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Aka: #对你不止是喜欢

Starring: #weizheming #huangriying #yangshize #zhangmuxi

Adapted from the novel by Mo Yan Chuan, the story revolves around the arrogant producer Tang Yu and the cheerful novice scriptwriter Tang Xin's love story. Initially, Tang Xin secretly harbors feelings for Tang Yu for a while, successfully concealing her emotions. However, everything changes when a friend informs Tang Yu that Tang Xin doesn't like him. This revelation prompts Tang Xin to confess her feelings to Tang Yu, who promptly rejects her. Feeling embarrassed, Tang Xin submits her resignation, but Tang Yu persuades her to stay. From this point, their love story begins anew.

#chinesedrama #cdrama #ciliegiosweet #imayloveyou
00:00Translation and Timing by Tomb Riders Team www.tombrides.com
00:30我没有退路 I have no way out
00:33在心门深处 Deep inside my heart
00:37有过人颠覆 There were people who overcame
00:42旗袍心奔赴 With pride in their hearts
00:46阳光穿过云层耀眼多目 The sun shines through the clouds and hides its dazzling eyes
00:51你是一道光的晨曦 You are a ray of light
00:55填满每一座云蓝空隙 Filling every corner of the blue sky
00:59学会能与你有默契 Learn to be with you
01:05并肩而立创造了奇迹 Creating a miracle
01:07我不嫌独立 I don't mind being alone
01:29优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
01:43原本我以为自己已经很爱唐宇了 I thought I already loved Tang Yu
01:48却没想到还可以更爱 But I didn't expect to love him even more
01:53唐总 Mr. Tang
01:57没想到你四岁多了还会鸟唱 I didn't expect you to know how to sing at the age of four
02:06谁给你看的 Who showed it to you?
02:09就是你妈妈 It's your mom
02:15一千种唱啊 A thousand songs
02:18而且我跟你说 And let me tell you
02:19你那个抱着备胎难为情的样子 You look like you're having a hard time carrying a baby
02:24已经深深留在我的脑海当中了 It's deep in my mind
02:33请编剧老师来一下现场 Let the screenwriter come to the set
02:37好导演我马上就来 Okay, director, I'll be right there
02:40快去吧 Go ahead
02:42去吧 Go ahead
02:43妈可真行啊 Mom is really good
02:58妈您大半夜的跑去找腾心干什么呀 Mom, why did you go to see Tang Xin in the middle of the night?
03:02我睡不着找他聊聊天嘛 I couldn't sleep, so I talked to him
03:07你都恋爱了也不跟妈妈讲 You're in love, but you don't tell me
03:10丁丁跟我说你跟唐心因为他吵了一架 Dingding told me you and Tang Xin had a fight because of him
03:14我是想过去帮你们稳定一下感情啊 I just wanted to go over there and help you stabilize your relationship
03:17但是聊天就聊天 But we were just chatting
03:19你给她看我那些照片干什么呀 Why did you show her those pictures of me?
03:22你说你小时候那些照片啊 You mean the pictures of you when you were a kid
03:24她还挺喜欢的 She likes it
03:28唐心是你女朋友 Look, Tang Xin is your girlfriend
03:30看看你的黑历史怎么了 What's wrong with your dark history?
03:32这是她的权利 This is her right
03:34再说了我也是想发现一下我们婚姻之间的关系 Besides, I also want to find out the relationship between us
03:38等以后你跟唐心结婚了 When you and Tang Xin get married
03:40我又多了一个女儿 I'll have another daughter
03:42当妈的跟女儿聊聊圈 拉拉虾肠 当妈的跟女儿聊聊圈 拉拉虾肠 I'll be a mother and a daughter. We'll chat and have a good time
03:45有什么不行的呀 What's wrong with that?
03:52妈 这对讲机哪来的 Mom, where did you get this camera?
