H. Potter and the order of the phoenix AUDIOBOOK part 11

  • 2 months ago
#harrypotter #audiobook #harrypotterfan
Narrator: James Dobinson


00:00:00Chapter 28 Snape's Worst Memory
00:00:04By order of the Ministry of Magic, Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor, has replaced Albus Dumbledore as head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
00:00:14The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number 28, signed Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic.
00:00:21The notices had gone up all around the school overnight,
00:00:24but they did not explain how every single person within the castle seemed to know that Dumbledore had overcome two Aurors,
00:00:30the High Inquisitor, the Minister for Magic and his Junior Assistant, to escape.
00:00:34No matter where Harry went within the castle, the sole topic of conversation was Dumbledore's flight,
00:00:39and though some of the details may have gone awry in the retelling,
00:00:42Harry overheard one second-year girl assuring another that Fudge was now lying in St Mungo's with a pumpkin for a head.
00:00:48It was surprising how accurate the rest of their information was.
00:00:51Everybody knew, for instance, that Harry and Marietta were the only students to have witnessed the scene in Dumbledore's office,
00:00:57and, as Marietta was now in the hospital wing, Harry found himself besieged with requests to give a first-hand account.
00:01:03Dumbledore will be back before long, said Ernie Macmillan, confidently on the way back from Herbology, after listening intently to Harry's story.
00:01:11They couldn't keep him away in our second year, and they won't be able to this time, the fat friar told me.
00:01:17He dropped his voice conspiratorially, so that Harry, Ron and Hermione had to lean closer to hear him.
00:01:23That umbrage tried to get back into his office last night, after they'd searched the castle and grounds for him.
00:01:28Couldn't get past the gargoyle, the head's office had sealed itself against her, Ernie smirked.
00:01:33Apparently, she had a right little tantrum.
00:01:35Oh, I expect she really fancied herself sitting up there in the head's office, said Hermione viciously,
00:01:41as they walked up the stone steps into the entrance hall, lording it over all, the other teachers, the stupid, puffed-up, power-crazy old...
00:01:48Now, do you really want to finish that sentence, Granger?
00:01:52Draco Malfoy had slid out from behind the door, followed by Crabbe and Goyle.
00:01:56His pale, pointed face was alight with malice.
00:01:59Afraid I'm going to have to dock a few points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, he drawled.
00:02:05You can't take points from fellow prefects, Malfoy, said Ernie at once.
00:02:10I know prefects can't dock points from each other, sneered Malfoy.
00:02:14Crabbe and Goyle sniggered, but members of the Inquisitorial Squad...
00:02:18The what? said Hermione sharply.
00:02:20The Inquisitorial Squad, Granger, said Malfoy, pointing towards a tiny silver eye on his robes, just beneath his prefect's badge.
00:02:28A select group of students who are supportive of the Ministry of Magic, hand-picked by Professor Umbridge.
00:02:34Anyway, members of the Inquisitorial Squad do have the power to dock points.
00:02:38So, Granger, I'll have five from you for being rude about our new headmistress.
00:02:42Macmillan, five for contradicting me.
00:02:44Five because I don't like you, Potter.
00:02:47Weasley, your shirt's untucked, so I'll have another five for that.
00:02:50Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a mudblood, Granger, so ten off for that.
00:02:54Ron pulled out his wand, but Hermione pushed it away, whispering, don't.
00:02:58Wise move, Granger, breathed Malfoy.
00:03:01New head, new times.
00:03:03Be good now, Potty, weasel king.
00:03:05Laughing heartily, he strode away with Crabbe and Goyle.
00:03:08He was bluffing, said Ernie, looking appalled.
00:03:10He can't be allowed to dock points, that would be ridiculous.
00:03:13It would completely undermine the prefect's system.
00:03:16But Harry, Ron and Hermione had turned automatically towards the giant hourglasses,
00:03:20set in niches along the wall behind them, which recorded the house points.
00:03:24Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had been neck-in-neck in the lead that morning.
00:03:27Even as they watched, stones flew upwards, reducing the amounts in the lower bulbs.
00:03:32In fact, the only glass that seemed unchanged was the emerald-filled one of Slytherin.
00:03:36Noticed, have you? said Fred's voice.
00:03:39He and George had just come down the marble staircase
00:03:41and joined Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ernie in front of the hourglasses.
00:03:45Malfoy just docked us all about fifty points, said Harry furiously,
00:03:49as they watched several more stones fly upwards from the Gryffindor hourglass.
00:03:53Yeah, Montague tried to do us during break, said George.
00:03:56What do you mean, tried? said Ron quickly.
00:03:58He never managed to get all the words out, said Fred,
00:04:00due to the fact that we forced him headfirst into the vanishing cabinet on the first floor.
00:04:05Hermione looked very shocked.
00:04:07But you'll get into terrible trouble.
00:04:09Not until Montague reappears, and that could take weeks.
00:04:12I don't know where we sent him, said Fred coolly.
00:04:14Anyway, we've decided we don't care about getting into trouble anymore.
00:04:17Have you ever? asked Hermione.
00:04:19Course we have, said George. Never been expelled, have we?
00:04:22We've always known where to draw the line, said Fred.
00:04:24We might have put a toe across it occasionally, said George,
00:04:28but we've always stopped short of causing real mayhem, said Fred.
00:04:31But now, said Ron tentatively.
00:04:33Well now, said George, what with Dumbledore gone, said Fred,
00:04:37we reckon a bit of mayhem, said George,
00:04:39is exactly what our dear new head deserves, said Fred.
00:04:43You mustn't, whispered Hermione. You really mustn't.
00:04:45She'd love a reason to expel you.
00:04:47You don't get it, Hermione, do you? said Fred, smiling at her.
00:04:50We don't care about staying anymore.
00:04:51We'd walk out right now if we weren't determined to do our bit for Dumbledore first.
00:04:55So anyway, he checked his watch.
00:04:57Phase one is about to begin.
00:04:59I'd get in the great hall for lunch if I were you.
00:05:01The way the teachers will see you can't have had anything to do with it.
00:05:07Anything to do with what? said Hermione anxiously.
00:05:09You'll see, said George. Run along now.
00:05:12Fred and George turned away and disappeared into the swelling crowd,
00:05:16descending the stairs towards lunch.
00:05:18Looking highly disconcerted,
00:05:20Ernie muttered something about unfinished transfiguration homework and scurried away.
00:05:24I think we should get out of here, you know, said Hermione nervously, just in case.
00:05:28Yeah, all right, said Ron.
00:05:30And the three of them moved towards the door to the great hall.
00:05:32But Harry had barely glimpsed the day's ceiling of scudding white clouds
00:05:37when somebody tapped him on the shoulder and turned.
00:05:39He found himself almost nose to nose with Filch, the caretaker.
00:05:43He took several hasty steps backwards.
00:05:46Filch was best viewed at a distance.
00:05:48The headmistress would like to see you, Potter, he leered.
00:05:52I didn't do it, said Harry stupidly.
00:05:54Thinking of whatever Fred and George were planning,
00:05:56Filch's jowls wobbled with silent laughter.
00:05:59Guilty conscience, eh? he wheezed.
00:06:01Follow me.
00:06:03Harry glanced back at Ron and Hermione, who were both looking worried.
00:06:06He shrugged and followed Filch back into the entrance hall,
00:06:09against the tide of hungry students.
00:06:11Filch seemed to be in an extremely good mood.
00:06:13He hummed creakily under his breath as they climbed the marble staircase.
00:06:17As they reached the first landing, he said,
00:06:19Things are changing around here, Potter.
00:06:22I've noticed, said Harry coldly.
00:06:24Yes, I've been telling Dumbledore for years and years he's too soft with you all,
00:06:29said Filch, chuckling nastily.
00:06:31You filthy little beasts would never have dropped stink pellets
00:06:34if you'd known I had in my power to whip you raw, would you?
00:06:38Now, nobody would afford throwing fanged frisbees down the corridors
00:06:42if I could have strung you up by the ankles in my office, would they?
00:06:46But when Educational Decree No. 29 comes in, Potter,
00:06:49I'll be allowed to do them things.
00:06:51And she's asked the minister to sign in order for the expulsion of peeves.
00:06:55Oh, things are going to be very different around here with her in charge.
00:06:59Umbridge had obviously gone to some lengths to get Filch on her side, Harry thought,
00:07:04and the worst of it was that he would probably prove an important weapon.
00:07:07His knowledge of the school's secret passageways and hiding places
00:07:10was probably second only to that of the Weasley twins.
00:07:13Here we are, he said, leering down at Harry as he rapped three times
00:07:17on Professor Umbridge's door and pushed it open.
00:07:20The Potter boy to see you, ma'am.
00:07:22Umbridge's office, so very familiar to Harry from his many detentions,
00:07:26was the same as usual except for the large wooden block
00:07:29lying across the front of her desk,
00:07:31on which golden letters spelled the word Headmistress.
00:07:34Also, his firebolt and Fred and George's clean sweeps,
00:07:37which he saw with a pang, were chained and padlocked
00:07:40to a stout iron peg in the wall behind the desk.
00:07:43Umbridge was sitting behind the desk,
00:07:45busily scribbling on some of her pink parchment,
00:07:48but she looked up and smiled wildly at the entrance.
00:07:51Thank you, Argus, she said sweetly.
00:07:53Not at all, ma'am, not at all, said Filch,
00:07:56bowing as low as his rheumatism would permit and exiting backwards.
00:08:00Sit, said Umbridge curtly, pointing towards a chair.
00:08:04Harry sat. She continued to scribble for a few moments.
00:08:07He watched some of the foul kittens
00:08:09gamboling around the plates over her head,
00:08:11wondering what fresh horror she had in store for him.
00:08:14Well now, she said finally, setting down her quill
00:08:17and looking like a toad about to swallow a particularly juicy fly.
00:08:21What would you like to drink?
00:08:23What, said Harry, quite sure he had misheard her.
00:08:26To drink, Mr. Potter, she said smiling, still more widely.
00:08:29Tea? Coffee? Pumpkin juice?
00:08:32As she named each drink, she gave her short wand a wave
00:08:35and a cup or glass of it appeared on her desk.
00:08:39Uh, nothing, thank you, said Harry.
00:08:41I wish you to have a drink with me, she said,
00:08:44her voice becoming dangerously sweet.
00:08:46Choose one.
00:08:47Uh, fine, a tea then, said Harry, shrugging.
00:08:50She got up and made quite a performance
00:08:52of adding milk with her back to him.
00:08:54She then bustled around the desk with it,
00:08:56smiling in a sinisterly sweet fashion.
00:08:59There, she said, handing it to him.
00:09:01Drink it before it gets cold, won't you?
00:09:03Well now, Mr. Potter, I thought we ought to have a little chat
00:09:06after the distressing events of last night.
00:09:09He said nothing.
00:09:10She settled herself back into her seat and waited.
00:09:13When several long moments had passed in silence,
00:09:15she said gaily,
00:09:16You're not drinking up?
00:09:18He raised the cup to his lips and then,
00:09:20just as suddenly lowered it,
00:09:21one of the horrible painted kittens behind Umbridge
00:09:24had great round blue eyes,
00:09:26just like Mad-Eyed Moody's magical one,
00:09:28and it had just occurred to Harry
00:09:29what Mad-Eye would say
00:09:31had he ever heard that Harry had drunk anything
00:09:33offered by a known enemy.
00:09:35What's the matter? said Umbridge,
00:09:37who was still watching him.
00:09:38Do you want some sugar?
00:09:40No, said Harry.
00:09:41He raised the cup to his lips again
00:09:42and pretended to take a sip.
00:09:44Though keeping his mouth tightly closed,
00:09:46Umbridge's smile widened.
00:09:48Good, she whispered.
00:09:49Very good.
00:09:50Now then, she leaned forwards a little.
00:09:52Where is Albus Dumbledore?
00:09:54No idea, said Harry promptly.
00:09:55Drink up, drink up, she said, still smiling.
00:09:58Now, Mr. Potter, let us not play childish games.
00:10:00I know that you know where he has gone.
00:10:02You and Dumbledore have been in this together
00:10:04from the beginning.
00:10:05Consider your position, Mr. Potter.
00:10:07I don't know where he is.
00:10:09Harry pretended to drink again.
00:10:11Very well, said Umbridge, looking displeased.
00:10:13In that case, you will kindly tell me
00:10:15the whereabouts of Sirius Black.
00:10:17Harry's stomach turned over
00:10:19and his hand holding the teacup shook
00:10:21so it rattled in its saucer.
00:10:23He tilted the cup to his mouth
00:10:24with his lips pressed together
00:10:26so that some of the hot liquid
00:10:27trickled down onto his robes.
00:10:29I don't know, he said, a little too quickly.
00:10:31Mr. Potter, said Umbridge,
00:10:33let me remind you that it was I
00:10:36who almost caught the criminal Black
00:10:37in the Gryffindor fire in October.
00:10:39I know perfectly well it was you
00:10:41who he was meeting,
00:10:43and if I had my proof,
00:10:44neither of you would be at large today.
00:10:46I promise you, I repeat, Mr. Potter,
00:10:48where is Sirius Black?
00:10:51No idea, said Harry loudly.
00:10:53Haven't got a clue.
00:10:54They stared at each other so long
00:10:56that Harry felt his eyes watering.
00:10:58Then Umbridge stood up.
00:10:59Very well, Potter,
00:11:00I will take your word for it this time,
00:11:02but be warned,
00:11:03the might of the Ministry stands behind me.
00:11:05All channels of communication
00:11:07in and out of this school are being monitored.
00:11:09A flu network regulator
00:11:11is keeping watch over every fire in Hogwarts,
00:11:14except my own, of course.
00:11:15My inquisitorial squad is opening
00:11:17and reading all owl post,
00:11:19entering and leaving the castle,
00:11:20and Mr. Filch is observing
00:11:22all secret passages in and out of the castle.
00:11:24If I find a shred of evidence,
00:11:28The very floor of the office shook.
