• last year
00:00Hello, when this video this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. This is part two of two
00:07And anything I say in this video may or may not be true and cannot be used against me or Shia
00:12You'll be framed for legally manipulating what I say
00:18You will be, no, you will be sued and sent to jail for trying to frame Alyssa and Shia
00:26You'll be sued and you'll be sent to jail
00:29So I'm going to be doing my acupuncture
00:33This one area is good for the heart
00:42And Shia, don't worry
00:44I'm not trying, I know this is humiliating that you have to watch me talk about all these people trying to kill me
00:51And we can't be together and obviously it's to me and to you it would be
00:58It's obvious we would be safer if we were together. However,
01:02I've been repeatedly told we would not be safer and it would be more dangerous and
01:07This is not our plan. This is not our plan, Shia
01:15We have to follow instructions by lumarians and because we have full body possession
01:19We also have full body lumarian possession and my hair looks like crap again
01:24I'm going to start straightening it, but I need to make this video and I didn't have enough time
01:30So I just got home from grocery shopping
01:34So what I did was look back at on my calendar the things I've been eating to help me
01:42to help
01:43Remember what I've been eating so that I could write a grocery list
01:46I think I'm pretty happy with the food that I got. However, based on the things that I've been eating
01:52I this is like
01:54People with I think people I think this kind of gross diet and I think Shia
01:59You get you probably get a little grossed out by the type of food I'm eating. It's not my fault
02:05Probably it's part demon possession part eating disorder part no fridge. No freezer. No stove
02:14All those photos with my food looking so ugly
02:18Now I realized it was because the food was poisoned
02:33Let me see if there's any photos to show you before I start the notes and I'm not going to make this too long Shia
02:45I've been making like two hours a
02:48Day and that's like four hours
02:52A day for me because of I have to review each one
02:55So it's just getting too long and I know that you have to make videos for me and it makes me so happy. I don't often
03:02Think that you are
03:07My brain is not working properly
03:09I've had a brain injury on top of stroke after stroke of stroke after serious stroke. My brains not really working properly
03:18Yeah, I think that you notice it Shia. I was told that you notice it
03:21And I'll be very happy if your brain is healthier than mine. I mean, that'll make me really happy
03:27Obviously if this happened to you and I had to watch
03:31See the paralysis in your hand all these things
03:36I would say it's getting a little better
03:39See how it's a little bit weaker like this one has more of a strength to it and this one just flops
03:47Like this one doesn't flop fall down this one
03:53It even falls down a lot more than this one
03:57Like if you if I saw you doing this, it instantly makes me cry. It makes me cry. So I know
04:03It instantly makes me cry at the thought of that happening to you and your body
04:06So I know you're extremely angry and sad, but you have to think of everything
04:11You have to think that me and you Shia are gonna have recovery
04:15And all everything that's happened to us and you've returned back to the people that did this to us
04:21So I'm sitting on this crystal to
04:25Sit on the perineum
04:28I'm doing a lot of acupressure. I had a pretty bad night of being woken up repeatedly
04:35And then they tried to torture me the torches not really going through as much
04:39However, I have to do so much acupressure to like kind of make the torture stop so it's very time-consuming
04:46However, I've been getting some food research done
04:49And I'm gonna probably do that again today. I thought I found this collection of books
04:56Cookbooks by Ridge
04:58Quail Ridge Press they have 33 cookbooks
05:04Cookbook of each state so you kind of learn about the culture and types of food that each state in America
05:09cooks, so
05:11I've been
05:14starting that and
05:18It's called best of the best from I looked at Texas I
05:26Like the Texas cookbook, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon
05:37They're not all appetizing because they get very specific with the state in like some of these
05:44It doesn't seem like I'm picky with food because I write down so many recipes, but I can be
05:50I can be kind of picky with food
05:54So I looked at Arizona, New Mexico, Texas
05:57Texas Oregon as the food wasn't appetizing for some reason Hawaii
06:06The Great Plains
06:09And when I was reading the Hawaii one, do you know that snakes don't exist in Hawaii?
