• last year
Scooby Doo Where Are You! l Season 3 l Episode 4 l To Switch a Witch l 4_4 l


00:00We'll teach you to be in league with a witch.
00:19Looks like Shaggy and Scooby haven't arrived yet.
00:22Oh, you know those two on Halloween.
00:24They're probably having the time of their lives.
00:27Confess, witch.
00:28Tell the truth.
00:29Tell us the truth.
00:30Come on.
00:31Tell us the truth.
00:32Tell us the truth.
00:33Tell us the truth.
00:34So you still refuse to confess to witchcraft?
00:37Like he's no witch, he's a dog.
00:40You take us for fools?
00:42We know a witch's ways.
00:43Lower the ducking stool.
00:57What did he do?
01:01Over here.
01:03What happened?
01:04A mob came after me, and they've already grabbed Shaggy and Scooby.
01:10They think they're witches.
01:13It's Shaggy.
01:14Boy, they've got poor Scoob at the witchcraft museum trying to make them say that he's a
01:25Wait for us here.
01:26you scooby one more chance which confess
01:38like this better work get ready Thelma again
01:44save my sister wedge glory be another which we saved you scoob
02:02safe yet come on
02:17hurry Fred that mop wasn't far behind us Shaggy and Scooby you're keeping a
02:23lookout for them look here comes the witch hurry help me cover this hole the
02:28witch is in for a surprise
02:31so it's over here it's the mob they're coming after us go yeah we gotta warn
02:39the others
02:42no no Jeepers we got her anyhow come on but that's impossible
03:04Oh witches no not even one you see the witch isn't the witch at all she only
03:16pretended to be a witch to get the inheritance away from Arlene her twin
03:20sister twin sisters twin sisters where I never knew she existed we realized you
03:29had a twin when we found the family record that said Gemini which means
03:34twins your missing sister's name had been carefully blotted out she planned
03:40this witch to scare you out of town forever and take over your estate and
03:45there's the man she tried to help her Oh Gar Mooney I thought he was my friend
03:52not so fast you scoundrel this wire we found at the grave came from the wiring
03:58Mooney built to make the witch glow and that weird bubbling stain we found on
04:03Arlene's floor when the witch ran off was acid from the battery she used for
04:07the wiring Oh our apologies for what happened miss Wilcox as for you two
04:14you're going to jail I can't thank you enough for all your help especially
04:21Shaggy and Scooby say where are those two like all those donkeys gave scoob the
04:29sniffles so I'm giving them some chicken soup
04:41like I guess I forgot to take out the chicken
