26 August 2024

  • last month
00:30Hope you've done a runner.
00:32No, only as far as that artisan bakery on Ashdale Road.
00:36I got you a pain au chocolat.
00:39Ah, merci.
00:42It's not exactly a classic French patisserie, is it?
00:44But, you know, we can dream.
00:46No, I prefer Manchester anyway. It's more romantic.
01:00I'm just worried that Leanne and Sam are gonna walk in.
01:03Well, they're not back till tonight.
01:05Don't get me wrong, I mean, I want to see them, but...
01:08Well, it means we're not on our own anymore
01:10and I've just really loved these last few days alone with you.
01:13Yeah, me too.
01:16I just wish everything was out in the open
01:18and we could be together properly.
01:20Don't even think about it.
01:22Leanne can never find out. It would destroy her
01:24and it would push her closer to Rowan.
01:26We've been through this.
01:27We can't be a proper couple.
01:30You know, I feel like I've been given a second chance at life
01:33after the Op and, well, I want to make the most of it
01:36and, I don't know, travel.
01:38No, no, no, no.
01:41Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:43Hey, I don't want you to leave.
01:48You know, when I woke up this morning and you weren't there,
01:51I was kind of hoping that you'd just quietly snuck off
01:53and we wouldn't have to... to rag this out any more.
01:56And what are we doing?
02:00We can't be together.
02:03I can't carry on sneaking around like this.
02:08As soon as Leanne and Sam get back...
02:12..this stops.
02:20Yeah, we're, um...
02:22Yeah, we're, um...
02:24We're going to find it hard to resist each other.
02:28Well, we're going to have to.
02:32Er, right.
02:34Well, let's make the most of our last day, eh?
02:38We'll go for a drive, have a lazy lunch and...
02:43..when they land, it's back to reality.
02:49What have we let ourselves in for, eh?
02:51How's he got all this energy when he didn't sleep?
02:53I definitely didn't sleep.
02:55We just need to... We need to just get used to each other.
02:59Honestly, I thought the toddler phase was over for us,
03:02like, years ago.
03:03Not saying the phase after it's plain sailing, but then...
03:09But he'll settle down.
03:12Oh, erm, I forgot.
03:14The Norfolk factory, they've actually been in touch.
03:17They want to know if I can do another placement.
03:20So I'm thinking I might say yes.
03:22Don't you dare. You don't really want to go back, do you?
03:25Mm, it's not the point, Tyrone.
03:27It's just... This is a big upheaval, this, isn't it?
03:31How am I going to cope at work tomorrow?
03:33Right, well, I'll take the day off and I'll look after him.
03:36You can't do that every day, Tyrone.
03:38Well, I might have to because Alina's asked us to look after him
03:41and then keep him safe.
03:43Mm, and how do we know it's safe here, hey?
03:46No, look, the sooner this court case is over,
03:49the more you can get back to her, the better.
03:53So that's what you want to do? Park? Yeah.
03:55Let's go park. Yeah!
03:57Oh, blimey, that taxi was expensive.
04:00£60. It's more like 70 euros.
04:03The rate's so bad.
04:05Foot him, Orhan.
04:07Oh, they must be out.
04:08Well, I suppose we are ten hours earlier than we said we'd be.
04:12I'm glad we got an early flight so we can surprise him.
04:17No-one? Dad?
04:19Not there. Dad's probably at work.
04:22So, are you glad to be home, then?
04:25Yeah, but, no, it was nice to visit a proper Maritime city.
04:30Simon seemed happy.
04:31Yeah. Yeah, he did, didn't he?
04:33Right, then, so what are you going to do today? Just chill?
04:36I might go and see Lily. It's her birthday.
04:39Oh, right.
04:40Well, it's her happy birthday from me.
04:43Listen, I think I'm just going to go to the bistro to surprise your dad.
04:46We're looking forward to seeing him. I've missed him.
04:48And me.
04:49All right, I'll see you in a bit.
04:52Two. Both for you, eh?
04:54Yeah, thank you. I need the caffeine hit.
04:56Yeah, well, it might keep you alert now,
04:58but afterwards you'll get tired and irritable.
05:00Don't tell Roy you're putting people off him.
05:02Oh, no. He does it as well.
05:04See you later.
05:06Oh, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who had a bad night.
05:11That's what I get for staying in Craigie's spare room.
05:15That and tossing and turning and thinking about Kirky.
05:19I was trying to do something nice and it just didn't turn out that way.
05:24No. I end up lying to him and now he won't talk to me.
05:27Oh, dear. Well, I'm sure he'll come round.
05:30Anyway, how are things on the work front?
05:33Still not found anything.
05:35You will.
05:37I had a call from the Norfolk factory.
05:40They wanted me to do another placement,
05:42but I've said it's not a good time for me.
05:44I could put a good word in for you if you want.
05:46I couldn't live that far away from Craigie and Bertie.
