Mercedes Moné vs Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (Full Match)

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AEW All In
TBS Championship
00:00I am the face of AEW now.
00:05The Doctor is back!
00:08The TBS title is a title that I have not held yet.
00:11But this match is so much more than that.
00:13This is the clash of the titans.
00:15She stands no chance.
00:18You want to call yourself the face of AEW?
00:21Show me.
00:22I am too about Monét for a reason.
00:26Nobody gets the best of Mercedes Monét.
00:29You don't have the guts to go all in like me.
00:32Because you will never be like me.
00:35You call yourself the blueprint, while I'm the gold standard.
00:39That Wembley? Don't worry.
00:41Losing to me will still be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you.
01:00This contest is for a poll.
01:03It's for the TBS Championship.
01:09Introducing the champion, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
01:13Dr. Britt Baker, T.M.D.
01:22Britt Baker, an AEW original, the first woman.
01:28Signed to an AEW contract.
01:33Former AEW Women's World Champion.
01:37Winner of the inaugural Owen Hart Foundation Tournament.
01:42And now tonight, on the biggest stage of all elite wrestling of the year,
01:48Britt Baker, with a chance to dethrone the CEO,
01:53and call herself TBS Champion.
01:56And she will become the first person to have won both the AEW Women's World Championship
02:01and the TBS Championship.
02:02I'm going to be very honest with you, I think Britt Baker,
02:05and I know it's because I've been close with her,
02:07but I really think that Britt Baker is one of the greatest women world champions we have had
02:11in our five short years.
02:13It's tough to argue with you, Shabani, on that.
02:16She's been amazing.
02:18And as you said, Ex Gallo, from day one, she's a day one girl here.
02:22In this company.
02:24And so decorated.
02:26And she has taken umbrage with the way that Mercedes Manet has positioned herself.
02:33Here, not just in the women's division of AEW, but in all of AEW.
02:38Mercedes believes that she should be on center stage at all times.
02:44Pays no regard to anyone who has come before her here in AEW.
02:48Oh, she's the CEO. Come on now.
03:31I wonder what happened to those corgis.
03:47And first one, made her name by Camille from Boston, Massachusetts.
03:51She is the team's big-end champion,
03:56the CEO,
04:04And of course, the CEO,
04:09with an entrance fit for a queen,
04:12here tonight in London.
04:14We saw it.
04:16And the champion's back, Camille.
04:18The Brickhouse.
04:21Well, I had a conversation earlier today, guys,
04:24in the hallway here at Wembley Stadium,
04:27with Mercedes Manet,
04:29and she kind of told me her game plan.
04:31I'm going to see if it happens before I get into detail about it.
04:34Just a little teaser for you now.
04:38Well, Camille, since her arrival,
04:40as the first employee of the CEO, Mercedes Manet,
04:46has proved to be quite a difference-maker for the TDS champion.
04:50She is.
04:51I mean, no doubt about that.
04:53Camille is a major lead difference-maker,
04:56and Britt Baker knows that.
04:58Britt knows she's got to be careful.
05:00And of course, Camille coming in,
05:02holding the strong championship belt that Mercedes...
05:06Also holds, yeah.
05:08But tonight, it is the TDS championship.
05:11That is our focus.
05:17And you know, it was one year ago
05:20that Mercedes Manet was here.
05:22She was seated in the Royal Box,
05:24a spectator of the first All-In London.
05:28Wow, right in the face.
05:29Look at that.
05:30Oh, Britt, I love that.
05:31That's what you do.
05:32That's confidence.
05:41There you go.
05:45Man, you're in rare form tonight, buddy.
05:46I get it.
05:48I don't know about Walter, but I'm a wild man.
05:50Yeah, that's how it happens.
05:54Oh, he snaps the championship and gave it back to Camille.
05:56Right out of the referee's hands for trying out loud.
06:01You know, Mercedes had that career-threatening ankle injury.
06:05At times thought she would never be able to wrestle again,
06:07but Britt Baker...
06:09Oh, on bar.
06:10Quickly, just, uh...
06:11Mercedes trying to slap a defense.
06:12Oh, look at this.
06:13Camille anchoring the champion.
06:15Oh, whoa.
06:16Oh, that caught her.
06:17Britt got clocked there,
06:19but now the bypass gets to the ropes.
06:21Leapfrog there by Mercedes Manet,
06:22looking for the trip.
06:23Britt avoids it,
06:24but a dropkick on target.
