Wrestle Talk With Arabbidb3aver :news and upcoming events in the world of wrestling!

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Today on Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver me and the Evil Spock Bunny aka Princess Lady K talk some upcoming events in the world of wrestling!
00:00Go with me. Say hi, Spock, buddy.
00:02Hello, beautifuls.
00:04How are you doing today, Spocky?
00:06I feel good.
00:07You feel wonderful.
00:08I feel a day older.
00:13You feel a day older, you say, huh?
00:15I'll turn my mic down just a little bit so it doesn't pick up that reverb.
00:19But we're going to be going over some stuff.
00:21So I'm going to get over to the live screen.
00:22You're going to be joining me on the live screen right over there.
00:24We're going to be talking first with SBCW number 119,
00:27which is going to be coming up for September 7th, 2024 in La Follette, Tennessee.
00:33Let's get on over to that live scene and let's check it out.
00:36Boom. Right here is the card.
00:37Now, the dirty doctor of destruction himself, Joe Briggs,
00:41is going to be taken on none other than Tyler's shoe.
00:44That is a huge match that's going to be scheduled and taking place
00:48right there at SBCW 119.
00:50You guys definitely don't want to miss that.
00:51The blockbusters are going to be taken on the strew crew.
00:54How can we forget?
00:55Gustavo and Carl Parker are going to be taken on each other.
00:59Echo and Abby are going to be going after that women's title
01:02in the Women's Showcase series.
01:03They're both shooting for that.
01:05Ruby Manitoba and Nova Fury as well are going to be going after that.
01:09You've got a mystery opponent going to be facing Carter Martin.
01:13Hey, now, Dirty Dr.
01:16Joe Briggs actually gave Carter Martin a very, very, very
01:20good review on social media, on Facebook, actually, to be specific.
01:24He was talking about Carter Martin and the ability that Carter Martin had.
01:27And I told him that we got a chance to see him a couple of times.
01:29We got to see him at PWE a couple of months ago,
01:33and then we've seen him at two different JCP events.
01:35And the kid has been on fire for both of them.
01:38Casey Kazeta is going to be taking on Johnny Pogue in that junior
01:42heavyweight championship match, too, on September 7th.
01:44So we are going to be definitely checking some of this stuff out.
01:47If you guys don't know now you do, that's where you catch that at.
01:50It's going to be at 157 Myers Lane in La Follette, Tennessee.
01:53And as you see, kids ages six through 12 are going to be $6 to get in.
01:58Adults are going to be $12 to get in.
02:01So kids five and under, I do believe, are going to be free for this match.
02:04The card is subject to change as of right now,
02:06just like we're telling you live currently.
02:08It's subject to change right now.
02:09But what are you hoping to see here, Spark Bunny?
02:12A good match between a lot of people.
02:17So you're expecting to see a great match is what you're expecting to see, right?
02:23So you're expecting to see old dirty Dr.
02:25Joe Briggs win, or are you going to expect Tyler Shoup to win?
02:27I don't know. I like them both.
02:32I don't know which one I would want to see.
02:35I mean, this is a tough one, guys.
02:36This is really tough on us.
02:38So I love Dr.
02:40Joe Briggs. I love the Doctor of Destruction, but I absolutely
02:44admire Tyler Shoup, his work ethic, his in-ring ability,
02:50the way that he handles a crowd.
02:53I absolutely admire the way that he just wrestles.
02:57And he definitely has a way with the crowd each and every time.
03:00And we've actually seen Tyler Shoup a lot more.
03:03So I'm a lot more fond of Tyler Shoup.
03:05I'm sorry, Dr. Joe. I have to say it.
03:07I'm a lot more fond of Tyler Shoup.
03:08He hasn't had his pizza today.
03:10I haven't had my pizza today.
03:12She is telling the truth.
03:13It's been her birthday and she's fed me ice cream and an apple pie
03:16and cake and everything else.
03:19Chicken nuggies.
03:21Chicken nug nugs.
03:23That's right, she did.
03:25So we're, you know, we're out here just having some fun.
03:29But I really it's really tough.
03:31I mean, I want Tyler Shoup to I really want Tyler Shoup
03:33to get the pinnacle of SPCW and hold that title at the same spot.
03:37I love Dr. Joe Briggs.
03:39So this is definitely a heart wrenching match for me
03:44because I'm so involved in it.
