• last year
More C&C: https://dailymotion.com/playlist/x89t5w
00:00:00And now for the final boss of the game.
00:00:05It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:10It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:15It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:20It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:25It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:30It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:35It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:40It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:45It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:50It's the final boss of the game.
00:00:55It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:00It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:05It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:10It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:15It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:20It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:25It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:30It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:35It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:40It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:45It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:50It's the final boss of the game.
00:01:55It's the final boss of the game.
00:02:00And now for some bonus kill scenes.
00:02:35Health unit detected.
00:02:46Unit lost.
00:03:35Unit promoted. Unit in your attack.
00:04:35Select target.
00:05:05Target lost.
00:05:35Mother ship deployed.
00:06:05Unit under attack.
00:06:35Target lost.
00:07:05Stealth unit detected.
00:07:34Target lost.
00:07:44In your attack.
00:08:14In your attack.
00:08:40Unit lost.
00:09:10In your attack.
00:09:22Unit under attack.
00:09:42Select target.
00:10:12In your attack.
00:10:34In your attack.
00:10:51Unit under attack.
00:11:01Target lost.
00:11:21In your attack.
00:11:49In your attack.
00:11:58Unit under attack.
00:12:00Select target.
00:12:08In your attack.
00:12:30Select target.
00:12:34Space is under attack. Unit promoted.
00:12:55Unit under attack.
00:13:01Unit lost.
00:13:28Enemy defeated. You are victorious.
00:14:28Subscribe for more videos!
00:15:02Construction complete.
00:15:11Construction complete.
00:15:21New construction options. Building.
00:15:34training construction complete construction complete art hat with a
00:15:40handgun building art hat with a handgun new construction options building art
00:15:51hat with a handgun insufficient funds
00:16:04construction complete
00:16:22art hat with a handgun
00:16:28i got everything i need
00:16:30heading out now
00:16:48enemy base sighted
00:16:55they gave me a gun
00:17:04where's the problem construction complete building captured
00:17:12art hat with a handgun building captured building
00:17:25art hat with a handgun
00:17:55insufficient funds
00:18:11construction complete construction complete building
00:18:22lone power building
00:18:28construction complete missile squad ready for combat
00:18:34building got a job for me i'm going
00:18:43construction complete
00:18:46ready for combat building coming in clear commander construction
00:18:52ready construction
00:18:59listen up missile squad
00:19:12missile squad ready for combat
00:19:17missile squad ready for combat cannot deploy here
00:19:21construction complete new construction options
00:19:35building missile squad reporting coming in clear commander
00:19:42construction complete training construction complete missile squad
00:19:49ready for combat new construction building construction complete
00:20:01insufficient funds construction vehicle ready to roll
00:20:07yep moving construction building
00:20:26building construction complete construction complete
00:20:33construction complete
00:20:37we can fix it building
00:20:43building construction complete
00:20:50construction complete
00:21:06construction complete building construction complete construction
00:21:16construction complete building
00:21:22new construction options building construction complete upgrade complete
00:21:32building insufficient funds
00:21:38new construction options building mcb unit
00:21:55building upgrade complete yeah we're ready
00:22:02we're armed and ready got a job for me construction always be prepared
00:22:08building captured
00:22:13building captured enemy units sighted construction complete upgrade complete
00:22:20building construction complete building
00:22:25construction complete building construction complete
00:22:33construction complete building
00:22:48insufficient funds
00:22:51construction complete building
00:23:04construction complete building construction complete
00:23:13construction squad
00:23:17yes sir