05:50I'm still hoping Kirky will come round.
05:53But thanks first.
05:54It's all right. Let me know if you change your mind.
05:56I hope you sort things out with Kirky.
05:58Thanks, darling.
05:59See you later.
06:00See you.
06:02Weatherfield Education Group, or WEG as it's known,
06:06has a huge range of educational and vocational subjects
06:09that you can choose,
06:10if, that is, you decide you're not staying on at sixth form.
06:13Yeah, I know, Dad. We've been through all this.
06:15And, like I said, it doesn't float my boat, so...
06:17Well, you've got to do something.
06:19There's only a week to go. You can't be a NEET.
06:21A what?
06:22Not in education, employment or training.
06:24I think you should go to WEG.
06:25Right, well, I don't know what I want to do.
06:28I know I don't want to go to college or sixth form
06:30if I keep bumping into that Mason.
06:31But this could be a fresh start for you.
06:33You did good in your exams.
06:34You can study any subject that you want.
06:36Stop banging on about it.
06:37Well, don't you want the option, at least?
06:39You know, university.
06:40Can't we go and have a look round?
06:42No, I don't.
06:43I'm going out, anyway.
06:44Right, well, read that, and then we'll...
06:48..we'll call WEG.
06:49Term starts next week.
06:51You need to make a decision, Dylan.
06:53Will you just leave it?
06:59Are you working on a bank holiday?
07:01No, I was just doing some paperwork.
07:03Very conscientious.
07:05I came to set up for upload for today.
07:07That's if you're still game.
07:09Yeah, definitely.
07:10Well done again for telling Nick what to do with his job.
07:13Bosses like Nick try and make out we're a team,
07:16we all pull together.
07:18What they're doing is exploitation, pure and simple.
07:21I did worry afterwards, you know, that I was burning my bridges.
07:25You're a very capable young woman whose talents are wasted.
07:30Everyone who joins us is nervous to start with.
07:32You'll feel better afterwards.
07:34You'll feel better after your upload.
07:36What time are we doing it?
07:37Hi, guys.
07:38Hi, welcome back.
07:39Did you have a good trip?
07:40Oh, yeah, sizing his element out there with his dad.
07:43Listen, have either of you seen Nick? He's not at the bistro.
07:46I haven't seen him. I quit.
07:47You quit? Why?
07:48Nick was barely there.
07:50Rowan made me realise...
07:51She's moving on to bigger and better things,
07:53and she wants to do her upload today,
07:55so I'm doubly pleased you're back.
07:57I want you to take charge.
08:00Yeah, I'd love to.
08:02And she's thinking of investing in the resource centre after all.
08:06Oh, Amy, you've changed your mind. That's fantastic.
08:10Sorry, I've just got to take this.
08:13I want you to try and have another word with Nick.
08:16I don't think it'd make any difference, to be honest.
08:18The bank have already said they're not going to lend us the money.
08:21I'm not convinced he's being completely straight with us.
08:24Banks don't usually refuse loans to successful people
08:27who want to invest in a reputable business like ours.
08:30OK, well, let me see what I can do. I'll have a word with him.
08:33All right. See you later.
08:37If there's a new tequila bar in Ancote, that's meant to be wild.
08:40You do know you're not supposed to slam posh agave, right?
08:43You're supposed to sip it, like a fine whiskey.
08:45I'll still fall over.
08:47OK, tequila bar, then dancing.
08:49Sounds fun. I might join yous.
08:52Surely you've got better things to do than third wheel on our date night.
08:56Ignore her. You wouldn't be.
08:58Actually, third wheeling sounds much more appealing
09:01than my plans of sitting alone with a beer.
09:03I mean, you're more than welcome to join us, mate.
09:07Cheers for that vinyl. It's a belter.
09:09Yeah. You off to work?
09:11Got an errand to run.
09:13OK, well, we'll see you later, then, mate.
09:15See you later.
09:21Everything all right with you two?
09:23Yeah. Why wouldn't they be?
09:25You just weren't very friendly.
09:28I don't trust him.
09:30Daniel reckons he's a dodgy copper and I think he might be right.
09:33I've got to get back behind the bar.
09:38Oh, that was so lovely.
09:41Stroll, romantic picnic, the perfect morning.
09:44It was just what I needed.
09:49I left every minute.
09:51Well, erm, we've still got a few hours before they get back,
09:54so, er, let's make the most of it.
09:59Come on.
10:14Hi. Hey.
10:31Hey. Hey, you're home.
10:33Yeah, I got an early flight. Wanted to surprise you.
10:35Hey, how come you're not at the bistro?
10:37I was just fixing Tua's wardrobe.
10:39You know, one of the hinges was loose, wouldn't shut properly.
10:42Yeah, thanks, Nick. It's been driving me mad.
10:44Yeah, my pleasure. Where's Sam?
