Cartoons For Children Tidy Up Funny Cartoons For Toddlers Compilation Of Noksu

  • le mois dernier


00:00Naksu, juste be yourself
00:04Naksu, be a little bit
00:07Naksu, always be yourself
00:09Naksu, Naksu, be a little bit
00:14Naksu, always be yourself
00:18That's the meaning of Naksu
00:31Look at all that snow!
00:36We should go and play in it
00:39Let's go sledging!
00:42Sledge is in my room
00:49Wow! What a tip!
00:52I know it's in here somewhere
01:00I've been looking for this for ages
01:05You don't look after your things very well, do you?
01:09I thought I'd lost that
01:12If your room was tidy, you'd know where everything was
01:17But I'd rather be outside playing
01:20We'd be doing that right now if you knew where your sledge was
01:24Good point, Betty
01:28Don't do that!
01:36Are you okay?
01:38Naksu, you can't just jam everything in!
01:43Sorry, Betty
01:45I didn't think it would hurt someone
01:48That's it, we're tidying up right now
01:53But that's boring
01:57Don't worry, I'll help you
01:59And we can make it fun
02:03I'll show you
02:09Load the cargo, Sona
02:19Ship's ready to sail, Captain
02:27Where's the sails?
02:31Where's the anchor?
02:37What do you see?
02:40A storm! The waves are crashing in!
02:43Oh no!
02:51We made a mess again
03:12This needs a doctor immediately
03:17No time to lose
03:19Treatment was successful
03:49That just leaves this
03:52Well, I'm thirsty, I'll get some drinks
04:10Why did we come in here anyway?
04:13We were looking for something
04:17The sledge!
04:19Did we miss a spot? I didn't see it
04:22I know somewhere we haven't looked yet
04:31You found it!
04:35Let's play!
04:37I'll tidy the glasses away first
04:46To be continued...
05:49Maybe if I blow in your face?
06:01Noopi, your wings are like tiny bats
06:05Do it again
06:13I don't think I can keep this up, Noxoo
06:31What's wrong, Noopi?
06:33We're hot
06:38I've got two ideas for keeping cool
06:44First, a cool sprinkling of water
06:52I'm ready when you are, Betty
07:00Second, is a surprise
07:09Where's the water?
07:14Turn it off, Noxoo!
07:26I'm even hotter than I was before, Noopi
07:35I thought I had more, but we can just share
07:48Oh no!
07:51Sorry, Betty
07:53We'll go and get some more, Betty
08:22Noxoo! The ice-cream!
08:26Just a minute, Noopi
08:29That looks nice and cool, Charlie
08:32Let's go and get some more, Noopi
08:37Just a minute, Noopi
08:39That looks nice and cool, Charlie
08:42It's my new solar-powered fan, Noxoo
08:58Come out, sun
09:18Are you alright, Noxoo?
09:20Come on in, you two
09:22This is what I call keeping cool
09:43C'est cool, hein?
10:08Noxoo, just be yourself
10:11Noxoo, be a little bit
10:13Noxoo, always be yourself
10:18Noxoo, be a little bit
10:21Noxoo, always be yourself
10:25That's the meaning of Noxoo
10:29That's the meaning of Noxoo
11:00I think I have everything I need
11:09Here, in case you get hungry out there
11:16Are you sure you don't want to come?
11:19I don't like fishing
11:29And you get seasick really easily
11:35Do you want me to push you out or not?
12:00Where's Noxoo?
12:06He went alone?
12:09What if something goes wrong?
12:12You worry too much, Nippy
12:18Oh no!
12:21He's forgotten his life jacket
12:24He's forgotten his life jacket
12:29Don't you worry, Betty, I'll find him
13:24I see that forgetting your life vest wasn't the only thing you did wrong today
13:30Am I glad to see you
13:36I'm going to have to row back
13:40And I'm not going to leave you alone
13:44I'm going to have to row back
13:48And I'm not going to leave you alone
14:06Need a hand getting back to shore, Noxoo?
14:13Please don't ever forget this again, Noxoo
14:19And don't go out to sea alone either
14:27You didn't bring a mending kit either, did you?
