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00:00The story so far...
00:19Take it easy.
00:21Everything is fine.
00:23Everything is not fine.
00:25When everyone at home will come to know that you dropped me,
00:28it will be a disaster.
00:30I don't know what Emal has got by doing all this.
00:33Only Emal bhabhi knows that I have come to drop you.
00:37I am only worried about one thing.
00:40That Emal bhabhi had stopped me from taking your side.
00:44And today, such a big change.
00:47Even I don't believe it.
00:49What does Emal want?
00:51Anyway, I will take Manohar's class.
00:54When she knows that this time your pick and drop, then where will she go?
00:58He is not my personal driver.
01:00There are a hundred things to do at home.
01:02He must have gone somewhere.
01:04Manohar was told properly that this time your pick and drop.
01:08Mom had also stopped him.
01:10Still he disappeared.
01:12Don't do so much for me that I...
01:14I can't lift my head from shame.
01:17What is there to be ashamed of?
01:20You have full right on me.
01:22Meroj bhai.
01:25He was dearer to me than my own life.
01:28He was the one.
01:30In this regard,
01:32I also have your responsibility.
01:35You don't worry about returning.
01:39I will send Manohar to pick you up.
01:42No, there is no need for that.
01:44I will find out about the van.
01:46I will do my business in that.
01:48Not at all.
01:49Not at all.
01:51There are so many cars at home.
01:53Why will you come by van?
01:55Even before marriage, I and Emal used to come and go in the van.
01:59So it's not a big deal.
02:01It was different before.
02:04But now,
02:06you are a part of our family.
02:11We have got so many assignments.
02:14How will we do it?
02:16How will we do it?
02:19How will we do it?
02:30You will be a great teacher, Amrita.
02:34Forget everything
02:36and complete your studies.
02:39Fulfill your passion.
02:43fulfill Meroj bhai's dream.
03:08Listen, you guys go to class. We will meet. Okay?
03:13With whom did you come?
03:15Meroj's younger brother.
03:18My brother-in-law, Afaan.
03:20He is quite handsome.
03:23What happened?
03:25The car is also great.
03:32What are you saying?
03:34Why hasn't he left yet?
03:38Annie, is he looking at me?
03:44You have crossed the limit.
03:46Let's go.
03:47What is this, Annie?
03:48Why are you always in a hurry?
03:50You didn't even introduce me to him.
03:52He is so handsome.
03:53Listen, I have fallen for him for the second time.
03:55Don't talk too much. Let's go.
04:15He is very proud of his son.
04:19I will teach him a lesson.
04:33It's Emal's call.
04:37Hello. Yes, Emal, tell me.
04:43why don't you explain Annie?
04:46May God bless you.
04:48What has Annie done now?
04:55She knows her position in this house.
04:58Then why is she so free from Afaan?
05:01What are you saying?
05:03First she told Afaan and took admission in the college.
05:07And you didn't come to Afaan's graduation party.
05:10There was so much commotion in the house because of Annie that what should I tell you?
05:13I had hidden it from you.
05:15But mom, how long will I hide these things from you?
05:19Today, despite my many refusals, she went to college with Afaan.
05:24Dear, what are you saying? I don't understand anything.
05:28Oh, so dad is also listening.
05:32Mom, why did you put the phone on speaker?
05:36You have crossed the limit.
05:39Emal, I didn't know that you would start talking like this.
05:44Didn't you explain Annie?
05:47She listens to someone and mom is also very angry.
05:51She is going to college leaving such a small child.
05:54Please mom, explain her.
05:57Yes, yes, I will talk to her.
06:01What does she want after all?
06:05But mom, don't take my name in between.
06:08She will get misled by me for no reason.
06:10If she gets misled, let it be.
06:12But she should also understand.
06:16She is a woman, a mother of a child.
06:19She should keep her limits.
06:22Okay, but you call her home and explain her.
06:26She will leave for college at 3.
06:28Tell her to leave the house.
