• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shaya.
00:05For those watching, I thank you for watching.
00:10This is going to be some crime against me, my twin flame.
00:13And anyone who tries to use this against me, this information,
00:18will be sued or sent to jail for trying to illegally frame me.
00:27And I'm a little bit tired. I didn't really have a good night's sleep, Shaya.
00:34However, I was woken up, and there's more things we have to talk about in order to break the spells.
00:40And I'm possessed. They're going to use my voice, my mannerisms, my face to attack you.
00:46And to attack me, however.
00:58If I don't finish my sentence, it's because demons hooked up to automated eye are finishing the sentences for me.
01:06So I have some things to say, Shaya.
01:09And the reason why I'm saying this is not to trigger you.
01:17You're going to think, oh, I really don't like when my collar's like that.
01:24Um, I really...
01:29I'm not like, you're going to think I'm trying to retaliate because of what I found out about these public figures
01:39that messed with you, harassed you, S-E-X-U-A-L-Y.
01:45Um, it's not really...
01:50Uh, they're boys inside, so it's not...
01:55They really, like, nailed us, Shaya.
01:58God really nailed us in this lifetime.
02:01However, they really didn't.
02:07I'm going to tell you someone that messed with me.
02:13And because I never told you...
02:20Because you're going to think public figures didn't mess with me.
02:23They did.
02:32Males and females.
02:35The one that really messed with me was M-A-D-O-N-N-A.
02:47Yeah, that may or may not be true.
02:52Um, but obviously I had no clue who she was.
02:58But there's one specific I want to talk about.
03:07That is...
03:10That there was some kind of harassment involved.
03:15And it was very on and off.
03:18It wasn't, like, consistent.
03:21And I...
03:25I'm not doing this to try to hurt you, like get revenge, because of what I found out yesterday.
03:32And the day before.
03:34I'm doing this to break the spell, Shaya, and you have to know.
03:38And this bothered me a lot.
03:42And this was a little bit different.
03:46Because I never met the person, I never spoke with the person.
03:50I never knew... I never thought he knew who I was.
03:56However, there was some subliminals in high school.
04:06Like, towards the last year of college.
04:11And in my late 20s.
04:16So it was only... So he's a musician.
04:24I don't... I honestly...
04:28It wasn't, like, very consistent, but it was those times when I was listening to music.
04:34The album. The high school, college, and my late 20s.
04:41I didn't consistently listen to this person's music.
04:50He's a girl inside, Shaya.
04:54So you can't really... You can't really be that angry.
05:00And he's a... I didn't know, like, his personality.
05:06I never looked him up and learned how he talked or what he talked about or anything that he did or liked.
05:14All I knew was the music, and I liked the music.
05:22He used both of us, Shaya. He used... Basically, he was using us as channels.
05:27Channeling the luminary of creativity.
05:37He really... He didn't bother me, but in 2018, you know...
05:41I got so sexually harassed in my life, Shaya, you won't believe it.
05:45In 2018, they were trying to get me to, like, go alone to one of his concerts and talk to him.
05:52Like, some kind of humiliation ritual.
05:55And, obviously, I didn't do that, but they were, like, harassing me.
06:00So, I went to a concert with my dad.
06:05I hate my dad. I hate him.
06:09He embarrassed me so much.
06:13He really embarrassed me and humiliated me and made me feel like I should be ashamed of myself.
06:21A lot. Most of the time.
06:25So, he dragged me to one of his concerts with my brother.
06:30I think it was late middle school.
06:33And I liked the music.
06:40We left the concert after a couple songs.
06:43There was something that happened at the concert.
06:46Possibly some kind of courting.
06:48But we left the concert. We didn't stay.
06:54I'm not gonna tell you what the blame was of why we left.
07:03None of this really matters, Shia.
07:05Besides, I got physically tortured.
07:08Like, none of this really even matters.
07:11I was physically tortured non-stop, 24-7.
