Who are they and what do you know about Shaolin Temple in Henan Province China Part 3

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Who are they and what do you know about Shaolin Temple in Henan Province China Part 3
00:00Who are they? And what do you know about Shaolin Temple in Hunan Province, China?
00:07Part 3. We continue to tell a stage of the life of Kung Fu in the Shaolin Temple.
00:14They believe that avoiding meat promotes mental clarity and physical health.
00:18Another important element of the daily life of the monks is the practice of Kung Fu.
00:24Kung Fu exercises serve not only to develop physical strength and skill,
00:28but also spiritual development. Monks believe that through the practice of Kung Fu,
00:33concentration is strengthened and self-discipline is improved.
00:37Architecture of the Shaolin Temple The Shaolin Temple consists of several
00:42buildings, including the Wushu Hall, which is dedicated to Kung Fu training, the Sutra Hall,
00:47which serves as a place for meditation and studying Buddhist texts, and the Mahavira Hall,
00:51which is reserved for the abbot and his monks. A special highlight of the temple is the Pagoda
00:56Forest, a collection of several dozen stone pagodas that were built over the centuries.
01:02Meaning of the Different Buildings and Statues in the Shaolin Temple
01:06The Shaolin Temple consists of a variety of buildings and statues,
01:09each with their own meaning and function. The Mahavira Hall is one of the most important
01:14buildings in the temple and serves as a place for Buddhist ceremonies and meditation.
01:19It also houses statues of Buddhist deities such as the Buddhist deity of compassion,
01:24Guan Yin. The Dharma Hall is another important building in the temple that serves as a place
01:29for Buddhist teachings and studies. It also houses statues of Buddhist masters such as Bodhidharma,
01:35the founder of Chan Buddhism and Shaolin Kung Fu. The Pagoda Forest is a cemetery that consists of
01:41over 240 stone and brick pagodas that were built over the centuries to house the ashes of deceased
01:47monks and benefactors of the temple. It is also a pilgrimage site and place of worship.
01:53Statues such as that of the Maitreya Buddha, known as the Buddha of the Future, can be found
01:58in many parts of the temple and symbolize the expectation of the Buddha's rebirth and attainment
02:02of enlightenment. The bronze statue of the Buddhist master Bodhidharma, regarded as the
02:08founder of Chan Buddhism and Shaolin Kung Fu, is another important symbol in the temple and a place
02:12of worship and prayer. Architecture of the Shaolin Temple
02:17The Shaolin Temple consists of several buildings, including the Wushu Hall,
02:21which is dedicated to Kung Fu training, the Sutra Hall, which serves as a place
02:25for meditation and studying Buddhist texts, and the Mahavira Hall, which is reserved for
02:30the abbot and his monks. A special highlight of the temple is the Pagoda Forest, a collection
02:35of several dozen stone pagodas that were built over the centuries.
02:39Meaning of the Different Buildings and Statues in the Shaolin Temple
02:44The Shaolin Temple consists of a variety of buildings and statues, each with their own
02:48meaning and function. The Mahavira Hall is one of the most important buildings in the temple and
02:53serves as a place for Buddhist ceremonies and meditation. It also houses statues of Buddhist
02:59deities such as the Buddhist deity of compassion, Guan Yin. The Dharma Hall is another important
03:04building in the temple that serves as a place for Buddhist teachings and studies. It also houses
03:10statues of Buddhist masters such as Bodhidharma, the founder of Chan Buddhism and Shaolin Kung Fu.
03:16The Pagoda Forest is a cemetery that consists of over 240 stone and brick pagodas that were
03:21built over the centuries to house the ashes of deceased monks and benefactors of the temple.
03:27It is also a pilgrimage site and place of worship.
