call him again.
02:21In my life.
02:23Don't get mad.
02:24I'll talk to him.
02:25Call Salvador.
02:26Detective Salvador.
02:29Josefina, I'm here with the father of the child.
02:31I already told you that Juan started the labor.
02:34Oh no, my little boy was born.
02:38My son was born?
02:39He was born and he's perfect, even though he was premature.
02:44I need to see Juana.
02:50Well, let me see.
02:51Maybe yes.
02:52Nothing else.
02:53Jenny, hurry up.
02:54There is no authorization to make this call.
02:57Gabriel, can you hold the phone?
02:59Because I'm hearing like an interference, like something weird.
03:02Yes, I hurry.
03:06Jenny, please go for your daughter.
03:08I need to see my son.
03:10I'm going.
03:11But they are my grandparents.
03:13What do you mean?
03:14It's one step more.
03:17I still remember when you were so little, so little,
03:19that you fit me like this.
03:21All complete in one hand, right?
03:22Do you remember that I ...
03:23And then I rolled you like this.
03:25Are you okay?
03:26Are you okay?
03:27Oh yes.
03:28Oh, boss.
03:32Are you okay?
03:35I'm going.
03:38Thank God, Gabriel is fine after the attack.
03:41And I know it's not the first time they try to hurt him.
03:44Or even worse.
03:46For a long time, what they want is to kill him.
03:49I find it incredible that they don't let me see him.
03:51Carlos, unfortunately you can only meet with me because I am your lawyer.
03:55I have tried to process thousands of times,
03:57permissions for you, for Juan, and you always deny them.
04:00Yes, I understand.
04:01But it's not fair.
04:02What's going on here is fair.
04:04Gentlemen, please, let's calm down.
04:07I promise you that today I will go to see Gabriel and when I leave, I will talk to you.
04:12It is very important that, I mean, independently,
04:15that Gabriel already know that Rogelio dissolved the fusion between the Spaniards.
04:19Know that the amount we pay is exaggerated.
04:22And leave us in red numbers.
04:24Everything is collapsed around him.
04:26And we can't stop him, no matter how hard we try.
04:29Apparently, Rogelio, all he wanted from the presidency of the Uruguayan brewery was to break it.
04:35No, no, no, I don't understand something.
04:37Let's see, the fact that we are so bad also affects Rogelio.
04:40He is an actionist, right?
04:42I don't know, I feel there is something else.
04:44I don't think the same.
04:46Maybe he's planning something worse.
04:48Because it seems incredible to me that they keep postponing the trial.
04:51Let's see, after the attack that Gabriel suffered in prison,
04:55this has already become a major issue.
04:58I assure you that this trial will not be able to delay it any longer.
05:05Abel Madraso, my jaws were burning to make this call to you.
05:11We are going to meet later with my lawyer to see the points to follow, okay?
05:16I like that news, Rogelio.
05:20I finally achieved my goal of discrediting La Rubio.
05:25And now his actions are at the lowest point in his history.
05:30It has been a year's work.
05:31But we are very close to achieving it.
05:35I'll talk to you later.
05:38Come in.
05:39Excuse me.
05:42Here are the reports you asked me to deliver.
05:46With pleasure.
05:48Has Camila arrived?
05:50I don't know, but I'll find out right away.
05:53Anything else you need?
05:56Not for now.
05:58Excuse me.
06:28I did it, Mom.
06:40What do you have?
06:43Are you okay?
06:47As far as I'm concerned, yes.
06:51They are your favorites.
07:11Very good.
07:13Well, with these tamales, your son-in-law will be very well fed and will continue to live and grow.
07:19After the knife that they gave him.
07:21Well, with that, you don't forgive anything.
07:23I already told you that that guy got out of the guacal.
07:26I already had him marked, he already hung up his sneakers.
07:28What else do you want?
07:29You know it hurts me a lot.
07:31I can't see him.
07:33I want him to know that I will always be supporting him.
07:36Look, it's weird.
07:39He can only be visited by a lawyer and this detective, Castillo.
07:45You can't even receive calls, but I send him your message.
07:50What is important is this.
07:52More tamales.
07:54My boys need them.
07:56You have to pay for their protection.
07:58Thank you, Bruno.
