• 2 months ago
Blade, the Daywalker, has killed many incredibly powerful beings in his life as a vampire hunter.


00:00Eric Cross Brooks, the man known as Blade, first appeared in Tomb of Dracula number 10 in 1973.
00:06He began as a vampire-immune human, but was retconned as a dampire, or the product of a
00:12human-vampire coupling. Other than to eliminate some of the more problematic, stereotypical,
00:17and black-sploitation aspects of the character's beginnings, Blade hasn't had to change much over
00:22the years. It turns out, a cool, kick-ass vampire killer with a bad attitude is fairly timeless.
00:28Blade has come against many powerful foes, and, through skill and sheer determination,
00:34has always prevailed. So with this in mind, I'm Dan from WhatCulture, and here are the
00:3910 Most Powerful Characters Killed By Blade. Number 10, Taj Natal. Taj Natal was a member
00:46of Quincy Hawker's group of vampire hunters. Natal was part of a trusted inner circle of
00:52the aging and crippled Hawker that included Rachel Van Helsing, the granddaughter of
00:57Quincy's parents' friend and mentor Abraham Van Helsing, and Frank Drake, a direct descendant
01:04of Dracula himself. An attack by a group of vampires led by the vampire lord left Natal
01:09mute, his wife in a wheelchair, and his son cursed with vampirism. Taj left the vampire hunters after
01:16an angry mob of villagers broke into his home and killed his son. Some time later, the ancient
01:22vampire Varney found him and turned him into a vampire. He was told to kill Blade, who Varney
01:29had abducted and brought to his base in Rhode Island. Blade was then forced to stake his former
01:35ally, killing him in the process. Number 9, Zorris. Zorris was the son of Dracula and was highly
01:42critical of how his father was running his vampire empire. At one point, he planned to turn all of
01:47San Francisco into vampires and turned the mutant Jubilee into one to lure her fellow X-Men in.
01:54This ran him afoul of the mutants, who sought Dracula's aid against Blade's advice, and Dracula
02:00ripped Zorris' head off. When Zorris returned to life, he returned as the Shadow Colonel, a
02:05supposedly dissident vampire intent on challenging Dracula for the throne. The Colonel allied himself
02:11with the Legion of the Unliving. When the Avengers arrived to help the Romanians caught in the
02:16crossfire, Blade dealt a devastating blow to Zorris, removing his right leg, right arm, and head.
02:22Although he was definitely defeated, the head remained quite chatty and his body was taken to
02:27the new vampire nation of Chernobyl. Number 8, Deathwalker Prime. After the defeat of Thanos'
02:34army, Blade took up the Ronin identity that Hawkeye had abandoned and accompanied the mighty Avengers
02:42Here, he recovered the talisman of Kamataj that the Deathwalkers were looking for. Ronin was
02:47attacked by a variety of were-creatures that were trying to get the talisman. Blade was then brought
02:52to the Deathwalkers, who planned to sacrifice him. The mighty Avengers located Blade and he escaped,
02:58but not before the Deathwalkers drained some of his blood. The blood was used in a ritual
03:04to merge them into Deathwalker Prime, a creature that could control the four elements. Getting a
03:09hold of the cup that was used to complete the Deathwalker ritual, the mighty Avengers merged
03:14together to create the Avenger Prime. Unlike all Deathwalker pairing, which had each member
03:20fighting for control, the mighty Avengers worked together and the Avengers Prime overpowered and
03:25destroyed the Deathwalker Prime with a single punch. Number 7, Trix. Trix were a new kind of
03:32vampire creature that Blade had never encountered before. Their queen was worried that Blade's
03:37recent killing spree of vampires would upset the equilibrium between the two factions and cause an
03:43all-out war. They authorized Blade's assassination. Blade's weapons supplier is captured by the
03:49vampires and they put a tracking device on him so he will lead them back to Brooks. They subdue
03:54the vampire hunter and capture him. The Trix then capture the agents of the Seven who were sent to
04:00kill Erik. The young Seven leader gives the Daywalker a sword to invade the Trix stronghold.
04:06Blade then learns that his new girlfriend Susan is actually the queen in disguise and she is now
04:11pregnant from him and that the leader of the Seven has been manipulating him as well. Brooks destroys
04:17the Trix lair and the queen escapes, but Blade has thinned out the ranks of the Trix so much
04:23that the Seven decide to leave him be. Number 6, Every Vampire in Manhattan. During the world-changing
04:30events caused by Hydra and the Cosmic Cube, New York City is trapped in a bubble of dark force
04:36energy like a snow globe. Unfortunately, since it is blocking out the sunlight, it has given the
04:41vampires of Manhattan free and unfettered 24-7 access to the living. But unfortunately for the
04:47vampires, they're trapped in Manhattan with Blade. In the Secret Empire Brave New World story entitled
04:54Lessons, Blade has gone undercover as an elementary school substitute teacher to find the bloodsayer.
05:01He uses garlic spray, holy water infused finger paint and undercooked meatloaf to make the vampire
05:07reveal itself. He thinks he has chosen the right boy named Timmy, but is chased away by the
05:13overbearing principal before he can stake him. Blade later returns to find the principal sucking
05:19blood from tissues from kids that had bloody noses in the nurse's office. When Blade confronts
05:25her, she transforms and overpowers him, knocking the sword from his hand. Timmy, who actually is a
05:31vampire, hands Eric the stake he dropped and the daywalker kills the principal. Timmy then reveals
05:37himself to be 200 years old and he says that he just wanted to go to school for once. So he and
05:43Blade walk out into the New York streets, talking about the resiliency of the city.
