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Dil e Nadan Episode 04 [Eng_Sub]_-_Mikaal_Zulfiqar_-_Amar_Khan_-_Ali_Abbas_-_26th_August_2024(360p)pakistani drama,pakistani drama ost,ost drama 2024,latest pakistani drama,drama 2024,amar khan drama,pakistani drama har pal geo,pakistani dramas 2024,geo dramas,amar khan new drama,mikaal zulfiqar new drama,dil-e-nadan drama,mikaal zulfiqar drama,top pakistani dramas,best pakistani dramas,pakistani dramas,dil e nadan drama ost,kya drama hai,dil-e-nadan drama review,dil e nadan drama,drama reviews,dil e nadan drama bts,dil e nadan drama song


00:00Zaviya, go and switch off the car.
00:26She has legs.
00:27She can walk to the car herself.
00:29How rude!
00:30It's true that she can walk to the car herself.
00:32But this is not the way to talk to her.
00:34I'm not being rude.
00:36She can walk to the car herself.
00:37Why should I switch off the car?
00:41Did you see that, uncle?
00:43This is how he talks to me.
00:46And what has happened to his attitude since the last few days?
00:50And Zaviya, you have no right to insult me like this.
00:53I'm not insulting you.
00:54You can walk to the car yourself.
00:55Go now.
00:57Did you see that, aunty Nikki?
00:58He is being so rude in front of you and you are not saying anything to him.
01:02What is your problem, Zaviyar?
01:04Why am I being rude?
01:06She can walk to the car herself.
01:08Go now.
01:09Just shut up, Zaviyar.
01:11Just forget it.
01:12I don't want to talk to you.
01:18Did you see that?
01:20Such a rude and disrespectful girl.
01:24And you are planning to get my grandson married to her.
01:27In my opinion, a girl should have decency, innocence and a happy family.
01:34Tania doesn't have all these things.
01:37My Zaviyar's wife will be the one who has all these qualities.
01:42Aunty, you have taken all the decisions you had to take in your life.
01:47Zaviyar is my son.
01:49He will marry wherever I want him to.
01:52You guys keep planning my wedding.
01:55Because I don't want to get married.
01:57I am going to my friends.
01:58Zaviyar, whenever I talk about this, you avoid it.
02:05Aunty, you know very well about marriage.
02:09I will make her understand.
02:10You don't worry.
02:11You keep making her understand.
02:13Does she even understand what you are saying?
02:15Meena Baji has given Rs.2000.
02:19Nasir has given Rs.500.
02:24Where did you get so much money from?
02:26Naveesa Sahiba has given Rs.20,000.
02:31And she has given such expensive toys too.
02:35Other than that rascal Tania, the rest of the people are very nice.
02:40Wow, wow.
02:43Wow, wow.
02:44This is great.
02:46Accept it.
02:47We didn't make a loss by celebrating your birthday.
02:50You were not even in a position to celebrate your birthday.
02:53Look, then.
02:54Accept my words with decency.
02:57As you wish, madam.
02:58By the way, I will have to praise your intelligence and foresight.
03:03Yes, thank God you accepted it.
03:06Otherwise, no one would have got my address in this house.
03:09This is also open, right?
03:11It must be Rs.500.
03:12Damn it.
03:13You get a lot from them too.
03:17I agree with you, Idnigar.
03:19I agree that BG was wrong.
03:26But whatever you did with BG is also not right.
03:32if you think that I should listen to my mother-in-law's taunts like a middle class daughter-in-law,
03:36that's not possible.
03:39And it's not me.
03:42And I can't give them the right to decide the lives of my children.
03:48They should keep their ideals, their false thoughts and their principles to themselves.
03:54Don't try to force my children.
04:02And the more I am tolerating them,
04:04that's enough for me.
04:06Don't test my patience, please.
04:23I will talk to you later.
04:24Yes, yes.
04:25Yes, it's like that.
04:30I will call you in a while.
04:33Where are you going?
04:35I am going to meet my friend.
04:39Come by 5 pm.
04:41Some people are coming to meet you.
04:43You can refuse them.
04:44I don't want to meet anyone.
04:46In fact, I will spend the whole day with him.
04:50And that friend will be Zaviyar?
04:53I am sure you won't mind.
04:56Take care. See you. Bye.
05:27This one.
05:29The one with the white background.
05:31White? Red?