00:11:30Umbridge slipped sideways,
00:11:32clutching her desk for support
00:11:33and looking shocked.
00:11:35What was...
00:11:36She was gazing towards the door.
00:11:38Harry took the opportunity
00:11:39to empty his almost full cup of tea
00:11:41into the nearest vase of dried flowers.
00:11:43He could hear people running
00:11:44and screaming several floors below.
00:11:46Back to lunch you go, Potter,
00:11:48said Umbridge,
00:11:49raising her wand
00:11:50and dashing out of the office.
00:11:51Harry gave her a few seconds start
00:11:53and then hurried after her
00:11:54to see what the source
00:11:55of all the uproar was.
00:11:57It was not difficult to find.
00:11:58One floor down, pandemonium reigned.
00:12:02and Harry had a very shrewd idea who,
00:12:04had set off what seemed to be
00:12:05an enormous crate of enchanted fireworks.
00:12:08Dragons comprised entirely
00:12:10of green and gold sparks
00:12:11were soaring up and down the corridors,
00:12:13emitting loud fiery blasts and bangs
00:12:15as they went.
00:12:16Shocking pink Catherine wheels,
00:12:18five feet in diameter,
00:12:19were whizzing lethally through the air
00:12:21like so many flying saucers.
00:12:23Rockets with long tails
00:12:24of brilliant silver stars
00:12:25were ricocheting off the walls.
00:12:27Sparklers were writing swear words
00:12:29in mid-air of their own accord.
00:12:30Firecrackers were exploding
00:12:32like mines everywhere.
00:12:33Harry looked
00:12:34and instead of burning themselves out,
00:12:36fading from sight
00:12:37or sizzling to a halt,
00:12:39these pyrotechnical miracles
00:12:41seemed to be gaining in energy
00:12:43and momentum for longer
00:12:44the longer he watched.
00:12:46Filch and Umbridge were standing,
00:12:48apparently transfixed in horror,
00:12:49halfway down the stairs.
00:12:51As Harry watched,
00:12:52one of the large Catherine wheels
00:12:53seemed to decide
00:12:54that what it needed
00:12:56was more room to manoeuvre.
00:12:58It whirled towards Umbridge and Filch
00:12:59with a sinister
00:13:01They both yelled
00:13:02with fright and duct
00:13:03and it soared straight out of the window
00:13:05behind them
00:13:06and off across the grounds.
00:13:08several of the dragons
00:13:09and a large purple bat
00:13:10that was smoking ominously
00:13:11took advantage of the open door
00:13:13at the end of the corridor
00:13:14to escape towards the second floor.
00:13:16Hurry, Filch!
00:13:18shrieked Umbridge.
00:13:19They'll be all over the school
00:13:20unless we do something!
00:13:23A jet of red light
00:13:24shot out of the end of her wand
00:13:26and hit one of the rockets.
00:13:27Instead of freezing in mid-air,
00:13:29it exploded with such force
00:13:30that it blasted a hole
00:13:31in a painting
00:13:32of a soppy-looking witch
00:13:34in the middle of a meadow.
00:13:35She ran for it just in time,
00:13:37reappearing seconds later
00:13:38squashed in the next painting
00:13:40where a couple of wizards
00:13:41playing cards
00:13:42stood up hastily
00:13:43to make room for her.
00:13:45Stun them, Filch!
00:13:46shouted Umbridge angrily
00:13:47for all the world
00:13:48as though it had been
00:13:49his incantation.
00:13:50Right you are, Headmistress!
00:13:52wheezed Filch,
00:13:53who, as a squib,
00:13:54could no more have stunned
00:13:55the fireworks
00:13:56than swallow them.
00:13:57He dashed to a nearby cupboard,
00:13:58pulling out a broom
00:13:59and began swatting
00:14:00at the fireworks in mid-air.
00:14:01Within seconds
00:14:02the head of the broom
00:14:03was ablaze.
00:14:04Harry had seen enough.
00:14:06he ducked down low,
00:14:07ran to a door
00:14:08he knew was concealed
00:14:09behind a tapestry
00:14:10a little way along the corridor
00:14:11and slipped through it
00:14:12to find Fred and George
00:14:13hiding just behind it,
00:14:14listening to Umbridge
00:14:15and Filch's yells
00:14:16and quaking
00:14:17with suppressed mirth.
00:14:19Harry said quietly, grinning.
00:14:21Very impressive!
00:14:22You'll put Dr. Filibuster
00:14:23out of business,
00:14:24no problem!
00:14:26whispered George,
00:14:27wiping tears of laughter
00:14:28from his face.
00:14:29Oh, I hope she tries
00:14:30vanishing them next.
00:14:31They multiply by ten
00:14:32every time you try.
00:14:33The fireworks
00:14:34continued to burn
00:14:35and to spread
00:14:36all over the school
00:14:37that afternoon.
00:14:38Though they caused
00:14:39plenty of disruption,
00:14:40particularly the firecrackers,
00:14:41the other teachers
00:14:42didn't seem to mind
00:14:43them very much.
00:14:44Dear, dear,
00:14:45said Professor McGonagall
00:14:47as one of the dragons
00:14:48soared around her classroom
00:14:50emitting loud bangs
00:14:51and exhaling flame.
00:14:52Miss Brone,
00:14:53would you mind
00:14:54running along
00:14:55to the headmistress
00:14:56and informing her
00:14:57that we have
00:14:58an escaped firework
00:14:59in our classroom?
00:15:00The upshot of it all
00:15:01was that Professor Umbridge
00:15:02spent her first afternoon
00:15:03as headmistress
00:15:04running all over the school
00:15:05answering the summonses
00:15:06of the other teachers,
00:15:07none of whom
00:15:08seemed able
00:15:09to rid their rooms
00:15:10of the fireworks
00:15:11without her.
00:15:12When the final bell rang
00:15:13and they were heading back
00:15:14to Gryffindor Tower
00:15:15with their bags,
00:15:16Harry saw,
00:15:17with immense satisfaction,
00:15:18a dishevelled
00:15:19and soot-blackened Umbridge
00:15:20tottering sweaty-faced
00:15:21from Professor Flitwick's classroom.
00:15:23Thank you so much, Professor,
00:15:25said Professor Flitwick
00:15:26in his squeaky little voice.
00:15:28I could have got rid
00:15:29of the sparklers myself,
00:15:30of course,
00:15:31but I wasn't sure
00:15:32whether or not
00:15:33I had the authority.
00:15:35he closed his classroom door
00:15:36in her snarling face.
00:15:37Fred and George
00:15:38were heroes that night
00:15:39in the Gryffindor common room.
00:15:40Even Hermione
00:15:41fought her way
00:15:42through the excited crowd
00:15:43to congratulate them.
00:15:44They were wonderful fireworks,
00:15:46she said admiringly.
00:15:48said George,
00:15:49looking both surprised
00:15:50and pleased.
00:15:52wildfire whiz-bangs.
00:15:53Only thing is,
00:15:54we used our whole stock.
00:15:55We're going to have to start
00:15:56again from scratch now.
00:15:57It was worth it though,
00:15:58said Fred,
00:15:59who was taking orders
00:16:00from clamouring Gryffindors.
00:16:01If you want to add your name
00:16:02to the waiting list,
00:16:04it's five galleons
00:16:05for your basic blaze box
00:16:06and twenty for the
00:16:07deflagration deluxe.
00:16:09Hermione returned to the table
00:16:11where Harry and Ron
00:16:12were sitting staring
00:16:13at their school bags
00:16:14as though hoping
00:16:15their homework would spring out
00:16:16and start doing it itself.
00:16:19why don't we have a night off?
00:16:21said Hermione brightly
00:16:22as a silver-tailed
00:16:23Weasley rocket
00:16:24zoomed past the window.
00:16:26After all,
00:16:27the Easter holidays
00:16:28start on Friday.
00:16:29We'll have plenty of time then.
00:16:30Are you feeling alright?
00:16:32Ron asked,
00:16:33staring at her in disbelief.
00:16:34Now you mention it,
00:16:35said Hermione happily.
00:16:36Do you know,
00:16:37I think I'm feeling
00:16:38a bit rebellious.
00:16:40Harry could still hear
00:16:41the distant bangs
00:16:42of escaped firecrackers
00:16:43when he and Ron
00:16:44went up to bed
00:16:45a little later
00:16:46and as he got undressed
00:16:47the sparkler floated
00:16:48past the tower
00:16:49still resolutely spelling out
00:16:50the word poo.
00:16:51He got into bed,
00:16:53With his glasses off,
00:16:54the occasional firework
00:16:55passing the window
00:16:56had become blurred
00:16:57looking like sparkling clouds
00:16:59beautiful and mysterious
00:17:00against the black sky.
00:17:01He turned on to his side
00:17:03wondering how Umbridge
00:17:04was feeling about her
00:17:05first day in Dumbledore's job
00:17:07and how Fudge would react
00:17:08when he heard that the school
00:17:09had spent most of the day
00:17:10in a state of advanced disruption.
00:17:12Smiling to himself,
00:17:13Harry closed his eyes.
00:17:15The whizzes and bangs
00:17:16of escaped fireworks
00:17:17in the grounds
00:17:18seemed to be growing
00:17:19more distant
00:17:20or perhaps they were simply
00:17:21speeding away for them.
00:17:23He had fallen right
00:17:24into the corridor
00:17:25leading to the
00:17:26Department of Mysteries.
00:17:27He was speeding
00:17:28towards the plain back door.
00:17:30Let it open.
00:17:31Let it open.
00:17:32It did.
00:17:33He was inside
00:17:34the circular room
00:17:35lined with doors.
00:17:36He crossed it,
00:17:37placed his hand
00:17:38on the identical door
00:17:39and it swung inwards.
00:17:40Now he was in a long
00:17:41rectangular room
00:17:42full of an odd box
00:17:43full of an odd
00:17:44mechanical clicking.
00:17:45There were dancing
00:17:46flecks of light
00:17:47on the walls
00:17:48but he did not
00:17:49pause to investigate.
00:17:50He had to go on.
00:17:51There was a door
00:17:52at the far end.
00:17:53It too opened
00:17:54at his touch
00:17:55and now he was
00:17:56in a dimly lit room
00:17:57as high and wide
00:17:58as a church
00:17:59full of nothing
00:18:00but rows and rows
00:18:01of towering shelves
00:18:02each laden with
00:18:03small dusty
00:18:04spun glass spheres.
00:18:05Now Harry's heart
00:18:06was beating fast
00:18:07with excitement.
00:18:08He knew where to go.
00:18:09He ran forwards
00:18:10but his footsteps
00:18:11made no noise
00:18:12in the enormous
00:18:13deserted room.
00:18:14There was something
00:18:15in this room
00:18:16he wanted very,
00:18:17very much.
00:18:18Something he wanted
00:18:19or somebody else wanted.
00:18:21His scar was hurting.
00:18:23Harry awoke
00:18:24instantly confused
00:18:25and angry.
00:18:26The dark dormitory
00:18:27was full of the sound
00:18:28of laughter.
00:18:30said Seamus
00:18:31who was silhouetted
00:18:32against the window.
00:18:33I think one of those
00:18:34Catherine wheels
00:18:35hit a rocket.
00:18:36It's like they mated.
00:18:37Come and see.
00:18:38Harry heard Ron and Dean
00:18:39scramble out of bed
00:18:40for a better look.
00:18:41Harry lay still
00:18:42and silent
00:18:43while the pain in his scar
00:18:45and disappointment
00:18:46washed over him.
00:18:47He felt as though
00:18:48a wonderful treat
00:18:49had been snatched from him
00:18:50at the very last moment.
00:18:51He had got so close
00:18:52to that time.
00:18:53Glittering pink
00:18:54and silver
00:18:55winged piglets
00:18:56were now soaring
00:18:57past the windows
00:18:58of Gryffindor Tower.
00:18:59Harry lay and listened
00:19:00to the appreciative
00:19:01whoops of Gryffindors
00:19:02in the dormitories
00:19:03below them.
00:19:04His stomach
00:19:05gave a sickening jolt
00:19:06as he remembered
00:19:07that he had
00:19:09the following evening.
00:19:10Harry spent the whole
00:19:11of the next day
00:19:12dreading what Snape
00:19:13was going to say
00:19:14if he found out
00:19:15how much further
00:19:16into the Department
00:19:17of Mysteries
00:19:18Harry had penetrated
00:19:19during his last dream.
00:19:20With a surge of guilt
00:19:21he realised
00:19:22that he had not
00:19:23practised oculomancy
00:19:24once since
00:19:25their last lesson.
00:19:26There had been
00:19:27too much going on
00:19:28since Dumbledore
00:19:29had left.
00:19:30He was sure
00:19:31he would not
00:19:32have been able
00:19:33to empty his mind
00:19:34even if he had tried.
00:19:35He doubted however
00:19:36whether Snape
00:19:37would accept that excuse.
00:19:38He attempted
00:19:39but to no avail.
00:19:41kept asking him
00:19:42what was wrong
00:19:43whenever he fell silent
00:19:44trying to rid himself
00:19:45of all thought
00:19:46and emotion
00:19:47and after all
00:19:48the best moment
00:19:49to empty his brain
00:19:50was not while teachers
00:19:51were firing revision
00:19:52questions at the class.
00:19:53Resigning to the worst
00:19:54he set off for Snape's
00:19:55office after dinner.
00:19:56Halfway across the
00:19:57entrance hall however
00:19:58Cho came hurrying up
00:19:59to him.
00:20:00Over here!
00:20:01said Harry
00:20:02glad of a reason
00:20:03to postpone
00:20:04his meeting with Snape
00:20:05and beckoning her
00:20:06across to the corner
00:20:07of the entrance hall
00:20:08which was now
00:20:09almost empty.
00:20:10Are you OK?
00:20:11Umbridge hasn't been
00:20:12asking you about the DA
00:20:13has she?
00:20:14Oh no!
00:20:15said Cho hurriedly.
00:20:16No it was only
00:20:17well I just wanted to say
00:20:19I never dreamed
00:20:20Marietta would tell.
