• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video was addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:04For those watching it, thank you for watching.
00:07None of this information can be used against me or my twin flame.
00:11And if you do, you'll be sued or put to jail for trying to illegally frame me and Shia.
00:18So, Shia, in this video, I'm not going to make two parts because I know that you need to rest.
00:26And I'm still feeling kind of weak.
00:29And part of it is because of all the root chakra acupressure that I'm doing.
00:34And I'm not the one that's really coming up with all of this.
00:42Lumarians are guiding me to do all of these things.
00:45And I believe that this is going to be giving us a lot of relief.
00:55I've actually been using this heavy magnet on some of the area, root chakra area.
01:03And I'm sure that you are going to be able to find there's different acupressure points in the root chakra area.
01:14And I woke up this morning with like a heavy feeling, my entire body, especially my feet.
01:21And I actually had a spine problem.
01:26My head back ached very bad.
01:28But there was a heaviness in my body that I don't usually have.
01:32Because a lot of these demons kind of make us feel lighter, Shia.
01:36Because it's like we're not walking in our own body.
01:39So it's like we feel a little bit lighter than we should.
01:43So I'm going to talk to you about the notes.
01:47And I'm going to be sensitive to both of us.
01:56You feel very vulnerable that you have to watch these and not respond.
02:03I feel also very vulnerable that I'm making these videos and you're not responding.
02:11And those little things, Shia.
02:15Those little things, they're going to try so hard to attack both of us in this video because of yesterday's video.
02:23All they want to do is cause all kinds of drama.
02:28All kinds of drama.
02:30And they're going to whisper things throughout the entire video to try to trigger both of us and attack both of us.
02:39And especially try to hurt you.
02:42But we're both near death.
02:45And Shia, if I'm not looking at any of the public news and they're telling you it's because you need my help, I'm not supporting you.
02:55If you know I have to stay alive, Shia, in order to be with you.
03:01Just like you can't, in order to stay alive, you can't be posting on the internet.
03:07There's a reason why you're quiet.
03:09There's a reason why I can't defend you and look at the public news in order to help you and support you.
03:22Because the whole thing is that that was killing me, killing my spirit and my soul.
03:31So I have to do what I have to do to be able to be with you.
03:35And that means not looking for information.
03:39And most of it is manipulation and false information anyways.
03:43So that is the reason why, Shia.
03:48I am sitting on a crystal in my perineum while I'm making this video.
03:52And I'm pressing on a specific area that is definitely doing something in regards to the root chakra area.
04:09So I have a cup of coffee here.
04:18So it's still too little hot.
04:25Just so you know, Shia, we're married.
04:27And there's a lot of disrespect in regards to...
04:32There's a lot of disrespect, Shia, in regards to us being together.
04:41But you've been supporting me, Shia, for seven years.
04:44Not just from a distance. You're in my body.
04:47We also travel to each other.
04:50And those many, many years, you...
04:54The lumerians were having you control my body like it backfired on them.
05:04The possession walk-in.
05:06And that all stopped once I started doing the Kiran Rakesh.
05:09Once there was so much interference.
05:12And when I started to do the lumerian technology full-time.
05:16Lumerian technology full-time.
05:18Like 40 to 50 or more hours at a time a week.
05:2440 to 50 hours a week at one point for many, many months.
05:28So there has...
05:32If I do act like there's a little bit of distance between us,
05:38I really do miss that.
05:41That feeling that...
05:48You're in my body, but you're still my body.
05:51But there's a lot of interference.
05:53Because of...
05:55Because that we could possibly be together very, very soon,
05:58there's a lot of interference.
06:00And all of these criminals know if we get together,
06:03they're all going to jail.
06:05If one of us dies, most likely no one's going to go to jail.
06:13And you have been kind of locked up in prison,
06:18even though I know that you go out sometimes and everything.
06:23You have been more locked up than me, like as jail.
06:28We both have been locked up in jail, Shaya.
06:36However, they also say you have less possession,
06:42so you have more freedom in regards to less possession
06:45because you're more locked up than me.
