Beauty And The Billionaire Episode 3 - 4

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Beauty And The Billionaire | Episode 3-4 | English Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
00:00Before listening from episode 3 to episode 4 of Beauty and the Billionaire, don't forget supporting me by buying for me
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00:22Episode 3
00:24Kinsey's Homecoming
00:26Afterward Kinsey went straight to the airport where she bought an air ticket and flew to France.
00:32The first thing she did once she arrived there was to draft a divorce agreement and a commission for the attorney who would take care
00:40of it. Then she sent the papers to her best friend and asked her to forward them to Ethan at Walker Group.
00:46She didn't think she could handle a marriage or any kind of relationship now and
00:51refused to restrain Ethan with the marriage as long as he signed the divorce agreement and submitted it.
00:58Everything would be fine. Such a short marriage could be treated as if it never happened to him.
01:04However, four months later Kinsey found herself pregnant.
01:08Everything had happened so quickly after her escape that she hadn't considered taking a contraceptive pill. The next morning of the day
01:16her world went topsy-turvy.
01:19At that time
01:20Kinsey hadn't thought that she would have a baby since her period wasn't regular and she had chronic gastritis.
01:28She didn't pay much attention to her symptoms.
01:31She thought all the discomfort she felt was caused by her stomach disease.
01:35It was not until her symptoms worsened that she went to the hospital and found herself a few months pregnant already.
01:43Once Kinsey got the examination report her pretty face fell and her heart turned into a mess.
01:49She closed her eyes then and suddenly her mind was filled with images of Ethan's face as she opened her eyes again.
01:58Kinsey reread the examination report carefully and confirmed that she was indeed pregnant.
02:04How could a woman unable to maintain a relationship get along well with a child?
02:10Kinsey's eyelashes fluttered weakly as she thought about what to do.
02:14Clenching her hands she finally decided that the best solution was to have an abortion.
02:20The baby is already a few months old.
02:23We can't operate on you anymore.
02:25You can't have the abortion here. I'm sorry Miss Kinsey. It's impossible.
02:31Besides you're expecting twins. Are you sure that's what you want to do?
02:36Twins. Kinsey closed her beautiful eyes
02:39trying to hide her sadness every time she had heard those kinds of responses.
02:44A few months later in a hospital in France Kinsey entered the delivery room.
02:50By the time she opened her weak eyes
02:53she met the doctor's regretful gaze as he said Miss Kinsey one of the children was seriously ill. We've done our best.
03:01But a mix of joy and sadness took over Kinsey's heart.
03:05She had never felt so torn in her life.
03:08Five years later
03:10Kinsey had just arrived at the Greenville Airport with her chestnut hair that hung over her shoulders.
03:15The woman was dressed in a beige long coat and high heels looked at the strange yet familiar clouds in the sky
03:23while holding a suitcase.
03:24She was only 18 when she left. Now that she came back she was already 20.
03:31Three. Her previous baby face, however, had grown mature into a more beautiful woman this time.
03:38A four-year-old boy in a formal suit could be seen accompanying her.
03:43Judged by his stern little face one could assume he would become a handsome man in the future.
03:50Pursing his thin lips he followed closely behind Kinsey as she walked.
03:54Joshua Kinsey. A woman suddenly rushed over and hugged Kinsey at the sight of her old best friend Carol.
04:02Kinsey hugged her back
04:03releasing her friend.
04:05Carol couldn't wait to lower her head to look at Joshua.
04:08She then said in astonishment
04:11Kinsey your boy is even more handsome in person than in the video. Of course he's my son after all.
04:18Kinsey answered with a smile. Good to see you at Carol.
04:22Joshua looked up at Carol and greeted her politely before resuming his cold demeanor.
04:27Carol gave him a thumbs up and said oh so nice of you my little baby. Josh
04:33keep up with the little CEO's attitude.
04:37Joshua smiled briefly in response and then once again his poker face was back on.
04:42Carol couldn't help but shake her head
04:45feeling sorry for her friend.
04:47Kinsey should have had twins, but unfortunately the other baby was born with an illness and didn't make it.
04:54With a smile Kinsey couldn't help but remember Ethan's face every time she looked at her son.
