American scientists tricks people into believing in a virus that does not exist!

  • last month
An unidentified monster appears from the Han River in Seoul, kills hundreds and also carries off Hyun-seo. When her family learns that she is being held captive, they resolve to save her.


00:00hello my cinephiles today i'm going to explain a korean movie called the host
00:04watch out for the spoilers in 2000 an american scientist working for the military orders his
00:09korean assistant to dump around 200 bottles of toxic chemicals down the drain not caring about
00:15what this may mean for the local river as years pass people notice weird things in the river
00:20two fishermen pick up a fish in a cup and notice it doesn't look right almost as if the creature
00:25was mutated when one of the man tries to touch it the creature reacts and makes the guy drop
00:29the cup to quickly swim away in 2006 at a bridge a businessman is considering unaliving himself
00:35and notices something dark and big moving underwater before jumping one afternoon near
00:40river kangdoo falls asleep inside his dad's snack stall a homeless boy called seju tries to steal
00:46some food but his brother sejin takes him away the stall owner heebong wakes his son up and
00:50reminds him to get to work kangdoo then sees his daughter hyunso coming back from school
00:55she is angry because kangdoo sent her drunk uncle to the parents meeting instead of going himself
01:00she's been ignoring her dad's calls because she has a very old phone with poor signal
01:04and she's embarrassed of taking it out in public then gangdoo and junseo rush into the stall where
01:10gangdoo has a hidden box with money he's been saving to buy his daughter a new phone they turn
01:14on the tv and learn on the news that a dead body was found in the han river but they change channels
01:19to watch kangdoo's sister namjoo compete in an archery tournament they're interrupted by heebong
01:25who sends kangdoo out with free snacks for some complaining clients kangdoo finds them staring at
01:30a strange thing hanging from under the bridge this thing starts moving and reveals to be a monster
01:36which jumps into the water a curious kangdoo throws a beer can and the monster grabs it with
01:40its tentacle the excited crowd starts throwing all sorts of food at the river but the creature
01:45disappears everyone's about to leave when the monster suddenly appears on the surface and starts
01:50chasing after the crowd tossing them around and killing them with its terrifying limbs the crowd
01:55immediately runs away but this doesn't stop the monster from stomping on them and dragging them
02:00through the ground some people run to hide inside a container so the monster follows them inside and
02:05gets stuck tourist donald and kangdoo rush to the other end of the container opening the door
02:10so the few survivors can escape but the monster comes out as well and continues its killing
02:16rampage so donald throws a floor tile but it doesn't hurt the creature then donald and kangdoo
02:21lift a heavy signpost and throw it as well yet this doesn't do any damage either with a person
02:26dangling from its jaws the monster jumps on donald and starts hurting him kangdoo finds a signpost
02:31and this time he throws it on the monster's sensitive tail finally hurting it this also
02:36causes some monster blood to fall on kangdoo's face before he runs again when hyunsoo finally
02:41leaves the stall kangdoo grabs her hand and drags her away with the crowd the area is pure chaos
02:47many people fall including kangdoo he loses his daughter's hand and reaches for it again before
02:52going back to running only to notice he grabbed the wrong teenager in the confusion when he turns
02:57around he's horrified to see the creature capturing hyunsoo and taking her away as it jumps back into
03:02the river kangdoo jumps as well and watches how on the opposite shore the monster spits a human
03:07and replaces them with hyunsoo before jumping and disappearing in the water moments later the police
03:12and the military surround the area kangdoo and he bong are forced to evacuate the stall and kangdoo
03:18takes the box of coins with him while the river area is closed up a funeral is held for all the
03:23victims of the incident namjoo arrives with her bronze medal and cries for her dead niece they're
03:28also joined by the third sibling namil the only family member with a college education but
03:33currently unemployed because of his past as an activist the whole family has a breakdown on the
03:38floor gaining the attention of reporters who start recording or taking pictures namil reveals he
03:43heard about kangdoo grabbing the wrong hand and insults his brother for such a mistake triggering
03:48a fight that must be stopped by the authorities at that moment a bunch of men in hazmat suits
03:53come in as a mysterious smoke starts filling the room an agent says there are buses waiting for
