450 Moto 2 - AMA Pro Motocross Ironman 2024

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450 Moto 2 - AMA Pro Motocross Ironman 2024


00:00to continue to run this thing off into the playoff. Will it be somebody else that steps
00:04up to the second moto? Can he ride off with the 1.1? You've been so close so many times
00:11to getting one of these moto wins for hunter. So close to the overall wins. They have one
00:16more chance at it. And we'll see if Sexton is still locked in after locking up the championship
00:26in moto one. One last 30-minute and two-lap battle. Here we go. And it's going to be close
00:45here. I'm not sure they're going to give the whole shot to, oh, that is Tomac or Cooper
00:51that got kicked sideways. Cooper got kicked sideways. No surprise out front. Hunter Lawrence,
00:56Aaron Plesinger again. Plesinger to the lead.
00:58Aaron Plesinger, wise move. That was a lot of stuff. That was Justin Cooper. Good save
01:02by him. Eli was on the outside. A little bit farther back. Aaron, exactly where he wants
01:08to be at. Unfortunately, the number four is probably exactly where he wants to be at too,
01:12right behind him.
01:13Yeah, he's fourth behind Cooper. There's Lawrence in the 96th fighting Cooper. Battle as we
01:22go uphill to Godzilla. It's going to be three wide.
01:25Yeah, we're racing NASCAR right here. Three wide over here.
01:29It's like a photo shoot. We had scrubs on both sides and then Sexton in the middle and
01:34almost happened again there.
01:36Yeah, this track is starting to open up with some of these lines. You know Hunter Lawrence
01:39wants to get around Justin Cooper because the number four is going to go around both
01:43of them.
01:44More NASCAR. The high bank left turn and he passed two.
01:48That was pretty. So pretty. What a move by him.
01:51J.T., what are you hearing on the 4?
01:54For Sexton there, he's just praying that both of them don't scrub towards him. You saw him
01:58straight up and down right in the middle. Probably white knuckled on that red bull KTM,
02:03but it all worked out.
02:04He's all ready to the rear wheel, J.T., of Plesinger, and he wants to lead.
02:09That was close. Luckily, Aaron just kind of kept that bike straight, but hello, that's
02:14your champion leaving no doubt out there and just a difference the way he shows up these
02:20second motos compared to the first one. He's locked in, ready to go, and he went from sixth
02:25to first opening lap.
02:29Maybe the championship hangover begins tomorrow. Definitely not in this moto, J.T.
02:34I think for chase Sexton there are two ways these championships can go. One, you ride
02:39so loose and so free. You put your best laps in early and you go to the front without any
02:43hesitation the way he did in the second moto. The other side of that is you really have
02:48a letdown moto. You have this adrenaline dump where you can't find any intensity. You can't
02:53get that sense of urgency that you've had because the mission has been accomplished.
02:57You've won that championship. I always wonder which way is it going to go. I think chase
03:01Sexton has answered that with a resounding answer of intensity.
03:06But Plessinger, you can see how badly he wants it as well, James.
03:09Yeah, I thought, Aaron, he would have had the pass, but he was unsure what chase was
03:13going to continue towards the inside. Otherwise he would have doubled past him. Look how close
03:18he was and just that one corner lost that time. Yeah, championship is wrapped up for
03:23your teammates. Let's go out here and battle. You know he wants it.
03:27up to fifth. He's close to Lawrence. There's the first view of the three. Lawrence has
03:35still not been able to get Cooper. Maybe he can get here. Same place that chase got up
03:40beside him last lap on the inside. He should be on the inside of him. He can get out of
03:46this corner pretty good, which he does. Get over that. There's your pass.
03:49He takes a look over to make sure he has the distance of the run out here on the bottom.
03:54He needed to make that pass one lap ago because the KTM guys have jumped him.
03:58Yeah, you can see Aaron almost went back up the inside of chase. Now if you're Hunter
04:02Lawrence, Eli, even Justin Cooper, this is exactly what you want. You don't want to see
04:06that 4 pulling away as it looked like Hunter almost stalled it in that corner right there.
04:11But this is your opportunity while chase has got some riders to deal with dealing with
04:18his teammate Aaron. Here comes Eli. Trying to get Cooper. We heard he's a little
04:23bagged up from a big crash last week, and he quickly is overhauled by the three.
