مسلسل قبول موسم 3 حلقة 30 مدبلجة

  • last month
01:32Happy New Year!
01:34Happy New Year!
02:02Happy New Year!
02:09How are you?
02:53Huh huh?
02:54I'm going to go get my bag.
03:10You have to do something to keep me away from this house.
03:13Or else, that girl will go crazy and you'll laugh at them.
03:18There's no need to worry.
03:20I have to do something to make him hate me.
03:23Wait and see.
03:28I'm going to get dinner ready.
03:30Come with me.
03:45What's this, brother?
03:48Yes, cigarettes.
03:51It's Eid, so...
03:54I got cigarettes.
03:56To give them to her today.
03:59It's a shame, you know...
04:01It's a great idea, brother. Show me.
04:06It's unbelievable how beautiful they are, brother.
04:16Here's your gift.
04:23Here you go.
04:25These are for you.
04:35These cigarettes are for both of us.
04:40Because Eid is just around the corner.
04:45No, no, no.
04:46That won't do.
04:48I mean, you have to wear them in front of us.
04:56Yes, now.
05:10What's this, girl?
05:12What are these bracelets you're wearing?
05:25Look, these bracelets were in my room.
05:28And they're wrapped, too.
05:33On this day, especially, the wife wears bracelets
05:36On this day, especially, the wife wears bracelets
05:39from her husband.
05:40The bracelets are here for you.
05:42From your husband, Ahil.
05:44Come on, girl, what do you want to wear?
05:55I thought you put the bracelets in the room.
05:58A gift for me.
06:06A gift for me.
06:11Oh, oh.
06:12What's the point of all this?
06:14Let me take these bracelets off for you,
06:16and you can wear the new ones, okay?
06:36Oh, God.
06:37The bracelets won't come off easily.
06:44Let me see.
06:55Oh, God, I forgot.
06:58Oh, God.
06:59I'm going to leave the clothes outside for now,
07:01and I have to go get the food.
07:03Yes, yes, yes.
07:06Mr. Ahil,
07:08I can't take the bracelets off her hands.
07:11You take them off, and let her wear the new ones, okay?
07:19I'll be right back.
07:20Come on, come on.
07:21Do we have to eat?
07:22I don't know.
07:23What's the point of all this food?
07:30Food, food.
07:32We're starving.
07:34The food has to be ready.
07:36The madam will be here soon, right?
07:38Come on, come on, come on.
07:40Go ahead, go ahead.
08:04Oh, God.
08:34Oh, God.
08:55Peace be upon you.
08:57And upon you peace.
08:59Come in, my lady.
09:01I hope you'll be here for dinner and breakfast.
09:05Of course.
09:07I'll be there, my lady.
09:09You know what?
09:11I want to introduce you to my daughter, Sanam.
09:14This is the first time she's been here this year.
09:17How can I not accept such an invitation
09:20on this blessed occasion,
09:22especially since I'm going to meet your daughter?
09:28Of course I'll be there.
09:30Yes, I'll be waiting for you.
09:50That's good, my lady.
09:53You're throwing a party this Eid?
09:56Don't be mad at me.
09:58I mean, what did I do to you
10:00for you not to invite me?
10:04What are you doing here?
10:06I don't want any trouble because of you.
10:09Come on, let's go throw a party.
10:11I came here to give Eid gifts.
10:13And who's coming to give gifts? Come on, tell me.
10:15His family and his wife.
10:18And the best gift of the year was you.
10:23Okay, give it to me and get out of here right now.
10:26Calm down, ma'am.
10:28You can't always win.
10:30I'm going to give Sanam the gift.
11:05What's your problem?
11:08Can't you see in front of you?
11:10And you can't see in front of you.
11:16What's wrong?
11:20I came to call you.
11:22Thank you, I know there's a party.
11:25There's no need to call me.
11:27I know I'll go alone.
11:31I'm not happy because I'm calling you.
11:36But the guests insisted.
11:39Because I'm your wife.
11:41It's my duty to call you.
11:45Are you serious?
11:49My wife?
11:51Do you think this is a real marriage?
11:56You're wrong.
12:03Don't dream about it.
12:13And here comes my brother.
12:21And here comes my brother.
12:29This is a great party.
12:31You have a moon by your side.
12:36By the way, why are you so late?
12:39Because it's Eid breakfast.
12:41So I need time to get ready.
12:43So Ahil wants to spend his life getting ready.