05:01At such a young age
05:03Joshua already resembled his father a lot even in his manners.
05:08However, the man was just a driver for the Walker family not a CEO wanting to give the mother and son a nice reception.
05:16Carol took them to a buffet restaurant
05:18since Joshua was wise enough to pick up his food by himself.
05:23Kinsey didn't have to accompany the boy.
05:26As soon as Carol sat at the table she whispered to her friend.
05:29Are you really going to give the child back to his father? I have no choice.
05:35Then she raised her voice again and added as his father
05:40he's the most suitable person to take care of Joshua until he grows up.
05:44Is there really no cure for your disease?
05:47Carol asked wordly. I have advanced gastric cancer. I only have a year left.
05:54I don't want to waste time on useless treatments.
05:57I'll try my best to earn as much money as possible this year
06:01so that father and son can live happily for the rest of their lives.
06:05A faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips as if for a brief moment she had forgotten the sadness her condition brought her.
06:13Although she seemed calm on the surface
06:15no one knew the pain she had been carrying inside. For an instant Carol didn't know what to say.
06:21So she silently put a bowl of porridge in front of her before speaking again.
06:26I had sent him the divorce agreement as you said back then. I don't know if he is married or not now.
06:33That's why I want you to help me take care of Joshua for the next few days.
06:37I need to find out more about him. If he has remarried or has a child, I won't disturb him anymore.
06:44But if he doesn't have anyone and is willing to take responsibility for our son,
06:50I still need to make sure he's not a terrible man. After all, Joshua will have to live with him for so many years.
06:57Before she came back Kinsey had already thought about everything, of course.
07:02Leave Joshua to me. I don't have a job now anyway.
07:06So I have plenty of time, Carol assured her and then handed her a bunch of keys. I've bought the house you asked for.
07:15Kinsey had worked as a model in France for many years and made some money.
07:19Now she spent all her money on this house in order to secure the life of her son Joshua.
07:24She knew that Ethan was just a driver.
07:27It would be a heavy burden for him to bear the responsibility of being a father when he was totally unprepared.
07:35That was why she had to get everything ready earlier on her own.
07:40After the meal, Kinsey said goodbye to her son.
07:44She squatted in front of him and kissed him on the forehead.
07:48Joshua reached out his hand and patted her head.
07:51Kinsey, a girl should know how to protect herself when she works outside.
07:56Also, don't work too hard,
07:59said the little one.
08:01Carol's eyes twinkled with amusement and dampened with love when she heard this.
08:06The two people in front of her didn't act like a mother and a son, but like a father and a daughter.
08:12Okay, I will.
08:14Kinsey assured him with a bright smile.
08:17Joshua nodded and left with Carol. After that,
08:21Kinsey took a taxi to the new house that she had bought with Carol's help,
08:25without even taking a look at the house or unpacking properly.
08:29She just kept her luggage there, changed her clothes, and took another taxi straight to the walker group.
08:35She had met Ethan twice before their marriage, both times at a friend's party.
08:41One of the guests had been a man called Ronald, who was said to be from the walker group.
08:47After getting too drunk, he had asked his driver to pick him up, and both times the driver who came to pick him up was Ethan.
08:55Since Ethan's temperament was unique and different from other drivers' dispositions, Kinsey had noticed him at a glance.
09:03She wasn't familiar with Ronald, so she couldn't ask him about his driver.
09:08Therefore, she decided to go to the walker group in person to find Ethan.
09:13She walked elegantly into the building in her high-heeled shoes.
09:17When she arrived at the reception desk, she asked politely,
09:21"'Excuse me, may I see Ethan? If I'm not wrong, he works for Mr. Ronald.'
09:28"'I'm sorry, miss. You can't meet him without an appointment.'
09:33The reception took a look at the woman in front of her and found that she was beautiful.
09:38Therefore, she chose to act polite, but she didn't dare to break the company's rules.
09:44Kinsey was taken aback by her response.
09:47Did meeting a driver also need an appointment?'
09:51"'The walker group was really an extraordinary company,' she wondered. Kinsey had no choice but to ask.
09:58"'Then can I make the appointment now?'
