• last year


00:25What the fed?
00:28God, it scared the living daylights out of me.
00:33I just came down to get a glass of water.
00:39Yeah, I'll then blow.
00:44Tyrone, is it?
00:48Doran business, is it?
00:52Well, you know, at least he did come clean
00:54with you about paying Adam.
00:56Only because I clocked he took the cash out.
00:58He told me it was for oil.
01:01Has he been honest to Alina?
01:02That's what I want to know.
01:04Well, what you're going to tell her, are you?
01:07No, because that means speaking to her.
01:10There's snowed under at the garage, apparently.
01:12But all she has to do is click her fingers,
01:14and he's expected to just drop everything.
01:16Oh, I see.
01:18You're worried, are you, about Kev's customers at garage?
01:22It's just all the secrecy, all this skulking
01:25around, the phone calls, the effing meeting secret,
01:28you know, so that she's not seen.
01:30I mean, I'm not being funny, but if she was actually
01:32that much at risk, don't you think
01:33the police would have put her in some kind of safe house?
01:35So you think she's over-egging it, do you?
01:38All I know is these crooks, they've been free, haven't they?
01:41All this time, she's been rebuilding a life.
01:44She's not changed, has she?
01:46She's got the same hair.
01:48She's got the same surname.
01:50She probably got the same mobile number.
01:51I don't know.
01:52I don't know it, but our Ruby could have found her.
01:54Yes, five minutes on the internet, you bet.
01:58But the secrecy, it might remind him.
02:00That's what I'm thinking.
02:01It's like, when they got together,
02:05him and her were going to the world.
02:06It might give him a thrill, might it?
02:07And we all know what's next.
02:08Look, you're torturing yourself.
02:10Stop it.
02:11It's easy for you to say.
02:13He's not daft, Tyra.
02:15Well, he's daft, but I mean, he's not stupid.
02:18He knows he nearly lost you.
02:20And mark my words, he does not want that to happen again.
02:25Oh, never another.
02:28People think dogs are daft, but they're not.
02:30They read the room.
02:32Peanut, I swear down, she picks up on every word we say
02:35and the stuff we don't.
02:37Is Billie like that?
02:40Like, Bess Mao says she's fine, but her eyes say she
02:43wants to make mincemeat of me.
02:46Must be a female thing.
02:47When Bess starts shooting daggers,
02:49Peanut scoots under the couch.
02:51It's my ass, see?
02:55Oh, nice tea, that.
02:58Fresco finest.
02:59I knew it.
03:03Do it.
03:04Oh, he texts while I was brewing up.
03:06The chemist missed some of your prescription.
03:08I told him to grab a coffee and chill.
03:10The factory won't combust if I'm half an hour late.
03:17Bon appetit.
03:19Did he get the last of the Jaffa cakes?
03:20Sorry, love, got to look after the bread winner.
03:22Oh, yeah, I should have said, actually,
03:24I don't need a potluck for today.
03:26I'll grab some while I'm out with Dorian.
03:29There you go.
03:31Alina's going to drop him off here.
03:34Yeah, she thought it'd be better, safer.
03:38Oh, finally.
03:40Sounds like Ruby's done, right?
03:41I'll get a shower.
03:42They'll be here soon.
03:43I thought she was just needed for this afternoon, though.
03:46Yeah, well, that's for a victim impact statement,
03:48but she's got a meeting before that with the Petula Project.
03:50They support victims of trafficking.
03:54I'm working at the factory, Evelyn's at the shop.
03:55Who's having Dorian?
03:58Well, I mean, I am, but I did think, you know,
04:01Sinazo gave you the last of the Jaffa cakes.
04:05Well, you wouldn't have to do it on your own, you know,
04:07but you could muck in, can't you?
04:08I'm out with Sasha all day, but not Soz.
04:13Looks like I'm taking this.
04:15Not got money to burn now, have we?
04:27Can I help?
04:29Didn't think you'd want me flashing my warrant card.
04:31I need to talk to you.
04:35I'm up to my eyes in it.
04:36I've got two off sick.
04:38I've got a driver running late.
04:47He's putting on weight.
04:51I mean, he'll be on the feeding tube for a bit,
04:53but still.
04:54Nice one, Titch.
04:56So, um, any unexpected visitors?
05:01Is it work?
05:02The tracking app was the first thing I checked when I woke up.
05:08I mean, it's mad, isn't it?
05:10Joel nearly ruined both our lives,
05:12and we thought we'd be free of him,
05:13but he's still got this massive hold.
05:16Family wrecker and career wrecker, old and so on.
05:19So he thinks.
05:22He's messed with the wrong two women.
05:24Yeah, but meanwhile, he's chatting up women
05:28and flashing their cash like now's happened.
05:30I mean, if he was a teacher and kids reported
05:32half the stuff that we told the police...
