Celebrity Race Across the World Season 2 Episode 2

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Celebrity Race Across the World S02E02


00:00Jeff, have you done this before? I've never been on a boat like this, no.
00:18If we all ended up in it, I would laugh. If we're going down, we're going down together.
00:23I'm desperate to get in.
00:25In 1650, a Portuguese sailor's boat sprang a leak off Brazil's east coast.
00:31This is gorgeous.
00:33By a twist of fate, he landed at the village of Canoa Quebrada, meaning broken canoe.
00:40Look at it.
00:41Do you know what, I need some of this to be looking forward to leg two.
00:44For three of the teams, it's a welcome oasis after travelling over 1500km stripped of their usual luxuries.
00:53I think we can breathe a little bit because we come first.
00:57It was not easy.
00:58Stiff composition though guys, you lot are all really sharp, switched on, so we know we've got our work cut out for us.
01:04First leg was really difficult, but actually it feels like it's a distant memory now.
01:10Two feet, wave.
01:12Oh my God.
01:15I'm standing.
01:19Guys, you should have stood up.
01:21Well done.
01:22I've never been on a boat like that before.
01:24You know when you go to a popular tourist destination and it's teeming with people, this feels like our little secret.
01:32This is a wonderful experience. I'm sorry that Kola and Mariella aren't here to do it with us.
01:36Where do you think they are?
01:39Give us a lift Hulsey. Give us a lift.
01:43It's not a donkey.
01:46Long Beach.
01:48Long Beach on the wall.
01:54They got in last night.
01:55I knew Kelly and Jeremy were going to be the first, come on.
01:59He's got SAS training I swear.
02:00While just over two hours separate the first three teams, cousins Kola and Mariella are trailing 12 and a half hours behind.
02:08Do you have any regrets?
02:09I do think because it's the first leg, it was a good opportunity to have a lot of fun.
02:14And I think every leg we're only going to get stronger and quicker.
02:17We can only get better, you know what I mean?
02:24Oh my God, it's Mariella and Kola.
02:27We made it.
02:31So you've just got in?
02:32Just got in, like literally.
02:34We've had a brilliant time.
02:36You had the caipirinha night where the guy was like, I'll make you any caipirinha with this fruit.
02:40So I just tried all of them, obviously.
02:42Papaya, grapefruit, pineapple.
02:44Were they delicious?
02:45And the next time I finished one, this guy would give me another one.
02:47I was like, sweet, this is great, it's a great holiday.
02:49He was like, oh yeah, wait, we're racing.
02:52It's easy to forget you're in a competition when you listen to Kola and Mariella and talk about all their experiences.
02:57You're like, I want to come to the Samba party.
03:01We've got to stay focused.
03:03We need to stay focused, oh my God.
03:05But for Kola and Mariella, their good times have come at a cost,
03:09as they've already used up over a fifth of their entire budget.
03:13We spent a lot of money on one taxi.
03:15You know, it's the first leg.
03:17We're learning a lot.
03:19We're learning.
03:20We haven't spent any money on accommodation yet.
03:24Who's in charge of the budget? You're in charge.
03:27He loves a budget.
03:28Sam and Scott, they keep their cards really close to their chest.
03:31Yeah, yeah.
03:32They want to win, I like this, I think it's nice.
03:35There's two hours between first and third.
03:37The competition is on now.
03:58As the second leg begins, the teams will leave the checkpoint in the order they arrived.
04:04First to find out where they're heading next, Kelly and Jeremy.
04:08This is for you.
04:10You want to see?
04:11No, you do it.
04:12Let's go.
04:13Let's see where we're going.
04:14The second checkpoint is L'Ansois, Baia.
04:17L'Ansois or L'Ansois?
04:22Do you know where this is?
04:24No idea.
04:30Oh, my God, I'm so excited.
04:34Let's ask this guy.
04:35Do you know where this is?
04:38Yes, yes, I think this is it.
04:39Oh, it's right in the middle, mate.
04:40It's right in the middle.
04:411,550 kilometres away, the second checkpoint, L'Ansois,
04:48gateway to the sprawling Chapada Diamantina National Park.
04:53Here, the landscape of huge quartz rocks, deep canyons and waterfalls
04:59give the park its nickname.
05:01Brazil's lost world.
05:05To get there, teams could pass through up to seven different states of Brazil,
05:10either making their way along the Atlantic coastline,
05:13rugged to the north but to the south a well-trodden tourist trail
05:17dotted with busy seaside cities.
05:21Or they may be drawn inland, potentially a more direct route,
05:25but first they would need to travel backwards to pick up the right connections.
05:32I really don't want to go rural. I really don't.
05:35You prefer the coast?
05:36I prefer the coast.
05:37So if we do by the coast, you don't think we'll be longer?
05:40Because it seems...
05:41It says here.
05:42If we go in the middle, it can be faster.
05:44Don't forget, babe, we've got an hour on everyone,
05:46so we're just going to get on a quick bus and we'll whiz down here.
05:49If we didn't go to the beach on the first leg, we didn't even have a swim.
05:52I think Joao Pessoa is good.
05:54If we want to see a beautiful beach, this is perfect.
05:56I think we go there and then we make a plan of how we head inland.
06:02Kelly's plan, to travel via Natal to Joao Pessoa,
06:06a hopping-off point for intrepid travellers
06:09in search of the unspoilt wild coast.
06:14I guess you only really experience a country
06:17when you kind of see the nature and the sounds and the smells
06:22and the wildlife and just the natural state of it
06:26is what really excites me.
06:28I just love it.
06:30That will be a challenge for Jeremy because he'll just want to be racing.
06:33Arakati? Arakati bus station?
06:35You speak English? Taxi, yeah, yeah.
06:37No, he doesn't know. OK, thank you.
06:39Babe, try to negotiate the price with the cab.
06:43It's, like, 50. Try to ask 40.
06:46As Kelly and Jeremy look for a fast getaway
06:49to the nearest transport hub of Arakati...
06:51Let's get the map out then.
06:53..husbands-to-be, Scott and Sam, are on their tail.
06:57I'm a little bit nervous.
06:59There's an hour between us and Kelly and Jeremy
07:01and Geoff and Freddie are one hour behind us,
07:03so it's very, very tight.
