Married To My Ex Husband's Boss Full Episode

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Married To My Ex Husband's Boss Full Episode
00:00:29Yeah, I need to do it
00:00:40How's your boss?
00:00:42What's wrong?
00:01:26Even if Yunqing doesn't get pregnant in the future,
00:01:28we won't suffer any loss.
00:01:30When we have 10 million yuan,
00:01:32we can buy a bigger house
00:01:34and don't need to rent a house anymore.
00:01:36As for Yunqing,
00:01:38when the vacation ends and she comes back,
00:01:40I will kick her out.
00:01:42Keep her first.
00:01:44In case she has other purposes in the future.
00:01:56Episode 3
00:01:59Yunqing, 10 million yuan
00:02:12Brother, what are you doing?
00:02:14I'm here to tell you that
00:02:16the design you delivered last time
00:02:18has reached 100 million.
00:02:20I will keep my promise
00:02:22and give that 100 million order to Lingyi in charge.
00:02:24这点小事电话跟我说不就行了 Qingqing,当年的事妈早就已经消弃了,你身为宁海市首富的千金,你这五年一直在外,给林依依一家当保姆太不像话了,要不要考虑回家? Qingqing, what happened in the past, mom has long been dispirited. As the daughter of the richest man in Ninghai City, you have been out for five years. It's too much to be a nanny for Lin Yi's family. Do you want to consider going home?
00:02:38我这叫全职主妇,才不是什么保姆呢。而且林依依之前救过我。 I'm a full-time housewife, not a nanny. And Lin Yi saved me before.
00:02:43谁知道他当年救你是不是另有所图啊。再说了,一个真正爱你的男人,会让你未婚先孕,还没嫁给婆娘。你看你现在穿的,都不如咱们家的保姆。 Who knows if he saved you for something else? Besides, a man who really loves you will let your fiancée break up with you. Look at what you're wearing now, it's not even as good as our nanny.
00:02:53林依依救我的时候根本就不知道我的身份,不跟你说了,要去给我婆婆送饭了。 Lin Yi didn't even know who I was when he saved me. I'm not telling you, I'm going to deliver food to my mother-in-law.
00:02:58你,你,给我让开。 You, you, get out of the way.
00:03:02楚大老板,听说你也来宁海市了。晚上要不要出来喝两杯啊? Mr. Chu, I heard you came to Ninghai City. Would you like to come out for a drink tonight?
00:03:14小宝今天不舒服,我带他来医院看一看。 Xiaobao is not feeling well today, so I brought him to the hospital.
00:03:17什么?小宝住院了? What? Xiaobao is in the hospital?
00:03:21弟弟,我要下来自己走。 Brother, I want to come down and walk by myself.
00:03:24好。 Okay.
00:03:27行,可以。 Okay.
00:03:32小朋友,你没事吧? Kid, are you okay?
00:03:36我没事。 I'm fine.
00:03:37漂亮阿姨,我好像在哪里见过你。 Pretty auntie, I seem to have seen you somewhere.
00:03:42你长得像我妈咪。 You look like my mommy.
00:03:45这小孩是从哪里学来这么老套的搭讪台词? Where did this kid learn such old-fashioned lines?
00:03:48阿姨告诉你,妈妈可不是乱认的哦。阿姨告诉你,妈妈可不是乱认的哦。 Auntie tells you, mom is not a stranger.
00:03:51你爸爸呢? Where's your dad?
00:03:52我爹爹在那里。 My dad is over there.
00:03:54好。 Okay.
00:03:58可以。 Okay.
00:04:00原来这小孩的爸爸是清洁工案,以后走路要小心,不可以这样横冲直撞的,知道吗? It turns out that the child's father is a cleaner. You have to be careful when you walk in the future. You can't be so violent, you know?
00:04:19弟弟,我找到妈咪了。 Brother, I found mommy.
00:04:25这个女人是五年前的那个女人。 This woman is the woman from five years ago.
00:04:37怎么可能是她呢? How could it be her?
00:04:38我要去找妈咪。 I'm going to find mommy.
00:04:41你妈妈已经死了。 Your mom is dead.
00:04:42你骗人! You're lying!
00:04:43那只漂亮阿姨就是我妈咪。 That pretty auntie is my mommy.
00:04:55老公,你怎么来了?老公,你今天公司不忙吗? Honey, why are you here? Aren't you busy today?
00:04:59刚好我现在有事找你。把这份离婚协议书签了。 I happen to have something to discuss with you now. Please sign this divorce agreement.
00:05:04我儿子,你这么小看,要跟这黄脸婆离婚了。 My son, you're so mean. Are you going to divorce this yellow-faced woman?
00:05:08为什么? Why?
00:05:09安宁。 An Ning.
00:05:10安宁? An Ning?
00:05:11你大学初恋? Who are you dating?
00:05:13人家安宁不仅是国际女校毕业,她是年薪百万的设计师,只有这样的身价才能配上我儿子。 An Ning not only graduated from an international women's college, she is also a designer with a annual salary of millions. Only with such a salary can she match my son.
00:05:20老公,我要听你亲口说,你是喜欢她这个人,还是因为她的身家? Honey, I want to hear it from you. Do you like her or because of her status?
00:05:25如果是因为身家的话,我也可以帮你。 If it's because of her status, I can also help you.
00:05:28你一个无父无母的孤儿,这些年你在我们家游手好闲,除了花我儿子钱,还能做什么? You're a helpless orphan. What can you do besides spending my son's money?
00:05:37我是! I am!
00:05:39不行,我不能说我是你还是首富千金。当初为了嫁给林姨,我已经跟家里决裂了。 No, I can't say I'm your first wife. I broke up with my family because I wanted to marry Lin Yi.
00:05:46林姨,你听说过清云的名字吗? Lin Yi, have you heard of Qingyun?
00:05:49清云?就是五年前获得全球BA顶级设计珠宝大赛金奖的那个清云? Qingyun? The Qingyun who won the gold medal in the Global BA Design Jewelry Competition five years ago?
00:05:56没错,我就是清云。 I'm Qingyun.
00:05:58我知道你最近公司业绩压力大,如果你需要一个得力的珠宝设计助手的话,我可以帮你。 I know your company is under a lot of pressure. If you need a competent jewelry designer assistant, I can help you.
00:06:05明慶,靠虚假吹牛的手段是留不住奶子。 Mingqing, you can't keep a man by using fake bragging.
00:06:10妞妞,你怎么来了? Ningning, what are you doing here?
00:06:12我听说阿姨生病了,特地过来探望一下。 I heard that auntie was sick, so I came to visit her.
00:06:16没想到,就听到有人在吹牛自己是全球顶级的设计大师。 I didn't expect to hear that someone was bragging about being the world's top designer.
00:06:23那一个什么都不懂的黄脸婆啊,哪懂得什么全球顶级设计大师的分量啊。 A woman who doesn't know anything knows nothing about being the world's top designer.
00:06:29你们是不是一直都有联系? Did you keep in touch?
00:06:31是又怎么样呢? So what?
00:06:32你竟然,你竟然心里这么喜欢这个白月光,当初为什么要娶我,那还不能是一千万吗? Why do you like Bai Yueguang so much? Why did you want to marry me in the first place? That's a million!
00:06:41一千万?什么一千万? Ten million? What do you mean ten million?
00:06:45你如果识相的话呢,就赶紧把离婚协议书签了。 If you are smart enough, sign the divorce agreement.
00:06:48你知道吗,事后我会给你五十万,当做你这五年来的赔偿。 You know what, I will give you five hundred thousand in the future, as your compensation for the past five years.
00:06:52五十万?原来,在你心里就是这么廉价。 Five hundred thousand? So that's how cheap it is in your heart.
00:06:57云青,你要是真的为了林亦好,就把这离婚协议书给签了。 Yunqing, if you really want what's best for Lin Yi, then sign this divorce agreement.
00:07:02你还不知道吧,林亦马上就要拿下宁海首富名下万众集团的百亿订单项目。 You don't know yet, Lin Yi is about to take over the billion-dollar order project of Wanzhong Group under the name of Lin Hai.
00:07:08尽身为公司的总经理,你和他在一起只会拖他后腿,让他以后成为圈里人的笑话。 As the general manager of the company, you and him will only drag him down and make him the laughingstock of the circle.
00:07:16真是可笑,我为你拿下百亿订单,换来的却是一纸离婚协议书。 It's ridiculous, I got a billion-dollar order for you, but I got a divorce agreement instead.
00:07:22够了,云青,你现在还在撒谎狡辩,没有任何意义。 That's enough, Yunqing, you're still lying, there's no point.
00:07:26你这样只会让我更加的感激。 You're just going to make me feel worse.
