Happiness ep 2 eng sub

  • last month
00:00:00When I make it popular,
00:00:02if the people who walk in my name
00:00:04leave their evil ways
00:00:06and bow down to me and pray
00:00:08and find my face,
00:00:10I will lie in heaven
00:00:12and atone for their sins
00:00:14and fix their land.
00:00:18Now I will raise my eyes
00:00:20and ears
00:00:22to what is happening here,
00:00:24so that the Lord may
00:00:26glorify my name.
00:00:56Let us pray.
00:01:27In a homeless shelter in Taeyang City,
00:01:29there was an incident
00:01:31in which a dozen homeless people
00:01:33were found dead.
00:01:35According to the authorities,
00:01:37there was an accidental fight
00:01:39among the homeless people
00:01:41and the dead were found dead.
00:01:45What are you doing?
00:01:48Sae-bom, are you okay?
00:01:50Yeah, I got tested
00:01:52and did some personal preparation.
00:01:57How is this going to work?
00:02:00Did you know you were suspended from training?
00:02:02Lee Jong-tae's training ground
00:02:04was completely closed.
00:02:10You're the guy from before, right?
00:02:14You're really strong.
00:02:20What if something really happens?
00:02:23If people start going crazy,
00:02:26there's a cure, right?
00:02:29I don't know.
00:02:31I think they're trying.
00:02:38I got a call from a reporter.
00:02:40He said he'd pay me
00:02:42if I told him what happened here.
00:02:44Me, too.
00:02:47He must have given it to his friends.
00:02:49Hey, don't call people like that.
00:02:53We signed a confidentiality agreement.
00:02:59Are you going back now?
00:03:02I got a six-month leave.
00:03:04I'm moving out today
00:03:06and I'm just stopping by to say hello.
00:03:08Are you moving out of the apartment?
00:03:10You worked so hard to cook the meat.
00:03:12It's okay.
00:03:14I got a house.
00:03:18An apartment.
00:03:22A loan?
00:03:23No, no.
00:03:24You remember I told you about the loan, right?
00:03:26It's a public loan.
00:03:27I remember.
00:03:28I got a work evaluation.
00:03:30I got the highest score,
00:03:32but I didn't get enough points.
00:03:35I decided to get the newlyweds' score, too.
00:03:41you're getting married
00:03:42because you don't get enough points?
00:03:48With who?
00:03:49When you were young,
00:03:50you asked me out.
00:03:52I said no back then.
00:03:55I asked you if you still have feelings for me.
00:03:58It's not because I think you're stupid.
00:04:04It was my dream to live in my own house.
00:04:08That's why.
00:04:15This is for the shabby clothes.
00:04:19I feel closer to you now.
00:04:26It's cold.
00:04:32You didn't get enough points?
00:04:33Yeah, but...
00:04:40I told you because I have feelings for you.
00:04:43You're good-looking,
00:04:44and you're strong.
00:04:48I'm better than you think.
00:04:50I'm not stupid.
00:04:51And I don't think I'm jealous.
00:04:53If you miss this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
00:04:59I don't have many friends like me.
00:05:05Okay, fine.
00:05:07Let's get married.
00:05:15I said
00:05:17let's get married.
00:05:19I know what you mean.
00:05:21I like it, too.
00:05:23He likes it.
00:05:29He likes it.
00:05:33Congratulations on your marriage.
00:05:36It's nothing.
00:05:38When are you moving in?
00:05:49I got scratched by Lee Jong-tae.
00:05:51It doesn't heal well.
00:05:53Didn't you get in trouble?
00:05:56Let's get married once a week.
00:06:06Are you okay?
00:06:12I'm fine.
00:06:23Aren't you going to answer the phone?
00:06:27I'm hanging up.
00:06:36I'm on my way home now.
00:06:38I'll clean up when I get to the moving company.
00:06:40Take your time.
00:06:44You're a hard worker, too.
00:07:06Yes, sir.
00:07:17Have you thought about it?
00:07:19How much can you give me?
00:07:22I talked to the general manager.
00:07:24If it's a condition that there's an internal video and we're reporting it alone,
00:07:28I think I can set the amount as much as possible.
00:07:33Get in.
00:07:34Let's sit down and talk comfortably.
00:08:05Hang in there.
00:08:09It's okay.