06:14Look, Tanya.
06:16You know that
06:18I've only ever looked at you as a friend.
06:21And that's it.
06:23Other than that, I've never thought of anything else about you.
06:28You're really hurting me with your words.
06:31You have any idea how much I love you?
06:34Do you even realize my feelings?
06:36My emotions?
06:40But I've never said anything like that to you.
06:43Have I ever told you that I love you?
06:45Or said anything like that?
06:48Okay, fine.
06:49You've never said anything like that.
06:52That's fine, I understand.
06:54you have to marry someone eventually, right?
06:57Then why can't you marry me?
07:00Are you serious?
07:02I mean, why is this topic of marriage being discussed between us?
07:05We are just friends.
07:08Don't friends get married?
07:09What's the big deal in this, Zaviyar?
07:12It's not just that, man.
07:14There's also a compatibility between two people.
07:18I mean, me and you.
07:19We're worlds apart.
07:21Our likes, dislikes, everything is different.
07:23How are we going to spend the rest of our lives together?
07:26Zaviyar, you're breaking my heart with these words.
07:30You have no idea about my emotions.
07:34How much I love you.
07:35I'm deeply in love with you, Zaviyar.
07:37Don't say that.
07:41It's not that.
07:43I mean, I'm flattered, Tanya.
07:45And honestly, I care about your feelings but
07:48I don't feel the same way about you like you do.
07:52I don't love you and hence I don't want to marry you.
07:56I don't care, Zaviyar.
07:58You'll have to marry me.
08:02If you don't do this, I'm going to hurt myself and I'm serious.
08:06I'll give up my life.
08:07Hey, what's wrong with you?
08:09What are you saying?
08:11Listen, just relax, alright?
08:15I think you should get home.
08:17I have to go to a meeting.
08:20Is this your final decision?
08:22Yes, this is my final decision.
08:28Zaviyar, I'm not done, Zaviyar.
08:37Zaviyar, wait!
08:52I want to check your bag. My phone is missing.
08:59How will your phone be in my bag?
09:02Because you don't have a phone, that's why.
09:06Look, both of you, don't trouble me here.
09:09Go away. I don't have your phone.
09:12How can we not trouble you? Give me your bag.
09:15I won't give you my bag.
09:17I told you, I don't have your phone.
09:20You just found out? Call him and dial my number.
09:26Yes, whose bag are you calling from, Nayab?
09:30It's coming from my bag, but…
09:33But this phone…
09:35How did this phone come here?
09:39Come on, let's go to the principal.
09:44Look, I didn't do anything.
09:46Let's go to the principal.
09:48I didn't steal the phone.
09:50Why don't you believe me?
09:52I didn't steal the phone.
09:53Why don't you believe me?
10:01How is Tanya?
10:03Thank God, she is fine now.
10:05Oh, thank God.
10:07Nikhaat, is Safiyan out of his mind?
10:09Why was he in such a hurry
10:11that he couldn't see Tanya running after him?
10:14And the other car hit him?
10:17What? Trust me, I don't know anything.
10:20I just got a phone call.
10:22I know nothing about this.
10:24I will go and ask Zaviyar.
10:26But you know him.
10:28He is such a kind-hearted person.
10:30He can't do this.
10:32It's all his fault.
10:34After all, what does Zaviyar think of my daughter?
10:36Okay, on his behalf, I apologize to you.
10:39I will definitely go and ask him.
10:41And if he makes a mistake,
10:43he will come and apologize to you and Tanya as well.
10:45There is no point in discussing such things on a public place.
10:48Tell me, where is Tanya? I have to see her.
10:50She is inside in an emergency.
10:52Come on, let's go.
10:58Both of you, don't mess with me.
11:00Look, my sister. Be careful.
11:02Ma'am, look, my phone came out of his bag.
11:05He has stolen it.
11:07You have stolen the phone?
11:09You look very innocent and decent.
11:12Ma'am, I didn't steal the phone.
11:15I don't know where his phone came from in my bag.
11:19Ma'am, where did it come from?
11:20He must have picked up the phone while leaving the house
11:24and must have kept it in his bag.
11:26Ma'am, this is definitely a conspiracy of these two girls to trap me.
11:31I don't know how I got their phone.
11:35Ma'am, she steals as well as shows attitude.
11:39She is making us all crazy by being innocent.
11:43My phone was so expensive.