03:55小璐给我的 Xiao Lu gave it to me
03:57阿姨 这个给的 Ma'am, give me this
04:00这是 This is
04:02我们这边拍戏太忙了 We are too busy filming here
04:04怕您有什么事我们这边顾不上 I'm afraid you're busy and we can't take care of it
04:05特地给您开了一个专属的频道 I opened a dedicated channel for you
04:08您有什么事就按这个按钮 If you have anything, just press this button
04:10会有专人为您处理的 There will be someone to deal with it for you
04:12这不太好吧 That's not very good
04:14你们拍戏那么忙那么辛苦 You guys are so busy filming
04:16我也没什么需求 I don't have any needs
04:18别耽误你们工作 Don't delay your work
04:19记住啊 按这个按钮到频道时 Remember, press this button to the channel
04:24小璐你对我们真是太好了 Xiao Lu, you are so nice to us
04:26比我们家唐玉想得周到 More thoughtful than our Tang Yu
04:28您这话说的 You said it
04:35好你个陆志祺 可以啊 Good, Lu Zhixing. You can do it
04:43唐芯姐 祝你们百年好合 Sister Tang Xin, I wish you a happy marriage
04:47是啊 恭喜恭喜 Yes, congratulations
04:49唐芯成为我官方开展的新嫂子 Tang Xin becomes the new wife of my official opening
04:52恭喜恭喜 Congratulations
04:53嫂子好 嫂子好 Good job, sister
05:07儿子 你不要生气啊 Son, don't be angry
05:10小璐她这是好意 Xiao Lu did it on purpose
05:12是我自己乱弄错了频道 It's my fault
05:14不怪人家的事 It's not their fault
05:16再说你跟唐芯那是光明正大的谈恋爱 Besides, you and Tang Xin are in a relationship
05:20那为什么不让大家知道啊 Why don't you let everyone know about it?
05:22妈 您是不知道 这是路道定的规矩 Mom, you don't know
05:24这是路道定的规矩 禁止走那谈恋爱 This is the rule set by the roadside. No dating is allowed
05:27这样会影响你跟唐芯的感情吧 It will affect your relationship with Tang Xin
05:29那我去跟唐芯解释一下啊 Let me explain it to Tang Xin
05:31妈 您不需要解释 这样 Mom, you don't need to explain
05:34您跟爸今天就先回家吧 You can go home with dad today
05:46路道 Mr. Lu
05:49来 吃点橘子吧 Have some oranges
05:51谢谢 Thank you
05:53来来 坐坐坐 Come on, have a seat
05:55好 Okay
05:59怎么了 你有话直说啊 What's the matter? Just say it
06:03我跟唐宇这事吧 I and Tang Yu
06:05本来没打算让全组人都知道的 I didn't plan to let the whole team know about it
06:08结果现在 人尽皆知了 But now everyone knows about it
06:16唐鑫 Tang Xin
06:18其实这件事 我得跟你道个歉 Actually, I have to apologize to you
06:22阿姨的对讲机是我给她的 I gave her the camera
06:25但是一开始其实我是好心 But I was kind at first
06:27我以为阿姨有个对讲机会方便一些 I thought it would be more convenient for her to have a camera
06:30也不是 我跟唐宇总归 It's not like that. I and Tang Yu
06:34不不不 这种事是你主观控制不了的 No, it's not like that. You can't control it
06:38再说了 当时我盯着规矩的时候 Besides, when I was following the rules
06:42你们已经在一起了 You were already together
06:43所以严格意义上来讲 So strictly speaking
06:45我管不了你俩的 I can't control you two
06:49但我跟唐宇总归还是破坏了规矩 But Tang Yu and I still broke the rules
06:52他是制片人 要起表率作用 He's a producer and he has to play a role
06:54结果没想到 But I didn't expect
06:56我俩现在反倒成了反面典型案例了 We've become the opposite case now
07:01没事 别放在心上 It's okay. Don't take it to heart
07:04谢谢 Thank you
07:06其实我盯着规矩吧 Actually, I follow the rules
07:09也就能管得了我自己 And I can control myself
07:13唐宇 你要是真想帮忙的话 Tang Yu, if you really want to help
07:17要不你就帮我去你未来婆婆那儿 Why don't you go to your future mother-in-law for me
07:20把这对讲机拿回来 And bring me the voice recorder
07:22你说什么呢 什么未来婆婆 What are you talking about? What future mother-in-law?