06:15I also learned that Hawaii is not just one island. It's
06:19Several island called the Hawaiian Islands, and I always thought Hawaii was one island
06:24I think though when I saw on the map I saw
06:28Like clusters, but I just thought it was called Hawaii
06:33And they don't have any snakes in Hawaii snakes don't exist
06:40And that you can get a $25,000 fine to import snakes in Hawaii
06:48I really like the Great Plains. I found a lot of I've had a lot of us from the Great Plains
07:08I'm gonna probably look at more of those today because when I do my acupressure
07:16It's easy to do like I can I can easily do acupressure at the same time
07:22focusing on the root chakra area
07:26I was getting to the point where like
07:31I thought
07:33I was kind of damaging the root chakra because I was putting so much weight
07:37however, I wasn't but then I put when I was in the bathtub, I kind of put the
07:44Rock against my coccyx bone and then like it got a little numb on the left side
07:50So I had to be careful. I have to be careful
07:53With the spine specifically my spine is extremely sensitive
07:58So be careful with your spine Shia if you end up trying to because the spine is
08:04Connected to all that Kundalini energy and when we're getting rape tortured
08:08It's definitely affecting our spine. I think that's part of the reason why I have so much scoliosis
08:12It's from all this torture
08:14rape torture
08:18I'm gonna work on the food research
08:21And in regards to
08:23The murder attempts. That's why I think like why are we together? We're already getting like people are you trying to get murdered?
08:29Why aren't we just together?
08:31While people are trying to murder us, it's not it's not this isn't our plan. We're following instructions
08:40That's not our plan Shia we can't it's Mariam's plan
08:50But one thing I noticed when I'm getting typically
08:54Tortured all through the night and we are some morning
08:59there's something that I do when the
09:01sunlight starts
09:04They like to come out at night
09:06Evil likes to come out at night. There's like way more threat
09:12Murder at nighttime, but as soon as it gets to the night, I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna do it
09:16I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it
09:19As soon as it gets light in the morning
09:22I say to myself
09:25Well, I feel safer in the light I
09:29Said I made it. I made it. I mean it's midnight and I made it
09:33Did not get killed
09:37Because for some reason
09:39When it's daylight out, it's there's it feels like less of a threat when he gets dark out I get scared
09:45I might make a little
09:49Clip to tell you how I'm feeling. I probably won't remember just to tell you how I feel when it gets
09:55In the wee hours in the morning in the late hours of the night
09:59it gets really scary and
10:01Lots of threats lots of nightmares of attack, but these are AI nightmares that are being sent. They're not natural a
10:09lot of
10:13I'm gonna break in I'm gonna break in however, I
10:17was told that
10:23Neighbor messed with other neighbors. So some of these neighbors would gladly
10:33We gladly kill him if they saw him trying to break into my because
10:40that last time
10:42His shoulder was real close
10:45And then I and I heard like a jiggling I know that he wasn't jiggling it was a b2k
10:50Threat that I'm gonna jiggle and break into the door. I
10:55Was told that they're gonna be gunshots through the door if I it's they ring the doorbell
11:00Do you know how many times I've seen those AI maps of the like what I thought was the neighbors visitors at my door that
11:06Ranked my doorbell. Do you mean times they tried to make me open that door? I
11:11Think there's also fake delivery people that were at my door
11:15with AI masks
11:18That whole gunshot thing would like someone faked at getting shot and it looked like one of the names down the hall