06:30And yes, also ask her who she went to college with this morning.
06:35Dear, Annie can do this.
06:37I don't believe it.
06:38I don't believe it.
06:40So dad, am I lying to you?
06:43No dear, I trust both of you, but…
06:47Okay fine, I will hang up now.
06:49I will go and see if Fauzia is looking at Umar or not.
06:53After that I have to go to the kitchen and also look after lunch and dinner.
06:56Okay, Allah Hafiz.
07:09Sareen, something is definitely wrong in that house.
07:14I don't believe that Annie can do this.
07:18Look, you don't worry.
07:21I will talk to Annie today.
07:23And it is possible that Emal has some misunderstanding.
07:28But if anything like this happens, I will definitely explain it to her.
07:38Yes, sir.
07:40You had gone for Durdana Khalla's work, right?
07:42Did you do it?
07:44No, sir.
07:46Eman madam had sent me to get some groceries.
07:48When you know that this time is not suitable for Annie ma'am,
07:52then why did you go to Durdana Khalla's house?
07:54I didn't go to Durdana Khalla's house.
07:56I went to get groceries for Annie ma'am.
07:58I don't believe it.
08:00I don't believe it.
08:02I don't believe it.
08:04Then why did you go somewhere else?
08:06Sir, she said that she wants groceries urgently.
08:09Annie ma'am will go to college herself.
08:11Munawar, listen to me carefully.
08:14Hereafter, you will not do any other work in Annie ma'am's pick and drop.
08:19I had to come back because of your carelessness.
08:23Keep it in your mind.
08:25That's my order.
08:27Yes, sir.
08:35So you had sent Munawar for your work.
08:38Can I know the reason for this act?
08:41What act?
08:45What do you want to say?
08:47Shall we go?
08:49I will explain in simple words.
08:51Why did you send Munawar at that time when Annie was about to leave?
08:55Why did you do this?
08:57You are accusing me.
08:59I am not accusing you.
09:01I am telling you what you have done.
09:04I had to get some important things.
09:07What has happened?
09:09Then why did you say that you went to Munawar at aunt's behest?
09:12Annie shouldn't have a misunderstanding.
09:15She shouldn't think that I sent Munawar while she was going to college.
09:19That's why I took aunt's name.
09:25And if I ask you,
09:27that instead of calling Annie as sister-in-law,
09:29why are you calling Annie by her name?
09:34I am noticing everything.
09:36And not just me, everyone in the house is noticing.
09:40Because she
09:42is elder to me in relation.
09:44But younger in age.
09:47And this is not such a big thing
09:50that you are creating an issue.
09:52You also ask questions to everyone.
09:55That's why I also asked you.
09:57She is elder to you in relation.
09:59So call her sister-in-law.
10:01Don't take her name.
10:04And if I told her to drop you,
10:06that doesn't mean
10:08that you misbehave with me or doubt me.
10:11Not doubt.
10:13I am regretting.
10:15For your behavior and thinking.
10:21we will know later
10:23that why you did this.
10:48Yes, tell me Durdana.
10:50I reach office later,
10:52your call comes earlier.
10:54Now tell me, what has happened?
10:56What is the matter?
10:59assume that the disaster that you have started,
11:02is moving ahead with full speed.
11:05Don't make me answer riddles.
11:07Speak straight.
11:09I don't have time.
11:11The fire that you have lit between Aiman and Annie…
11:27you have given me a very good news.
11:30It is very important to keep both the sisters fighting.
11:34By the way, what is the matter of your plan?
11:37If both the sisters fight,
11:40we will get a chance to throw them out of the house.
11:44Yes, but
11:46first of all I have to throw Annie out of the house.
11:50So that Umar's custody
11:52comes to us completely.
11:54And today Aiman has given us this chance.
12:24do it.
12:26Me or you?
12:28We will do it together.
12:34Thank God you came.
12:36You are going with the driver today.
12:38Didn't your brother-in-law come today?