10:46Oh, he's gone to Lily's. It's her birthday.
10:48Er, have a good time?
10:50Yeah, it was brilliant.
10:52Well, I hope you've been taking things easy.
10:54I hope he's been looking after you.
10:56Yeah, he's been great. How's Simon?
10:58Yeah, he's good. He's good. He's in his element.
11:00Sends his love. Oh, and so does Peter.
11:02Listen, do you mind if I just have a quick word with Nick?
11:06Oh, no, yeah, of course. I need to pop to the chemist anyway,
11:09so I'll leave you two to catch up.
11:13See you.
11:23Can you believe a woman of my age having to kip at her son's place?
11:27Well, there's nothing wrong with a spare room.
11:29You brought it all on yourself.
11:31You need to sort things out with Kirk.
11:33Yeah, but he says he needs time to think.
11:36So? Give him time.
11:39Can you talk to him?
11:41You're the reason we split up.
11:43You pushed me into telling him everything.
11:45I'd split up with myself if I could.
11:47Yeah, well, we got past it cos we're mother and son.
11:50I don't see why Kirky can't get past it.
11:53If he am the one, like he always says.
11:55Because he's really hurt.
11:57It's a big deal to him.
11:59It's not the first time, either.
12:01You lied to him about Marco and the bigamy.
12:03You can see why he snapped.
12:05Look, I've got to shoot, so I'll see you later.
12:08All right. Izzy.
12:12Ben, a word with you. Yeah?
12:15Looks like Sid's still selling our dodgy T-shirts.
12:17My mate's just bought one. No way.
12:19So he's keeping all the profit to himself.
12:21Leaving swine.
12:23Where did she get it?
12:25Some back of a van down the precinct.
12:29Sam had a great time. He's now boat-mad.
12:31Said he wants us to get one.
12:33So, how was everything at the bistro?
12:36Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good.
12:38Apart from Amy walked out.
12:40Yeah, to pursue bigger and better things.
12:42Rowan told me.
12:44Yeah, he didn't help. Tripping poison into her ear.
12:46She left me in the lurch, then I had to get agency staffing.
12:49Er, no, it wasn't Rowan's fault that she left.
12:52She obviously thinks that focusing on the Institute's
12:54going to be better for her. Open more doors.
12:57Don't you have divided loyalties?
12:59It was everyone fair game.
13:01No, we see the potential in people.
13:03And if Amy invests in the new resource centre,
13:05then she's going to make a lot of money.
13:07And to be honest with you, I'm a bit jealous about that.
13:10So, you know when you spoke to the bank?
13:13What exactly did they say?
13:15They said no.
13:16They don't think we'll be able to pay it back.
13:18Well, can we at least have another try together?
13:21Or at least speak to somebody about remortgaging the flat?
13:24Look, look, I know, I know that you weren't keen
13:26when I first broached the idea,
13:28but I really do think that we should,
13:30we should look at every opportunity.
13:32Right, OK. I thought you were calling off on all of this.
13:35No, I'm not.
13:36I'm still totally committed to the Institute.
13:38And now that Arturia's back, I'm going to focus all my energies into it.
13:41Oh, do you know what? I thought some time away
13:43might help you get your priorities straight,
13:45but, you know, obviously that was wishful thinking.
13:48Right, well, Rowan's going to be here in a minute
13:50cos we're doing Amy's upload.
13:51So, since you're so anti the Institute,
13:53can you make yourself scarce, please?
13:57Right, that's lovely. Thanks, Dina.
14:03How are you two? Fine.
14:05Yeah, well, don't forget, you've got work soon.
14:07Yeah, I'll be there. We're having a drink.
14:09You know, this one's got a reputation,
14:11but he's a good kid.
14:13Mm. Time will tell.
14:16So he better not prove me wrong.
14:19Aw, it's going to be like Top Boy.
14:21Two of the most dangerous kids in Webberfield
14:23finally come face to face.
14:25I hope not.
14:26Shut up, Betsy.
14:28No, Amy.
14:29Right, well, I'll see you in a bit.
14:33Don't be scared of Mason. He's a wimp.
14:36I'm not scared of him.
14:38What do you want?
14:39A chocolate milkshake.
14:41Right, two chocolate milkshakes, please.
14:47How's it going?
14:49Yeah, you know.
14:50Just trying to stay out of my dad's way.
14:52He keeps banging on about college and sixth form.
14:54Oh, I'm the same.
14:55I don't want to go back to school.
14:57I love working for Carla.
14:58I'm getting used to the money.
15:00Yeah, it's like they forget we're adults.
15:02I've managed to persuade her to let me stay
15:04and stay at the factory part-time.
15:06At least you know what you want to do, though.
15:08Look, I was right about Mason.
15:11He's not some hard man.
15:13Not if you know how to deal with him.
15:19So, do you like working at Speed, doll?
15:21Do you want to keep working there?
