Spies in Disguise: Lance Saves the World

  • last month
by Tomas Palacios
00:00Spies in disguise. Lance saves the world. Adapted by Thomas Palacios. Yup, it's me. Lance Sterling.
00:22Yes, that cool super spy over there. That's me. Now get ready. I'm here to tell you a little story.
00:32This is me on one of my missions. I'm the world's best spy. The agency sends me on the important
00:40missions. I make being a spy look easy. Look. I even wear sunglasses at night. Who knew being
00:49a spy could look this cool? On this particular mission, I was looking for some missing tech
00:56that had been stolen. I discovered these two jokers in a secret lair. They have no style.
01:04I should give them my tailor's phone number. Anyway, I found the bad guys. I was hiding
01:11inside a fish tank wearing my high-tech scuba suit. I decided I needed to introduce myself.
01:19In style. I smashed the glass and rode over on a giant wave. Man, I looked so cool doing this.
01:28Of course, I always remember to wear a clean tuxedo under my scuba suit. Here I am giving
01:35the bad guys the bad news. The bad news was that I was taking back their stolen tech.
01:43Oh, and also they were going to jail. Yeah, they didn't like that news very much.
01:50Before I could lock them up the bad guys managed to escape. But that's no problem. Because look.
01:58I got the stolen tech back. Or so I thought. I make this spy stuff look easy. But you know,
02:07a spy isn't all kittens and glitter. Sometimes when you're famous. It can be hard to make
02:14friends. I guess you could say it's a bit lonely at the top. Speaking of being at the top.
02:22Here's a guy behind the scenes. This is Walter Beckett. He's a young lab tech who builds my
02:30gadgets. So why am I even mentioning him? Yeah, now we are getting to the crazy part of this
02:38story. I needed some help. I know right. Me. Needing help. I was in a high speed car chase
02:48when I needed to disappear. Who was chasing me? My own spy agency. Why? Basically, I was framed
02:58for something I didn't do. So I went over to Walter's house. He was in the middle of an
03:05experiment which sort of explains the pink apron. He said he had a formula that could make me
03:11disappear. So I drank it. But I didn't know what the formula did until it was too late.
03:19Walter birded me. He turned me into a bird. Can you believe that? That's me on the left.
03:28Lovey is Walter's pet. She likes me a bit too much. Walter used Lovey's feather in the formula
03:36to turn me into a bird. But wouldn't you know it? As a bird, I'm still super fly. And I still have
03:44my brain which makes me one smart bird. I can't drive my car. But I can fly anywhere I want to go.
03:54Plus, I even met some friends who showed me the bird ropes. Lovey was my first bird friend.
04:02Then Jeff and Crazy Eyes joined the crew. I should also say that Crazy Eyes ate one of Walter's
04:08gadgets. Sometimes he burps fire. Anyway, they helped me realize that even a super spy can use
04:17some help. Sometimes I miss the old me. But I realized something. I don't need my cool suit.
04:26I don't need my cool car. Being cool comes from the heart. Even if your heart is covered in
04:34feathers. I am happy just being me. Lance Sterling. And that is cool. The end.