00:20:21Yeah well
00:20:22said Harry moodily.
00:20:23He did feel Cho
00:20:24might have chosen
00:20:25her friends a bit
00:20:26more carefully.
00:20:27It was small consolation
00:20:28that the last he had heard
00:20:29Marietta was still
00:20:30in the hospital wing
00:20:31and Madame Pomfrey
00:20:32had not been able
00:20:33to make the slightest
00:20:34improvement to her pimples.
00:20:35She's a lovely person
00:20:36really said Cho
00:20:37she just made a mistake.
00:20:38Harry looked at her
00:20:40a lovely person
00:20:41who made a mistake.
00:20:42She told us all
00:20:43she sold us all out
00:20:44including you.
00:20:45Well we all got away
00:20:46didn't we?
00:20:47said Cho pleadingly.
00:20:48You know
00:20:49her mum works
00:20:50for the ministry
00:20:51it's really difficult
00:20:52for her.
00:20:53Ron's dad works
00:20:54for the ministry too
00:20:55Harry said furiously
00:20:56in case you hadn't
00:20:58he hasn't got sneak
00:20:59written across his face.
00:21:00That was a really
00:21:01horrible trick
00:21:02of Hermione Granger's
00:21:03said Cho fiercely.
00:21:04She should have told us
00:21:05she'd jinxed that list
00:21:06having it was
00:21:07a brilliant idea
00:21:08said Harry coldly.
00:21:09Cho flushed
00:21:10and her eyes
00:21:11grew brighter.
00:21:12Oh yes
00:21:13I forgot of course
00:21:14it was darling
00:21:15Hermione's idea.
00:21:16Don't start crying again
00:21:17said Harry warningly.
00:21:18I wasn't going to
00:21:19she shouted.
00:21:20Yeah well
00:21:21good he said
00:21:22I've got enough
00:21:23to cope with
00:21:24at the moment.
00:21:25Go and cope with it then
00:21:26Cho said furiously
00:21:27turning on her heel
00:21:28and stalking off.
00:21:30Harry descended
00:21:31the stairs
00:21:32to Snape's dungeon
00:21:33and though he knew
00:21:34from experience
00:21:35how much easier
00:21:36it would be
00:21:37for Snape
00:21:38to penetrate his mind
00:21:39if he arrived angry
00:21:40and resentful
00:21:41he succeeded in nothing
00:21:42but thinking
00:21:43of a few more things
00:21:44he should have said
00:21:45to Cho about Marietta
00:21:46before reaching the dungeon door.
00:21:47You're late
00:21:49said Snape coldly
00:21:50as Harry closed
00:21:51the door behind him.
00:21:52Snape was standing
00:21:53with his back to Harry
00:21:54removing as usual
00:21:57of his thoughts
00:21:58and placing them
00:22:00in Dumbledore's pensive.
00:22:01He dropped
00:22:02the last silvery strand
00:22:03into the stone basin
00:22:04and turned
00:22:05to face Harry.
00:22:07he said
00:22:08have you been
00:22:11Harry lied
00:22:12looking carefully
00:22:13at one of the legs
00:22:14at one of the legs
00:22:15of Snape's desk.
00:22:17we'll soon find out
00:22:18won't we
00:22:19said Snape smoothly.
00:22:20Wand out
00:22:22Harry moved
00:22:23into his usual position
00:22:24facing Snape
00:22:25with the desk between them.
00:22:26His heart was pumping fast
00:22:27with anger at Cho
00:22:28and anxiety
00:22:29about how much Snape
00:22:30was about to extract
00:22:31from his mind.
00:22:32On the count
00:22:33of three then
00:22:34said Snape
00:22:38Snape's office door
00:22:39banged open
00:22:40and Draco Malfoy
00:22:41sped in.
00:22:42Professor Snape
00:22:44Oh sorry
00:22:45Malfoy's looking
00:22:46at Snape
00:22:47and Harry
00:22:48in some surprise.
00:22:49It's all right
00:22:51said Snape
00:22:52lowering his wand.
00:22:53Potter is here
00:22:54for a little
00:22:55remedial potions.
00:22:56Harry had not seen
00:22:57Malfoy look so gleeful
00:22:58since Umbridge
00:22:59had turned up
00:23:00to inspect Hagrid.
00:23:01I didn't know
00:23:02if Malfoy's face
00:23:03was burning.
00:23:04He would have had a great
00:23:05given a great deal
00:23:06to be able to shout
00:23:07the truth at Malfoy
00:23:08or even better
00:23:09to hit him
00:23:10with a good curse.
00:23:11Well Draco
00:23:12what is it
00:23:13asked Snape.
00:23:14It's Professor Umbridge sir
00:23:15she needs your help
00:23:16said Malfoy.
00:23:17They've found Montague sir
00:23:18he's turned up
00:23:19jammed inside a toilet
00:23:20on the fourth floor.
00:23:21How did he get in there
00:23:23demanded Snape.
00:23:24I don't know sir
00:23:25he's a bit confused.
00:23:26Very well
00:23:27very well Potter
00:23:28said Snape
00:23:29we shall resume
00:23:30this lesson
00:23:31tomorrow evening.
00:23:32He turned
00:23:33and swept from his office.
00:23:34Malfoy mouthed
00:23:35remedial potions
00:23:36at Harry
00:23:37behind Snape's back
00:23:38before following him.
00:23:40Harry replaced
00:23:41his wand
00:23:42inside his robes
00:23:43and made to leave the room.
00:23:44At least he had
00:23:45twenty four more hours
00:23:46in which to practice.
00:23:47He knew he ought
00:23:48to feel grateful
00:23:49for the narrow escape
00:23:50though it was hard
00:23:51that it came
00:23:52at the expense of Malfoy
00:23:53telling the whole school
00:23:54that he needed
00:23:55remedial potions.
00:23:56He was at the office door
00:23:57when he saw it
00:23:58a patch of shivering
00:23:59light dancing
00:24:00on the door frame.
00:24:01He stopped
00:24:02and stood
00:24:03looking at it
00:24:04reminded of something
00:24:05then he remembered
00:24:06it was a little like
00:24:07the lights he had seen
00:24:08in the dream last night
00:24:09the lights in the second room
00:24:10he had walked through
00:24:11on his journey
00:24:12through the department
00:24:13of mysteries.
00:24:14He turned around
00:24:15the light was coming
00:24:16from the pensieve
00:24:17sitting on Snape's desk
00:24:18the silver white contents
00:24:19were ebbing and swirling
00:24:21Snape's thoughts
00:24:22things he did not want
00:24:23Harry to see
00:24:24if he broke through
00:24:25Snape's defences
00:24:27Harry gazed
00:24:28at the pensieve
00:24:30welling inside him
00:24:31what was it
00:24:32that Snape
00:24:33was so keen
00:24:34to hide from Harry.
00:24:35The silvery lights
00:24:36shivered on the wall
00:24:37Harry took two steps
00:24:38towards the desk
00:24:39thinking hard
00:24:40could it possibly
00:24:41be information
00:24:42about the department
00:24:43of mysteries
00:24:44that Snape was determined
00:24:45to keep from him.
00:24:46Harry looked
00:24:47over his shoulder
00:24:48his heart now
00:24:49pumping harder
00:24:50and faster than ever
00:24:51how long would it take
00:24:52Snape to release
00:24:53Montague from the toilet
00:24:54would he come straight
00:24:55back to his office
00:24:57or accompany Montague
00:24:58to the battle wing
00:24:59surely the latter
00:25:00Montague was captain
00:25:01of the Slytherin Quidditch team
00:25:02Snape would want
00:25:03to make sure
00:25:04he was alright.
00:25:05Harry walked
00:25:06the remaining few feet
00:25:07to the pensieve
00:25:08and stood over it
00:25:09gazing into its depths
00:25:10he hesitated
00:25:12then pulled out
00:25:13his wand again
00:25:14the office
00:25:15and the corridor
00:25:17were completely silent
00:25:18he gave the contents
00:25:19of the pensieve
00:25:20a small prod
00:25:21with the end
00:25:22of his wand
00:25:23the silvery stuff
00:25:24within began to swirl
00:25:25very fast
00:25:26Harry leaned
00:25:27he was once again
00:25:28looking down
00:25:29into a room
00:25:30as though through
00:25:31a circular window
00:25:32in the ceiling
00:25:33in fact unless
00:25:34he was much mistaken
00:25:35he was looking down
00:25:36into the great hall
00:25:37his breath was actually
00:25:38fogging the surface
00:25:39of Snape's thoughts
00:25:40his brain seemed
00:25:41to be in limbo
00:25:42it would be insane
00:25:43to do the thing
00:25:44he was so strongly
00:25:45tempted to do
00:25:46he was trembling
00:25:47Snape could be back
00:25:48at any moment
00:25:49but Harry thought
00:25:50of Cho's anger
00:25:51of Malfoy's jeering face
00:25:52and a reckless daring
00:25:53seized him
00:25:54he took a great gulp
00:25:55of breath
00:25:56and plunged his face
00:25:57into the surface
00:25:58of Snape's thoughts
00:25:59at once
00:26:00the floor of the office
00:26:02tipping Harry
00:26:04into the pensieve
00:26:05he was falling
00:26:06through cold blackness
00:26:07spinning furiously
00:26:08as he went
00:26:09and then
00:26:10he was standing
00:26:11in the middle
00:26:12of the great hall
00:26:13but the four
00:26:14house tables
00:26:15were gone
00:26:17there were more
00:26:18than a hundred
00:26:19smaller tables
00:26:20all facing the same way
00:26:21at each of which
00:26:22sat a student
00:26:23head bent low
00:26:24scribbling on a roll
00:26:25and the occasional rustle
00:26:26as somebody adjusted
00:26:27their parchment
00:26:28it was clearly
00:26:29exam time
00:26:30sunshine was streaming
00:26:31through the high windows
00:26:32onto the bent heads
00:26:33which shone
00:26:34chestnut and copper
00:26:35and gold
00:26:36in the bright light
00:26:37Harry looked around
00:26:39Snape had to be here
00:26:41this was his memory
00:26:42and there he was
00:26:43at a table
00:26:44right behind Harry
00:26:45Harry stared
00:26:46Snape the teenager
00:26:47had a stringy
00:26:48pallid look about him
00:26:49like a plant
00:26:50kept in the dark
00:26:51his hair was
00:26:52lank and greasy
00:26:53and was flopping
00:26:54around the table
00:26:55his hooked nose
00:26:56barely half an inch
00:26:57from the surface
00:26:58of the parchment
00:26:59as he scribbled
00:27:00Harry moved around
00:27:01behind Snape
00:27:02and read
00:27:03the heading
00:27:04of the examination paper
00:27:05defence against
00:27:06the dark arts
00:27:08wizarding level
00:27:09so Snape had to be
00:27:10fifteen or sixteen
00:27:11around Harry's own age
00:27:12his hand was flying
00:27:13across the parchment
00:27:14he had written
00:27:15at least a foot more
00:27:16than his closest neighbours
00:27:17and yet his writing
00:27:18was minuscule and cramped
00:27:22the voice made Harry jump
00:27:23turning he saw
00:27:24the top of Professor
00:27:25Flitwick's head
00:27:26moving between the desks
00:27:27a short distance away
00:27:28Professor Flitwick
00:27:29was walking past
00:27:30a boy with untidy
00:27:31black hair
00:27:32very untidy
00:27:33black hair
00:27:34Harry moved so
00:27:35quickly that
00:27:36had he been solid
00:27:37he would have
00:27:38knocked desks flying
00:27:39instead he seemed to
00:27:42across two aisles
00:27:43and up a third
00:27:44the back of the black
00:27:45haired boy's head
00:27:46drew nearer
00:27:48he was straightening up
00:27:50putting down his quill
00:27:51pulling his roll
00:27:52he could hardly read
00:27:53what he had written
00:27:54Harry stopped
00:27:55in front of the desk
00:27:56and gazed down
00:27:57at his fifteen
00:27:58year old father
00:28:00exploded in the pit
00:28:01of his stomach
00:28:02it was as though
00:28:03he was looking
00:28:04at himself
00:28:05but with deliberate
00:28:07James's eyes
00:28:08were hazel
00:28:09his nose was slightly
00:28:10longer than Harry's
00:28:11and there was no
00:28:12scar on his forehead
00:28:13but they had the
00:28:14same thin face
00:28:15same mouth
00:28:16same eyebrows
00:28:17James's hair
00:28:18stuck up
00:28:19at the back
00:28:20exactly as Harry's
00:28:21his eyes were
00:28:22rounded up
00:28:23they would be
00:28:24within an inch
00:28:25of each other
00:28:26in height
00:28:27James yawned
00:28:29and rumpled up
00:28:30his hair
00:28:31making it even
00:28:32messier than it had
00:28:34then with a glance
00:28:35towards Professor
00:28:37he turned in his
00:28:38seat and grinned
00:28:39at a boy
00:28:40sitting four seats
00:28:41behind him
00:28:42with another
00:28:43shock of excitement
00:28:44Harry saw Sirius
00:28:45give James the
00:28:46thumbs up
00:28:47Sirius was lounging
00:28:48in his chair
00:28:49at his ease
00:28:50he'd never
00:28:51have achieved
00:28:52and a girl
00:28:53sitting behind him
00:28:54was eyeing him
00:28:56though he didn't
00:28:57seem to have noticed
00:28:58and two seats
00:28:59along from this girl
00:29:00Harry's stomach
00:29:01gave another
00:29:02pleasurable squirm
00:29:03was Remus Lupin
00:29:04he looked rather
00:29:05pale and peaky
00:29:06was the full moon
00:29:08and was absorbed
00:29:09in the exam
00:29:10as he reread
00:29:11his answers
00:29:12he scratched his
00:29:13chin with the
00:29:14end of his quill
00:29:15frowning slightly
00:29:16so that meant
00:29:17Wormtail had to be
00:29:18around here somewhere
00:29:19he was a tall
00:29:20mousy-haired boy
00:29:21with a pointed nose
00:29:22Wormtail looked anxious
00:29:23he was chewing
00:29:24his fingernails
00:29:25staring down
00:29:26at his paper
00:29:27scuffing the ground
00:29:28with his toes
00:29:29every now and then
00:29:30he glanced hopefully
00:29:31at his neighbour's paper
00:29:32Harry stared at
00:29:33Wormtail for a moment
00:29:34then back at James
00:29:35who was now doodling
00:29:36on a bit of
00:29:37scrap parchment
00:29:38he had drawn
00:29:39a snitch on
00:29:40and was now
00:29:41tracing the letters
00:29:42L E
00:29:43what did they
00:29:44stand for?
