Blood Dance, The Vampire Who Will Devour Her Captors | movie Recap & Review

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Welcome to CRV! In this video, we bring you a full recap of “Abigail” (2024), an intense action horror film that follows the terrifying story of a vampire girl who turns against her kidnappers. This dark and bloody story will keep you on the edge of your seat - find out all the details of this shocking film in our recap! In this video, we explore “Abigail” (2024), a film that fuses horror with action in a plot in which a young vampire girl, kidnapped by a group of criminals, becomes their worst nightmare. As she feeds on her captors, the film takes us on a dark and brutal journey full of suspense and shocking scenes. Join us as we break down the most intense events of “Abigail” and analyze how this work manages to maintain a constant tension from beginning to end.

#Abigail2024 #TerrorYAdventure #TerrorMovies #Vampires #ActionCinema #MovieSummary #netflix #recap


00:00What's so funny?
00:04She is Abigail, a sweet girl who has been kidnapped by several criminals intending to collect a ransom for her.
00:10However, the kidnappers now become the real criminals, as the charming little girl ends up revealing a dark secret
00:16she had hidden. It all begins with our protagonist, named Abigail, practicing ballet in the middle of a theater.
00:22Outside, six criminals prepare, as their objective is to kidnap the girl.
00:27To do this, they position themselves inside Abigail's house and wait to subdue her.
00:32Three of the criminals, already in position, see the girl arrive, who has no idea what's about to happen.
00:38After a few minutes, they pounce on her and inject her with a substance to render her unconscious.
00:43Thus, the criminals take Abigail, daughter of a powerful figure in New York City's underworld, and bring her to a secluded mansion.
00:51The group, led by the informant Lambert, is instructed not to reveal any personal information among themselves.
00:57Nor to the girl. They have to take care of Abigail for 24 hours, awaiting the ransom her father must deliver.
01:03The group is assigned random names so they can communicate with each other. The first one is called Joy.
01:09In real life, she's an ex-army doctor and a recovering substance addict.
01:13The second is called Frank, who is an ex-police detective.
01:17The group's hacker will be Sammy. The psychopathic driver will be Dean. The marine sniper will be Reeks.
01:23And the dumb Canadian thug will be Frank.
01:25The six came by recommendation and have to stay in the mansion until the ransom is paid.
01:30During this time, they will have no communication whatsoever, so all their cell phones are taken away.
01:36The guys try to communicate, but they know they shouldn't share personal details.
01:40They have no idea who the girl's father is, so they start speculating that he could be a tech millionaire or maybe someone involved in something darker.
01:48Dean tries to deduce what each one does for a living, but he doesn't get anything right.
01:52Instead, Joy, an expert in reading people, tells each of them what they do and also what they might be hiding.
01:59Joy is the only one who can have access to the girl, so she goes to see how she's doing.
02:03Abigail, now conscious, is distressed and asks Joy to remove her blindfold and change her handcuffs because they're hurting her arms.
02:11The woman helps her and the girl wants to know what's happening.
02:14Joy reveals that they must stay there until her father pays a ransom for her and promises the girl that she won't let anyone hurt
02:20her, making the famous pinky promise.
02:22Joy confesses that she has a son Abigail's age, but doesn't intend to give her more information.
02:28Abigail believes they've made a mistake in kidnapping her, as her father doesn't love her and won't care about rescuing her.
02:34Upon hearing this, Joy feels a bit uneasy and prefers to leave, but before that,
02:39the girl confesses that she feels very sorry for what's about to happen to her,
02:43warning her that during the night something bad is going to happen.
02:46After this, Joy wants to know who Abigail's father is, but no one in the group knows.
02:51While the others are having fun and drinking, Frank goes to see the girl and is surprised to find her without her blindfold.
02:57The man tries to cover himself so she can't see his face.
03:01He threatens the little girl not to look at him and demands to know who her father is.
03:05She, crying and with no other option, confesses that her father is Christoph Lazar.
03:10Frank leaves the room very terrified and intends to leave because he believes they've messed with a very dangerous person.
03:17A legend attributed with several dark cases, it's said he has eliminated many people without even lifting a finger.
