• geçen yıl
مسلسل القروية الجميلة,مسلسل تركي,مسلسلات تركية,القروية الجميلة,القروية الجميلة الحلقة الاخيرة,مسلسلات تركية قروية,دبلجة عربية,مسلسلات تركية قروية 2024,مسلسلات تركية مترجمة,مسلسلات تركية قروية كوميدية,مسلسلات تركية مدبلجة,مسلسلات قروية تركية 2024,مسلسل,مسلسلات تركية ريفية,مسلسلات تركيه قرويه,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 1,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 2,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 3,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 4,مسلسل القروية الجميلة الحلقة 5
مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل هندي رومنسي,مسلسل هندي دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية حزينة,مسلسل,مسلسل هندي دراما,مسلسلات هندية رومنسية,سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية دوبلاج عربي,مسلسل هندي مدبلج بالعربية,مسلسلات هندية رومانسية,مسلسل هندي سواراغيني,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربي,مسلسل هندي ومن الحب ما قتل,مسلسل جديد,مسلسلات هندية درامية,مسلسلات,عميلة سرية مسلسل هندي,60 سيلسيلا مسلسل هندي,مسلسل هندي الروح العاشقة
مسلسل هندي,مسلسلات هندية,مسلسل,مسلسل هندي مدبلج,مسلسل مجاني,مسلسل ببلاش,مسلسل هندي دوبلاج عربي,مسلسلات هندية رومنسية,مسلسلات زي الوان,مسلسل هندي دراما,مسلسلات هندية دوبلاج عربي,مسلسلات هندية حزينة,مسلسلات هندية درامية,مسلسلات هندية رومانسية,مسلسل هندي رومنسي,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربي,اسماء جلال,مسلسل هندي سواراغيني,مسلسلات هندية مدبلجة بالعربية,مسلسل هندي ومن الحب ما قتل,مسلسل جديد,مسلسل هندي الروح العاشقة


00:00...bir vol torunken benimle geldin.
00:03Bilmiyorum, Ramiz.
00:05Belki de çok irayetli oldum.
00:08Bir şeyler olmadan çok şey düşündüm.
00:11Ve inan bana, sen hiçbir şey yanlış mı dedin?
00:14Ben de bir kez senin bu konusundan düşündüm.
00:21Sen de üzgün ol.
00:26Senin bu şarkıları dinledim.
00:30Nasıl beni anlattın...
00:34...ve bana yardım ettin...
00:36...hiç beklememiştim.
00:40Ceya, senin şarkılarının...
00:42...her birine aklımda kaldı.
00:49...Mrs. Ranbir Cep Mohite Patil...
00:53...ben bilmiyordum...
00:55...ki sen bu kadar yetenekli bir şarkıcısın.
00:58Ceya, çok etkilendim.
01:00Gerçekten çok etkilendim.
01:19Her bir kısım senin şarkılarının...
01:21...yaklaştı benim kalbime.
01:23İlk defa kendimi senin gözünün önünde görüyorum.
01:28O an önce binlerce defa seni sevdiğimi söylemiştim.
01:31Ama bugün...
01:33...onu söylemeden...
01:35...sen bana ne kadar sevdiğini hissettirdin.
01:41Ceya, gerçekten seni seviyorum.
01:46Seni seviyorum.
01:48Seni seviyorum.
01:49Seni seviyorum.
01:50Seni seviyorum.
01:51Seni seviyorum.
02:21Onunla konuşmak...
02:22...benimle konuşmak...
02:23...seninle konuşmak...
02:24...seninle konuşmak...
02:25...benimle konuşmak...
02:26...seninle konuşmak...
02:27...seninle konuşmak...
02:28...seninle konuşmak...
02:30...seninle konuşmak...
02:31...seninle konuşmak...
02:32...seninle konuşmak...
02:33...seninle konuşmak...
02:34...seninle konuşmak...
02:35...seninle konuşmak...
02:36...seninle konuşmak...
02:37...seninle konuşmak...
02:38...seninle konuşmak...
02:39...seninle konuşmak...
02:40...seninle konuşmak...
02:41...seninle konuşmak...
02:42...seninle konuşmak...
02:44...seninle konuşmak...
02:45...seninle konuşmak...
02:46...seninle konuşmak...
02:47["Sen badan daha kristalis misin..." çalıyor.]
03:20Kâliye gülkü.
03:24Her bu kavita apne kese padi didi?
03:28Jandije keli bu sari layin kadeh kadeh yuman me banali?
03:36Aga vedi eska?
03:38Mujega kavita likne atiye.
03:41Tujhe to bata, mekese tote kitara ratleti hu.
03:45Gâvme kâliye kavita suniyti?
03:48Açi lagi to ratli.
03:53Kitni musta kâma inâş.
03:55Ar veseli, kâ faruk padta he?
03:58Şe kavita kiste likhi?
04:01Ye söp, tere hi to man ke bâv the.
04:05To ye hi saç he?
04:11Hâ, didi, mâgar...
04:12Agar mâgar, kuch nî.
