• l’année dernière
Coup dur pour Carlos Alcaraz... L'Espagnol semble s'être tordu la cheville à l'entraînement sur un faux mouvement, alors que le dernier Grand Chelem de la saison débute ce lundi... Sera-t-il remis à temps ?

Videos : @Miiallyaa6 / @Xx_Johnleblanc_xX


00:00Hey, welcome back to my channel, my name is Matt, welcome to my channel is Mic Shopping.
00:06I am going to show you my daily fashion pictures, I am known for my daily fashion, make sure
00:11you check out my Instagram, my Instagram is TheFatRat and my Instagram is TheFatRat.
00:16I am going to show you my daily fashion pictures for today's video.
00:19I'm going to show you my daily fashion pictures of my weekend.