10:00"'Of course. I will inform you of the result in about fifteen days.'
10:05The receptionist replied politely,
10:08"'Fifteen days.
10:09What kind of driver was he?
10:11Why was there so much build-up just to meet him?'
10:14Kinsey couldn't wait that long, but she didn't have Ethan's phone number or address.
10:19She didn't know where else to find him except at the walker group,
10:23so she relented.
10:25"'Okay, then please make an appointment for me. Thank you.
10:29By the way, is there any other way I can contact him or see him?'
10:34The receptionist was used to hearing this because many people wanted to see Ethan as soon as possible,
10:39without skipping a beat.
10:41She smiled politely and said,
10:43"'Sorry, but no.'
10:46But in her heart she scoffed and thought,
10:49"'Mr. Ethan is not a person who is easy to meet.
10:53These women are getting bolder and bolder.
10:56Do they think they can get anything just because of their beauty?
11:00Otherwise, why would they come to make an appointment?'
11:04Kinsey had no choice but to leave and wait for the result.
11:08"'I have already known that the walker group is one of the most powerful companies in Greenville City.
11:13Five years ago,
11:14I was able to meet the young master of the walker group in person,
11:18but now I can't even see a driver of the group. I didn't expect that.
11:23Things have really changed over the past five years,' Kinsey thought secretly.
11:29she saw a car pull up to the entrance.
11:33The window of the driver's seat was rolled down and the car was moving very slowly,
11:38which gave Kinsey enough time to see the driver's face.
11:42That same familiar and handsome face that she had come here to see.
11:47Episode 4 Kinsey Against Erica
11:51As the car passed her,
11:52Kinsey recognized the man who was sitting in the driver's seat.
11:56It was her husband, Ethan.
11:59It seemed that he was more mature than five years ago,
12:02and even at a glance his temperament seemed to be calmer and wiser than before.
12:08She had always known that he had a handsome face,
12:10but she had never thought that even his side profile would look this good.
12:15His sharp jawline looked perfect.
12:19She cried out without thinking.
12:21Hearing this,
12:22the man turned his head sideways and shot her a cold glance,
12:26but then he turned back to the front and continued to step on the accelerator
12:31without looking at her anymore.
12:33The car quickly moved forward.
12:36In just a moment,
12:37he had already put considerable distance between him and Kinsey.
12:41Kinsey immediately snapped into action and ran after Ethan's car.
12:47Ethan, please stop the car, she shouted.
12:50But the car was moving so fast that she was left far behind in the blink of an eye.
12:56Looking at the cloud of dust caused by the car,
12:58Kinsey bent down in frustration and gasped heavily with her hands on her knees.
13:04She was sure that the man had seen her,
13:06but he had completely ignored her.
13:09Doesn't he remember me?
13:11Well, it's possible,
13:14Kinsey murmured to herself.
13:16After all that happened five years ago,
13:19after that,
13:20our paths have never crossed again.
13:22But for the sake of her son,
13:24Kinsey had no other choice but to meet Ethan somehow.
13:28In the car,
13:29Ethan hesitated for a moment,
13:31but he still kept driving.
13:33Was it an auditory hallucination?
13:36Was it because he missed her so much that he often had uncontrollable illusions?
13:42Ethan raised his head and rubbed the space between his eyebrows.
13:47It was not until he saw the reflection in the rearview mirror
13:51that he realized that it was not a dream.
13:54On that fateful day,
13:56this woman had floated to him like a beautiful cloud.
13:59After disappearing for five years,
14:02she had finally appeared in front of him like a lovely elf.
14:05If the two marriage certificates didn't exist,
14:08proving that the woman was real,
14:11he would have thought that he had just imagined the whole thing.
14:15A faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.
14:18That day,
14:19the girl had hurried to ask him for help,
14:22and he had helped her in the car.
14:24Then he answered a phone call for a few minutes.
14:28In that gap,
14:30she had left without saying goodbye and disappeared without a trace.
14:34A few days later,
14:35she had even sent him the divorce agreement.
14:38From beginning to end,
14:40everything had been under her control.
14:43That divorce agreement had caused him a great deal of heartache.