08:02I don't know how to thank you for all the sacrifice you made for me.
08:06It was my turn.
08:09It is what it is.
08:13It is the least that pig we had as a father deserved.
08:19He will be fine.
08:21I promise you.
08:24Look at me.
08:26The boat already made me a businessman.
08:29I'm a businessman.
08:41Do you have the new projection?
08:43Yes, I just finished it.
08:45Let's see.
08:46Here it is.
08:51The numbers are very bad.
08:53The shares are still going down.
08:54Soon it will be time to put the shares up for sale and buy them from Elvira.
08:59Dad, you're sure of what you're doing, right?
09:02As a shareholder, you're going to lose a lot of money.
09:05As long as I own the star, it's a luxury I can afford.
09:08Make the shares of the blondes go down.
09:13Very soon they will cease to exist as I promised your grandfather.
09:17I don't know what else you want to do, but destroy the company.
09:19Whatever is necessary.
09:21I want them to fade like smoke.
09:22We have to make the returns go down.
09:24We're going to make a drastic dismissal of staff.
09:26If it had been a good time,
09:28Gabriel would have had a heart attack and died.
09:30Hey, he has more lives than a cat.
09:32And he has a guardian angel who is taking care of him.
09:35How stupid.
09:37You don't know how many times I've paid in prison to hurt him.
09:39Everything survives.
09:41By the way, where is your sister?
09:43I just looked at her and I didn't see her.
09:45She must be tired of her non-executive past, right?
09:47But it doesn't matter.
09:49Hey, we already won.
09:53Goodbye to the blondes, son.
09:55The best is yet to come.
09:57Goodbye to the blondes, son.
09:59The best is yet to come.
10:15Lately, we only see each other in bed.
10:18And I'm not complaining.
10:20It's true that I would love to make other plans with you.
10:22I don't know, go to the movies,
10:23go to a restaurant, go for a walk.
10:25Oh, Luciano.
10:27These plans are lame.
10:29I already have to go to the brewery.
10:31I'm going to take a shower, but if you want to stay here,
10:33you can stay as long as you want.
10:38Excuse me.
10:40Hi, Juana.
10:44It's Gabriel.
10:45I'll put you on a video call.
10:46It's Gabriel?
10:47Gabriel, take that man off me.
10:48Mom, pass me the phone.
10:50My love.
10:52My love.
10:54I love you.
10:56It's the most beautiful image I've ever seen in my life.
10:58I love you.
11:00My love.
11:01Our son.
11:03Eduardo Rubio Bravo.
11:06I love you.
11:23I have important news.
11:25Apparently my father is going to buy the shares of Vida D'Armas.
11:30That's why he took the brewery to La Quiebra.
11:33To be able to buy all the shares, right?
11:36Surely Vida will sell the shares to him before they go down in value.
11:42If your father does that,
11:44he will have the power to disappear Rubio forever.
11:49I like it, it's cool.
11:50It's time to deliver something.
11:52Yes, the clients can show you this.
11:54I don't know.
11:56Actually, I think it's a great proposal.
11:58Only as things stand,
12:00I brought you this.
12:01Oh, no, baby.
12:03You're the best.
12:05Oh, yes.
12:06I don't know how I wasted you as an assistant.
12:08You took Rogelio's monster.
12:10Well, if it had been for him,
12:12I would have run away since the concert.
12:14No, but look at her.
12:16The one who got lost.
12:17Because the spider that hired you
12:18doesn't even reach your heels.
12:22Well, if it hadn't been for
12:24David, Enriqueta and Don Carlos,
12:26I would be on the street.
12:28Oh, no, Cairo.
12:30But well, let's finish presenting the proposal
12:32that we are going to pass for the football championship.
12:34So that everything we send
12:36is rejected by His Majesty Mr. Rogelio Fuenmayor.
12:38Don't be Paula,
12:40because then everything he sends
12:42is green light, green light, green light.
12:46And besides, I don't know if it's me,
12:48but Paula's proposals
12:50are to sink the company.
12:52No, it doesn't seem like it.
12:54They are designed to sink the offices.
12:56Oh, no.
12:58Well, let's focus on the good,
13:00because now you are with us
13:02and you are the only one who can dominate
13:04David's beast.
13:06Yes, he is very weird.