04:29Nice move by Eli. Justin wasn't able to get over that little roller hip jump they were
04:34able to do. And that's that podium battle there that we
04:39were talking about. If Tomac can get to Hunter Lawrence and pass him, he'd be on the podium
04:45today. But it's not going to be easy. Hunter's been tough all year.
04:49Yeah, that inside line is starting to work for him. They're all doing it just like Hayden
04:53Deegan. So nice move. They all picked up on that. And as quickly as Aaron was right there,
04:58you can see chase starting to stretch it out in front.
05:03Jason Anderson now on the shot. The monster Kawasaki in green, closing on Cooper. This
05:08is the battle right now. Lawrence and Tomac. Look at ET3 go.
05:13See, now this is where Justin Cooper almost hooked outside of that berm. Eli kind of stays
05:18a little bit farther on the inside. Slides into it. Nice move. But you hear that Yamaha
05:24up there. Oh, that's classic Eli. All gas, all clutch.
05:30Not quite enough. Yeah, from that angle, looked like he was a
05:33little bit closer than what he was. But Hunter did a good job at blocking him. But this is
05:38where Eli, he needs to he can get around Hunter. I think he can keep this momentum up. One
05:43thing he doesn't want to happen is the stall out behind him. He's going to lose too much
05:47time and that might break his rhythm. That wood section, wasn't that the problem for
05:51Tomac? Yeah, that's where they both went on the inside.
05:55Let's see if he picks it up. Kind of jumped out on that single as we were watching in
06:01the 250 class those guys were doing it. You see Hunter Lawrence jumped that. That jump
06:06and threw his arms off. Almost as if he had a little bit of arm pump again. Same thing
06:09we saw a few races ago back in red. But Tomac just annihilated the corner on the outside.
06:21Trying to make the ground back up that he lost there in the woods and in the up and
06:24down of Godzilla. They're going to get battery charges on the way he beat that corner up.
06:32Now it's violent for sure. Now we go under the covered bridge. The Hoosier hole here
06:38in Indiana. There's Cooper coming through next.
06:42I'm surprised these guys aren't jumping at that quad or quint like Hayden Dugan did.
06:50A lot easier. Justin Cooper and Jason Anderson come through
06:54next. Fifth and sixth. And it's Craig, Nicoletti, Simonson and Norton.
07:08Battle continues here at pro motocross. And we've got the smx playoffs coming up soon.
07:13Sign up for text alerts. Just scan that qr code on the screen or go to supermotocross.com
07:18to get the info. Battle continues again. Eli Tomac, Hunter Lawrence hooking it up.
07:24Eli should have him. He can clean this corner. Should have signed him up on the inside. There
07:31you go. Does he have it? He's got to close Hunter off before Hunter gets back to the
07:36inside. The outside is faster. There you go. There's the pass that he couldn't get done
07:41in the first moto. So Eli Tomac up to third. Can he get even more? This is a vintage ride.
08:00I know it's not for the lead. But this is much more competitive. He's in the battle.
08:05He was not there last week. Got fourth in moto one. But now he's seeing the front runners
08:10both motos today. He's riding good. He's still doing that same part in that section.
08:16Looking at it between races. And he's losing second and a half in that one spot over there.
08:22You actually look at the segment times. The gap was that big in that one sector? It was
08:26that big. Eli was actually in the top three, one and two. Every other segment except for
08:32that. And he was the fourth fastest or fifth fastest in that. About a second and a half
08:36slower than chase Exler. Now that Tomac is rolling, I want to ask you about the head
08:39I hear you mention a lot with him. When he's on, what are you looking for as a sign with
08:44Tomac? If you notice when he's turning, it's almost like his head, he has no neck muscles.
08:50They just can't stand straight up. I think he does that obviously to let him turn. Wherever
08:56your head goes, that's where your bike goes and your body goes. When he's on form, he'll
08:59have his legs on the bike gripping the motorcycle kind of like that corner. And then he allows his
09:05head to dictate where he's going instead of putting his foot out. So when I see Eli doing
09:09his thing, you see that head laid over like a baby trying to go to sleep. Are you seeing it
09:16a little bit in this photo? There's a baby out there. All right. Baby tired.