06:48So that's...
06:50But that's not true.
06:52That's one way that they attack me.
06:57But they're chronically treating and talking to us
07:00like we're little children.
07:02A lot of these stories and programs,
07:04you could only talk to a little child like this.
07:08Like only a little child can figure it out.
07:12It's like they're tricking little children.
07:14Me and you are like little children.
07:16They're tricking us over and over and over.
07:19They're constantly chronically treating us like we're little children.
07:23And this is a form of P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-I-A.
07:37So here's the pendulum, Shaya.
07:41Don't worry, my poor Shaya. Don't worry.
07:45We both have been so brutally humiliated.
07:48And Shaya, when I said in the video yesterday
07:52I would never humiliate you, I would never humiliate you,
07:55I did not say that. The demons said that.
07:59I would never be angry at you
08:02in regards to what you've gone through.
08:06And I'm not going to be angry at you.
08:08I didn't say I would never humiliate you.
08:10I would never humiliate you.
08:13No, I would never humiliate you.
08:18So that was an attack, Shaya.
08:21I'm pretty sure you knew that I didn't say that.
08:26Don't worry, Shaya. Please don't worry.
08:31The pendulum said that you know that they're going to get sued
08:34and you're going to go to jail.
08:40And they gave me this extreme panic attack
08:43and said a bunch of lies to try to get me to look at the public news
08:46right before, 40 minutes before I was going to make this video
08:50so that I would flip out on the video
08:54and I'm not.
08:56And part of the problem is there's so much drama and hype
08:59and pain and anger and triggering.
09:02Fake AI triggering.
09:05They just made my heart race and have all this anxiety
09:08and fear and sadness that came out of nowhere.
09:11And they said, well, that's what we were going to do
09:14to your body if you looked up the news on the internet.
09:19That's what we were going to do, but we have to do it anyways
09:22because you're not.
09:30I'm doing some food research, Shaya.
09:32I'm finding some...
09:35I got out some of my recipe title notebooks
09:39so that I can make a grocery list.
09:42I'm looking up some cookbooks on Internet Archive.
09:48I'm probably going to take a break from that
09:50because I can do that for hours and hours and hours
09:53and it's kind of unhealthy to do that all day long.
10:00Oh, I got to shut this.
10:21Did you hear the noise?
10:32I've heard that the acupressure is working for you, Shaya.
10:35I'm very, very happy.
10:37If I'm acting weird, Shaya, they're making me sick
10:40and attacking me while I'm making this video.
10:42And I'm like, I don't know what to do.
10:44I don't know what to do.
10:46They're making me sick and attacking me
10:48while I'm making this video.
10:50And I'm a little nauseous because I didn't eat a lot
10:52and this coffee is making me a little nauseous.
10:56If I drink coffee on an empty stomach,
10:58sometimes I get nauseous.
11:00I need to get some groceries.
11:02I'm still curious.
11:04I'm still wondering why I'm, like, not doing well
11:07with still being...
11:10not having enough groceries every single month.
11:13It's because I don't have a fridge and freezer.
11:16I don't have a fridge and freezer and I can't cook.
11:20So, it costs a lot more money
11:24and it's less healthy.
11:28So, I still have...
11:31Actually, I'm doing really good though
11:33because it's August 23 and I have $118 in my bank account.
11:38So, I'm skipping a day.
11:40I didn't go to the grocery store today
11:42so that instead of having...
11:45I think it's like...
11:48$10 a day to spend on groceries,
11:52I'll have $15.
11:54I might not skip tomorrow
11:56because I'm kind of running really low on groceries.
12:00I gotta take the shoes off.
12:02My feet are actually strangely cold.
12:05It's actually not extremely hot today.
12:07Actually, my feet are cold.
12:09It's 82 degrees out.
12:11So, it doesn't really make sense.
12:13I've been laying on the bed today
12:15because it's easier to do the acupressure
12:18while I'm laying down.
12:20Actually, I should probably take a break of this.
12:22I'm doing it for a little bit too much.