05:33He'd never be allowed in a classroom again.
05:35I know.
05:38Just makes me so glad you came out as a lad, Frankie.
05:41Oi. What?
05:44Don't have a pop at me.
05:46I'm not. I wouldn't.
05:49Look, one, that kind of thinking
05:50is what life has taught you.
05:52But it's wrong.
05:54OK, things do not need to be like this.
05:58I just wish I could make you believe it, that's all.
06:05There you are! Oh, I'm here.
06:08Did you knock at the front? I wasn't playing music or anything.
06:11I don't want people seeing me bringing Doreen here.
06:13Oh, well, it's a bit late for all that.
06:15I've been bragging for England.
06:16Not your friends, other people.
06:18Ah, right.
06:20Look, erm, I mean, do you have to go to this meeting?
06:23The Petula Project have been so good to all of us.
06:26We're giving impact statements.
06:28You're going to sit with us in court.
06:30You know, I'd do that if you wanted me to.
06:33Doreen needs you more.
06:36This will all be worth it, you know,
06:38when they lock them monsters up.
06:41They say a few more days, maybe a week, till the verdict.
06:45Then home at last.
06:48Yeah, we'll see.
06:51A change of clothes there.
06:57And I saved this from the buffet.
06:58Oh, come on, I can get my son a better lunch, can't I?
07:00You've already spent so much.
07:04His toys. Oh, yeah.
07:06Your cars, can't forget your cars.
07:07You love your cars, don't you?
07:09Where he gets that from?
07:13Great, thanks for your time.
07:19What's the SRA?
07:22Solicitor's Regulation Authority.
07:25I told them Joel's been accused of UBH
07:27and they want to talk to his firm.
07:30He's going to flip.
07:31I mean, that's worse than snitching to his mum and dad, that.
07:34Yeah, well, how can Joel expect to be a representative of the law
07:38when he's broken it himself?
07:39He's going to blame it on both of us, isn't he?
07:42Yeah, well, I told them,
07:43bad apples like him won't weed themselves out.
07:48OK, I've got to be off.
07:50But you just keep checking the app, yeah?
07:53And you keep fighting, little one.
07:56Dee Dee...
07:59..don't push things too far with Joel.
08:01Too far?
08:04This is just the beginning, Lauren.
08:10She'll know that flipping call, she'll have my heart there now.
08:13All this is for your protection just as much as ours.
08:20So, did you know your daughter Bethany came to see me yesterday?
08:24Much could it, did her.
08:27She's in the right state.
08:29You're all over her.
08:30Thinks that Nathan's mates are out to get her.
08:35I'm sorry to hear that.
08:38Bethany's adamant Nathan Curtis and Joel Daring
08:40were in cahoots over the attacks on Laura Bolton.
08:44Nathan Curtis claims you planted the DNA on him.
08:46We keep having this conversation.
08:48I keep saying...
08:50No offence.
08:51What has it got to do with me?
08:54Is Curtis right?
08:56Nathan Curtis is a liar, amongst other things.
09:00You were the last person seen near his van.
09:02The last person that was interviewed,
09:04unless you've spoken to every single person on Beasley Street.
09:07Because if you had, you'd know somebody else was in that van.
09:12I've barely spoken two words to Lauren Bolton,
09:16let alone got close enough to her to grab her by the ponytail.
09:22Your daughter claims Lauren Bolton can't be trusted.
09:26I'm not my daughter.
09:29Do you think Lauren's telling the truth?
09:34She can tell the truth about me.
09:37Because there's no fear of reprisals.
09:41But those men are dangerous.
09:43You only have to look at Bethany's scars.
09:45And they're hardly going to take Lauren's accusations
09:48lying down, either of them.
09:51Do you blame her for wavering?
09:52I mean, honestly.
09:54Joel is walking free.
09:56And Lauren has zero protection.
10:00Thanks for your help, Sarah.
10:02I'm concluding this interview at 10.02.
10:07You didn't answer my question.
10:11I thought you'd been rhetorical.
10:13Do you need a lift back to work?
10:16I'm fine, thank you.
10:17I'll walk.
10:25Interesting kindergarten you've got here for a toddler.
10:28It's an hour, tops.
10:29And anyway, likes his dad, loves his car,
10:32chip off the old block.
10:34And what does Kevin Abbey have to say about that?
10:36Well, actually, it was Abbey that lent me the paper.
10:39Right, well, then that's health and safety taken care of,
10:42isn't it?
10:42Health and safety?
10:43It's an hour.
10:44And then once I've got this tied on,
10:45I'll take him to the park.
10:48She certainly knows how to play you, that one.
10:51She has a name.
10:52And he is my flesh and blood, yours too.
10:54Yeah, well, you know, good for you for stepping up.
