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Matt and Mara Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A chance encounter leads Mara (Deragh Campbell), a young creative writing professor, to reunite with Matt (Matt Johnson), a charismatic, free-spirited author from her past who wanders onto her university campus. Bonded by their shared interests, the two begin to grow closer as she contends with her strained marriage to an experimental musician. When her husband suddenly cancels plans to drive Mara to a conference out of town, Matt accompanies her on the road trip, where pressure slowly mounts against their undefined relationship. Directed by Kazik Radwanski.

Opens September 13, 2024 at IFC Center in New York.
00:00Mara. Hi. What's up? What are you doing here? I came to see you. How often are you writing?
00:14Every day. That I'm not wasting time walking around with people? Are you going to ask about
00:20what I'm writing or is that totally irrelevant? I know that's rude. It's quite rude when somebody
00:24hasn't published something for a while to be like, so what are you writing? Haven't
00:26you read Wonder Boys? What? Have you ever like known two people that were such good
00:31friends that they're known for being friends? It's basically their most remarkable qualities
00:36that they're friends with each other. Like high school style? Yeah. Remember that guy
00:40that I thought was really handsome that you just kept telling me he had a limp? He did!
00:45He didn't have a limp! I see you brought a friend. Got a chin-up bar? Have you used one
00:50of these before? Seven. Oh, oh, oh, that was a mistake. You know, when you're with somebody
01:00who's like so different from you and who maybe just like injects like an energy into your
01:04life that you feel excited by it, but they go away and then you still have to live your
01:12own life. Where does it hurt? Have you made me laugh? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
01:41no, no, no. It's gonna be so much worse.