07:05Shall we sit down here and plan our route?
07:07Yeah, let's have a little seat.
07:10Scott, they're there.
07:12Who is? Jeremy's there.
07:15Oh, a taxi!
07:17Oh, treat yourself.
07:18You know, when you're rolling in it,
07:20you can afford the luxuries in life.
07:22How much was that one?
07:24This one is free.
07:29Where are they going?
07:31They're spending money.
07:34If you can drive faster...
07:36No, come on, it's fine.
07:38It just goes to show how close behind us they are.
07:42I think we'll stay in the lead.
07:44I like to be, like, we are the leader on this.
07:46I love to keep it.
07:48I am drawn to the coast.
07:50One of the jobs I think will be quite nice
07:53is working in a hostel,
07:55where it's kind of zen.
07:57Yeah, I'm, like, into that.
07:59Job is bed and a meal and use of facilities.
08:02So just like the first leg,
08:04we didn't have to pay for accommodation.
08:07We didn't have to pay for food.
08:09Scott and Sam have their sights set
08:11on a job in hippie haven Pipa Beach.
08:15I want to go where everyone's beautiful,
08:18everyone's, like, peace, love,
08:20bit of hippie vibe.
08:22That's the Brazil that I've heard of but never been.
08:27We just need to get on a bus.
08:29Yeah, we go?
08:31How much?
08:33For each?
08:34Yes, for each.
08:36That's going to be cheaper than a taxi.
08:38Yeah, we'll go now.
08:42I'm happy for you to choose this leg
08:44and I'll choose next leg.
08:45Yeah, all right.
08:46OK, go.
08:47Sweet, sweet, sweet.
08:49Father and son, Jeff and Freddie,
08:51are setting off in third place.
08:53Wildlife lovers will have the opportunity
08:56to look after alpacas.
08:59Let's do that.
09:01Look after alpacas.
09:02Yeah, but alpacas are giants.
09:04To say Freddie's impulsive is an absolute understatement.
09:08I've always been incredibly safe and measured
09:11about absolutely everything in life.
09:15I'd love to meditate.
09:16Stones throw from the beach.
09:18Meditation and yoga classes on offer.
09:20Would love that, would love that.
09:22I don't fancy that at all.
09:24So being a risk-taker and seeing something outside the box
09:27is where you're going to be a massive player.
09:31So money, meal and bed.
09:33Fred, just to let you know, this is taking us inland.
09:36It's back towards Fortaleza.
09:37No issue doing it whatsoever because it's your turn to choose
09:40and it's completely up to you.
09:42It would be a case of what direction you want to go in.
09:44I was so certain about going to do this thing.
09:46What do you want to do?
09:47No, it's not about what I want to do.
09:49You've chosen and I've just told you
09:52it means that we're going there inland.
09:54If you're happy with that...
09:55Dad, do you know I love animals?
09:57We would have a great laugh and we earn as well.
09:59Yeah? OK.
10:01Making a break from the pack,
10:03Freddie's aiming for the hinterland of Quixada,
10:06placing his bets on going 160km back to Fortaleza
10:11before they can make any headway in the race.
10:14I'll give you the map. She's your leg.
10:16Take us to the bus garage and find it.
10:18I want Fred to have a taste of being fully in control of everything.
10:24Is that where you are most of the time?
10:26This is great fun.
10:28As Geoff and Freddie search for their bus to go backwards...
10:32A bus to Natal, yes?
10:34Do you have two tickets? What time?
10:37..12km away, Kelly and Jeremy have arrived in Arica Tea Station.
10:41Nine o'clock to Natal.
10:43Keen to capitalise on their taxi splash
10:46and escape on the first bus to Natal.
10:48We don't want to be here when the others turn up.
10:51How much does Natal cost?
10:53400. OK.
10:55So what's wrong with that?
10:57Er, what's wrong is I've got just 350 now.
10:59OK, so we need to get it. We need to change some money.
11:02You can't change money here.
11:04Nowhere! There can't just be one bus out.
11:07With one at midnight, it's off price.
11:09All right. Oh! This is going to be brutal.
11:14Only able to afford tickets for the later, cheaper bus,
11:18Kelly and Jeremy have a seven-and-a-half-hour wait.
11:22I mean, if we hadn't have taken that expensive taxi,
11:26would we have been able to afford to get on the nine o'clock bus?
11:39Right, I spot a Kellybrook.
11:41No way. In the wild. Where?
11:43Sitting on that bench.
11:45We saw them earlier get a taxi.
11:47They've gone no further. That was hours ago.
11:50Oh, my God, I really hope they're not on the same bus as us.
11:53Is there a bus tonight?
11:55Oh. Two, but paying dollars.
11:58No, no, no.
12:00This is a problem. We've run out of Brazilian money.
12:03Hola. Do you speak English?
12:05Anglais? Anglais? Yes. Yes?
12:08We need to get out of here and go to Natal,
12:12but we have no Brazilian money, only US dollars.
12:15Do you have Brazilian money?
12:17Yeah, we have Brazilian money, but this is from the church.
12:20You don't have?
12:22Oh, my God, they're picking on the Mormons, babe.
12:25They can't ask the Mormons.
12:27The Mormons are 100% going to help them.
12:29That's... That's not fair.
12:34He's American, so he's going to be...
12:37My friend told me you have dollar,
12:39but you just need to be able to switch it for reais.
12:42Yeah. How far away are you?
12:44We're, like, 15 minutes away from the bus station.
12:47The bus is not till midnight.
12:50But it's got limited... It's only got a few tickets left,
12:53so we need to book them as soon as possible.
12:56All right, I'm on my way.
12:58Thank you so much. Thank you.
13:00Oh, yes. I'm going to hug you. Thank you.
13:03Oh, my God. I can't watch. It's painful.
13:06I can't watch, babe.
13:08Has your friend come in? Yeah.
13:10How will we find him? Can you...
13:12It's like that. Oh, same!
13:14OK. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.
13:17I assumed that they would be waiting here
13:20until their friend turned up.
13:22Did I? I'm a little bit worried now.
13:26Oh, my God. No way.
13:28Oh, my God.
13:30Hola. Yeah!
13:3450, 60, 70, 80.
13:36You've honestly saved us a night in the bus station.
13:40So, thank you. We are out of here.
