Lucknow: मोमीन सभा की बैठक का हुआ आयोजन

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Lucknow: मोमीन सभा की बैठक का हुआ आयोजन


00:00In Lucknow, a meeting of the Momin Association was held and after that, the press conference was held.
00:06In Lucknow, a meeting of the Momin Ansari Association was held and after that, the press conference was held.
00:16In the meeting of the Momin Ansari Association, apart from the district official, district chief, district chief, district prime minister and other officials,
00:25the discussion was focused on issues such as the political participation, employment, education, government schemes of the post-Mada society.
00:33Iqbal Ahmed, Lucknow Samachar, 24.
00:36Sir, today in the meeting of the Momin Ansari Association, how did you get involved in the post-Mada society? What did you see and what did you do?
00:43Today, the meeting of the Momin Ansari Association was held at the National Office in Lucknow.
00:49In this meeting, we were joined by Mr. Mirajdin Ansari from Meerut, Mr. Imran Ahmed Raju from Kushinagar,
00:59Mr. Naseem, the Prime Minister of the Momin Ansari Association from Luckinpur,
01:03Mr. Shakir Ali from Lucknow,
01:07Mr. Lal-e-Ansari from Amethi,
01:10and Dr. Atif from Delhi.
01:15Today, there were important issues in the meeting.
01:19Because this was the first meeting after the elections,
01:21it was decided how the Momin Ansari Association has worked, what achievements it has achieved and what losses it has incurred.
01:27So, it has come out that there are many issues at the present time.
01:31For example, the issue of waqf is going on somewhere.
01:33Sometimes it comes up, sometimes it comes up about Nizool.
01:35So, sometimes different kinds of speeches come up.
01:39So, it has been decided today that the Momin Ansari Association and all the officials have said that we have to work on this.
01:46Because, first of all, the backward Muslims or Muslims,
01:50the problem is their employment, education and security.
01:53And especially, they are far behind in politics.
01:55How to give them political participation?
01:57So, it has happened that we have to work on employment, education, security and political participation by going beyond all kinds of statements and speeches.
02:05Because of this, everyone has gone to the whole state for this mission.
02:08We will work on this.
02:09Mr. Ansari, the way you have talked about the community,
02:11that there is some kind of control.
02:13What will be the fate of you people?
02:15Where there is some kind of success,
02:17or there is some kind of support from the government,
02:19and things come out in front of the Muslims,
02:20there is no access to that.
02:21So, should we make some kind of organization,
02:23or should we call them and explain that these are the facilities for you people?
02:27Yes, absolutely, it is a very good thing.
02:28Because today, there was a discussion on an important issue,
02:30in which all our district leaders,
02:32district representatives and local officials have discussed.
02:34All the issues, especially the government schemes.
02:37The benefit of the government schemes is that,
02:40the backward Muslims or the poor Muslims,
02:42or those who have studied less,
02:43do not know which schemes are going on.
02:45So, it has been said that,
02:47all the committees of the municipal level,
02:50the head of that,
02:51will decide the schemes that are going on,
02:53with the help of a public service centre.
02:55And the poor people there,
02:58who have needs,
02:59will be taken there to fulfill their forms,
03:02to apply for the schemes,
03:03and will do the work of providing them.
03:05And along with that,
03:06when all these things are done,
03:07only then their development will happen,
03:09and without that, nothing can be done.
03:10We have worked on this before,
03:11like the 10,000 cards were made,
03:13with the labour office.
03:15But now, in the present time,
03:17there are a lot of government schemes,
03:19which no one knows about.
03:21Especially, the Muslims do not know about it,
03:23because they are illiterate,
03:24they do not know about it.
03:25So, this work will be done on it,
03:26that we will send those schemes home,
03:28to our office holders,
03:30so that all the Muslims can benefit from it.
03:33Why did you not send these things to the non-arrivals?
03:36What is the reason for this?
03:37The reason is that,
03:38people do not have an organization.
03:40Usually, people say that,
03:42my organization does not talk,
03:44how will it work?