12:26But I had like a lot of symptoms
12:29from these root chakra acupressure.
12:34It's pretty obvious the way these demons are acting.
12:37They're flipping out
12:39because of the acupressure that I'm doing.
12:47The more energy that flows through our body
12:50like the vortexes and the ley lines
12:53and the meridians that open up,
12:55the more powerful we'll be, Shaya.
13:03These demons, Shaya, by the way,
13:05you know how there's V2K
13:07that talks all day long at me?
13:10Well, there's hundreds of people
13:12that are pretending to be specific voices
13:18in disguise as one person.
13:23Also, these demons are hooked up to automated...
13:26The demons chained in our bodies
13:28are hooked up to automated AI.
13:31If we don't respond,
13:34it can kill us.
13:36That's why there's good AI
13:38that's responding and retaliating
13:40to a lot of things that are being said
13:42because it's an actual demon spirit in our body
13:44that's controlled to talk
13:47at us, at our brains.
13:52That's why it can feel painful
13:54because it's not like just an automated thing.
13:57It's an actual spirit in our body
13:59that are verbally attacking and assaulting us.
14:07Don't worry, Shaya, my poor Shaya.
14:10My poor Shaya.
14:12You've been so tortured and abused,
14:15and you're so broken like me.
14:18You're so sick, Shaya.
14:25I'm so sorry.
14:28I'm so sorry.
14:31I'm so sorry.
14:33I'm so sorry.
14:39And if anything bad is happening
14:42that I should know about
14:44and I'm not looking on the news,
14:49just know that
14:52this is my way
14:55of being able to be with you
14:57in the future.
15:00I felt like I was...
15:04So don't worry, Shaya.
15:07And do everything that you can.
15:09Just follow Lumerian's instructions.
15:11You're not in control, Shaya,
15:14of this plan.
15:15Neither of us are.
15:16If we were in control, we would already be together.
15:27God's in control, Shaya.
15:34So I'm sitting up,
15:36and I told you I've been laying down for many hours
15:38doing recipe research,
15:39so I'm feeling a little queasy and faintish.
15:53This acupressure is extremely powerful
15:56because our root chakras
16:01they literally have taken my root chakra away from me
16:05and I haven't been able to control my root chakra.
16:08It's literally been locked up.
16:14I can't completely explain it, Shaya,
16:16so this acupressure down there
16:18is extremely powerful.
16:21And I know that Shaya,
16:23victims of torture,
16:25especially victims of rape,
16:28don't like to be told what to do.
16:30They don't like anyone controlling them.
16:33I'm not controlling you at all, Shaya and Lumerian,
16:35to do it and telling me what to do,
16:37and I'm telling you what they're telling me to do,
16:40and it's going to work for you.
16:42And I don't want you to get hurt.
16:45I don't want you to get hurt.
16:47And it's going to work for you.
16:49And I wish that I knew things that you were doing
16:52that I could do,
16:54but I think they've told me that
16:56telepathic supports tell me some of the things that you do,
16:59that you're doing that make me do them.
17:07But I am your wife, Shaya,
17:09and we both do what each other does,
17:13so don't worry, Shaya, it's not control
17:16when it's coming from your twin flame.
17:19They know that.
17:21They tell me that you think that, Shaya.
17:25So my hair's nice and soft
17:27because I'm using apple cider vinegar.
17:30I'm spraying apple cider vinegar on my scalp
17:32that I'm sitting.
17:34Also, I brought this into the bathtub
17:36and did this acupressure in the bathtub,
17:38and it was extremely powerful on my root chakra.
17:41So I sprayed my scalp with apple cider vinegar,
17:44let it sit for 10 minutes at least.
17:47Then I shampoo and condition,
17:50and I put rosemary essential oil in the conditioner,
17:54swirl it around, and then put it on my scalp and my hair.
17:58My hair has been this soft and so long.
18:01It feels so much better.
18:07And by the way, with all of these public figures,
18:11once they get all their bling taken away,
18:15they're going to look like absolutely nothing.
18:18They're going to be looking like weirdos.