13:43He is brilliant. That's what he excels at.
13:46I present you with Brazilian money.
13:48300. OK. Obrigada. Thank you so much.
13:52And the deal was done.
13:54Oh, he did it. He did it.
13:56Oh, my God, he did it!
13:58You know when, like, you're sitting somewhere
14:00and you just start questioning all your life choices?
14:02We're not the end of the world. I think we are not bad.
14:05How could it be much worse?
14:07I've got a mouth ulcer. I really think we are not bad.
14:10The stress is real.
14:12With two teams waiting for a midnight departure south,
14:16Geoff and Freddie are already on the road.
14:25Heading to Fortaleza,
14:27the opposite direction to the next checkpoint.
14:31And team leader Freddie needs to find an onward connection
14:34or face being stuck there tonight.
14:37Oh, this is a bus from Fortaleza to...?
14:4111 o'clock. OK.
14:43Me and my padre, um, buy tickets.
14:47Er, how...how we buy...?
14:51Er, yes, two tickets.
14:59OK, thank you. Obrigado.
15:01You absolute legend.
15:03What lovely people. Like, there might be a language barrier.
15:06You broke it, mate.
15:08My leg is going to be nothing but perfect.
15:16Feels good. I feel like I'm winning.
15:18Dad, what about this for a celebration dance?
15:24Yeah, yeah.
15:25It's not a bad pillar. To be fair, it's a good standard.
15:28It's a good standard.
15:34Let the fun begin.
15:37Leaving the checkpoint in last place,
15:40Cola and Mary-Ellen are looking to catch up
15:43on a quick bus out of Aracati Station.
15:54Strategy this day is to get as far as possible,
15:57as quick as possible.
15:59I'll do my best and I'll open that book and see three other names.
16:06Our best option is to get the bus all the way to Recife.
16:10We'll get to Recife at nine.
16:12OK. That's pretty decent.
16:14Choosing the earliest option that gets them the furthest,
16:18Cola and Mary-Ellen are jumping on an all-day bus,
16:21travelling over 600km to Recife.
16:25This leg is strictly business, mate.
16:27Cool. Yeah? Done. Done.
16:29Proud of you.
16:31Right, so now we need to get tickets and exchange money.
16:34Hola. I'm looking to exchange.
16:38My strengths in this race will be I'm good at charming people.
16:46I'm very versatile and adaptable.
16:49I'm smarter than I look.
16:51It's good business.
16:58Cola is fully taking the lead this time, but he's got this.
17:03We're leisure time Larrys, good time Charlie,
17:06but now we need to prove to ourselves that we can actually race the races.
17:10He looks like he's on top of the world, to be honest.
17:12He looks like he's absolutely buzzing.
17:25Wow. What an amazing place.
17:27I've never seen so much green in my life.
17:30Rising up from the vast Kachinga Plains of Kishadah,
17:34towering volcanic monoliths dominate the landscape.
17:39These natural monuments are formed from cooling magma
17:43and eroded over millennia.
17:47It's like it's not real.
17:49What's them dinosaurs, that fly, called?
17:52Pterodactyls. Pterodactyls up there.
17:56This just makes it the perfect pick for him.
17:59He did incredibly well.
18:02In return for bed and board at a hilltop glamping site,
18:06Freddie's arranged a day's work.
18:08The black one, his name is Freddie.
18:12And the brown one, her name is Gina.
18:15Hi, Gina.
18:17Me and the alpaca have the same name.
18:19This morning's task is to find out
18:22Me and the alpaca have the same name.
18:24This morning's task, mucking out the long-term residence,
18:28Freddie's namesake and partner alpaca, Tina.
18:31Look, she's got her ears back, look.
18:33Is this your dinner, Tina?
18:36See you, Geoffrey.
18:38Oh, Tina's interested.
18:41She gave me a little wink there.
18:43Dad, we need to get all this bit.
18:45Red. I love that.
18:49Here's a bit more.
18:53Independence for Fred is the name of the game, really.
18:56I think when the boys lost their mum,
18:58I really doubled down on putting all of my time, effort,
19:03attention, focus on my children.
19:07I needed to be there helping them to navigate
19:10whatever the future was going to look like for them,
19:12given their loss.
19:14I'm still playing that role.
19:16But, yeah, the more Fred does for himself,
19:20you know, I know that he can start to push on in life.
19:24I definitely wouldn't work on a farm,
19:26but I could see myself doing something with animals.
19:30To be in a place like this with Freddie
19:32is exactly what I was hoping to get out of this trip.
19:37I never thought I'd ever wash a horse in my lap.
19:40Good boy. Yeah, and again, and again.
19:42I really hope that this sends him home
19:44with a sort of fresh belief in himself
19:48and what he can do and what he should try.
19:52You're welcome.
19:57To the east...
19:59Hola. Hola. Omnibus to Pipa.
20:03..two teams have arrived in the coastal city of Natal.
20:07Obrigado. Obrigado.
20:09Staying on the move, Scott and Sam.
20:14OK, there's a bus at nine.
20:16I don't... I'm not convinced we're going to catch the bus at nine.
20:19But there was one at 11.
20:21It's more realistic that we're going to get the 11.
20:23Whilst Kelly and Jeremy are stranded with no local currency.
20:27Ideally, we wanted to get the first bus out at nine o'clock
20:30to drive down to the coast today,
20:32but we have to get money to be able to continue our race.
20:36Oh, my God, like one terrible decision.
20:39You grabbed that taxi and then we were stuck.
20:42Moving at that pace, we're going to keep making those mistakes.
20:45We're on the same side, mate. I know we're on the same side.
20:48The fact is, we were so desperate to race and get on the road,
20:51we're now walking around a city we don't know... Yeah.
20:55..trying to find a bank.
20:58All right, not far.
21:00Just a few thousand blocks down.
21:02Oh, this is bleak.
21:04This isn't the beach.
21:08Pipa Beach? This one?
21:15Once a sleepy fishing village,
21:17Pipa Beach was discovered by surfers in the 1970s
21:21looking for the perfect wave.
21:24Party, yoga, surf.
21:26Oh, yeah, that's what I'm supposed to be all about.
21:28Now firmly on the tourist trail,
21:30it draws a relaxed, young international crowd.
21:33Who wants lagarto? Yeah. Banana?