03:45Now, on the other side, we had Casey Kazana on the show
03:48a couple of days ago on Tuesday, and he came out
03:51and he was actually speaking about Evan Golden.
03:53He was talking about the rivalry that he has with Evan Golden.
03:56Different things that are going on there.
03:58But I think that Johnny Polk is going to be his biggest rivalry
04:02to date in SPCW.
04:04I think Johnny Johnny can give that man a run for his money any day of the week.
04:08And I think he's going to just to be honest with you, Spock Bunny.
04:11Do you have any thoughts on that?
04:12Well, just seeing the match that he did between him and Joe,
04:16I think it's going to be a whirlwind with him and Kazana.
04:22Yeah, I think it's going to be a definite whirlwind between him and Kazana as well.
04:25I think that the match that he gave that you're referring to
04:29is in Coalfield, Tennessee, at Revenge of the SSC.
04:32NWJCP is what you're talking about.
04:35And that match that Johnny Polk had, he backed up his words.
04:38He backed up his his ability inside the ring,
04:41and he definitely put on a heck of a show for everybody.
04:44He did, to say the least.
04:45Joe did a great job, but Polk came on top.
04:49And we're going to move on.
04:50We're going to be going directly to the School of Morton 505.
04:53Now, as you see here, we've got the end of an era up on our screen.
04:57On my left, probably your right, wherever you guys are viewing right now.
05:00The School of Morton is moving into a new building.
05:02So the Chucky Dome is going to be no longer as of right now.
05:06So we're waiting on some word that they've got
05:09completely moved into their new building.
05:11But School of Morton should be taking place again Sunday, 505
05:14in their new building, hopefully, or in the next couple of weeks
05:17in their new building, hopefully.
05:18So we're just waiting to see what's going to be going on there,
05:20because the older rabid beaver and the Spock money want to come on out.
05:24We want to see you guys at School of Morton.
05:26We have a lot to gain from you.
05:28I think a couple of things.
05:30The August 11th show you guys did was really phenomenal.
05:34Tank was really phenomenal with EC3.
05:37I have to I've said this a couple of times on social media already,
05:40and I'm saying it again here.
05:42I think the work that Tank did with EC3 was phenomenal.
05:45And School of Morton, you guys are awesome for putting that on
05:48and putting that over.
05:49He did a great job. He absolutely almost had it.
05:52He even stole EC3's finisher, baby.
05:55He had the one percenter down.
05:56I mean, he just did amazing.
05:58Even EC3, he's like, what the?
06:00Yeah, he was. He he wasn't expecting it.
06:03That's for sure.
06:04And he almost got that world title.
06:06And I know that in his future and Tank's future, because Tank is awesome.
06:10He's going to have lots of titles in his future.
06:12And hopefully, maybe one day he will be the world heavyweight champion.
06:16It just wasn't his time right now.
06:17Let's just call it what it was.
06:19But maybe one day we'd love to see Tank with that belt.
06:22So more practice. He can do it.
06:24Absolutely. Absolutely.
06:26Evan Golden is going to be coming on WrestleTalk this coming Tuesday.
06:30This coming up Tuesday, he's going to be retorting what Casey
06:34Kazana said and then answering some harder questions
06:36about some stuff that's taken on in School of Morton as well here recently.
06:40So we want to keep you guys informed of that.
06:42That's going to be Tuesday, 8 p.m.
06:43right here on WrestleTalk with Rabid Beaver.
06:45We'd love to have you guys come out and join us for that whenever that happens.
06:48But School of Morton, whenever you guys get everything built and ready,
06:52there you are, Rabid Beaver and the old lady, Princess Lady K,
06:55the old spot bunny over here.
06:56We will be heading your way soon.
06:58Just let us know, Scottie B, wherever you're at, buddy.
07:01Let us know, baby.
07:02We're going to be getting ready. We are ready.
07:06All right, NWA 76 is going to be taking place
07:10August 31st, 2024 in Philadelphia, the old ECW arena, that's
07:142300 Swanson Street is where it's going to be taking place
07:17in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
07:19And as you see from the card here, they've got everything going on.
07:22I mean, everybody from the main show, the Kazanas are in the country.
07:25Gentleman's going to be there. Vampiro is going to be there.
07:28Talos and Daisy Kill.