18:21There's a TikTok star that recently
18:25killed his girlfriend,
18:29and I saw photos of him
18:34in the orange prison suit,
18:38and you could just see all the AI and black magic and witchcraft
18:42just stripped off of him,
18:44and he looks like an absolute nobody.
18:46And that's what they are.
18:48With all this bling, bling, bling, telepathic supporters says,
18:52they say, take away all these public figures, bling.
18:56They're absolutely fucking nothing.
19:03It's all the black magic and the AI and the witchcraft
19:06and the fake, we're above you and more powerful than you.
19:13So, another thing that happened this morning from the acupressure,
19:17you're going to have all these symptoms,
19:19and my whole upper back went, like,
19:22pain and sore and stiffness,
19:25where I couldn't even lay on my back.
19:27I had to lay on my side for, like, ten minutes.
19:32But there's, like, a weightlessness feeling in my body
19:38when I go to step down on the ground,
19:43and I woke up this morning,
19:46my feet were, like, wicked sore,
19:48and there's absolutely no reason,
19:50I haven't been doing any acupressure on my feet,
19:52there was nothing about that.
19:54They've been wicked sore,
19:57and I just want to make sure my toe's not...
20:02I stubbed my toe on a chair last night,
20:05and it was all red, but it didn't bruise,
20:08so it's not broken, I was afraid it was going to get broken.
20:11So they're playing with my voice, by the way, Shia.
20:17The torture has been...
20:19I've gotten some relief from the torture,
20:21however, all different kinds of torture happens,
20:23like itch torture, gas torture,
20:26mental torture, the constant verbal harassment.
20:34So I'm just trying to lay down and not really do much.
20:44And they tried, they created a whole lie
20:47to make me look up on the internet,
20:49and they're saying,
20:51you're not supporting Shia if you don't look.
20:53All these little dramas, they're not little dramas,
20:56they kill the spirit,
20:58they attack the spirit and the soul.
21:09But what you see on the internet, Shia,
21:11is a manipulation and an attack
21:13that's supposed to kill both of us.
21:15I'm hoping that you...
21:19that the lumerians aren't making you have to look.
21:22But I was also told,
21:24you know, your...
21:28your parent was in those photos on the internet
21:31to try to keep you alive,
21:33and that she was getting threats
21:35if she didn't pretend to be the parent of that Sian,
21:39and your other parent moved away,
21:42because obviously what happened to him
21:46and how he was put to jail,
21:49that was all set up and rigged.
21:52They've done things to me, Shia.
21:58They've done things to me to try to set up,
22:01be set up and frame me and rigged.
22:04So he moved away
22:06and was not a part of that cult,
22:11and your mother was not a part of it,
22:13but she was forced to
22:15because it was in order to keep you alive.
22:18And some of the...
22:26And my parents have been Illuminati
22:28because my dad was silenced a lot,
22:31and they just kept on saying,
22:33no, your dad's just stupid, your dad's just stupid.
22:36He was muted a little bit.
22:39There was some muteness,
22:41but I think it was partly possession.
22:44My mom is possessed.
22:45She likes to claim that she's not possessed,
22:47like it's just all her,
22:49but she is possessed, and she has mental illness,
22:52and when you have mental illness,
22:54you're way more vulnerable to possession.
23:03But I do think that my...
23:05Because my parents still have it in them
23:08to want to take me down more than your parents do,
23:13partly because I'm like...
23:18I still don't have you physically,
23:23and so they still have the chance to take me down
23:27because there's still no chance that we're going to be together
23:30because I don't know where you are.
23:32I don't know how I could possibly be with you,
23:36and I still don't know what's going on.
23:39I'm still very blind,
23:41so there's still a chance, and there's still...
23:44They talk down to me like I'm a little child
23:46that doesn't know anything all day long,
23:50and they don't have to stop doing that
23:52because it's still happening,
23:54and they still can get away with doing it.
24:00So I don't have complete faith, Shia,
24:02that we're going to be together.
24:04Based on the situation, how things are going,
24:07it feels very impossible.
