General Hospital 8-23-24

  • last month
00:00what did you say you heard me you had a choice protect my baby or your father
00:08and you chose Sonny no that is the proof is right here Christina my baby
00:16my sweet innocent baby is buried right here because of you
00:30hi honey I only have a minute oh that's fine I just wanted to say your mom
00:36segments gone I thought you were supposed to entice viewers not send them
00:42diving for the mute button your accent is so distracting I can't focus on the
00:48product I gotta go Myrna honey did you perhaps have a bad experience with
00:57someone from that lovely borough Brooklyn are you just having a bad day
01:02period hi what are you doing here I'm looking for you it's Lulu she's been
01:11moved to General Hospital
01:57what do you mean lose at General Hospital the doctors are worried about
02:10her I don't know what that means what did the doctor say exactly I'm getting
02:15this information from Laura all right but I guess she's got a setback so the
02:20doctors want her moved to GH so they can handle her medical needs better
02:23that's why she was moved okay I don't like the way that sounds it seems like
02:27there's something wrong I wish I had more information right now I don't but I just
02:31thought you'd want to know as soon as possible um you were right yeah thank
02:36you I understand my accent takes a little getting used to a little you know
02:46I was raised that it's bad manners to critique the way someone speaks and you
02:53know anyone with even a basic modicum of knowledge of etiquette would know
02:57that it's very rude to offer unsolicited
03:04on someone's personal attributes so you know Myrna I'm sure you have a lot of
03:12better things to do today so thank you for calling honey and the good news is
03:18that Deception's new deceiver serum plumps and rejuvenate to skin no matter
03:24what your accent exactly and here at home in heart we encourage everyone to
03:29use your voice
03:34Deception's fabulous products from their deceptive skincare line
03:40honey your your skin will thank you
03:48let's talk outside
04:00has there been a change Lily was stable but her liver function is still
04:07declining I don't understand this she's been on the same protocol for years why
04:14the sudden change we don't know why this is happening we've already run
04:19additional tests and I know it's gonna be hard but we just have to wait for
04:23them to come through in the meantime I'm doing everything I can to keep her
04:28comfortable thank you for doing that it was smart to bring her here I mean no
04:37offense to the long-term facility but she can get better more comprehensive
04:42testing and treatment in here at GH she's in good hands especially yours
04:50where Charles is lose home and now she's surrounded by people who love her
04:57doctors and nurses included we're gonna get her through this
05:04thank you you're looking for absolution for people to tell you that none of this
05:11is your fault you want to blame Ava but this is on you Christina nobody dragged
05:16you to Ava's hotel room you went there on your own and you picked a fight I
05:20went there to protect my family
05:26we did couldn't you have waited three more weeks that my baby needed to be
05:47there it is right on time mom swoops in to protect Christina you know you could
05:53basically set your watch by it
05:59possible to imagine a world where Christina has to take responsibility for
06:03her own actions without you running in to defend her
06:09you're so eager to get your law license back mom
06:15help Christina steal my baby
06:23Molly we know that you are devastated but this isn't helping I don't care
06:27Molly let's let me and TJ take you home do you think I'm making this up but I
06:33just imagined that mom was gonna help Christina steal my baby
06:38that is not what happened sweetie you don't know what I found this in your
06:42briefcase this morning an affidavit written by Christina saying that she
06:48planned to file for custody of my baby
06:57I told you that you were wrong about her I was wrong she was never gonna give me
07:04my baby and you you were just holding on to this for her waiting to file it tell
07:09me mom were you going to file this before my baby was born or were you
07:13going to rip her from my hands and hand her to Christina right in front of me
07:18I would never do that that is not what happened
07:23you were planning to file it why did you have this document for you she had it
07:29for you Christina because you were never gonna give her my baby
07:37no I wasn't
07:44I have never given up hope that Lulu would wake up you know that right of
07:54course yeah well I know what people are thinking I could see it in their eyes
08:03whenever Lulu is brought up they know that she's been in a coma for three and
08:09a half years and they think that it is hopeless no one thinks yes they do they
08:16absolutely do they think I should let her go then I'm being unfair to keep