03:58everyone and asks if anyone touched the creature so kangdoo mentions he got blood on his face this
04:03causes the hazmat team to put him in a special bag and drag him away then the news finally cover the
04:08incident donald was a u.s army sergeant and lost an arm so he was sent to a u.s army hospital the
04:14military medics discovered that the body parts that came in contact with the creature are having
04:19a strange reaction and blamed it on an unknown virus the u.s army sent a sample to the centers
04:25for disease control or cdc and they've confirmed the creature from the river is the host of the
04:30virus now special forces trained in biological warfare are the only ones allowed near the river
04:36fumigation units are working on cleaning the river area with a smoke all the people that
04:41were present during the incident and the funeral are sent to a hospital to be quarantined and
04:46tested in the evening kangdoo is scratching some spots on his back when suddenly his phone rings
04:52he is shocked to hear hyunsoo's voice asking for help she says she's in the sewers but before she
04:57can share more the communication cuts off by the river two fumigation agents stop their truck when
05:03they see something suddenly the monster comes out and knocks down an agent before landing on top of
05:09the truck minutes later the creature leaves the guys in a sewer where he's keeping a bunch of
05:13bodies to eat later after the monster is gone hyunsoo comes out of hiding from a hole in the
05:18wall and tries to wake the agent up but the man is dead she also searches his pockets for a phone
05:24however it isn't working in the hospital kangdoo's family tries to tell a cop that hyunsoo is alive
05:30but he doesn't believe them trying to prove his point kangdoo uses his phone to show how he saw
05:36the creature throw up a body meaning his daughter could still be alive the cop still thinks he was
05:41hallucinating moments later the family sneaks out of the hospital and mingles among other patients
05:46in the quarter a nurse recognizes gangdoo's dyed hair and calls him out so the family starts running
05:52and pushes people out of the way in the elevator they change back into their clothes and he bong
05:57confirms their ride on the phone so they make it to the parking lot and a mysterious drive picks
06:02them up in a van namjoo isn't fast enough and they almost leave her behind but the driver makes a
06:08turn to find her while avoiding the people chasing after them the cop tries to jump in too so kangdoo
06:14pushes him away eventually the group reaches a warehouse outside the town where it's revealed
06:19that he bong hired some criminals to get them out of the hospital and get them a few things that
06:23can help them find hyunsoo the final bill ends up being way higher than expected and the criminals
06:29won't accept he bongs jewelry so instead they take all his credit cards in the van the siblings
06:35watch the news and learn they are now wanted fugitives the family leaves in a fumigation
06:40truck that the criminals got for them with two hazmat suits a few weapons and a map of the sewers
06:45kangdoo and he bong put on the suits while namil and namjoo hide under a blanket at the security
06:51check the manager points out this truck belongs to a fumigation company that signed up at the
06:55last second which he finds suspicious he bong throws a bag at him to bribe him before taking
07:00the truck into the river area and the guy opens the bag to find the box of coins afterward the
07:06family follows the map to visit the sewers in the area desperately looking for hyunsoo sometimes
07:12kangdoo runs behind the truck so the smoke will fumigate him too because he wants to be clean for
07:17his daughter after a few hours of searching they suddenly see something moving in the dark and
07:22namjoo feels something wet falling on her shoulder so they open fire but when they look up they just
07:28see a water leak the liquid is seju's pee who is sneaking around with sejin the brothers carefully
07:33move around and make it to the family's snack stall where they start taking a bunch of food
07:38seju wants to take money too but sejin stops him reminding him that taking money is actual theft
07:43but taking food is the right of hunger once their bags are full the brothers leave only to be found
07:48by the monster they immediately start running but the creature is faster and blocks their path
07:54moments later the family makes it to the stall and shares a warm dinner while pretending hyunsoo
07:59is with them to keep their hope up meanwhile the real hyunsoo is trying to gather water from a leak
08:05when she hears the monster she pretends to be unconscious and watches it drop the brothers
08:10before leaving she checks on them and discovers sejin is dead but seju is still alive so she
08:16protects him from the creature's eyes back to the family namjoo and namil insult kangdoo