00:07:28到现在我就问你一句,你到底有没有爱过我? I'll ask you one last time, have you ever loved me?
00:07:32从未,你我之间云泥之别,云青这辈子都配不上我。 Never, you and I are so different, Yunqing doesn't deserve me at all.
00:07:40做人呢,要有自知之明,穿什么样的衣服,配什么样的鞋。 As a person, you have to know what kind of clothes and shoes to wear.
00:07:46您见过哪个上流人士穿高定西服,配廉价破鞋的? Have you ever seen a high-end man wearing a high-end suit with cheap broken shoes?
00:07:51啊,不对,上流圈你还接受不到吧? 像你这样的废弃物,就算给上流人士当服务员,恐怕都没资格。 Ah, no, you can't get into the high-end circle, can you? A loser like you, even if you were a high-end staff, I'm afraid you wouldn't be qualified.
00:08:04我最讨厌听狗叫了,给我闭嘴。 I hate to hear dogs barking, shut up.
00:08:07云青,你有病吧? Yunqing, are you crazy?
00:08:09我是有病,我当初眼睛瞎了才会看上你。 Yes, I'm crazy, I fell in love with you when I was blind.
00:08:12二嫂,别跟着疯女人废话,今天不仅要理,还要她净身出户。 Sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense to this crazy woman. Not only do you have to divorce her today, but also have her out of the house.
00:08:22这离婚协议,我欠了。 I owe you this divorce agreement.
00:08:26那五十万,就留着你们一家人来苟良吧。 You can keep the 500,000 yuan for your family.
00:08:30云青就算再没出息,也不会去爱一个不爱我的男人。 Yunqing will never fall in love with a man who doesn't love her.
00:08:34离婚冷静期一个月后,明晨去见。 I'll see you in two weeks.
00:08:46娘娘,你没事吧?疼不疼?都怪我,刚才没拦得住那个疯婆子。 Niangniang, are you okay? Does it hurt? It's all my fault. I didn't stop that crazy woman.
00:08:52我没事,又不是你打的,和你没关系。 I'm fine. It's not your fault.
00:08:56这次多亏了你,在我们和万众集团之间牵线搭桥,我才有机会得到这笔百亿订单的那笔资金。 Thanks to you, I was able to get the 100-million order.
00:09:05你放心,等那笔订单成功签约之后,我一定疯疯瘋瘋地把你娶进来。 Don't worry, when the order is signed, I will marry you.
00:09:10安宁,你真是我们林家的贵人,那云青连你提鞋都不配。 Anning, you are really our Lin family's benefactor. Yunqing doesn't even deserve your shoes.
00:09:17靠,这家狗东西竟然敢这么对你,这婚离得好。 Damn, how dare this bastard treat you like this. This is a good divorce.
00:09:23还有那百亿订单,赶紧让你哥取消了呀,看他们还怎么笑我出来。 And the 100-million order, let your brother cancel it. Let's see how they laugh at me.
00:09:28不急,等到那一天再取消,不是更精彩吗? No hurry, isn't it more exciting to cancel it on that day?
00:09:32够损,够阴,我喜欢。 That's cool, I like it.
00:09:34对了,你最近给那个江北第一名门当秘书,怎么样了? By the way, you recently became the secretary of Jiangbei's top class. How is it going?
00:09:40一个字绝,两个字极品,我们总裁长得又高又帅,而且还出手大方,我婚妻职场这么多年啊,还是第一次见呢。 One word, excellent, two words, top class. Our CEO is tall and handsome, and he is generous. It's the first time I've seen him in so many years.
00:09:50你呀,从高中的时候就想嫁高富帅,这不机会来了,你可得把握住了。 You've wanted to marry a rich and handsome man since high school, this is your chance. You have to seize it.
00:09:56别提了,要不是他对女人不感兴趣啊,我就是下了学本,也要去报一个名媛班,学习一下怎么嫁入豪门。 Don't mention it, if he wasn't not interested in women, I would have gone to a prestigious class to learn how to marry a rich and handsome man.
00:10:06你老板是个gay? Your boss is a gay?
00:10:09不是,我怀疑我们老板,他特别有问题。 No, I suspect our boss, he is not a gay.
00:10:13他的儿子啊,听说是在国外使馆回来的吗? His son, I heard he came back from a foreign market.
00:10:17国外使馆? A foreign market?
00:10:20国外使馆? A foreign market?
00:10:22之前啊,楚总一直在国外管理公司,这两年才回来,处理一些幕后的事务。 Before, Mr. Chu has been managing the company abroad, he just came back in the last two years, dealing with some behind-the-scenes affairs.
00:10:30哎呀,今天时间不早了,我得先回去了,你要不要一起啊? Oh, it's getting late, I have to go back first, do you want to come with me?
00:10:33我再待一会儿。 I'll stay for a while.
00:10:35那行,你心情不好,也不要再喝了,注意安全,我先走了。 Okay, if you are in a bad mood, don't drink anymore, stay safe, I'm leaving.
00:10:38拜拜。 Bye.
00:10:48刚被人一羞了。 I just got a bad reputation.
00:10:50就这么迫不及待来酒吧勾搭野男让人欠了。 You just can't wait to come to a bar and hook up with a wild man.
00:10:53人不做,当狗。 If a person doesn't do it, he becomes a dog.
00:10:56你这狗鼻子怪灵的,闻着味儿都找这儿来了。 You have a strange nose, you smell like porridge, and you came here.
00:11:02你敢说我是狗? You dare say I'm a dog?
00:11:04我今天心情不好,别惹我,我克狗。 I'm in a bad mood today, don't mess with me, I'm a dog.
00:11:08你今天打了我一巴掌,想这么轻而易举就走了。 You slapped me today, you want to leave so easily?
00:11:13怎么,你是觉得我今天那一巴掌打得不够对称,想让我给你另外一边脸也来一巴掌对称一下吗? What? Do you think my slap wasn't symmetrical enough today? Do you want me to slap your other cheek to make it symmetrical?
00:11:23你敢! You dare!
00:11:25你看我敢不敢。 See if I dare.
00:11:27宁姐,找我们来什么事? Sister Ning, what do you want to see us for?
00:11:30阿文,帮我好好教训教训这个贱人。 A Wen, help me teach this bitch a lesson.
00:11:34宁姐想让我怎么教训? What do you want me to teach?
00:11:36我想要她这张脸毁掉。 I want to destroy her face.
00:11:44都听到了吗? Did you hear that?
00:11:46听到了,大哥。 Yes, brother.
00:11:52不许你欺负我妈咪。 Don't you dare bully my mommy.
00:11:55小朋友,你怎么来了? Kid, what are you doing here?
00:11:58妈咪,你放心,有我和爹爹在,不会让这群坏蛋伤害你。 Mommy, don't worry, I and daddy are here. We won't let these bad guys hurt you.
00:12:03妈咪? Mommy?
00:12:05云青,原来你早就跟外面的野男人混在一起了,还生了一个野种。 Yunqing, it turns out that you have been with a wild man for a long time, and you even have a wild seed.
00:12:11安妮,我跟这小孩总共就见了两面,你不要一口一个野种的叫着,这野种都叫你妈了,他还不是你儿子,难怪伯母说你是一只破鞋,现在看来,果然如此,你是今天狗屎吃多了吗,嘴那么臭面。 Annie, I've only seen this kid twice, don't call him a wild seed. He's already called you mom. He's still not your son. No wonder aunt said you were a rotten shoe. Now it looks like it is.
00:12:22果然如此,你是今天狗屎吃多了吗,嘴那么臭面。 It turns out that you are a rotten shoe.
00:12:26你们两个还愣着干什么,连这个小孩一起说不上。 What are you two doing, even with this kid?
00:12:30你们伤害我和我妈咪,我爹地是不会放过你们的。 You hurt me and my mom, and my dad won't let you go.
00:12:34你爹说哪个城啊? Which city did your dad say?
00:12:36我爹地叫楚淮,他可厉害呢。 My dad's name is Chu Huai, he's very good.
00:12:38楚淮是那个在江北权势滔天,富可敌国的第一名门,现如今楚家的掌权人楚淮。 Chu Huai is the most famous man in Jiangbei. Now Chu Huai is the head of the Chu family.
00:12:46没错,我爹地就是江北首富。 That's right, my dad is the richest man in Jiangbei.
00:12:49哎呀呀呀呀,可吓死我了,你们听到没有,这个小野种居然说他是江北首富的儿子。 Ouch, you scared me to death, did you hear that? This little bastard said he was the richest man in Jiangbei.
00:12:57不是,我们大家都知道啊,就那位楚种一直生活在国外,他的儿子怎么会在咱们这个宁海市来呢? No, we all know that the rich man has been living abroad. How could his son come to Ninghai?