08:22her tethered to a bed and going through procedure after procedure but they don't
08:26know my daughter the way I do and I know she's a fighter
08:34she is in there and she's trying to come back we need to give her every
08:42opportunity to do that
08:50hey how was the funeral all right it was terrible
08:55Christina's a mess she's completely devastating I'm sorry I know how hard it
09:01is to see a sibling in that much pain yeah you want to say do something to
09:06help them and there's just nothing you know
09:16don't take this the wrong way why'd you come in today you should be with your
09:22family yeah you know I got some unexpected news at the funeral and just
09:31want to kind of bury myself in some work so I can process it properly and I
09:35don't really want to talk to my family about it because they're all dealing
09:38with enough as it is I'm here if you want to talk about it I'm
09:44happy to listen it's Lulu they moved her to GH she's uh
09:52she's taking a turn for the worse Elizabeth hey hi um Dante told me that
10:00Lulu had been transferred here how's she doing I don't know yet the doctor
10:06is running laps and doing an MRI hoping to get a clear picture of what she's
10:11dealing with okay so she's hanging in there she's
10:16stable for now are the doctors with her right now or Laura anybody I I want to
10:22see her but I don't want to get in the way no doctors finished and Laura went
10:25to go call the rest of the family so it's okay if I go see her yes absolutely
10:31we encourage friends and family to visit and talk with coma patients some people
10:38who have come out of coma actually remember what was said to them while
10:40they're under and I suspect that's exactly what Lulu needs I think it'll do
10:46you a world of good too okay that room is right over there
10:51thank you take all the time your name
11:29sadness with a funeral but there's something about a funeral for baby how
11:36you hold it up okay it's difficult seeing TJ suffer this much I just want
11:44to wrap my arms around him and make it better
11:50we felt the same way when Trina was grieving for Spencer yeah look I think
11:56we can all use a little pick-me-up there's plenty of food here I'll go eat
12:00some up okay absolutely well do either of you happen to know anything about
12:15Molly's father there certainly didn't seem to be any love lost between him and
12:22Molly's family you can practically feel a chill in the air yeah well Rick
12:28Lansing certainly won't win any popularity contests and poor Charles he
12:33operates on what I can call a gray area but this is not the time or place to
12:40discuss this lengthy transgression so let's just say that he is not very well
12:45liked in this town I see but Rick and Molly have a decent relationship he does
12:54try to stay far from poor Charles for a reason he's estranged from his brother
13:01Sonny and he and Alexis can't be in the same room without butting heads Rick's
13:06made his fair share of enemies in poor Charles so I'm sure he prefers to stay
13:11as far away as possible most of the time I had no idea but that explains a
13:20we all know how complicated family relationships can be but no matter what
13:26he's done Rick is Molly's father and she clearly loves him I'm really glad that
13:33he showed up when she needed him and it's very important that we do the same
13:40you're never going to honor our agreement you were planning to keep my
13:48baby she was a part of me I nurtured her you killed her I never would have
13:55intentionally put her in harm ever I was her mother for eight months and nothing
14:01you say or do will ever erase that mothers look out for their children and
14:08protect them they keep them safe at all costs you have zero maternal instinct
14:14you are selfish you're impulsive you make the same mistakes over and over you're a total train wreck
14:21stop saying Molly's please you stood up in that church and you presented yourself as this
14:26grieving mother all while pretending that you are not to blame for my baby's death
14:32I loved her
14:34I loved her more than anything in this whole world
14:40you don't know the meaning of that word
14:44look at this grave
14:46look at this grave
14:48my daughter is buried here
14:50because you did not protect her
14:54you did not keep her safe
14:58you put her at risk
15:00and she died
15:02say it Christina
15:04admit that you killed my baby
15:22I don't know what I was expecting you to say but
15:24Lulu never occurred to me
15:28I mean it's a total shock
15:32I just got used to
15:34the status quo
15:36with her
15:38as terrible as that sounds
15:40I just wasn't expecting this
15:42is Rocco now
15:44yeah I told him
15:46how do you take it
15:48I think
15:50it's a kid
15:52I'm talking about his mom he had hope that
15:54she was gonna wake up soon
15:56and I'm telling him that she's getting worse
15:58she might not make it
16:00I mean this is
16:02this is tough
16:04Rocco has you
16:06he's got Sam
16:08and a huge family all around him
16:10to lift him back up
