• last year
Protest after Fringe show So Young
00:00Thank you very much. We've all got other shows to go off and see if I can just bear with
00:07me for one more minute. This statement is not endorsed by the Traverse Theatre. In fact,
00:12you don't even know I'm doing it, so I'm probably going to get sacked now. There's only one
00:17show left. Creative Scotland, the body that fund the arts in Scotland, are closing the
00:24Open Fund for Individuals next Friday at 2 o'clock because the Scottish Government are
00:28unable to confirm and release the £6.6 million that was previously agreed to keep this fund
00:33open. Now the saying goes that from small acorns, mighty oaks grow. Now this fund is
00:39where these tiny acorns become big oaks. And this is where all the new Scottish work and
00:45lots of new Scottish work and artists develop and come up with ideas and formulate all these
00:50fantastic plays and shows that we see in Scotland on stage throughout the year. And without
00:55that fund, many of us might not be here in the future and all these fantastic shows may
01:00start to wither. So if you value the arts and if you want to see more Scottish work
01:06created by artists who live and work here, please can you help us out? Could you go online
01:11to campaignforthearts.org, that's campaignforthearts.org, and if you could sign the petition to keep
01:18this fund open, that will take you less time than one of Davey and Leanne's shacks.
01:33If you can, write to your MP, write to the newspaper to keep the Open Fund for Individuals
01:37open. So thank you so much for listening, thanks for coming to support local theatre
01:41and enjoy the rest of your French.