07:24我就那么一说啊 I'm just saying
07:26你想他拿那对讲机再出点什么事 If anything happens to him with the voice recorder
07:30那唐宇能饶得了我 那你就当帮我一忙 Then Tang Yu can forgive me. Just help me
07:35行吧 唐宇已经帮你这个忙了 Okay. Tang Yu has already helped you
07:38他送他爸妈离组了 He sent his parents to leave
07:39离组 回去了 He went back to leave
07:54辛苦了 Thank you for your hard work
07:56唐鑫 等杀青了之后到家里来 Tang Xin, come to my house when you're done
07:59阿姨亲手给你做几样最拿手的菜 I'll make you the best dishes
08:03好啊 谢谢阿姨 Okay, thank you, auntie
08:05那我们先走了啊 Let's go
08:07丁丁今天拍戏呢 我们就不去打搅她了 Dingding is shooting today, so we won't bother her
08:10回头请你帮我们和丁丁说一声 I'll ask you to tell Dingding for us
08:13好 没问题 你们放心吧 Okay, no problem. Don't worry
08:15拜拜 Bye-bye
08:16我们车里等你啊 We'll wait for you in the car
08:17阿姨 我们车里等你 Auntie, we'll wait for you in the car
08:19拜拜 Bye-bye
08:28你刚才怎么都不说话 Why didn't you say anything just now?
08:30是不是还在生阿姨的气啊 Are you still mad at auntie?
08:32我妈来这一通我都胡闹一次 My mom came here once, and I made a mess
08:36别往心里去啊 Don't take it to heart
08:38怎么会 阿姨那么可爱 How could I? Auntie is so cute
08:41倒是你收拾收拾自己的心情 别耍脾气啊 It's you who should clean up your mood. Don't play hard to get
08:45好 好心点 Okay, I'll try my best
08:51叔叔阿姨他们都在呢 Uncle and auntie are all here
08:54在就在呢 They're all here
08:59这次回去啊 Are you going back this time?
09:01忙完工作我就尽快地回来 I'll be back as soon as I finish my work
09:05要是有什么事的话 If anything happens
09:07记得给我打电话联系啊 Remember to call me
09:10还有 陆楚宁已经进组了 And Lu Chuning has joined the team
09:12丁丁那边多关照一下 Please take care of Dingding
09:14他进组会对丁丁造成什么影响吗 Will he have any impact on Dingding if he joins the team?
09:17陆楚宁毕竟是影后嘛 Lu Chuning is an actress after all
09:19拍摄经验也比较丰富 She has a lot of experience in filming
09:21丁丁要是紧张的话 If Dingding is nervous
09:23多鼓励鼓励她 Encourage her more
09:24我知道了 I know
09:25而且我也相信丁丁 And I believe in Dingding
09:26他进步那么快一定没问题的 He will make great progress
09:32那我多抱一抱 I'll give you a hug
09:42汐儿 My brother
09:43我哥真的和我爸我妈回南港了 Really went back to Nangang with my parents?
09:47他有个投资会要开 He has an investment meeting
09:49直到你今天在拍戏 He didn't tell you
09:50因为你今天在拍戏 So he didn't tell you
09:52他可算了吧 Forget about him
09:54他肯定是怕我和陆楚宁搭戏 He must be afraid of me and Lu Chuning
09:56表现不好给他丢人 Embarrassing him
09:58赶紧抓紧时间跑路 Run away as soon as possible
10:06怎么这么紧张 Why are you so nervous?
10:08人家是陆楚宁 She is Lu Chuning
10:10人家是影后 She is an actress
10:12怕什么呢 What are you afraid of?
10:13你可是女主角 You are the heroine
10:15我虽然是女主角 Although I am the heroine
10:17但我也只是个菜鸟小心人 But I'm just a rookie
10:21我怎么跟影后比 How can I compare with an actress?
10:23到时候被她演技碾压 I will be crushed by her acting skills
10:25我都给尴尬死了 I'm so embarrassed
10:27怎么办 What should I do?
10:30来 丁丁 Come on, Dingding
10:33没事啊 It's okay
10:34你自己不都说了 You said it yourself
10:35她是影后 She is an actress
10:37你又没有演过戏 You haven't acted before
10:38就算被她碾压了也不丢人啊 Even if she crushes you, it's not a shame
10:41你真没有天赋 You are so talented
10:43看 这几天不是顺利拍下来了 Look, it's going well these days
10:45多聪明啊 So smart
10:46而且你是不是都忘了 And did you forget
10:48陆导表扬过你 Director Lu praised you
10:50你的表现不一定会被碾压 Your performance may not be crushed
10:52你得相信你自己 You have to believe in yourself
10:54我觉得你说的有道理 I think you have a point
10:57我得相信我自己啊 I have to believe in myself
10:58对 Yes
10:59反正我跟她也就三场对手戏 Anyway, I'm familiar with her only three times
11:01熬一熬就过去了对吧 And then it's over, right?
