House Of The Dragon Season 3_ Why Daemon Sees Daenerys and Jon Snow
00:00Welcome back everyone it's Charlie the house the dragon showrunner was talking about Damon's
00:11visions and how the meant to influence the events of season three and season four and
00:16how some of the things he said changes the context of what the different visions are
00:20and how green seer magic in Helena's dragon dreams magic work in the world of game of
00:26thrones like they're changing a little bit about way all these powers work.
00:29They also specifically answered a lot of crazy theories that people had about Daenerys Targaryen
00:34in why Damon saw her specifically in the vision in not Jon Snow for example or like the second
00:40long night or the night King even just because there are so many different things that he
00:44could have seen in those visions.
00:46So there was a lot of confusion about what the show was trying to say like if they were
00:49saying that Daenerys was ultimately meant to be the princess who was promised in Jon
00:53Snow was not the prince who was promised the showrunner came out and clarified all
00:57those details.
00:58So will break it all down as is the case with a lot of visions and prophecies in the world
01:03of game of thrones.
01:04They're often misinterpreted really good example that in present day of the main show right
01:08now is Rhaenyra has already started to misinterpret Aegon's prophecy about the second long night.
01:14So I'll explain what the showrunner said what theories that it confirms and what theories
01:17that he actually shot down most of what he said was actually pretty helpful.
01:22So if you're brand-new to the channel.
01:23Be sure to subscribe to get all the videos and for those you asking they're getting ready
01:27to film season three, but those episodes won't release until 2026 but speaking of the three
01:32eyed raven Brendan Rivers aka the blood raven.
01:35We will be getting night of the seven kingdoms episodes in 2025 probably sometime around
01:40the summer.
01:41I will be doing episode videos for that I've already been a much bigger trailer.
01:43So I'll link that at the end of this when we saw him in all the visions he's already
01:47become the three eyed raven, but he's like a younger version of the three eyed raven
01:51that we saw during the original game of thrones series will eventually see a much younger
01:55version of that character during night of the seven kingdoms before he goes north to
01:59the wall and becomes the three eyed raven, but during all Damon's visions he sees a bunch
02:04of different things.
02:05Some are a little clearer than others, but the showrunner confirmed a couple theories
02:09of mine about what was going on here exactly and why he was getting those visions specifically
02:14because the three eyed raven could have shown him literally anything.
02:17I know there were a couple details like Helena's presence inside the dream itself the visions
02:22themselves like she knew she was in the visions and she was communicating with Damon in real
02:26time while he was having those visions and she seemed like she had a level of control
02:30inside those visions like she slowly getting more and more powerful.
02:35So this is how the showrunner clarified all these different visions and what was happening
02:39during all these scenes he confirmed that Alice rivers have been trying to shepherd
02:43Damon back to the side of the children of the forest.
02:45The old gods the side of good basically the side of the three eyed raven who's got trying
02:49to orchestrate things from the future.
02:51So the timeline plays out in a beneficial kind of way for them and it is him using his
02:55green seer powers from the future to influence events and communicate with people in the
03:00past which we saw them do during the original game of thrones series.
03:04Everybody remembering Hodor hold the door because in present day of the show right now
03:09house the dragon Brendan rivers the three eyed raven has not actually been born yet.
03:13So like everything he's sending to Damon has to be from the future one of the main
03:18powers of green seers is the ability to see everything from the past that we're woods
03:23have seen which is why they can only see in proximity to actual we're woods the show sort
03:28of expanded on this and made it way more powerful of an ability, but the three eyed raven eventually
03:33brand anybody else that's a green seer can do what we saw them do during the original
03:37game of thrones series basically take a tour of the past.
03:41So that's how the three eyed raven is communicating with Damon here showing him these visions
03:46didn't explain too much specifically about how Alice rivers was a servant of the three
03:50eyed raven.
03:51She was mostly just a pawn as she said to Damon herself like I'm just a pawn like you
03:55are in this grand scheme of things, but essentially she is sort of serving the will of the three
04:00eyed raven there a lot of theories in the books that she's secretly a green seer the
04:05show could dig into this during season three we will see Alice rivers will be back on the
04:09show they clarify the reason why Damon was getting these visions in the first place
04:14was to be like the last linchpin in turning him towards the side of good like he kind
04:20of already gotten there mentally, but this was like the last piece in that step and they
04:24wanted to show him specifically how he would be tied to this beneficial outcome eventually
04:30like all these future important events that would have to play out and how Damon specifically
04:34would be connected to those.
04:36So was the three eyed raven specifically playing on Damon's ego in a sense of vanity
04:41showing him this is how you will influence this beneficial outcome.
04:46So everything Damon sees all the different visions in the people are either tied to his
04:51family like his direct line his bloodline or events that he is directly involved in
04:56which helps nail down when some of these events happen in the timeline because some of them
05:00are little confusing as to when they actually happen.