12:46And spend all his nights without sleeping.
13:24How can you get involved with a maid?
13:30You're only mine, my love.
13:33I'm alone.
13:34Alone and that's it.
13:51That's it.
13:53That's it.
13:56What are you doing here?
13:58I'm tired of all these things you keep doing to me.
14:01Do you understand?
14:06Do you think I'm going to put up with your wrongdoings all the time?
14:13No, Nada.
14:15I can't take it anymore.
14:17This is the first Eid I'm spending in this house.
14:21And I won't let you ruin it with your own hands.
14:29Your game is over.
14:31It's definitely going to end today.
14:37Do you understand?
14:39I'm tired of all these things you keep doing to me.
14:42Do you understand?
14:44Do you understand?
14:46Do you understand?
14:49Come here.
14:50Get up.
14:51Come on.
14:52Come on.
14:57Let's go outside.
15:05But Tanvir.
15:07You're going to regret this.
15:11You're going to regret this.
15:15Why are you making me lose my temper?
15:18Let's go to Eid.
15:28Let's face it.
15:40You're here?
15:41Do you know what, Razia?
15:43You're my guest of honor today.
15:47My sister Razia.
15:48Peace be upon you.
15:54Eid Mubarak, Tanvir.
15:55May God bless you and everyone.
15:58I want to introduce you to someone I love.
16:02I mean, I'm going to introduce you to the little Mrs. Bobal.
16:06You don't know her.
16:08You're going to be surprised when you see her.
16:10Because she's so beautiful.
16:12And innocent too.
16:15And there's no girl like her.
16:18And everyone loves her.
16:21Wait for Nadia.
16:23Sanam, my daughter.
16:29My daughter Sanam, can you hear me?
16:32My daughter Sanam, can you hear me?
16:41Latif, call me Sanam.
16:43Yes, I'm coming.
16:45I'm telling you again, Razia.
16:47You're going to be surprised when you see her.
16:50Because she's so beautiful.
16:53And innocent too.
17:04Where's the little Mrs. Bobal?
17:11She must be going somewhere now.
17:13She must be standing with the other guests.
17:17She must be standing over there.
17:28I apologize.
17:30I made a mistake.
17:31Forgive me.
17:43Mom, are you calling me?
17:46Sanam, my daughter.
17:48I want to introduce you to my friend, Razia.
18:01She's the one I've been waiting for.
18:05She's going to be my special guest.
18:10And consider her your aunt.
18:15How are you?
18:17Do you know?
18:18She's going to give me my gift of victory.
18:23My gift of victory.
18:25My gift of victory.
18:26She's going to give you my gift of victory.
18:32My gift of victory.
18:33It's my family's flag.
18:39Take it from me.
18:41This is our family's flag.
18:42And I'm sure it will mean a lot to you.
18:56My gift of victory.
18:57It's my family's flag.
18:58And I'm sure it will mean a lot to you.
19:24Thank you, aunt.
19:26What do you think? Isn't Lili a very beautiful girl, Sana?
19:30Give me your opinion.
19:33I'm sure you're surprised.
19:37I know you were a very beautiful girl.
19:56What's wrong with you? Why are you laughing like that?
20:11It's not just my underwear. You're my paradise too, Razia.
20:14Do you think I'm the paradise?
20:19Do you think I'm the paradise or you?
20:22You're the paradise, Tanvir.
20:28Or is fate against us?
20:32What do you mean?
20:34What do you mean?
20:36Tell me!
20:38Is this your underwear?
20:42This is not your underwear.
20:47This is your underwear, Tanvir.
21:05It's unbelievable how much you look like her, Tanvir.
21:08Zoya's daughter?
21:10What's so great about fate, Tanvir?
21:15Your past will stop in front of you again if you don't know it.
21:21Zoya's daughter?
21:24She's your daughter?
21:26Don't say it!
21:29Don't say anything!
21:33Happy Eid.
21:37Congratulations, Tanvir.
21:42But now, you have to think carefully and be careful.
21:51And you have to remember that very soon,
21:54you will dig your grave in this house with your own two hands.
22:10Don't go!
22:19This is impossible.
22:22This is impossible.
22:26No one can destroy me.
22:28Not Zoya.
22:30Not even her daughter.
22:33No one!
22:43Let me give her this precious piece.
22:48Yes, ma'am.
22:49These jewels.
22:50Leave it.