00:08:10It's okay.
00:08:25Seung-hyuk, what are you doing?
00:08:34Here you go.
00:08:39Here you go.
00:08:44How do you remember the picture from 12 years ago?
00:08:46But I almost died.
00:08:48Anyway, congratulations on your success.
00:08:50I didn't know you'd do it this way.
00:09:00Get out of the way.
00:09:01Why? What is it?
00:09:02This is my gift.
00:09:04My wife started the business.
00:09:07Don't worry. It's all out. Stay healthy.
00:09:10It's all packed.
00:09:11So turn the apartment around and advertise it.
00:09:14That's all you have to do.
00:09:15I'll make some rice cakes.
00:09:16And Han Tae-suk's back investigation that you asked for.
00:09:20I'll do my best to advertise.
00:09:22What is it?
00:09:23It's a specialty in infectious medicine.
00:09:25There's a program where a few of the students in the 4th grade go to medical school and get a scholarship.
00:09:30I got a specialty in it, worked as a military officer, and then I was discharged.
00:09:34After I was discharged, I worked at a pharmaceutical company.
00:09:36What? Competitiveness Enhancement Team Leader?
00:09:38Something like that.
00:09:46It was taken when I was being tried for assaulting the head of the pharmaceutical company.
00:09:51You didn't look like that type.
00:09:53The one who looks calm is scarier when he's crazy.
00:09:56Anyway, he was suddenly acquitted and returned to the military.
00:10:00That's also a felony.
00:10:03That's weird.
00:10:05Anyway, don't get involved as much as you can.
00:10:08You'll get in trouble if you stay next to Oh Nan-dol.
00:10:10All right.
00:10:13And tell me if you need more rice cakes.
00:10:26I don't want to get involved, but I think I'll keep seeing it.
00:10:56I'm sorry.
00:11:07Oh, I keep thinking about the trainee I took in the emergency.
00:11:17He's not doing well.
00:11:19Just like Lee Jung-tae.
00:11:21It's impossible to have a family relationship.
00:11:24I told them to find out about it from the people who were dispatched to the company.
00:11:28Once you go in there, you can't come out alive.
00:11:35I came out.
00:11:38You're the only one who came out.
00:11:40Just you.
00:11:50Is this really okay?
00:11:53You're not going to die there.
00:11:59It's hard to be happy.
00:12:17Oh, my God.
00:12:19I'm sorry.
00:12:20Be careful.
00:12:21I'm sorry.
00:12:22I'm sorry.
00:12:28Oh, my God.
00:12:48I'm sorry.
00:13:04Oh, the fifth floor.
00:13:14Please wear a mask indoors.
00:13:17Yes, I'm sorry.
00:13:29Where did you buy that?
00:13:31I don't think it's a picture, it's a real thing.
00:13:35I'm Kyung-taek.
00:13:38Really Kyung-taek?
00:13:40A strategy movie for deterrence?
00:13:43Can you get me a Kyung-taek T-shirt?
00:13:48It says Kyung-taek on the front S.O.U.T.
00:13:51Large size.
00:13:56I'll look it up.
00:13:59Yes, please.
00:14:01Fifteenth floor.
00:14:09It's unique.
00:14:32You're early.
00:14:33You moved.
00:14:34I'm going to eat jajangmyeon and tangsuyuk.
00:14:35I knew it, so I searched all the famous restaurants.
00:14:39Hey, did you have a picture of this?
00:14:41Jung-guk had it as a file.
00:14:44So I pulled it out.
00:14:46You don't like it?
00:14:47No, well...
00:14:49No, but...
00:14:50Wasn't it such a pleasant situation for you?
00:14:52Do you like it?
00:14:57Stand up straight.
00:14:59I'll take a picture.
00:15:00One, two, three.
00:15:02Look at this when you're tired.
00:15:04Live hard.
00:15:10Here you go.
00:15:14Well, I heard that the district office could find out if you're really married.
00:15:19That's enough to explain why you're married.
00:15:23It's a very strong motive.
00:15:24That's right, that's right. You look like you have a story.
00:15:35It's nice to wear a handcuff.
00:15:36When will I ever wear a handcuff again?
00:15:41Are you making rice cake?
00:15:43Jung-guk is doing a part-time job, so he asked me to promote it.
00:15:48I'll be back soon.
