Oh No! Baby Got A Boo Boo! No No Song Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes by Little Angel

  • le mois dernier


00:00J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
00:19Je peux voir ton boubou, ne pleure pas. Je vais le faire mieux et le faire bien.
00:30J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
00:43Je peux voir ton boubou, ne pleure pas. Je vais le faire mieux et le faire bien.
00:54J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
01:04Je peux voir ton boubou, ne pleure pas. Je vais le faire mieux et le faire bien.
01:13J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
01:28J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
01:43J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
01:53J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
02:03J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
02:13J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
02:23J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
02:33J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
02:43J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
02:53J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
03:03J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
03:13J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
03:23J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
03:53J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
04:03J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
04:13J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
04:23J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
04:33J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
04:43J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
04:53J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
05:01J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
05:11J'ai un boubou qui pleure, tu peux le faire mieux? Il va de pire en pire.
05:21J'ai perdu mes dents. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider? J'ai faim.
05:26Si je répare ta maison, tu m'aideras? Regarde, je te promets de ne pas te manger. Oh s'il te plaît, j'ai vraiment faim.
05:34Oh, je ne suis pas sûre. Tout le monde ici a peur de toi.
05:39J'ai vraiment faim. Si tu peux m'aider, je ne vais jamais mettre ma maison en pire en pire.
05:51D'accord, mais tu dois rester au courant. Je te le promets, je le ferai.
05:58Je suis le mauvais boubou qui a perdu ses dents. Ils sont blancs et pointillés. Oh, où sont-ils?
06:05Il est le mauvais boubou. Nous devons l'aider. Sur le sol, dans la pochette, qu'y a-t-il des livres?
06:13Oh, je les ai trouvés! Hurray! S'il te plaît, je peux les avoir?
06:20Tant que tu gardes ta promesse, mauvais boubou. Je le ferai, je le ferai. Oh, merci beaucoup.
06:28Je suppose que mes dents sont assez bonnes pour manger des légumes.
06:32Tu peux nous rejoindre pour le dîner si tu veux. Merci, Trix. J'aimerais.
06:39Je suis le mauvais boubou qui a trouvé ses dents pointillées. Il n'y a plus rien qui se brûle car les chiens ont trouvé mes dents.
06:50Sniffle, sniffle, little one Being sick is not much fun
06:57Mommy will take care of you Till you feel as good as new
07:04Sniffle, sniffle, baby John We'll blow your nose until it's gone
07:20Crying, crying, little tears Something hurts inside your ears
07:27Mommy knows what steps to take So your ears won't itch and itch
07:35Baby John, I'll clean your ears Until you have no more tears
07:44Coughing, coughing, sneezing too Mommy knows just what to do
07:53You can have a nice ice pop That will help to cool you off
08:01Coughing, coughing, baby John Soon your fever will be gone
08:13Baby John, your cheeks are pink Let's cool you down with a bath in the sink
08:20Tickle, tickle, water squirt Oopsie, look at mommy's shirt
08:28Now my little sleepy head It's time for you to go to bed
08:37Quiet, quiet, we will be Rest until you fall asleep
08:45When you wake, I'll be right here You'll feel better, baby dear
08:53Sleepy, sleepy, baby John I will leave your night light on
09:07Five little puppies jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head
09:14Mama called the doctor and the doctor said No more puppies jumping on the bed
09:25Four little puppies jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped her head
09:31Mama called the doctor and the doctor said No more puppies jumping on the bed
09:42Three little puppies jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped his head
09:48Mama called the doctor and the doctor said No more puppies jumping on the bed
10:02Two little puppies jumping on the bed One fell off and bumped her head
10:09Mama called the doctor and the doctor said No more puppies jumping on the bed
10:19One little puppy jumping on the bed He fell off and bumped his head
10:26Mama called the doctor and the doctor said Put those puppies right to bed
10:56Banana is home, so we can play together I'll go around and see
11:01Where is my friend? Where is my friend? There's no one inside
11:05Oh, where is my friend?
11:09This is strange, where could Banana be? Maybe she's gone to the park to play
11:14Where is my friend? Where is my friend? She's not at the park
11:20Where is my friend?