13:08What a temptation, but I'll leave it for dessert.
13:20Yes, thank you.
13:22Juan just had his baby.
13:24Good news.
13:26It's fine, healthy.
13:28With arms and two legs.
13:30That Elvira is going to sell her shares to Rogelio?
13:32Manuel just told me.
13:37I don't want to tell Carlos anything
13:39because he already has enough problems, don't you think?
13:41Yes, yes, yes.
13:43We can't do anything.
13:45I'm not going to let Gabriel lose everything.
13:47So what can we do?
13:51What if I'm going to talk to Elvira?
13:54Look, I'm not a relative of Gabriel,
13:56nor of Rogelio.
13:59Maybe with that I'll prevent him
14:01from selling his shares, don't you think?
14:06I think Elvira has realized the disaster
14:08that Rogelio has made in the brewery, right?
14:12Good idea.
14:21You've been here for a long time
14:23and you haven't eaten anything.
14:25Thank you very much.
14:27Look, the truth is that I'm not hungry.
14:29I'll eat later, as you like.
14:31I'm very busy.
14:35Can I tell you something?
14:39I don't know why
14:41I didn't steal you from Gabriel before.
14:43I mean,
14:44you're an amazing assistant.
14:47Thank you for the inventory reports.
14:49You're welcome.
14:51But please eat, okay?
14:57You remind me of my grandmother.
15:15What's so urgent that you need to tell me?
15:18My dad is going to buy Elvira's shares.
15:21But I already told David.
15:23Well done.
15:25We have to support Gabriel.
15:29do you still have hopes
15:31that when Gabriel is released,
15:33something may exist between you two?
15:35Of course.
15:38I'm sure he'll realize
15:40that nobody,
15:42not even Juana,
15:44has supported him as much as I have.
15:54And that's the most important thing I have.
15:56Thank you for appearing in my life.
15:58I love you.
16:00I love you.
16:02I love you, my love.
16:04Hey, are you okay?
16:06You look like you're in a hospital.
16:08No, the thing is
16:10Salvador found a place
16:12where he can talk
16:14I love you, my love. Take care, okay?
16:16Please take care.
16:18I love you.
16:21Remember that.
16:23Cheer up. Hope dies last.
16:25If I still have hope with Jenny,
16:27much more so with Juana.
16:31That's amazing.
16:38Poor Gabriel.
16:40It really breaks my heart.
16:42So far from his son.
16:44He looked like he was in a hospital.
16:48I don't think it's serious.
16:50Don't worry.
16:52Salvador found a place
16:54where they can talk.
16:56It's not legal.
16:58I don't know.
17:00I felt nervous.
17:02Like something was hiding me.
17:04He's happy to see you and the baby.
17:06Don't worry.
17:08I think Gabriel,
17:10when he saw his puppy,
17:11he was very happy.
17:13Yes, just like me.
17:15I'm here and there,
17:17but I'm so happy
17:19to see you like this, Juana Guadalupe.
17:21Uncle, did you say
17:23to stay alive?
17:25Well, it's an expression...
17:27There's nothing to say.
17:29Uncle, tell me the truth.
17:32Yes, the truth is
17:34they've been attacking him.
17:37But, Chaparra,
17:39forgive us.
17:41We didn't tell you
17:43because of your pregnancy.
17:45I'm not pregnant anymore.
17:47I'm here with my son.
17:49So, please, no more secrets.
18:05Hi, CΓ©sar.
18:09What are these flowers?
18:11They're prettier.
18:13It's called Margarita.
18:15Do you like them?
18:17I love them.
18:20I want to put them in water
18:22while I make you a cup of coffee.
18:24Do you want some?
18:26If it's not too much trouble,
18:28never mind.
18:30What trouble?
18:32For me, none of that is trouble.
18:34Can I know what the hell
18:36the employee is doing in this apartment?
18:38Hi, Pepito.
18:39Hi, Margarita.
18:41Yes, I saw the flowers,
18:43but you brought them,
18:45you gave them to him,
18:47so I'm going to change him
18:49into my favorite policeman.
18:51Yes, but Pepito...
18:53No buts.
18:55You must have a lot of work
18:57to catch rats,
18:59so move your hands.
19:01Another day with calm.
19:03See you on Sunday afternoon.