10:59Just so long as you remember that his future is in Romania,
11:03not here.
11:04Right, why can't he have a future in both, eh?
11:06Maybe he can.
11:08Aren't you being just a bit naive, Tyrone?
11:11You know, you're going to juggle two families
11:13in the same street.
11:15You're going to drop something, aren't you?
11:16Oh, really?
11:17Well, look around, eh?
11:18Show me a family out there that isn't blended
11:20in some way or another.
11:21Oh, you call it blended, and I call it broken.
11:25Oh, really?
11:26Right, and you say that kind of stuff in front of Hope and Ruby,
11:28do you?
11:28Wow, never had you down as a bigot, Nan.
11:33No, no, no, lad.
11:34I'm sorry.
11:35I'm the one.
11:36I did not mean that, but you are not seeing something,
11:40and that's Fiz.
11:42You know, she's putting on a brave face,
11:44but she's, her heart's breaking because she
11:46thinks that you're going to dump her again, like last time
11:48with that flighted piece.
11:50Well, I'm not going to do that.
11:52I'm not going to leave her.
11:53Well, don't tell me.
11:54Tell Fiz.
11:55You'd better still listen to Fiz and listen to your daughters,
11:58because it might be working out for you,
12:01but it's not working out for them.
12:05You're a lovely dad, Tyrone, but even a lovely dad
12:09can spread himself a bit thin, so just pick a side.
12:14Oh, what's that you want?
12:34Hey, mate.
12:35What can I get you?
12:36Americano, hot milk, please.
12:39Do you want to see the brunch menu?
12:40I'm good, thanks.
12:42You must be missing Leanne.
12:43No, not really.
12:44I mean, we've got Amy.
12:47When's she back again?
12:49Well, Monday.
12:50I'll tell her you're asking after her.
12:52Look at the party girl.
12:55I wish.
12:56Not listening to my mum bragging about her amazing new life.
12:59Me, mopping up after yummy mummies
13:01all zoned out in the forest.
13:03She doesn't come up for breath.
13:05I swear she's part dolphin.
13:07Hey, uh, there we go.
13:10Good to see you two are up and about.
13:12Yeah, isn't it?
13:13And, uh, well, I mean, she got the all clear.
13:18Does Leanne know?
13:20Yeah, of course.
13:20I tell her everything.
13:26I'm free for a walk or two, if you fancy it.
13:30Extra shift.
13:31Nick's got a tasting, and Toya's off out with mates.
13:34Toya's got mates?
13:36Hey, Amy, we are what we focus on.
13:38Go to uni for lectures.
13:42If you'd stuck with your plans, sunk money
13:44into the resource center, you'd be
13:46turning profit for yourself instead of some breadhead.
13:50You know, Leanne's pulled out by order of the breadhead.
13:56So if you change your mind.
14:03Your coffee?
14:04Oh, the beans are burnt.
14:07Right, so Decky's in at 1, and then, uh,
14:11after that, we're free.
14:13But you won't sleep, won't you?
14:15I'll sleep when I'm dead.
14:16Oh, come on.
14:17Come on, you must be trained.
14:19An afternoon just to ourselves.
14:20Come on, I'm buzzing.
14:25Hey, I went to the factory.
14:26They said you'd come home for your dinner.
14:27Yeah, for your scraps.
14:33Because you got caught.
14:35Fiz, listen.
14:37What's the point, Ty?
14:38Just tell me what I want to hear,
14:39then you go and do what the hell you like.
14:43I look at him, OK?
14:44And I see so much of myself.
14:46But he's not me, is he?
14:49He's had love, security, a mum that would
14:54run through fire for him.
14:55And I know he'd be fine without me.
14:57Hey, have I asked you to turn your back on him?
15:00Have I?
15:01No, no, no.
15:01But I have to think who needs me the most.
15:05Living with hope can be a roller coaster.
15:08A lot of men would be glad to walk away.
15:11And then I think about Ruby.
15:12And I think, you know, is she just pushed aside
15:14because she's quieter and easier?
15:15No, not deliberately.
15:16I know.
15:17But hand on heart, I think sometimes she does.
15:19And then another kid comes along, a boy,
15:22and she feels like she's pushed even further
15:25down the pecking order.
15:26Yeah, well, that wouldn't happen.
15:31We wouldn't let it happen.
15:33Well, I can't take that risk.
15:35For your sake or for the girls.
15:40Uh-uh, no.
15:43You can't help yourself, can you?
15:45Always putting other people first.
15:46Yeah, well, you forget.
15:48I had a rubbish family and all.
15:51Hey, I'm going to try harder, OK?
15:54I am going to prove how much I love you,
15:57how much I love all of the girls.
16:00And I'm sorry if it's not felt like that lately.
16:08What is with all the hugga-mugga?
16:11All the cryptic texts?