03:31Statues such as that of the Maitreya Buddha, known as the Buddha of the Future, can be found
03:35in many parts of the temple and symbolize the expectation of the Buddha's rebirth and attainment
03:40of enlightenment. The bronze statue of the Buddhist master Bodhidharma, regarded as the
03:45founder of Chan Buddhism and Shaolin Kung Fu, is another important symbol in the temple and a place
03:50of worship and prayer. Abbot Shuri Yongshin and his leadership of the Shaolin Temple
03:56Abbot Shuri Yongshin is the current abbot of the Shaolin Temple and has played a significant role
04:01in the leadership and modernization of the temple in recent decades. He was appointed as the abbot
04:06of the temple in 1999 and has since introduced many changes and modernizations. Under the
04:12leadership of Abbot Shuri Yongshin, the Shaolin Temple has increased its public relations efforts
04:17and has developed into an important tourist destination. He has also ensured that the
04:22temple is better managed and organized by introducing internal rules and procedures.
04:28Abbot Shuri Yongshin has also ensured that the Shaolin Temple preserves its traditions and
04:32culture while also attempting to make it more accessible to the modern world.
04:36For example, he has ensured that the temple is better adapted to the needs of tourists and
04:41students by improving accommodations in training rooms. The leadership of Abbot Shuri Yongshin has
04:46also contributed to strengthening the reputation of the Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Kung Fu worldwide.
04:52He has ensured that the temple and its monks are present in many international events and media.
04:58Criticism of Abbot Shuri Yongshin Although Abbot Shuri Yongshin is praised for his
05:03leadership and modernization of the Shaolin Temple, he has also faced criticism. Some argue
05:09that he has betrayed the original spirit and traditions of the temple by commercializing
05:13it too much and focusing on profit instead of religious practices. There are also allegations
05:19of irregularities in regard to the management of the temple and its finances under his leadership.
05:25It is important to note that Abbot Shuri Yongshin's leadership of the Shaolin Temple
05:29is controversial and there are both positive and negative views on it.
05:33Everyone should form their own opinion and familiarize themselves with both sides of the
05:37argument. The Shaolin Temple and Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM
05:43The Shaolin Temple has a long history of connection with Traditional Chinese Medicine,
05:48TCM. Monks at the temple have been using TCM practices such as acupuncture,
05:53moxibustion, massage, and herbal medicine for centuries to maintain and improve their
05:57physical and mental health. The connection between Shaolin Kung Fu and TCM dates back
06:03to the Buddhist master Bodhidharma, who is believed to have come to China in the 6th
06:07century and introduced both Kung Fu exercises and medical techniques. He taught the monks at
06:12the Shaolin Temple how to use Kung Fu exercises and breathing techniques to improve their physical
06:17and mental health. The monks at the Shaolin Temple believe that combining Kung Fu exercises
06:22and TCM practices improves health and well-being by regulating energy in the body and activating
06:27the body's self-healing abilities. For example, Kung Fu exercises are used to improve circulation
06:33and energy flow in the body, while acupuncture and herbal medicine are used to relieve pain
06:38and treat illnesses. Today, the Shaolin Temple also offers courses and workshops in TCM practices
06:44in Shaolin Kung Fu, both for monks and visitors. There is also a department in the temple that
06:49focuses on the application of TCM practices for health, where visitors can receive treatments.
06:56Myths and Legends There are several myths and legends
06:59associated with the Shaolin Temple. Some of them include.
07:04The temple was founded by the Indian-Chinese monk Bodhidharma,
07:08who invented Kung Fu to protect his monks and strengthen their bodies.
07:12The temple has an underground chamber where the monks keep their secret techniques and weapons.
07:17The temple has a long history of resistance against the Chinese government and has survived
07:22many attacks over the centuries. The temple has a strong connection
07:27to Chinese secret services and has trained spies in the past.
07:31Monks at the Shaolin Temple have superhuman powers and can break walls with their bare hands.
07:36Monks at the Shaolin Temple can fly and stay in the air by controlling their energy.
07:42The Shaolin Temple is the only place where you can learn Kung Fu.