03:23Frank finally decides to stay after coming to his senses about the money he can earn and everyone strongly agrees not to reveal anything
03:30they already know.
03:31Thus, they all become alert and cautious in case someone comes from outside.
03:36Some of them explore the house a bit and Dean goes to inspect the basement area.
03:40Suddenly, one of the doors opens by itself, so Dean goes to check it.
03:45Seeing no one, he intends to leave, but an invisible attacker drags him and ends up decapitating him.
03:51Everyone panics and believes there's someone inside the house, so Rickles wants to leave.
03:56He tries to exit, but the house has a security system that prevents them from leaving.
04:00Even when forced, all windows and any other exits are completely sealed.
04:05Joy believes that Abigail's kidnapping was always a trap.
04:08When going to see the girl, she asks if anyone else was in her room and,
04:12crying, the little one reveals that Frank works for her father.
04:16Joy tells this to Rickles and they both plan to flee to save themselves, but upon separating, in just seconds, the man is eliminated.
04:24After the loss of another companion, Joy now doubts the others, but especially Frank, whom she accuses of having brought them to eliminate the girl.
04:31Frank denies all accusations and sends Peter to kill the girl, as she's turning everyone against each other and his team is dying little by little.
04:39Joy goes after Peter to prevent him from finishing Abigail, and a scuffle ensues where everyone points at each other.
04:46While discussing what to do, Sammy sees how Abigail easily removes her handcuffs and alerts everyone.
04:51The girl turns into a vampire and lunges at Peter.
04:54Frank attacks the girl, who seems to have been defeated, but she easily recovers and attacks again.
05:00The team escapes and locks her in the room while still in shock.
05:03Distressed, the guys think about how they can finish off a vampire, as bullets don't harm her.
05:08They devise a plan and gather steaks, garlic, and crucifixes to fight her.
05:12Joy decides not to participate because she believes it's a bad plan and doesn't want to risk it.
05:17Frank, Peter, and Sammy, with no time to lose, go in search of the girl.
05:22Upon reaching the room where they had locked her, they enter very afraid, ready for anything, but to their surprise, the girl is not in the room.
05:29Guided by music coming from another part of the house, they go in search of Abigail.
05:34Meanwhile, Joy calmly waits for her companions.
05:37The three guys, upon seeing Abigail dancing with the body of one of their companions, decide to initiate their attack.
05:43Sammy tries to attack her by showing her the garlic to see if it has any effect,
05:47but unfortunately, it doesn't hurt her and only unleashes more of her fury.
05:51The three guys, injured, decide to abandon the room while Abigail watches them with a bloody smile.
05:57Joy helps them with their injuries and suggests that they disperse to search for the girl.
06:02When they find her, they will inject her with a tranquilizer that Lambert had given them before the kidnapping.
06:07The team agrees and everyone goes in search of Abigail.
06:10Sammy begins her search in what appears to be a basement and ends up falling into a horrifying pool full of corpses.
06:16Joy, hearing her scream, decides to go to her aid, but Peter encounters the girl, who begins to chase him.
06:23Joy changes course and, along with Frank, goes to meet Peter.
06:27There begins a chase to capture Abigail. Frank is attacked by the girl and Sammy goes to his aid.
06:33Unfortunately, the first attempt to inject her fails and Sammy ends up being bitten by the vampire.
06:39Peter grabs the girl and holds her tightly until Joy manages to inject her completely,
06:43thus managing to put the vampire to sleep for a brief period.
06:47Having her defenseless, they lock her in a cage to keep themselves safe.
06:51When Abigail wakes up,
06:52she reveals that she knows everyone's identities and that Lambert hired them so she could send them to a better life,
06:58as they all hurt her father Christoph at some point in their criminal lives.
07:02Sammy, frightened, asks if she will turn into a vampire, but Abigail doesn't give her a concrete answer.
07:08After listening to the girl, Joy mentions to Abigail that she must have been killing her father's enemies in an attempt to earn his love.
07:15The girl proposes a deal. She offers to leave only two of them alive if they let her out.
