• 2 months ago
रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच छिड़े घमासान युद्ध के बीच प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी यूक्रेन के दौरे पर गए हुए हैं। पीएम मोदी के इस महत्वपूर्ण दौरे को लेकर रक्षा विशेषज्ञ कर्नल दिनेश नैन ने कहा कि जहां एक ओर रूस और यूक्रेन के बीच घना युद्ध छिड़ा हुआ है ऐसे में दोनों देशों के साथ डिप्लोमैसी को मेंटेन करना बहुत बड़ी बात है और भारत इसे बखूबी कर रहा है। जहां चीन दोनों देशों के बीच शांति स्थापित करने में विफल रहा वहीं अमेरिका का भी ये मानना कि अगर दुनिया में कोई देश है तो वो भारत है जो यूक्रेन और रूस के बीच शांति कायम करा सकता है। ऐसी परिस्थिति में जो डिप्लोमैसी भारत ने दिखाई है वो सराहनीय है।
#dineshnain #russia #ukraine #presidentzelenski #pmmodi #russiaukrainewar


00:00On the one hand, Russia has entered into a fierce war with Ukraine, Russia has attacked Crimea, Russia is counter-attacking Russia in the form of missiles.
00:17In such a situation, it is very important to maintain diplomacy with both the countries, and India is doing it very well.
00:25In today's date, where China has failed to become a peace messenger between these two countries,
00:33on the other hand, the Ukraine and the entire Western countries, including America, believe that if there is a country in the world, it is India,
00:41which can repair relations between Ukraine and Russia, which can end this war.
00:48In such a situation, the diplomacy that India has shown is commendable.
00:54Today, where the world has become a multipolar power station, earlier it was America, Russia, and now China has also come,
01:02but India has once again made it clear in its diplomacy that India is not on this side, nor is India on that side,
01:10India is only on the side of India, and India will do what is best for India.
01:16On the invitation of President Zelensky, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached the capital of Ukraine on a one-day trip.
01:24He was welcomed there with a lot of respect, and Mahatma Gandhi was also given a lot of respect there.
01:31But what is the meaning of this?
01:35In December 2022, Ukraine's President Zelensky himself tweeted that India should first make peace between Russia and Ukraine,
01:49even though he knew that our trade with Russia was going very well, despite America's opposition, we were taking a lot of oil from them.
01:58At the same time, Zelensky also praised that India's humanitarian aid stand towards Ukraine in the United Nations is very good.
02:06In March 2024, Prime Minister Modi also spoke to him on the phone and tried to make peace.
02:14This year, the G7 was held in Japan, where both leaders met.
02:22Zelensky knows this very well, and Western countries and America also know that peace talks between China, Russia and Ukraine have failed.
02:34And if any country can come forward and end this war, it is India.