05:51After traveling back in time at the behest of Dr. Doom, Blade fulfilled the first part of the
05:56prophecy by releasing his captured father, Lucas Cross. Upon his return, Doom gave Eric an elixir
06:02that would supposedly cure his thirst for human blood. Cross captured his son, starved him and
06:08attempted to get him to feed on a young virgin girl. To fulfill the second part of the prophecy,
06:13Blade then bit his own hand off and left the girl untouched. When Blade returned to England,
06:18he uncovered a group of vampires running illegal weapons. He then killed them and took their guns.
06:24This alerted a powerful vampire priest, Draconis. The priest attacked the daywalker and was able to
06:31defeat him in their first outing. Blade regrouped, researched the priest and asked for assistance
06:36from a fellow Borderlands Investigations member and the vampire Hannibal King. This time, Blade
06:42fed on Draconis to make him easier to kill. In the Dark Ages miniseries, an incredibly powerful
06:51being called the Unmaker awoke in the center of the Earth and began destroying the planet.
06:56An electromagnetic pulse was devised by Dr. Strange to keep the monster at bay. However,
07:02it destroyed all electricity on the planet and sent it into turmoil. The surviving superheroes
07:07attempted to build a new society, but the mutant apocalypse had other ideas. Using the Purple Man
07:13to control them, Apocalypse kidnapped the world's greatest minds including Tony Stark, Reed Richards,
07:20Shuri and Beast to work out how to turn off the EMP. The ancient mutant planned to destroy the
07:27planet. A band of heroes including Spider-Man, Doctor Doom, Moon Girl, Deadpool, Sue Storm and
07:34others attacked the compound and had to fight an army of their Purple Man controlled friends.
07:39After Deadpool killed the Purple Man, their friends were free and Doom told Dracula his plan.
07:45The Vampire Lord then bit Ensabonneur and turned him into a vampire and with a single swipe of his
07:51sword, Blade sliced the head off both Apocalypse and Dracula, turning both to dust in the wind.
07:58Lilith was the mother of all demons. Her numerous children were known as the Lilin.
08:05She first encountered Blade when she hired him, Hannibal King and Frank Drake to kill the second
08:11Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze. After an extended battle with the pair, the members of the Borderline
08:16Investigation realised that they had been tricked and joined with the Rider and Blaze to go after
08:22Lilith. Joined by Doctor Strange, Morbius and the Darkhold Redeemers, the group became the Midnight
08:29Sons and fought the members of the Lilin. In the final battle, Doctor Strange teleports the entire
08:34team to the Arctic Circle to engage Lilith directly. Lilith creates a dimensional portal in
08:41her own body to draw forth her Lilin. Lilith draws the lost spirit Daniel Keith from the portal and
08:46attaches it to Meat Market. Blade then slashes him through the stomach, causing him to attack
08:52his fellow Lilin in pain. Then Ghost Rider attacks Lilith directly and holds her over his head,
08:58forcing her into her own rift, along with the Lilin, closing it and defeating them in the process.
09:06Deacon Frost was a scientist attempting to uncover the key to immortality. In 1929,
09:12prostitute Vanessa Brooks was having issues with her delivery. The Doctor, Deacon Frost,
09:17feasted on Vanessa, killing her and passing his powers on to the child, Eric. He was driven away
09:23before being able to kill the baby by the ladies of Madame Vanity's brothel and then they raised
09:29the boy. He grew up to become the vampire hunter known as Blade. Though they initially distrusted
09:35each other, Blade teamed up with a future fellow Night Stalker, Hannibal King, whom Frost had also
09:40turned into a vampire. They battled an army of Frost's men and thought they had him cornered,
09:45but it turned out to be a doppelganger. This false Frost was trying to unseat Dracula as the
09:50lord of the vampires, but failed. In Tomb of Dracula number four, the true Frost arrived,
09:56at what he thought was a summons from the vampire lord, only to then be staked by Blade.
10:04Vlad Tepes Dracula was a centuries-old vampire and Transylvanian nobleman who rules from his
10:11ancestral home, Castle Dracula. He is the lord of all vampires and has a vast network of servants,
10:17brides and minions to do his bidding around the world. In 1968, Blade was a member of a small
10:24group of vampire hunters. He located Dracula and convinced him of a prophecy that the vampires will
10:30rule the world in 60 years. Eric further enticed the vampire lord by claiming that he had a plan
10:36that would shorten the time of this to only 10 years. Vlad then agreed to meet Brook's associates.
10:41Dracula soon discovered that this was a trap and that Blade's friends were a group of vampire
10:47hunters. They succeeded in killing Dracula with wooden knives which worked well as wooden stakes.
10:52In Tomb of Dracula 30, Dracula was resurrected by his minions and he killed everyone in the group
10:58except for Blade. But this wouldn't be the last time that Eric killed the vampire lord.
11:04And that's our list. You can find more lists like this on screen now. You can also follow
11:09me on Twitter at Dan J. Durkin. But for now though, I've been Dan and I'll catch you in the next one.