16:13Lisa Swain's had me in for questioning again.
16:19I stuck to the story.
16:20She didn't keep me long.
16:21But look, Daniel, you need to get her to back down
16:23from this campaign against Nathan.
16:26Oh, please don't look at me like that.
16:27Like what?
16:28Like I'm a bad mom, like I'm trying
16:30to silence my own daughter.
16:31Like, this is turning me inside out.
16:33I get it.
16:34Look, I have to think about Harry as well as Bethany.
16:37Of course.
16:39How do you expect me to stop Bethany?
16:42I don't know, you're the one with the brains.
16:44I could you not say, like, the more
16:47that she bangs on about him, the more
16:49the police are going to think that she's
16:50trying to stitch him up.
16:52Look, they are going to do me for perverting
16:54the course of justice if she does not back off.
16:57They haven't got anybody else in the frame
16:59for the DNA in that van.
17:00Well, that's down to Kit, surely, to divert Swain.
17:04She's his boss, and I don't think
17:06that she's his biggest fan.
17:08And Kit does not stand a chance against her
17:11if she thinks that he's going to derail the investigation.
17:13Can you imagine if Joel and Nathan walk free
17:16and I'm the one that gets sent down?
17:17I think you might be catastrophizing.
17:19No, but crazier things have happened.
17:21Please, you need to get her to take a step back.
17:23I'll try.
17:26On your own, Daisy.
17:27Oh, cheers.
17:28Eh, I fancy a shot.
17:29How about you, Ronnie? You fancy a shot?
17:31Anyone else will get us a tray.
17:33Oh, his face.
17:35I'm kidding. Thanks.
17:36I'll have a thimbleful of wine.
17:37He's always been generous.
17:39Give you the shirts off his back, would I, Craigie?
17:42It's in the tinker jeans.
17:45Fancy a game of arrows, Craig?
17:46Keep the old man company?
17:47Well, I've walked straight into this one.
17:49No, I didn't set this up or swear down.
17:50You are a rubbish liar.
17:52I meant to that.
17:53He told me he was playing pickleball.
17:58Hang on, how did you know about it?
17:59Family calendar.
18:00Do you remember that, when we used to be a family?
18:02Whose fault's that?
18:04Look at this.
18:05Secret darts with C asterix, asterix, asterix, G.
18:12I hope you're thirsty.
18:13Please, at least give her a chance to apologise.
18:15She knows whatever she's done, she was bang out of order.
18:18You only get one mum.
18:20Yeah, well, Kit had two.
18:22Oh, Kit this, Kit that.
18:23Well, you've only ever had one mum.
18:25And if she can't run over by her weather
18:27for your wayfaring tomorrow.
18:29You could have ruined things for me at work.
18:31I am clawing back some credibility.
18:33I know, I know, and I'm an idiot.
18:36I don't think things through, I just jump in feet first.
18:40Babe, you're the beat of my heart.
18:44And I know I don't deserve you.
18:46Oh, hello.
18:53Yeah, well, you do know it's my day off from my proper job,
18:56right bro?
18:57I mean, weeks of taps, that's your domain.
19:01And Debbie, well, tell Alina that I
19:04will sort out her plumber.
19:09Any new intel on Dearing?
19:15You don't think he's going to wriggle off the hook?
19:17Not while there's a breath in my body.
19:20I met some slimeballs in my time, but.
19:23That's just the canteen.
19:25He tops the lot.
19:27So Blondie's playing ball then?
19:30I mean, from what I've seen, she's
19:31hardly blessed with jewelry up here.
19:34Yeah, there's contradictions in her statement.
19:37But I get why.
19:39And I believe her.
19:41The CPS, though.
19:43They will if we make them.
19:45I mean, I could do without this Curtis business.
19:47It's a distraction, and it's weakening the case.
19:52He's being set up.
19:56Sympathy for a scumbag.
19:58Well, is that all right?
20:00And Dearing knows it.
20:03But Dearing's cocky, fancies himself
20:05as some sort of maverick.
20:09Well, he wouldn't trust a saint, would he?
20:10Let alone a rat with a record like Curtis.
20:14Not even a fall guy?
20:19You're giving Joe Dearing way more credit than he deserves.
20:23He's got under your skin.
20:25Admit it.
20:27No, he's just your classic lawyer boy.
20:30Superiority complex with a smart comeback for everything.
20:34He's not that smart.
20:38Maybe him and Curtis conspired.
20:41Maybe the DNA got there by accident.
20:43Who cares?
20:45What matters is getting lawyer boy off the streets.
20:50Yes, boss.
20:53Oh, hi, Emily.
20:56Thanks for coming in.
20:57Feels like groundhog day.
20:59Yeah, well, I'll try not to keep you too long.
21:03It's just about Joel.
21:05I did warn you.
21:06And we all think we're going to be the ones to fix him.
