CG News : छत्तीसगढ़ की राजधानी रायपुर में नारकोटिक्स कंट्रोल ब्यूरो (Narcotics Control Bureau) के जोनल ऑफिस का केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने 25 अगस्त को उद्घाटन किया। अमित शाह (Amit Shah) ने कहा कि 'टॉप टू बॉटम' और 'बॉटम टू टॉप' के अप्रोच पर चल कर नशे के कारोबार के पूरे तंत्र को ध्वस्त करना होगा।
00:00I would like to say that the investigation should be done in a scientific manner.
00:06Top to bottom and bottom to top approach should be adopted.
00:12If we find a small shop selling drugs, we have to investigate where it came from and where it was made.
00:29Narcotics is not a case.
00:34The entire system has to be investigated.
00:48Like I said, bottom to top approach.
00:51In the same way, we have to adopt a top to bottom approach.
00:56If we find a large quantity of drugs, we have to investigate where it came from and where it was made.
01:07And that investigation should be very strict.
01:10Unless we destroy the entire chain, we cannot control it.
01:23We cannot control the business of narcotics.
01:30We should try to destroy their entire network.