21:35Yeah, come on. Here you go.
21:37Oh, thank you. Nice to meet you. How are you?
21:39Is your father?
21:44Anyway, no, no, it's all good.
21:46You weren't to know, my darling.
21:48We normally get brothers. Never had Dad before.
21:50That was a new one on me.
21:53Wow. That's the hostel.
21:55This is amazing.
21:57Nice and shaded as well. Cool.
22:03Been to anywhere like this before?
22:06To be honest with you, I don't think I've spotted anyone
22:09over the age of 25.
22:11So slightly out of my comfort zone.
22:13Is this what Glastonbury's like?
22:15Parts of it, very much so, yeah.
22:17In the healing fields.
22:20Guests who stay here often pitch in to help.
22:24I'm always on the broom, aren't I, Sam?
22:27I don't even think we own one.
22:29To earn their keep, Scott and Sam have been tasked
22:32with freshening up the Faded Circle of Love,
22:35a peaceful spot where travellers gather to meditate
22:38and commune with nature.
22:40I might just come and live in the forest and do painting.
22:43How do you feel about that? Yeah.
22:46What kind of age are the people that come here?
22:48Mostly between 22 and 35.
22:54But we always have, like, an old person that is always here.
23:00They are showing that to have this life, there is no age.
23:04I am in a bit of denial about my age.
23:07I'm not going to lie.
23:10I don't know what you're supposed to feel like.
23:13Hashtag nifty at 50.
23:18I feel the same.
23:20Like, everyone's like,
23:22aren't your knees starting to creak?
23:24No, I don't know what you mean.
23:26How old are you?
23:28I am 34.
23:30You're still young.
23:32I forget that there's an age difference between me and Sam.
23:35It's never been a thing that we've even...
23:38You just don't think about it.
23:40Because he's a bit old for his years and I'm young for mine,
23:44so it meets in the middle.
23:46I'm not very good at painting, I've decided.
23:50I mean, there's no Banksy.
23:56Oh, yeah.
23:57Making up ground.
23:59Oh, yeah, yeah. No.
24:02How about no?
24:03I will kill you.
24:05Kala and Mary-Ellen are on their 12-hour bus to Recife.
24:10If you do this now, yeah...
24:12And we'd still come last?
24:14The next leg...
24:15It's bad.
24:16I swear, it's just bad, Bob.
24:18These guys are bombing it down the motorway like it's F1.
24:21As they close in on Natal...
24:23I'm delirious.
24:25..one team are still trying to get out.
24:28It's 11.19 and we've missed two buses,
24:32so we're going to try and get on the 1 o'clock
24:34and we have to get down there now,
24:36because, honestly, I am completely broken.
24:39While they've managed to change money,
24:41it's lost them four hours in the race.
24:44We are literally exhausted.
24:45Like, Jeremy and I never argue, ever,
24:48and we are being really tested on this.
24:50Our bus is leaving now. Let's go.
24:53Still in Quixada...
24:55I'm a bit stuck where to go next.
24:57This desert road, you know, it sounds beautiful.
25:00You've got a statue there.
25:04Looks like a Buddha.
25:05Spiritual. There you go. That's a bit of Dad.
25:07So, as much as this is my leg
25:09and I think Dad wants to lead me in charge
25:12and pick what I want to do,
25:13I think this place would be perfect for both of us.
25:17I think Dad would really appreciate the fact
25:19that I have thought about him in my decision.
25:23So, for the next step of the journey,
25:25I like the idea of going to Jezero de Norte,
25:29purely because there's, like, a spiritual statue
25:33and I think he would appreciate that.
25:35That sounds like a really lovely plan.
25:37Not that we don't get on,
25:38but I feel like we've got on really well.
25:40We've worked really hard together.
25:42It's been brilliant. It's been a beautiful day.
25:46Do you see that rock over there, right?
25:49Do you see a face?
25:50And you've got, like, curly kind of hair,
25:52like someone's just got a perm.
25:54And then, like, you've got the little nose.
25:56Can you see it?
25:57Oh, I do see it.
25:58You see it?
25:59I do see it, yeah.
26:01At the time I lost my mum,
26:03Dad had to push his feelings and all of that aside
26:07to be there for me and my brother.
26:09And at times where I've pushed him away,
26:14he's pulled even harder to bring me back in.
26:19I have not been...
26:22..that close with him for a long time, like.
26:26So do you see a big cloud that goes right up?
26:30It's like a wolf.
26:31I thought that was a crocodile.
26:33OK, or on the right-hand side,
26:35he's almost like a sort of an old wizard.
26:38Oh, my God, yeah!
26:40But I actually quite love being around him.
26:43I don't think I praise my dad enough
26:45or thank my dad enough for everything he's done for me.
26:50I should. He knows the love.
26:54But, no, I don't tell him enough.
26:56I would live here.
26:58Fred, you can go and live and work in places around the world.
27:04The world is literally your oyster.
27:07I'd like to do that.
27:12All right, we go. Thank you again.
27:14Thanks again. Thank you.
27:16With plans to leave Quichada on an overnight bus,
27:19father and son aim to arrive in the spiritual city of Juazeiro do Norte
27:24tomorrow morning.
27:26Look at this party bus. It's Brazilian funk.
27:29That is so sick.
27:35I want to be on that bus.
27:38Back on the coast...
27:40Scott, Scott Mills here.
27:42Nice to meet you. What's your name?
27:44Sonia. Sonia, nice to meet you.
27:46Scott and Sam are embracing their inner backpacker.
27:49What did you guys meet?
27:51We're radio. I am a radio presenter in England.
27:55He is from Wales.
27:57He was working for the BBC.
27:59He was working for the BBC.
28:01He was working for the BBC.
28:03He was working for the BBC.
28:05He was from Wales.
28:07He was working at a radio station where my best friend worked.
28:10What kind of show do you do?
28:12Top 40 music.
28:14I got into radio when I was 16,
28:17so I feel that earlier in life I missed out on things like this
28:22because I was pursuing my career.
28:25Things like going out, being a student,
28:29backpacking around the world, I never did that.
28:33Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:37I'll take that. Thank you.
28:39Sometimes you see younger people and you're like,
28:42oh, actually, I should have done that.