05:03So first off Damon is the grandfather of the three eyed raven here Brendan rivers a.k.a.
05:08the blood raven.
05:09So big part of all the visions is him showing Damon his direct family line like I said like
05:13his bloodline that will come from his and Rhaenyra's children the three eyed raven was
05:18born Brendan rivers a bastard of Aegon the fourth who was the son of Viserys the second
05:23this little guy here that we saw with Rhaena and his brother Aegon the third both of Damon's
05:29children with Rhaenyra.
05:30So that's why he sees the three eyed raven under this weirwood tree north of the wall
05:34first like he could have shown him any visions he didn't have to show him himself.
05:38But he wanted Damon to see that he looked like him like oh this guy looks like me.
05:42So remember this is him playing on Damon's ego.
05:45The reason why the raven comes out of his birthmark is because in the books the birthmark
05:49was the shape of a raven and because it's red blood colored.
05:53That's how Brendan rivers got the nickname the blood raven before he became three eyed
05:58They did confirm that Damon is meant to see the white Walker in the whites from the perspective
06:02of a direwolf.
06:03That's why the camera seems like it's loping here from perspective, but it's meant to be
06:07a vision of the future not a vision of the past in the reason why the white Walker looks
06:12different from the night King is because they wanted it to be a totally random white Walker.
06:17It's not supposed to be the night King himself is just meant to be a vision from later in
06:21the timeline sometime between the events of game of thrones season one in season seven
06:25when they march south of the wall like once they break through the wall all the dead dragons
06:30were meant to be different in the original storyboards for this vision.
06:34There was a much larger field of many many dead dragons not just like the two that you
06:38see here it was supposed to represent the larger metaphorical death of the dragons which
06:44is an actual event to that happens in the fire and blood books like there's an event
06:48called the death of the dragons that the maesters refer to, but also it's metaphorically just
06:52meant to show you the collateral damage from the dance the dragons all the deaths of the
06:58dragons themselves very very bad because if they were to go north of the wall right now
07:02and try and nuke the white walkers they could actually win pretty easily, but it's way harder
07:07to do that.
07:08If you do not have any dragons anymore.
07:10This vision also kind of gets into spoiler territory to some of the stuff will cover
07:14during season three and season four.
07:16So I don't want to talk too much about this, but it is tied to a specific event in the
07:20books called the death of the dragons.
07:22All those books are out right now you can go read that right now if you want to read
07:27I think what happened in the final version of the scene that they did they cheaped out
07:30just a little bit like they want to save some money.
07:33So the only just did two dragons instead of like a bunch of different dragons here.
07:37Then the showrunner didn't clarify which battle Damon is walking through here across all the
07:41dead bodies.
07:42If it was one of the battles from the dance the dragons in present day or was from later
07:46in the timeline like the battle of the trident from Roberts rebellion, but my guess is because
07:50most of these visions are meant to be linear in time for the most part not not everything,
07:55but some of them are meant to be linear.
07:56This is closer to the dance the dragons there a bunch of very bloody battles that we will
08:01see during season three and season four.
08:04So he felt like they were cheaping out on the really big battles during season two season
08:07three should be off the chain.
08:10Then they confirm my theory about why Damon falls into the lake and seemingly drowns is
08:14a reference to what Alice rivers has been telling him all season at Harrenhal that he's
08:18gonna die here near Harrenhal in the God's eye is all part of that grand battle they've
08:23been hyping up for a bunch of different characters between Damon and Eamon like both of them
08:28and other characters have been hyping up this big conflict between the two of them and Helena
08:32flat out telling Eamon that he's going to die at the God's eye you were swallowed up
08:39in the God's eye and you are never seen again.
08:43Now the showrunner played coy on if the prophecy in the books got Damon's ultimate fate wrong
08:49like if we talk about the timeline here we know what happens to Damon because we've already
08:52seen much later in the timeline, but the fire and blood book only says the Damon's body
08:57ultimately was never found.
08:59So the realm just assumed that he got like the maesters assume that he died because they
09:04never found the body, but you know the rule in all of stories.
09:08If you've ever seen any movie ever.
09:10If you don't see a body.
09:11There's no confirmed death.
09:13So I think that's them just leaving open the possibility that Damon has some other ultimate
09:17fate on the TV show that will see play out in season four.
09:21Then they confirmed that the red comet is the same one that we saw during the original
09:25game of thrones series just as Daenerys dragons were hatching a bunch of the different characters
09:29later in that timeline during the main show also had different interpretations for what
09:33the red comet actually meant.
09:36Most them believe that it's important of things to come like a time of great change
09:40like the herald of great change is just the different characters have different interpretations
09:44about what that change is going to be for instance Daenerys thinks that it looks like
09:49a dragon's tail because of her dragons Melisandre thinks that it's the herald in confirmation
09:54that Stannis is the prince who was promised Aeron Greyjoy just thinks that it's simply
10:00the herald of a new age, but that's why right after this the three-eyed raven shows Damon
10:05Daenerys's dragon eggs hatching on the funeral pyre basically the events of game of thrones
10:09season one episode 10 from behind because the actress was different.