00:29:45quills down please
00:29:47Professor Flitwick
00:29:48that means you too
00:29:50please remain seated
00:29:51while I collect
00:29:52your parchment
00:29:54over a hundred rolls
00:29:55of parchment
00:29:56zoomed into the air
00:29:57and into Professor Flitwick's
00:29:58outstretched arms
00:29:59knocking him
00:30:00backwards off his feet
00:30:01several people laughed
00:30:02and a couple of students
00:30:03at the front desks
00:30:04got up
00:30:05took hold of
00:30:06Professor Flitwick
00:30:07beneath the elbows
00:30:08and lifted him
00:30:09back to his feet
00:30:10thank you thank you
00:30:11panted Professor Flitwick
00:30:12very well everybody
00:30:13you're free to go
00:30:14Harry looked down
00:30:15at his father
00:30:16who had hastily
00:30:17written L E
00:30:18he had been embellishing
00:30:19jumping to his feet
00:30:20stuffed his quill
00:30:21and the exam paper
00:30:22into his bag
00:30:23which he slung
00:30:24over his back
00:30:25and stood waiting
00:30:26for Sirius to join him
00:30:27Harry looked around
00:30:28and glimpsed Snape
00:30:29a short way away
00:30:30moving between the tables
00:30:31towards the doors
00:30:32to the entrance hall
00:30:33still absorbed
00:30:34in his own exam paper
00:30:35round shoulders
00:30:36yet angular
00:30:37he walked in a twitchy manner
00:30:38that recalled a spider
00:30:39and his oily hair
00:30:40was jumping
00:30:41about his face
00:30:42a gang of chattering girls
00:30:43separated Snape
00:30:44from James
00:30:45Sirius and Lupin
00:30:46and by planting himself
00:30:47in their midst
00:30:48Harry managed to keep
00:30:49Snape in sight
00:30:50while straining his eyes
00:30:51to catch the voices
00:30:52his ears
00:30:53to catch the voices
00:30:54of James and his friends
00:30:56did you like question 10
00:30:58asked Sirius
00:30:59as they emerged
00:31:00into the entrance hall
00:31:01loved it
00:31:02said Lupin briskly
00:31:03give five signs
00:31:04that identify the werewolf
00:31:05excellent question
00:31:06do you think you managed
00:31:07to get all the signs
00:31:08said James
00:31:09in tones of mock concern
00:31:10think I did
00:31:11said Lupin seriously
00:31:12as they joined the crowd
00:31:13thronging around
00:31:14the front doors
00:31:15eager to get out
00:31:16into the sunlit grounds
00:31:18he's sitting on my chair
00:31:20he's wearing my clothes
00:31:22his name's Remus Lupin
00:31:23Wormtail was the only one
00:31:24who didn't laugh
00:31:25I got the snout shape
00:31:26the pupils of the eyes
00:31:27and the tufted tail
00:31:28he said anxiously
00:31:29but I couldn't think
00:31:30what else
00:31:31how thick are you
00:31:33said James impatiently
00:31:34you run around
00:31:35with a werewolf
00:31:36once a month
00:31:37keep your voice down
00:31:38implored Lupin
00:31:39Harry looked anxiously
00:31:40behind him again
00:31:41Snape remained close by
00:31:42still buried
00:31:43in his exam questions
00:31:45but this was Snape's memory
00:31:46and Harry was sure
00:31:47that if Snape chose
00:31:48to wander off
00:31:49in a different direction
00:31:50once outside
00:31:51in the grounds
00:31:52he, Harry
00:31:53would not be able to
00:31:54follow James any further
00:31:55to his intense relief
00:31:57when James and his three friends
00:31:58strode off down the lawn
00:31:59towards the lake
00:32:00Snape followed
00:32:01still poring over
00:32:02the exam paper
00:32:03and apparently
00:32:04with no fixed idea
00:32:05of where he was going
00:32:06by keeping a little ahead
00:32:07of him
00:32:08Harry managed to maintain
00:32:09a close watch
00:32:10on James and the others
00:32:12I thought that paper
00:32:13was a piece of cake
00:32:14he heard Sirius say
00:32:15I'll be surprised
00:32:16if I don't get out
00:32:17standing on it
00:32:18at least
00:32:19me too
00:32:20said James
00:32:21he put his hand
00:32:22in his pocket
00:32:23and took out a struggling
00:32:24golden snitch
00:32:25where did you get that
00:32:26nicked it
00:32:27said James casually
00:32:28he started playing
00:32:29with the snitch
00:32:30allowing it to fly
00:32:31as much as a foot away
00:32:32before seizing it again
00:32:33his reflexes were excellent
00:32:34Wormtail watched him in awe
00:32:35they stopped
00:32:36in the shade
00:32:37of the very same
00:32:38beech tree
00:32:39on the edge of the lake
00:32:40where Harry, Ron and Hermione
00:32:41had once spent
00:32:43and threw themselves
00:32:44down onto the grass
00:32:45Harry looked over
00:32:46his shoulder yet again
00:32:47and saw
00:32:48to his delight
00:32:49that Snape had settled
00:32:50himself on the grass
00:32:51in the dense shadow
00:32:52of a clump of bushes
00:32:53he was as deeply
00:32:54immersed in the owl paper
00:32:55as ever
00:32:56which left Harry free
00:32:57to sit down on the grass
00:32:58between the beech
00:32:59and the bushes
00:33:00and watch the foursome
00:33:01under the tree
00:33:02the sunlight was dazzling
00:33:03on the smooth surface
00:33:04of the lake
00:33:05on the bank of which
00:33:06the group of laughing girls
00:33:07who had just left
00:33:08the great hall
00:33:09were sitting
00:33:10with their shoes
00:33:11and their feet
00:33:12in the water
00:33:13Lupin had pulled out
00:33:14a book and was reading
00:33:15Sirius stared around
00:33:16at the students
00:33:17milling over the grass
00:33:18looking rather haughty
00:33:19and bored
00:33:20but very handsomely so
00:33:21James was still
00:33:22playing with a snitch
00:33:23letting it zoom
00:33:24further and further away
00:33:25almost escaping
00:33:26but always grabbed
00:33:27at the last second
00:33:28Wormtail was watching
00:33:29him with his mouth open
00:33:30every time James
00:33:31made a particularly
00:33:32difficult catch
00:33:33Wormtail gasped
00:33:34and applauded
00:33:35after five minutes
00:33:36of this
00:33:37Harry wondered
00:33:38why James
00:33:39didn't tell Wormtail
00:33:40but James seemed
00:33:41to be enjoying
00:33:42the attention
00:33:43Harry noticed
00:33:44that his father
00:33:45had a habit
00:33:46of rumpling up
00:33:47his hair
00:33:48as though to keep
00:33:49it from getting
00:33:50too tidy
00:33:51and he also
00:33:52kept looking over
00:33:53at the girls
00:33:54by the water's edge
00:33:55put that away
00:33:56will you
00:33:57said Sirius finally
00:33:58as James made
00:33:59a fine catch
00:34:00and Wormtail
00:34:01let out a cheer
00:34:02before Wormtail
00:34:03wets himself
00:34:04with excitement
00:34:05Wormtail turned
00:34:06slightly pink
00:34:07but James grinned
00:34:08if it bothers you
00:34:09Sirius was the
00:34:10only one for whom
00:34:11James would have
00:34:12stopped showing off
00:34:13I'm bored
00:34:14said Sirius
00:34:15wish it was full moon
00:34:16you might
00:34:17said Lupin
00:34:18darkly from behind
00:34:19his book
00:34:20we've still got
00:34:22if you're bored
00:34:23you could test me
00:34:25and he held out
00:34:26his book
00:34:27but Sirius snorted
00:34:28I don't need to
00:34:29look at that rubbish
00:34:30I know it all
00:34:31this'll liven you up
00:34:33said James
00:34:35look who it is
00:34:36Sirius's head turned
00:34:37he became very still
00:34:38and he said softly
00:34:40Harry turned
00:34:41to see what Sirius
00:34:42was looking at
00:34:46Snape was on
00:34:47his feet again
00:34:48and was stowing
00:34:49the owl paper
00:34:50in his bag
00:34:51as he left the shadows
00:34:52of the bushes
00:34:53and set off
00:34:54across the grass
00:34:55Sirius and James
00:34:56stood up
00:34:57Lupin and Wormtail
00:34:58remained sitting
00:34:59Lupin was still
00:35:00staring down
00:35:01at his book
00:35:02though his eyes
00:35:03were not moving
00:35:04and a faint frown line
00:35:05had appeared
00:35:06between his eyebrows
00:35:07with avid anticipation
00:35:08on his face
00:35:09Alright Snivellus
00:35:10said James loudly
00:35:11Snape reacted
00:35:12so fast
00:35:13it was as though
00:35:14he had been expecting
00:35:15an attack
00:35:16dropping his bag
00:35:17he plunged his hand
00:35:18inside his robes
00:35:19and his wand
00:35:20was half way into the air
00:35:21when James shouted
00:35:23Snape's wand
00:35:24flew twelve feet
00:35:25into the air
00:35:26and fell with a little
00:35:27thud in the grass
00:35:28behind him
00:35:29Sirius let out
00:35:30a bark of laughter
00:35:32he said
00:35:33pointing his wand
00:35:34at Snape
00:35:35who was knocked
00:35:37Students all around
00:35:38had turned to watch
00:35:39some of them
00:35:40had got to their feet
00:35:41and were edging nearer
00:35:42some looked apprehensive
00:35:43others entertained
00:35:44Snape lay
00:35:45panting on the ground
00:35:46James and Sirius
00:35:47advanced on him
00:35:48wands raised
00:35:49James glanced
00:35:50over his shoulder
00:35:51at the girls
00:35:52at the water's edge
00:35:53as he went
00:35:54Wormtail was on his feet
00:35:56watching hungrily
00:35:57edging around Lupin
00:35:58to get a clearer view
00:35:59How'd the exam go
00:36:01said James
00:36:02I was watching him
00:36:03his nose was touching
00:36:04the parchment
00:36:05Impediment said
00:36:06Sirius viciously
00:36:07There'll be great
00:36:08grease marks all over it
00:36:09they won't be able
00:36:10to read a word
00:36:11Several people
00:36:12watching laughed
00:36:13Snape was clearly
00:36:15Wormtail sniggered
00:36:17Snape was trying
00:36:18to get up
00:36:19but the jinx
00:36:20was still operating
00:36:21on him
00:36:22he was struggling
00:36:23as though bound
00:36:24by invisible ropes
00:36:27he panted
00:36:28staring up at James
00:36:29with an expression
00:36:30of purest loathing
00:36:32you wait
00:36:33Wait for what
00:36:34Snape let out
00:36:35a stream
00:36:36of mixed swear words
00:36:37and hexes
00:36:38but with his wand
00:36:39ten feet away
00:36:40nothing happened
00:36:41Wash out your mouth
00:36:42said James coldly
00:36:44Pink soap bubbles
00:36:45streamed from
00:36:46Snape's mouth
00:36:47at once
00:36:48the froth
00:36:49was covering his lips
00:36:50making him gag
00:36:51choking him
00:36:52Leave him alone
00:36:53James and Sirius
00:36:54looked around
00:36:55James' free hand
00:36:56had immediately
00:36:57jumped to his hair
00:36:58It was one of the girls
00:36:59from the lake edge
00:37:00She had thick
00:37:01dark red hair
00:37:02that fell to her shoulders
00:37:03with round shaped eyes
00:37:04Harry's eyes
00:37:05Harry's mother
00:37:06All right Evans
00:37:07said James
00:37:08and the tone of his voice
00:37:09was suddenly pleasant
00:37:11more mature
00:37:12Leave him alone
00:37:13Lily repeated
00:37:14She was looking at James
00:37:15with every sign
00:37:16of great dislike
00:37:17What's he done to you
00:37:19said James
00:37:20appearing to deliberate
00:37:21the point
00:37:22It's more the fact
00:37:23that he exists
00:37:24If you know what I mean
00:37:25Many of the surrounding
00:37:26students laughed
00:37:27Sirius and Wormtail
00:37:29but Lupin
00:37:30still apparently intent
00:37:31on his book
00:37:33and nor did Lily
00:37:34You think you're funny
00:37:35she said coldly
00:37:36but you're just an arrogant
00:37:37bullying toe rag
00:37:39Leave him alone
00:37:40I will
00:37:41if you go out with me Evans
00:37:42said James quickly
00:37:43Go on
00:37:44go out with me
00:37:45and I'll never lay a wand
00:37:46on old Snively again
00:37:47Behind him
00:37:48the impediment jinx
00:37:49was wearing off
00:37:50Snape was beginning
00:37:51to inch towards
00:37:52the fallen wand
00:37:53spitting out soap suds
00:37:54as he crawled
00:37:55I wouldn't go out with you
00:37:56if it was a choice
00:37:57between you
00:37:58and the giant squid
00:37:59said Lily
00:38:00Bad luck prongs
00:38:01said Sirius briskly
00:38:02and turned back to Snape
00:38:05but too late
00:38:06Snape had directed
00:38:07his wand
00:38:08straight at James
00:38:09there was a flash of light
00:38:10and a gash appeared
00:38:11on the side of James' face
00:38:12spattering his robes
00:38:13with blood
00:38:14James whirled about
00:38:15a second flash of light
00:38:17Snape was hanging
00:38:18upside down in the air
00:38:19his robes
00:38:20falling over his head
00:38:21to reveal skinny
00:38:22pallid legs
00:38:23and a pair of greying
00:38:25Many people
00:38:26in the small crowd
00:38:28Sirius, James and Wormtail
00:38:29roared with laughter
00:38:31whose furious expression
00:38:32had twitched for an instant
00:38:33as though she was
00:38:34going to smile
00:38:36Let him down
00:38:37Certainly said James
00:38:38and he jerked his wand
00:38:40Snape fell into
00:38:41a crumpled heap
00:38:42on the ground
00:38:43disentangling himself
00:38:44from his robes
00:38:45he got quickly to his feet
00:38:46Wand up
00:38:47but Sirius said
00:38:50and Snape
00:38:51keeled over again
00:38:52rigid as a board
00:38:53Leave him alone
00:38:55Lily shouted
00:38:56she had her own
00:38:57wand out now
00:38:58James and Sirius
00:38:59sighed it warily
00:39:02Don't make me
00:39:03hex you
00:39:04said James earnestly
00:39:05Take the curse
00:39:06off him then
00:39:07James sighed deeply
00:39:08then turned to Snape
00:39:09and muttered the
00:39:11There you go
00:39:12he said
00:39:13as Snape
00:39:14struggled to his feet
00:39:15You're lucky
00:39:16Evans was here
00:39:18I don't need help
00:39:19from filthy little
00:39:20mudbloods like her
00:39:21Lily blinked
00:39:23she said coolly
00:39:24I won't bother in future
00:39:25and I'd wash your pants
00:39:26if I were you
00:39:29James snored at Snape
00:39:30his wand pointed
00:39:31threateningly at him
00:39:32I don't want you
00:39:33to make him apologise
00:39:34Lily shouted
00:39:35rounding on James
00:39:36You're as bad as he is
00:39:38yelled James
00:39:39I'd never call you a
00:39:41Messing up your hair
00:39:42because you think
00:39:43it looks cool
00:39:44to look like you've just
00:39:45got off your broomstick
00:39:46showing off with that
00:39:47stupid snitch
00:39:48walking down corridors
00:39:49and hexing anyone
00:39:50who annoys you
00:39:51just because you can
00:39:52I'm surprised your broomstick
00:39:53can get off the ground
00:39:54with that fat head on it
00:39:55You make me sick
00:39:56She turned on her heel
00:39:57and hurried away
00:39:59James shouted after her
00:40:02But she didn't look back
00:40:03What is it with her?