16:12hopefully that's enough
16:14I hope you're right
16:18look I feel for Rocco but
16:20this has got to be impacting you
16:23how are you doing
16:25knowing that Lulu could be slipping away
16:29thank you so much for tuning in
16:31today to see what the amazing
16:33deceiver serum can do
16:35you know the results are indisputable
16:37but don't take my word for it
16:39try it for yourself
16:41I promise you won't be disappointed
16:43we can't wait to hear
16:45how it changes your lives
16:47until then stay beautiful
16:49thank you so much
16:51thank you so much for coming today Lois
16:53and you know it's great to see you
16:55and now I am so happy
16:57to have this moment
16:59to introduce our newest addition
17:01to the Home and Heart family
17:03please meet our new program host
17:07thank you so much Haven
17:09today I have an incredible line
17:11of vegan handbags
17:13by Kay Carol
17:15whether it's work or travel
17:17fashion or function
17:19stay tuned
17:21for this exclusive deal
17:23and we're clear
17:25okay everyone
17:27let's move to stage 14
17:29let's keep this going
17:31wow these handbags are beautiful
17:33especially this one
17:35I just need to have it
17:37you know as soon as I am done here
17:39I will come and see you on stage 14
17:41well don't wait too long
17:43these handbags are going to sell out fast
17:47that was great
17:49you were fantastic
17:51oh and honey
17:53listen not everybody is cut out for this kind of thing
17:55but you are a natural
17:57and a hit
17:59these numbers are amazing
18:01and they just keep going up
18:03really? absolutely
18:05this was Deception's best segment here yet
18:07Ma you sold the most units
18:09of Home and Heart's entire quarter
18:11see I know what I'm talking about
18:13who knew
18:17I got to hand it to you Lois
18:19you really pulled it off
18:21you did a terrific job
18:27she's wrong
18:29Molly is wrong
18:31you're wrong
18:33I do know what love is
18:35I loved her
18:37I loved her
18:39I did
18:41I did
18:43I loved her
18:45I know what love is
18:47I loved her
18:49I did
19:03let me help you
19:05let me carry a baby for you
19:07and TJ
19:10I was never originally against it
19:12when I offered to be your surrogate
19:14and admittedly I hadn't really thought it through
19:16not fully
19:18when I said that before
19:20that was my pain talking
19:22I was disappointed and bitter
19:24that you could carry a child
19:26and I couldn't
19:28I am about to officially ask you
19:30for a huge favor
19:32yes I'll be your surrogate
19:34there is no binding agreement
19:36that you can sign
19:38bond between Chrissy and me
19:40is stronger than all the legal protections
19:42in the world
19:44I'm pregnant
19:46TJ and I discussed it and
19:48we want the baby sex to be a surprise
19:52Chrissy is more than a surrogate
19:54she is biologically and emotionally invested
19:56just tell me
19:58you can see how potentially
20:00difficult this is
20:02I understand
20:04but I am still choosing
20:06to be hopeful
20:08she wants our baby to be her baby
20:10and now thanks to this interview
20:12the whole world thinks it is
20:14you want me to terminate
20:16my parental rights
20:18in order for me to legally
20:20be the baby's mother
20:22you have to terminate your rights
20:24this is what we agreed to in the beginning
20:26I do wonder sometimes if maybe
20:28Allie and I would make better parents
20:30for this baby right now
20:32maybe we would be able to provide a more stable home
20:34then you and TJ
20:36there was an accident
20:38Christina was hurt
20:40she is having an emergency c-section
20:42the little girl is gone
20:44a girl
20:46I'm so sorry
20:58no it's okay
21:02we have to get you home
21:04I'm not leaving without TJ
21:16let's get out of here
21:30I loved her
21:34I did
21:38I loved her
21:42I loved her
21:46I'm sorry I missed our visit last week
21:48you know I consider it our standing date
21:50but James was missing
21:52and we were all looking for him
21:54don't worry he turned up
21:56a little worse for the wear
21:58boy do I have a crazy story to tell you
22:00when you wake up about who he went to see
22:04you know why I love painting your nails
22:08I believe just because you're stuck in a bed
22:10doesn't mean you don't deserve to be pampered
22:12and painting your nails
22:14reminds me of our crimson days
22:16when we would get
22:18so excited about any free samples
22:20we would receive
22:22well it was thrilling for me
22:24and I loved you so much
22:27thank you so much for going along with it
22:29and pretending
22:31I miss you Lulu
22:33and I know
22:35it's probably driving you crazy
22:37that you're stuck in this bed
22:39being forced to listen to me ramble
22:41so please wake up
22:43and tell me to be quiet
22:45I promise I won't even get offended
22:49you know how I know
22:51you're gonna pull through this
22:53there are so many people
22:55your mom
22:57Charlotte and Rocco
23:03and even though you're stuck in this bed
23:05with objectively perfect nails
23:07right now
23:09none of us have given up on you