19:05Do we leave the coffee for another day?
19:22So Rogerio Delfini
19:24beat Gabriel up.
19:26He wants to end him,
19:28the jewelry business,
19:30and the Rojo dynasty.
19:34We can't stop him,
19:36and that's why David had an idea.
19:37The same amount that Rogelio
19:39is offering him for the shares.
19:42Of course.
19:44You're not Gabriel's family,
19:46and Elvira thinks that Rogelio
19:48didn't know how to run the company.
19:50Now, if he accepts,
19:52then we'll have to see.
19:54Well, yes, where do we get the money
19:56to buy the shares?
19:58Let's do it.
20:00I get that money,
20:02I put all the assets on sale,
20:04at least mine, I ask for a loan,
20:05let's be realistic.
20:07No matter how low the share is,
20:09it's a lot of money.
20:11I don't think a bank will lend us that much.
20:14But then, why did you propose it?
20:16To buy time?
20:18Look, Gabriel is in jail,
20:20it doesn't mean
20:22I can't use his personal account, does it?
20:27Of course.
20:29Even if Elvira doesn't know that the money is Gabriel's.
22:20Everything has gone as planned months ago.
22:23Finally, the brewery Rubio
22:25is going through a crisis without a return.
22:27And to avoid bankruptcy sooner rather than later,
22:30they will need a merger,
22:32and that's where Astro comes in as an ally.
22:33And no one suspects you're the main shareholder of Astro.
22:36No one.
22:38Through lenders, of course.
22:40Let's toast to that.
22:45I think we're going to order another bottle.
22:48Yes, there's a lot to celebrate.
22:50All for the Fuenmayors!
23:14What are you doing here?
23:18It's to hide. It's like you're signing them.
23:24I wanted to thank you for letting us know about Elvira.
23:28I guess it's not easy to be in the position you're in
23:30to defend Abril. Thank you.
23:33All I want is for this nightmare to end.
23:43Oh, Juana!
23:45We have an exclusive for you.
23:47What happened?
23:49Juana's son, Gabriel, was just born.
23:51Daniel just ran over there.
23:53Gabriel is a dad!
23:55Finally, some good news after all the problems we had.
23:59How nice.
24:01We're going to be aunts.
24:11Girlfriend, thank you for coming.
24:13How could I not come?
24:15These are mine.
24:19My sister, Alma, just performed the greatest miracle ever.
24:21I'm so happy, really.
24:23Jenny took me to see the baby aljonero.
24:25He's beautiful, isn't he?
24:27He's beautiful.
24:29How does he look like Gabriel?
24:33He was a little sad, to be honest.
24:35I mean, he would love to be here,
24:37and so would I, and he can't.
24:39So that frustrates me.
24:41Yes, I understand. It must be very hard.
24:45And right now I'm very tense because,
24:47well, he doesn't tell me how they treat him in jail, you know?
24:50Oh, yes. David told me he tried to contact him,
24:53but he couldn't.
24:55It's just that they have him out of touch,
24:57and I found out that he has already suffered several attacks.
24:59How do you think?
25:01Oh, girl, no, that's bad.
25:04Well, I'm sure this nightmare will end soon.
25:06You'll see.
25:08I hope so.
25:10Oh, how nice that you came.
25:12How do you feel?
25:14How old are you, Mom?
25:16Oh, I don't know. I'm not 20 yet.
25:18I'm very happy for Gabriel and Juana.
25:20They must be happy.
25:22I mean, also sad, because they can't be together.
25:24I want to see Juana.
25:26Well, go see her.
25:27If I tell Carlos to come with me to the hospital,
25:29well, no, better forget it.
25:31He'll probably be there.
25:33Your mechanic in love.
25:35And if they get together, Felipe will confirm
25:37that you and Carlos are really dating.
25:39Yes, you're right.
25:41And you're going to throw away your mechanics classes
25:43and, well, you're not going to be able to carry out your plan.
25:46Shh, they're going to hear you.
25:48Oh, girl, that's my last attempt
25:50to see if Felipe reacts.
25:52Well, what do you think if you go see Juana alone
25:54and I tell Carlos?
26:02Come in, girl.
26:17Ah, ah!
26:19You hurt me!
26:21It's done, it's done.