00:13:06你能不能说你是宁海首富的孙子? You can't say you're the grandson of the richest man in Ninghai.
00:13:09哈哈哈哈哈哈,您兄啊,你儿子真是个女主人种,都喜欢吹牛说大话。 Haha, brother Ning, your son is really a womanizer. He likes to brag.
00:13:18阿文,这交给你了,事情办完之后记得拍照发给你。 Okay, I'll leave it to you. Remember to take a photo after you're done.
00:13:25好的,念姐。 Okay, Sister Ning.
00:13:30你们有什么事情冲我来,不要伤害小孩子。 If you have anything to say to me, don't hurt the kids.
00:13:33I don't want to be a bad kid.
00:13:37Daddy, there are bad guys bullying me and pretty aunt.
00:13:40Come quickly.
00:13:41Yes, come quickly, come quickly.
00:13:44After coming, even your father will clean up together.
00:13:46I go.
00:13:52Don't run away.
00:14:04Sometimes we love and hate each other.
00:14:10Mr. Chu, this man looks like a bad guy.
00:14:13I don't care about him.
00:14:14I want to have him.
00:14:17Dear, why did you come to pick me up?
00:14:21No need to apologize.
00:14:22I have forgiven you.
00:14:24Brother Lan,
00:14:25they are too many, we can't beat them.
00:14:29Daddy, there are bad guys bullying me and pretty aunt.
00:14:32Daddy, they are too many, we can't beat them.
00:14:36this kid's reaction is really fast.
00:14:42What do you want to do with them?
00:14:45Let me and the kid leave safely.
00:14:50You want to cut off their hands and feet, right?
00:14:54I didn't say that.
00:15:02Please forgive me.
00:15:03We didn't mean to hurt you.
00:15:05I was wrong.
00:15:06Can you give us a way to live?
00:15:07You want to live?
00:15:10Don't ask me.
00:15:11Dear, I was wrong.
00:15:12Can you give us a way to live?
00:15:15I beg you.
00:15:16It's not impossible to let you go.
00:15:19you have to apologize to this kid.
00:15:22Young master,
00:15:24I was wrong.
00:15:25I have a bad mouth.
00:15:26I have no eyes.
00:15:27I have no eyes.
00:15:28I apologize to you.
00:15:30Sorry, young master.
00:15:32I don't need your apology.
00:15:33You have to apologize to this pretty aunt.
00:15:37Dear, I'm sorry.
00:15:38Forget it.
00:15:39Let's go.
00:15:41Thank you, madam.
00:15:42Thank you, dear.
00:15:43Thank you, young master.
00:15:44Thank you.
00:15:45Thank you.
00:15:49Thank you for what you did just now.
00:15:53How can you forgive me?
00:15:56How can you forgive me?
00:15:59please behave yourself.
00:16:00Bad father,
00:16:01don't bully pretty aunt.
00:16:04He is really your father.
00:16:07I haven't said anything about you.
00:16:09Is it enough to be outside?
00:16:10Go home with me.
00:16:11I want to be with pretty aunt.
00:16:13Let her be my mother.
00:16:15This kid is more resistant to strangers than me.
00:16:18He can say such words.
00:16:20It seems that this woman has some means.
00:16:24You want to take my son to me
00:16:26and become my woman, right?
00:16:29aren't you
00:16:30a little self-indulgent?
00:16:32You called me pretty aunt just now.
00:16:34Now you don't recognize me?
00:16:36Just now, it was just a one-time thing.
00:16:38Now these hooligans have left.
00:16:40If there's nothing else,
00:16:41I'll go first.
00:16:43Pretty aunt, don't go.
00:16:50This Tai Chi room.
00:16:53This Tai Chi room.
00:17:00You hit me.
00:17:03Where are you taking pretty aunt?
00:17:05Didn't you let her be your mother?
00:17:07Go home.
00:17:21It's nice to drive.
00:17:22Okay, Mr. Chu.
00:17:23You are selling people.
00:17:24Then you call the police.
00:17:26Pretty aunt, don't be afraid.
00:17:28Daddy won't hurt you.
00:17:30Xiaobao will protect you.
00:17:43You want to run away from me?
00:17:45What do you want to do?
00:17:46My son wants you to be his mother.
00:17:48Give me a price.
00:17:49How much do you want to stay?
00:17:51I want you...
00:17:56to buy a girl for me.
00:17:57In this way,
00:17:58I will consider staying.
00:18:00Then I'd better be a criminal.
00:18:04I want to call the police.
00:18:05I want to call the police.
00:18:07Put me down.
00:18:11You want people.
00:18:13You are responsible for the arrest.
00:18:18Pretty aunt,
00:18:19can you stay with Xiaobao?
00:18:23Every time Xiaobao goes to kindergarten,
00:18:25he is laughed at for not having a mother.
00:18:28But Xiaobao
00:18:29feels the smell of mommy
00:18:31on pretty aunt.
00:18:39I will stay for Xiaobao.
00:18:42Xiaobao takes pretty aunt
00:18:43to visit the room.
00:18:52Have you arrived in Ninghai?
00:18:54How is Xiaobao?
00:18:55Did he make trouble?
00:18:56He is fine.
00:18:58I will take Xiaobao to take a bath.
00:18:59Why is there a woman's voice?
00:19:02Why is there a woman's voice?
00:19:05Chu, come here.
00:19:06Your son is biting a woman outside.
00:19:08It's a thousand-year-old iron tree that blooms.
00:19:12I'm going to have a rest with Xiaobao.
00:19:13I won't talk to you.
00:19:16My son.
00:19:23I'm going to have a rest with Xiaobao.
00:19:28I'm so happy.
00:19:29You said you wanted to be honest.
00:19:31Don't be narcissistic.
00:19:32When we were in the bar,
00:19:34you said you would thank me later.
00:19:36At that time,
00:19:37I didn't know you were Xiaobao's father.
00:19:39You should be a man
00:19:40who keeps his words.
00:19:42Mr. Chu,
00:19:43don't forget
00:19:44that you are a married man.
00:19:46Please be self-conscious.
00:19:48Who told you I was married?
00:19:49If you are not married,
00:19:51where did Xiaobao come from?
00:19:52A woman who sold her body for money
00:19:55is not qualified to be Xiaobao's mother.
00:19:56I won't marry her.
00:19:57You mean
00:19:58Xiaobao has never seen his mother
00:20:00since he was born.
00:20:02I'm sorry.
00:20:03Do you want to be Xiaobao's mother?
00:20:04I can think about it.
00:20:08What are you doing?
00:20:10I'm looking at
00:20:11how big a person's face should be
00:20:14to say such narcissistic words.
00:20:16But now it seems
00:20:17it's not very big.
00:20:19It's just that
00:20:20you have a thick skin.
00:20:23You'll know
00:20:24whether my skin is thick or not
00:20:25when you touch it.
00:20:27I think your skin
00:20:29is thicker than Chen Xiang's skin in the past 500 years.
00:20:31come here.
00:20:32Xiaobao wants to tell you a story.
00:20:34Okay, I'll be right there.
00:20:36Mr. Chu,
00:20:37I'm not interested in you at all.
00:20:39I stayed
00:20:40because of Xiaobao.
00:20:41Maybe you are really rich.
00:20:43But money
00:20:44is not everything.
00:20:50If you don't agree, then don't agree.
00:20:53Why do you need money?
00:20:55Pretty aunt,
00:20:56Xiaobao wants to tell you
00:20:58a story about a car driver looking for his mother.
00:21:12If my child
00:21:13was born successfully,
00:21:15he would be as big as Xiaobao.
00:21:18I want you to look after Xiaobao.
00:21:21I'm here.
00:21:23They said this house is good.
00:21:24Let's pick a good one.
00:21:27isn't that my sister-in-law?
00:21:28Are you Miss Yunqing?
00:21:29It's me.
00:21:30This way, please.
00:21:33What sister-in-law?
00:21:34Let me tell you.
00:21:35Your brother and this woman
00:21:36will get divorced soon.
00:21:37Your future sister-in-law
00:21:38is a top designer
00:21:39with millions of annual salary.
00:21:42Let's go.
00:21:45I didn't expect
00:21:47after you left my son,
00:21:48you could only find
00:21:49a job as a salesman.
00:21:53I'm sorry, Miss.
00:21:54Miss Yun
00:21:55is here to see the house.
00:21:57If you are here to see the house,
00:21:58please respect my customer.
00:22:00See the house?
00:22:02She didn't even graduate from college
00:22:04and married my son.
00:22:05She has been a housewife for five years.
00:22:07She looks so poor.
00:22:09Can she afford the house here?
00:22:11Don't be fooled by her.
00:22:13That's right.
00:22:14She married my brother
00:22:15and her monthly living expenses are only 2,000 yuan.