23:11I promise
23:25I'm sorry
23:27I'm sorry
23:29I'm sorry
23:31I'm sorry
23:33I'm sorry
23:35I'm sorry
23:37I'm sorry
23:39I'm sorry
23:41I'm sorry
23:43I'm sorry
23:45I'm sorry
23:47I'm sorry
23:49I'm sorry
23:51I'm sorry
23:53I'm sorry
23:55I'm sorry
23:57I'm sorry
23:59I'm sorry
24:01I'm sorry
24:03I'm sorry
24:05I'm sorry
24:07I'm sorry
24:09I'm sorry
24:11I'm sorry
24:13I'm sorry
24:15I'm sorry
24:17I'm sorry
24:19I'm sorry
24:21I'm sorry
24:23I'm sorry
24:25I'm sorry
24:27I'm sorry
24:29I'm sorry
24:31I'm sorry
24:33I'm sorry
24:35I'm sorry
24:37I'm sorry
24:39I'm sorry
24:41I'm sorry
24:43I'm sorry
24:45I'm sorry
24:47I'm sorry
24:49I love the life that we've created the family that we've built she's like
24:55she's like a miracle for me you know look I know how great you and Sam are
25:02together and how much you adore each other but that doesn't mean you can't
25:06have complicated feelings for Lulu she was your wife you have a kid together
25:13I mean look we already divorced when she got hurt we were over if you start a
25:28new life with someone else and she was happy but every time I take Rocco in
25:32there I see her in that bed do I love her
25:39do I care for her don't want her to wake up of course all those things but I know
25:45she put me behind her I'll tell you a secret I think Dante still needs you to
25:58he tracked me down today at work just to let me know you had been moved here
26:05after you were hurt I I never told Dante that you were
26:12playing to tell him you still loved him I did think about it it just it didn't
26:19seem fair I thought he would want for him to move on you know be happy and he
26:27is happy but that doesn't mean he he doesn't need you to so if that counts
26:38for anything
26:40please fight your way back for him too okay okay almost ready can I help you
26:48with anything else no everything's taken care of but thank you still I
26:55appreciated what you said at the church I like to think that both of our
27:01Irene's are up there in heaven watching over us and taking care of each other
27:08you know I always thought it was Irene who brought you back to us after we had
27:13lost you for so long and with both Irene's together I'm sure there'll be
27:19raining down blessings on us I certainly hope so
27:27Christina was never going to give up Irene she had an affidavit all prepared
27:32saying that she was the mother and wanted to retain custody in the kicker
27:36that Alexis was helping her
27:40TJ gonna need the blessing the most he lost a child a child that's the kind of
27:48pain nobody can bear and he can't shoulder that pain alone he gonna need
27:53us what's wrong ma nothing I'm fine you did a fantastic job everybody loves you
28:02so why do you look like someone just told you that you could only wear a
28:06pale pink nail polish for the rest of your life Brooklyn
28:14I need you to be honest with me is my accent unbearable
28:25I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer for TJ and Molly but I'm needed at the hospital
28:31well baby that's okay I'm sure that they understand and they'll feel your love
28:37and support you can save lives okay we'll take it from there I love you so
28:44much I love you too and I'll see you tonight you got we haven't officially
28:58met I'm dr. Portia Robinson hi I'm Rick Lansing Molly's father nice to meet you
29:04you too I have to go to the hospital but I just want to say I'm so sorry for
29:10your loss thank you I was very much looking forward to meeting my first
29:15grandchild please please make yourself at home
29:26Curtis Asher sir nice to meet you and I'm really glad you were here to support
29:31Molly yeah me too
29:43I'm feeling
29:48my dad and I are just gonna step outside okay okay let me know if you need
29:58F you I know it's been hard on you in a million different ways are you hanging
30:08in there I don't have a choice and I just keep reminding myself that it's not
30:15always gonna hurt this much that time heals all wounds even the ones that feel
30:22like they'll be wrong forever well that's your mother and I are here to
30:28remind you of as well and that goes for everyone else too we are all here to
30:34help lift you and Molly up and get you through this as best as we can
30:38I know you have been so amazing I am I'm incredibly grateful for my family right
30:48good good because you're stuck with us yeah I'm gonna ask you if I Stella and
30:56granddad need anything if you excuse me Mars
31:07how about you how you doing I know it must be tough to watch your son going
31:12through all this oh my pain can wait TJ's my primary concern right now you
31:19know he just filled me in on what took place at Irene's grave site after we
31:23left the church what do you mean
31:27Christina and Alexis we're planning to steal my son's child
31:34thank you for coming and I don't love being in Port Charles but it means so
31:40much to have you here of course I came I was gonna be there for you when you
31:44need me how you doing honestly I'm completely
