Tujhpe Main Fida Episode 5 Rudhraksh Jaiswal, Nikeet Dhillon

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Tujhpe Main Fida Episode 5 Rudhraksh Jaiswal, Nikeet Dhillon


00:30Hello, don't be afraid How do you know that I am not afraid?
00:59I saw a man roaming around your house
01:29Yeah, of course
01:31Definitely we should go for that
01:33Your drink?
01:35I want to have tea
01:39How will I not get it?
01:41Hello, hello
01:43Where are you going so late at night?
01:45It's already 10
01:47With Nirvan
01:48Now should I come?
01:50What happened dad?
01:51I wanted to talk to you
01:59Local alcohol is being circulated in your college
02:01Do you know about it?
02:03I have no clue about it
02:05Sabina has confessed
02:07She has also said that
02:09It's a common thing in your college
02:11White flower
02:13I hope you have nothing to do with it
02:15No dad
02:17I am not a part of all this
02:19This house, family
02:21You know we are like
02:23The first family of this town
02:25We have a lot of respect
02:27Our family is
02:29The ideal family
02:31In this town
02:33I am aware about it
02:35And I am not a part of any wannabe gang
02:37I have a standard to maintain
02:39Now should I come?
02:49We all have weaknesses
02:53It's natural
02:55The important thing is
02:57How do we hide our weaknesses
02:59From the outside world
03:01So that we never get caught
03:03Do you understand what I am saying?
03:09Come on time
03:17To the tea
03:21Marcus you are bleeding
03:23How did you get hurt?
03:25Didn't you hear?
03:27I saw a man roaming around your house
03:29He was wearing overalls and shorts
03:31I think he was a minor
03:33There is no one outside
03:35He is hurt from the grill
03:37We have to take a tetanus shot
03:39Don't change the topic
03:41This is serious
03:43It's a big house
03:45It's always just mom, mom and I
03:47So we rent extra rooms
03:49For extra money
03:59If that's the case
04:01Why did you lock the door from the table?
04:03There are guests but strangers too
04:05It's better to be safe than sorry
04:09You were scared when I came
04:11Your usual routine
04:13Fighting as soon as you saw me
04:15But you hugged me today
04:17How did the mood shift?
04:19Say something
04:23Don't feel bad
04:25I am asking you something
04:27Stop ignoring me
04:53I love you
04:55I love you
04:57I love you
04:59I love you
05:01I love you
05:03I love you
05:05I love you
05:07I love you
05:09I love you
05:11I love you
05:13I love you
05:15I love you
05:17I love you
05:19I love you
05:21I love you
05:23I love you
05:25I love you
05:27I love you
05:29I love you
05:31I love you
05:33I love you
05:35I tried mixing this time
05:37Good job bro
05:39Well done
05:41What's up guys?
05:45We're going to Jumbo Point
05:47Let's go
05:49We'll have to go through an abandoned mine
05:53We want to disappear too
05:55Are you coming or not?
05:57Is it necessary?
06:01After what happened with Violet
06:03I don't think it's a good idea to go
06:07It's a deep wound
06:09Get a tetanus injection tomorrow
06:11You can't be careless
06:13How will you play if you get infected?
06:15I love you
06:19I love you
06:21I love you
06:27You hug me after 2 years
06:31And you expect to be talking about cricket
06:41You should go home
06:45You're confusing me
06:47You were hugging me as if you'll never let me go.
06:50You're just going to go.
06:52What do you want?
06:54I don't know what I want.
06:56But for now, please leave.
06:58How can I leave?
07:00I'm going crazy thinking if you're safe here or not.
07:03Isha told me the stories of your house.
07:06But I definitely didn't believe her.
07:08But after coming here and seeing that man,
07:10I really got very scared.
07:14Now I understand.
07:15Why did I come here? Did Isha send you here?
07:18How does it feel to join her gang?
07:20What have you recruited me for?
07:22To stalk me or to torture me?
07:31It's useless talking to you.
07:34Isha was right about you.
07:36You change colors. You're a chameleon.
07:38You know what? Go and tell Isha.
07:39Stop this Isha bullshit.
07:41I didn't come here for Isha.
07:43What do you think?
07:44Why did I come back to Colton?
07:46When I could have gotten admission in any prestigious college in the country?
07:50Why did I choose White Flower Holy?
07:54Because I could have come back to you.
07:59I was 12 years old.
08:01I've been here since then.
08:02In every summer break.
08:04Only for you.
08:14I love you.
08:18I love you too.
08:20I love you too.
08:43Why are you so scared, bro?
