Dungeons & Dragons (Ep.05) In Search of the Dungeon Master

  • last month
Dungeon Master is captured by Warduke and frozen in a magic crystal.


00:00Hey, look! A Dungeons and Dragons ride!
00:08Wow! Neat!
00:10Give me a break!
00:12I don't like this!
00:14Whoa! What's happening?
00:18Where are we?
00:20Look out!
00:24Fear not, Ranger!
00:30Magician? Thief?
00:34And Acrobat?
00:46Who was that?
00:48That was Venger, the force of evil!
00:50I am Dungeon Master,
00:52your guide in the realm of
00:54Dungeons and Dragons!
01:10Admit it, Hank, you don't have the faintest idea
01:12where we're going.
01:14Dungeon Master said we'd find a clue
01:16to help us get home in a forest with no trees.
01:18Dungeon Master's an airhead.
01:20How can you have a forest with no trees?
01:22He knows what he really meant.
01:24That's it! You said the magic word, Presto!
01:26I did?
01:28It's not N-O-N-O. It's K-N-O-W-N-O.
01:30No trees. Trees that know.
01:32Oh, that's ridiculous.
01:34Trees don't know anything.
01:36I beg your pardon.
01:42Sounds like the young Cavalier
01:44has met his first no tree.
01:50The adventurers are in need of some assistance.
01:56Get him!
02:02Dear me!
02:18I haven't done this in years.
02:26I'd almost forgotten
02:28how much fun this sort of thing can be.
02:30Your fun has ended, Dungeon Master.
02:36Of course I know the way out of this world.
02:38I'm a no tree.
02:40I know everything there is to know.
02:42How do we know he knows?
02:44Ask me anything.
02:46Okay. Who won the 1981 World Series?
02:48Simple. The Greywood Elves.
02:50The who?
02:52That thing doesn't know it's trunked
02:54from a hole in the ground.
02:56However, if you're referring to the
02:5881 World Series in your world,
03:00it was the Dodgers over the Yankees
03:02who won the World Series.
03:04It was the Dodgers over the Yankees.
03:06Four games to two.
03:08Gosh. He really does know.
03:10If you're such a great know-it-all,
03:12how do we get out of this place?
03:14Oh, dear. Your friend, the Dungeon Master,
03:16is in great danger.
03:18Who cares? How do we get home?
03:20Dungeon Master in trouble?
03:22We've got to help him.
03:24Oh, brother.
03:28Hey, wait a minute.
03:30Take him to the caves.
03:34There's something moving up ahead.
03:36And up there, too.
03:44Something tells me
03:46if these guys touch us,
03:48we'll get more than wards.
03:50Hello. We come in peace.
03:52A lot of good that's gonna do.
03:54Always works in the movies.
03:58So much for the money.
04:00Let's go.
04:02So much for the movies.
04:04Time for some fireworks.
04:12Yuck. I hate frogs.
04:16Stay away from my sister,
04:18slime face.
04:22Hold this, fellas.
04:28Who are those guys?
04:30Who cares?
04:32Pull something out of that stupid hat of yours.
04:34What should I pull out?
04:36An army tank would be nice.
04:40Here goes nothing.
04:44Giant fly.
04:46Must have been something rotten in my hat.
04:48The only thing rotten around here
04:50is your magic.
04:54Rotten or not,
04:56Resto's magic may just save our necks.
04:58Come on.
05:04I think
05:06we lost them.
05:08And I think
05:10we lost ourselves, too.
05:12We've got to figure out how to find the dungeon master.
05:14Oh, what for?
05:16I say we forget about that little drip
05:18and try to buy our way home.
05:20With what? Fairy dust?
05:22No. Money.
05:24You've got to be kidding.
05:26There are no fairies in this world.
05:28Oh, yeah? We'll see about that.
05:30The first person I see, I'm going to make an offer
05:32they can't refuse.
05:36Some deal.
05:42What's he saying?
05:44How should I know?
05:46He's saying that those bullywugs took away the dungeon master
05:48and he knows where they went.
05:50How did you know that?
05:52I don't know.
05:54We have no choice, Eric.
05:56Dungeon master may need our help.
05:58Lead on.
06:16It's a long time you got here.
06:18Time I have plenty of.
06:20What have you got?
06:22I've got a jewel for the crown of your master.
06:26Is he?
06:28No. The red glow indicates
06:30a life force is still with him.
06:32Tell Venture that dungeon master
06:34is his for the right price.
06:36Now go.
06:38Very soon, dungeon master.
06:40You shall be worth ten times
06:42the trouble it took to capture you.
06:44Are you sure he said this
06:46is the way to dungeon master?
06:48Sure, I'm sure. I think.
06:50Say, how far down is it, Presto?
06:52I don't know. I haven't looked.
07:00Nothing to worry about, Eric.
07:02If we fall, we won't hit the bottom.
07:04Oh, good.
07:06Because there isn't one.
07:08We'll have to turn back.
07:10Wait a minute. We can't give up yet.
07:12What would dungeon master do in a situation like this?
07:14Huh. Disappear.
07:17He says all we have to do
07:19is fly to the other side.
07:21In case he hadn't noticed,
07:23we don't have wings.
07:25No, but maybe Presto can conjure up some.
07:27Gee, I don't think so, Sheila.
07:29Lately, my hocus pocus
07:31has been out of focus.
07:33Give it a try, Presto. You can do it.
07:37Abracum dabracum. Whoa!
07:39Nice trick.
07:41Hey, look!
07:43My hat's coming back.
07:46That's not all that's coming back.
07:50Take cover.
07:52Cover? What cover?
08:05I knew we shouldn't listen to that fairy.
08:08They're going to drop us.
08:10I don't believe it.
08:12They're friendly.