07:30Oh, yes. All of them. Thrillbilly is going to be there.
07:32Kerry Morton's going to be there.
07:33The whole Southern Six can be there.
07:34Alex Taylor is going to be there.
07:35Tom Ladder is going to be there and many, many more of these.
07:38This is just what's on the card.
07:39There is a lot more people.
07:40And we can attest the NWA events that we've gone to.
07:43They've they've put out like maybe six or eight matches for the card.
07:47And there's been like 14 or 15 matches just about each of them.
07:50So they definitely always have surprises for you.
07:53They always have something going on, especially that little twerp, Joe Alonso.
07:58I hate to say it, but I hate Joe Alonso.
08:02But I've got to talk about it, man.
08:04He always finds a way just to get under your skin and crawl under your skin.
08:08We saw him in Knoxville and he had some woo woo woo words
08:12to say to Zack Ryder, a.k.a. Matt Cardona.
08:16And he yeah, he got himself in a pickle and he ended up winning anyway.
08:21So, you know, just got to watch what you're doing.
08:24They're trying to get out of that.
08:26I'm sorry about going to that SPCW page again.
08:28Again, one more time.
08:30We're going to be moving on, moving a little bit forward.
08:32Hey, talking about N.W.A., we're going to be going to Crossfire now.
08:34Now in Crossfire's got a couple of things going on.
08:37So they got one going at the Civic Center.
08:39I believe tonight is when it was going to be taking place.
08:43If I'm not, if I'm wrong, correct me, Crossfire, anybody that's watching
08:46from Crossfire Professional Wrestling, correct me.
08:48But Black Harvest is going to be taking place October 4th
08:52in Sevierville at the Sevierville Civic Center.
08:54And as you see, I mean, it's just star studded.
08:56You've got HoovyTude Guerrero is going to be there.
08:58Jade Lethal is going to be there.
08:59Tom Latimer is going to be there.
09:01The old Nightmare herself, Max The Impaler is going to be there.
09:05The Nightmare from the Wasteland is going to be there.
09:06Kenzie Page, Kylie Page, Kerry Morton, many, many, many, many more.
09:10Hunter Drake's going to be there, of course.
09:13I mean, they've got a star studded packed event here.
09:15And if I exit out here, we will actually go back to their page.
09:19We'll scroll up a little bit.
09:20They've got Jackson Drake taking on HoovyTude Guerrero.
09:23Jade Lethal is going to be taking on Hunter Drake.
09:25Kylie Page and Max The Impaler are going to be going at it.
09:28I mean, there's so much stuff going on here that you definitely
09:32don't want to miss this or none other than October 4th, 8 p.m.
09:36is when it's going to be taking place at the Sevierville Civic Center.
09:39Now, they haven't listed ticket pricings yet, but I'm sure that's
09:42going to be coming through brown paper events.
09:44That's actually where I'm clicking right now.
09:45It should be loading up for us where you can get your tickets.
09:48Now you can click the Get Tickets Now section directly off.
09:52VIP seats are going to be $35.
09:54Ringside seats are going to be $25 plus tax with the service fee.
09:58So the $35 is going to be $38.59.
10:02And your ringside seats are going to be $27.99 is what it's going to be looking like.
10:07And there is no will call, but they will have your name on a list
10:11for your tickets to get in at the Civic Center at the door.
10:14So that would be the best place to do that for you guys.
10:16If you're interested in going to Black Harvest whatsoever.
10:20So NWA Crossfire is going to be taking place there.
10:23We're going to be moving on to Piledriver Pro now.
10:25September 14th Piledriver Pro is going to be back at the Joe L.
10:29Evans Community Center in Livingston, Tennessee.
10:32That's right across from the Mallard Library down there in Livingston.
10:36You can't miss it.
10:37It's on the backside of Dairy Queen.
10:39So if you go up and past Dairy Queen, you'll have to make a left
10:42right in front of the gas station and turn back around.
10:45And it's right, right across from the downtown section.
10:48But it's right up there.
10:49You can't miss this thing.
10:50Now, he hasn't announced his ticket pricing yet, but I will get that
10:53from Axton Ray here in a couple of days.
10:55But man, they've got everybody there.
10:57Toby Farley is going to be there.
10:58Gustavo is going to be there.
10:59Clara is going to be there.
11:01I mean, it's just star studded.