00:15:49No, I'll do it.
00:15:51You clean up the house and order some jajangmyeon.
00:15:53I'm double.
00:15:57Hey, be careful.
00:16:21Who is it?
00:16:23I moved to the front house. Aren't the adults here?
00:16:41Thank you for the food.
00:17:17It won't open.
00:17:20It's hard down here and normal up there.
00:17:24I blocked the door so I couldn't come up from the bottom.
00:17:27You're good at everything.
00:17:29I know everything.
00:17:30They say it's time to go to school.
00:17:36How do you get down from the top?
00:17:46Are you going to the bottom floor?
00:17:49One house is empty, and I live alone in the other house, but I didn't come in this morning.
00:17:55You're a doctor.
00:18:15It's a little cool.
00:18:23Can I open it?
00:18:25It's against the fire law to block the emergency door.
00:18:28If you say something, you can go back.
00:18:31I see.
00:18:32See you next time.
00:18:50The insurance company always talks about 5 to 5.
00:18:52Safety distance maintenance, front stock, right?
00:18:55You don't have to worry about what the parrots say.
00:18:57I saw the video, and it's enough for two to one.
00:19:01It's 501.
00:19:03I moved in today.
00:19:05Wait a minute, boss.
00:19:10Oh, my God.
00:19:14I'll give you free counseling because you're a neighbor.
00:19:16You can come and talk to me anytime.
00:19:20Yes, boss. I think you can do that.
00:19:26A lawyer who appears like a comet at a difficult moment.
00:19:30It's a star dog.
00:19:33You can call me if you want to check.
00:19:36I think that's a bit of a star dog.
00:19:39Yes, yes, yes.
00:19:40Oh, yes. Please call me anytime.
00:19:42Yes, thank you.
00:19:47Who is it?
00:19:48I knew it.
00:19:50He moved in.
00:19:52But do you throw away what you eat?
00:19:57How can a lawyer be so suspicious of his wife?
00:20:01Shouldn't you eat what a stranger gives you?
00:20:04So the woman downstairs gave us a drug to poison us.
00:20:10Honey, you have a disease in your heart.
00:20:13Su-yeon, I was a national lawyer.
00:20:16I just opened my eyes early on the evil of people.
00:20:20Yes, please go and consult like a national lawyer.
00:20:24I think you need my lawyer.
00:20:27Oh, my God.
00:20:34Of course, you'll get caught.
00:20:36The police are on their way to your house right now.
00:21:04Oh, my God.
00:21:27Who are you?
00:21:32I moved downstairs. I'm going to give you rice cake.
00:21:37I don't like flour.
00:21:40Rice cake.
00:21:42It's rice.
00:21:52Nice to meet you, too.
00:22:05Yes, I'm here.
00:22:07Why didn't you come out when I rang the bell?
00:22:09I was washing my hair.
00:22:11But I can't help it. Why are you ringing the bell today?
00:22:14I didn't press it.
00:22:16I heard it came from downstairs.
00:22:20The house is small, but the security is a mess.
00:22:24Hey, Min-jae, let's wash our hands first.
00:22:27You have to wash your hands in 20 seconds.
00:22:36Do you want to take medicine? Wait a minute.
00:22:45Bring me some water.
00:22:48I got five complaints today.
00:22:51I don't know what you want when you get a few pills.
00:22:56This is why I didn't want to sign up for a dermatologist.
00:22:59I'm sorry.
00:23:01You took care of the annoying work because of me, didn't you?
00:23:04I'll make you a cool tangerine highball that you like.
00:23:10Oh, what's this? It's not a stone.
00:23:12I'm going to untie this today.
00:23:17First of all, the tangerine highball.
00:23:22You're nice today.
00:23:56Let's eat 20 and go to the next class.
00:24:07And this.
00:24:09What is it?
00:24:11A contract that if it is converted to general distribution ten years later, it will be a joint name.
00:24:16Do you understand?
00:24:17Because the score I brought is bigger.
00:24:20Of course. You saved my life.
00:24:25I wanted to do the floor for one person, but it's a new floor, so it's hard to open it.
00:24:31But this is neat, too.
00:24:38I can't believe it.
00:24:41The house is...
00:24:46The curtains should be naturally white or beige, right?
00:24:53Do I have to put a blind on the veranda?