00:23:20who needs some polish on my way missile squad reporting
00:23:31construction complete building
00:23:38building construction complete
00:23:42construction complete
00:23:46missile squad move out
00:23:49keep low
00:23:53at your service sir field support underway
00:23:56upgrade complete
00:24:06construction complete building
00:24:10construction complete building construction complete
00:24:19construction complete
00:24:29upgrade complete building
00:24:35cannot deploy here construction complete building
00:24:40here construction complete building firehawk docked and ready
00:24:53building construction complete
00:24:59firehawk building ready on hold canceled building construction
00:25:08building building in progress ready
00:25:24construction complete building
00:25:28upgrade complete firehawk docked and ready
00:25:31construction complete construction complete
00:25:38construction complete building systems engaged training
00:25:51missile squad ready for combat complete
00:25:56missile squad ready for combat
00:26:00hammerhead new construction ready for combat
00:26:06missile squad ready for combat
00:26:11missile squad ready for combat heavy gunship air missile squad ready for
00:26:17combat training yes sir active move pay attention look alive listen up missile
00:26:28squad confirming move order we can fix it
00:26:31launchers ready keep low yes sir missile squad reporting
00:26:39missile squad move out emerging exposure detected
00:26:44confirming move order is engaged training
00:26:53missile squad ready for combat where's the damage
00:26:58on my way art hat with a handgun hammerhead we need some polish
00:27:02into the field behemoth emerging
00:27:07select target already enemy base sighted
00:27:11rifle squad ready target select target
00:27:28behemoth emerging unit under attack
00:27:45construction complete hammerhead online building
00:27:52behemoth emerging
00:27:56building construction complete
00:28:02construction complete systems engaged
00:28:09armored artillery
00:28:15behemoth emerging construction complete building heavy gunship airborne building
00:28:25reporting in construction complete this way rifle squad
00:28:34construction complete missile squad ready for combat
00:28:41missile squad ready for combat building
00:28:47missile squad ready for combat
00:28:51building ready for combat
00:28:56construction ready for combat on route
00:29:01ready to deploy transformation in progress
00:29:06hammerhead online
00:29:20heavy gunship
00:29:36hammerhead deploy here grenade squad all ready
00:29:42building emitters charged firehawk docked and ready
00:29:49grenade squad all ready yes sir systems engaged
00:29:54construction complete
00:30:12missile squad ready for combat
00:30:16building firehawk ready for combat cannot deploy here
00:30:25building missile squad ready for combat cannot deploy here
00:30:32construction complete
00:30:37missile squad ready for combat engaged construction complete
00:30:41building missile squad ready for combat
00:30:46construction complete
00:30:52missile squad ready for combat construction complete
00:30:58missile squad ready for combat building missile squad ready for combat
00:31:07building missile squad construction complete
00:31:10select target enemy base sighted
00:31:15construction complete
00:31:22missile squad ready for combat
00:31:27missile squad ready for combat silos needed
00:31:33missile squad ready for combat systems engaged
00:31:36enemy unit sighted missile squad ready for combat
00:31:42missile squad ready for combat
00:31:48missile squad ready for combat hammerhead online
00:31:53missile squad ready for combat
00:31:57building missile squad ready for construction complete
00:32:01building building construction complete missile squad ready for combat
00:32:07heavy gunship airborne missile construction
00:32:10construction complete
00:32:14missile squad ready for combat
00:32:18training missile squad ready for combat
00:32:22hammerhead online missile squad ready for combat
00:32:30missile squad ready for combat construction complete
00:32:34building missile squad ready for combat
00:32:42heavy gunship airborne construction complete
00:32:48building missile squad ready for combat
00:32:54construction complete construction complete ready to roll
00:33:00ready for combat systems ready for combat
00:33:06construction complete missile squad ready for combat
00:33:10building slingshot ready construction complete
00:33:13building missile squad ready for combat construction complete
00:33:18construction complete hammerhead online
00:33:23ready to roll
00:33:34building awaiting orders systems engaged
00:33:42construction complete
00:33:47slingshot ready
00:33:53hammerhead online
00:33:58awaiting orders
00:34:08building heavy gunship construction complete
