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00:00In a corner of North Africa, under the splendor of the Mediterranean sun, is Algeria, a vast country full of hidden contrasts and wonders.
00:11From the golden dunes of the Sahara to the dense forests of Kabylie, Algeria is a land of diversity and cultural wealth.
00:20Here, ancient cities lie on the hills, their stony streets telling stories of a millenary civilization.
00:29The Kasbah of Argel, with its intricate alleys and white houses, is a labyrinth where each corner holds a secret.
00:38The inhabitants, famous for their hospitality, receive visitors with a smile and a cup of mint tea.
00:46The night of Argel is a mixture of Rai music and the intoxicating aroma of Couscous and M'adjed.
00:53In the time of the colony, Algeria witnessed wars and struggles, and its independence in 1962 marked a milestone in the history of the country.
01:03Now, as a sovereign nation, Algeria continues to grow, facing challenges but looking towards the future with hope and determination.
01:13The new generations, although proud of their heritage, seek a place in a globalized world, carrying with them the essence of their roots.
01:22Algeria, with its resilient spirit and warm heart, is still a fascinating destination that invites you to be explored and understood in all its complexity.