06:26I like the fact Britt was hitting those ropes hard
06:28with a lot of speed, getting momentum,
06:30but unfortunately,
06:31it was the kick that put her down.
06:33Mercedes is special between the ropes, for sure.
06:37You gotta be careful.
06:38Oh, nice.
06:39Counter on that hip lock there.
06:40Counter, and now looking.
06:42Now you can get for that lockjaw.
06:44Oh, she's going for it.
06:45You're right.
06:47Get it done right now.
06:48Great sense of urgency there by Mercedes Manet
06:50to make it to the bottom rope.
06:51Oh, my God.
06:53Off of the shoulders of Camille,
06:55calling for a timeout, but...
06:58Very innovative way to weigh in.
07:02Again, suck too.
07:03Help me out, Shabani.
07:04I'm begging you.
07:05Innovative way, maybe?
07:08You'll never get this, Britt!
07:10By the way, smart move by Britt.
07:13Stay away from them.
07:15When they're on the floor,
07:17make her come back in.
07:21Oh, look at this.
07:22Shabani backing up to the corner
07:23as Britt closes the distance.
07:25Britt throwing some right hands there
07:28and charging in.
07:29Back elbow by Mercedes Manet.
07:31Great anticipation.
07:32Yeah, a little bit overzealous was Britt.
07:34Now Mercedes flattens out Britt
07:37and trying to take the side headlock,
07:39but Britt escapes lockjaw attempt once again.
07:42Again, yeah, I like that.
07:44Britt is going for a finishing move right away
07:46and twice now.
07:47As Mercedes, though.
07:49One, two, three.
07:52There you go.
07:53Britt bridges up.
07:55Counter has the block on the waist,
07:58but now Mercedes lowers her center of gravity.
08:02Oh, brother.
08:04Please break out of the corner.
08:05Shoulder into the midsection.
08:08Fans starting to chant DMD here.
08:16Mercedes taking Britt face first
08:18with the top turnbuckle pad,
08:19covering her with those elbow strikes.
08:21Mentioned the career-threatening injury
08:23that Mercedes Manet suffered,
08:24but Britt also suffering a career-threatening injury.
08:30Missing 10 months of action.
08:32I got distracted.
08:33I'm sorry.
08:34I got distracted by Camille.
08:35Did Britt?
08:36Yes, she did.
08:37And now she, oh, Mercedes capitalized.
08:40As Mercedes in the ropes.
08:42Oh, God.
08:43Oh, God.
08:44Oh, God.
08:45Oh, my God.
08:48Right landing.
08:50Man, what landing for sure.
08:52You might get her.
08:53Get a cover.
08:54Oh, Britt kicks out.
08:55So this is, and this leads into the conversation I had earlier.
08:58Watch this impact, though.
09:00Spined right on that top buckle, man.
09:02That's a steel buckle underneath that little thin pad
09:05that covers it.
09:07But it seems to me like that's the opening
09:10that Mercedes wanted,
09:11because what she told me, Excalibur, was,
09:14Britt was on the shelf for 10 months with a back injury.
09:17That's right.
09:18It was two herniated discs, a torn hip labrum,
09:21and she said, Taz, I'm going after her back
09:23when the opportunity is there, and she's doing it as Mercedes.
09:26She told me she was going to do this.
09:28She also had a TIA, so she was in dire straits at one time.
09:31Yeah, transient ischemic attack to the warning sign
09:35of a potential oncoming stroke.
09:37And so Britt Baker, much like Mercedes,
09:40very lucky to be competing here tonight.
09:42Mercedes Manet just ruthless with her attack of the spine.
09:45Britt Baker, the cover.
09:47Yeah, I mean, because she saw that opening.
09:49Camille, you've got to give her a serious assist,
09:51because she started walking up the steps.
09:53There's Camille there, the brick house,
09:55just to get Britt distracted.
09:58And then right towards that lower back,
10:01Mercedes is exploiting it big time.
10:05Britt sent into the ropes, and Mercedes drives her down.
10:08Knee or leg is hooked.
10:11Britt's shown a lot of perseverance here.
10:14But being out that long with a lower back injury,
10:17and then you have someone to the level of Mercedes,
10:20the CEO, PBS champ, attacking the lower back.
10:23You can just see the effort in the face of Britt Baker that time,
10:26pulling herself up.
10:29There you go, slugging back.
10:31Well, she just will not stay down, will she?