09:23We will see if Tomac can hang on to this. This would be an overall podium for him. He has to
09:29hold off Lawrence all the way to the end. How much endurance does he have in only his second race
09:34back from an injury? Send it to J.T. We see Eli Tomac going in a split section to the right,
09:41which will then bring him back to the inside through this next section. This is where he
09:45passed Hunter Lawrence, but it's like a chess game through here because the inside turns into
09:49the outside, which then will become the inside again as he climbs this hill. So when you think
09:54about how to make a pass, you have to think about how they built the racetrack this year.
09:58You almost have to be two or three chess plays ahead to actually make a move.
10:05And it took a couple laps for him to find that line to make it happen.
10:13So Eli Tomac making that pass on Hunter Lawrence, but the KTM boys are gone. Sexton with a one
10:22second lead over Plessinger. But look at that. Tomac looking at a podium today if he can hang
10:26on to it. Let's see your overall positioning. I mean, he still looks pretty good. I think Eli,
10:33you just keep going and maybe just get a little bit of confidence to be able to just close in
10:38on those KTM guys. And I think he's still right there. He's doing a little whip and
10:43the bike kicks around. Let's see how he plays this out. But yeah, that has leaned over. I like it.
10:50As for Lawrence, once again, the second moto not as good as the first. We asked him yesterday
10:56about that process and trying to get stronger. It seems like it's such a simple thing, right?
11:02We all see it's just second moto not being as good as the first moto is still good,
11:09just lacking that, you know, few percent. And I think it's just I think I'm managing it well,
11:15not riding above my ability and over my head to force, you know, the second place into a worse,
11:23maybe a crash or something like that, resulting in a fifth or a sixth. So I think
11:27there's two sides of the story. You can just go, hey, look, I'm not I'm not quite there yet. I'm
11:31not quite on the level of one ones yet. And, you know, the number one guy at the moment Chase has
11:38put together the whole puzzle this year, and he's a really strong competitor. So I'm still
11:43working to get there my first year. I think I've done extremely well. Yeah, he's done extremely
11:48well and actually talking to him yesterday about that, how much he's grown from a one to now back
11:53in Supercross. And now he said it's been a head down, butt up, trust the process kind of a season.
11:57In fact, I was actually asking him and Darren Lawrence's dad just about the practices and how
12:03it could change with getting back on the bike. And they said, you know, yes, there's a camaraderie
12:07and a chemistry between the two. There's a lot of fun had when they're out on track.
12:10But Hunter has during the week been so focused on his own ride and his own plan and his own
12:16strategy that he hasn't necessarily missed jet riding with him side by side. But he hopes that
12:22it elevates the game, obviously going into SMX. Yeah, I mean, to that point, I mean, who would
12:27want to miss riding against Jet Lawrence? I don't care if he is your brother. But no, I mean, I think
12:32the one thing it will help him is like with jet comes back, maybe some of the pressure of the team
12:37they'll have another guy focusing on. But Hunter's been doing great all year long. And I would even
12:42say since he's been on this 25 by the second moto's haven't been that bad. You know, you got
12:48a bad start at Unadilla. And then last weekend, you could almost blame it on a tire choice.
12:52This is probably the one moto since he's been on this bike that's kind of been more previous to
12:57him switching over. And you just got to think it's got to be a little bit of frustrating to
13:02see these guys pull away from him. Yeah, Tomac now has about five seconds on him.
13:08Tomac second all time in podiums in this class, and he'll add another 171 total. Carmichael has
13:17the most 84. Here's Phil Nicoletti in eighth again. In his final pro moto cross start,
13:23he will race the SMX playoffs. But this is his final race season. Had him in the press conference
13:28yesterday. It's a little bit of bonus time. He thought he tore his ACL at Hangtown.
13:33So it does have some knee damage, but the ACL is intact. So he's able to make it to the end of the
13:37year and right where he wants to be. Eighth is generally the spot he's shooting for, and there
13:42he is. And after Nicoletti comes Freddie Norton. Those guys battle during the week. They ride at
13:50Club MX together. They've had some great battles in the motos. Wait a minute. Look at this. Aaron
13:55Plesinger is caught. Chase Sexton. Yeah, Chase must have fell because I was just thinking he
14:01just put in those hot laps, and now, AP, let's get some. Oh, we might have him on the inside,
14:07James. Now we're just getting over that wall. Eli told me about going around the outside.
14:12There you go, AP. Oh, couldn't quite. He's got the championship wrapped up a little knockdown.