00:22:17The house price in Shanshui Pavilion
00:22:19is at least 80,000 yuan per square meter.
00:22:21How can she afford
00:22:22the house here?
00:22:23If you want to entertain
00:22:24our guests in Shanshui Pavilion,
00:22:25you need to provide
00:22:26your own property certificate.
00:22:27This Miss Yun
00:22:28is just in time.
00:22:29Miss Yun,
00:22:30this way, please.
00:22:32You haven't worked outside
00:22:33for so many years.
00:22:35Where did you get
00:22:36your property certificate?
00:22:38Did you steal my son's money
00:22:39to buy a house?
00:22:41For the sake of
00:22:42our marriage,
00:22:43I don't want to make a scene.
00:22:45Are you feeling guilty?
00:22:46Let's go home.
00:22:48Let's see
00:22:49if you stole my money.
00:22:50Let's go.
00:22:51Let go of me.
00:22:54Oh, my God.
00:22:55Come and have a look.
00:22:57My daughter-in-law
00:22:58is bullying her mother-in-law.
00:23:00She has been a housewife
00:23:02for five years.
00:23:03She doesn't do any work.
00:23:06When she heard that
00:23:07my son was going to divorce her,
00:23:08she stole my son's money
00:23:10to buy a house.
00:23:11Is that reasonable?
00:23:13Can you listen to me?
00:23:16What are you arguing about?
00:23:17If you keep arguing,
00:23:18I'll call the security guard.
00:23:19Who are you scaring?
00:23:20Let me tell you.
00:23:21We came here
00:23:22to buy a house.
00:23:23It's your customer.
00:23:24The customer is God.
00:23:25Do you understand?
00:23:26But your service attitude
00:23:27is too bad.
00:23:28Shouldn't you
00:23:29apologize to us?
00:23:30That's right.
00:23:31My son
00:23:32is a senior manager
00:23:33of Tiansheng Group.
00:23:34He is going to be
00:23:35the general manager
00:23:36of Tiansheng Group soon.
00:23:37His monthly salary
00:23:38is more than 1 million yuan.
00:23:39You are just a part-time worker.
00:23:41Why do you treat me like this?
00:23:42Tiansheng Group
00:23:43is really great.
00:23:45It's our fault.
00:23:46Please forgive us.
00:23:47If you know you are wrong,
00:23:49apologize to us.
00:23:51kick this woman out.
00:23:53The surname of Tiansheng Group
00:23:54is Chu,
00:23:55not Lin.
00:23:56You are all part-time workers.
00:23:57Why are you making trouble here?
00:23:59It seems
00:24:00I scolded you too lightly.
00:24:01To deal with people like you,
00:24:03just beat them away.
00:24:05Security guard.
00:24:07If you dare to touch me,
00:24:08I'll call the police.
00:24:09Hurry up.
00:24:10But before you call the police,
00:24:12please think about
00:24:13whose territory this is.
00:24:15If the mountains and seas listen to the people,
00:24:17it's still the territory of the security guards.
00:24:18If they really register,
00:24:20it will be us.
00:24:21Miss Lin,
00:24:22long time no see.
00:24:23Mr. Lin misses you.
00:24:24I just received a notice
00:24:25that you were coming.
00:24:35what happened?
00:24:36Why are you so late?
00:24:37Your ex-wife bullied me.
00:24:40you know my mom just came out of the hospital.
00:24:41She is not in good health.
00:24:42If you have something to do,
00:24:43take advantage of me.
00:24:44Bullying your mother-in-law,
00:24:45what kind of ability is it?
00:24:46There are so many eyes watching.
00:24:47How did I bully your mother?
00:24:49Did I push her?
00:24:50Or did I say something to her
00:24:52that didn't make sense?
00:24:53If it weren't for you,
00:24:54would my mom be like this?
00:24:55If you think so,
00:24:56I can't help it.
00:24:57Your mother is an elder after all.
00:24:59One word less.
00:25:01As a junior,
00:25:02I have to let her go.
00:25:03What do you mean?
00:25:04You want me to die, don't you?
00:25:05Apologize to my mom.
00:25:07I didn't do anything wrong.
00:25:08Why should I apologize?
00:25:09Am I saying that
00:25:10her elders are wrong?
00:25:11Or am I saying that
00:25:12we are juniors who are wrong?
00:25:14I have to apologize even if I tell the truth,
00:25:16how about this?
00:25:17Call the police.
00:25:18You really disappointed me.
00:25:19I really didn't expect
00:25:20you to be like this now.
00:25:21I have changed.
00:25:22I used to be so nice to you.
00:25:25I just made myself again.
00:25:27don't talk nonsense with this crazy woman.
00:25:29She stole your money
00:25:30and came here to buy a mansion.
00:25:32Hurry up and call the police.
00:25:33Arrest her.
00:25:34Do you think
00:25:35I can't afford a mansion in Shanshui Pavilion?
00:25:37Your son spent 10 million yuan
00:25:38to buy a house five years ago.
00:25:40Now he only has a few million yuan in his hand.
00:25:42How can he afford it?
00:25:46The Shanshui No. 1 house
00:25:47that Miss Yun booked
00:25:48needs to provide
00:25:49more than 50 million yuan
00:25:50in asset certificates.
00:25:51Do you really think
00:25:52we can't get the money?
00:25:54All right, mom.
00:25:55Stop talking.
00:25:57Shanshui Pavilion
00:26:02Why is he here?
00:26:04I didn't see you when I got up in the morning.
00:26:06So I took a shower
00:26:07and went back with me.
00:26:08Ning Ning told me yesterday
00:26:09that you hooked up
00:26:10with a bar owner outside
00:26:12and had a illegitimate child.
00:26:13I didn't believe it at first.
00:26:15Now I see it.
00:26:16I understand
00:26:17why you didn't let me touch you
00:26:18when we got married for five years.
00:26:20Where did you get so much money
00:26:22to visit here?
00:26:24It turns out
00:26:25you did something wrong
00:26:26behind my son's back.
00:26:28You put a hat on my son.
00:26:30You are a shameless woman.
00:26:32What's their relationship with you?
00:26:33My ex-husband
00:26:34and his mother.
00:26:35Lawyer Wang
00:26:36Shanshui Pavilion
00:26:37Someone slandered me.
00:26:39Come here and deal with it.
00:26:42Who are you scaring?
00:26:43I'll come over later
00:26:44to help you with this.
00:26:45You go back with me first.
00:26:49I'm sorry about today.
00:26:50I'll come to see the house next time.
00:26:55Shanshui Pavilion
00:27:04Do you really dare to leave with this man?
00:27:06Why not?
00:27:09Don't forget
00:27:10that you proposed
00:27:11our divorce.
00:27:12We have nothing
00:27:13to do with each other now.
00:27:14As long as the divorce certificate
00:27:15hasn't been issued yet,
00:27:16you are my legal wife.
00:27:18Don't you forget
00:27:19that I said
00:27:20when we signed the agreement
00:27:21that as long as
00:27:22I signed it,
00:27:23I would never regret it.
00:27:24I will never
00:27:25eat this grass.
00:27:35What do you mean?
00:27:37There are 500,000 yuan here.
00:27:38Take it as your compensation.
00:27:39If you don't accept her,
00:27:40come to my office.
00:27:42Who are you?
00:27:43How dare you be so arrogant?
00:27:44I'll call the police.
00:27:45I must call the police.
00:27:46We have nothing to do
00:27:47with this married couple.
00:27:49Are you the friends
00:27:50who slandered Mr. Chu?
00:27:53Let's go.
00:27:58Auntie Beauty.
00:28:00Are you leaving
00:28:01because you don't like Xiaobao?
00:28:04Xiaobao, you are so cute.
00:28:05How can I not like you?
00:28:10Then, you can stay
00:28:12and be with Xiaobao in the future.
00:28:14Don't leave me, OK?
00:28:17Auntie Beauty likes auntie.
00:28:18I am very happy.
00:28:19But I have
00:28:20my own business to do.
00:28:21I have to go back to my home.
00:28:22I'll go home with you.
00:28:24Xiaobao will stay with me.
00:28:26Chu Xiaobao,
00:28:27put away your worthless dress.
00:28:29I just like pretty ladies.
00:28:31I don't care if they kick me.
00:28:33I don't care if they kick me.
00:28:35I don't care if they kick me.
00:28:38thank you.
00:28:39You don't have to say thank you.
00:28:41But you said
00:28:42you wouldn't eat this.
00:28:43You and Xiaobao
00:28:44haven't had lunch yet, right?
00:28:46How about this?
00:28:47I'll cook for you.
00:28:50There's no food here
00:28:51except water.
00:28:52There must be a supermarket nearby.