07:14I was a cripple that had to walk on a crippled leg and hip.
07:18I farted millions, probably billions of times.
07:22And I am not exaggerating.
07:24I am not exaggerating.
07:27I've had one of the worst cases of gas torture probably in the history of mankind.
07:33And I am not exaggerating, Shia.
07:37So, none of this is really that important.
07:40It's not that important.
07:42However, this...
07:48It was apparently girl teamwork because this musician used my creative power.
07:57By the way, I looked up that Mexican.
08:02And looked at her like a few seconds and what she sounds like.
08:06She sounds like a boy.
08:08I'm not threatened by her.
08:11So, you...
08:13You're gonna feel the AI programs on this...
08:26I don't really want to say who it is because you're gonna, like...
08:29I want to, like, explain first.
08:33And, Shia, I'm not doing this to trigger you.
08:35This isn't really good timing to talk about this stuff, but the spells have to break.
08:40I don't have any support besides you, Shia.
08:43I'm not doing this to trigger you.
08:45I'm not trying to do this to get back at you.
08:49Even though they want to make me think that.
08:53I was dragged at that concert.
08:55That's the only time I've ever been to one of his concerts.
08:58And I told you, the only times...
09:01There was brief times where I listened to his music, which was junior-senior high school.
09:06The last year of college.
09:10In my late 20s.
09:15And I believe what happened to you...
09:18What happened to you...
09:20I think you may have gotten harassed by SEX more physically than me because you were peer-pressured.
09:28Because the clone, and I thought of this...
09:31For seven years, I thought of this.
09:37You're not really one of the public figures, Shia.
09:40You're really not. You didn't make any money.
09:42You don't come from the elite. You don't come from money.
09:47You don't come from, like, status.
09:49Your parents are not snobs.
09:52If it was...
09:55There's reasons why I'm not extremely angry.
10:01It's not physically possible, though, to be harassed the way I have been in my lifetime.
10:11I really, really liked some of these albums that he made, because they were very, like, alien-Lumarian.
10:17I didn't know it was alien-Lumarian, but I...
10:20They were so different.
10:26That's why, um...
10:31I just really liked the albums and the music.
10:33And there was a reason.
10:35We were being used as channels to get to the Lumarians, because of our creative power.
10:46So I'll tell you...
10:56I'll tell you who it is. I only have one more page, Shia.
10:59I'm talking about this.
11:11I'm a loser, baby.
11:14So why don't you kill me?
11:19That will make you know who he is.
11:32That's a quote from Song.
11:41So there's nothing that's gonna happen.
11:44There's nothing gonna happen with this person.
11:49No, it's gonna be return to sender.
11:51And I have no musical abilities.
11:53I don't know. I can't play instruments.
11:56I've never sung in my entire life. I wasn't allowed to sing.
11:59And if I did, they'd make my voice wicked ugly-sounding.
12:04So I don't like...
12:06Songbirds in general.
12:08I don't like Songbirds in general.
12:13And by the way...
12:21I have no ability to play instruments.
12:23I have no voice.
12:25And if I was harassed...
12:28He's an intellectual elite.
12:30His lifestyle and culture has nothing to do with mine.
12:35I have no clue, really, who he...
12:37His personality is besides.
12:39I looked him up, finally, like, in 2018 to see what he...
12:42How he acts.
12:48This all started when I was in middle school.
12:51When my dad brought me to this concert.
12:58Never spoken to this person...
13:01Spoken to him.
13:04I've never messaged this person.
13:06I've never tried to contact this person.
13:09I do hate my dad, though.
13:11I hate my dad.
13:14There's nothing that's gonna happen to this person.
13:18There's gonna be a return to Sender.
13:23The music...
13:24Kinda like Space Aliens.
13:26Something that...
13:27The music turned a little bit Space Alien-y.
13:32It took a different direction.
13:36But you're gonna...
13:53It really wasn't, like...