11:45If my parents would have found out,
11:47they would have scolded me.
11:49They wouldn't have let me come home.
11:51I would have come to you.
11:53Did the phone come out of your bag?
11:58Yes, ma'am.
12:00Then I will have to take action.
12:02You are being terminated for one week.
12:06And if you make a mistake again,
12:08your name will be put in the blacklist.
12:11Ma'am, please don't do this. Sorry.
12:13Sorry. What will I tell my family?
12:16What will I tell them that I have been punished?
12:19You don't have to tell them.
12:21I will call them and tell them that you steal.
12:24Thank you, ma'am.
12:36Why does this happen to me?
12:39Sania, why were you walking on the road in such a hurry?
12:45If something had happened to you, I would have died.
12:51Why did you people save me?
12:54I don't want to live. I want to die.
12:59Did you see? Did you see?
13:02How she tortures me with her words.
13:06What torture?
13:08I am the one who is tortured.
13:10I don't want to live. I want to die.
13:14I just want to die.
13:16Tania, may your enemies die.
13:20Don't say anything like this again.
13:23Live long.
13:25And I am sure you and Zaviyar had a fight.
13:29Wait, I will talk to Zaviyar and teach him a lesson.
13:35He will come to his senses.
13:37He was saying that I am reaching and I haven't reached yet.
13:45Hello, mom.
13:47Hello, Zaviyar, where are you?
13:50Yes, I am on my way.
13:52I was in a meeting, so I got late.
13:54How is Tania?
13:56Tania is fine, but you said…
13:58Zaviyar, what have you done?
14:02What? What have I done?
14:04Whatever happened, happened because of you.
14:07She wouldn't have come to meet you, nor would she have fought with you,
14:10nor would she have run on the road like a mad person,
14:12nor would that car have hit her.
14:14Aunty, I was in a hurry, I left.
14:16I don't know what happened from behind.
14:18Tell me, what are the doctors saying?
14:21Leave all this. Tell me,
14:23what do you want? What is your intention?
14:26If you didn't want to include her in your life,
14:29then why did you roam around with her?
14:31Why did you show her dreams?
14:33I didn't show her any dreams, aunty.
14:36Believe me, I have never talked to her like this in my life.
14:40Why should I believe you?
14:42My daughter is not some girl,
14:43that when you wanted, you befriended her,
14:46and when you wanted, you broke her heart.
14:48Tania, one minute.
14:50Keep quiet. Let me talk to her.
14:52I want to hear from her what she wants.
14:57Zaviyar, if something happens to my daughter,
15:00then I will never forgive you.
15:03Aunty, I am really sorry.
15:07I swear, I never…
15:09You only have two options, Zaviyar.
15:11Either accept her,
15:13or get away from her life forever.
15:16One second.
15:18Zaviyar, I think Durdana is right.
15:22This is the time to take a decision.
15:25Make a decision right now.
15:30Okay mom, I am on my way.
15:53Dear, call her and find out
15:57what her condition is. I have so many doubts in my heart.
16:01I have tried so many times in front of you,
16:05but no one is attending the call.
16:10I didn't do it.
16:12You just pray that Tania gets well soon.
16:15Otherwise, Durdana aunty will consider us responsible for all this.
16:26your son and grandson's name is in this city.
16:33I swear to God, unfortunately this happened.
16:38It will be a disgrace in the media.
16:42You are a strange person.
16:45That girl is in the hospital
16:48and you are worried about your name.
16:51There is a limit to your selfishness.
16:58you just pray that Tania gets well soon.
17:03Dear, my tongue has dried praying.
17:07May God bless her with good health.
17:16Thank God mom, why weren't you attending the call?
17:23How is Tania now?
17:25Thank God, she is out of critical condition.
17:33BG, you and your grandson didn't leave any room for humiliation.
17:39What are you saying?
17:42Why are you blaming BG?
17:47Because Anwar, there is a reason for that.
17:51By the way, BG,
17:52tell me something clearly.
17:55What is your problem?
17:57Why do you keep instigating Zaviyar against Tania?
18:00If you have any old enmity, tell me today.
18:04Why would I have enmity with him?
18:08Zaviyar is not a kid who will reject someone because of me.
18:13He is sensible, educated,
18:16he makes his own decisions.
18:19And the accident of that girl,
18:22did we send a car to hit her?
18:27Stop it guys.