26:23Let's go.
26:25What are you doing here?
26:27You can't take this inmate.
26:29And that gun, officer?
26:31Put it away.
26:34And you, drop it.
26:44Talk to the director of the prison
26:47and tell him that this woman has an error.
26:49They haven't asked me for the medical report,
26:51so you can't take the inmate from here.
26:53And if you're going to be guards, get out.
26:55Make the guard.
26:57Let's go.
27:07I do my job.
27:09Not like many here,
27:11who do what they are ordered
27:13or what interests them.
27:20The water is delicious, Chata.
27:21Thank you, uncle.
27:23It's good that you liked it.
27:25They say it's good for newborns.
27:29Yes, just like the pulque that makes you chapped here.
27:31How am I going to drink a pulque?
27:33Well, that's why I don't make horchata water,
27:35because of the hospital.
27:37Well, whatever it is, it's good.
27:39Enriqueta will take us to the office later.
27:41Sorry, Felipe.
27:43No, it's okay, Dani.
27:45In fact, I was listening to you
27:47that things are not good there in the brewery, right?
27:49Yes, no.
27:51Julio and Paula took control.
27:53They have finished with the brewery.
27:55How brave.
27:57For everything that Gabriel and his father fought for.
27:59No, and for Enriqueta,
28:01because I know that for her the brewery is like her family, right?
28:06And she's still with Gabriel's uncle.
28:09With Carlos?
28:13No, I never knew there was something between them.
28:19Enriqueta, David and Carlos have suffered a lot
28:22because Rogelio has pushed them to leave.
28:24There have been many dismissals.
28:26They even changed my position.
28:28No, it's just that Rogelio and his daughter Paula
28:30are really bad people.
28:32They can't live their lives in peace
28:34without hurting others.
28:36Yes, and Mr. Carlos has had a very bad time
28:38and Enriqueta has supported him a lot, but that's it.
28:40Oh, well, you see.
28:42Well, it must be for a reason.
28:44Oh, what a fool.
28:54No manches, Jesus bendito.
28:56Hey, did you wash and iron the clothes?
28:59It's just that I have to deliver it.
29:02No manches, Pepito.
29:04You just woke me up from one of the most wonderful dreams.
29:06Where I was a millionaire.
29:08I had a house.
29:10It was really cool.
29:12Well, chatting like this in working hours
29:14is going to be very difficult.
29:16You scared me, you horrible girl, a while ago.
29:17It was him who brought me the flowers.
29:19So how are they supposed to appear?
29:21By magic or how?
29:23Well, something has to happen to you.
29:27How was it? Did you take pictures?
29:29How are you? Do you feel good?
29:31No, I'm fine, I'm fine.
29:33I just got tired.
29:35I'm just tired.
29:44Carlos, seriously, you haven't found out?
29:45About what?
29:47Juana and Gabriel's son was born.
29:53Yesterday I went to see Juana and she told me
29:55there was no time for him.
29:57Is he okay?
29:59Yes, he was premature.
30:01But he's very healthy and very strong.
30:08I'm happy.
30:15The wound is very good and the stitches have already closed.
30:18But that didn't put in the medical report.
30:20That's right.
30:22Because Detective Castillo spoke to me.
30:24He asked me to keep him here
30:26as long as possible in the infirmary
30:28and that's what I'm going to do.
30:30Salvador is a great person.
30:32And very fair.
30:34Detective Castillo and I
30:36are fed up with everything that is happening
30:38and it happens within the penitentiary system.
30:42He tells me that you are innocent.
30:47And you know, I believe him.
30:53Put on your shirt.
30:59Your son and you were friends?
31:01Not really friends.
31:03We met a couple of times, but we got along very well.
31:04Well, I came because I think
31:06it's good for you to know
31:08the point of view of an impartial person.
31:10I'm not from the Oso Mayor family
31:12or the Rubio family.
31:14I'm not a brewery shareholder either.
31:18Because of his pain,
31:20I couldn't see things as they really happened.
31:22Who do you think you are
31:24to come and talk to me like that?
31:26Please don't get mad at me.
31:28I just want you to listen to me
31:30so that you are better informed.
31:31For Francisco.
31:33He deserves justice.
31:35He already got justice.
31:37Gabriel is in jail.