11:03Shoop is supposed to be there making an appearance.
11:05The Weaver and the Painter are supposed to be there.
11:07And many, many more guys.
11:08I mean, it's just the Sultan is going to be there. Hmm.
11:13So there's going to be lots going on.
11:15What do you have to say about this spot, Wendy?
11:16I know I can see that smirk on your face.
11:18I'm looking at the card and it looks pretty good.
11:22Yeah, it looks star studded.
11:23It looks like it's going to be packed, guys.
11:26It says the door's going to open with angst.
11:28It's going to be good.
11:29So, you know, I'm a little biased.
11:31That's her man.
11:34That is her man.
11:37So so there's going to be lots of good stuff going on there.
11:40I've got to roll on with that because I'm a little angry.
11:42A little angry.
11:45So but it's going to be a 312 West Broad Street.
11:48Livingston, Tennessee is where that's going to be taking place.
11:50The doors are going to open at 6 p.m.
11:51The bell time is going to be at 7 p.m. for them.
11:54We went to their last one at the Joel Evans Community Center
11:56about two months ago, and they did an excellent job.
12:00I will give Piledriver Pro a 10 out of 10.
12:03I'd love to go to this one if you would like to go.
12:04If we can get some peoples to watch the puppy dogs.
12:08I'm all for it, baby. OK. Love you.
12:11So she likes this. She likes Piledriver Pro.
12:14I like Piledriver Pro.
12:15They also did one in Sevierville not too long back at the Smoky Center.
12:18And that was a big hit.
12:19I mean, they got a lot of eyes on the prize and on the product
12:23there at the Sevierville Center or at the Smoky's game, I should say,
12:26right after the Smoky games when it was taking place.
12:29And they did a great job out there, too.
12:31So I've got to give them props on that.
12:33And I know Friday on Friday.
12:35I know Friday the 13th, they're going to be hosting one as well,
12:38but I don't know exactly where it's going to be at.
12:40So let's head over to their page here and we're going to scroll down here.
12:43It's going to be Brain Buster to Friday, the 13th Gypsy Circus Cider Company.
12:482645 Fort Henry Drive.
12:50That's Kingsport, Tennessee.
12:51For those of you, all tickets are going to be $15.
12:54Includes your first drink there.
12:56But it is a 21 and older show.
12:58Just to let you guys know, we want to let you guys come on down.
13:01It's brought to you by Trivia Buds and All Ages.
13:04Well, it says All Ages Show right here on that.
13:06So let me correct myself.
13:07All Ages Show. All Ages Show.
13:10So come on down.
13:11Be a part of that right there at Piledriver Pro Wrestling.
13:14Friday, September 13th, Gypsy Circus Cider Company.
13:172645 Fort Henry Drive in Kingsport, Tennessee for Brain Buster 2.
13:22That's September 13th.
13:23So back to back shows for these guys.
13:26That's looking good.
13:27September 13th and September 14th.
13:29They're doing some good shows here.
13:31So definitely be a part of that if you can be a part of that.
13:34And I know Kingsport is kind of the Innovate Championship
13:38Wrestling territory down there.
13:40Daniel Jones and them have been running some really good stuff here recently.
13:43So I would be surprised if they don't cross promote on this one
13:47and have some extra people come in.
13:48I mean, they've already got people from the NWA coming in and MDA, JCP
13:52coming in and School of Morton coming into them.
13:54But I'd I would be very surprised if Innovate didn't have some surprise
13:59guests show up at the show as well.
14:00So you guys might want to check that out and end up liking that as well as it comes.
14:05Let's move on just a little bit, baby, though.
14:08So Renegade Championship Wrestling.
14:10So they are going to be back, I believe.
14:13August 31st is what the card says it right there.
14:16August 31st is when they're going to be back.
14:18Zach Malone's going to be taking on Jason Hampton, the prize fighter.
14:20And now we saw Jason Hampton face Big Andy at Forever Pro Wrestling,
14:25which we're going to talk about here in just a minute.
14:27But I've got to say, I'm very impressed with Jason Hampton.
14:30I've seen him at Championship One Wrestling quite a bit.
14:32Saw him at RCW a little bit.
14:34And he's just doing a phenomenal job all over the place.
14:37I think that he's a good a good wrestler, a good person.
14:40He's very personable.
14:41He'll talk to you about just about anything as long as you're willing to talk to him.