08:22because he's fallen asleep again haebong hates hearing this and shares what happened to kangdoo
08:28who was smart as a child when he was younger haebong was almost never home and would stay out
08:33all night kangdoo went to the neighboring farms to take food but it wasn't enough for a healthy
08:38development that's why he grew up to be slow-minded and his body sometimes randomly falls asleep
08:44at that moment kangdoo wakes up and notices the monster is standing outside heebong opens fire
08:49and this enrages the creature who runs toward the stall and starts pushing until it throws it on its
08:54side since it's close haebong fires again and causes the monsters to fall then the family comes
09:00out and notices the beast is still alive so namil also shoots it the monster immediately runs away
09:06and climbs on the bridge where it causes a bunch of cars to crash then it climbs onto the bridge
09:11jumping around while the guys keep on firing until they're out of bullets the monster jumps in the
09:16water and the family notices the soldiers are coming so they start running away kangdoo says
09:22he has a bullet left so heebong takes his gun and tells his children to run to the truck while he
09:26takes care of the monster as soon as the beast comes out heebong tries to fire only to discover
09:32kangdoo miscounted and there are no bullets left the monster quickly knocks him down then grabs
09:37him with its tentacle and smashes him on the ground instantly killing heebong the siblings
09:42cry for their dead father but their grief is interrupted by the authorities while namil
09:46drags namjoo away kangdoo decides to hand himself in out of guilt sometime later the news media
09:52announced that donald died of the virus the cdc decides they'll use agent yellow a chemical system
09:59developed by the u.s to fight virus outbreaks and biological terror spreading such toxic chemicals
10:04is considered unsafe by many citizens who are ready to protest against it news media also says
10:09that the virus has symptoms similar to a common cold so people on the street step away from anyone
10:15who sneezes or coughs in the meantime naamil meets with fat gavara a friend of his from his
10:21activism days gavara sneaks naamil into his office after hours because he works for a telephone
10:26company and can track hyunsoo's call they find it quickly on the computer but to access the gps
10:33they need a password gavara suspiciously keeps asking about namjoo so naamil explains they split
10:39in the sewers and he doesn't know where she is since the password they found on a desk note isn't
10:44working gavara says he'll search the manager's office however he's only pretending and all his
10:50buddies are hidden there waiting to capture naamil for the reward at that moment naamil finds another
10:55password node and successfully enters the system finally finding hyunsoo's location the wonhyo
11:01bridge after he marks it on the map he notices all the people coming out of the office to catch him
11:06naamil puts a clip on a plug and inserts it in the outlet causing a short that leaves the room dark
11:12the team panics and searches the office but by the time the lights come back naamil is already
11:17escaping on the street he hears the police coming so he has to jump off the bridge to escape
11:22his body ends up pretty sore so he passes out under the bridge after texting hyunsoo's location
11:28to namjoo all this time namjoo has still been searching for hyunsoo she sleeps in bridge beams
11:35sneaks around in the water not to be seen and takes food from the family store she also charges
11:40her phone and sees her brother's text namjoo immediately runs to the wonhyo bridge while
11:45calling kangdo to share the information unfortunately the monster finds her and
11:50hits her before she can shoot her bow causing her to fall into a very narrow sewer namjoo
11:55falls unconscious and the beast can't reach her so it just leaves in the lab kangdo hopes have
12:01revived and he tries to run out of the room but the medical team immediately overpowers him and
12:06injects him with a sedative however an hour passes and he isn't unconscious so the doctors
12:12decide to take the sample anyway kangdo screams in pain as the needle pierces his skin and gets
12:18the attention of an american doctor who makes the other stop with the help of a bilingual medic
12:24kangdo explains the situation with his daughter and how nobody listened to him at first the
12:29american doctor asks questions as if he was interested but sadly he's only pretending to
12:34test kangdo's psychological state he decides the virus is causing dementia so they must take a
12:39sample from kangdo's head the korean doctor thinks this is a little too much so the american guy
12:45takes him to the side and explains the truth donald died of shock during the operation and
12:50the autopsy didn't find any viruses the tests on the quarantine people were negative too