24:10However, I do get a lot of hope from time to time.
24:14I do get a lot of hope from time to time,
24:16but it feels very, very impossible.
24:18If you can keep my twin flame away from me for 7 years,
24:21well, technically 20 years,
24:23but 7 years with me knowing him,
24:30then it can go on.
24:32I'm 40 years old.
24:35This could go on for another...
24:37the rest of my life.
24:41So I don't have complete faith.
24:43That's the whole point.
24:45That's the whole point.
24:46I don't know what's going on.
24:48I don't know about the things that happened to you.
24:51I don't know about how the CN centers work.
24:56I don't have enough information.
24:57That's the whole point.
24:59They still have a very good chance of killing me
25:02and making me die.
25:04So this is a form of isolation
25:08to make it feel like it's impossible,
25:10this isolation of me not knowing what's going on.
25:13However, I do get a lot of information in these notebooks,
25:16but they just make me forget all the time.
25:20I do get a lot of information from these notebooks
25:23and from the telepathic supporters.
25:27So the food in my cupboard is not very appetizing,
25:32but I don't really have...
25:37So I've been working on my grocery list
25:41for just getting a few things.
25:44I want to make...
25:46I don't think I should be going out every single day,
25:52but I'm going to...
25:57I don't even want to talk about it.
25:59I'm feeling kind of nauseous right now.
26:02I had some pretzels,
26:05and I got really itchy from the pretzels,
26:08so it was a fake AI allergic reaction.
26:10I had some oatmeal, which really grossed me out,
26:12and coffee.
26:13I had V8 tomato juice, so that's very not thrilling.
26:19What I have in the pantry, I'll probably have...
26:27I have some of that ready-to-cook pasta
26:30with the tomato sauce,
26:32but it's very easy to mess up that tomato sauce
26:35to make it not taste like pasta sauce.
26:37I really don't want to have gross-tasting spaghetti sauce.
26:54By the way, don't take it personally
26:56with the person that hacked into my computer.
27:00He's hacked into the neighbor across from 841,
27:04us, for 2 1⁄2 years now,
27:06and other people in this building,
27:08and he's crippled the person's legs, the neighbor's legs.
27:13The neighbor had an injury
27:15that he was trying to recover from.
27:17He had a major surgery on his knees.
27:20The hacker's been doing witchcraft
27:22to make the surgery not recover,
27:25and he's been using a walker for his 2 1⁄2 years,
27:27and he's younger than me.
27:28He's like 10 years younger.
27:33Just so you know, Shia,
27:36these celebrities can do all of this humiliation
27:41and all of these nobodies.
27:45The neighbor on the corner got a stroke
27:51and paralyzed worse than me.
27:53You know how it happened?
27:55AI weapons.
27:57You know who did it?
28:01It's very possible the person
28:02that has a military-grade AI weapon did it.
28:08And so we don't have to really take crime personal.
28:11People are getting fucking tortured just like us,
28:16but this isolation of like,
28:18no, this isn't happening to anybody else.
28:20We're all alone.
28:21This is being tortured.
28:22We're just the ones being tortured.
28:24No, there's a lot of people being tortured,
28:28especially if you're not an entity.
28:33If you have a future existence,
28:34whether you're a jinn, a spirit, a soul, whatever,
28:39if you're not an entity,
28:40these entities have overtaken this planet
28:45and they all have this extreme murders.
28:53They have extreme murder,
28:54like want to murder the people that have eternal life
28:58or have chance of eternal life.
29:04There's another neighbor that got their computer hacked into,
29:09another young one, moved out,
29:12was getting threatened that he was going to be killed.
29:17There's other neighbors.
29:21The girl neighbor down the hall,
29:26there's a couple girls in this hallway
29:29that's getting tortured,
29:32having their computers hacked into.
29:36And they don't even have to like me.
29:44It's nothing personal.
29:46They don't have to be on my side and like us.
29:49Some of these people are getting tortured.
29:51They don't like me.
29:53They're still getting tortured
29:55because it's not just, it's saying against saying too.
30:06But I mind my own business.
