Silent Hill: Homecoming-I Have To Find The Doctor

  • last month
Hated the sewers. Game crashed. Also checkout and and and and and
00:00Can we drain it together like this?
00:16Alright, what, what, don't, map, map, oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,
00:29okay, I don't know, map, start, okay, well, there's a map somehow, wait, I can look first
00:41person, what, wait, I want to, oh, oh, okay, keep her safe, I don't understand, okay, okay,
01:10okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,
01:39okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,
02:04okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay
03:04is this it
03:16oh my god dude
03:58we're gonna save just so we don't have to do that again
04:22out of my way
04:42i don't see anything
05:01she scared me
05:26wait what what's the point of this room
05:51okay so i can crank it and have her go
06:02heck yeah
06:12that music
06:17go ellie go
06:28what alex there's another gate here i can open go back the way we came in i'll let you through
06:36oh great
06:53oh no i'm not used to fighting
06:55oh don't stun lock me you prick
07:03oh wrong button
07:09you want to fucking go oh he wants to go okay
07:21go to hell
07:37it wasn't through here right this was complete dumb
08:14i'm invincible
08:20jump in the water bitch
08:34yeah let's see you fucking come back this way bitch
08:43oh i don't like this
08:55all right
09:12wait that's nothing it's got to be this one back here right
09:20hmm this was nothing
09:32we're just running we're just running we're just running
09:48this is it right just like last time i'll hold it open
09:53hurry up
09:58jesus christ ellie
10:05oh wrong button
10:09you know what i'm just gonna fucking shoot him
10:25do something better ellie god
10:43oh wait
11:05you fucking slow son of a bitch
11:13okay i can't that sounds bad
11:29dude i don't believe you're not down there
11:45how did it go red
11:50was that just a glitch or was i seen through the wall
12:05no way
12:21i guess let's go
12:41i jumped you son of a bitch
12:49wrong button
12:58ellie fucking hell
13:06you know what fuck this
13:15so the game has a as the swing you would think it'd be right trigger once you hold left trigger name no
13:25so many times i get hit because i'm trying to right trigger this shit
13:35i don't want to heal
13:39fucking ellie don't do anything good
13:57oh suck my butthole ellie
14:05oh yes
14:21wait where do we go oh
14:29man i don't like the sewers
14:44oh there you are ellie
14:56oh a save point
15:04jesus takes forever
15:23did i hear clank clank clank
15:43there is nothing cool over here
15:59oh this looks bad
16:17this is like a boss battle i have to go in the middle
16:23okay activate boss battle
16:25battle no oh now i can rotate are you kidding me
16:36so strong
16:39alex there's just no way to open the gate from this side
16:42i'll head down the tunnel to find a way to open it oh here it comes
16:56oh fight it
17:07i know
17:13you nasty little bugger
17:25no alex run
17:47i don't like that dude
17:55oh big dude ow oh my god
18:19oh i'm fucking up i'm panic shooting
18:27take down the building i feel like this is what has to happen
18:40that didn't do it
18:55oh it opened
19:12oh no
19:39i like how it's all tense music then it goes to a long load are you kidding me game
20:13finally out of the sewers
20:25wait is this the house no way
20:35have health no drinks because i suck and mess that up wait what the hell
20:43let me in all right let me just see what it said again i can't just through the barbed
21:13oh i don't remember this let me check the other way because i thought that led to a dead end before
21:25no apparently i have okay
21:44ah playground i hear you
21:57oh these guys are too strong dude
22:05those guys fuck them in their ass dude
22:13does this even lead the right way or did i just climb up here just to sightsee
22:28dude don't camp me
22:35i can't even hit you because you are
22:53this is dumb
23:05oh my butthole
23:21there's more fuck dude
23:36oh i'm so screwed
23:50is this the way i just came
23:55all right how do i get to the map oh it was y objectives
24:05okay so the park isn't the way i gotta go around
24:13park is bad
24:17can i go down the street i guess
24:22all right
24:28is this way
24:43jesus he's alive
25:00okay i'll meet you there god i hope bell's okay well if he can survive getting gorilla stomped
25:16okay well i yes i'm just gonna try to dodge everything i can
25:22what oh my god
25:34i'm so i'm so fucked
25:46the aiming the aiming are you fucking
25:50it auto locked on the other one are you kidding me just kill me just fucking eat me
26:04i hope it loads me outside of the sewer so i don't waste all that ammo in the park
26:19i wish these load times were not so long like jesus awesome
26:30all right i will be happy when this game is when i'm done with this game
26:37all right no drinks gotta go down this way i gotta see my buddy
26:42are you there
26:46all right gotta kill some dogs because they're overpowered
27:07i wasted some ammo because i panicked
27:14how far down is it holy shit
27:21i need some juice dude is that the right way oh yeah all right
27:36what's with the blood was that a blood trail
27:40yeah uh i don't trust my buddy excuse me sir it's him
27:49hey you
27:55dr finch what do you want are you all right
28:02whose blood is that what have you done stay away from me
28:18how do i get in there
28:23he left it unlocked what
28:39what does this poster say wait she may look clean but oh my god
28:49spread syphilis and gonorrhea or like i can't read what it says
29:10no one wants to call me
29:11me you bastard
29:21you bastard
29:35anything cool i can collect that's not a doll
29:38wait what's this wait what
29:45this is his daughter's room are you kidding
29:58i don't have anything do i no
30:08oh my god
31:03thank god
31:21fucking dumb bitch
31:30health kit what is that
31:36is it gonna make my pp big
31:47what kind of progress
31:58hmm all right is this the key
32:12what's in the box
32:14did it just move
32:26oh creepy
33:21no i'm back in this hellhole pick the doll up it looks like
33:27there's gonna be a save point though right
33:32pick the doll up i want that doll
33:37and this looks terrible dude
33:39dude wait what the hell is going on in here
34:02well that's not creepy
34:06josh stop
34:13josh i want a save point main entrance
34:24what's down here
34:53well i'm not brave enough to keep going josh will probably lead me to a save point
35:00i don't want to know what i don't remember what that does i think i had one before maybe
35:14all right josh
35:28jesus josh
35:30wait wait i guess i can only go the one way so i was going the right way are you joking on me
36:07get up there boy
36:17oh wow
36:20can't go and yeah i can't exit meanwhile this is
36:30okay excuse me
36:43honestly oh i can't go this way yeah i was gonna say there's probably only one way to go
37:00wait what the fuck
37:05wait i'm i'm so confused
37:14then how do i go down this way
37:24oh oh oh wow josh way to lead me
37:33oh there should have been a health drink come on game
37:39what is that oh
37:45wait is that a freaking doll
37:49doll stop you shall not pass
37:59oh my god i'm about to get dull or killed
38:28no i gotta do all
38:32jesus i wish i could just save
38:39yeah it's a disgust wait i
38:44are you kidding me game
38:46but last time it didn't want me to pick it up
38:55all right i need ammo josh stop
39:41all right now the doll warns me i wonder if i can um turn around before it says that
39:59i don't know what the freaking serum does if i fail again i'm using the serum
40:39oh my god