07:20Peter wants to risk taking the offer, but Joy prevents him because she knows Abigail is lying.
07:26Finally, the team leaves Frank in charge of watching her,
07:28but this turns out to be a bad idea, as the girl easily gets out of the improvised cage and begins to strangle Frank.
07:35Joy rips wooden boards from a window and exposes Abigail to sunlight, which turns out to be her only weakness, thus managing to save Frank.
07:43The team takes refuge in a lit area while looking for an exit, without success.
07:48When there are only a few hours left before nightfall,
07:50the group splits up to find an exit and a power source that the hacker will use to short-circuit the entire house and bypass security.
07:58However, in the middle of the journey, Sammy suddenly turns into a vampire under Abigail's control and feeds on Peter, whom she completely devours.
08:06The new vampire calls Frank and Joy, setting a trap for them.
08:09The guys, realizing that Sammy is a vampire, run for their lives and take refuge in the light space, where they manage to eliminate Sammy.
08:17With the hope of getting out of that house, they continue looking for an exit and find the mansion's control room.
08:22There they manage to find Lambert, who reveals himself as a vampire.
08:26He grabs Joy by the neck and explains to Frank that he was turned by Abigail when she found out he had betrayed her father by helping him.
08:33Lambert offers to turn him so he can help kill Abigail and get a lot of wealth.
08:37Frank accepts and lets Lambert bite him to turn him into a vampire.
08:41When Frank fully transforms, he brutally eliminates Lambert.
08:44At that moment, Abigail arrives at the place just as Frank was about to finish off Joy.
08:49Frank bites Abigail and improves his powers, leaving her unconscious.
08:53Meanwhile, Joy deactivates the house's security and uses a phone to say goodbye to her son, as she cannot escape.
08:59Finally, Frank corners Joy and brutally beats her, mentioning that he wants to have some fun.
09:04When he throws Joy from above, Abigail arrives to save her and proposes teaming up to finish off Frank, as she is weak.
09:11This with the promise that she will then let her go free.
09:14Joy accepts and together they attack Frank, giving him a good beating.
09:18After an intense fight, Frank pierces Joy with a spear to then bite her and turn her into his puppet.
09:23He orders Joy to finish off Abigail, but she attacks him instead, and together with the girl, they send him to a better life.
09:30Frank's death frees Joy from becoming a vampire, so without wasting any more time, she decides to leave to go in search of her son.
09:38Unfortunately, at the door she encounters Abigail's father, who intends to take her as his dinner.
09:43Abigail confronts her father and reveals that Joy saved her life.
09:47Christoph, at his daughter's request and out of love for her, decides to let her go and allows Joy to finally leave the place.
09:54And so this story ends.
09:56Who would have thought that a 12-year-old ballet dancer could be so terrifying?
10:00In Abigail, from the very beginning, you can tell something's not right with Abigail.
10:04Behind that angelic face hides a little psychopath who starts eliminating her captors one by one.
10:10We're not talking about silly traps or strokes of luck.
10:13This girl is a true prodigy of evil.
10:15The best part of the movie is Abigail is the very incarnation of sweet and cruel.
10:19Her angelic smile contrasts with her cruelest acts, and that makes her even more disturbing.
10:25The kidnappers are as foolish as they are brave.
10:27Seeing how these tough guys turn into scared mice is the funniest part along with the little vampire's charisma.
10:33The tension doesn't stop for a second.
10:35The movie keeps you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.
10:39You won't be able to take your eyes off the screen.
10:42What you might not like as much is that some plot twists are a bit predictable.
10:46If you're an expert in horror movies, you might have already imagined some of the scares.
10:50The violence is quite graphic, which is great for me, but maybe not everyone will take it well.
10:55If you're sensitive, some scenes might be a bit strong for you.
10:58In summary, Abigail is a horror movie that combines suspense, black humor, and a good dose of gore.
11:04This is your movie. My rating is 4 out of 5 skulls.
11:08I hope you enjoyed the summary and review.
11:11Well, for now, my friends, I say goodbye.
11:14Thank you very much for watching the video.
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11:25See you soon. Goodbye.
11:28Ha ha ha ha