18:29Why do you start arguing?
18:32Mom, where is brother Zaviyar?
18:35He is in the hospital.
18:37Durdana was alone there.
18:39He had to come and go for everything.
18:42So I said I will stay back.
18:44Zaviyar said you go home, you must be tired.
18:47I will take care of it.
18:53Zaviyar is staying in the hospital
18:56to take care of Tania.
19:02I don't understand this boy.
19:05He says something and does something.
19:29I had to leave the best girl and get you married to this girl.
19:36Call Salar.
19:39Why uncle?
19:41Call him.
19:43We have to fix the wedding date.
19:59You don't become a thief just because someone tells you to.
20:02Unlucky girls.
20:07I am thinking,
20:09was my decision to send you to college,
20:20Your decision was not wrong grandma.
20:25Those girls were doing wrong with me.
20:29What did my friend say?
20:40It happens in every college.
20:44With new students.
20:48They do it with new students.
20:52But now I will have to forget it.
20:55I will have to be strong.
20:59I will have to learn all this.
21:04But I will go to college.
21:06I will definitely go to college.
21:14My brave daughter.
21:18Brave daughter.
21:21Look at me.
21:23Look at me.
21:26You didn't eat.
21:33Give me food.
21:35Good girl.
21:46What do you think?
21:48After hearing about your accident,
21:49his heart must have melted
21:50and he will come and sit at your feet.
21:54He forgot you.
21:56It's been so many days since you were discharged from the hospital.
22:00He didn't even visit you once.
22:03And he didn't even call you once.
22:06Yes, stop it.
22:07I am tired of listening to your lectures.
22:11It's my life.
22:13I will decide it myself.
22:15I will handle everything.
22:16Don't interfere.
22:25I am your mother.
22:29Since childhood,
22:30I have fulfilled all your wishes.
22:34I have protected you.
22:36I have brought all the happiness in the world
22:38and put it at your feet as a single mother.
22:42But unfortunately,
22:44you turned out to be like your father.
22:47Stubborn and selfish.
22:51stop your emotional drama.
22:54I am going to my room.
23:00there is still time.
23:05Get rid of Saviyar.
23:07He doesn't love you.
23:10Okay, fine.
23:12If he doesn't love me,
23:15then he doesn't love anyone else either.
23:23Look at me.
23:27How can you be so sure?
23:31I can be so sure,
23:33that I have known him since childhood.
23:36I know him inside out.
23:38I know that he loves me a lot,
23:41but I am not able to say it.
23:44I am not accepting it.
23:46And I know that one day,
23:47he will accept it.
23:53I am just waiting.
23:58By the will of God,
24:00whatever you want will happen.
24:08You will have breakfast, right?
24:20Five thousand?
24:23The one that cost fifteen thousand,
24:25you sold it for five thousand?
24:27Oh God, it was such an expensive one.
24:29If I didn't have fever,
24:31I would have gone myself.
24:33But I had told Sunaar,
24:35that it's weight is six kilos.
24:38He was not accepting it.
24:39Then he said,
24:40okay, I will check it in front of you.
24:43I checked it too.
24:45He said, if you are still not satisfied,
24:47then go and sell it somewhere else.
24:50And grandma,
24:51I swear, Sunaar looked real from his face.
24:56and real?
24:59He told me that
25:00it has less gold and more adulteration.
25:05Oh God.
25:06He said it and you agreed.
25:12Grandma, I don't know why.
25:14I don't know why.
25:15Why does this always happen with me?
25:17Why do I listen to people?
25:20Why are you so innocent?
25:23Why do you listen to people so soon?
25:28What will you do after marriage?
25:31Is it necessary to get married?
25:37Okay, forgive me.
25:38Look, I will hold my ears.
25:40If you don't forgive me,
25:42I will tickle you.
25:43I will tickle you.
25:44Forgive me.
25:45Forgive me.
25:51When will you learn?
25:53When will you learn?
25:55Why are you so innocent?
25:57Sunaar's son has fooled me.
26:00Sunaar's son has fooled me.
26:07I was getting your kids ready for the exam.
26:10He is such an idiot.
26:11He is such an idiot.
26:12He is such an idiot.
26:13He is such an idiot.
26:15I heard something new.
26:16I heard something new.
26:17Grandma had called a relative today.
26:19Grandma had called a relative today.
26:20She has shown 3-4 proposals for Nayyab.