00:24:57I think the lighting is just right.
00:24:59But I'm afraid I'll buy a few interior lights.
00:25:04I'll just buy a few sports equipment.
00:25:06All right.
00:25:07Oh, I like stainless steel on the top of the sink.
00:25:13This is completely new, too.
00:25:16I'm afraid I'll change it while I'm using it.
00:25:18Should I just change the water purifier?
00:25:19Bathroom and sink?
00:25:23Oh, I'm gonna have to make a lot of money.
00:25:25But it's good. It's worth studying.
00:25:28Yeah, I'll work hard, too.
00:25:46No, I can come out of the district office.
00:25:50Should I change it? Should I move it?
00:25:52No, you did a good job.
00:25:54People have to be meticulous to the end.
00:26:03We had a house when we were young.
00:26:09I don't know what went wrong.
00:26:11The house was getting smaller and smaller, and in the end, it turned into a semi-basement.
00:26:17Is it a real room?
00:26:18Is it a real room?
00:26:20How about high school?
00:26:23I have to sleep at night even if I go out during the day.
00:26:27If I delay it as much as possible and go home late,
00:26:32we all sleep in that small room.
00:26:42Mom and dad always scream and fight.
00:26:48If I couldn't stand it, I'd come out to change my dad's car.
00:27:19I wanted to have my own space.
00:27:24My own space.
00:27:32I'm almost there.
00:27:37I can't give up like this.
00:27:48I'm sorry.
00:28:19Good night.
00:28:24Good night.
00:29:03You're going to end up like this, too.
00:29:25What are you doing?
00:29:29Do you want me to go up?
00:29:34No, I was just surprised.
00:29:49I'm sorry.
00:30:39What is it?
00:30:43Just a brother I know.
00:30:44Because of the investigation.
00:30:46Sleep more. It's vacation.
00:30:54Why are you pulling out Se-bom's blood? It's hard anyway.
00:30:57I don't pull out a lot.
00:30:58Don't be too upset that you got married thanks to me.
00:31:02Why is that thanks to you? It's purely my ability.
00:31:05If I hadn't taken care of the house, would Yoon Se-bom have asked you to get married?
00:31:15Why are you coming into someone else's apartment?
00:31:18Did you see the news about the homeless shelter?
00:31:21I saw it.
00:31:22There will be an article in the newspaper this afternoon that the homeless have been turned around.
00:31:26As a precaution against side effects, those who collect all the drugs on the market and sell them illegally will be fined.
00:31:32That's the conclusion from the government.
00:31:34But why are you telling me that?
00:31:36Why are you investigating?
00:31:39We decided to investigate together.
00:31:43I sent a letter of cooperation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
00:31:46I'm a little busy.
00:31:51As you can see, I...
00:32:02Yes, sir.
00:32:07Do I have to do this?
00:32:13Yes, I have to do it.
00:32:29So what should I do first?
00:32:34This is Lee Jong-tae's phone.
00:32:36I released the password, so you can arrest him by pretending to be Lee Jong-tae.
00:32:41Is Lee Jong-tae also cooperating with the investigation?
00:32:45It's similar.
00:32:57But do you know what's the hardest thing about drug investigation?
00:33:02These guys have a lot of doubts, but they have a lot of greed.
00:33:05If you don't pay more than half of the money, you can't meet.
00:33:08But the police have money.
00:33:10I'm not doing this because I don't want to help you, but the investigation is not going well.
00:33:15Use the investigation fee.
00:33:16If possible, take care of the receipt and return the rest.
00:33:21I heard you worked at a pharmaceutical company.
00:33:24What kind of competition team were you?
00:33:26Competitiveness Enhancement Team.
00:33:28It's a department that steals other pharmaceutical drugs.
00:33:29I can't make it, but I'm good at stealing.
00:33:34How about hitting?
00:33:37Call me when you arrest the dealer.
00:33:39I also participate in the form of an observer.
00:33:43How much exactly do you have?
00:33:45You're not going to ask me to pay you later, are you?
00:33:50Detective Jung Hee-hyun.
00:33:53I heard your nickname is Detective.
00:33:55I heard you're a detective.
00:33:58You always logically deduce the case.
00:34:02Inside, it's called a trend investigation.
00:34:05It's weird to use your head, but strangely, it's right.
