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Crazy Trains That Have Unlocked Railway Cars, please follow / like / comment and share


00:00we were not afraid of water
00:08we were not afraid of water
00:16we were not afraid of water
00:24The lake was filmed like a movie.
00:54The lake was filmed like a movie.
01:24Oh my.
01:43Don't touch.
01:54the driver went to heaven
01:57just now
01:59he went to heaven?
02:01he was driving
02:07he went to heaven
02:09now he will be a man
02:17cool, for the first time
02:24deliver an ambulance
02:33person standing in the hospital
02:35permission to film
03:24in the city of Krasnodar.
03:31In the city of Krasnodar,
03:38a fire broke out on the road
03:45in the city of Krasnodar.