11:23I'm at the beach, I'm at the beach Playing in the sand
11:29Oh, I love the beach
11:31Oh no, I forgot to tell Apple I was going on holiday
11:35He'll be wondering where I am
11:37I think I'll send a postcard
11:39I found my friend, I found my friend Banana's away, I found my friend
11:46Oh Banana, oh Banana She's on a holiday
11:52Silly Banana
11:54Look at Banana on holiday
11:57She looks like a plantain from being in the sun
12:00I'm glad she's having fun
12:02I can't wait to play together when she gets back
12:06I'm off to meet Banana We're meeting in the town
12:09I'm off to meet Banana Let's see if she's around
12:13I can't wait to see Banana today
12:15We're going to have so much fun
12:17I don't know where I'm meeting Apple today
12:19Oh no!
12:21Where is my friend? My rosy friend
12:24Where is my friend? I've got to find him
12:28Where is my friend? My rosy friend
12:32Where is my friend? I've got to find him
12:36I'm off to meet Banana We're meeting in the town
12:40I'm off to meet Banana Let's see if she's around
12:44Oh my! I forgot to tell Banana where to meet me
12:48How will she find me?
12:50Maybe Apple went to visit Acorn on the tree
12:53Hello friends! Have you seen Apple today?
12:56No Banana, not today
12:58But the squirrels are being very naughty and chasing us
13:01How naughty of them!
13:03Where is my friend? My rosy friend
13:07Where is my friend? I've got to find him
13:11Where is my friend? My rosy friend
13:15Where is my friend? I've got to find him
13:19Maybe Apple went to play in the leaves
13:22Hello! Have you seen Apple today?
13:26No Banana, we were chasing the little acorns
13:29But we haven't seen Apple
13:31Stop being naughty and chasing the acorns
13:35Where is my friend? My rosy friend
13:39Where is my friend? I've got to find him
13:43Where is my friend? My rosy friend
13:47Where is my friend? I've got to find him
13:51He's probably in the playground
13:54Let's check there
13:56I'm sorry Banana, I forgot to tell you where we were meeting
14:01Don't worry Apple, we can have fun together now
14:04I found my buddy, looked everywhere
14:08But I found him, let's play together
14:12I found my buddy, he's my best friend
14:16Yes I found him, come on let's play
14:22Hot hot hot, which is hot and which is not
14:27Cold cold, cold cold cold, is it cold, yes or no
14:33The sun is hot hot hot, when I'm at the seashore
14:40The sun is hot hot hot, when I'm at the seashore
14:47The sea is cold cold cold, let's jump in the water
14:53The sea is cold cold cold, let's jump in the water
15:00The sand is hot hot hot, on my little footsies
15:07The sand is hot hot hot, on my little footsies
15:14This ice cream's cold cold, it's cold, yummy in my tummy
15:20This ice cream's cold cold, it's cold, yummy in my tummy
15:28Hot hot hot, which is hot and which is not
15:35Cold cold, cold cold cold, is it cold, yes or no
15:41My chair is hot hot hot, it's the summer sunshine
15:47My chair is hot hot hot, it's the summer sunshine
15:54Ice cubes are cold cold, they're cold, and they make me shiver
16:01Ice cubes are cold cold cold, and they make me shiver
16:08Hot hot hot, which is hot and which is not
16:15Hot hot hot, which is hot and which is not
16:23That's it folks!
16:25Hot or cold, which one would you like?
16:46What's that sound?
16:48What could it be? What could it be?
16:50What's that sound?
16:52It's a sneeze, it's a sneeze
16:54Just an itchy nose inside
16:56It's just a sneeze, it's just a sneeze
17:04What's that sound?
17:06What's that sound?
17:08What could it be? What could it be?
17:10What's that sound?
17:12Tommy Rumble, Tommy Rumble, your body is hungry
17:15Tommy Rumble, Tommy Rumble
17:23What's that sound?
17:25What's that sound?
17:27What could it be? What could it be?
17:29What's that sound?