30:07I don't talk to anybody.
30:09I don't talk to anybody.
30:10I say a few sentences now and then to people near the elevator.
30:14I don't talk to anybody in this building.
30:18And that's what I like.
30:20I don't want to talk.
30:21I don't put my business in other people's business.
30:27But this building, this building is...
30:36So they tried to use AI to like,
30:40try to like attack you with what I just said
30:44to try to make me not put this video on the internet.
30:56But there's a constant fight going on, Shaya,
31:24like with these little children.
31:26And, Shaya, it's a fight.
31:34Shaya, that was completely set up.
31:38That was completely set up that first year.
31:43I had no clue who you were.
31:44I had no clue about cloning.
31:46I had no clue who you were.
31:48I thought that they were using the CN just to kill me
31:53and, however, there was something going on
31:58with the telepathic connection that I was allowed to know.
32:09But that's extremely evil.
32:11But the thing is, that whole thing that was set up,
32:16I never cheated on you, Shaya.
32:18I didn't know who you were
32:20until eight months after.
32:22And you knew who I was.
32:25I didn't know who you were, Shaya.
32:27Because you're not that clone.
32:29You're not that CN.
32:34But it's this whole thing,
32:36even like all of the whatever happened in the past,
32:42like with whoever...
32:56Like, oh no, me and you, we had lovers.
32:59We had past lovers.
33:01So you're going to both die.
33:02You're not going to be together.
33:04No, they want us to be split up, Shaya.
33:06They want us to constantly...
33:11They want to...
33:14We had kidnappers that tortured us.
33:18And rapists and murderers that tried to kill us.
33:23But we're being like these little children.
33:25They're treating us like we're little children that's tricked.
33:28Like, oh no, Shaya, this is you.
33:33This CN is you.
33:35And I've raped this CN for 20 years.
33:41So this is you, and we're lovers.
33:49So, I mean, that's...
33:52You can't trick each little...
33:54You could barely trick a little child,
33:56but they're treating us like little children.
34:10So this is P-E-D-O, P-H-I-L-I-A,
34:13that we're like these little children that's constantly being tricked about these things.
34:18It's not...
34:20In our celestial dimension,
34:23we're not supposed to have people come into our life
34:25and sexually harass us, rape us,
34:29or do all these little fake sexual harassment things all through our life.
34:37We weren't supposed to have our body possessed.
34:44So, Shaya, we didn't cheat on each other.
34:49However, in our celestial dimension,
34:51that was never supposed to happen these past 20 years.
35:00In this lower dimension,
35:02people can have multiple marriages,
35:06have long-lasting partners,
35:11and have sex with them hundreds of thousands of times.
35:14They can cheat on their partners.
35:16They can have tons of one-night stands with hundreds of people,
35:21and it's okay and acceptable.
35:24But me and you weren't going to go to prison
35:26because we were sexually harassed,
35:28and people wanted a piece of us.
35:30People wanted a piece of us.
35:33Either it was sexual verbal harassment or physical harassment,
35:37sexual harassment and assault.
35:39People wanted a piece of us,
35:41and now they're trying to use it against us
35:44to say that we cheated on each other,
35:46and we didn't cheat on each other.
35:55And if someone stole my DNA and had a child with it
36:00while my husband was watching,
36:03I would feel beyond murderous,
36:05and there would be no other feelings besides beyond murderous.
36:09Beyond murderous.
36:11Murderous anger and murderous...
36:14So, this is brain-dead shit, Shaya.
36:19This is purely brain-dead shit,
36:21and we're constantly with these little children.
36:24No, they're like these little kids that just don't get it.
36:27They don't get it. They'll believe it.
36:29They'll believe it.
36:31We'll torture them for 20, 30, 40 years,
36:35and then tell them these sayings,
36:37and they'll believe it.
36:39They're just these little kids that can be...
36:42You know, like a little naive kid that just believes anything?
36:46That's how they're treating us.
36:50And it's pure humiliation rituals.
36:53It's pure humiliation rituals.
36:58It's all going to backfire and be returned to the sender.