15:23I don't know.
15:24I'm just trying to earn enough money to rent somewhere nearby.
15:31See you around.
15:35Thanks, Daisy.
15:36Hey, how are things with you?
15:38Yeah, all right.
15:40Trying to stay away from Kit after you warned me about him,
15:42but Ryan's becoming his man-wife.
15:45They're sharing vinyls,
15:46and he invited himself on our date night tonight.
15:50I don't know.
15:51Just remember to be careful what you say around him, won't you?
15:54It's kind of hard when you live under the same roof.
15:59I'd better get off to work.
16:01I have a better idea.
16:04Can't you be a little bit late?
16:06Mum's at work, so my house is empty.
16:11I can't.
16:12I can't let Stu down, can I?
16:15He's the only one that's given me a chance.
16:17I can't mess him about.
16:18Even for me?
16:20I've really gone out on a limb for you.
16:22Do you think my mum likes me hanging around with someone like you?
16:25Is that why you're doing it?
16:27To wind her up?
16:28Do you know what?
16:29I thought hanging out with you would be exciting,
16:31but you come to Stu's for me.
16:32It's ridiculous.
16:37All right.
16:39You win.
16:45Where's Mason?
16:46He should be here by now.
16:47Yes, well, it's great you're giving him a chance,
16:49but don't expect too much.
16:50Yeah, but we're short-staffed as it is.
16:52Yes, I know.
16:54Fizz is on her way.
16:56How are things with you and Beth?
16:58Things are still bad.
17:00I can't get past the constant lies.
17:02I can't live with a criminal.
17:03But she's paid the price.
17:04She lost her job.
17:05And she quit her job at the factory
17:07because she thought she'd get full-time with Sid.
17:09Now she's got nothing.
17:10Apologies, folks.
17:11We're short-staffed, so your dinner might be a bit late.
17:13Come on.
17:14Oh, sorry I'm late.
17:16It's nice to meet up for a curry.
17:18I love bank holidays.
17:20You all right?
17:21You look frazzled.
17:22Oh, I've left Ty at home with the girls and Dorian.
17:24It's chaos.
17:25I'm loving it.
17:26I remember when RJ was two.
17:28It was pretty tricky.
17:30Well, it's only till the trial's over, you know.
17:32Then he's going to live in Romania.
17:34I mean, we want him to be part of his life.
17:36Just not necessarily on a full-time basis.
17:55Hey, love.
17:56Looking forward to going back to school?
17:58Oh, I'm finished.
17:59I'm not going back.
18:00Oh, you're not off to sixth form?
18:02You sound like my dad.
18:03All right, what have you just said to him?
18:05Put him in a mood.
18:06Don't blame me.
18:07I was only asking him about school.
18:08It weren't what Beth said.
18:09Mason's planning on finding a place nearby.
18:11I mean, it's bad enough he's out now.
18:13He's got to live here.
18:14Look, he's not going to lay a finger on you.
18:16And if he does, I'll come down on him like a ton of bricks.
18:19All right?
18:21You all right, Beth?
18:22What's the matter?
18:23Oh, I'm just having a mooch.
18:26You know, I'm still looking for a job for a moment.
18:28Well, why don't you just ask for your job back at the factory?
18:31It's too much damage that's been done.
18:33I can't go back to the factory.
18:35Ah, well, you'll find someone soon.
18:37All right?
18:38We've got to go.
18:39Come on.
18:40See you later.
18:41See you.
18:42Quick, quick, quick, quick.
18:55See you, buddy.
18:56Hey, pal.
19:02How did you get on with Nick?
19:03Oh, he won't budge.
19:04And he's not really happy that we're doing this from here.
19:06But anyway, let's forget about Nick and just concentrate on Amy.
19:09This needs to go really well
19:11so that Amy feels confident she's doing the right thing by investing in us.
19:15Am I qualified?
19:17I can't think of anyone more qualified.
19:19Our star pupil.
19:20Oh, give over.
19:22I remember how you responded when I did your upload.
19:26That lightbulb moment that changed your life.
19:30I don't want to mess this up.
19:32If you want to jump to level eight,
19:33you need to help new members and guide them through their journey.
19:37If you don't want to help Amy or don't feel ready,
19:40I'll take care of it.
19:41No, I do. I do.
19:43I'll be right here, by your side.
19:45You'll do a great job.
19:50Hi, Amy. Come on in.
19:52Take a seat.
19:54I feel a bit nervous.
19:55Oh, don't be daft. You're going to love it.
19:57This is like starting life afresh.
19:59There you go.
20:00Right then, let's get cracking.
20:30These questions may seem brutal, Amy,
20:33but only by confronting our past trauma head-on
20:37can we truly get over it.
20:40I understand.
20:43You've been through trauma, Amy.
20:46And if any of this is too painful to talk about...
20:49I'm OK.
20:53..you're really brave.