04:15Happy birthday pe?
04:16Happy birthday wala gâna gâte he nâ hâm sâb?
04:18O kânsâ hâm ne likhâ he?
04:20Firbî hâm gâte he.
04:22Bu sâb, bâvnâ ose jûdâ he.
04:26Agar bâvnâ saçî he, to sâb açâ he.
04:32Ar ek bâk, mâ jântî hu.
04:35Jandije, tutse bâhâ pyâr kertî.
04:40To, ik dûsre kâ kâl rakhû.
04:43Mal mî jû kuch bî he, kûl kâr bûlû.
04:47Tâ ki âgâ se kavita ki zarûrat nâ pâdî.
04:55Ağap nâ, is world ki best didi he.
04:59I love you so much, mâla.
05:01To, kû pâvâd this gûr.
05:03Zûkâm mâ dûnâ denâ bâs.
05:06Hâ, lî.
05:13I'm not like that, mâla.
05:25Thank you, mâla.
05:29Râna ke dîmâ ye kâ mâsûz kâr nâ lâgyâ.
05:32Ye kâsa kî çâhâ mâ.
05:35Jûske âgâ mârâ bâzî nâ yâlâ hâ.
05:39Âb âp yî koyî râstâ dikâ.
05:41Jûsse kîsî kôkoyî dûk nâ pâzî.
05:48Mom, Dad, Uncle, Uncle, Jaya.
05:51I'm really sorry.
05:52I'm telling you at the last minute.
05:55But I need your support.
05:57Mom, some of my important clients are coming home today.
06:00For a business lunch.
06:01I called them home
06:02so that they can come to our village and see the scope of development and business.
06:08So, it's important to impress them.
06:11So, please welcome them with a big welcome.
06:14Râna, why are you saying so much for such a small thing?
06:17You said it, so it's done.
06:20We'll all welcome them with a big welcome.
06:23That's what I heard.
06:25I hope nothing goes wrong.
06:35By mistake.
06:38What happened? Why is everyone looking at me?
06:45I'll help you.
06:46I'm not that stupid.
06:48Wait, I remember.
06:58Yes, that's it.
07:00You see, Ms. Vaizu.
07:02We trust you.
07:04But not your Vaizugiri.
07:08No, no, Vaizu.
07:09It's not fun without your Vaizugiri.
07:12Just control it a little bit.
07:14Reduce it by 10%.
07:16That's fine too, it's fine.
07:21Janvijay, this is so exciting.
07:25You chill.
07:26You'll see.
07:27We'll treat your guests like royalty.
07:32Thank you so much.
07:34Thank you so much.
07:42Do one thing.
07:43Make my favorite chocolate cake.
07:46I want you to try it.
07:48It's made by my lovely wife.
07:53I hope it won't be too much of a burden for you.
07:55What burden, Ranvijay?
07:57In fact, I'm very happy to make a cake for my husband.
08:04Don't worry.
08:06I'll take care of everything here, okay?
08:09Rana, don't worry.
08:11I'm here to help him. He's not alone.
08:14Your guests will be welcomed at Mohit Patil's residence.
08:20Thank you.
08:22Can I stay here to help?
08:34Okay, fine.
08:43Oh God, Ragini.
08:45I've sent Uncle Shambu to buy flowers.
08:47Don't use artificial flowers.
08:49Use real flowers, okay?
08:51Yes, mom. Relax.
08:52I forgot.
08:53Listen, we're cleaning the whole house right now.
08:56Clean your room too.
08:57There are old clothes in the room.
08:59Clean it up.
09:00Clean your room too.
09:02Take out all the old clothes and things.
09:05At least, we'll donate it to someone.
09:11Old clothes?
09:17My husband is very stubborn.
09:21He's a criminal.
09:24Just a second.
09:26I'll be right back.
09:26Seju, take this.
09:28Tara wants to talk to you.
09:29What did I do now?
09:34Seju, listen.
09:35Can you make a thick flatbread for my clients, please?
09:38Thick flatbread?
09:39Will such big people eat thick flatbread?
09:42Yes, they will.
09:44When they came to the factory last time, they tried my flatbread.
09:47They liked it very much.
09:49So, please make it for them.
09:52Of course.
09:53I'll make the best flatbread.
09:55Thank you.
09:59Seju, take this.
10:02It's a gift for you.
10:06Actually, I kept all these clothes to donate them to someone.
10:10Then I thought I should start donating them from home.
10:15So, I kept these clothes for you.
10:19Suleyman, you're always talking nonsense.
10:24You're always talking nonsense.
10:26I'm not talking nonsense.
10:27Why do you always look for a chance to make a scene?
10:32I swear.
10:33It's not the time for good.
10:37I'm saying this for her own good.
10:40She wears old clothes all day long.
10:43Rana's delegates are coming.
10:45When such big people come, she'll wear nice clothes.
10:49That's why I gave her the money.
10:52Why would my sister wear someone else's clothes?
10:57My sister wears nice clothes.
11:01If she needs anything, I'll buy it for her.