14:45So I think that that's a great thing.
14:47The besties for life are going to be down there, too.
14:49I got to admit that.
14:51Jeremy Prater's going to be there.
14:52Real Torque is going to be there.
14:53And so many more.
14:54Aiden Wright, especially, is going to be down there, guys.
14:56It's going to be something that each and every one of you guys want to be a part of.
14:59That's 3890 Alternative 52 in Chatsworth, Georgia, 30705.
15:04Doors are going to be opening at 7 p.m.
15:06The bell time is going to be at 8 p.m. for them.
15:09And they do offer military and senior discounts.
15:12Just so you know, guys, just so you know what's going to be going on there.
15:15As you can see that right there from the card, guys,
15:17just some good stuff that's going to be popping up all over the world of wrestling.
15:21Then Forever Pro Wrestling, which is going to be today.
15:23Now, it would have been tomorrow whenever we started the show.
15:26But today now, Forever Pro Wrestling is going to be taking place
15:29at Sweet Melissa Billiards.
15:32Now, this is a 21 and over show, and there was no way around that this time.
15:36So you have to be 21 or older to enter into the bar and to be a part of this.
15:41Sunday, August 25th, 2024 Sweet Melissa's Billiards,
15:441966 North Point Boulevard in Hickson, Tennessee,
15:48is where this is going to be taking place.
15:50Tickets are going to be $10.
15:51The bell time is going to start at 4 p.m.
15:54Expect about two to two and a half hours, maybe a little bit longer,
15:58just in case something goes on there.
15:59But man, they're going to be having some great stuff.
16:01Chris Crunk right there, as you can see right on the card.
16:05And Braindead himself is right there on the card as well.
16:08Come on out. Be a part of it.
16:10Be a part of something good.
16:11Have something fun to do.
16:13But like I said earlier, 21 and older, you can't bring the kids
16:17to this one, unfortunately.
16:19All right, Spock Bunny.
16:20So you got to tell me.
16:23Tell me about Forever Pro Wrestling.
16:26Tell me all about Forever Pro Wrestling, what was going on with it
16:29and how you enjoyed it.
16:32I like seeing everybody.
16:34You like seeing everybody.
16:36Who is your favorites of the night that were there?
16:38Lord, I think for me it was Cabana Mandan.
16:42Now I've I've seen Cabana Mandan several different times,
16:45several different promotions in Alabama.
16:47He runs with a promotion called Do South Pro Wrestling,
16:50and they have really done a good job of promoting themselves
16:54and put them out, put themselves out.
16:56So we got to see them a couple of months ago
16:59at this little itty bar called the New Friendship Lodge, Alabama
17:03in Alabama, in Scottsboro, Alabama, maybe.
17:05And they were actually back there yesterday.
17:07They were actually doing a show there yesterday.
17:10And we got to see him there for the first time.
17:12I heard a lot about him.
17:14I've heard a lot about him through other people.
17:16And he really impressed me with the match that he had with Tyler Franks there.
17:20I think his style is different because like he's not even wearing shoes
17:25and, you know, they're stepping on his toes literally
17:30all the time.
17:33So but he did a good job there.
17:35I mean, he was facing old Mr.
17:37Braindead himself at Forever Pro.
17:40And I mean, that was a good job.
17:42That was just an awesome match all the way around.
17:44Forever Pro put on a great show all the way around.
17:47Big Andy was there, took on Jason Hampton.
17:49We were talking about that just a little bit ago.
17:51Big Andy got the win over Jason Hampton, unfortunately this time.
17:56But, you know, and I like Eden.
17:59Yes. Eden Monroe.
18:01Eden was out there.
18:02She put on a great show as well.
18:04She had the first show of the night and she really stole the crowd.
18:08The crowd was definitely if you've never seen Eden Monroe,
18:11let's just put it like this.
18:12She gains she he it gains a lot of heat
18:16because of when how it acts and how it dresses.
18:19So and I'm not trying to be rude, Eden.
18:21I do apologize if I've offended you.
18:23That's not the goal here.
18:24We're not trying to offend you.
18:25We're trying to build you up.
18:26We want to let you know that there are people out there that.
18:29I liked you that aren't going to like you, but you definitely are entertaining.
18:34You're definitely entertaining.
18:35You're very sound inside the ring.