31:39And if Gabriel was really the victim,
31:41just like his son,
31:43because both of them
31:45disturbed the real culprit,
31:47he will let the real murderer
31:49of Francisco remain unpunished.
31:51But if you want,
31:53let's not talk about Gabriel
31:55or the real culprit.
31:57Let's talk about the brewery.
31:58Have you seen what a disaster it is?
32:01Do you want to keep losing money?
32:03Because every day that passes,
32:05your shares are worth less.
32:09I want you to tell me
32:11why you consider Gabriel
32:13to be a victim just like his son.
32:18Yes, yes,
32:20Juana and the baby, very good.
32:24we'll talk later.
32:25Mrs. Josefina.
32:27Oh, Enriqueta,
32:29it's good to see you here.
32:31Yes, well,
32:33we went into the office
32:35that Juana already gave birth to.
32:37Yes, yes, that brewery, right?
32:39It's been going badly
32:41since that guy came in
32:43with his crazy daughter.
32:45They're going to ruin the business.
32:47Yes, well,
32:49that's why I also lost a little bit of you.
32:51Oh, I know my son
32:53had to do with that.
32:55He decided to stay away,
32:57but well, I don't want to do the same
32:59with you or Juana or Jenny.
33:01I love you a lot.
33:03We love you too.
33:05And my son adores you.
33:09The thing is, he's so in love
33:11that he doesn't know what to do.
33:13It's as if a whirlwind had fallen on him
33:15and he doesn't know how to control it.
33:17But really,
33:19he loves you.
33:21He's a little clumsy,
33:23a little rough,
33:25but he's honest.
33:28Thank you for coming.
33:30Your friendship is so beautiful
33:32since you were little girls.
33:34It's nice that you still love each other
33:36and that you still support each other until now.
33:38Well, I have to go
33:40because I missed the brewery.
33:42Well, there are two of us who escaped.
33:47did you come to scold me
33:49so that I would come back?
33:51No, how do you think?
33:53I came to see Juana and congratulate her.
33:55Well, I'm leaving
33:57because I have to go back to work.
34:01Hi, Felipe.
34:03Hi, Enriqueta.
34:05It's been months since we've seen each other.
34:14Yes, I know that Gabriel
34:16put a lot of pressure on the police
34:18to find my son,
34:20but that was just a strategy to mislead them.
34:23You've known Gabriel
34:25since you were young, haven't you?
34:28Do you think he's stupid?
34:30I mean,
34:32killing someone
34:34and putting the body
34:36in your own backyard
34:38would be logical.
34:40I mean, keep him as far away as possible,
34:42take him out of your property.
34:46did you find the gun
34:48in Gabriel's office
34:50behind a door?
34:52I understand that
34:54with the urgency of committing a murder,
34:56you hide things wherever you can,
34:59but in this case, it was a long time ago.
35:03Why didn't Gabriel get rid of the gun?
35:05Why didn't he do it?
35:09I recommend
35:11that you check Gabriel's file
35:13with your lawyer
35:15just to see all the irregularities there are.
35:23One more thing.
35:25How did you find out that Francisco's body
35:27was buried in the Rubio Hacienda?
35:32suggested it to me.
35:38Rogelio hates the Rubios
35:41because of a family issue.
35:43He knew, didn't he?
35:45Yes, I know the story of Rogelio's father
35:47and his suicide.
35:49Rogelio has always wanted to go to the brewery one day.
35:53With Gabriel in jail
35:55and with the unfortunate loss of his son,
35:57he is achieving it.
36:01my theory is that
36:05wanted to compare the shares to his son's.
36:08And since he couldn't,
36:10the easiest way was to disappear
36:12so that Francisco couldn't tell Gabriel
36:14what he wanted to do.
36:16I know that Rogelio wants to compare you to his shares.
36:19You have every right to do whatever you want.
36:23I'm just asking you to think about it.
36:26There are many families that depend on that.
36:29And I want you to know
36:31that Carlos, Gabriel's uncle,
36:34is willing to offer you the same thing
36:36that Rogelio offers him.
36:39I don't want to be unfair to anyone.
36:42I just want the person responsible
36:44for my son's death
36:45to pay.
36:47That's all.
36:49Yes, you're absolutely right.