08:56Did your parents also keep your name Veer?
08:59This Veer is not even a man's hair.
09:02It's okay, Alraaz. Don't bully him.
09:04If he doesn't want to come, he can go home.
09:06We'll see you tomorrow.
09:09It's better that we don't meet in the forest.
09:11You guys should also go home.
09:12We're going home, bro.
09:16The police know about Hooch.
09:17I know.
09:18Alraaz told me.
09:20The inspector went to his house.
09:21To talk to his mom.
09:24Nothing else.
09:25Mom drove them away.
09:26But the inspector asked his mom,
09:27How did Hooch and Aulet meet?
09:29Guys, we shouldn't backfire.
09:31Dad interrogated me tonight.
09:33And he also gave a warning.
09:34Wait a second.
09:35Isha, does your dad also know?
09:37Of course, Nirwan.
09:38Strangely, he knows everything.
09:40But there must be a source.
09:42Sabina Fattu.
09:43She must have told her dad,
09:44And her dad told my dad.
09:46So now?
09:49We need a fall guy.
09:52Looks like your creative freaky mind
09:54Has already planned.
10:12Can you see the colors?
10:14Sometimes it seems like
10:16God is an artist.
10:19Just like you!
10:21I paint.
10:23And I paint.
10:25I paint.
10:27I paint.
10:29I paint.
10:31I paint.
10:33I paint.
10:35I paint.
10:37I paint.
10:40I paint,
10:41So you're comparing me to God?
10:42You are a Goddess.
10:48Mark a shooting star.
10:49Make a wish.
10:54I wish
10:55The whole country gets a heat wave.
10:58Who wishes like that?
11:01So that our summer vacation can extend.
11:05What did you wish for?
11:07Heat wave.
11:13It's raining.
11:14Shall we go?
11:16It's drizzle, not rain.
11:17I didn't know you were so scared of rain.
11:19No, I thought
11:20A convent girl like you
11:21Must be scared of the rain.
11:22Do you really think I'm scared of the rain?
11:26I don't think you know
11:27The pinky promise.
11:28Of course I do.
11:29But our pinky promise
11:30Is the ring promise.
11:31The ring promise?
11:32You just made that, right?
11:34It's just like the pinky promise.
11:35It's with a finger.
11:37Do you know how goofy and cute you are?
11:42Let's make a promise.
11:44That we'll always be friends
11:45No matter what.
11:56Look at this.
11:57Dad got me shells from Goa.
11:58And I made this bird from them.
12:01I'm going to fly to the seas.
12:05You bought it from some shop, right?
12:07Marcus, please leave him.
13:33Are you alright?
13:36I'm fine.
13:37Let's go home.
13:38Your father is not feeling well.
13:39Everyone is at home.
13:40Doctors are here.
13:41I don't understand what to do.
13:42Let's go home.
14:03Marcus never became my friend, with our family history.
14:09Honestly, I never wanted to make one.
14:12Then one day, you met dad.
14:15Dad told me, this is Marcus, your new friend.
14:19He used to like you a lot, he used to trust you.
14:23But the day he left, you also left me.
14:32Aira, I never wanted to leave you.
14:34But you still went.
14:36Aira, please give me one chance to explain.
14:40No explanation is enough.
14:42Aira, I know, but please.
14:44You don't know anything, Marcus.
14:46You have no idea what happened to us in the last two years.
14:49After dad left, mom was always sick.
14:52She wouldn't leave the room.
14:54From taking care of her, to paying the electricity bill,
14:56to where groceries come, to where cylinders come,
14:58I had to figure everything out.
15:01Aira, I didn't realize.
15:03I had to take his place in uncle's death.
15:05Marcus did all of this.
15:07But along with him, people started talking.
15:10Everyone said, the wandering souls killed Rishi ji.
15:13Mom and I are cursed.
15:14Whoever comes to us, will die like my Hocus.
15:18Everyone made my dad's death poetic justice.
15:22This town is so ruthless, Marcus.
15:24How is this fair?
15:27And in the midst of all this, I just needed a friend.
15:30I needed you, but you weren't there.
15:33You weren't there, Marcus.
15:35You weren't there.
15:37My strongest girl.
16:03I don't think I'm strong.
16:05I've broken so many times.
16:20So guys, what's the plan?
16:21A fall guy.
16:22Who else better to take the blame than...
16:27You said it, I didn't say anything.
16:29But how are we going to trap Veer?
16:31Simple, this belongs to Veer.
16:32If we plant this in Violet's things, the police will doubt Veer.
16:36And you know how big of a fattu he is.
16:38Bro, I can imagine it already.