31:51drained I feel like I just fought a war alone
31:57well if it's any comfort you won I don't think there's any victors today
32:03my relationship with Christina's in pieces and looks like mom's taking her
32:08side I'm honestly sick to my stomach about it
32:14I'm proud of you okay you stood up for yourself and you stood up for your child
32:18not everybody would have that kind of strength especially when you're being
32:22pressured to kind of go along and play nice
32:29you are complete marvel
32:34are you crazy mom we talk the way we talk yeah but we don't talk the same our
32:41accents and our speech patterns they're different maybe a little bit but who
32:46cares I cannot believe you're worried about this numbers don't lie and you
32:50were a huge hit yes you are I agree the people on social media can't get enough
32:57of you and neither can I oh that's very nice of you to say I know it was
33:03dicey at first and thank you so much for helping push me through that rocky
33:08start honey once we got you over that hump we were off to the races and we
33:14won oh I just can't wait to book your next appearance you know we need to make
33:20this a regular thing oh all right we don't need to inflate Lois's ego any
33:27further than it already is we will be in touch to book our next segment on home
33:34and heart until then shall we decamp for home absolutely lead the way
33:43shall we decamp for home decamp for home
33:53Lexus had a custody affidavit all drawn up and ready to file well he found it in
33:59Alexis's briefcase Wow Wow I had no idea it's just so infuriating I mean we all
34:07knew that Christina had rights as a baby's biological mother TJ's been
34:12worried about that for months but this baby was conceived because TJ and Molly
34:17so desperately wanted to be parents Christina would have never even thought
34:21about having a baby if it wasn't for them that part and so for Christina to
34:27go back on her word and betray her sister and TJ by deciding to keep the
34:31baby it's unforgivable and and for Alexis to help Christina knowing what it
34:38would do to Molly and TJ that baby was his biological child and what should
34:45have been the happiest moments of Molly and TJ's lives who would have quickly
34:49devolved into a custody battle I promise you if that precious little baby had
34:57survived Christina and Alexis would have been in for the fight of their life if
35:01they thought they're gonna take my grandchild away from me how do your
35:05stitches feel do you need another pain pill cares about my stitches my baby is
35:11dead and my sister is blaming me your sister is in pain too and she's lashing
35:20out and as cliche as it sounds sometimes the people we love the most are the most
35:26capable of hurting us none of that excuses Molly's behavior I think this is
35:32an opportune time to remind you that you are named after my sister Christina who
35:40I loved very much and we didn't always get along but I loved her fiercely and I
35:48was devastated at her death and I miss her and I would give just about anything
35:56to be able to talk to her again now you and Molly are still here and you are at
36:03odds and I get how critical this is but you are gonna have to find a way to
36:10repair your relationship Molly is blaming me for my baby's death I will
36:18never forgive her funny thing is I know how this is all gonna end mom and Sam
36:24will plead Christina's case to me they'll say she's emotional and fragile
36:29right now and they'll say we're sisters Davis girls that should always come
36:35first I mean they'll probably encourage me to suck it up be the bigger person
36:41apologize to Christina say all the right things that will make her feel better
36:45and who knows maybe they'll catch me in a weak moment and I'll even do it but
36:50you don't want to oh I will never forgive Christina every time I visit my
36:56daughter's grave or walk past the room that should have been her nursery I will
37:01know that it's Christina's fault that my baby is dead I know it's a Spencer
37:07tradition to pull off a win at the 11th hour because you used to love doing that
37:12and then you'd give me this smug smile it drove me crazy but I admired it
37:19admired you anyway it's officially the 11th hour Lulu so you need to pull out
37:27that win come back to us
37:33for Rocco and Charlotte for me
37:40for Dante
37:43when I was first getting to know lucky he told me how Lulu had a plastic anemia
37:49when she was a toddler and he told me how strong you were for her and that you
37:56never gave up on her well she needs that strength now and I know you're
38:02gonna give it to her thank you for saying that boy do I miss lucky I wish
38:13to God I knew where he was so I could bring him home
38:31on the next general hospital I'm sorry I'm afraid it's not good news we have to
38:36locate Valentin without Brennan catching on what does Jack Brennan want with Jason
38:41I think there's something you and I haven't told me how did the doctors miss