18:38You're very safe inside the ring, too, from what we saw.
18:41And you put on a heck of a show and you definitely knew how to get the heat
18:44from the crowd. You knew how to build it.
18:47You knew how to derive it.
18:49And that comes from years and years of practice with either TWE
18:53or whoever you you're with on a regular basis.
18:56You've definitely got that heat from the crowd there.
18:58And so that's great for you, Eden Monroe, where your performance was not.
19:02Yeah, you're you're really good.
19:05It's really, really good.
19:06We put some reels up on it on Facebook.
19:08You can catch my Facebook right underneath.
19:10You can see it right there at Joseph DH.
19:12You can go down there and click on the reels or you can go over
19:14to the camel toe adventure page that keeps popping up on you
19:17on the bottom right hand corner or your left hand corner,
19:19depending on what type of TV you got and where you're at, what region you're at.
19:23But you can click on that stuff and you can check it all out right there.
19:26We've got it going.
19:27So but we had a lot of fun at Forever Pro Wrestling last Sunday.
19:31It was a great show.
19:33Great matches that were taking place.
19:36I love the Japanese style turnbuckles that they did.
19:39They had the whole pads across the the turnbuckle style.
19:42And you don't see that they would hurt more, though.
19:45I mean, to each their own.
19:48I mean, I can understand like with the pads being on the turnbuckles,
19:51but these were like right in front of it and it was more.
19:56I guess it looked thicker.
19:58So when they get hit, it does look like it hurt just a little bit.
20:02Well, I've been on both sides of it.
20:04And there's also a money factor to agree with.
20:07So you get four pads versus 12 pads.
20:11So the 12 pad thing is they can be all the way up to $500 a piece,
20:15depending on where you're getting them from and who you're buying them from.
20:19You can get get them $100 a piece for some
20:22that just have some really soft material on the inside
20:25that don't really protect you from anything.
20:26And then there's several different styles.
20:28There's three latches, two latches and button ups and, you know,
20:33ropers, ones that you got to tie off with a rope and different things.
20:35And then the Japanese are all one and they come in two different styles
20:39that they've got, the ones that have Velcro and straps,
20:41and then they've got the ones you tie off.
20:42And so, yeah, the Japanese ones, just depending on which ones you get,
20:47some of them can be a little bit stiffer.
20:49But overall, they just look great.
20:52They look great all over.
20:55So, you know, it just it just is it's personal preference, I think.
21:00And then, of course, with a new upstart, a new company, whatever you can afford,
21:04that's what you go with. Right.
21:06So not a hit to Forever Pro.
21:08I'm going to I'm going to throw your business out there forever.
21:10I'm sorry about this.
21:12You guys were taping the apron down because you didn't have a tight enough
21:15rope, I guess, to go across or the latches to go across to hold it on the end.
21:19So you kind of take the apron down around the edges to keep it on the mat,
21:22which is fine. No, no big deal to you on that.
21:26It was very interesting to see, though, whenever you guys
21:29started taking the ring down, whenever you started pulling it up.
21:32My thing was how the crowd was the bell ring
21:37and that we kept throwing the wrestlers off.
21:39They're like, wait, where's the bell?
21:41We're like, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
21:43It's time for you to go.
21:45And they're like, OK.
21:46So so what she's referring to is that Forever Pro on Sunday,
21:50they forgot the bell ring, so they made the crowd be the bell ring.
21:53So every time they would start the match,
21:55they'd start the match and ring their finger and then kind of have to go ding,
21:58ding, ding. And then the wrestlers, they're like, what?
22:02Then when it ended, it was ding, ding, ding.
22:04You know, the whole crowd.
22:05So that was that was pretty cool.
22:06But that's the experience in professional wrestling.
22:09Interaction. Yeah, it was.
22:11You got the crowd involved.
22:12You got a lot of people that were there.
22:15Not only knew most of the wrestlers that were there, but they were there
22:18because they were in support of the new startup, the new company
22:22that was coming out, which they did a great job.
22:24And that's an excellent job for them.
22:27So I counted about 50 people.
22:30There may have been more than that.
22:31That was actually at the bar and on the outside, because I wasn't at the bar.
22:34I wasn't at the bar side.
22:35I wasn't on the outside of it.
22:37But there was 50 adults around the around the ring.
22:41And then there were several that were outside of the ring area.
