জাতীয় প্রেসক্লাবের সামনে আনসারদের চাকুরী জাতীয় করণের সেদিনের আন্দোলন কেমন ছিলো?

  • 2 days ago
জাতীয় প্রেসক্লাবের সামনে আনসারদের চাকুরী জাতীয় করণের সেদিনের আন্দোলন কেমন ছিলো?
00:00The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
00:09The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
00:17The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
00:25The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
00:33The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
00:41The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
01:11The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
01:21The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
01:31The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
01:41The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
01:51The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
02:01The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
02:11The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
02:21The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
02:31The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
02:41The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
02:51The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
03:01The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
03:11The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
03:21The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
03:31The people of Kerala have come here to protest against the government of Kerala.