13:55I told you it was brief, not consistent.
14:01Times I was listening to this person's music.
14:05However, it felt like a lot.
14:08Because if you...
14:11Steal someone's creative power...
14:14And then...
14:16They listen and don't really know what's going on or how...
14:20Like, that...
14:21How did...
14:22How they came up with that?
14:33That's like creative theft.
14:35And so it was a...
14:36There was a huge creative theft that occurred.
14:39And it wasn't just through me.
14:41It was through a YouTube channel.
14:48I did not...
14:49I didn't listen to his music a lot.
14:51I didn't listen to anyone's music a lot.
15:01Yeah, I did, but...
15:02It was...
15:03I never listened to my music...
15:04Anyone's music longer than, like...
15:08I'd just get burnt out after I played it several times.
15:11I'd just get burnt out and wouldn't listen to it again.
15:16I learned about his music through my dad.
15:19And then...
15:20I'm pretty sure...
15:22It was my dad that wanted to go to the concert.
15:25But then something at that concert...
15:29May have happened.
15:30I was in...
15:31It was late middle school.
15:35Possibly high school.
15:36But I think I really was in middle school.
15:38I was in middle school.
15:39I was a girl.
15:40A little girl.
15:41And then...
15:43I completely forgot about this...
15:47Person's music.
15:48But then it was...
15:49I just told you.
15:51Junior, senior high school.
15:52Last year of college.
15:54And then...
15:56Very briefly in my late 20s.
16:02Is an example...
16:15I don't know what it's an example of actually.
16:22So, that's what I have to tell you about Chad.
16:32I mean...
16:33Based on...
16:35Me briefly...
16:37Hearing what he sounds like.
16:38He sounds like a total pretentious snot.
16:45I wasn't allowed to sing my whole life.
16:49So I pretty much hated singers.
16:51I pretty much hated singers.
17:09I'm just repeating things I already wrote down.
17:14I mean, I already said to you.
17:18It was a sect of creative lumarian power.
17:20That's what it was.
17:22That's what it was.
17:38I heard in regards to the mexicans.
17:39You get groups of people trying to kill you.
17:41It was...
17:42It was R.A.P.E.
17:46You are like a crystal.
17:48So, the...
17:49Demon entity watching you...
17:51to do anything to you physically they're going to get fried and I heard also that she is a mouse
18:04so obviously oh yeah so there's we've had so much people harass us s-e-x-u-a-l-l-y however there's
18:14a few that spent like consistently like thousands of hours
18:21and the three that has consistently spent so much time hurting you and me
18:28one of them is a snake one of them's a mouse one of them is a ghoul remember that
18:34person i just showed you a couple of days ago and he's got a huge mouth he's a ghoul he's a ghoul
18:41and so i think that's kind of weird something kind of weird and i actually all these entities
18:53i i don't think any of these entities are placed in a male body and be a male or a female entity
19:02placed in a female entity's body i don't think that actually even exists i think it's purposeful
19:07to that's that has to be total misery to be like a man and a female in a female's body
19:15and a female in a man's body that has to be pure misery so they're djinn entities
19:23and you didn't have the status you didn't have the wealth
19:28there's reasons why it was humiliation shia and it wasn't like it wasn't like a match
19:34however i told you this this whole thing is really humiliating
19:49i am still angry about it and i did ask the pendulum what can i say to shia to not hurt his
19:55feelings to make it like i don't i'm angry i don't want i don't want you to think i'm angry
20:01to think i'm angry i don't want to say the wrong thing and it's the pendulum and i'm disappointed
20:08i am disappointed i'm disappointed about what happened to you obviously i don't want i didn't
20:14want what happened i didn't want what happened to you but when you find out what happened to me
20:18with all the harassment you're gonna like i don't think you would have respect for me and you would
20:24think i'm very decided you're stupid however it didn't i didn't do it it happened to me
20:28i didn't do any of it we both have had full
20:32body possession and we're at uh we're controlled lumerians didn't have complete control
20:43so that's what i want to talk about in this
20:58video but i i wouldn't have a problem if um i i would highly i'd be highly surprised if my if my