22:51What's wrong, ma'am?
22:53What happened?
23:13Excuse me, ma'am.
23:18I got a call from the lawyer.
23:28He wants you to sign some papers.
23:37Oh, God.
23:38What's going on?
23:40Razia Ma'aha.
23:42I brought this tragedy upon myself.
23:44And now, I can't get rid of it.
23:54Until everything is in my name,
23:57I have to keep this tragedy by my side.
24:00I have to bear this enemy for a while.
24:03Oh, God, help me.
24:06What's going on, ma'am?
24:08Nothing, ma'am.
24:10I was taking Sanam to introduce her to a few guests.
24:17That's why I dragged her.
24:19I was in a hurry.
24:22Sanam, please forgive me.
24:25I was in a hurry.
24:29No problem, ma'am.
24:35Wait a minute.
24:37Yes, ma'am.
24:38What are these papers that Sanam has to sign?
24:50Now, if I talk, they'll say I talk a lot.
24:54But I'm sure
24:56that Tanvir is right to lose her sight.
25:00But here, she's still on the prowl.
25:02And I'm sure of that.
25:06And I thank God and praise Him
25:09that my sight is very strong now.
25:14And it's hard for anyone
25:17to hide anything from me, isn't it, Green-Eyed Mother?
25:36What do you want?
25:38What do you want from me?
25:40That I don't worry about you a lot?
25:42Sanam's wedding shouldn't have happened.
25:55I don't think you should drink now.
25:58I'm not going to drink.
26:00I'm not going to drink.
26:03I don't think you should drink now.
26:06Drinking doesn't have a fixed time.
26:10All times are good.
26:27I'm not saying that the time is right or not.
26:31I mean that one shouldn't drink.
26:34Can't you stop drinking?
26:38Are you out of your mind?
26:41I thought I would listen to you.
26:45But even my mother in her life
26:47didn't stop me from anything.
26:50So who are you?
26:52I'm your wife, Ahim.
27:01I'm your wife, Ahim.
27:04I'm your wife, Ahim.
27:07I'm your wife, Ahim.
27:10I'm your wife, Ahim.
27:15Oh, my lawyer.
27:17When will the investigation be over?
27:20And the money?
27:24When will the money be transferred, my lawyer?
27:28Why are you taking so long?
27:31Don't worry. Everything is fine.
27:33Yes, everything is fine.
27:37My lawyer, I'm just asking because
27:41if you solve this case as soon as possible,
27:44the children can go to the honeymoon as soon as possible.
27:50That's why I was asking.
27:53Okay, we'll hurry.
28:28How are you, madam?
28:34What happened?
28:37Let me tell you what happened.
28:41You are still a swindler.
28:47To take and control this big fortune,
28:51you forced a poor and innocent girl
28:54and made her laugh with a few nice words, you swindler.
28:58And you also forced her to marry Ahim.
29:03And you couldn't take care of her outside the house
29:06until everything was transferred to your name
29:08and you made sure of it.
29:10Am I right?
29:18Oh, God.
29:20I'm really jealous of you now.
29:26I'm jealous of your game now.
29:29I'm jealous.
29:44But don't worry.
29:49I know very well
29:51that you will live with this girl and you will be very happy.
29:55And also, you will be comfortable in your life.
30:00Because you will do anything for money.
30:04Otherwise, you would have become the first Mrs. Popal.
30:10After all, you are an ordinary, cheap and worthless girl.
30:17You can do anything you want for money.
30:22I didn't even have a husband for you.
30:26You took him from me and married him.
31:22Oh, no. What happened to you, Tanbir?
31:32Oh, my God.
31:48Yes, I remembered.
31:51This is exactly like...
31:54like what I used to have a long time ago.
31:58That's right. I used to have him.
32:02And you.
32:03You stole him from me. Do you remember?
32:08And now, since the past is repeating itself,
32:11I have to get back my light,
32:13which you stole from me a few days ago, Tanbir.
32:22You have to think carefully
32:26before you stop me.
32:29Because there are many big secrets you have made in your life
32:33that are still buried in my heart.
32:38And if there is a secret among them,
32:42a secret, one of them,
32:44you will find out.
32:46Your secret.
32:49When will your truth be revealed, my dear?
32:53I am serious.
32:57Unfortunately, you have become a blind woman.
33:02But you can still distinguish
33:04between what is good for you and what is not.
33:09And if I stop you in this situation,
33:12imagine what we could do together.