11:03相信你自己 Believe in yourself
11:04丁丁 衣服好了 咱们可以换了 Dingding, the clothes are ready. We can change
11:08好 知道了 Okay, I got it
11:11我要换衣服了 我好紧张 I'm going to change my clothes. I'm so nervous
11:15这场戏就这两个点 We only have these two points in this play
11:16我们先来一条 We'll start with one point
11:18行 Okay
11:19陆导 这天光快不行了 Director Lu, the skylight is about to go out
11:21风也挺大的 The wind is quite strong
11:22天光估计也就二十分钟吧 The skylight is estimated to be full in 20 minutes
11:24我们得抓紧拍 We need to hurry up
11:26二十分钟够了 20 minutes is enough
11:27放心吧 导演 Don't worry, Director
11:30你呢 怎么样 How about you?
11:32我努力 I'm trying
11:34我们先拍吧 Let's shoot first
11:35来 各部门准备啊 Come on, everyone, get ready
11:37来 该修修该布谱 Come on, fix it
11:44刘亚 来吧 Liuya, come on
11:46开机 Start
11:47来 三二一 开始 Come on, three, two, one, go
11:55停 Cut
11:56对不起 导演 I'm sorry, Director
12:02没事啊 丁丁 It's okay, Dingding
12:03别紧张 我们再来一场 Don't be nervous. Let's do it again
12:06好 再来一场 Okay, let's do it again
12:08好 来 三二一 开始 Come on, three, two, one, go
12:12你怎么来了 Why are you here?
12:14我想跟你谈谈你和苏宇 I want to talk to you about you and Su Yu
12:17你应该早就知道了 You should have known it long ago
12:19能来这个世界的人都经历过生死 People who can come to this world have experienced life and death
12:23苏宇是飞来横祸 我是病了 Su Yu is a disaster in the future. I'm sick
12:28蒋毅 你很聪明 不会不明白我在说什么,对吧 Jiangyi, you're smart. Don't you understand what I'm saying?
12:36我 I
12:37来 Cut
12:38停 Cut
12:39丁丁 你注意力要记住啊 Dingding, you have to pay attention
12:42我是状态 好吗 I'm in good shape, okay?
12:44不要紧张 不要紧张 Don't be nervous, don't be nervous
12:47你再试试吧 你再试试吧 Try it again
12:48我看这雨一时半会儿下不来的 I don't think it's going to rain for a while
12:51别放心 Don't worry
12:53好 来 准备 Okay, get ready
12:55开机 开机 Come on, come on
12:56来 三二一 开始 Come on, come on, three, two, one, go
13:01你怎么来了 Why are you here?
13:03我想跟你聊聊你和苏宇 I want to talk to you about you and Su Yu
13:07来 分 Cut
13:08丁丁 你要盯着他的眼睛啊 Dingding, you have to look at his eyes
13:10Keep an eye on him. Don't be afraid to look at him, okay?
13:12Don't keep looking at the ground, okay?
13:14Come on.
13:16Why are you here?
13:20Come on, cut.
13:21Ding Ding, there's something wrong with your lines.
13:24Come on, let's do it again.
13:25Why are you here?
13:29You need to be more emotional, okay?
13:31You're acting like Beizi right now.
13:33Hurry up. It's getting windy.
13:35Let's not waste any more time, okay?
13:37Come on, let's start.
13:40Come on.
13:52Don't go over there.
13:55No, I'm afraid that if I go over there alone,
13:57Ding Ding will be nervous.
13:59Sometimes, you need to stimulate the audience.
14:02Maybe that will make them more emotional.
14:04Wait a bit.
14:05What's wrong with you?
14:07Didn't we already rehearse these lines yesterday?
14:10I'm sorry, director.
14:12Why are you sorry? Why don't you dare to look at your opponent?
14:14Why are you looking at the ground? What's on the ground?
14:17Don't be nervous. Overcome your emotions, okay?