14:19It'll be all right. He won't be too mad at you. Man, Sexton put two seconds in him the previous
14:23lap, but now it's back to even up. Yeah, I think Chase must have fell right after the mechanics
14:29there. Must have tipped over in the corner or something. Here it is. Going down. Everything
14:34looks good. Going to outside. Loses the front end. No, just stalls the motorcycle. Oh, yeah,
14:42pretty easy to happen because there's braking so hard. That's a pretty tight 90 corner. So
14:47I've seen Chase do that a couple times in supercross where he was stalling up in Seattle,
14:52but no harm, no foul. At least he didn't have to pick up the motorcycle or kick it.
14:56That's right. And that orange carrot just dangling in front of Plesinger, still working
15:04on his first career moto or overall win as a 450 racer. It's right there in front of him.
15:11Yeah, this was that moment for him. Now you start to see Chase get back away because I was just
15:15looking up. I'm like, all right, this is Chase Sexton. Halfway second moto. It's hot outside.
15:21He had that gap. Well, that has really been the story this year. The fitness of Sexton
15:28late in the race day. Said it to Katie. Chase and talking with him earlier today
15:32about Aaron Plesinger as a teammate. He said it is the best. He has the best teammate I have ever
15:37had. His positive attitude that he exudes, the fun that they have, the warmups that they get
15:42together. It's just a blast riding along with Aaron Plesinger. Yeah, I agree. I think a lot
15:48of this whole move for, um, Chase has been great since he moved over to the KTM team, and I call it
15:56is the AP. You know, just in a great mood. I just feel like I'm AP and today I'm in a great mood. So
16:02having a measured teammate. See that out of 16? Yeah. KTM Power halfway. There you go. Okay. Yeah,
16:09it is halfway through. Monster Energy is available now at Kroger. Back end stepped out for sex,
16:15and it's still not over. Here comes Plesinger again.
16:24The chess game that J.T. Was talking about outside the inside is the choice for the four.
16:30Yeah, you see how Chase was on that inside jump. He didn't roll over that single. He jumped out.
16:36It's that moment of it. I was carried. I keep talking about and you can see the gap that he's
16:40able to get over AP right there. Now the bottom of the screen. We've been joking about the two
16:46likable vets. Kyle Chisholm and Dean Wilson battling for the final guaranteed spot into
16:51the moto's 20th in the standings. They're battling on the track right now. Chisholm 13th,
16:57Wilson 14th. The problem is Wilson needs to make up about 10 points on cheese in this moto.
17:04So even though they're fighting hard, it won't be enough. Even if he makes the pass,
17:08he's going to have to choose on the cheese. You have to pull a jism on him.
17:12He might make it around the outside. Dino gets it.
17:20And you see that bubble battle that nine point gap now, and that's a lot of it because Wilson
17:26did come back last week at Buck's Creek, got tangled with the rider in the first turn,
17:30broke his wheel, couldn't finish, didn't score any points. That might be the final
17:35difference maker of Wilson going to the last chance qualifiers of the playoffs.
17:40Chisholm going straight to the moto's. Yeah, he is. Just admiring chase here. It never seems
17:46like this outdoor season. There's been a point where he's been so in sync with his motorcycle
17:52J.T. Yeah, and you're just watching sex, and he's made a few mistakes while we've been watching him
17:56here. Had that stall, but, you know, I love to watch him. You see him standing up, entering all
18:01these corners. He has so much flow around this racetrack, and he's putting the sections together
18:05without really having to get on the brakes, not really having to slow down too much, and it's
18:09allowing him to carry momentum. And when chase sex is firing on all cylinders, that's the type
18:13of writing you see from him. It's not disjointed. It's not a lot of stop and start. He puts the
18:18track together deliberately, and it's pure magic to watch. And this is back to the form that we
18:25used to see from J.S. It's no wonder he's our champ. He looks like the chase sex in a bowl.
18:29Yeah, absolutely, and there's a couple parts of this racetrack where chase is really killing
18:33these guys, and one of them is right here. Just that little bit right there, not rolling the
18:39inside of that jump, just kind of jumping out, and he was a little farther on the inside. The
18:43lap before, he had it right, and what he's doing, as you just mentioned, J.T., he's not stopping
18:48going around the racetrack. Another part where he's really killing these guys is coming up here.