14:47So for the past five years,
14:49he had never asked anyone about her whereabouts.
14:52He had forced himself not to look for her,
14:55but she was back, right?
14:58It seemed that she was,
15:00after all these years of wait.
15:02After moving forward for a while,
15:04Ethan suddenly slammed on the brake,
15:06leaving skid marks on the road.
15:09The car had almost crashed into the fence,
15:11and he could smell smoke from the tires.
15:13He opened the car door and got out quickly.
15:17Then he turned around and ran to the place where he had seen Kinsey just now,
15:21his long legs making every step powerful.
15:25But just when he was about to reach the destination,
15:28Ethan slackened his pace.
15:30He regained his usual calmness,
15:32but he still couldn't hide his anxiety.
15:35Why had she come back this time?
15:38What did she want to say to him?
15:40Did she regret her actions back then?
15:43when Ethan finally reached that place,
15:46he found that the woman had disappeared without a trace.
15:50As if she was never there at all.
15:52It was as if history had repeated itself.
15:55Ethan knew that this woman wouldn't stay for him.
15:58So why had she come back?
16:01Ethan trudged back to his car.
16:03He sat in the driver's seat,
16:05with his eyes closed for a long time before he finally calmed down.
16:09The sound of his phone ringing interrupted his train of thought.
16:13He picked up the phone and answered in a hoarse voice.
16:17I'm on my way home and hung up.
16:19Ethan reached home and walked to the kitchen.
16:22He often took to cooking as his healing therapy whenever something bothered him.
16:26His mother,
16:27the elegant Miss Walker,
16:29looked at her son's long face and asked wordly,
16:32What happened?
16:35Ethan lowered his head and cut the steak carefully,
16:38but his movements were sometimes interrupted by his stagnant thoughts.
16:43He was completely absent-minded.
16:45His mother smiled and said,
16:47That's good.
16:47I know you only care about the company and the kid.
16:51By the way,
16:52one of my friends.
16:54Daughters is a nice girl.
16:57She just came back from abroad.
16:59She is well-educated and reasonable.
17:02She is a good person.
17:04You should meet her.
17:05Even if not for yourself, then.
17:07At least for the child.
17:09The kid needs a mother.
17:12I told you that I already have a wife.
17:14Ethan put down his knife and said,
17:16Ethan put down his knife and tried to be patient.
17:19His mother nodded and compromised.
17:21Yes, yes.
17:23Her name is Kinsey, right?
17:25She went abroad to study after marrying you five years ago,
17:28but she hasn't come back at all during the past five years, right?
17:32She just got a marriage certificate with you.
17:35Apart from that,
17:36it's like she doesn't belong to this world at all.
17:39Your old grandmother might have been happy to hear that you got married,
17:43but do you think that I will also believe your story?
17:47Ethan pressed his lips into a straight line and didn't say anything.
17:52My words might upset you,
17:53but as your mother,
17:55it's my duty to tell you these things.
17:58Five years ago,
18:00your grandmother was seriously ill.
18:02Her greatest wish was to see you settle down,
18:06and you gave her what she wanted,
18:08but she has recovered now.
18:10You can't continue to live in a fantasy.
18:13That woman called Kinsey hasn't come back for five years.
18:17Even if she really exists,
18:19you can't wait for her for a lifetime.
18:22Son, listen to me.
18:23Just move on.
18:25Even if you don't need a woman by your side,
18:27your baby needs a mother.
18:30Ethan gave the steak he had cut to his mother and said,
18:33Mom, eat the food.
18:37I have something to deal with in the company.
18:40Then he stood up abruptly and walked out of the restaurant.
18:44When he was outside,
18:46he suddenly stopped and squinted his eyes at the people walking past him.
18:50For a moment,
18:51he had felt as if he had seen Kinsey among the crowd,
18:55but the very next second,
18:56she seemed to have vanished into thin air.
18:59Though Kinsey hadn't been able to meet Ethan,
19:02she had to focus on participating in the company event first.
19:07She had worked as a model in France.
19:09It was because of the natural advantage that her tall frame and long legs gave her,
19:14as well as her confidence and her professional skills.