26:22She has shown 3-4 proposals for Nayyab.
26:23She is bringing a family tomorrow.
26:24She is bringing a family tomorrow.
26:25It's good.
26:26It's good.
26:27If Nayyab gets married soon,
26:29then it will be easier for me.
26:31If the proposal is good,
26:33I will say yes.
26:34Just saying yes won't solve all the problems.
26:36Just saying yes won't solve all the problems.
26:37You have to prepare so soon for marriage.
26:38You have to do 100 things.
26:39You have to do 100 things.
26:40Listen to me.
26:41Listen to me.
26:43Neither you have any savings,
26:44Nor have I saved.
26:45Nor have I saved.
26:47And grandma didn't even get a golden silken blanket for Nayyab.
26:50We will take the loan.
26:51We will take the loan.
26:53We will take the loan.
26:54You may be forgetting that
26:55you have to return the loan.
26:56you may be forgetting that
26:57I don't know why she is in such a hurry to get married.
27:03I am worried about who will do the household chores.
27:09Oh, so this is the reason for your worry.
27:13You know I can't do the household chores.
27:16It's a good thing you have taken care of the house.
27:19I can't do it. You will have to hire me.
27:22I will hire you.
27:24But please arrange for the guests who are coming tomorrow.
27:28So that people can leave happily.
27:30Yes, so you do one thing.
27:33Get some things from the market, samosa and bakery.
27:37What is the need for all this?
27:39Nayab is an expert in making all this.
27:42Tell him.
27:44No, no. What are you saying?
27:46The groom's family is coming to our house for the first time.
27:48They won't work in the kitchen.
27:49Be patient so that the bride's family likes him.
27:53By the way, you have a bitter tongue.
27:57But you are a princess of the heart.
28:09I will make them run so much that they won't even think of stepping on this door again.
28:20Hey, what are you doing?
28:24So much preparation?
28:26What will the groom's family think?
28:28The girl is so eager to get married that she is in such a hurry.
28:32People don't like girls who are always ready.
28:36But sister-in-law, grandma had told me.
28:40That I have to get ready for the wedding.
28:43So I am getting ready.
28:44They don't understand.
28:46But sister-in-law, grandma had told me.
28:49That I have to get ready well.
28:52And come in front of them with a lot of patience.
28:55That's why I… Grandma, leave it.
28:57What does grandma know?
28:59Grandma is from the old times.
29:01The thinking of today's world is different.
29:03You do one thing.
29:05Don't you have that half sari shirt?
29:07Wear that.
29:09And take that blue dupatta with it.
29:11The one with the silver edge.
29:12Tie your hair tightly.
29:14Remove all the makeup on your face.
29:16Take the dupatta as if you take it while going to college.
29:18You look good like that.
29:20What happened?
29:22Are you getting nervous?
29:24There is no need to worry.
29:26You won't have to do any work.
29:28I have ordered everything from the bakery.
29:31I have also ordered the bottle.
29:33You just quietly go and sit there.
29:35If anyone questions you, shake their head.
29:39They like shy and quiet girls.
29:40So, it shouldn't happen that
29:42if you say anything wrong,
29:44there will be a problem.
29:46Okay? Now, what are you doing?
29:48Get ready. Hurry up.
29:50Everyone is waiting.
30:00You people are pressurizing me again.
30:02For the same thing.
30:05Daniya met with an accident.
30:07How am I related to this?
30:08What do you mean you are not related?
30:10If you are not related,
30:12then who are you related to?
30:14For so many years,
30:16we have seen you both roaming around together.
30:19You go to official parties together.
30:22Son, with the girls of the family,
30:24no one roams around for no reason.
30:29Dad, all this is not because of me.
30:31It's because of mom.
30:34Since childhood, she has been pressurizing me
30:36that I should meet her.
30:38Mom is like that.
30:40She is so stubborn.
30:42She goes to the office to take me for lunch.
30:45She is just after me.
30:48I don't understand what you people want.
30:53I just fail to understand.
30:55Why are you pressurizing her?
30:57Again, you are fighting over the same thing with everyone.
30:59Mom, you get the credit for this.
31:02You instigate her against Daniya.
31:05Otherwise, to me, she is a fine girl.
31:08If she has a little attitude,
31:10then it should be there.
31:13If you think she is a little spoiled and pampered,
31:16then I don't think this is an objectionable thing.