00:34:09There's a prejudice that an athlete's head will be bad.
00:34:13Please show me that you use your head and body well this time.
00:34:25I really hate him.
00:34:46Mom, why?
00:34:47I heard you went into the apartment yesterday.
00:34:50I didn't even call my mom.
00:34:52Oh, my God.
00:34:53Do I have to hear your news from Lee Hyun-hee?
00:34:56Mom, I'm having a hard time.
00:34:58I even got an infectious disease test.
00:35:01Mom got five more corona tests.
00:35:04No, not that. You know, the infectious disease that bites people these days.
00:35:08Gwang-in disease?
00:35:10Do you have a name?
00:35:11Yeah, it's similar to Gwang-gyun disease.
00:35:14I heard Gwang-gyun disease also bites people.
00:35:17Oh, my God.
00:35:18That's why the houses where dogs are raised are going crazy these days.
00:35:21Yeah, anyway, that's it.
00:35:24I'm self-quarantining in the apartment after getting a test for Gwang-in disease.
00:35:28I had a dream of biting people last night.
00:35:34Is Lee Hyun-hee okay with you?
00:35:37Of course.
00:35:39We really love each other.
00:35:42Get well soon.
00:35:44I'll call you when the wedding date is set.
00:35:48I'm coughing. I'll hang up.
00:36:18I need to go grocery shopping.
00:36:48Oh, my God.
00:37:07What's this? A wedding invitation?
00:37:19Here you go.
00:37:21Oh, pretty.
00:37:25You know it's delivered there, right?
00:37:27Yes, Myungwon Tteokjip.
00:37:30If you want to eat rice cake later, ask your family to buy it there.
00:37:34By the way, are you really a cop?
00:37:38Of course.
00:37:42Look at this.
00:37:45Is it better than a cop?
00:37:46If I get stronger, I want to be like you.
00:37:50Are you sick now?
00:37:52A little.
00:37:55I used to be very sick, so I couldn't go to school for two years.
00:38:02You're so strong now.
00:38:04You're going to be stronger than me, so you don't have to worry at all.
00:38:13Where are you going?
00:38:14Where are you going?
00:38:16To fight.
00:38:37How did you get here?
00:38:39It's downstairs. It's been noisy since last night.
00:38:42Are you doing some kind of construction?
00:38:44I'm sorry. I'm moving furniture.
00:38:52What are you doing?
00:38:54I have a bit of drive, so I have to fix it.
00:38:58I'm sorry.
00:38:59It's not a drive, it's a disease.
00:39:03This won't happen again.
00:39:08Thank you for the rice cake.
00:39:11How did you know me?
00:39:13I don't think I've seen you before.
00:39:14I heard about it.
00:39:16She's pretty like her mom.
00:39:18Hey, you're pretty.
00:39:27Have you ever seen him?
00:39:29I took the elevator with him a few times, but I guess he's not interested in other people.
00:39:34My aunt is a doctor, and he plays at home.
00:39:38My mom says there's a legal problem.
00:39:42Maybe it's just because she likes to play.
00:39:45Are you going in?
00:39:46What about you?
00:39:47Me? I'm going to work out.
00:40:01Are you home alone?
00:40:02Are you home alone?
00:40:04Dad's doing a courier.
00:40:06Mom, help me sort it out in the morning.
00:40:09What about school?
00:40:10I'm studying at home.
00:40:12If I tell you in advance these days, I can get out of school on the 19th of the year.
00:40:19Follow me.
00:40:22Exercise today.
00:40:24Let's study.
00:40:32Let's go.
00:40:42Wow, that's nice.
00:40:50I'm a resident here, and I can use it anytime.
00:40:53Wait a minute.
00:40:54First of all, you can prepare a towel for exercise shoes.
00:40:58First of all, please write down how many bags and how many cans here.
00:41:07Are you going to exercise, too?
00:41:19People who are on duty can't come in.
00:41:24Why? Because of the management fee?
00:41:27Yes, the management fee is the management fee, but because of the price of the exercise equipment.
00:41:31Ordinary people bought it, but there were people who said that it would be unfair if I let them use it.
00:41:37Oh, yeah?
00:41:39I'll do home training.
00:41:41Let's go.
00:41:42Wait a minute.
00:41:44But if you do PT to me, I can get that kind of convenience.