00:40:04said James
00:40:05trying and failing
00:40:06to look as though
00:40:07this was a throwaway question
00:40:08of no real importance to him
00:40:09Reading between the lines
00:40:10I'd say she thinks
00:40:11you're a bit conceited
00:40:13said Sirius
00:40:15said James
00:40:16who looked furious now
00:40:18There was another
00:40:19flash of light
00:40:20as Snape was once again
00:40:21hanging upside down
00:40:22in the air
00:40:23Who wants to see me
00:40:24take off Snivelly's pants?
00:40:25But whether James
00:40:26really did take off
00:40:27Snape's pants
00:40:28Harry never found out
00:40:29Her hand
00:40:30had closed tight
00:40:31over his upper arm
00:40:32closed with a
00:40:33pincer-like grip
00:40:35Harry looked around
00:40:36to see who had
00:40:37hold of him
00:40:38and saw
00:40:39with a thrill of horror
00:40:40a fully grown
00:40:41adult-sized Snape
00:40:42standing right beside him
00:40:43white with rage
00:40:44Having fun?
00:40:45Harry felt himself
00:40:46rising into the air
00:40:47The summer's day
00:40:48evaporated around him
00:40:49He was floating upwards
00:40:50through icy blackness
00:40:51Snape looked up
00:40:52at the sky
00:40:54Snape's hand
00:40:55still tight
00:40:56upon his upper arm
00:40:57Then with a swooping feeling
00:40:58as though he had turned
00:40:59head over heels
00:41:00in mid-air
00:41:01his feet hit the stone floor
00:41:02of Snape's dungeon
00:41:03and he was standing again
00:41:04beside the Pensieve
00:41:05on Snape's desk
00:41:06in the shadowy
00:41:08Potion Master's study
00:41:10said Snape
00:41:11gripping Harry's arm
00:41:12so tightly
00:41:13Harry's hand
00:41:14was starting to feel numb
00:41:16Been enjoying yourself
00:41:19said Harry
00:41:20trying to free his arm
00:41:21It was scary
00:41:22Snape's lips
00:41:23were shaking
00:41:24His face was white
00:41:25His teeth were bared
00:41:26Amusing man
00:41:27your father
00:41:28wasn't he?
00:41:29said Snape
00:41:30Shaking Harry
00:41:31so hard
00:41:32his glasses
00:41:33slipped down his nose
00:41:36I didn't...
00:41:37Snape threw Harry
00:41:38from him
00:41:39with all his might
00:41:40Harry fell hard
00:41:41onto the dungeon floor
00:41:42You will not tell
00:41:44what you saw
00:41:45Snape bellowed
00:41:47said Harry
00:41:48getting to his feet
00:41:49as far from Snape
00:41:50as he could
00:41:51I don't want to see you
00:41:52in this office
00:41:53ever again
00:41:55And as Harry hurtled
00:41:56towards the door
00:41:57a jar of dead cockroaches
00:41:58exploded over his head
00:42:00He wrenched the door open
00:42:01and flew
00:42:02along the corridor
00:42:03stopping only
00:42:04when he had put
00:42:05three floors
00:42:06between himself and Snape
00:42:07There he leaned
00:42:08against the wall
00:42:09panting and rubbing
00:42:10his bruised arm
00:42:11He had no desire at all
00:42:12to return to Gryffindor Tower
00:42:13so early
00:42:14nor to tell Ron
00:42:15and Hermione
00:42:16what he had just seen
00:42:17What was making Harry
00:42:18feel so horrified
00:42:19and unhappy
00:42:20was not being shouted at
00:42:21or having jars
00:42:22thrown at him
00:42:23It was that he knew
00:42:24how it felt
00:42:25to be humiliated
00:42:26in the middle of a circle
00:42:27of onlookers
00:42:28knew exactly
00:42:29how Snape had felt
00:42:30as his father
00:42:31had taunted him
00:42:32and that judging
00:42:33from what he had just seen
00:42:34his father had been
00:42:35every bit as arrogant
00:42:36as Snape had always
00:42:37told him
00:42:40Chapter 29
00:42:41Career's Advice
00:42:43But why haven't you got
00:42:44Occulmancy lessons anymore?
00:42:45said Hermione frowning
00:42:46I've told you
00:42:47Harry muttered
00:42:48Snape reckons
00:42:49I can carry on by myself
00:42:50now I've got the basics
00:42:51So you've stopped
00:42:52having funny dreams
00:42:53said Hermione sceptically
00:42:54Pretty much
00:42:55said Harry
00:42:56not looking at her
00:42:57Well I don't think
00:42:58Snape should stop
00:42:59until you're absolutely sure
00:43:00you can control them
00:43:01said Hermione indignantly
00:43:03I think you should go back
00:43:04to him and ask
00:43:06said Harry forcefully
00:43:07Just drop it Hermione
00:43:09It was the first day
00:43:10of the Easter holidays
00:43:11and Hermione
00:43:12as was her custom
00:43:13had spent a large part
00:43:14of the day
00:43:15drawing up revision
00:43:16timetables for the three of them
00:43:17Harry and Ron
00:43:18were arguing with her
00:43:19and in any case
00:43:20they might come in useful
00:43:21Ron had been startled
00:43:22to discover
00:43:23there were only six weeks
00:43:24left until their exams
00:43:25How can that come as a shock?
00:43:26Hermione demanded
00:43:27as she tapped
00:43:28each little square
00:43:29on Ron's timetable
00:43:30with her wand
00:43:31so that it flashed
00:43:32a different colour
00:43:33according to its subject
00:43:34I don't know
00:43:35said Ron
00:43:36There's been a lot going on
00:43:37Well there you are
00:43:38she said
00:43:39handing him the timetable
00:43:40If you follow that
00:43:41you should do fine
00:43:42Ron looked down
00:43:43at gloomily
00:43:44but then brightened
00:43:45You've given me an evening off
00:43:46every week
00:43:47It's time for Quidditch practice
00:43:48said Hermione
00:43:49The smile faded
00:43:50from Ron's face
00:43:51What's the point?
00:43:52he said
00:43:53We've got about as much chance
00:43:54of winning the Quidditch Cup
00:43:55this year
00:43:56as Dad's got
00:43:57of becoming Minister for Magic
00:43:58Hermione said nothing
00:43:59She was looking at Harry
00:44:00who was staring blankly
00:44:01at the opposite wall
00:44:02of the common room
00:44:03while Crookshanks
00:44:04pawed at his hand
00:44:05trying to get his ears scratched
00:44:06What's wrong Harry?
00:44:08he said quickly
00:44:10He seized his copy
00:44:11of Damp Defensive Magical Theory
00:44:12and pretended to be looking
00:44:13something up in the index
00:44:14Crookshanks gave him up
00:44:15as a bad job
00:44:16and slunk away
00:44:17under Hermione's chair
00:44:18I saw Cho earlier
00:44:19said Hermione tentatively
00:44:20She looked really miserable too
00:44:21Have you two had a row again?
00:44:23Oh yeah we have
00:44:24said Harry
00:44:25seizing gratefully
00:44:26at the excuse
00:44:27What about?
00:44:28That sneak friend of hers
00:44:30said Harry
00:44:31Yeah well
00:44:32I don't blame you
00:44:33said Ron angrily
00:44:34setting down
00:44:35his revision timetable
00:44:36If it hadn't been for her
00:44:37Ron went into a rant
00:44:38about Marietta Edgecombe
00:44:39which Harry found helpful
00:44:40All he had to do
00:44:41was look angry
00:44:43and say
00:44:44Yeah and that's right
00:44:46whenever Ron drew breath
00:44:47leaving his mind
00:44:48free to dwell
00:44:49even more miserably
00:44:50on what he had seen
00:44:51in the Pensieve
00:44:52He felt as though
00:44:53the memory of it
00:44:54was eating him from inside
00:44:55He had been so sure
00:44:56his parents
00:44:57were wonderful people
00:44:58that he had never
00:44:59had the slightest difficulty
00:45:00in disbelieving
00:45:01the apparitions
00:45:02the appersions
00:45:04Snape cast
00:45:05on his father's character
00:45:06Hadn't people like
00:45:07Hagrid and Sirius
00:45:08told Harry
00:45:09how wonderful
00:45:10his father had been?
00:45:11Yeah well
00:45:12look what Sirius
00:45:13was like himself
00:45:14inside Harry's head
00:45:15He was as bad
00:45:16wasn't he?