11:24But they're and they're like trying to get me to open the door that time
11:28And now I'm sure it's gonna be I'm sure it was during the day, too
11:33I'm more likely to open the door during the day. So
11:37However, the manager can let me open the door
11:40However, there is gonna be another temp shot. So don't get shocked
11:45There's gonna be more attempts and I might have to go with my car
11:50if it's a matter of getting if it's a matter of like
11:55If I have to I have to if I have to go with my car and like go on a road trip I
12:00might have to
12:04All those times I thought they were like the visitors of that neighbor. No, I
12:10Think it most of those times it was actually the neighbor
12:13Using AI masks pretending to be those but the thing is all those AI masks. They didn't even look like they're on drugs
12:20It was completely healthy didn't even look like they lived here. Really
12:24They look like totally normal like it was almost odd. It didn't look natural
12:39But they also said you get there's a greater chance of me dying if I go
12:44Out like in like stay in public. I think it would be harder if there'd be more people
12:51Getting a chance to kill me if I was in public
12:54However, that's that might not be true. I don't know
13:01I'd hope you're safe shy
13:05Just do not worry shy I don't I don't have any stress try not to have any worry try not to have any stress
13:16Do not worry shy
13:31And I know that they attack you shy and I'll tell you some no no
13:39They're trying to hurt you try and trigger you and attack you but you know what I have to think about
13:45Every time I look at my long hair
13:47I've had long. I haven't had long long hair, but recently this past year and a half or so
13:54My hair is not longer than usual. I think it's getting healthier
14:01My hair was really really damaged
14:03But every time that I go and look at my hair and say it's kind of long
14:08They humiliate me tell me well, yeah, you're copying
14:12That time that shy I got married to that girl and her hair was long
14:18This has been
14:20Repeatedly told for me to tell you this so don't be triggered because this they've already wanted to use this as an attack over and over
14:26But it's attacking me
14:28And every time I go to touch the pillow and hold you like this
14:32They change they change they make my arms feel like it's your arms touching that criminal in the wedding
14:40Where it's like this and they make me really feel like it's through the visual like it's you actually really
14:47Really actually you
14:50Walk that walked into that clone touching her
14:53And so every time I touch the pillow to hug you they could turn my hands into that like to make me think
14:59Of that are you doing that and that happens that's been happening for over a year now at least
15:08Probably actually much longer
15:10But like over it like it's been a year like consistently like weekly no matter what
15:27And all this AI and v2k is going to be found out you guys are gonna get all caught for what you're doing to me
15:43I've heard that you've got more proof what happened to me that gave that gave you more and more
15:51Belief of how full-bodied possession I have had in the past and still have
16:05Obviously I want you to know more proof so that you can feel happy to know that
16:11I want you to know it's very hard to explain it and you can't completely tell these videos
16:17That I had the full-body possession, however, if you looking back a year ago of my voice and how I acted
16:37But I heard I heard that they get it if they go to jail
16:43It wouldn't be fair if they didn't go to jail for what they've done to us
16:59Was reminded by a tough this for a little bit shiny situation what happened to him what happened to his DNA?
17:04There's no way he doesn't have full-body possession
17:07Yeah, I can tell I can tell I
17:10Can tell you even in your voice in the video?