00:41:49Home training.
00:41:55Are you late?
00:41:58But why didn't you tell me?
00:41:59I thought you'd solve it.
00:42:02Don't you have a fire extinguisher?
00:42:05If it costs money, it's easy to break up.
00:42:09But there's a way.
00:42:21Oh, you're good.
00:42:34What do you teach in the gym class?
00:42:37Are you good at running?
00:42:40You're so good.
00:43:48Take a good rest.
00:43:51Yes, teacher.
00:43:57Take a rest.
00:43:58You're cute.
00:44:06Help me.
00:44:08At that time,
00:44:10I was attacked by the trainer.
00:44:14I couldn't say it because I was scared,
00:44:17but the wound doesn't heal.
00:44:19Where are you now?
00:44:21I'll go there.
00:44:29It's okay.
00:44:30Look at me.
00:44:31I'm fine.
00:44:33If you take a test today
00:44:35and take a rest,
00:44:36you'll be fine.
00:44:39I'll tell Mr. Jae-soo that you're not sick.
00:44:44I'm afraid to think I'm going to die.
00:44:47Why would you die?
00:44:49You're not sick.
00:44:51Look at me.
00:44:53It's not a big deal.
00:44:55I'm not sick.
00:44:56It's not a big deal.
00:44:58You can go there, take a test,
00:45:00and check.
00:45:03Can't you give me some money?
00:45:04I'll tell him.
00:45:15You're not thirsty, are you?
00:45:26I'm not thirsty.
00:45:33There's one more patient.
00:45:35You're not thirsty, are you?
00:45:53Let me see your wound.
00:46:04It's not a big deal.
00:46:12Are you sure it's scratched?
00:46:15I think it was cut with a knife.
00:46:17And recently.
00:46:20I hope so, too.
00:46:24My wound doesn't heal well, does it?
00:46:29It doesn't look like there's a big problem.
00:46:32Let's check it out.
00:46:36Oh, it's spicy.
00:46:39Is there a problem?
00:46:41The color.
00:46:42The color changes from the wound to black and red.
00:46:51I'll be here until the test is over.
00:46:56Won't this get better?
00:47:16Can you move this much?
00:47:20Let me know if you're thirsty.
00:47:22Yoon Se-bom, come out for a second.
00:47:30I told you.
00:47:32It's okay.
00:47:34I'll go get some blood. Wait a minute.
00:47:35Let's go.
00:47:53It's okay.
00:47:56There's nothing.
00:47:59I'm just asking for money.
00:48:02It's okay.
00:48:05It's okay.
00:48:31If this happens again, let me know in advance.
00:48:34I don't want to be surprised.
00:48:38All right.
00:48:39Can you open your bag?
00:48:57I'm giving one more rice cake to someone I hate.
00:49:04I'm giving one more rice cake to someone I hate.
00:49:17He's our trainer.
00:49:19He was bitten by Lee Jong-tae.
00:49:23I heard he was in bad condition.
00:49:25He was refused to visit his family.
00:49:34He was bitten by Lee Jong-tae.
00:49:36If you're bitten, you'll be infected no matter what.
00:49:41The condition is getting worse, so the normal time keeps getting shorter.
00:49:46You don't know when you'll feel thirsty and hit people, so it's impossible to date.
00:49:53How do you treat it?
00:49:57Not now.
00:50:00When it gets worse, I always feel thirsty.
00:50:03I lose my mind and just look at people.
00:50:07What I can do now is to slow down the speed of getting there.
00:50:15It's true that no one has left alive.
00:50:22Yoon Sae-bom is very lucky.
00:50:27If nothing happens, Lee Seung-young will do the same.
00:50:33Yoon Sae-bom
00:50:42Are you bored? Do you want to eat something?
00:50:43Do you want to eat something?
00:51:02Where are you now?
00:51:07I have a family.
00:51:10If I die like this, I'll keep the reason for my death a secret.
00:51:14There's a way to be safe and make money.
00:51:18Hello? Hey, Lee Seung-young!
00:51:38Is this really okay?
00:51:40I'm not going to die there.
00:51:42I got a call from a reporter.
00:51:44If you tell me what happened here, he'll give me money.
00:52:06He wore a mask and ran away.
00:52:08He thought he was a chair.
00:52:10Where are the patients?