10:33Oh, that's Mercedes.
10:36Oh, the slingshot, no.
10:38Backbreaker again.
10:41Attacking the spine and the cover.
10:43It's just a matter of timing.
10:44I mean, I love the fortitude and heart that Britt Baker is showing.
10:48But, man, I don't know how much more she can take on that lower back.
10:53There they go again.
10:54Look at the relentlessness by Mercedes.
10:57Again, the backbreaker.
10:59Oh, my God.
11:00Stretching that lower back out now, look at that.
11:02Britt is saying no to Paul Turner.
11:05Oh, Britt using those knees.
11:07She's fighting out of this.
11:09Yeah, that's where the length of the legs of Britt Baker will come into play.
11:14You don't have a lot of muster behind it
11:16because you need a strong lower back to do those knee strikes.
11:19You know, she's upside down in the boot.
11:21That's why she grabbed the back of the head that time.
11:24Yeah, of Mercedes.
11:26Elbow there, trying to back Mercedes off.
11:29Oh, lady, similar thing in mind.
11:31Yeah, Britt successful, the ripcord.
11:33Elbow strike, Mercedes got rattled there.
11:35Rattle slowed down the CEO for sure.
11:38And now Britt Baker.
11:39Oh, she was looking for that twisting fisherman's neckbreaker,
11:43but the back gave out, and Mercedes seizing on the opportunity.
11:49Left it tight.
11:51A suplex, Mercedes turns the corner.
11:53Yeah, she loves to pay homage to the late great Eddie Guerrero, Latino heat.
12:00Look at those three amigos, those three vertical suplexes.
12:03She was showing that there.
12:04How many more of these can Britt take?
12:06I don't know.
12:07Now the cover, two.
12:09Britt able to kick out,
12:11but things are looking bleak for the challenger right now.
12:15But look at the face of the champion.
12:17She's getting really frustrated here because Britt just will not stay down.
12:20T-M-O, T-M-O, T-M-O, T-M-O.
12:24There's a lot of letters being chanted, CEOs, there's DMDs, there's all sorts of things.
12:29T-A-Z, F-T-W, A-E-W, there's all sorts of things going on.
12:34Oh, the knees, punishing the back.
12:37And right now, Paul Turner immediately checked with Britt Baker on that one.
12:41Dude, that was bad news.
12:43Ruthlessness being shown by the CEO, the TBS champion.
12:47Right now, Britt Baker's helpless.
12:49Well, she's trying to get to her feet.
12:51Oh, look at this.
12:52Oh, Britt, that definitely helped her pause.
12:55That's amazing, she can get to her feet.
12:57Right hand, stunning Mercedes in the ropes.
13:01Britt valiantly trying to fight upward, trying to make the climb.
13:06Britt needs to be careful here.
13:08She doesn't want to hurt her own self.
13:11Yeah, that's a good point.
13:12Shivani, you're up there on those ropes.
13:14Anything can happen.
13:15Oh, look at her.
13:16She's pounding on the back of you.
13:17Pounding on the back.
13:19Oh, my God.
13:21Oh, this is bad, guys.
13:22Oh, my God.
13:24Nonetheless, I've seen that.
13:26Avalanche body slam.
13:28Avalanche body slam.
13:30Right on the second rope there.
13:33Very bad landing for Dr. Britt Baker, DMD, as we take another look at this.
13:37I mean, a body slam, to be honest with you,
13:39when you go to a wrestling school, it's one of the –
13:41once you start learning the moves, oh, it's one of the first moves you learn,
13:44but it hurts like the dickens, especially from the second rope.
13:47But back inside the ring.
13:50Got the knees up, I believe.
13:51Yeah, Mercedes got countered, and Britt trying to make her way to her feet.
13:57Yeah, she's pulling herself up.
13:58Look at the determination of Britt Baker.
14:00She's showing a ton of heart, is Britt.
14:04And Mercedes has lowered the boom on her, man.
14:06Oh, but Britt, that back spasming, seizing up, and now the –
14:10Oh, no.
14:11The power by one, two.
14:13No, Britt able to kick out.
14:16Oh, look at this.
14:17She goes right back in for the kill here.
14:18Yeah, Mercedes trying to keep on the attack.
14:21Oh, look at that.
14:22The cutter.
14:23Well, it was enough to slow down the relentless offense of Mercedes.
14:29And think about this.
14:31A victory over Britt Baker for Mercedes Manet tonight.