28:45But what tonight taught me was
28:47I felt like I dropped into backpacking for the night
28:50and you can actually do it at any age.
28:52Well, that was a different day, wasn't it?
28:57I thought we were going to be sleeping outside.
29:00I honestly thought they were going to say hammocks.
29:03Yeah, I thought it was hammocks or just sleep on a yoga mat.
29:09It's better than the bus. It is.
29:11And we haven't had to pay.
29:13Goodnight. Goodnight.
29:15God, this is so far, babe.
29:18We are literally in the middle of nowhere.
29:21Having finally reached Joao Pessoa,
29:23Kelly and Jeremy are now heading 90km back on themselves
29:27to a hostel on the remote coast.
29:29There's still no sign of a hostel.
29:31We've been driving for an hour on a dirt track.
29:34We're just exhausted now. I think we just need a shower and some sleep.
29:38Do you need the loo, Jezza? I didn't wee since this morning.
29:41I know. Look, you've got a lovely backdrop with some palm trees there.
29:45Don't get bitten off by anything out there, like an iguana.
29:50Bloody hell, Jeremy. Oh, my God, babe.
29:55How long is the hostel?
29:5740 minutes. 40 minutes, he says.
30:00Another 40 minutes? Yeah.
30:02I just want to cry.
30:14Look at that skyline.
30:16Stunning. Stunning.
30:19This looks like happiness.
30:21After spending over 12 hours yesterday on the bus,
30:24Cola and Mary-Ellen made it all the way to Recife
30:28and have taken a short hop to see the sights at Olinda.
30:32Oh, wow, look at that building over there.
30:35Once one of Brazil's richest cities,
30:38Olinda was sacked and burned by the invading Dutch in the 1600s.
30:43Many say the colourful town's rough edges add to its bohemian charm.
30:48Everything's quite dilapidated.
30:50This is really cool.
30:52I was expecting a little bit more of a vibe,
30:54like a little bit more, like, music
30:56or something like a Brazilian version of, like, Covent Garden.
31:00Growing up, I used to go to Pontins and that used to be...
31:03I used to think that was amazing.
31:05I was very easily impressed.
31:07But now, my favourite holiday is that before Miami.
31:11I grew up with Cola, you know, before he was this famous actor
31:15like, he hasn't changed in my eyes.
31:18The tapioca's meant to be incredible here.
31:20No, I don't want to eat here.
31:22Yeah, I mean, that's a lie. He's definitely a bit more bougie.
31:25How are you doing, man? Are you Pedro Lasso?
31:27Yes, I am.
31:28Oh, my God.
31:30There's my fiancé.
31:31Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:32We're great fans.
31:33Oh, we can. Thank you so much.
31:35Can we take a picture?
31:36Yeah, sure, sure, sure, sure.
31:37Acting is amazing.
31:39Sets, the people you meet, the things you get to do,
31:43OK, I'm so nervous.
31:46I met President Biden.
31:48I went to the White House, I was in the Oval Office.
31:50I was in the war room.
31:51That is madness.
31:52And I'm from... From Peckham to the White House.
31:55Is the sea that way? The sea's there.
31:57And I got a picture, you know, it's on my wall, you know,
32:00me in the Oval Office.
32:02That's where vibes is.
32:03The beach.
32:04Yeah, mate.
32:05I really feel that having this experience
32:08before you do become even more famous,
32:12is going to be a gentle reminder of how privileged you are
32:17and how far you've come.
32:21Oh, look at that.
32:22Oh, wow.
32:26Have you ever seen a horse go for a little swim in the sea?
32:29How sweet is that?
32:31You know, it's like, how far, bro?
32:33Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:34I can't swim that far.
32:35It's getting kind of deep.
32:38Oh, look at them.
32:40There's a lot of love here.
32:41There's a lot of love, innit?
32:43I love it.
32:44It's a different world, innit?
32:46You can forget that people...
32:47Appreciate the sport.
32:48..that life is for living.
32:49Are you missing your Ibiza-type holiday?
32:54No, Brazil's beautiful.
32:55Like, definitely, like, after this trip,
32:57I'll, you know, think twice before, you know, spending money.
33:02Do you reckon?
33:03And when I'm on my...
33:04I probably won't be on my phone as much,
33:06because, you know, being disconnected,
33:09disconnected from your phone...
33:10Quite freeing, innit?
33:11..I actually have conversations with each other.
33:15Going to places like this,
33:16it makes you fall in love with life again.
33:18Yeah, it really does.
33:19You know?
33:20It does.
33:22I think the whole purpose of this is for him to slow down
33:25and really take it all in,
33:26just about finding happiness or fun in the small things.
33:30And I think today has really showed him that.
33:34Yeah, we've got to, like, be, like...
33:36Going back into game mode.
33:38How the...do we get out of here?
33:40Where are we?
33:41Can we just get that boat and roll there?
33:44Can we roll to Les Oise?
33:48How do I open these?
33:50Yeah, let's open the shutters.
33:52Oh, cute!
33:54This is a cute room.
33:55We should have stayed in this room.
33:57170km behind, Kelly and Jeremy are at a secluded bay
34:02in the tropical state of Paraíba.
34:07Oh, my God, there's a frog in the bed.
34:10Look at him!
34:11I'll catch him. Come on.
34:13Here, to experience the unique wildlife of this remote region,
34:17the couple are working at the hostel
34:19and return for a guided boat tour
34:21through a protected biological reserve.
34:25This is going to look like a Japanese botanical garden
34:29by the time I've finished.
34:30Do you like this? Do you feel like you're working out?
34:33I feel I'm... Yeah.
34:34You're like the hot gardener from Desperate Housewives.
34:36Feel free to take your shirt off.
34:40Too much mosquito.
34:41You're so cute.
34:43I think working is far less stressful
34:46than the last 48 hours of travelling.
34:49As we were driving down the dirt track on the way here last night,
34:52I just did not know where we were going.
34:54It was pitch black.
34:55But today, I think I'm feeling a lot more positive,
34:58so I'm very happy we made this choice.
35:00Wow. There, I can see the beach.
35:03Jeremy, look at that.
35:05It looks like we are the only people that have ever found this place.
35:10It's the real Brazil.
35:15Surrounded by coral reefs,
35:17this coastline is home to some of South America's endangered species.
35:22Oh, my God, look.