03:45Today, we have been established since 2010,
03:47the Momin Ansar Sabha.
03:48Today, while working on it,
03:50today is 2025-2024,
03:52and in this, there are 14 national assemblies,
03:54in which people from all over the country gather.
03:56While working in 15 states,
03:58we are working in all those states.
04:00Because, today it is seen that,
04:02after RSS, or after BAMSAFE,
04:04what is BASPA,
04:05after that, if there is a big cadre,
04:07then it is the Momin Ansar Sabha,
04:08which is working in the districts,
04:09towns, and in the corners of the states,
04:11as members.
04:13Now, who are you talking about?
04:15Are you talking about the BJP?
04:16Are you talking about the Sabha?
04:17Are you talking about BASPA?
04:18We talk about the Momin Ansar Sabha,
04:19but we do not talk about taking their share.
04:21How do you see this?
04:22See, usually, all the political parties,
04:24all the backward communities,
04:26we do not work for them.
04:27We have always kept them entangled in one slogan,
04:29that if BASPA comes,
04:31then what will happen to you?
04:32On the basis of this, what has happened is,
04:34people start defeating one party,
04:36all kinds of their views are removed from it,
04:38due to which they are deprived of employment, education, and security.
04:41Especially in political participation,
04:43you see this,
04:44see any political party,
04:46no matter what party it is,
04:47no matter what party it is,
04:49how many percent did the backward Muslims give?
04:51The Lok Sabha election has just gone.
04:52We have seen,
04:53how many backward communities,
04:54in India, only 4-5 Muslims were selected,
04:56who were from the backward community.
04:58Rest, no one was able to get a ticket.
05:00Deprivation of employment, education, and security
05:02is due to political participation.
05:03They get entangled,
05:04on the other issue,
05:05the Waff Act is coming,
05:06the Nazul Bhoomi Act is coming,
05:08and after that,
05:09these kinds of speeches,
05:10people get entangled in that.
05:12But when it comes to bringing the backward community,
05:15the leaders of our community,
05:17who are so-called,
05:18they never talk about this,
05:19they always stay behind.
05:20So, the backward community will have to wake up.
05:22They will have to take their orders,
05:24and come forward and work for it.
05:25The people of our community,
05:27are going to the Lok Sabha elections,
05:29will there be any participation,
05:31or will there be any parties?
05:33from these 10 seats,
05:34the Momin Sabha has nothing to do,
05:36but in the upcoming elections of 2027,
05:38the Momin Sabha will come very strongly.
05:40Today, the Momin Sabha has also formed a new group,
05:42like in the Momin Sabha,
05:43there are many leaders,
05:44there is the Momin Line Sabha,
05:45there is the Momin Halwai Sabha,
05:46there is the Momin Kasar Sabha,
05:47there is the Momin Kasgar Sabha,
05:48and there is the Momin Halwai Sabha.
05:49In the same way,
05:50today, the Momin Manihar Sabha,
05:51has been appointed as the head of state.
05:53Among us,
05:54there is Ahmed Ali,
05:56who has become the head of state,
05:59and he is an advocate in the High Court.
06:02You are among us,
06:03please stand up.
06:04He is the head of state of the Manihar Sabha,
06:07he practices in the High Court,
06:08in Allahabad,
06:09Ahmed Ali.
06:10So, in this way,
06:11to give all the backward communities,
06:13their rights,
06:14all the backward communities,
06:15have to come together and work.
06:17We are working with our own strength,
06:18under the banner of the Momin Sabha Sabha,
06:20because we feel that
06:21when the backward communities
06:22get their political share,
06:24then they will be successful.
06:26There are many such backward communities,
06:28who have not yet seen
06:29the face of the Vidhan Sabha.
06:31So, we have to work for those people,
06:33especially for the oppressed class,
06:35so that when they become aware of politics,
06:37then they will become those who ask,
06:38and those who give in the future.
06:39We have to become those who give,
06:40and there have been a lot of those who ask.