10:13This is actually the actress that played because Emilia Clarke wasn't going to come back and
10:16do a cameo scene for the episode there a lot of theories about why he saw Daenerys and
10:22not Jon Snow or like the second long night.
10:24So people like why Daenerys specifically in nothing else from the future because there's
10:28a lot of big events the Damon could have seen here with the showrunner and the writer said
10:33is that they weren't trying to say that Daenerys was the princess who was promised in Jon Snow
10:38was not and that's why Jon Snow wasn't there is just that Damon was meant to be getting
10:42visions that would play on his ego like the three-eyed raven which is trying to show him
10:47that Daenerys would come from his bloodline and she be important in the future.
10:52It wasn't the three-eyed raven showing Damon.
10:54This is the princess who was promised this is the fulfillment of the prophecy.
10:58It was just a random vision of a very important person that would come along later from his
11:02bloodline the funny thing, though, is the showrunner did say the Damon misinterpreted
11:08the vision of Daenerys specifically because she's meant to look like him like he recognizes
11:14Oh, you look like me.
11:15You look like Rhaenyra my wife.
11:16So in this moment, Damon actually thinks that Daenerys is a child that he's gonna have with
11:20Rhaenyra sometime in the near future like will give birth to you in the near future
11:25which we know is wrong because she isn't born for almost a couple hundred years later.
11:29But if it wasn't clear both Daenerys and Jon Snow come from Damon and Rhaenyra's line.
11:35So like ultimately they are part of Damon's bloodline.
11:38So the show wasn't trying to make any kind of definitive statements about who the prince
11:43who was promised actually was like the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy.
11:47Personally I always thought that it was meant to be the combination of Jon Snow and Daenerys
11:51coming together like the fire and ice also the idea that Jon Snow is literally the son
11:56of both fire and ice.
11:59But I'm sure at some point maybe like the next hundred years.
12:01Hopefully George R. R. Martin will somehow nail that down in the next couple books.
12:06But the writers in the show and are said the last vision of Damon seeing Rhaenyra on the
12:10iron throne with her like adult Rhaenyra was meant to be a very clear indicator of the
12:14outcome that needed to happen in order for all these good things to come to pass sort
12:19like beating Damon in the face with the outcome that needed to happen like Rhaenyra needs
12:24to be on the iron throne.
12:26When it comes to Helena batmanning herself into Damon's vision in real time like she
12:31has control over some of these visions herself.
12:33The way the shoner explained it is that as time has gone by Helena has become more powerful
12:38in the sort of combining the way the dragon dreams work with the way the green seer powers
12:43work this is not something from the books like the way the books get into it.
12:47They make it seem like a completely different types of abilities and usually when you hear
12:51about people having dragon dreams there of things that happen in the future and typically
12:54in the books green seers only see things from the past, but on the show there simplifying
12:59that in Helena.
13:00For example, can see things all across the timeline and her powers work similar to green
13:06seer powers.
13:07Now I did a totally separate video earlier this season when they revealed all the different
13:11visions or not all them, but most of the visions that Helena's had in a lot of them are things
13:15that happen in the future like Jon Snow and Daenerys.
13:18So like Helena has watched all the original game of thrones DVDs like she seen everything
13:22that's can happen in the future and now apparently everything in the past as well to Helena.
13:27Could you please tell us how George R. Martin's books are going to end one of the other big
13:31things that they've changed about the house the dragon TV show from the original books
13:36is there bending the timeline a lot and changing when certain things happen in the timeline.
13:41I think mostly in service of keeping as many of the big main characters around for the
13:46entire show as long as possible for example, the fire and blood book that talks about the
13:51dance the dragons that they're adapting for the show goes on to explain what happens after
13:56a lot of the main characters are dead.
13:58But actually think the way the showrunner and the writers talk about the house the dragon
14:02show is that they're going to end with Rhaenyra's death and even though the books continue on
14:08with what happens after Rhaenyra dies they'll stop the show at that point just because they're
14:12treating Rhaenyra like she is the actual main character of the show and they confirm the
14:17season four is the final season the probably at least like one or two big deaths during
14:22season three, but I'm expecting them to save a lot like the real big deaths for the final
14:26season itself, but if there's any other questions you have about what's going on during season
14:31three or what was going on during Damon's visions that I didn't talk about in the video
14:34just write them below in the comments and I'll add them to my future bonus videos will
14:38probably get a bigger trailer for night of the seven kingdoms later this year to in early
14:42next year.
14:43Just based on the timeline of when they typically release big trailers like that everybody click
14:47here for the first big trailer for that and click here to learn what was going to happen
14:51in house the dragon season two episode nine and episode 10 before both of those episodes
14:55were deleted and they completely change the scripts.
14:58Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!