20:56And I know it might feel mad,
20:58but this process really will help.
21:00It's really important to unburden your mind from all negativity.
21:06By uploading?
21:08It's not uncommon for the infected mind
21:11to prioritise all the wrong things.
21:14But you are important, Amy.
21:16More important than you'll ever know.
21:23What happened made me so angry.
21:27I did things that I'm not proud of.
21:32You need to elaborate.
21:34Close your eyes if that helps.
21:39And remember...
21:42..whatever you share here...
21:44..goes no further.
21:46It's just between us.
22:03We've all done things we're not proud of, Amy.
22:06But I can assure you the only way to move forward with your life,
22:10achieve personal growth, is to confront them.
22:15I know.
22:17You're among friends, Amy.
22:20We're not here to judge.
22:22Our only aim is to help you navigate your past
22:25so that you can become the best version of yourself.
22:29I know you can do this.
22:36After I was raped...
22:42..I feel like my way of dealing with things
22:44was to make sure that it didn't happen to anyone else.
22:48Stupid, I know.
22:50I mean, it happens all the time. How was I going to affect anything?
22:54But I was obsessed.
22:57Sorry. It's OK, Amy, you don't have to...
22:59I want to.
23:03One night, I was in a bar
23:06and I saw this guy spiking some girls' drink.
23:16Seriously, now that Leanne and Sam are back, I...
23:19OK, yeah, yeah.
23:21I hear you.
23:25You know, I'm...
23:27I'm not sure I care.
23:29I know that sounds bad, but...
23:31She's my sister, Nick.
23:33You know, carrying on like this behind her back is...
23:35OK, yeah, then I'll end it with her.
23:38No, I mean...
23:40Not because you think that's what I want.
23:42No, no, no, no, no.
23:44It's what I want.
23:47But, you know, if you don't feel the same, then...
23:50Of course I do. I...
23:54I love you too.
24:01OK, er...
24:04Then I'll end it, you know.
24:06Might be best. Clean break.
24:09Oh, I just can't bear the thought of hurting her, though, cos...
24:12It's OK.
24:15I'll do it, and maybe if we give it...
24:17..a bit of time before we come out with our relationship, er...
24:21I don't know, she might be able to deal with the break-up.
24:24Rather than the treachery.
24:28I can't believe I said all that out loud.
24:30I mean, I drugged and kidnapped someone.
24:32You must think I'm off my head.
24:34I think you're an incredible young woman,
24:36and with the right support,
24:38I know you'll acquire the tools you need
24:40to properly deal with any mistakes you've made in your past.
24:44Bye. Bye, Amy.
24:46Bye, Amy. Well done.
24:50Well done.
24:55Why were you recording her? She didn't even know.
24:58I did it for you, actually.
25:01If you're going to progress without organisation,
25:03you need additional training
25:05to better equip you to deal with young people like Amy.
25:08Well, why didn't you just tell her that up front?
25:10Because when you're doing an upload,
25:12it's important to not feel inhibited.
25:14Anyway, once the tape's been used, it gets deleted.
25:18So were you recording me, then?
25:22No, I didn't.
25:24Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
25:26I didn't mean to doubt you.
25:28The fact that you question
25:30is what makes you such a great candidate, Leanne.
25:33Let's get started, shall we?
25:37Don't mind her, yeah.
25:44Oh, at last.
25:46I'm dead sorry. I didn't know what the time was.
25:48Please don't insult our intelligence.
25:50Just do your job. Right, sorry, sorry.
25:53Do you know what?
25:54I bet you this has something to do with your girlfriend, eh?
25:57Well, if you're on about Betsy, she ain't actually my girlfriend.
26:00Yeah, honestly, I'm not interested.
26:02That's what I told her, but you've got a buddy like this,
26:04there's not really much you can do, is there?
26:06Do you know what? If you want to keep your job,
26:08you keep your eye on the clock and not the girl, understand?
26:11You sure you didn't want yours?
26:13No, honestly, you've done me a favour.
26:15I eat when I'm stressed.
26:17Tell me about it.
26:18I went through a family tub of vanilla ice cream last night.
26:21Sounds ace.
26:22Listen, I know I haven't been through stuff like you're going through
26:25with little Dorian and that,
26:27but if you ever want to chat, you know, instead of eating...
26:30Aw, thanks, Kirk.
26:32I'm back at you if you ever want to offload about Beth.
26:35I'm not sure there's much to say now.
26:37You're not thinking of trying to fix things?
26:39Obviously, if that's what you want.
26:41Thing is, though, I don't know if I can ever forgive her.
26:44I just don't know.
26:49Do you know what I'd do if he had the money?
26:51And that is put an en suite in upstairs.
26:54Right, well...
26:56Seeing as the stairs in the cellar are one wobble away from collapse,
26:59I think that'll have to stay on the fantasy list.
27:01Oh, well, girl can dream, can't she?