33:15What a great idea!
33:18My dear, listen.
33:21At this time,
33:24you need someone to help you with your problems
33:28and your friend.
33:31What do you want?
33:36I just want to live in this house again.
33:41Just like I used to.
34:29Forgive me.
34:32Forgive me.
34:34I am sorry.
34:40Now, if I talk, you say I talk a lot.
34:44Why are you all silent, girls?
34:46Come on, finish me.
34:48Come and give me some.
34:52And when are you going to bring me some onion pies?
34:56Don't worry.
34:57Today you will eat from us.
34:59Look, here we bring meals for human beings,
35:02they keep eating all the time.
35:05You eat all the time.
35:09I didn't order.
35:10Onion pies for you to eat.
35:12It will be ready soon.
35:14It's time for you to get fat.
35:16I mean, for you to get full.
35:20I am hungry.
35:25Excuse me, madam.
35:26Would you like to have a dessert?
35:28Really, today I had a delicious dessert.
35:31And this is the food you love very much.
35:36I am going to bring you some.
35:38No, don't bring me anything.
35:40When I want to eat, I will tell you.
35:43There is no need to keep asking me every now and then.
35:50God willing, every year you will be healthy, madam.
35:59How did you know?
36:00You have to excuse us, because yesterday we were out of town.
36:04That's why we didn't attend the party.
36:07So, we were told to come today.
36:09We are celebrating your birthday and we also want to see your cake.
36:11Yes, welcome.
36:13But the celebrations alone are not enough.
36:15You have to taste the delicious dessert that you make.
36:18You know that you make the best dessert in this whole country.
36:22Now you taste it and judge it.
36:29My daughter Sana, go and bring our guests some dessert.
37:00What happened?
37:06Faiz, what is this?
37:08Brother, I didn't get in at all.
37:10The truth is that I entered the room without knocking on the door.
37:13Okay, don't keep standing like that.
37:15Go and put on your clothes quickly.
37:19Faiz, what is this?
37:20Brother, I didn't get in at all.
37:22The truth is that I entered the room without knocking on the door.
37:25Okay, don't keep standing like that.
37:27Go and put on your clothes quickly.
37:36I apologize to you on behalf of Faiz.
37:57I apologize to you on behalf of Faiz.
38:27I apologize to you on behalf of Faiz.
38:38You are really lucky because you have such a beauty.
38:41She is really beautiful.
38:48It's true.
38:49It's not like the girls these days.
38:51They don't know how to eat an egg.
38:55And now, we would like to take your leave.
38:57Excuse us.
39:00Excuse us.
39:04What are you doing?
39:05Go and put on your clothes quickly.
39:11Bring the plates and bring them back to their place.
39:13What are you waiting for? Go!
39:24No, no, no, my love.
39:26It's not going to work like this.
39:28You have to be careful about what you do in front of her.
39:32If she tries to hurt you, you will find out the whole truth.
39:38And very soon, everything will be revealed.
39:43You have to let the hatred inside your heart.
39:48And it will come out.
39:50And it will come out.
39:52From within.
39:55And it will show through words, right?
40:01You are right.
40:04What should I do?
40:08It's not in my hands.
40:09I don't know what's happening to me.
40:11Every time I hear Sanaan's voice, I think of Zoya's mother.
40:15But I also know that I don't have to make any problem until it's done.
40:22All the wealth will be in my name.
40:28I don't want to make a mistake this time and make Sanaan doubt me.
40:37But there is one thing for sure.
40:40Dilshad hasn't told his granddaughter anything about the past.
40:48If Dilshad stays silent,
40:53Sanaan won't hurt me in her life.
40:58That's why, Razia, I beg you.
41:01Don't make me pay for what I did.
41:04But listen to me carefully and understand me.
41:08As for the stupid Sanaan,
41:11you don't have to know anything about the dead.
41:15Nothing, do you understand me, Razia?
41:23I don't know what to do.
41:27I don't know what to do.
41:44Oh God!
41:48What's happening to me?
41:49What's happening to me?
41:58What are these papers doing here?
42:19A photo of my mother and father?
42:50Madam Tanvir?
42:52With my mother and father?
42:59What does this mean?
43:06Does this mean Madam Tanvir knows my mother and father?
43:19To be continued...
43:49Translated by Dima Kamal Masri
44:19Subscribe to Dima Kamal Masri's YouTube Channel