11:06Okay, dad?
11:07You're absolutely right, Jaya.
11:08Why would you?
11:10If she needs anything, I'll buy it for her myself.
11:14I'll buy a badge for her.
11:15If she needs anything, I'll buy it for her myself.
11:23Enough, enough.
11:25You're talking too much.
11:31I gave her such a lovely gift.
11:35Thank you.
11:39It smells like clothes.
11:42Take it.
11:44You gave her old saris, didn't you?
11:47The saris you're wearing looks very tiring.
11:55Give her this one too.
11:56When did I...
11:59She's upset.
12:07Very good.
12:09Aunt, where are you going with these clothes?
12:13To thank Aunt Suleykha.
12:20What kind of sound is this?
12:31Aunt, what have you started?
12:37Look, it's a pot.
12:40Aunt Suleykha, I got it in exchange for your red sari.
12:44Here you go.
12:48And your yellow sari was very light.
12:51I got this teapot as a gift.
12:53Make tea in this tomorrow, okay?
12:57And this is from yesterday.
12:59Really? It's nice.
13:01It's nice, isn't it?
13:02Aunt Suleykha, it's nice.
13:04It's nice, isn't it?
13:05It was nice here as well, so I got it.
13:08And this is a box.
13:10In exchange for the new sari.
13:12Take this box with you.
13:20She's thinking of a joke, isn't she?
13:22Aunt Suleykha, you gave me your old clothes
13:26and did such a good deed.
13:28So, I thought I should do a good deed too.
13:33So, I gave you your old clothes and bought a new teapot.
13:42Aunt Suleykha, from now on, if you want to give me your old clothes,
13:45just give them to me.
13:48Okay? Don't forget.
13:51You're smiling at me, aren't you?
13:55You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?
13:58I'll see you.
14:03Get out of here.
14:06There's no time for goodness.
14:11Brother, let's go.
14:14This is called a good deed.
14:17As you sow, so shall you reap.
14:27Yes, this is useful.
14:30Why do people in this house go shopping?
14:33Everyone is like this.
14:36What else should I buy?
14:43Let me see what's inside.
14:46Sister, what are you doing?
14:48Sister, what should I do?
14:51What did Ragini aunt say?
14:54I have to control myself.
14:56It's a very important day for Rana.
14:59Don't do anything wrong.
15:03That's good.
15:05That's good.
15:26Mr. Rana looked more handsome than Mr. Rana.
15:29He's not handsome.
15:32Then who is he?
15:39You're a guest in this house, aren't you?
15:41Then why are you spying on the family?
15:45Who gave you the right to interfere in the family's personal affairs?
15:50Do you have any sense or manners?
15:55I'm not a stranger.
15:56I'm not a stranger.
15:59I-I fell down, that's why.
16:02Shut up!
16:07Get on with youreverydaywork.
16:09Get out ofhere!
16:28İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
17:00Çok lezzetli.
17:02Gerçekten mi?
17:04Dene bana.
17:06Dene bana.
17:08Dene bana.
17:10Dene bana.
17:12Dene bana.
17:14Dene bana.
17:16Dene bana.
17:18Dene bana.
17:20Dene bana.
17:22Dene bana.
17:24Dene bana.
17:26Dene bana.
17:28Dene bana.
17:30Dene bana.
17:32Dene bana.
17:34Dene bana.
17:36Dene bana.
17:38Dene bana.
17:40Dene bana.
17:42Dene bana.
17:44Dene bana.
17:46Dene bana.
17:48Dene bana.
17:50Dene bana.
17:52Dene bana.
18:24Arina, hayır hayır, sen sadece tatlıyı güzelce pişirme.
18:43Vay, vay, vay, Bayju.
18:48Çok güzel bir tatlı pişirdin.
18:51Sadece Rengi Bey'in misafirini beğenirse, her şey yolunda olur.
18:56O mutlu, ben de mutluyum.
19:03Misafir mi geldi?
19:06Hiçbir şey hazır değil.
19:08Kimse de yok.
19:10Bir şey yapmalıyım.
19:24Biz Ranveja'yı tanıtmak için geldik.
19:27Gelin, gelin.
19:29Hepimiz seni bekliyoruz.
19:34İçin çok hazırlık yaptık.
19:37Gelin, gelin.
19:41Bugün bu misafirler için çok dikkatli olacağım.
19:45Ranveja'nın işleri çok iyi olacak.
19:47Hiçbir şey yapmayacak.
19:50Nasıl bildi ki biz geliyoruz?
19:52Ben de seninle geldim.
19:54Ne bileyim.
19:55Gelin, gelin.
20:07Ne yiyorsunuz?
20:09Ben de bu tatlı tatlıyı yiyeceğim.
20:11Bir saniye.
20:12Bir saniye.
20:14Bu tatlı tatlılığın yüzünden benim çok pahalı sandalyelerim parçalanmış.
20:17Kim bunu temizleyecek?
20:42Arkadaşını buraya getirmek için ne gerek vardı?
20:46Cevap ver, Jaya.