18:53Same thing, a little single on the inside. Chase is continuing his momentum out,
18:58just jumping out. He doesn't do it as good as for me as I'm talking about it, but that's where
19:02he's making the time up, and it seems small, but what he's doing is continuing that momentum,
19:08and there's no stop and go, and he just makes it all the way down the straight.
19:11That's why he's out front and pulling away from these guys.
19:16If you're watching this today, you got one more chance. Flip over, go to the
19:20Telemundo Deporte's YouTube channel, and you can listen to the Spanish race call with Edgar
19:26Lopez and Tommy Rios, or if you miss it today, you can listen to the United States. Same thing,
19:31Telemundo Deporte's YouTube channel at the S.M.X. World Championship in Las Vegas,
19:38or if you're outside the United States and you're watching on S.M.X. Video Pass,
19:41you can just select to listen to the Spanish language broadcast every week.
19:46Sexton. All right. The alarm is off. He was getting dicey there for a bit,
19:51but it's up to 3.2 seconds on Plesinger. He looks good. Looks like he's well in control.
20:01He knows exactly what the motorcycle, and as I was saying earlier, ever since he's been on the KTM,
20:05especially halfway through this outdoor season, it seems like they figured out the bike to where
20:10almost looks like it's lower to the center. It's really center. It's close to the ground.
20:15He's got a lot of feel on both ends, and chase is really putting that bike exactly wherever he
20:21wants and has a lot more control over it, almost like in a sense if he's riding a minibike,
20:26and that's the way he's riding. He can put it where he wants. It seems light.
20:30And, man, they have found a package for this guy, and it shows even with the number seven
20:35right behind him. The only thing they have not nailed are hole shots. We'll give you the
20:39motorsport.com hole shot replay. Hunter Lorenzen of Hondas has been great all year, and I think
20:44he's going to get another one here. He's got to get on the gate and feel like he's got a hole shot.
20:50Just like chase feels like Sakamoto, he's going to win. 96, they got it dialed in,
20:54and a lot of this comes down to his mental, but I think it might be Cooper.
21:01Don't forget about Mr. Cooper. Watch his driver on the outside. Nicely done.
21:06And that's what we're used to seeing with Justin Cooper, especially on the 250 class.
21:10Yeah, has it not been quite as much of that with Cooper in the 450s? A solid season for him,
21:16and he was third in points for a while, but Plessinger's flurry here at the end. He's going
21:20to take third in the championship if it ends this way. I asked Plessinger if there's bonus
21:26money in the line for that. He's like, well, I don't know about that, but it's a nice resume
21:29bullet the next time your contracts are up. Let's say you once got third in a 450 championship.
21:35Plessinger's already locked in for at least one more year with KTM next season.
21:39Yeah, there's a lot of bonus, and the biggest bonus might be just the pride
21:43getting up there and winning these guys, but, yeah, I'm almost getting caught stuck
21:48in a rut watching Chase just kind of admiring him. I think this is the best I think I've ever
21:52seen the guy ride. In this moto right here? Yeah. Yeah. We've seen some great rides this season.
21:57Yeah, and I'm not saying it's the fastest I've ever seen him ride. It's just the most,
22:01like, he just knows exactly where that bike's going, and as I mentioned, it looks like he's
22:05riding a mini bike. He knows exactly where it's at, J.T. He just has so much flow. You see him
22:11kind of going inside to outside, putting the bike wherever he wants, just like you mentioned,
22:15and I don't know if it's just a racetrack. Certainly, he's familiar here, but I think
22:19part of it is confidence. Part of it is they've gotten the bike sorted out,
22:22but this is him at his best, right, and it's so important for him to carry this momentum and to
22:27be his best self entering the S.M.X. Playoffs, so who knows, right? We start over. It's a brand
22:33new championship, a three-round championship, but boy, does he look good here leaving the pro
22:37motocross championship. Yeah, 100%. I mean, ever since chase came to this track the first year,
22:442020 or 21, like, he's always had a pretty good flow, but, yeah, I just noticed he's got a lot
22:49more lean on this bike, and that's when you know he's doing good, and even this guy, he lost the
22:54tow, you know, the two in front of him, but Aaron Plessinger and chase Exton, they're riding good.