27:04Just adds a little bit of class, don't it, an en suite?
27:08Bit like a bidet did back in the day.
27:11Yeah, till they figured out that foot spas do the same thing
27:14for a fraction of the price.
27:16Hey, do you know what I could do without?
27:18Are you not still on about them flaming mice, are you?
27:21Although, no.
27:25Why, what's he done?
27:27Nothing. He just grates on me.
27:31Oh, I think he's all right.
27:33I quite like having a copper under the roof.
27:35It's like having your own living inspector.
27:37Most of it's reassuring.
27:38You say reassuring, I say creepy.
27:40I mean, I just have to look at the guy and I feel guilty.
27:43About what?
27:44No, that's my point.
27:46He makes me feel uncomfortable.
27:47Well, you're going to have to get over yourself, aren't you?
27:50Cos we need his rent to pay Carla back.
27:52All right.
27:53You holding on tight?
27:55I don't want you falling off or I'll have your dad after me.
27:58Hey, do you fancy having a sit and us playing that game you downloaded earlier?
28:03Yeah, come on then.
28:05He should be here soon anyway.
28:09Right, let's have a look.
28:10Where is it?
28:12Oh, here it is.
28:13There you go.
28:15Hello, hello, hello.
28:16Sorry I'm late. Meeting run over.
28:18This one guy would not shut up.
28:20Hello, Bertie.
28:23I feel your pain.
28:25I worked with Sally in Fizz, remember?
28:27How's he been?
28:29Oh, terrifying.
28:32What's he got there?
28:33Oh, don't worry, it's not Grand Theft Auto.
28:36Oh, there's his coat on the slide.
28:40Have a look.
28:45What do you see there?
28:49What's this?
28:53Do you fancy a last little go on the swings before we go home?
28:55Yeah, go on then.
28:56You get going, I'll come over.
28:59What are you doing filming that kit guy?
29:03Beth, I'm telling you, whatever this is, he's not the kind of guy you want to mess with.
29:07He's bad news.
29:09You want to stay well, Clay.
29:13Pass me those red chillies, will you?
29:15Yeah, great.
29:17And from now on, it's yes, chef. Understand?
29:21Yes, chef.
29:22Right, thank you.
29:23Now, go and clear that table.
29:25Yes, chef.
29:29I'll make a start on the nihari, shall I?
29:36Oh, no.
29:39Look at you all keen.
29:40That's it. I'm at work right now. I'll take it to you later, yeah?
29:44That table won't clear itself.
29:46Yes, chef.
29:47Are you kidding me?
29:53You would do well to think hard.
29:56You would do well to think hard and stop having your head turned by some girl.
30:01Yeah, but I like her, though.
30:03Ah, well, from where I'm standing, I sense the feeling might not be mutual.
30:07Otherwise, why would she put your job in jeopardy?
30:10She hasn't.
30:11Has she?
30:23I feel fine.
30:24More than fine.
30:26Oh, well, that's great. I was just...
30:28Well, I just wanted to check. That was pretty heavy stuff you went through.
30:31Yeah, and if I'm honest, I didn't deal with it well.
30:35Don't know what I was thinking.
30:37Well, you were just trying to help people.
30:39No, what you do, you and Rowan, you're trying to help people.
30:45After the rape, I was just struggling.
30:49Don't know what to do to make it easier.
30:51Well, we're all struggling in one way or another.
30:54For so long, it's been hard to just get up out of bed, seem happy, you know?
30:59When I lost Oliver, I felt like...
31:01Like every day I was walking with my boots on.
31:04I mean, the sense of loss, it's always there, the grief.
31:09But now, I feel like I can breathe again.
31:13It's crazy, isn't it, how talking to someone can do that.
31:16I can't wait to be able to do that for other people.
31:18You must feel like that, right?
31:19Yeah, yeah, I do.
31:21That's why the idea of a new resource centre is so exciting.
31:24It's such an exciting proposition.
31:26Just think of all the people we can help with proper facilities.
31:29All the events, the uploads.
31:32Which is why I'm going to speak to my grandad when he gets back.
31:35Get him to agree to release my inheritance.
31:40Look at us.
31:41We are proof that the Institute knows what it's doing.
31:45And if I can be a part of that, then I've done some good, right?
32:03Oh, I've got my neck in on the card.
32:05What, you using that pillow I got you?
32:07Yeah, well, that's my snuggle pillow, a snuggler.
32:10Like coffee tar, oh, and, er, something sweet.
32:13Aw, I'm not insulted by stating the obvious.
32:16Will the knuckles go, Dave?
32:21Oh, better get a shift on before Jenny's on me case.
32:24You can tell her I'll be back when I've finished this.
32:26All right. I'll see you.
32:28Hello, mate.
32:29Can't stop, but I'll catch up with you later, yeah?
32:34I was actually just going.
32:35Jenny told me you used to have a little chat.