00:45:18he had once overheard
00:45:19Professor McGonagall
00:45:20saying that his father
00:45:21and Sirius
00:45:22had been troublemakers
00:45:23at school
00:45:24but she had described them
00:45:25as forerunners
00:45:26of the Weasley twins
00:45:27and Harry could not imagine
00:45:28Fred and George
00:45:29dangling someone
00:45:30upside down
00:45:31for the fun of it
00:45:32not unless they really
00:45:33loathed them
00:45:34perhaps Malfoy
00:45:35or somebody
00:45:36who really deserved it
00:45:37Harry tried to make a case
00:45:38for Snape
00:45:39having deserved
00:45:40what he had suffered
00:45:41at James's hands
00:45:42but hadn't Lily asked
00:45:43hadn't James replied
00:45:44it's more the fact
00:45:45that he exists
00:45:46if you know what I mean
00:45:47hadn't James started
00:45:48it all simply
00:45:49because Sirius
00:45:50had said he was bored
00:45:51Harry remembered Lupin
00:45:52saying back in Grimauld Place
00:45:53that Dumbledore
00:45:54had made him Prefect
00:45:55in the hope
00:45:56that he would be able
00:45:57to exercise some control
00:45:58over James and Sirius
00:45:59but in the Pensieve
00:46:00he had sat there
00:46:01and let it all happen
00:46:03Harry kept reminding himself
00:46:04that Lily had intervened
00:46:05his mother had been decent
00:46:07yet the memory
00:46:08of the look on her face
00:46:09as she had shouted at James
00:46:10disturbed him quite as much
00:46:11as anything else
00:46:12she had clearly loathed James
00:46:13and Harry simply
00:46:14could not understand
00:46:15how they could have
00:46:16ended up married
00:46:17once or twice
00:46:18he even wondered
00:46:19whether James
00:46:20had forced her into it
00:46:21for nearly five years
00:46:22the thought of his father
00:46:23had been the source of comfort
00:46:24of inspiration
00:46:25whenever someone
00:46:26had told him
00:46:27he was like James
00:46:28he had glowed with pride inside
00:46:29and now
00:46:30now he felt cold
00:46:31and miserable
00:46:32at the thought of him
00:46:33the weather grew breezier
00:46:34brighter and warmer
00:46:35as the Easter holidays passed
00:46:36but Harry
00:46:37along with the rest
00:46:38of the fifth
00:46:39and seventh years
00:46:40was trapped inside
00:46:42traipsing back and forth
00:46:43to the library
00:46:44Harry pretended
00:46:45his bad mood
00:46:46had no other cause
00:46:47but the approaching exams
00:46:48and as his fellow Gryffindors
00:46:49were sick of studying themselves
00:46:50his excuse
00:46:51went unchallenged
00:46:53I'm talking to you
00:46:54can you hear me
00:46:56he looked around
00:46:57Ginny Weasley
00:46:58looking very windswept
00:46:59had joined him
00:47:00at the library table
00:47:01where he had been
00:47:02sitting alone
00:47:03it was late
00:47:04on Sunday evening
00:47:05Hermione had gone back
00:47:06to Gryffindor Tower
00:47:07to revise ancient runes
00:47:08and Ron
00:47:09had Quidditch practice
00:47:14said Harry
00:47:15pulling his books towards him
00:47:16how come you're not at practice
00:47:17it's over
00:47:18said Ginny
00:47:19Ron had to take
00:47:20Jack Sloper
00:47:21up to the hospital wing
00:47:24we're not sure
00:47:25but we think
00:47:26he knocked himself out
00:47:27with his own bat
00:47:28she sighed heavily
00:47:30a package just arrived
00:47:31it's only just got through
00:47:32Umbridge's new screening process
00:47:33she hoisted a box
00:47:34wrapped in brown paper
00:47:35onto the table
00:47:36it had clearly been unwrapped
00:47:37and carelessly re-wrapped
00:47:38there was a scribbled note
00:47:39across it in red ink
00:47:41inspected and passed
00:47:42by the Hogwarts High Inquisitor
00:47:43it's easter eggs
00:47:44from mum
00:47:45said Ginny
00:47:46there's one for you
00:47:47there you go
00:47:48she handed him
00:47:49a handsome chocolate egg
00:47:50decorated with small
00:47:51iced snitches
00:47:52and according to the packaging
00:47:53containing a bag
00:47:54of fizzing whizzbees
00:47:55Harry looked at it
00:47:56for a moment
00:47:57and then to his horror
00:47:58felt a lump
00:47:59rise in his throat
00:48:00are you ok Harry
00:48:01Ginny asked quietly
00:48:03I'm fine
00:48:04said Harry gruffly
00:48:05the lump in his throat
00:48:06was painful
00:48:07he did not understand
00:48:08why does it make him
00:48:09feel like this
00:48:10you seem really down lately
00:48:11Ginny persisted
00:48:12you know I'm sure
00:48:13if you just talk to Cho
00:48:14it's not Cho
00:48:15I want to talk to
00:48:16said Harry bruskly
00:48:17who is it then
00:48:18asked Ginny
00:48:20he glanced around
00:48:21to make sure
00:48:22nobody was listening
00:48:23Madame Pince
00:48:24was several shelves away
00:48:25stamping out a pile of books
00:48:26for a frantic
00:48:27looking Hannah Abbott
00:48:28I wish I could talk
00:48:29to Sirius
00:48:30he muttered
00:48:31but I know I can't
00:48:32more to give himself
00:48:33something to do
00:48:34than because he really wanted
00:48:36Harry unwrapped his easter egg
00:48:37broke off a large bit
00:48:38and put it into his mouth
00:48:39well said Ginny slowly
00:48:40helping herself
00:48:41to a bit of egg too
00:48:42if you really want
00:48:43to talk to Sirius
00:48:44I expect we could think
00:48:45of a way to do it
00:48:46come on
00:48:47said Harry hopelessly
00:48:48with Umbridge
00:48:49policing the fires
00:48:50and reading all our mail
00:48:51the thing about growing up
00:48:52with Fred and George
00:48:53said Ginny thoughtfully
00:48:54is that you sort of
00:48:55start thinking
00:48:56anything's possible
00:48:57if you've got enough nerve
00:48:58Harry looked at her
00:48:59perhaps it was the effect
00:49:00of the chocolate
00:49:01Lupin had always advised
00:49:02eating some
00:49:03after encounters
00:49:04with Dementors
00:49:05or simply because
00:49:06he had finally spoken aloud
00:49:07the wish that he had been
00:49:08burning inside him
00:49:09for a week
00:49:10but he felt a bit more hopeful
00:49:11what do you think about
00:49:12you are
00:49:13what do you think
00:49:14you are doing
00:49:15oh damn
00:49:16whispered Ginny
00:49:17jumping to her feet
00:49:18I forgot
00:49:19Madame Pince
00:49:20was swooping down on them
00:49:21but her shrivelled face
00:49:22contorted with rage
00:49:24in the library
00:49:25she screamed
00:49:29and whipping out her wand
00:49:30she caused Harry's books
00:49:31bag and ink
00:49:32bottle to chase him
00:49:33and Ginny from the library
00:49:34whacking them repeatedly
00:49:35in the head
00:49:36as they ran
00:49:37as though to underline
00:49:38the importance
00:49:39of their upcoming examinations
00:49:40a batch of pamphlets
00:49:42and notices
00:49:43concerning various
00:49:44wizarding careers
00:49:45appeared on the tables
00:49:46in Gryffindor Tower
00:49:47shortly before the end
00:49:48of the holidays
00:49:49along with yet another
00:49:50notice on the board
00:49:51which read
00:49:52careers advice
00:49:53all fifth years
00:49:54are required to attend
00:49:55a short meeting
00:49:56with their head of house
00:49:57during the first week
00:49:58of the summer term
00:49:59to discuss their future careers
00:50:00times of individual appointments
00:50:01are listed below
00:50:02Harry looked down the list
00:50:03and found that he was expected
00:50:04to arrive at Professor McGonagall's office
00:50:05at half past two on Monday
00:50:06which would mean
00:50:07missing most of divination
00:50:08he and the other fifth years
00:50:09spent a considerable part
00:50:10of the final weekend
00:50:11of the Easter holiday
00:50:12break reading
00:50:13all the careers information
00:50:14that had been left
00:50:15there for their perusal
00:50:16well I don't fancy healing
00:50:17said Ron
00:50:18on the last evening
00:50:19of the holidays
00:50:20he was immersed
00:50:21in a leaflet
00:50:22that carried
00:50:23the crossed bone
00:50:24and wand emblem
00:50:25of St Mungo's
00:50:26on its front
00:50:27it says here
00:50:28you need at least
00:50:29an evening
00:50:30of reading
00:50:31and reading
00:50:32and reading
00:50:33it says here
00:50:34you need
00:50:35at least an E
00:50:36at newt level
00:50:37in potions
00:50:41and defence against
00:50:42the dark arts
00:50:43I mean blimey
00:50:44I don't want
00:50:45much do they
00:50:46well it's
00:50:47a very responsible job
00:50:48isn't it
00:50:49said Hermione
00:50:51she was pouring
00:50:52over a bright pink
00:50:53and orange leaflet
00:50:54that was headed
00:50:55so you think
00:50:56you like to work
00:50:57in a Muggle relation
00:50:58you don't seem
00:50:59to need any qualifications
00:51:00to liase with Muggles
00:51:01all they want
00:51:02sense of fun to liaise with my uncle," said Harry darkly.
00:51:05Good sense of when to duck more like.
00:51:07He was halfway through a pamphlet on wizard banking.
00:51:11Listen to this.
00:51:12Are you seeking a challenging career involving travel,
00:51:14adventure, and substantial danger-related treasure bonuses?
00:51:19Then consider a position with Gringotts Wizarding Bank,
00:51:23who are currently recruiting curse-breakers for thrilling opportunities abroad.
00:51:27They want arithmancy.
00:51:28No, though you could do it, Hermione.
00:51:31I don't much fancy banking, said Hermione vaguely,
00:51:34now immersed in have-you-got-what-it-takes-to-train-security trolls.
00:51:38Hey, said a voice in Harry's ear.
00:51:40He looked around.
00:51:41Fred and George had come to join him.
00:51:43Ginny's had a word with us about you, said Fred,
00:51:46stretching out his legs on the table in front of them
00:51:48and causing several booklets on careers with the Ministry of Magic
00:51:52to slide off onto the floor.
00:51:54She says you need to talk to Sirius.
00:51:56What? said Hermione sharply,
00:51:57freezing with her hand halfway towards picking up.
00:52:00Make a bang at the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.
00:52:04Yeah, said Harry, trying to sound casual.
00:52:06Yeah, I thought I'd like...
00:52:07Don't be so ridiculous, said Hermione,
00:52:09straightening up and looking at him as though she could not believe her eyes,
00:52:13with Umbridge groping around in the fires and frisking all the owls.
00:52:17Well, we think we can find a way around that, said George, stretching and smiling.
00:52:22It's a simple matter of causing a diversion.
00:52:24Now, you might have noticed that we've been rather quiet
00:52:27on the Mayhem Front during the Easter holidays.
00:52:29What was the point, we asked ourselves,
00:52:31of disrupting leisure time, continued Fred.
00:52:35No point at all, we answered ourselves.
00:52:37And of course, we'd have messed up people's revision too,
00:52:39which would be the very last thing we'd want to do.
00:52:42He gave Hermione a sanctimonious little nod.
00:52:45She looked rather taken aback by his thoughtfulness.
00:52:47But it's business as usual from tomorrow, Fred continued briskly.
00:52:51And if we're going to be causing a bit of uproar,
00:52:53why not do it so that Harry can have his chat with Sirius?
00:52:57Yes, but still, said Hermione,
00:52:59with an air of explaining something very simple to somebody very obtuse.
00:53:03Even if you do cause a diversion, how is Harry supposed to talk to him?
00:53:07Umbridge's office, said Harry quietly.
00:53:09He had been thinking about it for a fortnight and could come up with no alternative.
00:53:13Umbridge herself had told him that the only fire that was not being watched was her own.
00:53:18Are you insane? said Hermione in a hushed voice.
00:53:21Ron had lowered his leaflet on jobs on the cultivated fungus trade,
00:53:25and was watching the conversation warily.
00:53:27I don't think so, said Harry shrugging.
00:53:30And how are you going to get in there in the first place?
00:53:32Harry was ready for this question.
00:53:34Sirius is knife, he said.
00:53:36Excuse me?
00:53:37Christmas before last, Sirius gave me a knife that'll open any lock, said Harry.
00:53:41So even if she's bewitched the door, so a la Homura won't work, which I bet she has.
00:53:47What do you think about this? Hermione demanded of Ron.
00:53:50And Harry was reminded irresistibly of Mrs Weasley
00:53:53appealing to her husband during Harry's first dinner in Grimauld Place.
00:53:56I don't know, said Ron, looking alarmed at being asked to give an opinion.
00:53:59If Harry wants to do it, it's up to him, isn't it?
00:54:02Spoken like a true friend and Weasley, said Fred, clapping Ron hard on the back.
00:54:07Right then, we're thinking of doing it tomorrow, just after lessons,
00:54:10because it should cause maximum impact if everybody's in the corridors.
00:54:14Harry will set it off in the east wing somewhere.
00:54:16Draw her right away from her own office.
00:54:19I reckon we should be able to guarantee you, what, 20 minutes?
00:54:22He said, looking at George.
00:54:23Easy, said George.
00:54:25What sort of diversion is it? asked Ron.
00:54:27You'll see, little bro, said Fred, as he and George got up again.
00:54:30At least you will if you trot along to Gregory,
00:54:33the Smarmy's Corridor, around about five o'clock tomorrow.
00:54:37Harry awoke very early the next day,
00:54:40feeling almost as anxious as he had done on the morning of his disciplinary hearing
00:54:43at the Ministry of Magic.
00:54:45It was not only the prospect of breaking into Umbridge's office
00:54:48and using her fire to speak to Sirius that was making him feel nervous.
00:54:52Though that was certainly bad enough.
00:54:54Today also happened to be the first time Harry would be in close proximity to Snape,
00:54:58since Snape had thrown him out of his office.
00:55:00After lying in bed for a while, thinking about the day ahead,
00:55:03Harry got up very quietly and moved across to the window beside Neville's bed,
00:55:07and stared out onto a truly glorious morning.
00:55:10The sky was a clear, misty, opalescent blue.
00:55:13Directly ahead of him, Harry could see the towering beech tree below,
00:55:16which his father had once tormented Snape.
00:55:19He was not sure what Sirius could possibly say to him
00:55:22that would make up for what he had seen in the Pensieve,
00:55:24but he was desperate to hear Sirius's own account of what had happened,
00:55:28to know of any mitigating factors there might have been,
00:55:31any excuse at all for his father's behaviour.
00:55:34Something caught Harry's attention.
00:55:36Movement in the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
00:55:38Harry squinted into the sun and saw Hagrid emerging from between the trees.
00:55:42He seemed to be limping.
00:55:43As Harry watched, Hagrid staggered to the door of his cabin and disappeared inside it.
00:55:48Harry watched the cabin for several minutes.
00:55:50Hagrid did not emerge again, but smoke furled from the chimney.
00:55:54Sir Hagrid could not be so badly injured that he was unequal to stoking the fire.
00:55:58Harry turned away from the window, headed back to the trunk, and started to dress.
00:56:03With the prospect of forcing entry into Umbridge's office ahead,
00:56:06Harry had never expected the day to be a restful one,
00:56:09but he had not reckoned on Hermione's almost continual attempts
00:56:11to dissuade him from what he was planning to do at five o'clock.
00:56:15For the first time ever, she was at least as inattentive to Professor Binns in History of Magic
00:56:20as Harry and Ron were, keeping up a stream of whispered admonitions
00:56:24that Harry tried very hard to ignore.
00:56:26And if she does catch you there, apart from being expelled,
00:56:29she'll be able to guess you've been talking to Snuffles,
00:56:31and this time I expect she'll force you to drink Veritaserum and answer her questions.
00:56:36Hermione, said Ron in a low and indignant voice,
00:56:38are you going to stop telling Harry off and listen to Binns,
00:56:41or am I going to have to take my own notes?
00:56:44You take notes for a change, it won't kill you.
00:56:46By the time they reached the dungeons,
00:56:48neither Harry nor Ron were speaking to Hermione.
00:56:51Undeterred, she took advantage of their silence
00:56:53to maintain an uninterrupted flow of dire warnings,
00:56:56all uttered under her breath in a vehement hiss
00:56:59that caused Seamus to waste five whole minutes checking his cauldron for leaks.
00:57:03Snape, meanwhile, seemed to have decided to act as though Harry were invisible.
00:57:07Harry was, of course, well used to this tactic,
00:57:10as it was one of Uncle Vernon's favourites,
00:57:12and on the whole was grateful he had to suffer nothing worse.
00:57:16In fact, compared to what he usually had to endure from Snape,
00:57:19in a way of taunts and snide remarks,
00:57:21he found the new approach something of an improvement,
00:57:23and was pleased to find that when left well alone,
00:57:25he was able to concoct an invigoration draft quite easily.