23:00I think this is the best I've seen Aaron ride all day. I don't know if the KTM just
23:05works well on this racetrack, but Eli's doing really good. I think it's a huge improvement
23:09from last weekend. He looks like Eli Tomac, and a guy who hasn't raced outdoors for a couple years,
23:15I mean, to come back in his second race and be on the podium, I mean, you'll be all happy.
23:20Just unfortunately for him, I know he wants more. Kid's doing good.
23:23Yep. He'll have his chance. Playoffs looming. Did not get to see Eli in those last year. He was out
23:29with injury. Really fun to see him in the mix this time, building off the base he's built with
23:35these four final pro motocross motos, and same thing for his teammate who will be coming through
23:42next. Yeah, you see how much time Eli's losing right there? There it is. Wood section has been
23:50tough on the number three. Okay. So that's Tomac in third. You can check in on Cooper.
23:58That's a huge gap. Almost 20 seconds back to Cooper in fourth. Let's go to Katie with more
24:05on the 32. Justin Cooper saying that now he's feeling comfortable with the bike. He wasn't
24:10always comfortable with that bike here midseason. He now knows the competitors as well. He does feel
24:16like he's been a little lonely, but now having Eli back, having Cooper Webb back, he feels like
24:20he's back in the groove with the team. In fact, looking at his pit board right now, it says two
24:25sprints. So the mindset right now for Justin Cooper is get through this, two sprints, got to get on
24:30that podium. We asked Cooper yesterday, Katie, to take stock of his rookie 450 season.
24:38Yeah, it was a tough one. That one definitely hurt and just took the wind out of my sails
24:43basically. Yeah, it was a tough situation, kind of a racing incident, but I didn't really see
24:50it coming. So it was kind of just focused on racing forward and didn't really expect that
24:56type of crash to happen. So obviously a little bit bummed about it. And yeah, we're just going
25:01to move on from it and come into this weekend and try to give it our all for the last round.
25:07Oh, he talked about that crash last week when he got into the back of Hunter Lawrence.
25:11Yeah, I mean, there's moments of any championship and races that you're like,
25:15whoo, I got lucky. And Justin's riding great. As I mentioned, Jet Lawrence, I'm sure you're
25:21home at watching it. Thanks for ruining it for all these rookies out here. He got big shoes to
25:26fill, but just like your brother and Justin, they're riding great, man. Great year. Yeah,
25:32by any other standard, solid 450 debuts for Hunter and for Justin. Hunter, last couple laps have not
25:40been kind to him. He just ran a 2.25 lap time. Sexton's running 2.13s right now. So I'm not sure
25:49what has happened down the stretch for the 96th. Cooper got him, and Anderson could be next.
25:55Yeah, Jason's closing in quite a bit. And I noticed over the first couple laps when he jumped
26:01that tabletop, he took his arms off and wasn't adjusting the clutches, spreading his fingers out,
26:07which tells me he might have been dealing with a little bit of arm pump or tightness. That's
26:11kind of what it looks like right here. He's definitely laboring a little bit. I know Hunter,
26:16you know, really strong. It is hot. It is at the end of the championship, but you can tell
26:21he's struggling right now. Battle we're watching right now is Kulos with Chis.
26:29So that's one more point to the good for Wilson. Wilson is going to need Chis to drift out of the
26:34points-paying positions, and that might just barely be enough. It would actually be one point
26:39short if that were to happen. That is unbelievable. Kulos started this moto in 30th. That's what this
26:45dude does up to 15th right now. Impressive. Yeah, fighting along, and yeah, Chis probably knows in
26:55the back of his head he does some good calculations just like these guys in overalls.
27:00He knows what he needs to finish.
27:06This is the smx world championship final round of pro motocross. Harry Kulos,
27:10one of the many riders putting together a schedule to make as many races as possible
27:15to qualify for the smx playoff center coming up. Very friendly veteran out of Estonia,
27:21and actually sold his bikes, gave it back to the dealer that helped him
27:25go back to hang town. They gave him a bike, rode it as much as he could,
27:35gave it back after he got a new bike. He's riding that bike today. That's the cool thing
27:42about motocross. You take them off the showroom floor and you can compete at a high level, J.T.
27:47You get to know these privateers, and we asked, Harry, how do you actually pronounce your name?