12:55so most likely there's no virus at all kangdo's english isn't very good but he can understand the
13:01basic no virus at all and demands an explanation the doctors immediately take him to the operation
13:08room where they take a sample from his brain in the sewers hyunsoo takes the clothing from the
13:13bodies and ties them together adding a cop's baton at the end with seju's help she throws it up and
13:19connects it to the sewer grill but now it's out of her reach at that moment the monster comes back
13:24so the kids run to hide in the hole and watch the monster throw up a bunch of human bones together
13:29with a beer can then it comes down to eat another person only to hear the hiding duo it inserts its
13:35mouth into the hole so the kids move back until they're out of reach after the operation kangdo
13:40pretends to be in a numb state when a doctor takes a blood sample he takes the chance to capture her
13:46and take the needle as a weapon he threatens to spray blood with the virus on the other doctors
13:50so they move away and allow him to get out the lab is a container outside town and a bunch of
13:56soldiers are just having lunch using the doctor as a shield gang do kicks the tables and then
14:01runs to escape in an ambulance under the bridge namil wakes up and discovers he was saved by a
14:07tramp he asks for directions to the wonho bridge while taking the guys empty beer bottles offering
14:12money in return the tramp breaks a bottle on namil's head saying money can't buy everything
14:17but he still agrees to be his guide the duo takes a cab and during the trip they use the empty
14:23bottles to make molotov bombs on the streets people are gathering to protest against agent
14:28yellow which will also be released at wahyo bridge back to hyunsoo she comes out of the hole to find
14:33the beast sleeping and throws a can to be certain it won't react then she runs back and jumps on its
14:38big body to reach the clothing rope she successfully grabs onto it but her relief is short because the
14:44monster uses its tentacle to bring her back down it still looks asleep so it may be its instinct
14:49reacting as seju wets his pants in fear hyunsoo barely moves her foot and wakes the creature up
14:56it immediately jumps on both kids before they reach the hole minutes later kangdo finally
15:01finds the right sewer and is devastated to see all the bones fearing the worst he goes down hyunsoo's
15:06makeshift rope and notices her name tag on her jacket at that moment the monster appears but
15:12luckily doesn't see kando and keeps going at the same time namjoo wakes up and climbs out of the
15:18sewer to see the creature coming she gets ready to shoot with her bow but gets distracting by a
15:23panicking kangdo on the shore a huge crowd is protesting against agent yellow with shirts that
15:28asks for kangdo's freedom the protesters are surrounded by the police and refuse to move
15:33however everyone panics when they see the monster coming the cops open fire while kangdo appears on
15:39the bridge asking them to stop because of his daughter's body he jumps into the water at the
15:44same time a drone expels agent yellow covering the area with toxic fumes that causes the protesters
15:50to get very sick the beast starts to feel sick too and another cop tries to shoot it but kangdo
15:55appears to stop him the monster is squirming on the ground in pain so kangdo takes the chance to
16:01reach into its mouth finding a human hand he immediately pulls and releases the two kids who
16:06sadly are dead the drone keeps throwing agent yellow at the creature while masked agents record
16:12the whole thing and people get sick all over the place including cops themselves the three siblings
16:17gather around hyunsoo and seju to cry for her kangdo finally snaps and breaks a sign to use
16:22the pole to attack the monster making it bleed before he's pushed away then namil starts throwing
16:28his molotov bombs causing the creature to run away from the flames eventually the creature ends up
16:33under the bridge and the tramp pours a bunch of gas on it namil throws his last bomb which
16:38unfortunately slips from his hand and breaks next to him namjoo steps in and lights an arrow on fire
16:44shooting it right into the beast's eye and making its whole body catch on fire before it can run
16:49back to the water kangdo uses the pole again and inserts it into the monster's mouth finally killing
16:54it afterward kangdo checks on seju curious to know if it was a friend of his daughter's
17:01he discovers the kid is actually alive and carries him away from the toxic area
17:05many weeks later hangdo has cleaned up his act and is now in charge of the snack stall while
17:10taking care of seju one night during dinner the u.s authorities appear on tv to admit there was
17:16no virus but the duo turns it off to eat in peace make sure to subscribe and turn on notifications
17:22so you can watch more videos like this thanks for watching