00:28:54The nearest one is seven kilometers away.
00:28:56Daddy, do you have a car?
00:28:58I can drive you there.
00:29:01You know that?
00:29:02Thank you, Mr. Chu.
00:29:03I want to go there, too.
00:29:05Don't meddle in adults' affairs.
00:29:10Damn it.
00:29:11You want to
00:29:13take over pretty ladies alone.
00:29:21By the way,
00:29:22do you and Xiaobao
00:29:23have any excuses
00:29:24or allergies?
00:29:25I don't know.
00:29:26Xiaobao is allergic to milk.
00:29:28Xiaobao is also allergic to milk.
00:29:31What do you mean?
00:29:34I can't drink milk, either.
00:29:35I think it's a coincidence.
00:29:37I can't see why he likes you.
00:29:41How about
00:29:43the advice I gave you yesterday?
00:29:47What advice?
00:29:48We have to hurry up.
00:29:49It's getting dark outside.
00:30:14I can bear it.
00:30:16Isn't this Yunqing?
00:30:18Why does Lin Yi
00:30:20get a divorce for no reason?
00:30:22It's you.
00:30:23You can't help being lonely
00:30:25and looking for a man.
00:30:26Song Meili,
00:30:27you are a mistress.
00:30:28You think everyone is a mistress, right?
00:30:30I am a mistress.
00:30:32That rich man
00:30:33is willing to
00:30:35spend a lot of money for me.
00:30:36My life
00:30:38is much better
00:30:40than being a housewife.
00:30:44How can such an auspicious man
00:30:46fall in love with a woman like Yunqing?
00:30:49you don't know, do you?
00:30:51has a dead baby.
00:30:55You have a baby?
00:30:57But I can't keep it.
00:30:58When did it happen?
00:31:00listen to me.
00:31:02Women like her
00:31:04don't even touch her husband.
00:31:06You are handsome and have a good figure.
00:31:08Why do you have to find such a woman?
00:31:11Why do you have to find such a woman
00:31:13and ruin your appetite?
00:31:14Have you ever looked in the mirror?
00:31:16What do you mean?
00:31:17When you looked in the mirror,
00:31:18you ate a meal.
00:31:19How dare you scold me?
00:31:20What's wrong with you?
00:31:21Believe it or not,
00:31:22I'll give you a slap.
00:31:23I think your nose
00:31:24hasn't been done for a long time.
00:31:26Believe it or not,
00:31:27I'll give you a slap.
00:31:30Are you surrounded by
00:31:31people like this?
00:31:33She is a colleague of my ex-wife's company.
00:31:35What's wrong with this company?
00:31:37It's garbage.
00:31:38You can say this
00:31:39in front of me.
00:31:40Don't go out and talk nonsense.
00:31:42Am I the one who can't afford it?
00:31:44Have you heard of Jiangbei Mingmen?
00:31:46This company
00:31:47is her branch company in Ninghai City.
00:31:49I take back what I just said.
00:31:50This is a personal behavior.
00:31:52It has nothing to do with the company.
00:31:53You are afraid now.
00:31:55But it's true.
00:31:56Even a kid like Xiaobao
00:31:58knows how to move out of Jiangbei Mingmen
00:31:59to scare those people.
00:32:01What did she say?
00:32:02She said Mr. Chu is her father.
00:32:06Jiangbei Mingmen
00:32:09Wait a minute.
00:32:10Mr. Chu.
00:32:12Mr. Chu.
00:32:13Chu Chu.
00:32:16Is she really
00:32:18the boss of Jiangbei Mingmen,
00:32:19Chu Huai?
00:32:22Why are you looking at me like this?
00:32:23Do you really like me?
00:32:28I'm crazy.
00:32:29I think this kind of narcissist
00:32:31is the boss who has a lot of assets.
00:32:33Beautiful aunt.
00:32:34Thank you.
00:32:35For what?
00:32:37You make Xiaobao feel
00:32:39the happiness of home.
00:32:41Is it because dad is not good to you?
00:32:43That's not the same.
00:32:44Although dad and grandpa and grandma
00:32:47love Xiaobao very much,
00:32:49what Xiaobao wants most
00:32:51is mom's love.
00:32:54Beautiful aunt.
00:32:55Can you promise Xiaobao
00:32:57a request?
00:32:59Say it.
00:33:00When there is no one,
00:33:01can I call you mommy?
00:33:05I like you very much.
00:33:06But the name mommy
00:33:08can't be called casually.
00:33:12Beautiful aunt.
00:33:13Go to bed early.
00:33:15Xiaobao is sleeping.
00:33:29All right.
00:33:32I clearly heard the crying of the child.
00:33:34When we were pregnant,
00:33:36he was always healthy.
00:33:38You heard it wrong.
00:33:39That's someone else's business.
00:33:40Don't think too much.
00:33:56Are you the new maid here?
00:33:58This is the clothes Mr. Chu wants.
00:33:59You send it to his room.
00:34:07Mr. Chu.
00:34:15Then I'll come in directly.
00:34:54You misunderstood.
00:34:55I was invited by Xiaobao.
00:34:56Mr. Chu and I
00:34:57have nothing to do with each other.
00:34:58Is that so?
00:34:59You go ask your grandson.
00:35:00He is bold.
00:35:01Go directly to his mother.
00:35:02Why are you so useless?
00:35:04It's better than five-year-old Xiaobao.
00:35:06Xiaobao has fallen asleep.
00:35:08It's nothing to do with me.
00:35:09I'll leave first.
00:35:11Wait a minute.
00:35:12It's raining outside now.
00:35:14Anyway, it's not easy to take a taxi in the suburbs.
00:35:16It's so late now.
00:35:17Anyway, there are many empty rooms here.
00:35:19Why don't you live here?
00:35:23Don't worry.
00:35:24With me here,
00:35:26I won't let this brat bully you.
00:35:29Then I'll trouble you.
00:35:31Let's go.
00:35:32I'll take you to the guest room.
00:35:36This room is specially prepared for guests.
00:35:39There are also clean clothes in the closet.
00:35:41Then you can have an early rest.
00:35:43Thank you, aunt.
00:35:50Mom, what are you doing?
00:35:53Don't you see it?
00:35:54See what?
00:35:55Don't you see that
00:35:56he looks like our Xiaobao?
00:36:01How about I find someone to help you find out?
00:36:03It's not necessary.
00:36:04There are many people like him in the world.
00:36:06And I don't think he looks like
00:36:08the irresponsible woman five years ago.
00:36:09It's better for that woman
00:36:10never to appear in front of us.
00:36:11How long have you known him?
00:36:13Do you know him so well?
00:36:14Your son's eyes
00:36:16will never be wrong.
00:36:37I knocked on the door just now.
00:36:38No one opened the door.
00:36:39I'm afraid no one lives in this room.
00:36:41The electricity is old.
00:36:42So I came in to have a look.
00:36:46You can't see it.
00:36:47It's too late.
00:36:48I've seen what I should see and what I shouldn't see.
00:36:50How about this?
00:36:52Don't worry.
00:36:53Don't worry.
00:36:54I'll be responsible for you.
00:37:00I don't need you to be responsible for me.
00:37:04You can go.
00:37:05There's a pepper spray by the bed.
00:37:06Call me if you need anything.
00:37:13Is it my illusion?
00:37:15Why did I see that woman
00:37:16five years ago
00:37:17in the bathroom just now?
00:37:24In these five years,
00:37:25I have all the life experiences
00:37:27and itineraries.
00:37:29Aunt Pei Ling, you're up.
00:37:31Good morning, Xiaobao.
00:37:34Miss Yun.
00:37:35It seems that Xiaobao
00:37:37really likes you.
00:37:38I haven't seen anyone
00:37:39who is so close to any woman
00:37:40except me.
00:37:41Xiaobao also likes grandma.
00:37:43You're really grandma's little darling.
00:37:45Eat it.
00:37:46How did you sleep?
00:37:48By the way,
00:37:49I don't know which company
00:37:50Miss Yun works for.
00:37:51I'll let Xiaohuai
00:37:52send you to work
00:37:54I'm looking for a job recently.
00:37:56What did Miss Yun
00:37:57do before?
00:37:59Jewelry design.
00:38:00Jewelry design.
00:38:02Aren't we looking for
00:38:03a jewelry designer
00:38:04in Ninghai's branch company
00:38:06I think Miss Yun
00:38:07is very suitable.
00:38:09The job of a jewelry designer
00:38:10is 100,000 yuan per month.
00:38:12It's a commission.
00:38:14to be Xiaobao's mother,
00:38:15the salary is limited.
00:38:16Do you want to consider
00:38:17this job?
00:38:18Xiaohuai chose
00:38:20all adults.
