देश के कोने-कोने के हर पिछड़े और दूर-दराज के गांव
हर जगह पहुंचा रिलायंस जियो का हाई स्पीड नेटवर्क
#RelianceJio #ConnectingIndia #Gunji #Uttrakhand #ThanksJio
हर जगह पहुंचा रिलायंस जियो का हाई स्पीड नेटवर्क
#RelianceJio #ConnectingIndia #Gunji #Uttrakhand #ThanksJio
00:00It is a matter of great joy that after a long wait, the Geo Tower has been installed here.
00:07Today, the Geo Tower has been installed in our village, which is located at an altitude of 10,500 feet.
00:15Thank you very much to all those who have made this effort.