21:10Well, when was the last time you heard from him?
21:12Last month.
21:13More financial shenanigans.
21:15I keep all my contacts through email.
21:19What's he done now?
21:23Uh, Kit, do you mind?
21:25Can I just, um, ah, OK, if this is awkward,
21:30I'm just going to come out and say it.
21:32That strand of hair that was found in Nathan's van,
21:34Lauren's hair.
21:36I'm just a foot soldier, mate.
21:38DS Wayne's running the case.
21:39Sarah didn't plant it.
21:41But we know someone did.
21:43I told you, it's DS Wayne you need to speak to.
21:46OK, man to man.
21:48Sarah's worried sick, and Bethany's spinning out.
21:51You need to do the right thing.
21:57I'll be one minute.
22:03Are you the plumber?
22:05I've been called worse things.
22:08Get out!
22:09Someone help!
22:11Shut your mouth, Alina, or I'll shut it for you.
22:22What do you want?
22:24To show you how big a mistake you're making,
22:25testifying against the people I work for.
22:28Get out!
22:33Don't touch me!
22:36Get off me!
22:37Don't shut your mouth.
22:38You're going to be killed.
22:39Let her go!
22:41Come on!
22:47Is that all you've got?
22:48Is that all you've got?
22:54It's not over.
22:56I promise you.
23:05You all right?
23:06Did he hurt you, or?
23:10Not that much, really, no.
23:12OK, look, you just sit down.
23:17I'm going to call the police.
23:18You're going to be all right.
23:22Listen, I don't know where you've come up
23:24with this theory of yours.
23:25Maybe your girlfriend's put it in your head.
23:27Or maybe you've been watching too many detective
23:29shows on the telly.
23:30But we're not in the habit of planting
23:32evidence to convict someone.
23:34Sort of frowned upon, if you know what I mean.
23:36Yeah, yeah, of course.
23:37But it can and does happen.
23:38How many times?
23:39I didn't plant that hair.
23:41You're barking up the wrong tree.
23:42Then how did it get there?
23:43Truth is, I don't know yet.
23:45Neither Swain nor anybody else.
23:47And I bet money the only reason she was interviewing
23:49your girlfriend's mom was to rule out the faint possibility
23:52that Nathan Curtis was telling the truth.
23:55Did Swain say that?
23:56She didn't have to.
23:58But you need to know, if these accusations keep coming up,
24:01this investigation isn't going to go away.
24:03And whatever you might think, I'm not going to be
24:06a suspect in any of this.
24:08But Sarah will be.
24:10One with a pretty strong motive as well.
24:13Sorry, are you threatening me?
24:15Buzz, just drop this.
24:17There you go.
24:18You're getting too carried away again.
24:20Of course I'm not.
24:22Just giving you a bit of friendly advice, that's all.
24:29Hey, thanks again for today.
24:30I had such a nice time.
24:31The food was fantastic.
24:33Oh, and there's me thinking it was my scintillating company
24:36that put a smile on your face.
24:38Yeah, I mean, the company was lovely, but the food.
24:42How's it been?
24:44Like you care.
24:47It's actually been really busy.
24:49In fact, it's only just calmed down.
24:50I tried calling you a half dozen times.
24:52OK, well, my phone must have been off,
24:55but you've managed all right, haven't you?
24:58No thanks to you two being off all afternoon.
25:00OK, right, look, I know you might be in a bad mood,
25:03I know you might be stressed, but this is your job.
25:06This is what I pay you for.
25:10Excuse me?
25:11You know what?
25:13Rowan was right.
25:14What's Rowan got to do with this?
25:16He said that I was being taken advantage of by working here.
25:18Ah, did he now?
25:19Yeah, but not any more.
25:21That's it.
25:22I quit.
25:24Can't be serious, you can't just quit.
25:26Watch me.
25:27Oh, yeah, and you can send me on the rest of my wages.
25:30I'm owed for three shifts.
25:33I don't believe this.
25:35Yeah, I do.
25:37I always knew he wasn't perfect, that he was a cheat and a liar,
25:40but I never thought he'd be capable of something as terrible as this.
25:45Yeah, neither did I,
25:47until I found out the truth.
25:50God, that poor girl.
25:52It's tough to go through something like that.
25:55How is she now?
25:57Oh, it's not been easy, but you know what?
26:00She's tougher than she looks.
26:03And the...the baby?
26:05Well, he's in the best place
26:07and getting all the care he needs, so...
26:09Yeah, well, that's...
26:11that's something, I suppose.
26:13But look, Emily, it's not just Lauren and her baby I'm worried about.
26:17What do you mean?
26:19Joel's dangerous.
26:21He doesn't seem to care who he hurts,
26:23and this is why I wanted to talk to you.