07:46Monks at the Shaolin Temple can heal their bodies in unbelievable ways and are immune
07:50to pain and diseases. The Shaolin Temple is a place where
07:54only men are allowed and women have no chance of learning Kung Fu.
07:58It is important to note that these myths and legends often contribute to the Shaolin Temple's
08:02mystical reputation, but they are generally not scientifically proven and should not be
08:06considered as facts, many of them are not true. Shaolin Temple was originally built in 495 in
08:13the Northern Wei Dynasty, 368-534. Thirty-two years later, an Indian monk named
08:20Bodhidharma arrived in Shaolin Monastery and from that time on, the temple was expanded
08:25gradually with increased monks and greatly boosted reputation.
08:29Bodhidharma is then the primary ancestor of Chan and hence, Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of
08:34Chan. For over 1500 years, Shaolin Temple has
08:39developed with twists and turns. The temple was firstly destroyed in the Northern Zhou Dynasty,
08:44557-581, due to the prohibition of Buddhism and was rebuilt dozens of years later but
08:51changed to name as Jihu Temple. Sui Dynasty, 581-618, was a period that Buddhism
08:58got a great development and the temple was renamed as Shaolin again which then became
09:02a large Buddhism monastery in North China with expanded territory endowed by the government.
09:07In early Tang Dynasty, 618-907, Shaolin Temple was well developed under preferable policies
09:14because of the great help offered by Shaolin monks to the Emperor Tang Taizong to exterminate
09:19separatist regimes while in later of Tang Dynasty, the Emperor Wuzong restricted the
09:23Buddhism that the temple was weakened again. The repaired somewhat in Song Dynasty, 960-1279,
09:30Shaolin Temple did not recover till 1312 in Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368. The Emperor assigned
09:38a monk to take charge of Shaolin Temple which was ordered a commander of other monasteries
09:42in Imtiazong area. As a result, a great many of monks came to Shaolin Temple to learn Shaolin
09:48martial arts and follow the Buddhism. Unfortunately in the later of the same dynasty, monks were
09:54scattered because of the peasant uprising. Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644, also made great contributions
10:01to the development of Shaolin Temple and according to historical records, there are totally 8 princes
10:06became a monk in Shaolin Temple. Unluckily, due to the war in modern time during the first half
10:12of 20th century, main buildings were destroyed and many precious sutras and dates were burned
10:17into ashes. Shanmen, Gate of the Temple. It was built in 1735 and renovated in 1974.
10:26The overall structure of the gate is in great harmony with two symmetrical stone
10:30honorific arches in each with characters to praise the Buddhism, Chan, or the temple.
10:36On the top of the Shanmen is a horizontal board with the name of the temple, which was inscribed
10:40by Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911, with his seal sign in the middle.
10:47The two sides in front of the gate are two stone lions made in Qing Dynasty.
10:52The Hall of Heavenly Kings. Located at the end of the Forest of Steels,
10:56the hall got its name from the four enshrined heavenly kings in it. The hall is tranquilly
11:02with red walls and green tiles, archways and paintings as well as two statues of Buddha's
11:06warriors. From the Shanmen to the Hall of Heavenly Kings, it is a long paved path with green pines,
11:12verdant cypresses, and steels on both sides. Apart from these 20 steels, in the east of the
11:18path, a galley exhibits other over 100 steels which were built from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty.
11:24Mahavira Hall. It is the center for main activities of Shaolin Temple
11:29and regarded as the three halls together with the Hall of Heavenly Kings and Classics Hall.
11:35The original hall was destroyed in 1928 in wars and the present one was built in 1986.
11:41This hall is home to statues of Sakyamuni, Vaisajyagiru and Amitabha.
11:47In the center of the hall is the inscription given by Emperor Kangxi, at the back of the
11:51screen is a Avalokiteshvara statue, and at its two sides are the 18 disciples of the Buddha.
11:57The whole architecture was built in rational construction, present as imposing and majestic.