37:01All these humiliation rituals,
37:03they think that they can get away with humiliating us for decades,
37:07all these hundreds of thousands of people,
37:10specifically, like, at least a few hundred
37:14that did extreme SEX harassment, a few hundred of them.
37:18They're going to be getting hundreds of thousands of years of return to sender,
37:23and then they're going to go to hell.
37:25Whatever level of hell they're going to be in.
37:27And most of them are just entities that have no future existence.
37:33But they won't stop because this is the story in the program
37:36that they have to stick with.
37:38This is what the story in the program is,
37:41and there's nothing that they can do to change it,
37:43and they're going to use it.
37:45But these are humiliation rituals, Shaya,
37:50and they're extremely humiliating.
37:53They're humiliating my womanhood.
37:55They're humiliating your manhood.
38:10Shaya, you're my only friend.
38:12I don't have any other friends.
38:14You're my only friend, Shaya.
38:16You're my only friend I've ever had.
38:19You're my only friend that I've ever had, Shaya.
38:21And you're my only friend that I ever will have.
38:24We have some people that support and defend us on our side.
38:29They're not neutral.
38:30They truly believe that the torture that we went through is not right
38:34and that we're going to get justice.
38:36But, Shaya, you're my only friend that I have.
38:39You're my only friend that I ever have.
38:41You're my only friend that I have ever had.
38:45They really think that they have a chance of separating us, Shaya,
38:49and having us not be together.
38:54And they've been able to get away with it, Shaya,
38:56because we're not together.
38:58So they still think that they have a chance.
39:01So I'm going to start this, actually.
39:06We're from a celestial dimension.
39:10We only have one twin plane, one soul.
39:13We're the only ones that belong to each other.
39:16We don't have soulmates.
39:18There's no such things as soulmates in our dimension.
39:22They told us that we're soulmates.
39:24We're soulmates in our own dimension,
39:26soul, the only ones that belong to each other, we don't have soulmates. There's no such thing
39:32as soulmates in our dimension. So we don't really belong here to begin with. That's why
39:37they keep doing this, like we cheat, we cheat, we cheat, because they know that it would
39:41kill us and hurt us, because it wasn't supposed to happen, Shia. So, but the pendulum said
40:00that you're clearing a lot of your birth trauma, that you have a lot of birth trauma, Shia,
40:07that you're clearing right now, and I can say a lot of the spells did break after the video,
40:18these past few videos, there's been spells that are breaking. So I'm going, I'm definitely behind
40:27on the note, Shia, but I'm not going to read two parts because this is, we need to both rest,
40:35Shia. So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia. And if there's anything that
40:40I said in this video, like, that I messed up, there's a couple things I messed up yesterday.
41:05If this, all this AI comes out, Shia, V2K, there's going to be a mass arrest. There's
41:12going to be a mass arrest on just a few people.
41:34I saw the matching view, Shia, I think that you're doing that.
41:57Thank you, Shia.
42:05Wow, I'm getting like, it feels like when you get night sweats, because of the perineum
42:11acupressure I've been doing for the past 40 minutes. I feel like I'm getting like total,
42:16like, like, it's a feeling of night sweats.
42:19So I skipped through some of these notes. There's one thing. Oh, I said the friend of
42:42the family that's going to expose the crimes. Me and my mom. And I went to a gym. And the
43:00gym owner knows my mom and can expose some of the crimes. I'm not saying about my mom,
43:07but the gym owner knows. I was a like a little kid. He's probably in his 70s now, 60, late
43:1660s, 70s. He wants to expose some of the crimes to help me and you, Shia. I don't know him
43:25well. However, I do remember going to the gym when I was a little kid. And something
43:45that did happen is I do feel a little bit less stylish. And that's what can happen when
43:51you have a stroke. You can lose your ability to like look and feel stylish. That will change,
43:59Shia. I'll be more stylish. There's something else that I messed up saying in the last video,
44:05but I'll say it in the next video. I'll say it tomorrow. I love you, Shia. Thank you,
44:11everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