26:26If I were you, I would be having second thoughts
26:29as to whether it's safe to let him see lovely Maeve.
26:33You don't think he'd hurt her?
26:35I mean, she's his...
26:38Oh, come on.
26:40You look really fed up. What's going on?
26:43Oh, I've had better days.
26:46You want to share?
26:48Mm, it's pretty complicated.
26:50Life usually is.
26:56been hearing some things, worrying things,
26:58about this police investigation into Nathan.
27:01What sort of things?
27:03There she is.
27:04My favourite barmaid in the whole of Manchester.
27:07Although don't tell Jenny, Glenda or Gemma I said that.
27:10Right, pal?
27:12Fancy a top-up?
27:16Thanks. I need to go.
27:19Suit yourself.
27:21I'll have a pint when you're ready.
27:23Yeah, coming up.
27:27I'm really made up you two are getting along again.
27:30Yeah, I mean, all is nice.
27:32I'm glad.
27:34Yeah. Cheers for sorting this, mate.
27:36What was the row about, anyway? You never told us.
27:39Oh, it don't really matter. That's all in the past now.
27:42You said it could have got you into trouble at work,
27:44so it must have been pretty serious.
27:46Maybe you should just tell him.
27:49Well, lying and covering things up
27:51is what started all of this in the first place.
27:53What's he on about?
27:58We had a row because Craig, he found out I was doing
28:01a sort of sideline at the factory for a bit.
28:04What do you mean, a sideline?
28:06I was making these knock-off fake designer T-shirts for this bloke
28:12and I was making them in the evenings after it shut.
28:16He was flogging them at the market
28:18and then take a cut of the profit.
28:20You told me you was volunteering at a soup kitchen.
28:23I know.
28:24Are you for real?
28:25Just hear me out, OK?
28:27I messed up and I know I shouldn't have done it, but...
28:29Hang on.
28:30Those are the T-shirts I delivered by mistake that time, aren't they?
28:35I could have got sacked over that.
28:38That's the reason you lost your job at the factory, isn't it?
28:41Yeah, Carla got wind of it and she gave me the boot.
28:45I'm sorry, that weren't meant to happen
28:47and I was only doing it for us anyway.
28:49How do you figure that?
28:51Well, I was going to put all the money towards a wedding.
28:54It was going to be a surprise.
28:57I wanted it to be special.
28:59Not just I do in a registry office with a few pints
29:02and a couple of monkey sausage rolls in here.
29:05So let me get this right.
29:07You lied to me. Again.
29:09And because of that, I'm the only one who's bringing in any money now.
29:12So that's your hope of a flash wedding stuffed, isn't it?
29:14If there was even going to be one.
29:16What do you mean by that?
29:17I mean, I don't know what's the truth or what's a lie any more.
29:19And I don't know if I can keep doing this.
29:21Kirky, I'm sorry, I really am.
29:23Not sorry as me.
29:24Well, don't go, please.
29:30Why did you push me into telling him?
29:32Well, you can't keep lying to everyone, Mum.
29:35Even if it might mean losing the only bloke who's ever treated me right?
29:39Even then?
29:46Where are the police?
29:47Why are they taking so long? I'm supposed to be in court right now.
29:50If they're not here in five minutes, I'll call them again.
29:53And listen, I know this is hard.
29:55But you're certain you didn't recognise him, the man who attacked you?
30:00Anything you can't remember will help them find him.
30:04No. No, I've never seen him before.
30:09It doesn't matter anyway, because this isn't going to stop.
30:15These people, the traffickers, they'll come for me again.
30:19Oh, you cheated!
30:21I'm going to mind you don't put your back out.
30:24You two look like you've been having fun.
30:26Yeah, yeah, it's been fun.
30:28Are you sure you're going to be all right when we have to go home?
30:31I did it!
30:32I'll miss him, obviously, but I'm going to do all I can to be in his life.
30:35I don't just want to be some random bloke at the end of the phone.
30:38How are you going to finance all those trips to Transylvania?
30:41Right, you know she's not in Transylvania, and I'll do the best that I can.
30:45Look, can you just look after him a minute while I...
30:47Yeah, I...
30:48You OK, mate?
30:51Yeah, we're just at the park. Everything's...
30:57Right, well, just stay there. I'm on my way, OK?
30:59Well, why not?
31:02Yeah. Yeah, OK. I can do that.
31:05Yeah, well, I will. Don't panic.
31:08Right, bye.
31:09You all right? What's up?
31:11Catalina's been attacked again.
31:13Catalina's been attacked at the hotel.
31:15Luckily, Ronnie Bailey was there or something to scare him away,
31:18and the police have just turned up.
31:20But we've got to get Dorian home.
31:23Because apparently he's in danger.
31:25So you just told him to stick his job?
31:28Well, I didn't say it exactly like that, but pretty much, yeah.