14:34She's been perfect thus far in her AEW career.
14:38That would be the third former AEW Women's World Champion
14:42that Mercedes would have defeated.
14:43Yeah, absolutely.
14:46Victories over Hikaru Shida and Nyla Rose.
14:48Yes, and Hikaru Shida was only 11 days ago on Dynamite.
14:52Oh, Mercedes.
14:54Nobody home in the corner.
14:56Hit the knee hard.
14:57As you can see, the right knee.
14:58But she's relentless here.
15:00Mittens, you were talking about those steel turnbuckles.
15:03I mean, getting your knee right on point.
15:05Forget it.
15:06Yeah, rip it up.
15:07Here comes Britt now.
15:09The neck breaker, which you can see clutching that lower back.
15:12She's not moving with the same speed that we're accustomed to.
15:15Swing blade, got it on.
15:16Yeah, she's getting some momentum though here, guys.
15:18Yes, she is.
15:19Grab that lower back, though.
15:20She's still hurting.
15:21She's got the pain.
15:23Most people, a lot of people can relate to a back injury.
15:29Now the cover.
15:30The leg hooked.
15:32My point is you don't have to be a pro wrestler or a pro athlete
15:34to have an issue with your back.
15:35There's a lot of people who have issues with their backs.
15:38They can understand that pain.
15:39She's got the glove out.
15:40Britt has the glove out.
15:41She's going for it right now.
15:43She is.
15:44Typically the precursor to the lockjaw.
15:48Britt looking to apply that glove to put that pressure on the mandibular nerve,
15:54that large nerve that runs through your tongue.
15:58And if there's anybody that would know how painful that nerve can be
16:02when it's pressed down upon, it is a dentist.
16:06It is Britt Baker, but Mercedes looking for the counter.
16:11Well, smart.
16:12Wrist control by Mercedes and then hooked that leg.
16:15Oh, wow.
16:16Going after that wrist now.
16:17She got the glove off as well.
16:18One, two.
16:21She's pissed off, Mercedes.
16:22A shriek.
16:23You don't need an angry CEO.
16:25I've seen her angry.
16:28Not good.
16:30Mercedes, the frustration needs to get her wet.
16:34Well, now looking at that glove.
16:39Is it going to be Mercedes' turn to attempt that lockjaw?
16:44Well, once again, she's not a dentist.
16:49Well, you're right.
16:51She's not.
16:52It's like she has many things.
16:54She has many things.
16:55Like you said there, Scott.
16:56You're not either, Shivani, okay?
16:58It's like you said.
16:59Okay, never mind.
17:00She's not going for it.
17:04Trying to mock Britt.
17:05Oh, wait a second.
17:06Britt Baker.
17:07Great grasp.
17:09That was a hell of a counter.
17:10One, two.
17:11No, Mercedes able to kick out.
17:13Oh, man.
17:14Nasty landing there from Mercedes.
17:16And now the doctor.
17:17She's got it back.
17:18Right hand.
17:21Raining down, and Britt, this battle for this glove.
17:27Going back and forth.
17:33If she gets it on, she's going to win this thing.
17:37But can she get it on?
17:40Can she get the lockjaw on?
17:41Looking for another air raid crash with Mercedes.
17:43Oh, Mercedes lands on her feet.
17:45Excellent counter.
17:47Adjusts her grip.
17:49Money making.
17:50Great job by Britt.
17:52Inside cradle.
17:53Love that counter into that cradle by the doctor.
17:59Mercedes blocked.
18:01Again, focusing on that back.
18:04Britt was out ten months with an injury to the back.
18:08And the CEO knows.
18:14Doing CEO and DMD chants here at Wembley Stadium.
18:20It's our second women's title match we've had tonight.
18:22Both have been fantastic.
18:25And there's not much life left, I should say, in Britt Baker.
18:29She is hurting.
18:33Mercedes dragging Britt Baker up.
18:37Mercedes, she's got so many weapons she can use.
18:40She's so stylistically diverse.
18:42Yeah, that's a great point.
18:43And I don't think we say that enough about Mercedes.
18:46And you're right, Xcalibur.
18:47She is what you just said.
18:49But instead she just elected to hammer down on that spine.
18:53With the heel of her boot.
18:54Oh, Britt, thrust kick.
18:57Catching Mercedes on the top.
19:02And Britt once again returning to the top rope.
19:06Those forearm shivers are really nasty when you bring it down like that.