32:40She did, did she?
32:41Yeah. I'm glad as it goes.
32:43Thing is, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
32:46Because of me and my big mouth.
32:49Is that right?
32:51And I'm really sorry if I made things awkward between us.
32:54And I hope going forward that we can just be cool.
32:58And you'll be glad to know that you don't have to put up with me much longer.
33:03I've just made an offer in a place at Red Bank.
33:06Oh, swanky.
33:08Well, aren't you becoming quite the property tycoon?
33:12Oh, you mean number five?
33:14Oh, that's just an investment.
33:16Fingers crossed.
33:20What I thought we could do is cook this spag bol
33:22and then have a watch of that film you've been talking about,
33:24which I've checked, by the way, is over three hours long.
33:28And that means there is a tub of choc chip in that freezer
33:32with our names written all over it.
33:37Is this still about Mason?
33:39What, you don't think him moving back to the area is going to stress me out?
33:42No, of course I understand that,
33:43but he's not going to want to do anything, is he,
33:45that's going to get him banged up again.
33:46So, once you're at sixth form with all your mates...
33:48Yeah, that's if I go.
33:50You are going?
33:56I've just been looking at a couple of options named Mum, that's all.
34:02It's the first I've heard of that.
34:03Don't make a big deal out of it.
34:07But you going back down there, that is a big deal to me.
34:13I just thought it might be a good idea
34:15to get away for a bit and give my head a break
34:17instead of having all this pressure.
34:20I can't believe I've let all this happen.
34:25None of this is down to you, Dad.
34:30It's funny, isn't it, that word, Dad?
34:33It never used to mean anything to me.
34:36I'm no surprise, given my upbringing, but now...
34:41it's no special thing in the world to me.
34:43And if you move away, I'll just miss you so much.
34:48You're forgetting I've not even spoken to Mum yet.
34:53I'll talk to your mum.
34:58Better go and get that film sorted, then.
35:04I don't know, Amy, it all seems a bit vague.
35:08There's nothing vague about it.
35:10I've been given the opportunity to invest in a business
35:13that's going to help people and make money in the process.
35:16They've already got a few others interested
35:18and I've had a financial adviser take a look at the figures.
35:21Oh, blimey!
35:23I understand your passion for the Institute
35:25and that they've helped you to deal with things.
35:28They have.
35:29I'm sure that Grandma Deidre would have wanted you
35:32to be sensible about this amount of money.
35:35Like Daniel was when he inherited the sum of £100,000.
35:39He inherited the sum by selling his mother's house.
35:42Daniel's got a kid, so it makes sense to put it in a truss for Bertie.
35:45Oh, that may be so, but she wouldn't have let you have this money
35:49just to fritter it away on some pie-in-the-sky scheme.
35:53I wouldn't be frittering it away.
35:55I'd be investing it in something I believe in.
35:57I thought you'd get that at least.
35:59She wanted you to have your own home.
36:02Or business.
36:03This is a business.
36:05Something solid.
36:07I give up.
36:08By the time you agree to release that money,
36:10all it'll pay for is my funeral plan.
36:13That went well, I thought.
36:15Oh, I suppose you just let her have the money.
36:19To be honest, Dad, yeah.
36:21Listen, she's not a little girl any more.
36:24She's a grown woman with a good head on her shoulders.
36:27And I like it when she uses it.
36:29I just worry for her.
36:31And to be honest, I feel the burden of responsibility.
36:35Well, you shouldn't.
36:37Do you think for a minute Mum would have hesitated?
36:40She'd probably be the first to get her meditation mat out
36:44and sign up for the resource centre herself.
36:49Oi! Wait up!
36:53Just want to let you know that I'm on to you and your mate Sid.
36:57Big bundle of cash that he gave you earlier.
36:59Don't know what you're talking about.
37:01Oh, well, maybe this'll refresh your memory, Officer.
37:08Now, I don't care what deal you and him have got,
37:10but I want what's owed to me for making up them T-shirts.
37:13Right, well, speak to Sid.
37:14No, I'm speaking to you!
37:16Because I reckon a bent cop has got more at stake than slash price Sid.
37:21And don't even try spewing your pack of lies like you did to Daniel Osborne
37:25about whatever else it is that you're up to.
37:27Because I can assure you, I am no walkover.
37:32How much?
37:33400 quid by the end of tomorrow.
37:35And the video?
37:36Gets deleted.
37:45Seriously, go. With Kit.
37:47Have a boys' night with my blessing.
37:50Well, sooner you, you know, come with, but OK.
37:53Yeah. If you're sure.
37:54I'm sure.
37:55Just don't come back with a cone on your head.
38:00All right.
38:02All right.
38:03Oh, hi.
38:05Really great session today, Amy.
38:07Yeah, it really was.
38:09Listen, I've been thinking,
38:10how do you fancy doing a malware session tomorrow?