17:31It's a burp, it's a burp
17:33When your body says no more
17:35Just a burp, it's just a burp
17:43What's that sound?
17:45What's that sound?
17:47What could it be? What could it be?
17:49What's that sound?
17:51It's a poop, it's a poop
17:53Tootie-toot to the potty
17:55It's just a poop, it's just a poop
18:08Mom, I am bored
18:11Mom, I am bored
18:13What do I do? What do I do?
18:16Mom, I am bored
18:32Mom, I am bored
18:34Mom, I am bored
18:37Bored with my car, bored with my car
18:40Mom, I am bored
18:53Mom, I am bored
18:55Mom, I am bored
18:58Of jumping around, jumping around
19:01Mom, I am bored
19:08Mom, I am bored
19:11Mom, I am bored
19:14No tambourine, no tambourine
19:17Mom, I am bored
19:32Mom, I am bored
19:35I am bored!
19:37Bored with my ball!
19:39Bored with my ball!
19:41I am bored!
19:43Why don't you ask Jack and Jill
19:45to come play with your jump rope?
19:49See? It's so much more fun
19:51when you play with friends!
19:55Hi friends!
19:57Today we are going to visit Jill
19:59and see what she's up to.
20:01Why don't you join me?
20:03Hi there, Jill!
20:05Have you eaten all that candy?
20:09It's all over your teeth and mouth!
20:11How will you get it off?
20:15That candy is really sticky
20:17and Jill can't work out
20:19how to get it off.
20:21I wonder what she will try.
20:25Now the candy is all over Jill's
20:27favorite T-shirt
20:29as well as her mouth!
20:33Aha! Looks like Jill worked out
20:35a way how to get rid of that
20:37sticky pink candy.
20:39Well done, Jill!
20:41Uh-oh! What's wrong with Jill?
20:43She looks like she's hurting.
20:47Oh dear!
20:49All that candy must have made
20:51Jill's tooth hurt.
20:53Too much sugar
20:55can be really bad for your teeth.
20:59When you have lots of sugar
21:01it makes bad germs
21:03called bacteria
21:05which can cause cavities.
21:07That can make your teeth hurt.
21:09Jill needs to go to the dentist.
21:15The dentist?
21:17Oh no!
21:19Do I have to
21:21Do I have to
21:23Please tell me
21:25Please tell me
21:27The dentist is so scary
21:29I won't go
21:31I won't go
21:33Don't you worry
21:35Don't you worry
21:37It won't hurt
21:39It won't hurt
21:41The dentist will be friendly
21:43Kind and very caring
21:45It'll be fine
21:47It'll be fine
21:49Do I have to
21:51Do I have to
21:53Please tell me
21:55Please tell me
21:57The dentist is so scary
21:59I won't go
22:01I won't go
22:03He will pull my teeth out
22:05And then I will have no teeth
22:07He will clean them
22:09He will clean them
22:11And make them shine
22:13Make them shine
22:15You don't need to worry
22:17You don't need to worry
22:19I'll be here
22:21I'll be here
22:23OK Mommy, so you'll be right next to me?
22:25I love the dentist
22:27I love the dentist
22:29He's my friend
22:31He's my friend
22:33My teeth are clean and shiny
22:35Was it very scary?
22:37I feel fine
22:39I feel fine
22:55Oh, look!
22:57The dentist gave Jill a sticker
22:59for being a good girl
23:01Well done, Jill
23:03I'm very proud of you for being so big
23:05and not being scared of the dentist
23:07It's very important
23:09to look after our teeth
23:11and not to have too many sugary foods
23:13Well, thank you guys
23:15for helping Jill today
23:17Have you checked your teeth
23:19for bad germs?
23:21Maybe it's time for you to go to the dentist too
23:23Now that you know
23:25it's not scary
23:53Have you gone? Have you gone?
23:55Let's look for Baby John
23:57He's not in the kitchen
23:59underneath the table
24:01He's not in the living room
24:03behind the chair or couch
24:05He's not in the bathroom
24:07hiding in the shower
24:09Baby John, where are you?
24:11Won't you please come out?
24:13Were you napping, Baby John?