14:19Hurry up. We don't have much time, okay?
14:22Let's shoot.
14:303, 2, 1. Action.
14:38I can't do it anymore.
14:41Ding Ding, where are your eyes?
14:44Can't you see him?
14:49Everyone, let's take a 10-minute break.
14:54Director Lu, it's going to rain. The wind is quite strong.
14:593, 2, 1. Action.
15:04Let's stop. Let's wrap it up.
15:05Let's wrap it up.
15:08Thank you, director.
15:10Let's wrap it up.
15:12I'll go see Ding Ding.
15:14I'll go.
15:16It's okay. You go first. I'll stay here for a bit.
15:21Let's go.
15:23Ding Ding, you're done.
15:25And this.
15:26And this.
15:29And this.
15:30And this.
15:32And this.
15:34And this.
15:38What is going on?
15:42It's okay.
15:44It's too close.
15:47Believe in yourself.
15:49It's not too close.
15:51Believe in yourself.
15:59I'm not going to go.
16:01Why aren't you leaving?
16:07So desperate?
16:15You have a boss,
16:17you should go find a director.
16:21I don't dare to find a director.
16:25And I'm acting with you.
16:27I don't think it's going to work.
16:31If you want to practice,
16:33I still have to trouble you.
16:35So you're not leaving
16:37because you want to find me.
16:41All right.
16:43The rain won't stop for a while.
16:45I'll help you.
16:47Come sit next to me.
16:51Thank you, teacher.
16:53It's okay.
16:55Let's take turns.
16:57Don't worry.
16:59Take your time.
17:11Is this
17:13another dream?
17:17Look at me.
17:19Say it again.
17:25Is this another dream?
17:27Look at me.
17:31Is this another dream?
17:33Are you afraid of me?
17:47When we were in school,
17:49we all learned this kind of patting.
17:51Pat the muscles on your body
17:53You try it, too.
17:55Talk to yourself.
18:15The first time
18:17you were pulled into this world
18:19by my resentment.
18:21So the task is to change my fate.
18:25What about this time?
18:31I have another way.
18:33Let's try climbing legs.
18:37Feel me with your heart.
18:39Close your eyes.
18:43This time
18:45I was pulled in
18:47by your longing for me.
18:51I thought
18:53you really forgot me.
18:57Much better.
19:01How do you feel?
19:03I feel much more relaxed.
19:05It's quite useful.
19:07Thank you, teacher.
19:09That's how you feel.
19:11The following words are all said in this way.
19:13Keep going.
19:17What about this time?
19:19I was pulled in
19:21by your longing for me.
19:23I thought
19:25you really forgot me.
19:29OK. Passed.
19:31Let's change the scene.
19:35You look better than yesterday.
19:37Is Jiaming here?
19:39Yes, director.
19:41I'm here.
19:43Did Mr. Lu teach you last night?
19:47This is a little secret between us.
19:49I can guess.
19:51An actor
19:53sometimes needs not only his acting
19:55but also his mental quality.
19:57There will be
19:59all kinds of sudden situations.
20:01For example, yesterday
20:03you wanted to make a satisfactory effect in 20 minutes.
20:05You need a mature actor
20:07to adjust his mental quality
20:09to the best.
20:11You are a newbie.
20:13But you need to learn more from Mr. Lu.
20:17OK. I trust you.
20:19Keep going.
20:21You two can have a rest.
20:23OK. Let's go.
20:31What are you doing?
20:33You scared me.
20:35Why are you so sad?
20:37I'm still thinking about the script.
20:39Don't be silly.
20:41Here you are. Have a candy.
20:43Where did you get it?
20:45Jiaming gave it to me.
20:47Jiaming gave it to you?
20:51He said he was nervous when he acted.
20:53So he gave it to Mr. Lu first.
20:55Then Mr. Lu would be more gentle
20:57when he called his name.
20:59He is only five years old.
21:01He doesn't know how to give candy.
21:03And let me tell you.
21:05This is very useful for Mr. Lu.
21:07Didn't you see the scene this morning?
21:09Mr. Lu didn't say anything to him
21:11after seven or eight NGs.
21:13Now he is telling him a joke.
21:21Mr. Lu knows it?
21:23Didn't you notice it
21:25when you gave him a late-night snack?