12:44He should have come.
12:46He is not a driver.
12:48He has more work.
12:50He had to go to office late today morning,
12:52so he said he will drop you.
12:56I suggest you make your brother-in-law a driver.
12:59We will keep seeing each other.
13:01You come out.
13:07Okay, I won't say okay.
13:09One minute, mom is calling.
13:11Hello mom.
13:13Hello. Where are you?
13:15I am just leaving from college.
13:17What is the matter?
13:19Come to me, I want to talk to you.
13:21Is everything fine?
13:23Yes, everything is fine.
13:25Is father well?
13:27Yes, he is fine.
13:29Do you want to come or not?
13:32Yes, I am coming.
13:34I will be there in a while.
13:36Come immediately.
13:40What happened Annie?
13:42Is everything fine? You look worried.
13:44Yes, mom called.
13:46I will leave now.
13:50Take care.
14:07Mom, did you call me?
14:09You came to office late today as well.
14:14Don't make excuses for Umar.
14:16Emal has been taking care of him since morning,
14:18along with Fauzia.
14:22So did you go to drop Annie to her college?
14:26did you put a tracker in my car?
14:32This is possible.
14:34This is possible.
14:36And you did the same thing
14:38even after I told you not to.
14:42Mom, what could I have done?
14:44Emal had sent Munawar for some work.
14:50So I had to drop Annie.
14:53And I think Emal has already told you this.
14:58why are you involving Emal?
15:00Because I don't understand the game she is playing.
15:03What do you mean by that?
15:05Don't you dare blame her.
15:07She is your sister-in-law.
15:09Emal didn't tell me anything.
15:11Durdana told me all this.
15:14Oh, mom.
15:16This is not right.
15:19And what kind of a court are you sitting in?
15:22You yourself say
15:24that home matters should not be discussed in the office.
15:27And today, you are breaking your own rules.
15:30Okay, fine.
15:32Then we will go home.
15:34And I will decide about Annie right now.
15:36What decision?
15:38That whether she will stay in our house or not.
15:41This chapter will close today.
15:59What happened, mom? Is everything fine?
16:01Why have you called me?
16:03You have taken admission in the college.
16:06And you are telling me that you are not going to study.
16:09I was afraid that you will not study.
16:11But I have decided that I will study.
16:13I will study.
16:15I will study.
16:17I will study.
16:19I will study.
16:21I will study.
16:23I will study.
16:25I will study.
16:27I will study.
16:29I don't think it is necessary to tell you.
16:32So now you are upset about this?
16:34Is there anything else to be upset about?
16:37Mom, then you tell me yourself what you are upset about.
16:41I have left Umar and I have to go home soon.
16:44You are a widow, Annie.
16:46You should take every step carefully.
16:49One stain of defamation
16:51ruins a lifetime's honor.
16:55What do all these things mean now?
16:57You know the meaning very well.
16:59First of all,
17:01why did you leave Umar alone at home?
17:04Umar is still very young, Annie.
17:06Mom, it is just a matter of a few months.
17:09Then my degree will be completed.
17:11And what will you do with this degree?
17:15Just now you yourself said that
17:17you don't know anything about time and circumstances.
17:20Who knows,
17:22it might come in handy sometime.
17:24I can do a lot, mom.
17:25I can do a lot, mom.
17:27I can make a very good career for myself and my child.
17:32Oh Annie,
17:34why have you become so stupid?
17:36Why are you creating problems for yourself for no reason?
17:39What are you saying, mom?
17:41A mother knows her child better.
17:44You are right.
17:46A mother's relationship is pure.
17:48And because of this relationship,
17:50whatever I am saying, I am saying it for your own good.
17:55I have no objection to you studying.
17:58But I don't understand,
18:00what is the objection?
18:02Why do you keep coming alone with Akfahan?
18:07now I have understood
18:09who has spoilt your heart.
18:12Aiman didn't say anything to me.
18:16But I didn't take Aiman's name.