19:18She had quickly gained a place in France.
19:21However, since she had to take care of her son,
19:24her working time was limited,
19:26so she hadn't gained much recognition.
19:29But now Joshua was old enough to go to school.
19:32Before returning to Chicago,
19:34she had contacted with Star Ventures Entertainment Company
19:37and signed a one-year contract with them.
19:40Kinsey went straight to the Prince World Hotel.
19:43Tonight, she was going to attend a party thrown by a luxury fashion show
19:47that was arranged by the company.
19:50This party was specially arranged for the models and the judges of the fashion show
19:54so that they could get familiar with each other first.
19:57The first round of the test was set to take place in three days.
20:01If a model didn't perform well at tonight's party,
20:04they would not even qualify to take the first round of the test.
20:08Only after a model passed both the first and second rounds of the test
20:12could they officially become a member of the fashion show.
20:16After that, they would be able to earn a considerable amount of money.
20:21When Kinsey arrived at the hotel,
20:23her agent, Ruth Peters, recognized her at a glance.
20:27Kinsey had a fairly unique face that set her apart from other women.
20:31Her face was small, but it looked cute and exquisite,
20:35with her long legs and strong but slender figure.
20:39Kinsey was particularly eye-catching in the crowd.
20:43Come here, Ruth called excitedly.
20:46You look even more graceful now than when you were on the stage.
20:50You're really a treasure.
20:52Thank you, Ruth.
20:54I'll count on your care and help in the future, Kinsey said,
20:58raising the corners of her delicate red lips into a smile.
21:02Of course, you are my model now.
21:05Go inside.
21:06You should first establish a basic friendship with the interviewers tonight
21:10and try to pass the initial test in a few days.
21:14Ruth smiled.
21:16Kinsey nodded and walked along the red carpet.
21:19She had done this before, so she was not anxious at all.
21:24She walked in a calm and elegant manner,
21:27exuding confidence from every inch of her body.
21:30Ruth had to wait for the other models that she managed here.
21:34A luxurious nanny van stopped in front of Ruth,
21:37and a sophisticated young woman in a black gown stepped out.
21:41She looked like the epitome of femininity,
21:44and when she smiled, it seemed to light up everyone's hearts.
21:48She was none other than Erica,
21:51one of the most famous models in the company.
21:54Ruth strode forward and greeted her with a warm smile.
21:58Erica, you look very beautiful today.
22:01With your temperament, you'll definitely win the show.
22:04Don't say that, Ruth.
22:06Only five models will be selected from Chicago.
22:09The rest will all be selected from Europe and New York.
22:13We must be careful.
22:15Erica appeared very modest.
22:18Yes, that's why I asked Kinsey, our newcomer, to go in.
22:24First, we must strive to get another model from our company selected,
22:28and she's perfect for it.
22:31She has an enviable figure,
22:33and looks even more beautiful than she did in the video.
22:37Kinsey, your new model is called Kinsey.
22:41Erica's face changed slightly in the five years that had passed.
22:45She hadn't gotten word about Kinsey at all.
22:48Martin and Tyler seldom mentioned her,
22:51but it was obvious that they still missed her.
22:54Nevertheless, Erica did her best to take good care of her father,
22:58and she treated Tyler well.
23:00Over time, the two men had willingly become her most powerful backup.
23:05But now, unexpectedly,
23:07Kinsey was back at the thought of Kinsey's stunning appearance and unmatched figure.
23:12Erica couldn't help feeling jealous.
23:15In the Miller family,
23:17Kinsey was like a bright star in the sky,
23:19while Erica was just a firefly in the grass.
23:22It was only in Kinsey's absence that she had the chance to shine and be seen.
23:28Erica opened the photo album in her phone and asked,
23:31Is it her?
23:32Ruth nodded.
23:35That's her.
23:36Erica, do you already know Kinsey?
23:39A trace of undisguised disgust appeared in Erica's eyes.
23:43Ruth, I don't want her to get this opportunity,
23:46and I don't want her to have any development in Star Ventures Entertainment Company.
23:51Ruth was surprised,
23:53but she immediately understood what she had to do.
23:56Thank you so much for watching.
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