21:27Mr. Lu is easy to get along with.
21:33Why didn't I think of it earlier?
21:35I can't have a late-night snack every day.
21:37But I can have candy.
21:41Let's go.
21:43Where are you going?
21:45To buy candy.
21:49Jing, go and help him.
21:51Don't just sit there.
21:53Go and help him.
21:55It's okay.
21:57You already bought the candy.
21:59Go and give it to him.
22:01Don't be angry.
22:03It's okay.
22:07are you still angry?
22:09Don't be angry.
22:11This is for you.
22:15I'll put it here.
22:17This is...
22:19I heard that
22:21the beef jerky candy here is very popular.
22:23It's a specialty here.
22:25I'll give you one.
22:27Try it.
22:29I'll give you one.
22:31Try it.
22:37I'll open it for you.
22:49If you don't like it,
22:51I'll give you another flavor.
22:53I think this is better.
22:55If you like it,
22:57I'll give it to you.
23:01Who gave you the candy?
23:03Did you give it to him?
23:11Am I disturbing you?
23:15I've said everything I wanted to say.
23:17They asked me to change my clothes.
23:19I'll go first.
23:23I'll put it here.
23:25I'll put it here.
23:37this is a bribe.
23:39A bribe?
23:43Why did he bribe me?
23:47He wants to learn from you
23:49and give you some candy.
23:51He wants you to be gentle
23:53to him.
23:55Am I mean to him?
23:57What do you think you are?
23:59Don't you know that?
24:03I'm scared.
24:05Should I give you some candy
24:07to bribe you?
24:11It's the first time for Chen to act.
24:13You're old.
24:15Come on.
24:17Have some candy.
24:23are you sure you want to act in this scene tomorrow?
24:25Of course.
24:27We have to shoot on the roof.
24:29Otherwise, the effect won't come out.
24:31But we didn't tell Dingding
24:33to hang the wire.
24:35He hasn't been trained.
24:37He might not be used to it.
24:39You're right.
24:43Go and talk to Mr. Dong.
24:45I'll talk to Dingding.
24:47Then we can hang the wire.
24:49Why are you so happy?
24:51Liu Yang is afraid of you.
24:53I'm not.
24:55When I was a kid,
24:57I loved watching martial arts movies.
24:59It's so cool.
25:03I'm relieved.
25:05But I think
25:07your legs will be weak tomorrow.
25:09The roof of our studio
25:11is made of simple steel.
25:13So no one will accompany you.
25:15Be careful.
25:17It's okay.
25:19I've seen a lot of scenes.
25:21For example, Bunguji,
25:23Snow Mountain in China.
25:25It's just three floors.
25:27It's okay.
25:29Tomorrow's scene
25:31is the highlight of the movie.
25:33While you're happy,
25:35I hope you can pay attention to your acting.
25:37Especially your lines.
25:39I want to hear it live.
25:41So practice your lines.
25:43Yes, director.
25:45Yes, sir.
25:47Okay, I'm leaving.
26:13I'm a supporting role in his story.
26:17I'm his mission.
26:21If death is my ending,
26:25what am I fighting for?
26:29What is it?
26:31You ask me why.
26:33You ask me why.
26:35You ask me why.
26:39You ask me...
26:49I'm the one who should ask why.
26:53Even if I finish these paintings today,
26:55I can accept it.
26:57This world is illusory.
27:01No, you created it.
27:03You came to me to finish the task.
27:05I accept it all.
27:19I'm a supporting role
27:21in his story.
27:23No, no, no.
27:27It's too much.
27:31I can't sleep.
27:33I have to practice more.
27:35I can do it.
27:37Come on.
27:41Come on.
27:45Death is my ending.
27:47Practice with me.
27:49Death is my ending.
27:55You ask me why.
28:31Why are you here?
28:33Why don't you sleep?
28:35Dingding, are you hungry?
28:41Then go to bed early.
28:43You won't be hungry when you fall asleep.
28:45It's okay.
28:47I'm not tired or sleepy.
28:49Actually, I'm not very hungry.
28:51I can practice
28:53until the next morning.
28:57No need.
28:59Actually, you have worked very hard.
29:01You have to shoot tomorrow.
29:03It's okay.
29:05Anyway, I have to practice until four o'clock in the morning.