00:38:21Thank you, auntie.
00:38:22Then I'll try
00:38:23the jewelry design port.
00:38:31Do you need me
00:38:32to open the back door for you?
00:38:33At my level,
00:38:34I don't need to go any shortcut.
00:38:37You're welcome.
00:38:40Why are you here?
00:38:42I'm here
00:38:43to apply for the jewelry design port.
00:38:44I thought
00:38:45after you divorced that scumbag,
00:38:46you would choose to go home
00:38:47and inherit the property.
00:38:48Wanzhong is originally a jewelry industry.
00:38:49Why did you come to Tiansheng?
00:38:51Is this really Tiansheng?
00:38:54I'm going to pick up Mr. Chu.
00:38:55He just arrived at the company.
00:38:56My father is the richest man in Jiangbei.
00:38:58So Xiaobao
00:38:59really didn't lie.
00:39:00With the ability
00:39:01of Yun's designer,
00:39:02let alone applying for
00:39:04general design port,
00:39:05even the chief designer
00:39:06has no problem.
00:39:07I have to pick up Mr. Chu first.
00:39:18Yun Qing.
00:39:19We've divorced.
00:39:20Why are you still
00:39:21harassing me in Tiansheng?
00:39:22I'm not here for you.
00:39:23I'm here to apply for the job.
00:39:24People like you
00:39:25only know how to wash clothes and cook at home.
00:39:26You don't even have a factory
00:39:27in Huanglian.
00:39:28I'm afraid
00:39:29you're not
00:39:30a cleaner in Tiansheng.
00:39:31You're so old-fashioned.
00:39:32You don't even have the right
00:39:33to be a cleaner in Tiansheng.
00:39:35My old-fashioned
00:39:36is to buy you.
00:39:39The security guard downstairs
00:39:40must be blind.
00:39:41What a cat and a dog.
00:39:42Put it in.
00:39:43Yun Qing.
00:39:44You're looking for a man
00:39:45to give birth to a baby outside.
00:39:46But don't make a joke.
00:39:48You just left
00:39:49and never came back to Tiansheng again.
00:39:50It's as if you're not strong enough.
00:39:52I'm here to apply for the job.
00:39:53I advise you
00:39:54not to play tricks on yourself
00:39:56in case
00:39:57you make a joke later.
00:39:58Make a joke?
00:39:59I think you
00:40:00are the biggest joke.
00:40:02What is it?
00:40:03It's noisy behind the door.
00:40:04Chief Qin.
00:40:05Aren't you
00:40:06next to Mr. Chu?
00:40:07I came out myself.
00:40:08Your movements
00:40:09have already annoyed Mr. Chu.
00:40:10Don't you know?
00:40:11Chief Qin.
00:40:12It's none of our business.
00:40:14It's this woman.
00:40:15She deliberately made trouble
00:40:16in our company.
00:40:17I'm going to call the security guard
00:40:18to kick her out now.
00:40:19Who are you?
00:40:20This Miss Yun
00:40:21is the chief designer
00:40:22that Mr. Chu
00:40:23personally invited.
00:40:24Where did you get the guts
00:40:25to dare to be Mr. Chu's guest?
00:40:29She is a
00:40:30divorced old woman.
00:40:31She has been working full-time at home for five years.
00:40:32What right does she have
00:40:33to be the chief designer
00:40:34of Tiansheng?
00:40:35Yes, Chief Qin.
00:40:36Is there any misunderstanding
00:40:37in this?
00:40:38This Miss Yun
00:40:39is my ex-wife.
00:40:40When she married me,
00:40:41she didn't even graduate from college.
00:40:42She is still in high school.
00:40:43In addition,
00:40:44her major in college
00:40:45is not design.
00:40:46So what you two mean is
00:40:48that Mr. Chu is blind?
00:40:50Yun Qing is the one
00:40:51that Mr. Chu
00:40:52pointed out.
00:40:53If you two
00:40:54have any opinions,
00:40:55you can talk to Mr. Chu
00:40:56in person.
00:40:57Yun Qing.
00:40:58Come with me.
00:41:00Lin Ye.
00:41:01You are the senior manager of the company.
00:41:02Are you going to
00:41:03watch Yun Qing
00:41:04stay in the company
00:41:05and let others laugh at you?
00:41:07The expression of the man just now
00:41:08was really wonderful.
00:41:10Fortunately, he didn't know
00:41:11that you still have
00:41:12such a good friend like me.
00:41:13I must
00:41:14get even with you.
00:41:15How did you know
00:41:16that they stopped me at the door?
00:41:17You said
00:41:18you knew Mr. Chu.
00:41:20Why didn't you tell me?
00:41:21It's the conscience of heaven and earth.
00:41:22I didn't know he was Chu Huai
00:41:23until I saw you.
00:41:25The intuition of a woman tells you
00:41:26that there is a story
00:41:27between you and Mr. Chu.
00:41:31All right.
00:41:32You go to the interview first.
00:41:33After you come back from the interview,
00:41:34you have to think about it.
00:41:42This is my resume and work.
00:41:43Please introduce yourself first.
00:41:45Hello. I am…
00:41:46You have been a housewife for five years.
00:41:48You only have a high school diploma.
00:41:49What qualifications do you have
00:41:50to come to the interview?
00:41:52Do you know this interviewee?
00:41:54Not only do I know him,
00:41:55but I am also very familiar with him.
00:41:57He took the work of the winner
00:41:58of the International Design Golden Award
00:41:59to the interview.
00:42:02No wonder Mr. Chu was deceived.
00:42:03What kind of design style is this?
00:42:05It's exactly the same as the winner
00:42:06of the International Design Golden Award,
00:42:08Not long ago,
00:42:09he claimed that he was the winner
00:42:10of the International Design Golden Award,
00:42:13It can be seen from this
00:42:14that this person is a liar
00:42:16and a traitor.
00:42:18Do you have anything to explain?
00:42:19When does the business of Tiansheng Group
00:42:21need to be guided by outsiders?
00:42:24Mr. Chu, why are you here?
00:42:25Mr. Chu?
00:42:26Is this person
00:42:27the big boss of Tiansheng Group,
00:42:28the No. 1 in Jiangbei, Chu Huai?
00:42:31Mr. Chu?
00:42:32Is this person
00:42:33the big boss of Tiansheng Group,
00:42:35the No. 1 in Jiangbei, Chu Huai?
00:42:37Did you design all these?
00:42:40How do you feel
00:42:41when you look at these works?
00:42:42It's close to the level of a master.
00:42:43Then hire him.
00:42:45But what?
00:42:46Listen to the wind, listen to the rain.
00:42:47I think the position of your design director
00:42:48should be assigned to someone else.
00:42:49Are you Chu Huai, Mr. Chu?
00:42:50I am An Ning from Wanzhong Design.
00:42:52This time the company sent me here
00:42:53to talk about a new project with your company.
00:42:55My teacher is...
00:42:56I am not interested in who you are.
00:42:58This is Tiansheng Group.
00:42:59This is Tiansheng Group.
00:43:00I don't like people
00:43:01who are in my territory.
00:43:03Miss An, please.
00:43:05Mr. Chu, we haven't started this cooperation yet.
00:43:06What cooperation?
00:43:07What qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?
00:43:08Do you deserve it?
00:43:09Let Yun Shen sign and bring it to me.
00:43:12What are you still doing here?
00:43:18Let me tell you.
00:43:19I don't accept the rules.
00:43:21Who would think of rules
00:43:22when they are serious?
00:43:23You still say you have no idea about me.
00:43:26You are boring.
00:43:27Where are you going?
00:43:28Your company has no talent.
00:43:30I don't dare to join.
00:43:31Are you afraid that
00:43:32your own ability
00:43:33can't take the position?
00:43:35Or are you afraid to meet your ex-husband in the company?
00:43:39Low-level tricks like you
00:43:41are useless to me.
00:43:43Don't you want to prove your own strength
00:43:45and make your ex-husband
00:43:46regret his choice?
00:43:48Don't tell me
00:43:49you have no bottom line at all.
00:43:51They all say I plagiarized.
00:43:53You don't doubt and don't investigate.
00:43:55You don't doubt and don't investigate.
00:43:57I don't use people.
00:43:58This is the rule I use.
00:44:00I believe in my own taste.
00:44:03if you do this,
00:44:04everyone will think
00:44:05I'm behind.
00:44:06Time will prove everything.
00:44:07With your ability,
00:44:08those who question you
00:44:09will soon shut up.
00:44:10What you said
00:44:12has persuaded me a little.
00:44:13How is it?
00:44:14Do you want to consider
00:44:15Xiaobao's position?
00:44:16I look forward to it.
00:44:18I said you can do it.
00:44:24I heard that
00:44:25the person I sent to your branch
00:44:26was scolded by you.