00:34:14building construction complete training awaiting orders
00:34:24how about engaged level it
00:34:30slingshot ready
00:34:38i'll be there heavy gunship airborne
00:34:50missile squad ready for combat
00:34:55missile squad ready for combat systems engaged
00:35:01missile squad ready for combat no wasting time now
00:35:06missile squad ready for combat
00:35:11behemoth ready for combat heavy gunship airborne
00:35:22select target enemy base sighted select target select target
00:35:41rig packed up and ready
00:35:45so hammerhead online base defense is all
00:35:50packed up
00:36:03enemy units packed up and ready emerging keep low what do you say
00:36:12you bet
00:36:16rig here silos needed moving
00:36:25where we setting this up
00:36:33behemoth emerging
00:36:37where's the damage field repairs commencing
00:36:42slingshot ready
00:36:45launchers ready
00:36:49confirming move order
00:36:53ready to roll
00:37:04slingshot ready
00:37:08bombers standing by listen up missile squad unit under attack
00:37:29awaiting orders construction complete construction complete
00:37:37ready to roll
00:37:41awaiting orders
00:37:48enemy units sighted slingshot ready
00:37:52awaiting orders
00:37:56building silos needed building
00:38:01ready to roll
00:38:04awaiting orders construction complete
00:38:08construction complete
00:38:16slingshot ready
00:38:19ready to roll acknowledged
00:38:24construction complete ground support on the way
00:38:29ready to roll slingshot ready
00:38:41yes sir
00:38:46slingshot ready
00:38:50ready to roll
00:39:00awaiting orders
00:39:05slingshot ready
00:39:10select target enemy base sighted ready to roll
00:39:18awaiting orders got the guns firehawks standing by
00:39:27roger that command slingshot ready
00:39:31select target
00:39:38enemies ready watch the right
00:40:05slingshot firehawk here
00:40:09taking the high road
00:40:16ready to roll
00:40:26ready to hunt waiting orders we'll scout it out
00:40:37slingshot ready
00:40:42behemoth behemoth in motion
00:40:46awaiting orders complying
00:40:53bummers standing by
00:41:03let's take her up
00:41:20select target silos needed select target copy bombers on
00:41:25their way
00:41:32unit under attack unit lost enemy unit sighted
00:41:42select target
00:41:51select target
00:42:03unit under attack
00:42:30missile squad ready for combat
00:42:35missile squad ready for combat emerging missile squad ready for combat
00:42:44missile squad ready for combat emerging acknowledged
00:42:50missile squad we're clear
00:42:55silence missile squad ready for combat where do you need me
00:43:02this is the word ready for combat
00:43:06firehawk here missile squad ready for combat enemy base sighted
00:43:13emerging firehawk standing by missile squad ready for combat
00:43:22missile squad ready for combat behemoth emerging select squad ready for combat
00:43:29Select target.
00:43:45Looking good. I'll take this.
00:43:59Missile squad ready for combat. Taking the high road.
00:44:04Missile squad ready for combat. Acknowledged.
00:44:11Missile squad ready for combat. Getting there.
00:44:17Moving out. Where do you need me? Unit under attack.
00:44:30Building. Building.
00:44:34Building. Construction complete. Construction complete.
00:44:39Silos needed. Our base is under attack. Construction complete. Repairing.
00:44:46Behemoth emerging. All set.
00:44:51We'll take that area.
00:44:55Approaching target.
00:44:59Repairing. Unit under attack. Unit lost.
00:45:06Behemoth emerging. Bomber standing by.
00:45:10Enemy unit sighted. Let's take her up. Behemoth emerging.
00:45:15Got it. Returning to base. Got the guns.
00:45:29Hammerhead here.
00:45:32Getting there.
00:45:38Behemoth emerging.
00:45:44Behemoth emerging.
00:45:48Construction complete.
00:45:55Watch the horizon.
00:46:00Hovertech engaged.
00:46:06Select target. Enemy unit sighted. Select target.
00:46:11Confirmed. Airstrike on its way. Ready for emerging.
00:46:18Unit under attack.
00:46:22Got the guns. Unit lost.
00:46:24Silos needed.
00:46:32Behemoth emerging.
00:46:36Behemoth emerging.
00:46:40Behemoth emerging.
00:46:42Behemoth emerging.
00:47:12Behemoth emerging.
00:47:20Behemoth emerging.
00:47:22Select target.
00:47:40Select target.
00:47:52Select target.
00:48:04Rotors engaged.
00:48:08How about some action?
00:48:32Awaiting orders.
00:48:34Let's walk.
00:48:36Ground support.
00:48:38Enemy unit sighted.
00:48:48Firehawk here.
00:48:52Silos needed.
00:48:58Going up.
00:49:00Enemy base sighted.
00:49:06Ready to hunt.
00:49:18Listen up, missile squad.
00:49:22Missile squad, move out.
00:49:40Tiberium exposure detected.
00:49:42Ready for coordinates.
00:49:44We'll take that area.
00:49:46Enemy base sighted. Enemy unit sighted.
00:49:48This one's mine.
00:49:50Enemy unit sighted.