14:31What about fresh water?
14:35You must have a checklist, Noxoo
14:39It's getting dark
14:41Hey, I found pancakes
14:44How many pancakes?
14:45I feel seasick
15:08Noxoo, just be yourself
15:11Noxoo, be a little bit
15:13Noxoo, always be yourself
15:18Noxoo, be a little bit
15:21Noxoo, always be yourself
15:25That's the meaning of Noxoo
15:38Yum Betty, that was delicious
15:44Just time for a little snooze, I think
15:48Let's dig holes
15:50Let's see who can dig the biggest one
15:55Even better
16:09Careful, Betty
16:11It's just a bit of sand
16:14Well then, you have some too
16:17Noxoo, at least I didn't do it on purpose
16:22It's only a bit of sand
16:28Well, you've both done a good job there
16:31Now, it's time to go home
16:35Well, you've both done a good job there
16:38Now, how about a game of beach football?
16:43I'm not very good at beach football
16:50All you have to do is kick the ball with the side of your foot
16:55Like this
16:58I know how to kick a ball
17:27Well, that's that
17:29I didn't want to play anyway
17:32Tu aimes toujours jouer avant?
17:35Mais pas sur le sol, Noxy!
17:42Je pense que c'est le bon moment de...
17:47...collecter des étoiles!
18:03J'ai collecté plein d'étoiles!
18:06Non, je les ai collectées!
18:09Non, ce sont les miennes!
18:12Pourquoi ne pas juste faire une compétition pour voir qui obtient ces étoiles?
18:16Peut-être une course?
18:18Une bonne idée!
18:20Je ne sais pas...
18:22Peut-être que je vais te battre?
18:40Attrape-moi si tu peux!
18:46Je ne peux pas perdre maintenant!
19:03Tu aurais pu l'obtenir, Noxy!
19:06Les amis arrivent d'abord, Betty!
19:14Oh, ça a l'air d'une étoile!
19:17Tu es un bon ami, donc tu obtiens des pancakes à la blueberrie.
19:27Je pense que ces pancakes vont te plaire, Betty.
19:31Tu es aussi belle que ça, Betty.
19:34Tu es aussi belle que ça, Betty.
19:37Tu es aussi belle que ça, Betty.
19:40Tu es aussi belle que ça, Betty.
19:43Tu es aussi belle que ça, Betty.
19:46Tu es aussi belle que ça, Betty.
19:48Il y a des fois où tu as des disputes, mais tu es toujours le meilleur ami.
20:16Naksu, Naksu
20:20Be a little bit Naksu
20:24Always be yourself
20:25That's the meaning of Naksu
20:47Je t'ai encore battue Betty
20:49Non, tu ne l'as pas fait
20:54Foul! Penalty!
21:12Oh! Watch out!
21:15Oh! Oh, there, there!
21:18That was close! I can't believe that you were...
21:22Quiet! Baby Egg could have been hurt!
21:26I'm sorry Mrs N, it happened so fast
21:31You don't know when or how to be quiet if you ask me
21:36I do know how to be quiet
21:40I can be quiet too
21:42I can be so quiet you won't hear anything from me
21:47Same, but for longer
21:50Let's see who can be quiet the longest
22:28Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
22:31Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
22:53Ça va Betty?
22:56On dirait que tu en as besoin
23:00Bonjour, voici un autre
23:07Attention, je vais essayer de le réparer
23:10Veux-tu regarder à l'intérieur ?
23:27Bonjour Maxime
23:32Nox, oh oh
23:36Vous êtes tous malades ?
23:41Vous avez tous perdu vos voix
23:43J'ai juste une chose
23:57Madame Ham
24:16Maintenant, ouvrez le
24:20Les ordres du Docteur
24:27Oh oh oh
24:29Je vais vous faire une bonne bière
24:31Pour enlever ce goût dégueulasse
24:33Merci Madame Ham
24:35Nous vous avons promis d'être gentilles et calmes
24:38Si vous aviez été calmes tout à l'heure
24:40Peut-être que l'œuf aurait disparu de la brame
24:42Allez-y et faites autant de bruit que vous voulez
24:45Non, soyez calmes
