Coronation Street - Dee-Dee Talks To Emily About Joel (23rd August 2024)

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00:00Oh, hi, Emily. Thanks for coming in.
00:05Feels like grown-up day.
00:07Yeah, well, I'll try not to keep you too long.
00:10Erm, it's just about Joel.
00:12I did warn you.
00:14Now, we all think we're going to be the ones to fix him.
00:17Well, when was the last time you heard from him?
00:20Last month. More financial shenanigans.
00:23I keep all my contacts to email.
00:27What's he done now?
00:30I always knew he wasn't perfect, that he was a cheat and a liar,
00:33but I never thought he'd be capable of something as terrible as this.
00:38Yeah, neither did I.
00:40Until I found out the truth.
00:43God, that poor girl.
00:45It's tough to go through something like that.
00:48How is she now?
00:50Oh, it's not been easy, but you know what?
00:53She's tougher than she looks.
00:56And the...the baby?
00:58Well, he's in the best place and getting all the care he needs, so...
01:02Yeah, well, that's...that's something, I suppose.
01:06But look, Emily, it's not just Lauren and her baby I'm worried about.
01:11What do you mean?
01:12Joel's dangerous.
01:14He doesn't seem to care who he hurts,
01:16and this is why I wanted to talk to you.
01:19If I were you, I would be having second thoughts
01:22as to whether it's safe to let him see lovely Maeve.
01:26You don't think he'd hurt her.
01:28I mean, she's his...
01:31Ah, come on.
01:42Come on.
02:04We're closed.
02:06Oh, I want to talk to you.
02:08Whatever you've got to say, I've no interest in hearing it.
02:13It wasn't enough for you, was it?
02:15What are you on about?
02:16You know I've been suspended, don't you, that I can't work?
02:19Oh. Are you surprised I am?
02:22No. No, I'm not.
02:24I knew that was coming, so I can deal with that.
02:27But now Emily has stopped me from seeing my daughter.
02:31My daughter!
02:33Because of you.
02:34All I did was tell Emily the truth
02:36about who you are and what you've done.
02:38So if you're looking for someone to blame, Joel,
02:42you look in the mirror.
02:46You know, you still don't get it, do you?
02:49The only thing the police can prove
02:52is that I slept with Lauren.
02:57As for everything else, it's my word against that little tart's.
03:05You know, when this is all over and I've ward three,
03:10are you going to regret what you've done?
03:13Trust me.
03:18Close the door on your way out, will you?