00:52:14Where are you?
00:52:23So where else are you?
00:52:27It's a frozen truck.
00:52:39It's a frozen truck.
00:53:09It's a frozen truck.
00:53:39It's a frozen truck.
00:54:09It's a frozen truck.
00:54:39It's a frozen truck.
00:55:09It's a frozen truck.
00:55:39It's a frozen truck.
00:55:48You know what it is, right?
00:55:50Then I'll send you the video right now.
00:55:54We're all recording right now.
00:55:56Don't think about it later.
00:56:01Half of it!
00:56:09Make a deposit and call me.
00:56:11Look at this.
00:56:13It's a real frozen truck.
00:56:40It's a frozen truck.
00:57:01Why aren't you going in there?
00:57:03There's someone who's coming.
00:57:05Who? Did you call for help?
00:57:07The tiger is here.
00:57:12Oh, my God.
00:57:14Aren't you Lieutenant Han Tae-seok?
00:57:16What's going on with this shabby place?
00:57:18The dealer wants me and Sergeant Jung Hae-young to meet.
00:57:21Would it be okay?
00:57:23Oh, yes, of course.
00:57:25I'm just waiting here.
00:57:33Hey, you...
00:57:34I know, I know, I know.
00:57:35Keep it well.
00:57:37Oh, my God.
00:57:40But why did you really come here?
00:57:42I was storing the rest of the NEXT in the storage room of the pharmaceutical company.
00:57:45I wanted to know who put it on the market.
00:57:47I saw the news, and I think this infectious disease is going crazy in foreign countries.
00:57:51Is it sold all over the world?
00:57:54I can't make it, but I told you I'm good at stealing.
00:58:00It was stolen by a foreign company.
00:58:02It's a competitive reinforcement team.
00:58:07You're a great man.
00:58:24It's all three.
00:58:26Hey, turn off the lights.
00:58:33Did you bring the lock?
00:58:37By the way, where's Lee Jong-tae?
00:58:43Look at Lee Jong-tae.
00:58:45You haven't been in touch lately, have you?
00:58:59It's two.
00:59:00It's three.
00:59:06It's four.
00:59:14It's a trunk.
00:59:16Please fill it up.
00:59:30You son of a bitch.
00:59:36You son of a bitch.
00:59:53What is this?
00:59:56It's a block. Do you have 1,000 bars?
00:59:57Why do you carry this around?
01:00:07What are you doing?
01:00:09Check it out.
01:00:12You killed a man in front of the police?
01:00:16Does this look like a person to you?
01:00:18Does this look like a person to you?
01:00:34Put your hands up!
01:00:38It's over. It's over.
01:00:40Oh, yeah?
01:00:43Hey, how many shots did you shoot?
01:00:46You're in a relationship with a drunkard.
01:00:47You're gonna die, man.
01:00:51Are you doing this?
01:01:09When did that happen?
01:01:11I don't know.
01:01:16I just went home to get my money.
01:01:18He's in that state.
01:01:19He killed his family.
01:01:20No, he was hitting his head on the floor.
01:01:24Did you drink?
01:01:26I drank a lot.
01:01:27He's completely crazy and he's still in that state.
01:01:29I'm such a sick person.
01:01:33Then what was it?
01:01:35It's the best security dog you don't have to feed.
01:01:43You guys took medicine, too.
01:01:45What's going to happen?
01:01:54All right.
01:01:56Jung Hee-yeon.
01:01:58There's a problem with the dormitory.
01:02:01Yoon Sae-beom is there.
01:02:06Why did you do that?
01:02:16Yoon Sae-beom
01:02:29It's not a person.
01:02:35This much.
01:02:59Be quiet.
01:03:07Open this.
01:03:09Hurry up.
01:03:13No, don't open it.
01:03:15Open it.
01:03:45Open it.
01:04:15Open it.
01:04:30Be honest.
01:04:32You're looking at those people as monsters.
01:04:35Stop the investigation.
01:04:37There's a rabies spreading in the apartment.
01:04:40If you take that medicine, you'll get rabies, right?
01:04:43It's a bad rumor.
01:04:44It won't help with the house price.
01:04:46I'll stop everything as planned.
01:04:47Are you just waiting to die?
01:04:49There was definitely something about the lady upstairs.
01:04:53What's going on in that house right now?