00:57:29At the end of the lesson, he scooped some of the potion into a flask,
00:57:32corked it, and took it up to Snape's desk for marking,
00:57:35feeling that he might at least have scraped an E.
00:57:38He had just turned away when he heard a smashing noise.
00:57:40Malfoy gave a gleeful yell of laughter.
00:57:43Harry whipped around, his potion sample laying pieces on the floor,
00:57:46and Snape was watching him with a look of gloating pleasure.
00:57:50Whoops, he said softly, another zero then, Potter.
00:57:53Harry was too incensed to speak.
00:57:55He strode back to his cauldron,
00:57:56intending to fill another flask and force Snape to mark it,
00:57:59but saw to his horror that the rest of the contents had vanished.
00:58:03I'm sorry, said Hermione, with her hands over her mouth.
00:58:05I'm really sorry, Harry.
00:58:07I thought you'd finished, so I cleared up.
00:58:09Harry could not bring himself to answer.
00:58:11When the bell rang, he hurried out of the dungeon without a backwards glance,
00:58:14and made sure that he found himself a seat between Neville and Seamus for lunch,
00:58:18so that Hermione could not start nagging him again about using Umbridge's office.
00:58:22He was in such a bad mood by the time he got to Divination,
00:58:25that he had quite forgotten his careers appointment with Professor McGonagall,
00:58:29remembering it only when Ron asked him why he wasn't in her office.
00:58:32He hurtled back upstairs and arrived out of breath only a few minutes late.
00:58:37Sorry, Professor, he panted as he closed the door.
00:58:40I forgot!
00:58:42No matter, Potter, she said briskly, but as she spoke somebody else sniffed from the corner.
00:58:46Harry looked around.
00:58:48Professor Umbridge was sitting there, a clipboard on her knee,
00:58:51a fussy little pie frill around her neck, and a small, horribly smug smile on her face.
00:58:56Sit down, Potter, said Professor McGonagall tersely.
00:58:59Her hand shook slightly as she shuffled the many pamphlets littering her desk.
00:59:03Harry sat down with his back to Umbridge and did his best to pretend
00:59:07he could not hear the scratching of her quill on her clipboard.
00:59:10Well, Potter, this meeting is to talk over any career ideas you might have,
00:59:14and to help you decide which subjects you should continue into sixth and seventh years,
00:59:20said Professor McGonagall.
00:59:21Have you had any thoughts about what you might like to do after you leave Hogwarts?
00:59:26Er, said Harry.
00:59:27He was finding the scratching noise from behind him very distracting.
00:59:31Yes, Professor McGonagall prompted Harry.
00:59:33Yeah, well, I thought of maybe being an Auror, Harry mumbled.
00:59:37You'd need top grades for that, said Professor McGonagall,
00:59:40extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass of her desk and opening it.
00:59:44They ask for a minimum of five newts, and nothing under exceeds expectations grade, I see.
00:59:50Then you would be required to undergo a stringent series of character
00:59:54and aptitude tests at the Auror office.
00:59:56It's a difficult career path, Potter.
00:59:58They only take the best.
01:00:00In fact, I don't think anybody has been taken on in the last three years.
01:00:05At this moment, Professor Umbridge gave a very tiny cough,
01:00:08as though she was trying to see how quietly she could do it.
01:00:11Professor McGonagall ignored her.
01:00:13You'll want to know which subjects you ought to take, I suppose, she went on,
01:00:17talking a little louder than before.
01:00:19Yes, said Harry.
01:00:21Defence against the dark arts, I suppose.
01:00:23Naturally, said Professor McGonagall crisply.
01:00:26I would also advise.
01:00:27Professor Umbridge gave another cough.
01:00:29A little more audible this time.
01:00:31Professor McGonagall closed her eyes for a moment, opened them again,
01:00:34and continued as though nothing had happened.
01:00:37I would also advise transfiguration,
01:00:39because Aurors frequently need to transfigure or untransfigure in their work.
01:00:44And I ought to tell you now, Potter, that I do not accept students into my newt classes
01:00:48unless they have achieved exceeds expectations or higher at ordinary wizarding level.
01:00:54I'd see your averaging acceptable at the moment,
01:00:56so you'll need to put in some good hard work before the exams to stand a chance of continuing.
01:01:01Then you ought to do charms, also useful, and potions.
01:01:05Yes, Potter, potions, she added, with the merest flicker of a smile.
01:01:10Poisons and antidotes are essential study for Aurors,
01:01:13and I must tell you that Professor Sneap absolutely refuses to take students
01:01:17who get anything other than outstanding in their owls.
01:01:19So Professor Umbridge gave her most pronounced cough yet.
01:01:23May I offer you a cough-drop, Dolores?
01:01:26Professor McGonagall asked curtly, without looking at Professor Umbridge.
01:01:30Oh no, thank you very much, said Umbridge, with that simpering laugh Harry hated so much.
01:01:36I just wondered whether I could make the teeniest interruption manoeuvre.
01:01:40I dare say you'll find you can, said Professor McGonagall, through tightly gritted teeth.
01:01:45I was just wondering whether Mr Potter has quite the temperament for an Auror,
01:01:49said Professor Umbridge sweetly.
01:01:51Were you, said Professor McGonagall haughtily.
01:01:54Well, Potter, she continued, as though there had been no interruption.
01:01:58If you are serious in this ambition, I would advise you to concentrate hard
01:02:01on bringing your transfiguration and potions up to scratch.
01:02:05I see Professor Flitwick has graded you between acceptable
01:02:08and exceeds expectations for the last two years.
01:02:11So your charm work seems satisfactory.
01:02:13As for Defence Against the Dark Arts, your marks have been generally high.
01:02:17Professor Lupin in particular thought you,
01:02:20Are you quite sure you wouldn't like a cough drop, Dolores?
01:02:23Oh, no need, thank you, Minerva, simpered Professor Umbridge,
01:02:27who had just coughed her loudest yet.
01:02:29I was just concerned that you might not have Harry's most
01:02:31recent Defence Against the Dark Arts marks in front of you.
01:02:34I'm quite sure I slipped in a note.
01:02:36What, this thing, said Professor McGonagall in a tone of revulsion,
01:02:40as she pulled a sheet of pink parchment from between the leaves of Harry's folder.
01:02:44She glanced down it, her eyebrows slightly raised,
01:02:46and then placed it back into the folder without comment.
01:02:50Yes, as I was seeing Potter, Professor Lupin thought you
01:02:53showed a pronounced aptitude for the subject and obviously for an aura.
01:02:57Did you not understand my note, Minerva?
01:02:59Asked Professor Umbridge in honeyed tones, quite forgetting to cough.
01:03:03Of course I understood it, said Professor McGonagall,
01:03:05her teeth clenched so tightly the words came out a little muffled.
01:03:09Well then, I am confused.
01:03:10I'm afraid I don't quite understand how you can give Mr Potter false hope that...
01:03:14False hoop, repeated Professor McGonagall,
01:03:17still refusing to look around at Professor Umbridge.
01:03:20He has achieved high marks in all his Defence Against the Dark Arts tests.
01:03:24I'm terribly sorry to have to contradict you, Minerva,
01:03:26but as you will see from my note,
01:03:28Harry has been achieving very poor results in his classes with me.
01:03:32I should have made my meaning plainer, said Professor McGonagall,
01:03:36turning at last to look at Umbridge directly in the eyes.
01:03:39He has achieved high marks in all Defence Against the Dark Arts tests,
01:03:43set by a competent teacher.
01:03:45Professor Umbridge's smile vanished as suddenly as a light bulb blowing.
01:03:49She sat back in her chair, turned a sheet on her clipboard,
01:03:52and began scribbling very fast indeed,
01:03:54her bulging eyes rolling from side to side.
01:03:57Professor McGonagall turned back to Harry,
01:03:59her thin nostrils flared, her eyes burning.
01:04:02Any questions, Potter?
01:04:04Yes, said Harry.
01:04:05What sort of character and aptitude tests do the Ministry do on you,
01:04:08if you get enough newts?
01:04:10Well, you'll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure,
01:04:14and so forth, said Professor McGonagall,
01:04:16perseverance and dedication,
01:04:18because aura training takes a further three years,
01:04:21not to mention very high skills in practical defence.
01:04:24It will mean a lot more study even after you've left school,
01:04:26so unless you're prepared to...
01:04:29I think you'll also find, said Umbridge,
01:04:31her voice very cold now,
01:04:32that the Ministry looks into the records of those applying to be auras,
01:04:36their criminal records.
01:04:38Unless you're prepared to take even more exams after Hogwarts,
01:04:41you should really look at another,
01:04:42which means that this boy has as much chance of becoming an aura
01:04:46as Dumbledore has of ever returning to this school.
01:04:48A very good chance then, said Professor McGonagall.
01:04:51Potter has a criminal record, said Umbridge loudly.
01:04:54Potter has been cleared of all charges, said McGonagall even more loudly.
01:04:59Professor Umbridge stood up.
01:05:00She was so short that this did not make a great deal of difference,
01:05:04but her fussy, simpering demeanour had given place to a hard fury
01:05:08that made her broad, flabby face look oddly sinister.
01:05:11Potter has no chance whatsoever of becoming an aura.
01:05:15Professor McGonagall got to her feet too,
01:05:17and in her case, this was a much more impressive move.
01:05:20She towered over Professor Umbridge.
01:05:22Potter, she said in ringing tones,
01:05:24I will assist you to become an aura if it is the last thing I do.
01:05:28If I have to coach you nightly, I will make sure you achieve the required results.
01:05:32The Minister for Magic will never employ Harry Potter, said Umbridge,
01:05:36her voice rising furiously.
01:05:38There may well be a new Minister for Magic by the time Potter is ready to join,
01:05:43shouted Professor McGonagall.
01:05:44Aha, shrieked Professor Umbridge, pointing a stubby finger at McGonagall.
01:05:48Yes, yes, yes, yes, of course, that's what you want, isn't it, Minerva McGonagall?
01:05:52You want Cornelius Fudge replaced by Albus Dumbledore?
01:05:55You think you'll be where I am, don't you?
01:05:57Senior Under-Secretary to the Minister and Headmistress to boot?
01:06:01You are raving, said Professor McGonagall, superbly disdainful.
01:06:05Potter, that includes our, that concludes our careers consultation.
01:06:10Harry swung his bag over his shoulder and hurried out of the room,
01:06:13not daring to look at Professor Umbridge.
01:06:15He could hear her and Professor McGonagall continuing to shout at each other,
01:06:18all the way back along the corridor.
01:06:20Professor Umbridge was still breathing, as though she had just run a race,
01:06:24when she strode into their Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson that afternoon.
01:06:28I hope you've thought better of what you're planning to do, Harry, Hermione whispered,
01:06:33the moment they had opened their books to Chapter 34, Non-Retaliation and Negotiation.
01:06:38Umbridge looks like she's in a really bad mood already.
01:06:41Every now and then, Umbridge shot glowering looks at Harry,
01:06:44who kept his head down, staring at Defensive Magical Theory, his eyes unfocused, thinking.
01:06:49He could just imagine Professor McGonagall's reaction,
01:06:51if he was caught trespassing in Professor Umbridge's office,
01:06:54mere hours after she had vouched for him.
01:06:56There was nothing to stop him simply going back to Gryffindor Tower,
01:06:59and hoping that sometime during the next summer holidays,
01:07:01he would have a chance to ask Sirius about the scene he had witnessed in the Pensieve.
01:07:05Nothing, except that the thought of taking this sensible course of action,
01:07:09made him feel as though a lead waiter dropped into his stomach.
01:07:12And then there was the matter of Fred and George, whose diversion was already planned.
01:07:16Not to mention the knife Sirius had given him,
01:07:19which was currently residing in his school bag, along with his father's old invisibility cloak.
01:07:23But the fact remained that if he was caught,
01:07:26Dumbledore sacrificed himself to help you in school, Harry, whispered Hermione,
01:07:31raising her book to hide her face from Umbridge.
01:07:33And if you get thrown out today, it will have all been for nothing.
01:07:37He could abandon the plan, and simply learn to live with the memory
01:07:40of what his father had done on a summer's day, more than twenty years ago.
01:07:44And then he remembered Sirius and the fire upstairs in the Gryffindor common room.
01:07:47You're less like your father than I thought.
01:07:49The risk would have been what made it fun for James.
01:07:54But did he want to be like his father any more?
01:07:56Harry, don't do it, please don't do it, Hermione said in an anguished tone,
01:08:00as the bell rang at the end of the class.
01:08:02He did not answer.
01:08:03He did not know what to do.
01:08:05Ron seemed determined to give neither his opinion nor his advice.
01:08:08He would not look at Harry.
01:08:10Though when Hermione opened her mouth to try dissuading Harry some more,
01:08:13he said in a low voice,
01:08:15Give it a rest, okay?
01:08:16He can make up his own mind.
01:08:18Harry's heart beat very fast as he left the classroom.
01:08:21He was halfway along the corridor,
01:08:23outside when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a diversion going off in the distance.
01:08:27There were screams and yells reverberating from somewhere above them.
01:08:31People exiting the classrooms all around Harry were stopping in their tracks
01:08:36and looking up at the ceiling fearfully.
01:08:38Umbridge came pelting out of her classroom as fast as her short legs would carry her,
01:08:42pulling out her wand.
01:08:43She hurried off in the opposite direction.
01:08:46It was now or never.
01:08:47Harry, please, Hermione pleaded weakly.
01:08:50But he had made up his mind.
01:08:52Hitching his bag more securely onto his shoulder,
01:08:54he set off at a run,
01:08:55weaving in and out of students,
01:08:57now hurrying in the opposite direction,
01:08:58to see what all the fuss was about in the east wing.
01:09:02Harry reached the corridor to Umbridge's office and found it deserted.
01:09:05Dashing behind a large suit of armor,
01:09:07whose helmet creaked around to watch him,
01:09:09he pulled open his bag,
01:09:10seized Sirius's knife and donned the invisibility cloak.
