The Incredibles-Part 06

  • le mois dernier


00:00''Musique de violence''
00:08''Island Approach, India Golf 999 vérifiant VFR sur le dessus.''
00:15''Island Tower, c'est India Golf 999 envoyant des vecteurs à l'initial.''
00:30Easy Helen, easy, easy girl. You're overreacting, everything's fine, they're just all getting coffee. At the same time, yeah.
01:14Just go and ruin the ride. I mean Mr. Incredible calling for help? Help me, help me. Lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME! Alright, who did you contact?
01:25Contact? What are you talking about?
01:33I am referring to last night at 23.07 hours while you were snooping around. You sent out a homing signal.
01:40I didn't know about the homing device.
01:47And now a government plane is requesting permission to land here. Who did you contact?
01:52I didn't send for a plane.
01:54Play the transmission.
01:58India Golf 9 and I are checking in. The FRR, over.
02:02So you do know these people. Oh, well then, I'll send them a little greeting.
02:12It's not my fault! Dash ran away and I knew I'd get blamed for it and I thought he tried to sneak on the plane so I came here and you closed the door for me to find him and then you took off and it's not my fault!
02:24Wait a minute, wait a minute. You left Jack-Jack alone?
02:27Yes, Mom, I'm completely stupid. Of course we got a sitter. Do you think I'm totally irresponsible? Thanks a lot.
02:32Alright, well, who'd you get?
02:35You don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr. I've got this babysitting thing wired. I've taken courses and learned CPR and I've got excellent marks and certificates I can produce on demand.
02:45I also brought Mozart to play while he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say Mozart makes babies smarter.
02:51And the funny part is the babies don't even have to listen because they're asleep.
02:54You know, I wish my parents played Mozart when I slept because half the time I don't even know what the heck anyone's talking about.
03:00Kari, I really don't feel comfortable with this. I'll pay you for your trouble but I'd really rather call a service.
03:06Oh, there's really no need, Mrs. Parr. I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out.
03:11Can't I, little baby? Who can handle it?
03:14Who can handle it?
03:15Indiagolf 9-0-9 transmitting in the blind guard. Disengage. Repeat, disengage!
03:46Disengage. Repeat, disengage!
03:48No! Pull off the missiles! I'll do anything!
03:50Too late!
03:51Fifteen years too late.
03:56Friendlies at 2-0 miles south-southwest of your position. Angels 10 track east. Disengage. Over.
04:01Vi, you have to do something!
04:03I'm on it!
04:04I'm on it!
04:05I'm on it!
04:06I'm on it!
04:07I'm on it!
04:08I'm on it!
04:09I'm on it!
04:10I'm on it!
04:11I'm on it!
04:12I'm on it!
04:13I'm on it!
04:14Vi, you have to put a force field around the plane!
04:16But you said we weren't supposed to use our powers!
04:18I know what I said! Listen to what I'm saying now! Disengage. Repeat, disengage!
04:29Violet! Mayday, mayday! Indiagolf 9-0-9 and his buddies fight! Abort, abort! There are children aboard! Say again, there are children aboard!
04:39Put a field around us now!
04:41I'm never done with that big pilot!
04:42Violet, do it now!
04:45Abort, abort, abort!
04:49Abort, abort, abort!
05:13Abort, abort, abort!
05:22Brace yourselves!
05:31Everybody calm down!
05:33I'll tell you what we're not gonna do. We're not gonna panic, we're not gonna...
05:36Look out!
05:43We're gonna die!
05:45We're gonna die!
05:47We're gonna die!
05:49Stop it!
05:51We are not gonna die!
05:53Now both of you will get a grip, or so help me, I will ground you for a month! Understand?!
06:00We have a confirmed hit.
06:02Target must destroy.
06:04I'm on it!
06:05I'm on it!
06:06I'm on it!
06:07I'm on it!
06:08I'm on it!
06:09I'm on it!
06:10Target must destroy.
06:12Ah, you'll get over it.
06:14I seem to recall you prefer to work alone.
06:28Release me, now!
06:30Or what?
06:31I'll crush her.
06:33That sounds a little dark for you.
06:35Now go ahead.
06:36It'll be easy, like breaking a toothpick.
06:53Je savais que tu ne pourrais pas le faire, même si tu n'as rien à perdre.
06:58Tu es faible.
07:00Et je t'ai élevé.
07:11C'étaient des missiles à courte distance.
07:13Basés sur la terre.
07:15C'est notre meilleur choix.
07:17Tu veux aller vers les gens qui ont essayé de nous tuer?
07:20Si ça signifie la terre, oui.
07:22Tu m'attends pour aller nager là-bas?
07:24Je t'attends pour me confier.
07:40Je t'attends pour me confier.
08:11Je suis si fier de toi.
08:13Merci, maman.
08:41Je pense que ton père est en trouble.
08:44Si tu n'as pas remarqué, maman, nous ne faisons pas trop chaud.
08:47Je vais le chercher.
08:48Et ça signifie que tu es en charge jusqu'à ce que je revienne, Violet.
08:52Tu l'as entendue.
08:56Mets-les sur.
08:57Ton identité est ta possession la plus précieuse.
09:01Et si quelque chose ne va pas, utilise tes puissances.
09:03Mais tu ne m'as jamais dit...
09:04Je sais ce que je t'ai dit!
09:10Tu te souviens des mauvais gars sur les séries que tu regardais le samedi matin?
09:15Ces gars ne sont pas comme ceux-là.
09:18Ils n'exerceront pas de restreint car tes enfants...
09:22Ils te tueront si ils ont la chance.
09:25Ne leur donnes pas cette chance.
09:28Vi, je compte sur toi.
09:29Il y a quelque chose que je ne peux pas dire.
09:30Je compte sur toi.
09:31Sois forte.
09:33Dash, si quelque chose ne va pas, je veux que tu ailles aussi vite que possible.
09:38Aussi vite que je peux?
09:39Aussi vite que tu peux.
09:40Reste cachée.
09:41Garde-toi en sécurité.
09:42Je reviendrai demain matin.
09:50Maman, qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé sur l'avion?
09:52Je suis désolée.
09:53J'ai voulu...
09:54Je veux dire, quand tu m'as demandé...
09:55Je suis désolée.
09:57Ce n'est pas de ta faute.
09:59Ce n'était pas juste pour moi de demander tellement de toi.
10:03Mais les choses sont différentes maintenant.
10:05Et la doute est un luxe qu'on ne peut plus afforder, ma chérie.
10:08Tu as plus de pouvoir que tu te rends compte.
10:11Ne penses pas.
10:13Et ne t'inquiète pas.
10:14Si le moment arrive, tu sauras ce qu'il faut faire.
10:17C'est dans ton sang.
10:39J'ai un message pour toi.
10:56Il n'est pas faible, tu sais.
11:00Le valeur de la vie n'est pas la faiblesse.
11:02Oh, écoute.
11:04Si tu parles de ce qui s'est passé dans le cadavre,
11:06j'avais tout sous contrôle.
11:08Et ce qui s'agit de ça,
11:09ce n'est pas de la puissance.
11:11J'ai appelé son bluff, ma chérie, c'est tout.
11:13Je savais qu'il n'en avait pas en lui.
11:15Mais en fait...
11:16La prochaine fois que tu gâches,
11:17c'est ta propre vie.
11:34Ok, ok, ok.
11:36C'est bon.
12:06C'est bon.
12:31Un roquet?
12:36Un roquet?
13:07Un roquet?
13:08Un roquet?
13:43Oh non!