35:25Oh, my God.
35:26Oh, my God, look.
35:29Oh, my God, he caught something.
35:30Yeah, he's amazing.
35:32Among them, Guyana dolphins.
35:35Threatened by fishing and pollution,
35:37they seek sanctuary in the shallow waters
35:39where the sea meets the Mamanguapi River.
35:43See, I wasn't keen on going to the Brazilian beaches
35:46that are full of people.
35:47I kind of wanted to go more remote, see more of the nature.
35:52When I was a kid, like, all I wanted to do was see the world
35:55and leave my small town and just go out there
35:58and just see what else was out there.
36:00This is absolutely gorgeous.
36:03I left home at 16 with two bin bags full of clothes,
36:07and that was me. I was out the door.
36:09Being an actress, I was hustling and hustling
36:12and getting rejections, being told I couldn't do it,
36:14and still, like, I mean, the fight is, like, beyond.
36:17But that's my kind of toughness, I think.
36:19You have to just keep going.
36:21Everything's a fight,
36:22and I think when you get the payoffs,
36:24I think it makes it all worth it.
36:28Let's go!
36:29I saw it, I saw it, I saw it.
36:31Oh, it's so sweet!
36:34Oh, my gosh, look!
36:36The wildlife is insane, isn't it?
36:39It was amazing.
36:41Maybe we could go for a dip, because there's a beach here,
36:43a deserted beach over there.
36:47You don't want to swim?
36:50Oh, Jeremy, don't look at the...
36:54This is it, it's a race.
36:56The idea of a bus now is, like, hell on Earth.
37:03It's just stopping on the side of the road.
37:06Recipe? Recipe?
37:08We've got to get a ticket, come on.
37:10After their night at the Backpacker Hostel,
37:12Scott and Sam are lagging behind the other teams
37:15making their way down the coast.
37:17There's no-one here.
37:18We've got five minutes and no-one is serving us.
37:21OK, OK, OK.
37:26This one.
37:28It's been.
37:30It's here.
37:32It's not stopped.
37:35It's gone.
37:43I mean, we're definitely leaving three-and-a-half hours later,
37:47and I reckon we'll arrive in Recipe maybe just after ten,
37:52maybe later tonight, so, yeah, that's another day gone.
38:01The only team inland...
38:03I don't like not knowing what my next move is.
38:07..still over 1,000km from the checkpoint.
38:11What we do have to do...
38:12Is get a bus ticket.
38:13So you wouldn't allow to explore, no?
38:15I don't mind.
38:17You know me, I'm safe side on everything.
38:20Too safe.
38:21Freddie has a spiritual treat in store for his dad.
38:25The statue?
38:29In the late 1800s,
38:31Catholic priest Padre Cicero was beloved
38:34among the people of north-eastern Brazil,
38:37renowned for helping the poor.
38:39There he is.
38:41Revered by thousands of followers,
38:43pilgrims who visit his statue tie a ribbon as an offering
38:47in return for a blessing.
38:51I'm going to go up there.
38:56This means a lot to Fred to be here.
38:59This is something that he wanted us to do together,
39:03cos he thought it would be nice for me.
39:05That's how wonderful a kid he is.
39:09And all I can think of is getting out of here
39:12and getting to the checkpoint.
39:14Fred? Yeah?
39:16Just checking you were there.
39:19It's hard to switch off, and I'm being too serious.
39:23And just everything's responsibility.
39:26It's what it's been for a long time.
39:28Cos I think, as a man, you probably don't rate your chances of...
39:35..of coping, so you...
39:39..you do what comes naturally to you,
39:41which is just take all the responsibility
39:43and just focus on the situation.
39:48I've absolutely 100% lost the ability to play,
39:54but I think that it's something that I need to regain.
39:59I think I need Freddy to show me, really.
40:03And I need to get back to...
40:05I need to get back to what I used to be.
40:11I'm sure... I'm sure that's possible.
40:15Fred, I can't come without both bags.
40:18Just leave them. No, no. We can see them from up here.
40:25I'm playing with the dogs.
40:28Of course, of course you're here with a dog.
40:32I just wanted to let you know that you're absolutely right,
40:36that I need to get better at just relaxing.
40:40After this trip, I feel like things will be a lot better
40:44than they have been.
40:47There's one at five o'clock, which leaves in about ten minutes,
40:51and that looks like that's the last one.
40:53Having dragged Kelly from the beach,
40:55Jeremy is looking to get back on the tourist trail
40:58to the busy seaside city of Marseille,
41:01where transport links are more frequent.
41:03Because we didn't have that swim on the beach, we got the last bus.
41:06By Jeremy being so, like, on it with the time,
41:09I feel like we're going to have a lot of fun.
41:12We got the last bus.
41:13By Jeremy being so, like, on it with the timings,
41:16he was, like, he wanted to leave at a certain time.
41:19And if we hadn't have got this,
41:22we would have had to wait 12 hours.
41:2712 hours is the difference in this race
41:29between first place and last place.
41:32Jezza, how happy are you?
41:34I just want people to listen to me now.
41:38You're good, babe.
41:43To get closest to the checkpoint,
41:45either go to the town of Sebra or Itaburaba.
41:49In Juazeiro do Norte,
41:51Geoff and Freddie are still closer to the first checkpoint than the second.
41:56Dad, I've got 9.31 from Bredjo to Sebra tonight.
42:03Oh, wow, that's amazing.
42:04So if we get to Bredjo from 9.31,
42:06we can get on this and get all the way there.
42:09We need to get to Bredjo.
42:10We need to get to Bredjo.
42:11By 9.30.
42:13Freddie's discovery of a bus from nearby Bredjo Santo
42:17all the way to Seabra
42:19could give them a giant leap
42:21to within striking distance of the checkpoint.
42:25The truth is, Fred, to get there by tomorrow morning
42:28that gives us all tomorrow to attack the checkpoint,
42:31I think that feels quick.
42:33As they forge south through the interior...
42:37Goodnight. Goodnight.
42:38Bonne nuit. Bonne nuit.
42:41At 10.50.
42:42Tonight? Yes.
42:43..the other three teams are travelling down the coastal highway.
42:48Four hours later than planned, we're here.
42:53Sleep and then get going.
43:07Where are you going?
43:08Who knows?