22:45With the merchandise tables and things that I didn't count them.
22:47And that's my fault.
22:48So, you know, the 55 that I got to count around the ring for a startup
22:52is excellent because most people on a startup,
22:55you might be lucky to have 10 to 15 people.
22:58They tripled that, you know.
23:00So they did a great job.
23:02That was excellent for forever pro wrestling.
23:04I got to give it to them.
23:05I got to hand it to them for you guys starting up.
23:08You guys being that new company inside the area.
23:12And you guys went out and you bought great people.
23:15You put you put together a great card for the fans to get involved
23:20in the fans to be there.
23:21The fans don't want to watch it.
23:23I mean, like we were talking about Commander Mandan earlier.
23:26So Commander Mandan is is an excellent they call him the Alabama legend
23:30because he travels all over Alabama all the time.
23:34When he was younger, started in a grocery store,
23:37you know, started in the back of a grocery store with a cash grab teacher,
23:40you know, and he worked his way out from that to being the Alabama legend
23:45would wrestle anywhere for just enough money to live in his car,
23:49you know, basically.
23:51And I mean, you have to give it to to him that for him to come up here
23:56and to put on put on a good show like he does, it shows the professionalism
24:00that's going on. Big Andy to come on down and put on the show.
24:02Eden Monroe, even though she's local, to come on in and put on that show
24:07did a great job on both fronts and everybody else.
24:10Chris Crump came on down.
24:11I mean, everybody that was there just phenomenal, phenomenal show.
24:14Jamison shook.
24:16Everybody that was there did a great job, so I'm very happy with them.
24:20And I would love to come back sometime.
24:23Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be today.
24:24We're not going to be able to do it today, but we would love to come back sometime.
24:28Keep feeding us your media, guys.
24:30If you guys are out there with Forever Pro, keep feeding us your media.
24:32We're going to we're going to free advertise for you for a while.
24:35We want to let people know about you.
24:37We want to let people get get that get that good startup with you.
24:40And if you guys are wrestlers or if you guys are bookers or promoters out there
24:45and you want to bring some wrestling to your town, you want to bring some wrestling
24:49in, these are the guys to talk to.
24:51Get a hold of Forever Pro and let them come into your town.
24:56Let them come into your schools.
24:57Let them come into your VFW.
24:59Let them come into, you know, all the places that you've got,
25:03all the places that we've got here that are available.
25:05Definitely let them come on in and host a good show for you guys.
25:09They'll be a great moneymaker for you to also be very entertaining for you.
25:12And they would love to come in and do great stuff for you guys.
25:15So definitely get a hold of Forever Pro.
25:17It'd be a great time for you guys to go out there.
25:19All right, Spock, buddy.
25:20I think that about covers it for the evening.
25:22So do you have any last words for anybody watching?
25:27Go get them.
25:28We gonna eat some apple pie.
25:30We gonna eat some apple pie.
25:32Our apple pie just got done.
25:33So that's what's gonna be happening here.
25:35Well, thank you guys for watching each and every one of you that came out.
25:38We appreciate each and every one of you guys for being here.
25:41And don't forget this Tuesday coming up, I've got The Golden Child.
25:46Evan Golden gonna be on WrestleTalk, a Tuesday, 8 p.m.
25:50Eastern time right here on the channels that you all follow
25:53and everything that you can see right below right there.
25:56So and then we're getting married.
25:58Oh, yes, absolutely.
26:00So this weekend, the 30th, we are getting married.
26:03We're going to be honeymooning.
26:03So we're going to be taking some time off from championship
26:05on wrestling, rewatch and review.
26:08So we didn't do it today because today was the old Spock buddy's birthday.
26:11And we spent all day together today.
26:13My day.
26:14And next week will be honeymooning.
26:16So we will not be doing it next week either.
26:19But we should be coming back if they will allow us to come back
26:22the following week.
26:23So that's what's going on as of right now.
26:25We're still in talks.
26:26I've got to get a hold of the old promoter down there and ask him
26:29if he still wants us to be able to do that for him.
26:31And if he says yes, we'll be back for you guys.
26:33If not, then I will let you know personally.
26:35So but that's what's going on here.
26:37Thank you guys for coming out and being a part of this here.
26:40And we would love to see you at one of these shows upcoming.
26:42And don't forget, you heard it here first. Bye, guys. Bye.