31:31Well, I'm proud of you, standing up for yourself like that.
31:34But if you're telling me all this cos you're after some money,
31:37I'm skinned. You're going to have to ask your dad.
31:39I'm not after you for money.
31:41Well, I'm glad to hear that.
31:43Right, I'm going for a waz.
31:45Oh, who are you?
31:47Er, Rowan. Er, Rowan, this is my mum.
31:50Pleased to meet you.
31:51Oh, likewise.
31:53So how do you two know each other?
31:55From the bistro. He knows Leanne.
31:58Oh, not one of her ex-punters, are you?
32:00I thought you were going for a waz.
32:03Excuse me.
32:06So, you want a break from work?
32:09No. You were right about Nick.
32:12He was taking advantage of us.
32:13So, walked out. Quit.
32:15Well done.
32:17There's nothing wrong with being a waitress,
32:20but honestly, you could have the opportunity
32:23to do so much more with your life
32:25than just working in some backstreet bistro.
32:29Is this about what you said before?
32:31That if I wanted, I could take over Leanne's investment
32:33for the resource centre?
32:35Did you really mean that?
32:36Of course I meant it.
32:38You've so much potential, Amy.
32:40You could do almost anything.
32:42I really believe that.
32:44But this has to be something that you want.
32:50I've got an idea.
32:52Why don't I arrange an upload session for you tomorrow?
32:56I think it will help you see if this is the right thing for you
32:59before you make any final decisions.
33:02OK. I'd like that.
33:05And, um, thank you.
33:07Any time.
33:17Oh, I thought you was Nan there.
33:19She's gone to get the girls. Are you OK?
33:21Where's Doreen?
33:22He's fine. He's just having a nap in Hope and Ruby's room.
33:26Tyrone told me what happened.
33:28I'm... I'm sorry. You must have been really terrified.
33:32Yeah, I was. I still am.
33:34Did you manage to at least find the person who attacked you?
33:38No, he's still out there.
33:40Right, well, don't worry. You're safe now.
33:42I'm not, though, am I?
33:44And I won't be safe until this trial is over
33:46and they are behind bars.
33:48I was even scared to get a taxi and come here,
33:51but I had to because I needed to see you
33:57and to say goodbye to Doreen.
34:00What do you mean, say goodbye?
34:01If I'm not safe, neither is he.
34:03At least not as long as he's with me.
34:06I need to get away, go someplace where they can't find me.
34:12And I need you to look after Doreen.
34:32Hello. Didn't expect to see you.
34:34Everything OK?
34:36You tell me. You on your own?
34:38Er, yeah. Why?
34:40Because I need to know what's going on.
34:43You said you'd been hearing things about the investigation into Nathan
34:46and you were really worried.
34:47Then Kit comes in and you practically sprinted out the door.
34:50I shouldn't have said anything, just forget it.
34:53I don't want you involved.
34:55Daniel, I live in the pub, he lives in the pub.
34:57If what you're worried about involves Kit, then I need to know.
35:03I can't be 100% sure,
35:05but I think that he had something to do
35:07with trying to get Nathan sent down for Lauren's disappearance.
35:11Well, obviously. He's a police officer.
35:14No. No, I mean...
35:16Something's not right, something doesn't add up,
35:19and I spoke to him about it.
35:21Confronted him.
35:23And what did he say?
35:25Said he didn't know anything about it.
35:27Told me to drop it.
35:29Look, if you're not sure, maybe you should listen to him.
35:32Because he might seem charming,
35:34but I get the feeling that Kit's not someone you want to cross.
35:40Look, I know you're upset,
35:42I mean, anyone would be after what happened to you,
35:44but I don't think this is a good idea, I really don't.
35:47Do you think I want to be away from my son?
35:50I know, but he needs to be with you, you're his mum.
35:53But I can't keep him safe, Tyrone.
35:57Like I said, it won't be forever,
36:00just until this trial is over, a week, maybe two at most.
36:06We'll think about this, then you're going to be on your own.
36:09What if something happens to you?
36:11What did the police say? They must be able to do something to help.
36:14They can't put me and Dorian into protective custody,
36:17believe me, I asked them.
36:19This is the best way.
36:21The only way to make sure that no-one gets to him.
36:26I know I'm asking a lot of you both,
36:29but you're the only one I can turn to.
36:39I'll look after him till it's over.
36:42Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.
36:46It's OK.
36:51I'm going to talk to Dorian.
36:54Tell him I'm going to be away for a little while.
37:05She's done it before and all.
37:07She's said to me face about different stuff,
37:10and every time I've forgiven her and taken her back.
37:13No wonder people think I must be thick.
37:16But I don't know if I can do it this time.
37:19What do you reckon I should do?
37:26Paul? Can you hear me?
37:29Paul? Oh, flippin' heck, mate.
