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Tips for Dicks with Angela White


00:00Hi everyone, this is Angela White, and this is Tips for Dicks.
00:07Pay attention.
00:08That is the best advice I can give you.
00:11Please be present in the moment with whoever you're with.
00:14It doesn't have to be a woman.
00:15Be present in the moment.
00:17Don't be on your phone.
00:19Don't be on a date checking your phone.
00:21It can wait, okay?
00:22Put the phone to the side.
00:23Actually listen to the woman.
00:25And I get asked all the time, like,
00:27how can I get a woman off in bed?
00:29Or even like, hmm, I don't think I'm big enough.
00:32How can I get a woman off?
00:33It's not about the size of your dick.
00:36It's about paying attention.
00:38It's about listening.
00:39It's about communicating.
00:40It's about asking questions.
00:42Do you like this baby?
00:44Should I go faster?
00:45Should I go harder?
00:46Do you like it slower?
00:48Take your time and listen.
00:51So my second tip, stop obsessing over the size of your dick.
00:55If you're obsessing over your dick size,
00:57you're not paying attention to what the woman in front of you wants.
01:01If you're constantly in your head about,
01:03oh, maybe I'm not big enough,
01:05or maybe I'm not thick enough,
01:06or I'm not long enough,
01:07or whatever it is that you're not enough of,
01:09you're actually not paying attention to what the woman in front of you needs.
01:14And that's how you get a woman off.
01:17I mean, really, it's probably how you get anyone off,
01:20is just paying attention to their wants and needs,
01:23and paying attention to their body.
01:24And if you're just up in here, in your head,
01:26thinking about the size of your dick,
01:28well, then we're going to have a problem.
01:30You have plenty of other things that you can use as well,
01:33so if for whatever reason,
01:34and it happens to everyone at some point,
01:36your dick stops working,
01:38like even just for a minute,
01:39like if it goes down, if it's too hot,
01:41if you're in your head,
01:42you have hands.
01:44You have a tongue.
01:45Get out of your head.
01:46Stop thinking about the size of your dick.
01:48It's how you use it anyway.
01:50Thanks for watching.
01:51This has been Tips for Dicks with Angela White.