12:03Bell Tower and Drum Tower. Located at two sides of Mahavira Hall respectively,
12:08the eastern one is the Bell Tower and the western is the Drum Tower.
12:13Both are four-story buildings with ingenious shape but towering and magnificent.
12:18Previous towers were also ruined due to the war in 1928, and present buildings are built
12:23respectively in 1994 and 1996 in accordance with their former appearance.
12:28Lishui Hall. It was built in Ming Dynasty and renovated in 1980.
12:35According to legend, it is the site that the second ancestor of Chan named Heike broke his
12:39arm and stood in Snowfield to beg for an impartment from Bodhidharma. The enshrined
12:44bronze-sitting Bodhidharma in the pavilion was made in 1531 and the horizontal board above was
12:49inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. Today, the hall is the site for daily Buddhist
12:55activities. Thousand Buddha Hall. Standing behind the Lishui Hall,
13:01it is the backmost hall of Shaolin Temple. The murals in it are special famous with beautiful
13:07colors and harmony composition, representing the top-level painting of Tang Dynasty.
13:12In this hall, bronze barhut and white marble sakyamuni are also enshrined.
13:17Abbot Room. It is the room of Abbot for both daily life and works.
13:23It was once the bedroom for Emperor Qianlong during his short stays in Shaolin Temple.
13:28In the room, there is a bronze Bodhidharma and a bronze Mithraya.
13:33A painting on the wall is a rare art treasure which portrays vivid image with fine and smooth
13:37lines. What to see in Shaolin Temple. Rich cultural relics and the Forest of Towers.
13:45Historical and cultural relics in Shaolin Temple are rich, there are over 500 murals
13:49made in Ming Dynasty and valuable steels and stone inscriptions. Most important steels and
13:55stone inscriptions in the temple are the ones gave by the Emperor Taizong
13:58599-649 and Emperor Wuzixian 624-705, the only female emperor in Chinese history of Tang Dynasty.
14:09The Forest of Towers is located in the west of Shaolin Temple at the foot of a hill.
14:14Covering about 20,000 square meters, it is the existing largest one in China.
14:20There are over 230 towers in the Forest of Towers which were built from Tang Dynasty,
14:25618-907, to Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911. These ancient towers are tombs of eminent monks
14:33from Shaolin Temple of various dynasties. Though in diverse styles as built in different times,
14:39they are all graceful in shape and made with exquisite skills.
14:43Most tower inscriptions refer to the martial arts of Shaolin and the cultural exchange between China
14:48and other countries in ancient society. With the earliest one built in 791,
14:54the Forest of Towers of Shaolin Temple was approved a key cultural site protected under
14:58the state and was included into the largest ancient towers complex list by World Record Association.
15:04Martial Art of Shaolin
15:06Martial arts of Shaolin or Shaolin Kungfu is the first should be mentioned as well as the
15:10largest school among Chinese Kungfus with its over 700 kinds of series of skills.
15:16World known for superb skills, the word Shaolin is also the symbol of traditional
15:20martial arts of Chinese nation. Shaolin Kungfu is an integrated one with famous top 72 unique
15:26skills and kinds of Chinese boxing, cudgel play, spear play, saber play, and swordsmanship.
15:33The main idea of Shaolin Kungfu is the combination of Chan and martial arts,
15:37with the understanding of Chan the primary point.
15:40According to Shaolin Kungfu practitioners, Shaolin monks practice the martial arts to
15:44get better concentration and meditation in minds as well as win a stronger body and a prolonged life.
15:50A comprehensive system developed for over 1,000 years, the martial arts and Chan theory of Shaolin
15:56Kungfu have well incorporated, which is the feature that make the Shaolin Kungfu greatly
16:00different from other Kungfu schools that are only emphasize on martial arts itself.
16:06I stop at this point today. Until next time, stay curious,
16:11stay informed, and keep exploring the world's incredible stories.