36:51You're absolutely right.
36:53We just have to be sure
36:55that the person who pays
36:57is really the culprit, don't you think?
37:04Thank you for listening.
37:18Carlos, I have two big news for you.
37:21The first one.
37:23The sentence for Gabriel and Paula's divorce
37:25has already been issued.
37:27Just the day your son was born.
37:29Congratulations, uncle.
37:31Have a seat.
37:37Carlos, I have two big news for you.
37:39The first one.
37:41The sentence for Gabriel and Paula's divorce
37:43has already been issued.
37:45Does that mean
37:47that Gabriel's shares have already been defrosted?
37:49Technically, yes,
37:51but the bureaucratic process will take a while.
37:53And you know, Paula's lawyer
37:55will probably make an appeal
37:57to try to win some shares,
37:59but that's impossible.
38:01She doesn't have any.
38:03And the second big news?
38:05Well, I don't know if this is good or bad,
38:08but I just saw Rogelio Fuenmayor
38:10with his lawyer
38:12together with Madraso.
38:13The top executive and key man
38:15of the Astro company.
38:17Yes, I know him.
38:19And I also know Rogelio.
38:22Don't you know he wants to merge
38:24the blonde company with Astro
38:26and finally end the name
38:28and this company forever?
38:37I have news for you.
38:39Me too. You first.
38:41I was born on Juan's birthday.
38:44That's great news.
38:46They must be very happy,
38:48her and her family.
38:50Yes, they can't be happier.
38:52That's good. I'm going to visit them.
38:54And you? Why are you so happy?
38:57I talked to Mrs. Elvira de Armas.
39:00I have a crush on her.
39:04Hey, David.
39:06Well, I don't know,
39:08I feel like you're a weird guy.
39:11Do you have something to tell me?
39:15Hey, Dani.
39:17So, are we going together
39:19like we agreed?
39:23Yes, yes, Dani.
39:25I'm going to finish
39:27doing my errands and I'll see you later.
39:37Hey, sir.
39:39I wanted to tell you
39:41that my feelings for Dani
39:43are very serious,
39:45even though she treats me like a friend.
39:47But that's going to change
39:49because I'm going to formalize
39:51my relationship with her.
39:53I wanted to tell you that.
39:55Well, I'm going to finish
39:57my errands.
39:59Have a good day.
40:12It must be very comfortable
40:14to enter and leave at your will
40:16and not have a work schedule.
40:18If it were comfortable,
40:20I wouldn't have to see your face every day,
40:22but since you allow my father to use you...
40:24Did you know you wanted to kill Gabriel?
40:26Yes, but what surprises me
40:28is how he gets rid of all of them.
40:30But hey, if you'll allow me,
40:32they're waiting for me in my office.
40:34I have some news
40:36that I think might interest you.
40:38I doubt it, but try it.
40:41he just gave birth
40:43to a baby boy.
40:57what do you think?
40:59You won't be able to go with your friend, Reni.
41:01Why? What happened?
41:03Because we have a lot of things to do
41:05and more are coming out of the championship,
41:07so I need you to tell me.
41:13I wasn't aware that Juan had given birth.
41:15But we did lose the case
41:17where we argued that you had a right
41:19over that baby boy.
41:21I can't stand the idea
41:23that that baby boy,
41:25who was the cause of my marriage's breakup,
41:27came into the world with that calmness
41:29and his parents there all happy
41:31and happy with his arrival.
41:33I highly doubt that Gabriel is happy
41:35and content from prison.
41:36Gabriela, we have a serious problem.
41:38That baby boy is the heir to everything.
41:41Tamia got a divorce.
41:43And Vilorio is probably
41:45looking to recognize Gabriel
41:47as the only owner of the shares
41:49that are in his name.
42:07Severiana just told me
42:09that my divorce with Gabriel
42:11was executed and it's final.
42:13And that surely Vilorio,
42:15at this precise moment,
42:17is making sure that all of Gabriel's shares
42:19are recognized as his own.
42:21I thought we were going to have more time.
42:23We have to execute the merger
42:25with Astro to the one from now.
42:27No, I haven't finished.
42:29Daniel's son was just born.
42:32You said that baby boy
42:34wasn't going to be a hindrance for us.
42:36What are we going to do now?