21:11parents don't get in trouble the only hope that they have is if i die and shia i can't trust
21:21completely uh your
21:25members because i know how my parents feel about me i know they do not like me they have moments
21:33where well she's our daughter she's they're not lumerians they're not lumerians and i do have
21:42like a natural they're my parents i have to respect them that's gonna go away because i
21:48think those are spells and in regards to the physical harassment i'm pretty sure i got i got
21:59more physical harassment by uh family members than actual like
22:07like so my parents are in trouble they've humiliated me for 38 years along with many
22:20other people it's time for them to be humiliated it's time for them to be humiliated
22:27and most of my life i was kind of kidnapped by my mom most of my life i never really even
22:36wanted to hang around like go out and i was actually too sick to as well but i was kidnapped
22:43as well but i was kidnapped most of my child and young adult life obviously
22:57i but then it was her and then it turned into
23:02the hacker and his assistant and others and still my mom because i was living with my mom
23:11the whole time that the hacker was doing torturing me with his wife
23:22and in regards to my mom
23:31this isn't about like i uh i'm just angry at my parents they have to be humiliated now
23:38the thing is though they were so like
23:40already sick and getting tortured this whole time because of who they were my parents there's gonna
23:46there's gonna have to be like all this return to sender is gonna have to be very very slow because
23:53they're not gonna make it if all this gets returned to sender
23:58so i'm just gonna be like i'm gonna be like i'm gonna be like i'm gonna be like
24:04is gonna have to be very very slow because
24:07they're not gonna make it if all this gets returned back to them like really quickly
24:15so i i'm going to stop this video and talk to you at three o'clock
24:29but it's funny
24:33mice and ghouls and snakes are like some of the ugliest creatures
24:40and dirtiest
24:50and it might like hurt a little
24:55however the lack of information is what would make it hurt so shia you're very sensitive right
25:04now because uh of what recent what had happened two years ago with one of your family members
25:12around this time so i'm not trying to treat you i don't think this is good timing however these
25:18spells have to break shia because they have a hold over us and
25:32they are pure misery and humiliation and that's all that they
25:36their pure misery and their pure humiliation their walking misery and their walking humiliation
25:43that's all that they did was torture us humiliate us and it was pure misery and
25:58they have the problem they have the problem
26:04i don't give a shit about these fucking criminals i don't give a shit about their
26:08personal business they're all in about in our business 24 7 it's their problem it's not our
26:15problem so that's what i have to say now shia and
26:31i will i'll make sure to write down some notes check the pendulum to see how you're feeling
26:36the pendulum i checked the pendulum last night they're playing my voice right now
26:41i checked the pen to see how you were doing last night and
26:56uh the pendulum said you're not being heard you feel like this is health abuse that you have to
27:01listen to this and not be able to talk the fact that you can't talk back is health abuse too
27:08honestly there's nothing that we can do this is better than
27:12me being silent but i know you're being responsible shia you've that's what the pendulum said
27:31so don't worry shia just relax and honestly i i don't really know i don't really know why
27:51this is taking so long us not being together
27:56however it's not our choice shia we're following
27:59lumarian's instructions it's lumarian's plan so i'm going to talk to you
28:05at three o'clock probably not make a very long video because
28:12i'll probably make a half an hour video shia because i already made a half an hour video
28:16this morning and i'm starting to not feel that good um
28:26i'm just very tired and i'm doing a lot of this acupressure is making me very tired
28:32because uh this acupressure on my root chakra is like releasing a lot of the pain and the trauma
28:40so it's like very exhausting so i know that you're working on it too shy the acupressure
28:47is so i will talk to you later i love you shia thank you i love you shia thank you
28:52everybody for watching thank you so much shia for watching