00:49:52This one's mine.
00:50:00Taking the high road.
00:50:08Pay attention.
00:50:16Unit lost.
00:50:20Ready to roll.
00:50:24Tiberium exposure detected.
00:50:30Guns ready.
00:50:34New art confirmed.
00:50:36Armored artillery.
00:50:38Guns ready.
00:50:40I'll be there.
00:50:44Walker here.
00:50:46New art confirmed.
00:50:52Watch for flak.
00:51:00Silos needed. Unit under attack.
00:51:12Rotors engaged.
00:51:20Select target.
00:51:22Enemy unit sighted.
00:51:24Select target.
00:51:26Copy. Bombers on their way.
00:51:28Where do you need me?
00:51:32Getting there.
00:51:36Firehawk standing by.
00:51:40Unit under attack.
00:51:42Unit lost.
00:51:50Select target.
00:52:08Looking good.
00:52:12Going up.
00:52:30Hammerhead here.
00:52:40Getting there.
00:52:44Unit under attack.
00:52:46Ground support on the way.
00:52:51Rotors engaged.
00:52:55Eyes on the ground.
00:52:59Silos needed.
00:53:01Attack vector engaged.
00:53:05Target acquired.
00:53:07Hose them down.
00:53:13Eyes on the ground.
00:53:18Safety off.
00:53:22Unit lost.
00:53:24Watch for flak.
00:53:26Enemy unit sighted.
00:53:28Select target.
00:53:30Unit promoted.
00:53:32Select target.
00:53:34Ground support.
00:53:42Select target.
00:53:46Coordinates received.
00:53:48Standby for bombing run.
00:53:50Zone is hot. Attack vector engaged.
00:53:58Watching your six.
00:54:06Firehawk standing by.
00:54:09Enemy base sighted.
00:54:11Firehawk on its way.
00:54:14No problem. This one's mine.
00:54:20We'll take that area.
00:54:22Up and over.
00:54:30Eyes on the ground.
00:54:35Target acquired.
00:54:37Death from above.
00:54:39Free fire.
00:54:43Attack vector engaged.
00:54:49Unit promoted.
00:54:53Hose them down.
00:54:56Unit under attack.
00:55:13Target acquired.
00:55:19Target acquired.
00:55:27Safety off.
00:55:38Attack vector engaged.
00:55:43Silos needed.
00:55:45Enemy unit sighted.
00:55:47Unit under attack.
00:55:49Unit lost.
00:55:53Watch for flak.
00:56:13Bomber standing by.
00:56:15Roger that.
00:56:17Firehawk on its way.
00:56:21Let's take a run.
00:56:23We're clear.
00:56:30Unit under attack.
00:56:32I see him.
00:56:37Copy that.
00:56:39Got the guns.
00:56:41Got the guns.
00:56:44Enemy unit sighted.
00:56:47All systems on red.
00:56:49All set.
00:56:53Ready for coordinates.
00:56:55We're clear.
00:56:57Up and over.
00:56:59Hammerhead here.
00:57:06Free fire.
00:57:11Hose them down.
00:57:21Hose them down.
00:57:23Unit under attack.
00:57:25Unit lost.
00:57:33Death from above.
00:57:35Hose them down.
00:57:40Eyes on the ground.
00:57:47Moving out.
00:57:51Ground support on the way.
00:57:54Watching your six.
00:57:57Silos needed.
00:58:09Firehawk here.
00:58:12Prepare for land.
00:58:14Ground support.
00:58:30Target acquired.
00:58:43Death from above.
00:58:48Safety off.
00:58:50Select target.
00:58:58Unit promoted.
00:59:00Select target.
00:59:02Got the guns.
00:59:10Eyes on the ground.
00:59:12Unit under attack.
00:59:14All systems on red.
00:59:16All systems on red.
00:59:18Unit under attack.
00:59:25Free fire.
00:59:29Bomber standing by.
00:59:33We'll take that area.
00:59:40Looking good.
00:59:42Taking the high road.
00:59:45Ready for core.
00:59:51Unit promoted.
00:59:52Enemy unit sighted.
00:59:53Hit the thrusters.
00:59:54Enemy base sighted.
00:59:55Recourse received.
00:59:56Hammerhead here.
00:59:58Hose them down.