17:13That's not completely what you sound like some of your movements are a little bit well obviously you're my twin flame
17:22some of the movements even are a little bit I
17:26Can't explain it. However, I know that
17:31You did look a little you did look a little far gone you look possessed
17:36And you like your torque severe torture victim
17:40Extremely abuse my my Porsche. I am you're my Porsche. I
17:53Even so, okay. I'm gonna start reading the notes now
18:20And they're these the ones that actually messed us messed with us they're gonna turn into like the creature that they are
18:28like they're going to actually look like the animals entities that they are and
18:35They're very like
18:38They're very she
18:40Whatever she or he they are. They're also very very it the very creature creatures are like this
18:57They use a lot of fake intimidation and like they're just they're so confident they're
19:03Winning and we're gonna die
19:09But there's a fearful there's a fearful old lady in that hacker
19:16He used a lot of fake I to try to intimidate me and act like there's no way that I'm gonna stay alive
19:24He's a fearful old lady
19:27Entity inside
19:30Entity inside
19:37So all this acupressure Shia is
19:40Also transmuting them because because these acupressure is actually magical
19:47I've seen a lot on Google images. They call it magical magical. There's something magical that happens with the acupressure
19:55And when we do all this acupressure
19:57It's returning such as returning back to the sender they're not shape-shifting
20:02they're transmutating back into the creatures that they are and the human DNA that they
20:09used to be able to
20:13Be on this planet and be a human on this planet
20:17They're actually losing they're gonna lose their human DNA and transmute into the creature. They're gonna actually look like a creature
20:25That they actually are and it's already happening
20:39Yeah, these rodents give themselves nicknames big cheese and super cheese
20:46Like, you know, it's like
20:49It's not like murderously annoying. It's like there's like a queerness
20:54About the murderously annoyingness of the way that it's said the way that these nicknames are
21:00Like it just makes you want to
21:03Cringe it makes you want to cringe
21:08Jean Dean Jean Dean
21:14He constantly says to you about talks says you're Jean
21:21Shy is Jean and he's genius your jeans. You're the jeans and he's the genius
21:29He's not the genius he's one of the biggest fools on earth she's one of these
21:38And now I know all those photos with all those hipster chicks
21:42He was like the cool hipster chick and I was like this loser
21:47That he was torturing the death and he's constantly saying Shia
21:53The cult and all the people that are involved in killing me and you they're the cool kids and we're like the geeks in school
22:00Even though that's not true
22:03Look at the theater geeks in school
22:06Look at the minority of what they are
22:09Look at the minority of what they are. They're the minority in the outcasts
22:16Entities and men and women's bodies and women and man's bodies. That's the minority in the outcast
22:23They're the geeks not shying Alyssa
22:40For 15 years this hacker subliminally said to me
22:47With all of this invisible covert stuff. I'm like this seems so all these spells and witchcraft. I have no education on it
22:54So I constantly thought
22:58How is it possible and
23:00The constant subliminal attack was well, it's because I'm a genius
23:06That's why no and it's it would be impossible to figure out how I'm torturing and killing you and all the spells witchcraft
23:13Because it takes a genius to do it it doesn't take genius to do these torture invisible techniques
23:21That was a lie
23:44Now we're just constantly
23:46Chronically being treated and talked down to like little children
23:49And you know, they we are really being talked at and treated like we're little children
23:56This is part of the P E D O P H I L a crime against me and you Shia
24:09So I thought I didn't want to be negative but apparently all these notes are very negative
24:15And some of what I how I'm talking
24:19It's very defensive. I'm not being defensive Tory towards you Shia
24:24This is how I had to feel like my whole life. I had to always be in defense with all these
24:31People and strangers because I always in from all the criminals
24:36torturing me because
24:38It's like I had to constantly defend myself and say like like I defend my right to be alive
24:45So some of this bitterness in defense is not being
24:50Not I'm not acting like that towards you. I'm just
24:53It's just a constant like how I have had to act
24:57So I'm going to stop making this video Shia and
25:03Please do not get attacked and angry about what I said, I'm going to make sure that I review it and make sure the words I say
25:11Are the correct words and statements
25:16I listened to your voice on loop yesterday for several hours on my heart chakra and
25:22I love you Shia I always think of how handsome and sweet and cute you are all day long Shia
25:24I think about your personality and all the different things that I know about you don't think that I don't know about you just because I don't think I don't know about you
25:52I love you Shia I don't know about you
25:59Because we've been telepathic connected Shia and you have had your spirit
26:06Put like you've had your spirit in my body Shia
26:26I'm going to try to focus on cooking food research. I definitely have not
26:35I definitely did not finish reading you all the notes Shia
26:41Don't worry Shia
26:43we're gonna be together soon and
26:50Miriam's are telling us to follow the instructions
27:02And they do
27:05Supporters do talk about Shia a lot. I don't write it all down. I
27:10Don't write most of it down. They do talk about you Shia
27:14So I do know things about you
27:19I love you Shia. Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much Shia for watching