27:51We've heard it so many different ways, and he said, well, it kind of depends. Where are you
27:55from? Because one of his parents is from Finland, and the other is from Estonia. He claims dual
28:00citizenship, but both of them pronounce his name differently. So I just threw up my arms and gave
28:05up at that point. If his parents can't agree on how to pronounce his name, how am I ever supposed
28:10to know? Glad we finally have an excuse when we get this done incorrectly. Harry Kulos,
28:17or whoever you say it, riding well right now from 30th up into the top 15.
28:33Pro motocross finale in Indiana. There is Harry Kulos in the top 15. Got around Kyle Chisholm
28:40in 16th. Derek Kelly, 17th. Devin Simonson is in 18th. It's his sixth career start. He
28:49didn't even qualify for the motos last week on the club of X450 at
28:55Bud's Creek. So much better now. Simonson is in the points-paying position in 18th, and he
29:00is from Indiana. So good for Devin. Kelvin Park is 19th. Preston Kilroy rounds out the top 20.
29:08Henry Miller is 21st. Sexton continues to lead. And now it's up to 11 seconds over Plesinger.
29:18Yeah, you got to believe. And now he's out there to stall, too. So,
29:22good ride. Man, just a way to have fun as we're watching Harry do his thing and chase do his.
29:32Track actually looks really fun right now. Well, you kept saying earlier in the day,
29:37this is one of the few tracks on the circuit you have not ridden. So I think everybody is
29:41going to have the same thought after that. Get out of here, bro. That's why I'm probably saying
29:45it looks fun. No bad memories. No bad memories. I'm like, I'm Chance Hiberson. What are y'all
29:52talking about? This track is awesome. Yeah. Sometimes not knowing is the best way to know.
29:58And, yeah, it looks easy in the booth, right? I'm like, it ain't that hot. It's about 65 degrees
30:04out here. No. It feels that way in here. So Kulas is going to finish the season strong.
30:09He's going into the playoffs. Be fun to watch the battle. The Chisholm in.
30:15Welton. Nicoletti. Those guys are going to be fighting. I call it the Colt Nichols.
30:21Colt Nichols got, I believe, ninth last year in smx points and made about $100,000. That's the
30:27type of positioning these riders are hoping for. But it's going to get harder. Yeah. Webb will be
30:32back. Jett Lawrence will be back. Down the line we go. Here's another one of these likable vets.
30:40Roman Pape. You think about the story we were talking about with Harry. Different bikes.
30:46Suspension. Suspension. Going back and forth. For all these guys, really,
30:52imagine what some of this money from the playoffs can do for Harry and all these guys.
30:57Romans and all these guys. Yep. And this rider here, he's on the privateer journey team. That's
31:02a long-running team operated by Teddy parks. You look up Texas in the dictionary, you see a picture
31:08of him. He's as Texas as Texas gets. Old Teddy parks, his privateer journey program, he hauls
31:13bikes to the races. Essentially, it's a lot less money to have everyone do it as a unit than for
31:19each rider to do it individually. And Teddy has been helping riders get their bikes to the track
31:24and race for years. But he is going to end that program this year. He wants to retire and hang
31:29out with the grandkids. Well done, Teddy. Helped a lot of riders. Literally hundreds of them
31:35through the years. And that's who Pape there on the 68 rides for. Kulas is going to make the move.
31:42But although Teddy is supposed to be done, since he's from Texas, he's still going to help Kulas
31:48get his bike to Texas. That's cool. There's heroes all out here. Whether they're in motorcycle gear
31:54or all around. The sport really is a family. Cool to see how much everyone helps. Yeah,
32:01everybody pitching in. And that's a really cool deal there for all these riders. Pape out of
32:07France, by the way. And there you see Wilson has cut the gap down to six points on Chisholm. That
32:13final battle to be guaranteed into the motos. Chisholm has to hold on. Wilson would have to
32:20get McElrath. And then hope Chisholm doesn't make it or Chisholm drifts out of the top 21
32:28in this moto. He'll be going to the L.C.Q. Otherwise. Yeah, it's going to be a tall hope.
32:35As you mentioned, last week at buzz creek really got to him.
32:40Dean, that is. Yep. That's a bad luck there. Dean riding with
32:46litany and knee injuries through the years. It hurts to go to these 30 plus two motos. But he
32:50wanted to make his way into the playoffs, so he still showed up for a bunch. Looks like Anderson
32:54has passed Hunter Lawrence. This is a rough second half of the final moto for Hunter. Anderson,
33:01fifth now. Cooper, fourth. Tomac, third. And that will be third overall for Tomac.