00:44:27He came to my company
00:44:28and bullied me.
00:44:29I don't know if I should scold him.
00:44:31Do you have time to make an appointment?
00:44:34I'm looking for Xiaobao's mother.
00:44:36Which daughter is so lucky
00:44:38to marry you?
00:44:39Mr. Chu,
00:44:40the old lady and the young master are here.
00:44:41I won't talk to you.
00:44:42I have something to do.
00:44:51Why are you here?
00:44:52Xiaobao can't stay at home.
00:44:53He said he wanted to see Miss Yun.
00:44:55I had to bring him here.
00:44:58I want to see beautiful aunt.
00:45:00You want to see her?
00:45:01Make an appointment yourself.
00:45:02Did you offend her?
00:45:03You even asked Xiaobao for her phone number.
00:45:05Dad is a cold-blooded man.
00:45:07No woman will like him.
00:45:09Do you still want to have a mother?
00:45:11Beautiful aunt.
00:45:12Xiaobao misses you.
00:45:14Xiaobao wants to have lunch with beautiful aunt.
00:45:18Xiaobao is waiting for you.
00:45:19Is it useful to raise you?
00:45:21It's the first time to invite people to dinner.
00:45:22You have to book a better restaurant.
00:45:27You are going to get married soon.
00:45:29Pay more attention to your image in the company.
00:45:33Why does this person look so familiar?
00:45:35The big boss of our company.
00:45:36Is he familiar?
00:45:38Did you hear that?
00:45:39Mrs. Chu just said that
00:45:40Mr. Chu is going to get married soon.
00:45:42I heard that Mr. Chu doesn't like women.
00:45:44Which woman
00:45:45can take Mr. Chu down?
00:45:47All the rich people pay attention to the list.
00:45:49Maybe it's a famous lady.
00:45:52Miss Yun.
00:45:53What else do you want to eat?
00:45:54Order some more.
00:45:56You are too polite.
00:45:57Just call me Qingqing.
00:45:58My family calls me that.
00:45:59It's enough.
00:46:00There are only a few pieces of meat at home in the world.
00:46:02I won't change if I eat some meat.
00:46:05I promise.
00:46:06I will drive this bitch Mingqing
00:46:08out of the company.
00:46:11Give me some time.
00:46:24Yun Qing.
00:46:25Our divorce certificate hasn't come down yet.
00:46:27You are taking the wild man and the wild seed
00:46:29to show off like this.
00:46:30You really don't take me seriously.
00:46:32What divorce certificate?
00:46:33Miss Yun and I are husband and wife.
00:46:36Although we signed a divorce agreement,
00:46:38the divorce certificate hasn't come down yet.
00:46:40Legally speaking,
00:46:41we are husband and wife now.
00:46:43Lin Yi.
00:46:44I don't care what you think of me.
00:46:46But I ask you not to hurt
00:46:47other people who have nothing to do with this matter.
00:46:51Nothing to do?
00:46:52People who have nothing to do with it will talk about you like this?
00:46:54I tell you, Yun Qing.
00:46:55Your behavior now is called
00:46:57cheating in marriage.
00:46:58I can sue you.
00:46:59Bad guy.
00:47:00Don't bully beautiful aunt.
00:47:04This wild seed
00:47:05looks like you.
00:47:08You haven't had enough of the last lesson, have you?
00:47:10You can't do it with me.
00:47:11If you do it with me,
00:47:12I won't let her live.
00:47:14Lin Yi.
00:47:15What do you have for me?
00:47:17Then you should resign from Tiansheng now.
00:47:19In this way,
00:47:20I don't have to worry about
00:47:22your cheating in marriage.
00:47:23I used to think you were a good match
00:47:25because I was blind.
00:47:26Now that you are out of this filter,
00:47:28you are not only ugly in appearance,
00:47:29but also beautiful in mind.
00:47:31Do you know
00:47:32what kind of position I have in Tiansheng?
00:47:34After I and Wanzheng Group
00:47:36have signed a billion-dollar order,
00:47:38in Ninghai,
00:47:39I can seal you as I want.
00:47:41So now,
00:47:42while I still have some sympathy for you,
00:47:44you can do as I say.
00:47:46Get out.
00:47:50Get out.
00:47:55You will regret it.
00:48:00This punch is for my son.
00:48:02Don't talk so much in the future.
00:48:03Let's eat.
00:48:05Wait for me.
00:48:10Now you should tell me
00:48:11what's going on.
00:48:14I'm sorry. I...
00:48:15She is divorced and single.
00:48:16My fiancée is pregnant.
00:48:17We belong to a free love.
00:48:18You are responsible.
00:48:19You are honest and generous.
00:48:20Don't worry.
00:48:21Although I'm old,
00:48:22I'm not a serious old antique.
00:48:24You young people
00:48:25all pursue true love and freedom.
00:48:27As long as you don't break the law,
00:48:28I will support you.
00:48:29No, aunt.
00:48:30You misunderstood.
00:48:31It's not what you think.
00:48:33When will I marry a beautiful aunt?
00:48:35Will Xiaobao have a mother soon?
00:48:39This has to be nodded by your beautiful aunt.
00:48:41The man just said
00:48:42he is also an employee of Tiansheng.
00:48:44He bullied my future daughter-in-law
00:48:45and my precious grandson so much.
00:48:47Son, you go back
00:48:48and get rid of him immediately.
00:48:53This matter was caused by me.
00:48:55I want to solve it myself.
00:48:57I believe she has the ability
00:48:58to solve this matter.
00:48:59Let her go.
00:49:00Anyway, you all have an idea.
00:49:02I won't interfere.
00:49:03But son,
00:49:04if anyone in the company
00:49:05blatantly bullies
00:49:07my future daughter-in-law,
00:49:08you should deal with it.
00:49:09Don't show mercy to anyone.
00:49:12I will teach you the beautiful aunt.
00:49:14You must take good care of her.
00:49:21I will take my mom and Xiaobao back first.
00:49:23If you have anything,
00:49:24remember to contact me at any time.
00:49:25Give me the phone number.
00:49:30There is my contact information above.
00:49:32If you encounter something you can't handle,
00:49:33don't bother.
00:49:38Then you send aunt and Xiaobao back first.
00:49:42I'll pick you up right away.
00:49:47This is your position from now on.
00:49:49Okay, thank you.
00:49:58This is actually Mr. Chu's business card.
00:50:01Is this business card real or fake?
00:50:03What's your relationship with Mr. Chu?
00:50:05Is it possible that
00:50:06Mr. Chu's legendary girlfriend
00:50:07is you?
00:50:10I found this
00:50:12It's just a business card.
00:50:13Can you imagine
00:50:15that she is Mr. Chu's girlfriend
00:50:16and a big shot like Mr. Chu?
00:50:18How can we
00:50:20deserve her?
00:50:21You are not
00:50:22Mr. Chu's sister, are you?
00:50:24Oh, let alone our Tianshe.
00:50:26There are not many celebrities in Jiangbei
00:50:27who admire Mr. Chu.
00:50:29Even the little stars in the entertainment industry
00:50:30want to climb on Mr. Chu's bed.
00:50:32Although you are a little selfish,
00:50:34if you have any
00:50:35improper thoughts about Mr. Chu,
00:50:37I advise you
00:50:38to cancel this idea as soon as possible.
00:50:40Because Mr. Chu
00:50:41is getting married soon.
00:50:43Getting married?
00:50:44Mr. Chu has an engagement
00:50:45with another woman.
00:50:46It's lucky that I didn't believe it.
00:50:47He seems to be a scumbag.
00:51:07Pink top and black dress.
00:51:10The money will be transferred to your card
00:51:11after ten days.
00:51:14Pink top and black dress.
00:51:15The money will be transferred to your card
00:51:16after ten days.
00:51:17Pink top and black dress.
00:51:18The money will be transferred to your card
00:51:19after ten days.
00:51:21I don't want to
00:51:22have anything to do with you in the future.
00:51:26Are you alone?
00:51:27Where are you going?
00:51:28Do you want me to send you home?
00:51:30I advise you to get out of the way.
00:51:32You are still a bad girl.
00:51:34Your temper is getting worse.
00:51:37All right, all right.
00:51:38Stop it.
00:51:39Look at this girl.
00:51:41Big brother.
00:51:42Are you okay, big brother?
00:51:43Go after her.
00:51:47You finally know how to make a phone call.
00:51:50Do you want to run away?
00:51:53Run away?
00:51:54I'll break your legs.
00:51:55Did Lin Yi send you here?
00:51:57How much money does he give you?
00:51:58I'll give you double.
00:51:59What do you mean?
00:52:00Have you ever heard of it?
00:52:01I am Tu Song.