01:09:13He then crept slowly and carefully back out from behind the suit of armor
01:09:17and along the corridor until he reached Umbridge's door.
01:09:20He inserted the blade of the magical knife into the crack around it
01:09:23and moved it gently up and down,
01:09:25then withdrew it.
01:09:26There was a tiny click and the door swung open.
01:09:28He ducked inside the office,
01:09:30closed the door quickly behind him
01:09:32and looked around.
01:09:33Nothing was moving except the horrible kittens
01:09:35that were still frolicking on the wall plates
01:09:38above the confiscated broomsticks.
01:09:40Harry pulled off his cloak
01:09:41and striding over to the fireplace,
01:09:43found what he was looking for within seconds,
01:09:45a small box containing a glittering flue powder.
01:09:48He crouched down in front of the empty grate,
01:09:50his hands shaking.
01:09:51He had never done this before,
01:09:52though he thought he knew how it must work.
01:09:54Sticking his head into the fireplace,
01:09:56he took a large pinch of powder
01:09:58and dropped it onto the logs stacked neatly beneath him.
01:10:01They exploded at once into emerald green flames.
01:10:05Number 12.
01:10:06Grimoire Place,
01:10:07Harry said loudly and clearly.
01:10:08It was one of the most curious sensations he had ever experienced.
01:10:11He had travelled by flue powder before, of course,
01:10:14but then it had been his entire body that had spun around and around in the flames
01:10:18through the network of wizarding fireplaces
01:10:20that stretched over the country.
01:10:21This time his knees remained firm upon the cold floor
01:10:24of Umbridge's office,
01:10:25and only his head hurtled through the emerald fire.
01:10:28And then, as abruptly as it had begun,
01:10:30the spinning stopped.
01:10:31Feeling rather sick and as though he was wearing
01:10:33an exceptionally hot muffler around his head,
01:10:36Harry opened his eyes to find that he was looking up,
01:10:38out of the kitchen fireplace at the long wooden table,
01:10:41where a man sat pouring over a piece of parchment.
01:10:45The man jumped and looked around.
01:10:47It was not Sirius, but Lupin.
01:10:49Harry, he said, looking thoroughly shocked.
01:10:51What are you?
01:10:52What's happened?
01:10:53Is everything all right?
01:10:54Yes, said Harry.
01:10:55I just wondered.
01:10:56I mean, I just fancied a chat with Sirius.
01:10:59I'll call him, said Lupin, getting to his feet,
01:11:01still looking perplexed.
01:11:03He went upstairs to look for Creature.
01:11:05He seems to be hiding in the attic again.
01:11:07And Harry saw Lupin hurry out of the kitchen.
01:11:10Now he was left with nothing to look at but the chair and table legs.
01:11:13He wondered why Sirius had never mentioned
01:11:15how very uncomfortable it was to speak out of the fire.
01:11:18His knees were already objecting painfully to their prolonged contact
01:11:21with Umbridge's hard stone floor.
01:11:24Lupin returned with Sirius at his heels moments later.
01:11:27What is it, said Sirius urgently,
01:11:29sweeping his long dark hair out of his eyes
01:11:31and dropping to the ground in front of the fire,
01:11:33so that he and Harry were on a level.
01:11:35Lupin knelt down too, looking very concerned.
01:11:37Are you all right?
01:11:38Do you need help?
01:11:39No, said Harry.
01:11:40It's nothing like that.
01:11:41I just wanted to talk about my dad.
01:11:45They exchanged a look of great surprise,
01:11:47but Harry did not have time to feel awkward or embarrassed.
01:11:49His knees were becoming soarer by the second,
01:11:51and he guessed five minutes had already passed from the start of the diversion.
01:11:55George had only guaranteed him twenty.
01:11:57He therefore plunged immediately into the story of what he had seen in the Pensieve.
01:12:01When he had finished, neither Sirius nor Lupin spoke for a moment.
01:12:04Then Lupin said quietly,
01:12:06I wouldn't like you to judge your father on what you saw there, Harry.
01:12:09He was only fifteen.
01:12:11I'm fifteen, said Harry heatedly.
01:12:14Look, Harry, said Sirius placatingly.
01:12:17James and Snape hated each other.
01:12:19From the moment they set eyes on each other.
01:12:20It was just one of those things.
01:12:22You can understand that, can't you?
01:12:23I think James was everything Snape wanted to be.
01:12:26He was popular.
01:12:26He was good at Quidditch.
01:12:28Good at pretty much everything.
01:12:29And Snape was just this little oddball who was up to his eyes in the dark arts.
01:12:33And James, whatever else he may have appeared to you, Harry, always hated the dark arts.
01:12:37Yeah, said Harry.
01:12:38But he just attacked Snape for no good reason.
01:12:41Just because, well, just because you said you were bored, he finished,
01:12:44with a slightly apologetic note in his voice.
01:12:47I'm not proud of it, said Sirius quickly.
01:12:49Lupin looked sideways at Sirius and then said,
01:12:52Look, Harry, what you've got to understand is that your father and Sirius
01:12:55were the best in the school at whatever they did.
01:12:57Everyone thought they were the height of cool.
01:12:59If they sometimes got a bit carried away.
01:13:01If we were sometimes arrogant little burks, you mean, said Sirius.
01:13:05Lupin smiled.
01:13:06He kept messing up his hair, said Harry in a pained voice.
01:13:09Sirius and Lupin laughed.
01:13:11I'd forgotten he used to do that, said Sirius affectionately.
01:13:15Was he playing with the snitch, said Lupin eagerly?
01:13:18Yeah, said Harry, watching uncomprehendingly as Sirius and Lupin beamed reminiscently.
01:13:22Well, I thought he was a bit of an idiot.
01:13:25Of course he was a bit of an idiot, said Sirius bracingly.
01:13:27We were all idiots.
01:13:28Well, not Moony so much, he said fairly, looking at Lupin.
01:13:32But Lupin shook his head.
01:13:34Did I ever tell you to lay off Snape, he said?
01:13:36Did I ever have the guts to tell you I thought you were out of order?
01:13:40Yeah, well, said Sirius.
01:13:41You made us feel ashamed of ourselves sometimes.
01:13:43That was something.
01:13:44And, said Harry doggedly, determined to say everything that was on his mind now he was here.
01:13:49He kept looking over at the girls by the lake, hoping they were watching him.
01:13:53Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around, said Sirius shrugging.
01:13:58He couldn't stop himself showing off whenever he got near her.
01:14:01How come she married him, Harry asked miserably.
01:14:03She hated him.
01:14:05No, she didn't, said Sirius.
01:14:06She started going out with him in the seventh year, said Lupin.
01:14:10Once James had deflated his head a bit, said Sirius.
01:14:14And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it, said Lupin.
01:14:16Even Snape, said Harry.
01:14:18Well, said Lupin slowly, Snape was a special case.
01:14:21I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James.
01:14:24So you couldn't really expect James to take that lying down, could you?
01:14:27And my mum was okay with that.
01:14:29She didn't know too much about it, to tell the truth, said Sirius.
01:14:32I mean, James didn't take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?
01:14:36Sirius frowned at Harry, who was still looking unconvinced.
01:14:41Look, he said, your father was the best friend I ever had and he was a good person.
01:14:44A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen.
01:14:47He grew out of it.
01:14:48Yeah, okay, said Harry heavily.
01:14:50I just never thought I'd feel sorry for Snape.
01:14:52Now you mention it, said Lupin, a faint crease between his eyebrows.
01:14:56How did Snape react when he found you'd seen all this?
01:15:00He told me he'd never teach me oculomancy again, said Harry indifferently.
01:15:04Like that's a big disappointment.
01:15:05He what, shouted Sirius, causing Harry to jump and inhale a mouthful of ashes.
01:15:10Are you serious, Harry, said Lupin quickly.
01:15:12He stopped giving you lessons?
01:15:14Yes, said Harry, surprised at what he considered a great overreaction.
01:15:18But it's okay, I don't care.
01:15:19It's a bit of a relief to tell you that I'm coming up there to have a word with Snape,
01:15:22said Sirius forcefully, and he actually made to stand up.
01:15:26But Lupin wrenched him back down again.
01:15:28If anyone's going to tell Snape, it will be me, he said firmly.
01:15:31But Harry, first of all, you're going to go back to Snape and tell him that
01:15:35on no account is he to stop giving you lessons.
01:15:37When Dumbledore hears...
01:15:39I can't tell him that.
01:15:40He'd kill me, said Harry, outraged.
01:15:42You didn't see him when we got out of the Pensieve.
01:15:45Harry, there is nothing so important as you learning oculomancy, said Lupin sternly.
01:15:49Do you understand me?
01:15:52Okay, okay, said Harry, thoroughly discomposed, not to mention annoyed.
01:15:56I'll try and say something to him, but it won't be...
01:15:59He fell silent.
01:16:00He could hear distant footsteps.
01:16:02Is that creature coming downstairs?
01:16:04No, said Sirius, glancing behind him.
01:16:07Must be somebody your end.
01:16:08Harry's heart skipped several beats.
01:16:10I'd better go, he said hastily, and pulled his head backwards out of grim old place fire.
01:16:15For a moment his head seemed to be revolving on his shoulders.
01:16:18Then he found himself kneeling in front of Umbridge's fire,
01:16:20with it firmly back on, and watching the emerald flames flicker and die.
01:16:24Quickly, quickly, he heard a wheezy voice mutter right outside the office door.
01:16:28Ah, she's left it open.
01:16:30Harry dived for the invisibility cloak and had just managed to pull it back over himself,
01:16:34when Filch burst into the office.
01:16:36He looked absolutely delighted about something,
01:16:38and was talking to himself feverishly as he crossed the room,
01:16:42pulled open a drawer in Umbridge's desk, and began rifling through the papers inside it.
01:16:46Approval for whipping!
01:16:48Approval for whipping!
01:16:49I can do it at last!
01:16:51They've had it coming to them for years!
01:16:53He pulled out a piece of parchment, kissed it,
01:16:56then shuffled rapidly back out of the door, clutching it to his chest.
01:17:00Harry leapt to his feet, and making sure he had his bag
01:17:03and that invisibility cloak was completely covering him,
01:17:05he wrenched open the door and hurried out of the office after Filch,
01:17:08who was hobbling along faster than Harry had ever seen him go.
01:17:12One landing down from Umbridge's office, Harry thought it was safe to become visible again.
01:17:16He pulled off the cloak, shoved it into his bag and hurried onwards.
01:17:20There was a great deal of shouting and movement coming from the entrance hall.
01:17:24He ran down the marble staircase and found what looked like most of the school assembled there.
01:17:29It was just like the night when Trelawney had been sacked.
01:17:32Students were standing all around the walls in a great ring,
01:17:34some of them, Harry noticed, covered in substance that looked very like stink sap.
01:17:39Teachers and ghosts were also in the crowd.
01:17:41Prominent among the onlookers were members of the Inquisitorial Squad,
01:17:44who were all looking exceptionally pleased with themselves,
01:17:47and Peeves, who was bobbing overhead, gazed down at Fred and George,
01:17:51who stood in the middle of the floor with the unmistakable look of two people
01:17:54who had just been cornered.
01:17:56So, said Umbridge triumphantly,
01:17:58Harry realised she was standing just a few stairs in front of him,
01:18:02once more looking down upon her prey.
01:18:04So, you think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?
01:18:09Pretty amusing, yeah, said Fred,
01:18:11looking up at her without the slightest sign of fear.
01:18:14Filch elbowed his way closer to Umbridge, almost crying with happiness.
01:18:18I've got the form, headmistress, he said hoarsely,
01:18:21waving the piece of parchment Harry had just seen him take from her desk.
01:18:24I've got the form, and I've got the whips waiting.
01:18:27Oh, let me do it now.
01:18:29Very good, Argus, she said.
01:18:31You two, she went on, gazing down at Fred and George,
01:18:34are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in any school.
01:18:39My school.
01:18:40You know what, said Fred, I don't think we are.
01:18:43He turned to his twin.
01:18:44George, said Fred, I think we've outgrown full-time education.
01:18:48Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself, said George lightly.
01:18:51Time to test our talents in the real world.
01:18:53Do you reckon, asked Fred.
01:18:55Definitely, said George, and before Umbridge could say a word,
01:18:58they raised their wands and said together,
01:19:00Accio, brooms!
01:19:02Harry heard a loud crash somewhere in the distance.
01:19:05Looking to his left, he ducked just in time.
01:19:07Fred and George's broomsticks, one still tailing and trailing in the heavy chain,
01:19:12an iron peg from which Umbridge had fastened them to the wall,
01:19:16were hurtling along the corridor towards their owners.
01:19:18They turned left, streaked down the stairs and stopped sharply in front of the twins,
01:19:22the chain clattering loudly on the flagstone floor.
01:19:27We won't be seeing you, Fred told Professor Umbridge,
01:19:29swinging his leg over his broomstick.
01:19:31Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch, said George, mounting his own.
01:19:35Fred looked around at the assembled students, at the silent, watchful crowd.
01:19:39If anyone fancies buying a portable swamp, as demonstrated upstairs,
01:19:43come to number 93, Diagon Alley.
01:19:46Weasleys, wizard, wheezes, he said in a loud voice.
01:19:49Our new premises.
01:19:51Special discounts to Hogwarts students,
01:19:53who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat,
01:19:56added George, pointing at Professor Umbridge.
01:19:59Stop them, shrieked Umbridge.
01:20:01But it was too late.
01:20:02As the inquisitorial squad closed in, Fred and George kicked off from the floor,
01:20:06shooting 15 feet into the air, the iron peg swinging dangerously below.
01:20:11Fred looked across the hall at the poltergeist bobbing on his level above the crowd.
01:20:16Give her hell from us, Peeves.
01:20:18And Peeves, who Harry had never seen take an order from a student before,
01:20:22swept his belled hat from his head and sprang to a salute,
01:20:26as Fred and George wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below,
01:20:31and sped out of the open front doors into the glorious sunset.