31:22son, once again think about this proposal.
31:28your mom's and your aunt's relationship can be ruined.
31:31Dad, there is nothing to think about.
31:34I don't want to marry her.
31:41Is there someone else in your life?
31:44I wish there was someone else in his life.
31:48If there was, he would have told me.
31:52The problem is that he doesn't like any girl.
31:56Look, this is not the problem.
31:58The problem is something else.
32:00My priorities are different.
32:02I just want to focus on work right now.
32:05There you go again, Savya.
32:10PG, please.
32:12You will start saying the same things again.
32:14You make her understand.
32:16I am tired of making her understand.
32:24what is happening?
32:26You will have to make a decision.
32:31Tell me something.
32:33Tell me something.
32:37Hey, sister-in-law, we are in a hurry.
32:40Please call the bride.
32:44Look, she is here.
32:47Come, Nayab.
32:49Come, greet your aunt.
32:59How many spoons of sugar?
33:00One spoon.
33:05Hey, sit here.
33:14Give it to me.
33:16You have this roll.
33:18This is very tasty.
33:25The chicken roll is very tasty.
33:27I think Nayab has made it himself.
33:28No, no.
33:30We have ordered it from the bakery.
33:32I don't know how to make it myself.
33:34When she goes to college, she gets tired when she comes back.
33:37That is why she cannot do the household chores.
33:41No, no.
33:43She does all the household chores.
33:45She knows everything.
33:47Son, what are your favorite subjects?
33:51Well, social studies
33:58And Urdu.
34:01Well, it is surprising that even at this age,
34:05girls like subjects like social studies, Islam and Urdu.
34:10Actually, Nayab's English is a little weak.
34:14There were some supplies in FMA and metric,
34:18so we thought it would be better to keep her subject in Urdu.
34:21But she studies with a lot of love.
34:24She studies with a lot of passion.
34:29Hey, where did she go?
34:32She got scared.
34:34She is a little shy.
34:36She is a little weak.
34:38She gets scared when she sees a lot of people.
34:40It is surprising that even at this age, girls like her.
34:43College girls are very trusting.
34:46But why is she like that?
34:48No, no.
34:50She is very trusting.
34:52She knows all the household chores.
34:54In fact, she does them.
34:55Yes, grandma is absolutely right.
34:57At such times, girls get shy.
35:02Yes, yes, you are absolutely right.
35:05But for our son,
35:07we need a trustworthy and passionate girl
35:10who will make our house lively.
35:26What was the need to say all this nonsense?
35:29What did I say that you and grandma are getting so angry?
35:32Whatever you said is true from this office.
35:34It is the era of sharp and modern girls.
35:37She is so fond of getting her sister married.
35:39Teach her some sense.
35:41Did you see her here?
35:43Do I have to teach her or do you have to teach her?
35:45Do I have to teach her?
35:47What does she think of me?
35:49For 24 hours, she is sitting with grandma's veil.
35:51And no,
35:53all this simplicity and innocence,
35:55grandma has fed her.
35:58You are right.
36:00Grandma did not raise her well.
36:03She has made her so cowardly in love
36:06that she cannot talk to anyone with confidence.
36:09Of course.
36:11Did you see her clothes?
36:13Oh God,
36:15I am so ashamed in front of people.
36:18I am so ashamed.
36:19I am so ashamed.
36:21What would they say?
36:23That brother did not get his only sister
36:25married to a couple of good people.
36:27My husband got insulted.
36:34Your relative,
36:36the one who got your younger sister married at a good place,
36:39talk to her.
36:41Yes, I will tell her.
36:44But first of all,
36:45you should know how to get up, sit, wear clothes.
36:50I mean, my sister was lucky that she got married at a good place.
36:54Not everyone's luck can be as good as my sister's.
37:13Grandma, believe me.
37:15I am telling the truth.
37:17And why would I do this?
37:19Give it to me.
37:21Get out of my way.
37:23I don't want to talk to you.
37:25Grandma, but,
37:27believe me,
37:29sister-in-law told me
37:31that you will wear old clothes
37:33and bring a dupatta on your head in front of her.
37:36In fact, she was also saying that
37:39you don't need to do any work.
37:41Everything will come from the market.
37:44My dear, you don't understand.
37:47Whoever brings your proposal,
37:49she will make him run away like this.
37:52She doesn't want you to get married.