08:16Dungeon master, close.
08:19He says dungeon master isn't far.
08:21Let's go.
08:26In there.
08:28Dungeon master, in there.
08:30Are you sure he's in there?
08:32That cave looks like it's alive.
08:36And something tells me it doesn't brush between meals.
08:38We owe it to dungeon master
08:40to go in there and help him.
08:42Wrong. I don't owe that little runt a thing.
08:44No way I'm going in there.
08:46I'm finding my own way out of this nightmare.
08:48Eric, wait!
08:50Don't worry.
08:52If I find a way home, I'll send help.
08:54The marines.
08:56I hope we don't regret this.
08:58I regret it already.
09:08This place gives me the creeps.
09:15What was that?
09:17I don't know. It felt like the walls were moving.
09:29Maybe it's friendly.
09:34Maybe not.
09:39See if you can whip up a spell
09:41that'll stop that thing.
09:43Come on, Dad.
09:47Oh, sorry.
10:00Oh, no!
10:02It's a dead end.
10:04I think this is it, guys.
10:16We won't give up that easily.
10:19Hey, stone face!
10:21Sheila, no!
10:23You guys run for it.
10:30Wait, this way.
10:33Hey, lose something, boulder breath.
10:41I've got to go back and help Sheila.
10:48Oh, yeah.
10:50Hurry and stop me.
10:52Hey, let me go, bacon face.
10:55What do you want with us?
10:57Mark wants to welcome you.
10:59Did you hear that?
11:01He wants to welcome us.
11:03For a minute there, I thought we were in trouble.
11:05Where exactly are you welcoming us to?
11:15I don't know.
11:17I don't know.
11:19I don't know.
11:21I don't know.
11:24I don't know.
11:26I don't know.
11:28To the slave mines of Daramorn.
11:30Where else?
11:32We're in trouble.
11:51Hang on, I'll keep you cool, Eric.
11:53Things aren't as bad as they look.
11:55There must be someone around this mud pit
11:57that can help me.
11:59There's someone.
12:01Excuse me.
12:03I wonder if you...
12:29Well, what is it?
12:31I have news.
12:35Wardook has captured Dungeon Master.
12:39I saw him.
12:41You saw him?
12:43Wardook says Dungeon Master is yours
12:45for the right price.
12:47The right price?
12:49Wardook has either become very brave
12:51or very stupid.
12:53However, I've waited many years
12:55for Dungeon Master to make this mistake.
12:57I will see to it
12:59that it's his last.
13:13Can't you dig any faster?
13:15Ease off, loudmouth.
13:17You get what you pay for.
13:19We're digging. We're digging.
13:30Get your greasy claws
13:32off my meat crawler.
13:39What's for dessert?
13:47How am I going to get Bobby
13:49and the others out of this?
13:51Who goes there?
13:53Must have been a shadow.
14:00This is worse than team class.
14:04Gosh, my magic club
14:06works better than this.
14:08What I wouldn't give to see
14:10Dungeon Master's wrinkly little face right now.
14:12Say, Dungeon Master, did you?
14:14Uh, yeah. You know him?
14:16Know him, I don't.
14:18Know where he is, I do.
14:20You gotta tell us.
14:22Yeah, he'll rescue us.
14:24Rescue you, he will not.
14:26Unless him you rescue first.
14:28But promise me first,
14:30my people, you will free.
14:32Sure, sure. You got a deal.
14:34Now, where is he?
14:36On the other side of this wall, he is.
14:38It'll take us 200 years
14:40to dig through that.
14:42Not with our weapons.
14:44Yeah, but how do we get him
14:46away from those slobs?
14:54Hello? Anyone?
14:56I'd pay a thousand dollars
14:58for a taxi cab right now.
15:12Oh, yuck!
15:21Good idea, Uni.
15:26Give me five seconds.
15:28Then act really crazy.
15:46Not that bad.
15:59Come back here, you!
16:05Sheila, I bring gifts.
16:11Nice going, sis.
16:13Hurry, we've gotta get through this mine wall.
16:17We did it!
16:23Look, Dungeon Master.
16:25Poor Dungeon Master.
16:29How can we get him out of here?
16:31You can't.
16:45The life force has left him.
16:47And for you,
16:49the game is over.
16:58I didn't mean to step in your nest, honest.
17:02Give me those weapons.
17:07Okay, we're giving, we're giving.
17:10Go for it!
17:15Eric, I thought you left us.
17:17Me? You kidding?
17:19I wouldn't leave you guys behind.
17:21Don't let them get away!
17:27Looking for me?
17:59Presto, try something.
18:03Right. Omenis, come here.
18:05Someone get this out of here.
18:11Prepare to meet your doom, young one.
18:14Not without a fight.
18:24Good morning, Dungeon Master.
18:26He's alive!
18:28I wonder if he's got a riddle that covers this.
18:30Your life force is stronger than I suspected, old one.
18:34As it should be.
18:36But not strong enough.
18:40Dungeon Master, look out!
18:44Evil energy is like evil thoughts.
18:47It changes direction, and it changes to good.
18:55Your power has grown weak and feeble, old man.
19:10Hurry, he will regain his form in a short time.
19:13Wait, I almost forgot about bringing the dwarves.
19:19Come on!
19:23Quickly, we have no time to waste.
19:30Follow me!
19:33Dungeon Master, look!
19:38There's too many of them!
19:40We'll never stop all of them.
19:42Not to worry, you won't have to.
19:57Wow, you're powerful!
20:00With power like that, I don't see how anybody could capture you.
20:04Unless he wanted them to.
20:08How come you don't use your power all the time?
20:11Yeah, like to get us out of here.
20:13The answer does not rest within one's power.
20:16It rests within one's self.
20:19Oh, brother, that's deep.
20:30To be continued...