19:10But the last time Britt put herself in this position,
19:12it ended poorly for her, to say the least.
19:17I don't like how this is looking here.
19:21Britt and Mercedes jockeying for position.
19:24Oh, man, you've got to be careful here.
19:26Another body slam, yeah.
19:27Another body slam off the ropes, perhaps.
19:32One, two, no.
19:35So, so close.
19:36What a counter.
19:37Oh, my God.
19:38I'm sure we're going to take a look at that.
19:39That was wicked.
19:40That was wicked right there.
19:42And they were here and Wembley respects it.
19:44They should.
19:45Watch this.
19:46Tremendous body control by the challenger.
19:48And a counter to a slam.
19:50Into the stump at the back of the head.
19:52Britt goes for the cover.
19:53One, two.
19:55Oh, Camille.
19:57Yeah, Camille did the right thing.
19:59Camille really made sure.
20:01Right, you're right.
20:02The foot was, I believe, under before.
20:04If it breaks the plane off the rope, it is a rope break.
20:08The foot doesn't have to be on the rope.
20:10Britt needs to stay away from Camille here.
20:12And I get it.
20:13Tempers, exhaustion, pain.
20:16Wait a second, though.
20:17Mercedes, though.
20:18She's got the belt.
20:19TBS championship in her hand.
20:21As Britt and Turner imploring.
20:27I believe she just about hit the rope.
20:28What are you doing?
20:29Paul Turner touching Mercedes' right hand there.
20:32She would have been disqualified.
20:33She would have obtained the title.
20:35Oh, Camille.
20:36Got caught creeping in.
20:38You can't get this belt.
20:39And now Britt.
20:41Wait a second.
20:52Oh, that's it.
20:53Britt is so smart.
20:55And Mercedes McNay got the only one that worked for Eddie Guerrero.
20:59You're not saying that's good by much.
21:01Great call.
21:02Great call, Delbert.
21:08She knows she got it now.
21:09Britt has evened the odds.
21:11What a title match.
21:17Camille trying to plead her case.
21:18She's pissed.
21:19Camille, she.
21:20But they got hacked.
21:21There's no VAR.
21:23The referee's call is final.
21:24Oh, look at that, though.
21:25We don't need any more acronyms.
21:28Oh, believe me.
21:29Nobody's here just chanting for VAR.
21:30Look at this.
21:32Oh, it's pitiful.
21:33Out of the sun.
21:36How about that?
21:37That's Britt.
21:38Look at the pace.
21:40That sense of urgency by Britt.
21:41She's going to get it.
21:42One, two, three.
21:45Oh, god.
21:46A razor thin margin on that kick out.
21:49And that might have been the opportunity right there.
21:52And I think it just slightly went past Britt Baker there.
21:55I think we can say that even after ten months, Dr. Britt Baker's back.
21:59But can she dethrone a champion who has come to fight?
22:06Now, Britt with Mercedes flattened out.
22:09Lockjaw, yeah.
22:12The lockjaw, the intent of the challenger.
22:15Mercedes grabbing the hair of Britt Baker to try to get away from it.
22:18Mercedes trying to get to that bottom rope.
22:20She's smart.
22:21She's scooting the hips while she's on a belly to get to that bottom rope.
22:27Now, Britt, though, rolling Mercedes back towards center.
22:32Excellent job of a counter.
22:34Mercedes biting on the finger.
22:37You know what?
22:38That's a hell of a counter.
22:40That's what it is.
22:41Now, the roll-up by Mercedes.
22:43Britt able to roll out of the attack.
22:46And now, Britt's going to stay with it.
22:48Now, back-to-back with Mercedes in the backslide.
22:53Mercedes and Britt seated position.
22:55Mercedes bringing herself upright as is Britt Baker.
23:02Now, Mercedes adjusting grip.
23:05First that top rope.
23:07That was nasty.
23:08That was, man.
23:09And Mercedes.
23:12Money maker.
23:14Oh, brother.
23:15It might be it.
23:16One, two, three.
23:21The winner and still TVS champion, the CEO, Mercedes Monet.
23:32What a battle, man.
23:34Mercedes Monet remains perfect inside an AEW ring and remains the TVS champion.
23:44She came in with a game plan, and it worked.
23:46I really think the offense that the CEO put on that lower back really helped her retain her title.
23:55But from the TVS championship now to the TNT championship, let's take a look at what's coming up next.