29:07Four o'clock?
29:09Here's the thing.
29:11I think the lines I heard from you just now
29:13are very familiar.
29:15There are all of them.
29:21How do you know?
29:27Death is my ending.
29:29Practice with me.
29:31Death is my ending.
29:33Death is my ending.
29:41If you don't sleep,
29:43I have to sleep.
29:45I'm sorry.
29:47I really don't know.
29:49My voice is so bad.
29:51It's okay.
29:53I'm mainly worried that it will affect
29:55the state of your shooting tomorrow.
29:57Have an early rest.
30:17What's going on?
30:19My brain is blank.
30:21Slow down.
30:23Slow down.
30:25Slow down.
30:27Slow down.
30:29Slow down.
30:31Slow down.
30:33Slow down.
30:35Slow down.
30:37Slow down.
30:39Slow down.
30:41Three, two, one.
30:45I'm just a supporting role.
30:47I'm his mission.
30:49Let's watch the replay first.
30:51Let's go.
30:53Slow down.
30:55Slow down.
30:57Slow down.
30:59Slow down.
31:01Slow down.
31:03Slow down.
31:05I'll hold it first.
31:11Come on.
31:13Slow down.
31:15Slow down.
31:17Slow down.
31:19Slow down.
31:21Slow down.
31:25Mr. Ding, thank you.
31:27Do you want to drink some water first?
31:29No. I want to go to the bathroom first.
31:31Because you've been in the hospital for two months.
31:33You may have to wait for a while.
31:35Just take one more shot.
31:39Thank you, Mr. Ding.
31:43Thank you, Mr. Ding.
31:45It's okay.
31:47Hang Mr. Ding up.
31:49Slow down.
31:51Slow down.
31:53Hold on.
31:57Wait a minute.
31:59Slow down.
32:05I got it.
32:09Three, two, one.
32:13I'm just a supporting role.
32:15I'm his mission.
32:17If death is my ending,
32:19what am I fighting for?
32:23That's enough.
32:25That's great, Ding.
32:27You didn't practice last night.
32:29Let's change the scene now.
32:33Put Mr. Ding down.
32:39Mr. Ding.
32:41Hold tight.
32:43Mr. Ding.
32:45Mr. Ding.
32:47Mr. Ding.
32:49Hold tight.
32:51Mr. Ding.
32:53Mr. Ding.
33:11Mr. Ding, where are you?
33:24Hurry up.
33:26Mr. Ding, I don't want to die.
33:29I'm So hateful.
33:38Mr. Ding.
33:41Take out all the masks.
33:43Hurry up.
33:45Hurry up.
33:47Hurry up.
33:49Anything else?
33:51Anything else?
33:52Hurry up!
33:54Come on, hurry up!
33:56Come on, come on!
33:58Come here!
34:02Hurry up!
34:20Tingting, hang in there.
34:22You are the best girl
34:24I have ever seen.
34:28Hang in there.
34:50I can't take it anymore.
34:52I feel like dying.
34:54I don't want to die.
34:58Where are you?
35:06Hang in there!
35:14Hang in there!
35:20Hang in there!
36:02It's too late.
36:06It's too late.
36:18Don't cry.
36:32I don't want to die.
36:36I'm here.
36:38I'm sorry.
36:44Don't cry.
36:50I'm sorry.
37:20Mr. Lu,
37:22what are you doing here?
37:24I was going to see you.
37:26I ordered a takeaway.
37:28How about...
37:30Okay, let's eat together.
37:32Come in.
37:42Mr. Lu,
37:44how is your injury?
37:46Are you okay?
37:48What did the doctor say?
37:50Does it hurt?
37:58It's all taken care of.
38:00It doesn't hurt anymore.
38:08what did you want to talk to me about?
38:14I want to apologize to you.
38:16Because of what happened today,
38:18I couldn't protect you.
38:20It's okay, Mr. Lu.
38:22It's not your fault.
38:24But I'm the director.
38:26I'm fine now.
38:28You even apologized to me.
38:32I should thank you.
38:34When I was up there today,
38:36I was really scared.
38:38That's because you're lucky today.
38:40What if something happens to you?
38:46I'm sorry.
38:50Don't blame yourself, Lu.
38:52In the future,
38:54I will be a super star.