16:40As soon as the cops see him, they stop sweating.
16:42If they ask him questions, he'll pee in his pants.
16:44You, Iras.
16:45That's so gross.
16:46Yeah, Isha.
16:47Your plan is already in place, right?
16:49You want to be a strategist?
16:50Yes, Dumbo.
16:51There are no 30k followers on Instagram.
16:53That's my girl.
16:55So, basically, what's the next step?
16:57We take this copy and keep it in Violet's things.
16:59Violet used to live in a village.
17:01Her house was rented.
17:02Now, her grandma has shifted to Shanti Sadan.
17:07We have to go to Shanti Sadan.
17:30Shanti Sadan
17:38Do you know when I saw you for the first time?
17:42Some goons were protesting outside your house.
17:47And one of them threw a firecracker inside your house.
17:52That day, the judgment of grandpa's case came.
17:56And the verdict was guilty.
17:57Even after his death, people didn't lose their anger.
18:03I still remember that big mob, Crackers.
18:07I could hear the sound of firecrackers.
18:11But I couldn't see who shouted.
18:14So, to get a better view, I climbed a tree.
18:18To see inside your house.
18:20And then I saw you.
18:22Just like a warrior princess.
18:25The firecrackers were flying around you.
18:30And you didn't have fear on your face.
18:33You had courage.
18:34And I remember how your father ran out of the house.
18:38And pulled you hard.
18:42He got scared.
18:44But you didn't.
18:50I just want you to know that...
18:51I just want you to know that...
18:54I have seen your courage.
18:56Very few people have the courage like you.
18:58Don't ever forget that.
19:16Hey! Break it.
19:18Don't be stupid.
19:19Everyone will get the pass.
19:21Especially the ghosts.
19:26Guys, follow me.
19:27We'll figure some other way. Come.
19:28Come, boys.
19:39You're leaving?
19:45I can't fix what happened to me.
19:49I can promise you one thing.
19:53I'll never trouble you again.
19:55What do you mean?
20:01Chasing you and apologizing to you...
20:03is the same mistake as forgiving me.
20:05I'll never be able to forgive myself for what I did to you.
20:10I don't deserve this friendship.
20:17Prinky promise.
20:20I promise.
20:24I'll never chase you again.
20:39Bye, Aira.
21:03That was easy.
21:05Good for us.
21:06Yeah, guys. Let's go.
21:07Let's go inside.
21:08Let's go, Iraaz.
21:09Wait a minute.
21:10This was Isha's idea, right?
21:11So, Isha should go first.
21:12I'm a girl, Iraaz.
21:13We know, Isha.
21:14So, how can I go inside alone?
21:15You have nothing to do with gender.
21:16Oh, really?
21:17Then you go.
21:18We'll meet your friends inside.
21:19You go.
21:20Let's go.
21:21I'm adopted.
21:22Not their son.
21:23Let's go, Iraaz.
21:24Let's not waste time.
21:25Iraaz, come on.
21:26You go first.
21:27You'll feel better.
21:28I have a better solution.
21:29We'll all go inside together.
21:30And we'll all look for her together.
21:31And by chance, if someone comes,
21:32we can handle it.
21:33We'll all go inside together.
21:36Do you all copy?
21:39Come on.
21:40Let's go.
21:48Let's go.
21:49Let's go.
21:50Let's go.
21:51Let's go.
21:52Let's go.
21:53Let's go.
21:54Let's go.
21:55Let's go.
21:56Let's go.
21:57Let's go.
21:58Let's go.
21:59Let's go.
22:00Let's go.
22:01Let's go.
22:02Let's go.
22:03Let's go.
22:04Let's go.
22:05Let's go.
22:06Let's go.
22:07Let's go.
22:08Let's go.
22:09Let's go.
22:10Let's go.
22:11Let's go.
22:12Let's go.
22:13Let's go.
22:14Let's go.
22:15Let's go.
22:16Let's go.
22:17Let's go.
22:18Let's go.
22:19Let's go.
22:20Let's go.
22:21Let's go.
22:22Let's go.
22:23Let's go.
22:24Let's go.
22:25Let's go.
22:26Let's go.
22:27Let's go.
22:28Let's go.
22:29Let's go.
22:30Let's go.
22:31Let's go.
22:32Let's go.
22:33Let's go.
22:34Let's go.
22:35Let's go.
22:36Let's go.
22:37Let's go.
22:38Let's go.
22:39Let's go.
22:40Let's go.
22:41Let's go.
22:42Let's go.
22:43Let's go.
22:44Let's go.
22:45Let's go.