43:10They are definitely getting an overnight bus.
43:12So they could be ahead of us.
43:14How have they done that?
43:16But that means we're ahead of them.
43:18So, right, we're getting the hell out of here and...
43:22See you, Scotland Sound.
43:24They're on the move. We're stuck still.
43:27Are you annoyed?
43:28I knew you would be.
43:30Oh, well, we can't worry about it now.
43:33Cos we're not going nowhere apart from bed.
43:36I just think we've got to do overnight travel.
43:38I don't want to do that.
43:39I want to stay in a hotel.
43:41I mean, it's got a bed.
43:43And that doesn't work.
43:47I'm feeling a bit frustrated.
43:48I don't like feeling defeated.
43:50If we did do a night bus, which Scott really didn't want to do,
43:53then I just think he wouldn't be in the right frame of mind.
43:57So I've just got to think about him in that moment,
44:00even though I want to race ahead.
44:01I think I'd rather be on a bus.
44:03You're actually sleeping like that? Yeah.
44:05I'm going to wake up and that's going to terrify me.
44:09Right, right.
44:20We're definitely in the city, aren't we?
44:23This is totally different to yesterday.
44:25There's a real vibe. It's buzzing.
44:27I'm a little bit gutted that we had to wait three hours in that place yesterday.
44:32But we stay here for the nightlife
44:34and we're another night away from the checkpoint.
44:36To reach Lensoy's, teams on the coast can either keep heading south,
44:41hopping through well-connected tourist hotspots,
44:44or make an early break west to pick up the inland interstate highways.
44:50So we've got to make up a lot of ground over the next 24 hours.
44:53Inland, the bus timetable is not as frequent as it is on coastal.
44:58So we think we need to go to Ferra del Santana, which is there,
45:03and then the checkpoint is on this road here.
45:06Telebass station.
45:07Deciding to stick to the busy coast for as long as possible,
45:11Scott and Sam are aiming for Ferra de Santana,
45:14a city 300km from the checkpoint.
45:19If we get out of Petrolândia tonight and head towards the checkpoint,
45:24we'll at least cut down some of the time.
45:29Whilst Cola and Mary Ellen's strategy is to cut inland,
45:33using the city of Petrolândia as a stepping stone to Lensoy's.
45:39Who knows, maybe we're going to be signing that book first, eh?
45:42Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
45:43Maybe we need to start telling ourselves we're going to be the first ones.
45:46Let's just run our race. We're going to be first.
45:49Wow! That's crazy.
45:52Bonito. Bonito. Beautiful.
45:56A haunting relic submerged beneath Lake Itaparica.
46:00The old city of Petrolândia was flooded during the construction
46:04of a hydroelectric power plant in the 1980s.
46:09I think it's crazy that it's just there.
46:12And the only thing you can see is the top of the church.
46:14It's like their village used to be there and now it's just flooded.
46:18Among the people to relocate from the flooding, the Campos family.
46:24Who now run a lakeside restaurant,
46:26where the cousins are working to ease their cash flow.
46:30I could do that. Slice?
46:36I've washed off for so long that my hand is getting right as crap.
46:47Mary always gets up so late, man.
46:49You actually jammy dodger, you know that?
46:52You got out here chopping up fruits and I'm out here doing dishes, mate.
46:58I grew up in a household with a lot of people.
47:00I've got five sisters and one brother.
47:02Cos I was the youngest, doing dishes would always fall on me.
47:07I hated putting away. It was boring, innit?
47:10I was really a naughty kid.
47:13And I used to see these guys sitting on this block.
47:16Guys that used to go to the same school as me.
47:18They had nothing to talk about,
47:20because all they did was sit on that block.
47:22And suddenly I got a glimpse into my future.
47:28And I was like, no, no, no, no.
47:30I don't want that.
47:32Sitting on the block, yeah, with no prospects.
47:36So I just woke up one day and was like,
47:39I'm going to knuckle down and become good at school.
47:43And I did, you know.
47:45Came in, ironed shirt, you know, tie done up.
47:50Got ten GCSEs and I walked out of the school
47:53with my good grades and my head held high.
47:56And that is the one thing that I feel I'm good at.
48:00I'm good at adapting and changing.
48:02Yeah, I have to do a good job.
48:05Coming inland was a more direct route.
48:07Maybe the point to doing well in the race sometimes
48:10is actually just following your instincts.
48:12Fred's done amazing there.
48:15Another win to Freddie.
48:19After catching Freddie's overnight bus to Seabra,
48:23father and son are on their way home.
48:26It's a long journey.
48:28It's a long journey.
48:30It's a long journey.
48:33Father and son are the first team to cross the border
48:36into the state of Bahia,
48:38travelling a whopping 920km south in one fell swoop.
48:43I'm really looking forward to seeing the Chapada Diamantina
48:46National Park. Yeah, that'll be lovely.
48:48I love a national park. I love a bit of national trust.
48:52And they're now just 70km from the checkpoint.
48:56Hola. Hola.
49:02I think it was worth it, jumping in the taxi.
49:04But, look, they might all be there with their feet up, Fred,
49:07with their pina coladas or strawberry dachshund.
49:10Freddie's rocks are incredible.
49:12National Chapada Diamantina.
49:18Still across the state border,
49:20Kola and Mary-Ellen are planning to catch a night bus
49:23to make their own dash to the checkpoint.
49:43Oh, my God, a taxi straight to Lençois?
49:46Same price as the bus ticket?
49:48Oh, my God.
49:50Oh, wow, that would be great.
49:52All I know is, if that works out,
49:54that's the best thing that's happened to us, race-wise, in this trip.
49:59As Kola and Mary-Ellen embark on an epic all-night journey to Lençois,
50:04in Recife...
50:06We want to go to Ferra da Santana.
50:08..Scots agreed to brave a night bus to make up lost ground.
50:12This is a 17-hour bus journey.
50:15And we're on this for tonight's dinner. Yep.
50:18Breakfast and lunch tomorrow. Yeah.
50:20And we'll still be on a bus. Yeah.
50:23Kelly and Jeremy are also heading to Ferra da Santana.
50:27Who said to me, like, last week,
50:29you're going to be on a 14-hour night bus,
50:31something like that? It sounds absolutely disgusting.
50:34It's worth it, though, when you turn that page
50:36and you sign in and your name's first.