33:06Plessinger, second. A couple of one twos for the KTM squad lately.
33:14Yeah. And then winning that 250 class. Went 1-1 today. So obviously it's working good. But,
33:19yeah, just thinking about Hunter and just this ride, I think this is what Daz was talking about,
33:23just keeping him focused. The championship being out of sight and now having a race like this.
33:29This is one of those ones that you don't have anything to fight for. You're bummed that you
33:34lost a toe. Maybe you're not feeling good. So, you know, tough one. But Hunter's had a great year.
33:39He's going to finish second in his championship. And, you know, I know he's going to get a win
33:44next year or possibly in this playoff. He's not done for sure.
33:48So what will it look like when the playoffs begin? It's going to be different than this.
33:51Those tracks are hybrids. There is a motocross section. For example, when you watch as the white
33:56flag comes out, the playoff opener at Charlotte, there's a motocross section. The people that
34:02built this track, Jeff Russell, Randy Poulter, they'll be there to build the outdoor section
34:06at Charlotte. But even Sexton himself, even though he rode well and won at Charlotte last year, he
34:12admits he's not sure what they're going to do for the playoffs. It's really that thin line between
34:17do you want the ultra stiff supercross suspension for the jumps? You kind of have to have it.
34:22But how do you get through the smaller bumps? And that's what everybody's really going to be
34:28guessing. It's going to be different than what we have right now.
34:31Yeah, that's the cool part. It's a huge challenge for these guys. But I think they'll be a lot more
34:35prepared this year than they were last year. And, I mean, everybody's coming into it completely
34:40different than where they were last year. You know, Aaron's going to end this thing on a good
34:45feeling. Obviously with chase wrapping his championship, feeling like he can beat anyone.
34:49And Jett Lawrence coming back from injury. Eli coming. So it's going to be different for a lot
34:54of these guys. But I'm excited to see it. And just going to see if there's a continuation of
35:00these motocross series or different feel, different results. Well, with that thought,
35:05is we were wondering, as J.T. Said, you know, you're going to get the best of Sexton in this
35:09moto where now that he's wrapped the title, maybe not. But for him, is it a little bit larger goal
35:13to just keep that gas pedal down? Well, I mentioned I've been saying this all year. Once
35:18chase figured out how to go fast, he was just going to always be fast. And I don't think,
35:22chase, the way he's riding, it's coming too easy for him to not do this. I don't think he's doing
35:28anything besides going out there and riding. He is comfortable. The KTM has figured it out. So
35:33for chase, this is who he is now. Like, this is going to be that guy. And if somebody's faster
35:39than him that week, they're just going to be faster. Well-deserved champion.
35:44No doubt about it. He's working on his 13th career overall win. That will move him to 18th
35:50all time. Oh, this is something cool. James just jumped out of the booth. He's going to
35:59cheer chase Sexton on. You're going to see this right now. Little James going to do his big
36:05James impression like his dad. Watch closely on the right side. That's James right there.
36:13I got to carry this home myself. Chase Sexton, 1-1 at Ironman, and the crowning moment
36:22on a 450 motocross title. And he throws the ghost ride. Well, that looked familiar.
36:29Saw that last year from Jett Lawrence. James has still got some fitness jumping in and out of here.
36:35You're back. A round like that, a championship like that, that man deserves respect. Had to
36:39go out there and give it to him. Did you miss the ghost ride or did you see the ghost ride?
36:45I missed the ghost ride on there. That's unprecedented. That's the first time we've
36:50ever had one of the broadcasters jump out of the booth, out on the track and back into the booth.
36:56And it's time to celebrate Kyle, the mechanic who got, as we said, called off the bench. He was
37:02working in-house at KTM, not on the road, and then became Sexton's mechanic late in supercross.
37:08Here's the ghost ride. Ghost ride, the whip. Man, I bet that feels good. Now it's sinking in.
37:15I mean, he's probably had the last five laps of this race thinking about it and
37:20what you call in the zone, people. Analyze the guy on the right here. What are you going to see?
37:26Some nice chocolate man out there looking pretty good. No, I just had to go out there.
37:30Chase Sexton, give him props out there. I was hoping that he wouldn't mess up and fall down
37:36in front of me, but man, great ride. Respect right there, baby. Respect.
37:48Teammates. That's so cool. That is.