24:15We were searching all day long
24:17Baby John, Baby John
24:19We missed you when you were gone
24:21Baby John was sleeping
24:23sleeping in his bedroom
24:25Baby John was sleeping
24:27as quiet as a mouse
24:29Now everyone's together
24:31together as a family
24:33This is what we do inside
24:35my house, my house, my house
24:51He was not there
24:53This isn't fair
24:55I want my bear
24:57Is he up here?
24:59Is he down there?
25:01Or where I keep
25:03my underwear?
25:05I check my room
25:07He was not there
25:09This isn't fair
25:11I want my bear
25:13Where is my bear?
25:15My teddy bear
25:17Where, where
25:19When I woke up
25:21he was not there
25:23Jill, have you seen
25:25my teddy bear?
25:27Maybe he went
25:29to watch TV
25:31Or read a book
25:33Let's go and see
25:35No, he's not here
25:37Where can he be?
25:39Oh, teddy bear
25:41Come back to me
25:43Where is my bear?
25:45My teddy bear
25:47Where is my teddy bear?
25:49When I woke up
25:51he was not there
25:53Jack, have you seen
25:55my teddy bear?
25:57Maybe he went
25:59to play outside
26:01He likes the yard
26:03I'll check the slide
26:05I have looked everywhere
26:07You see
26:09Please, teddy bear
26:11Come back to me
26:13Oh, baby John
26:15Where is the smile
26:17you used to have?
26:19I gave your bear a bubble bath
26:21He's nice and clean
26:23Here, take him back
26:25I've got my bear
26:27My teddy bear
26:29I love and care
26:31for teddy bear
26:33Wherever I go, he is there
26:35He's my best friend
26:37My teddy bear
26:45Come, let's clean up all the trash
26:47Pick it up, pick it up
26:49Come, let's clean up all the trash
26:51And recycle
26:59Which bin does the metal go in?
27:01Metal go in
27:03Metal go in
27:05Which bin does the metal go in?
27:07This one right here
27:09That's right
27:11The can goes in the metal bin
27:15Which bin does the glass go in?
27:17Glass go in
27:19Glass go in
27:21Which bin does the glass go in?
27:23This one right here
27:25That's right
27:27The bottle goes in the glass bin
27:35Which bin does the box go in?
27:37Box go in
27:39Box go in
27:41Which bin does the box go in?
27:43Box go in
27:45Which bin does the box go in?
27:47This one right here
27:49That's right
27:51The pizza box goes in the cardboard bin
27:59Which bin does the plastic go in?
28:01Plastic go in
28:03Plastic go in
28:05Which bin does the plastic go in?
28:07This one here
28:09That's right
28:11The plastic bin
28:17Which bin will the fruit peels go?
28:19Fruit peels go
28:21Fruit peels go
28:23Which bin will the fruit peels go?
28:25Sort it carefully
28:27Food scraps go in the compost bin
28:29Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:31Garbage go in
28:33Garbage go in
28:35Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:37Garbage go in
28:39Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:41Garbage go in
28:43Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:45Garbage go in
28:47Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:49Garbage go in
28:51Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:53Garbage go in
28:55Which bin does the garbage go in?
28:57Garbage go in
28:59Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:01Garbage go in
29:03Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:05Garbage go in
29:07Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:09Garbage go in
29:11Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:13Garbage go in
29:15Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:17Garbage go in
29:19Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:21Garbage go in
29:23Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:25Garbage go in
29:27Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:29Garbage go in
29:31Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:33Garbage go in
29:35Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:37Garbage go in
29:39Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:41Garbage go in
29:43Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:45Garbage go in
29:47Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:49Garbage go in
29:51Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:53Garbage go in
29:55Which bin does the garbage go in?
29:57Garbage go in
29:59Which bin does the garbage go in?
30:01Garbage go in
30:03Which bin does the garbage go in?
30:05Garbage go in
30:07Which bin does the garbage go in?
30:09Garbage go in
30:11Which bin does the garbage go in?
30:13Garbage go in
30:15Which bin does the garbage go in?
30:17Garbage go in
30:19Which bin does the garbage go in?
30:21Open, shut
30:23Yum yum breakfast
30:25I ate it all up