50:38That's a feeling the others don't know, unfortunately.
50:44Right, Fred, we are about to get busy.
50:47Are you ready? Yeah.
50:49Aye-aye, Captain.
50:53The colonial mining town of Lençois,
50:56built in the 19th century
50:58after treasure hunters discovered diamonds in the surrounding land.
51:04Here we go. Here we go.
51:10..it's the team's second checkpoint.
51:16From the bus stop, head upstream,
51:18go down the steps and cross the river,
51:21find the Iguero de Rosario church
51:24and wait for our instructions.
51:26Head upstream.
51:28Upstream's this way, darling. The water's going this way.
51:31If it's going this way, head upstream.
51:33Yes, yes, it's against the flow of the water.
51:36Sorry, mate.
51:38Cross the river.
51:41Right, we're looking for a narrow bit that we can run over.
51:45Right, hold that.
51:48That's it.
51:51This way, ready?
51:54I knew that was not jumpable.
52:00Do you reckon up here?
52:02Cross the river into town, find the church.
52:05Ah, the dog is following.
52:17And left, straight and left.
52:20Thanks, Fred.
52:21I can't believe how big this town is right in the middle of nowhere.
52:24This way. It's just there in front.
52:27Head along the narrow street,
52:29navigate your way to the main bridge,
52:31cross the river and find the checkpoint hotel,
52:34Canto das Abreu.
52:39Can't lead the way.
52:40Right, Dad, I reckon we continue straight.
52:43So it said the main bridge, yeah?
52:47Yes, bridge.
52:49What does that say? Hotel?
52:51Yep, Dad, that's the hotel.
52:53Casa de Abreu.
52:54Well done, Fred. Let's get the pace up.
52:59Go, Fred, get in there.
53:00You with me?
53:01Dad, we made it.
53:10Get that book open.
53:12Yeah, you got it!
53:15Alright, Freddy, you did so well there.
53:17Well done.
53:18Opening the book and seeing that we were first to sign,
53:21was one of them moments, yeah!
53:24It feels good to be in first,
53:25mainly because it's recognition of Freddy's great decision-making.
53:29Just in one short leg,
53:30we seem to have discovered so many things about ourselves,
53:33about each other, our connection.
53:35For me, Freddy is really starting to find his stride.
53:38Alright, Dad, get me in that pool.
53:49Nothing's going to stop us now.
53:50We can smell the checkpoint, it's so close.
53:55We're nearly there, man,
53:56so let's just get a little bit of fire on your body, OK?
54:00For two teams, it's a race for second place.
54:04I think I've got butterflies now.
54:06I've got the stuff in the stomach, I'm ready to fight.
54:09This is Jeremy's favourite moment.
54:11I've got butterflies in my stomach.
54:13I've got butterflies in my stomach.
54:15I've got butterflies in my stomach.
54:16I'm ready to fight.
54:17This is Jeremy's favourite bit.
54:20Head upstream, cross the river into town.
54:23Find the Igreja do Rosario church and await further instructions.
54:27Run for it!
54:29What way's the river flowing?
54:32I can't be galloping like that.
54:33Follow me.
54:36Oh, shit!
54:37Be careful, Mary.
54:39There's no bridge.
54:40How are we going to cross the river?
54:42Right here, maybe.
54:43Oh, you're joking.
54:48Look at the butterflies!
54:49OK, baby, let's go.
54:50Oh, my God!
54:51It's so pretty.
54:52Ah, church.
54:56OK, baby, go right, yeah.
54:58Here, here.
54:59Let's be sure, baby, because that's uphill.
55:01It's at the end of the road on the left.
55:03This is so hard.
55:04I can't get enough breath in.
55:06Come on, we can do it.
55:07I know.
55:08Navigate your way to the main bridge and find the checkpoint hotel.
55:11Let's go.
55:12You've got this.
55:14Just keep running.
55:16We have to get up there.
55:18That's the bridge.
55:19There is a bridge there.
55:20Oh, perfect!
55:22There it is.
55:23That's the entrance.
55:24Last one, last one.
55:29Come on.
55:30Every second counts.
55:32Oh, I've got goosebumps.
55:42How do we do that?
55:44The race is on.
55:48I mean, like, I saw people leave a day before us.
55:52I think...
55:53Like, almost a day.
55:54And then to get here before them, I'm like, what happens to them?
55:57I think this leg, we were just really smart logistically.
56:01Every location we went to was on route.
56:03We are well and truly in the race now.
56:07I'm thinking second.
56:10Collard, number two.
56:11No way!
56:13We're third!
56:14Wow, we are really behind.
56:16Where did we go wrong?
56:18Where did we go wrong?
56:21To the coast, yeah.
56:22I think I'm getting the blame for this,
56:23because I wanted to go to the coastal road,
56:25and inland was actually the most direct route.
56:28When you were little, you got bronze in that competition.
56:31How old were you?
56:32I think eight.
56:33And what happened?
56:34I was so upset.
56:35I cried, and I was in my middle, and...
56:38Well, I'm sorry.
56:39I'm glad you're being a bit more mature about this loss.
56:42I'm sorry, but I've got four more legs, so it's fine.
56:53I don't want to mention it,
56:54because there's other people here on the bus, but...
56:59Is it making you cry? Yeah.
57:03Basically, the toilet is overflowing.
57:07With a brown colour.
57:10They're swishing back and forth.
57:12That's enough detail.
57:14What are they doing?
57:15Emptying the toilet, by the looks of it.
57:18We'll be in the bus depot for the night now.
57:20I feel a bit deflated.
57:23I'm hoping we'll get to the checkpoint in, like, two days.
57:25Two days.
57:29Race mode.
57:31This place is mad.
57:32It's like every day, there's a different view.
57:34This country's big, man.
57:36We can't come last again. No.
57:37I've got this.
57:38What I'm struggling with is not having a regular shower,
57:41not cleaning my teeth enough.
57:42I literally could cry.
57:43I don't know if we've made the right choice.
57:45I want her to forget about what other people think.
57:52Have I let you down?
57:53You've never let me down.
57:54Oh, no!
57:56This is another level.
57:57They were just really bad at it.
57:59It was all getting a bit too sexy for me.
58:05The road to fame is long and bumpy.
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