38:56I need to practice
38:58and practice.
39:00Come on.
39:02Let's eat.
39:04What are you doing?
39:06Let's eat.
39:10Mr. Lu.
39:12I can tell
39:14that you mean
39:16I'm a stepping stone for your success.
39:20Even so,
39:22I'm also
39:24a stepping stone
39:26for your success.
39:30Ding Ding.
39:32It's not too late to regret now.
39:34I mean
39:36if you don't want to be an actress anymore,
39:38it's okay.
39:40Come on, Mr. Lu.
39:42Are you going to replace me
39:44just because I call you Lu?
39:46Of course not.
39:50Mr. Lu.
39:52I'm serious.
39:56I was really scared
39:58when I was up there today,
40:00what happened today
40:02didn't make me regret
40:04becoming an actress at all.
40:08I'm not kidding.
40:12I'm serious.
40:18I want to be
40:20a shining,
40:24and excellent actress.
40:30I believe you.
40:32The first time I saw you,
40:34I thought
40:36you were my girl.
40:38Of course,
40:40it's not because of those candies
40:42that you got my recognition.
40:44But because I saw
40:46the hard work and effort
40:48you put in day and night
40:50behind me.
40:54I believe
40:56you will become
40:58the shining,
41:02and excellent actress
41:04you want to be.
41:08Come on.
41:38Episode 2
41:40There will be an explosion today.
41:42Be careful.
41:44Be careful.
41:50Let's check the location of the explosion.
41:54I got it.
41:58Tang Xin.
42:00Look at this scene.
42:02It's the fifth scene.
42:04Is there something wrong
42:06with the logic of this scene?
42:08Be careful.
42:18Mr. Tang.
42:20Bad news.
42:22What's going on with Liu Yang and Mr. Tang?
42:26There was a problem with the explosion.
42:28The explosion happened in advance.
42:30How many people were injured?
42:32What's going on?
42:34Did you send them to the hospital?
42:36Two or three people were injured.
42:38Some were injured by the explosion.
42:40Some were injured by the fire.
42:42The serious ones have been sent to the hospital.
42:44There are some injured people left.
42:46Listen to me.
42:48Send the injured people to the hospital as soon as possible.
42:50I got it.
42:52By the way, where is Tang Xin?
42:54The screenwriter is in the Central Hospital.
42:58Central Hospital.
43:00Are you okay?
43:02I'm fine.
43:06Are you okay?
43:08I'm fine.
43:10Mr. Tang.
43:12Are you okay?
43:14I'm fine.
43:16Thank you, Mr. Tang.
43:18Mr. Yang.
43:20I'm going to the ICU to see the girl.
43:22I'll leave it to you.
43:30Be careful.
43:32Let's sit there first.
43:34Come on.
43:36I'll ask the doctor to take a look at you later.
43:38Be careful.
44:00Are you okay?
44:16Are you okay?
44:18I'm fine.
44:20I'm fine.
44:28I'm fine.
44:30What's wrong?
44:32We never know what will happen tomorrow.
44:36So today,
44:38at this moment,
44:40I just want to be with you.
44:50I love you.
44:52I love you.
44:54I love you.
44:56I love you.
44:58I love you.
45:00I love you.
45:02I love you.
45:04I love you.
45:06I love you.
45:08I love you.
45:10I love you.
45:12I love you.
45:14I love you.
45:16I love you.
45:18I love you.
45:20I love you.
45:22I love you.
45:24I love you.
45:26I love you.
45:28I love you.
45:30I love you.
45:32I love you.
45:34I love you.
45:36I love you.
45:38I love you.
45:40I love you.
45:42I love you.
45:44I love you.
45:46I love you.
45:48I love you.
45:50I love you.
45:52I love you.
45:54I love you.
45:56I love you.
45:58I love you.
46:00I love you.
46:02I love you.
46:04I love you.
46:06I love you.
46:08I love you.
46:10I love you.
46:12I love you.
46:14I love you.
46:16I want to stay with you until the end of time without you.
46:20I want to stay with you,
46:22to jump over mountains to catch you.
46:24I want to stay with you,
46:26to make miracles happen for you.
46:28I want to stay with you,
46:30to make aims achieve.
46:34How lucky I am,
46:36to meet you.
46:38As we promised always,
46:40to remain together.