37:32I nearly cut myself then.
37:34Hey, I'll buzz her up.
37:37Come up.
37:42I'm going to leave you to it then, mate.
37:44I'm sorry about before. My bad.
37:51Hiya. Hey.
37:53Hey. How are they?
38:04OK. You?
38:07Yeah, I'm all right. All good.
38:21Yeah, you could always see right through me, eh?
38:26Do you want a drink of anything?
38:28No, thanks.
38:30Just thought I'd pop round and see how Bethany's doing.
38:32Well, she's not great.
38:34She's barely been out of her room all day.
38:37Well, that's understandable, I guess.
38:39Anyway, there's something that I need to say to you.
38:43I spoke to Kit about the evidence linking Nathan to Lauren.
38:46I thought we weren't going to say anything.
38:48I know, and in retrospect, you were probably right.
38:51Anyway, he promises he had nothing to do with it,
38:53doesn't know anything about it,
38:55but then he would say that, wouldn't he?
38:57Do you not think he's telling the truth?
38:59Honestly, I don't know.
39:01I've never spoken to him. It's hard to read.
39:03Oh, you're not kidding.
39:05He also said that if I keep pushing
39:08and people start finding out that the evidence was planted,
39:11you're the prime suspect.
39:16Do you think that's a threat to warn us off?
39:22Although he did admit that the police don't have any idea
39:25who could have planted the evidence,
39:27so it sounds like he's trying to give you a get-out-of-jail-free card.
39:30Literally, in this case.
39:33If I were you, I'd take it.
39:40Are you OK?
39:42Still angry at Amy, or have you managed to calm down yet?
39:45It's Rowan I'm angry about.
39:47Yeah, I'm just sick of him and his mind games.
39:49Look, I know exactly how you feel, trust me.
39:52But you can't let him get under your skin. He's not worth it.
39:55Yeah, I know.
39:57Besides, I mean, she was a terrible waitress, anyway.
40:00That is not true.
40:02It's good to see you smile again.
40:04Yeah, well, I'm happy, aren't I?
40:06Getting the all clear and being here with you.
40:42We're closed.
40:44Oh, I want to talk to you.
40:46Whatever you've got to say, I've no interest in hearing it.
40:51It wasn't enough for you, was it?
40:53What are you on about?
40:54You know I've been suspended, don't you, that I can't work?
40:58Are you surprised I am?
41:01No, I'm not.
41:02I knew that was coming, so I can deal with that.
41:05But now, Emily has stopped me from seeing my daughter.
41:10My daughter!
41:11Because of you.
41:13All I did was tell Emily the truth about who you are and what you've done.
41:17So if you're looking for someone to blame, Joel,
41:20you look in the mirror.
41:25You know, you still don't get it, do you?
41:28The only thing the police can prove is that I slept with Lauren.
41:35As for everything else, it's my word against that little tart's.
41:43You know, when this is all over and I've ward three,
41:49are you going to regret what you've done?
41:51Trust me.
41:55Close the door on your way out, will you?
42:12Are you OK? You've hardly said a word since Eileen left.
42:16Yeah, I'm just trying to get my head around what's happened.
42:19And to be honest, I'm worried sick.
42:21What about her, then?
42:23No, just about them.
42:25What if someone comes after us,
42:27especially if they find out we've got him staying here?
42:30No, she was pretty certain that no-one followed her
42:32or no-one knows where we live.
42:33Yeah, well, I don't think pretty certain's good enough, Ty,
42:36not when it comes to our safety and our kids.
42:38Well, what else could we have done?
42:40Hi! How's Darren been?
42:42Oh, yeah, he's been good.
42:43Went to the swings and he loved that, didn't he?
42:46Yeah, he did.
42:47And we've got a bit of news, a bit of, er...
42:49..good news, actually, I think.
42:51Dorian's going to be staying with us for a little bit.
42:54I thought you said it was good news.
42:56Oh, come on, don't be like that.
42:58But how come he's staying with us?
43:00Well, because Eileen has got some stuff to sort out
43:03and while she does that, we've said we're going to look after him
43:07for a while.
43:08For how long?
43:09Can we stop with the questions now?
43:11I have got here a nice £5 note.
43:13Go on.
43:14You can pop to shops and get yourself something
43:16with full of sugar and E numbers in it.
43:23So, I suppose this is to do with, erm...
43:26..what happened earlier, is it?
43:29Yeah, Eileen is scared that the traffickers will come after her again
43:33or maybe even target...
43:35So she's gone into hiding.
43:37And left you holding the baby?
43:41All right with you, that, is it?
43:43She was desperate.
43:45She was desperate.
43:47She needed our help.
43:49It's my son. I had to do something.
43:52Yeah, well, just make sure that what you do is the right decision.
43:57And I don't just mean for that one, either.