38:12I think you'll find it really liberating.
38:15Yeah, yeah, great.
38:17Oh, right, great.
38:19Right, what's everybody having to drink?
38:20Oh, I'm fine, but let me get you one.
38:22No, no, it's all right, you save your money.
38:24It's fine.
38:25I've got 40k sitting in an account
38:26that doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon, so...
38:29Sorry, I don't...
38:30Oh, Ken.
38:32I get that he's worried
38:33that I'll lose the inheritance from my grandma,
38:35but if we won't release the funds,
38:36we can't invest in the resource centre.
38:38Oh, that's a shame.
38:41Oh, Amy.
38:42It's fine. I told them.
38:44Actually, I was wondering if it might be possible
38:46for me to learn a little more
38:48about this investment opportunity.
38:50Yeah? Yeah, yeah, great.
38:52Why don't I get a round in while you, er...
38:55Mr Barlow.
38:56Oh, so kind of you.
38:57Half a bitterer for me.
39:01I, er, suspect she's told you about my concerns
39:05of her placing all of her money in this venture.
39:08Ah, well, Amy's a smart cookie, Ken.
39:11Would it upset you to hear that you sound like Tracy?
39:15No comment.
39:16But in this instance, we're right.
39:19Amy's really excited to be a central part
39:22in the new resource centre,
39:23which, by the way, has huge money-making potential.
39:27Which, by the way, has huge money-making potential.
39:30And you know that how?
39:32Well, look, there's a business plan.
39:35Take a look.
39:36And the institute itself will be investing half the capital.
39:40So have a look, ask any questions.
39:42But, Ken, I wouldn't get Amy involved in something
39:45that wasn't good for her,
39:46like the institute's been for both of us.
39:52Oh, you will not believe...
39:56Dorian's only just got off to sleep.
39:58Sorry. Bit early, isn't it, mind you?
40:01He didn't get much sleep last night, did he, eh?
40:03Hope was giving him a cuddle and he just dropped off.
40:06Hope was?
40:08Yeah, you should have seen all three of them playing together.
40:10Girls pulling faces, trying to make him laugh.
40:13Sounds fun.
40:14Yeah, it was.
40:16I'm sorry, I know you've not had much sleep too.
40:18Oh, neither have you.
40:21Look, we promised Alina...
40:24I know, I know.
40:26Hey. Mm-hm.
40:28Listen, you have been amazing.
40:32And believe me, I know how lucky I am to have you.
40:35You and the girls.
40:48Come in.
40:50Oh, thanks, mate.
40:52Saved me a trip back to the station.
40:54No worries.
40:55The boss was impressed.
40:57Working over and above.
40:59Right, well, erm, I'll... I'll see you.
41:02You're off, aren't you?
41:04Don't suppose you fancy a beer?
41:06I, erm...
41:08Yeah, yeah.
41:10Cool. Good.
41:12Grab a pew.
41:24To be honest, I, er...
41:26I could do with a bit of a sounding board.
41:29Between us, yeah?
41:31Yeah, yeah. Of course.
41:35I've done something.
41:37Compromised myself.
41:39As a copper, I mean.
41:42Compromised how?
41:44I don't want to get you involved, so it's best not go into detail.
41:48The thing is, though...
41:50it's got me thinking.
41:52I'm not what the police force needs.
41:54No, you are exactly what the police force needs.
41:58You've got principles.
42:00You follow your gut.
42:02What you did...
42:04I tried to protect someone.
42:06Someone close to me.
42:09Yeah, I get that.
42:11I know you do, mate, but what you did wasn't bad enough
42:14to make you want to leave the force, was it?
42:17Not in the end.
42:19This is serious.
42:21Believe me, what I did was serious.
42:26But you're still in the force.
42:28Yeah, well, maybe I shouldn't be.
42:30I've never told anyone.
42:36What I've learned about this job,
42:38the only people who really understand what we have to deal with...
42:42is other coppers.
42:49Well, contrary to my expectations,
42:53it's actually quite impressive.
42:55I'm not complete, idiot.
42:57Nobody ever said you were,
42:59but one hears a lot of things these days
43:02and it is a lot of money.
43:04So, does everything make sense?
43:06Have you got any questions?
43:08Well, I can see you've got a lot going on.
43:11I've got a lot going on.
43:13I've got a lot going on.
43:15Yes, have you got any questions?
43:17Well, I can see you're ready to invest in a project
43:19that is clearly close to your heart,
43:22with the profit you make securing your future.
43:26Just what Grandma wanted.
43:28So I can have the money?
43:30You can have the money.
43:34Ken, you are amazing.
43:37What I hope I am is right.
43:40You are.
43:41This is going to be the making of her.
43:43And all I'll say is,
43:44I am completely committed to this project
43:47and I know it's the right thing for Amy.
43:49I hope you're right.
44:13© transcript Emily Beynon