00:52:03You can't run away.
00:52:13Don't let any of them go.
00:52:14Or I'll beat you to death.
00:52:18Don't let any of them go.
00:52:19Or I'll beat you to death.
00:52:44How's it going?
00:52:45No fracture.
00:52:46Apply ointment for two days.
00:52:47It will be fine after applying some antipyretic spray.
00:52:49So serious?
00:52:52Mr. Chu.
00:52:53You are here.
00:52:56You two know each other?
00:52:58I just hurt my arm.
00:53:00How can I sit in a wheelchair so exaggeratedly?
00:53:02Don't move around from now on.
00:53:04You are too seriously injured.
00:53:06Take care of her 24 hours a day.
00:53:09I'll give you a raise when she gets better.
00:53:11Thank you, boss.
00:53:12Thank you, boss.
00:53:13You can give me a raise now.
00:53:15I'll ask for a leave from the company.
00:53:18If Mr. Chu knows that I brought you to the company,
00:53:20I think he will blame me.
00:53:22It's really just a minor injury.
00:53:24Besides, I'll ask for a leave the next day I go to work.
00:53:26It's not good.
00:53:29You go first.
00:53:30I'll pick you up after work.
00:53:31Got it.
00:53:35Song Meili.
00:53:38Song Meili.
00:53:40I'm sorry.
00:53:41I didn't see you just now.
00:53:42You should wash your dirty body.
00:53:45What dirty body?
00:53:46I think it's your dirty mouth.
00:53:48Your eyes are so bad.
00:53:49You didn't wash your face in the morning.
00:53:51Your eyes must have been blinded.
00:53:54I heard that the man you cheated on outside
00:53:56gave birth to a illegitimate child and was divorced by your husband.
00:53:59Is it true?
00:54:00Even if it's a mess of private life,
00:54:02I heard that even the work was copied during the interview.
00:54:05I really don't know how he got in.
00:54:07Last night, someone bumped into our company.
00:54:09He was with four men at the same time.
00:54:11He was fooled.
00:54:13I don't know how he got in.
00:54:17How dare you hit me!
00:54:18Hit you?
00:54:19I want to dirty my own hands.
00:54:22You are in the company.
00:54:24Just wait to get out of Tiansheng.
00:54:26Did Lin Yi ask you to do this?
00:54:28Where is Lin Yi?
00:54:29Let him out.
00:54:31You are a newcomer to the company.
00:54:33How dare you let Manager Lin see you?
00:54:35Do you think you are the owner of Tiansheng?
00:54:37What happened?
00:54:38It's noisy.
00:54:39Why did my brother come here?
00:54:43What happened?
00:54:44It's noisy.
00:54:45Why did my brother come here?
00:54:47Today, President Yun of Wanzhong Group came to our company for inspection.
00:54:49Why are you so noisy?
00:54:52It's Yunqing.
00:54:53We just questioned him.
00:54:54He was copied.
00:54:55He hit people.
00:54:56Manager Lin, look.
00:54:57My face is swollen.
00:54:59Disturb the company's order.
00:55:00It's bad for colleagues.
00:55:02Pack up your things and leave.
00:55:04They insulted me.
00:55:06Why should I leave?
00:55:07I am the executive of this company.
00:55:09I am your superior.
00:55:10Get out of here.
00:55:11Don't wait for the security to come.
00:55:12You can't get off the stage.
00:55:13Wait a minute.
00:55:14Everything must be based on evidence.
00:55:15Since both sides have questioned each other,
00:55:17I think it's better to hand over the surveillance.
00:55:18Who is the problem?
00:55:19Isn't it obvious?
00:55:20There is no need to hand over the surveillance.
00:55:22Can't all of us prove it?
00:55:24President Yun.
00:55:25This is some of the contradictions of small employees in the company.
00:55:27We still have important things to talk about.
00:55:28Don't waste your time on these things.
00:55:30If the internal affairs of Tiansheng Branch
00:55:32treat this kind of workplace bullying
00:55:34with this kind of unyielding attitude,
00:55:36I don't think you have any ability
00:55:37to work with me.
00:55:41I don't think you have any ability
00:55:42to work with me.
00:55:45He said Yun Qing first.
00:55:46It's all nonsense.
00:55:47Yun Qing hit him.
00:55:49Song Meili.
00:55:50You bitch.
00:55:51At the beginning,
00:55:52you made Yun Qing's coffee on purpose.
00:55:53How dare you hit me?
00:55:56It has nothing to do with me.
00:55:58It seems that the quality of your employees
00:55:59is really not very good.
00:56:01I'm afraid that the cooperation between you and Tiansheng
00:56:02needs to be evaluated again.
00:56:04President Yun.
00:56:05It's not what you think.
00:56:06Let me explain to you.
00:56:07President Yun.
00:56:08President Yun.
00:56:09President Yun.
00:56:16Finish these things.
00:56:17Give them to me tomorrow morning.
00:56:18I'm off work now.
00:56:19Young people should do more.
00:56:21Old people should exercise more.
00:56:23In this way,
00:56:24you can live two more years.
00:56:27Qingqing, I'm here to pick you up from work.
00:56:28President Qing, why are you here?
00:56:29I'm here to pick up my friend from work.
00:56:30What's the matter?
00:56:31Do you have anything else to do?
00:56:33Yun Qing usually has a lot of pressure at work.
00:56:35She should go back and rest early.
00:56:37It turns out that this broken shoe can enter Tiansheng.
00:56:39It's because of President Chu's close assistant.
00:56:44Let's go.
00:56:49Yun Qing, wait for me here.
00:56:50I'll drive the car over.
00:56:56Lin Ying, that bitch, betrayed you.
00:56:58Why don't you let me
00:56:59help you out directly?
00:57:01at that time,
00:57:02because of Lin Ying,
00:57:03I quarreled with my mother and ran away from home.
00:57:04I want to solve this matter myself.
00:57:07about Baiyi's order...
00:57:09Don't worry.
00:57:10This order is for Tiansheng.
00:57:11I won't cancel it.
00:57:13I'll keep this bitch for a few days.
00:57:15Okay, brother.
00:57:16I promise you
00:57:17that after this matter is solved,
00:57:19I will apologize to my mother
00:57:20and return to Yun's family.
00:57:24I won't talk to you first.
00:57:30You didn't listen to me at all.
00:57:34Put me down.
00:57:35People will see us.
00:57:36I don't want people to see us.
00:57:37The more you struggle,
00:57:38the more people you will see.
00:57:54Isn't this President Chu's car?
00:58:05What are you doing?
00:58:08What's wrong with you today?
00:58:09Do you know
00:58:10you almost lost me
00:58:11and Wan Zhong's
00:58:12hundred billion order?
00:58:13It's Yun Qing's fault.
00:58:15My face still hurts now.
00:58:17By the way,
00:58:18let me tell you something.
00:58:19I just saw
00:58:20President Chu's Chief Qin
00:58:21came to see Yun Qing in person.
00:58:24Chief Qin said it himself
00:58:25that Yun Qing is his friend.
00:58:26According to what you said,
00:58:27the last time Yun Qing
00:58:28got the opportunity to interview
00:58:29wasn't because of President Chu,
00:58:30but because Chief Qin arranged it.
00:58:32Yun Qing,
00:58:34how dare you play
00:58:35Hu Jia Hu Wei with me.
00:58:56Are you going down by yourself
00:58:57or do you want me to help you?
00:59:01I'll go down by myself.
00:59:06Beautiful aunt,
00:59:07I miss you so much.
00:59:09I miss you, too.
00:59:11Don't be sad.
00:59:12Your aunt is injured.
00:59:13Why is beautiful aunt injured?
00:59:15I have to cheer for beautiful aunt.
00:59:18It's not as serious as you said.
00:59:23Lin Yi asked me to tell you
00:59:24that the little wild seed
00:59:25you gave birth to
00:59:26didn't die.
00:59:30If you want to know
00:59:31where the little wild seed is,
00:59:33you can resign from Tiansheng
00:59:35or leave you.
00:59:36Where is it?
00:59:37Where is Lin Yi?
00:59:38I want to see him.
00:59:39What happened?
00:59:40I have something to do today.
00:59:41I'm afraid I can't accompany Xiaobao.
00:59:44I'll come and accompany you
00:59:45in a few days, okay?
00:59:46Xiaobao, listen to beautiful aunt.
00:59:50Where are you going? I'll see you off.
00:59:51I don't need you to see me off.
00:59:59Why are you looking at me
01:00:00so bitterly?
01:00:02At least we have
01:00:03a marital relationship.
01:00:04In those five years,
01:00:05I was cheated by Zhu You.
01:00:07Anni told me on the phone that day.
01:00:09Is it true?
01:00:12See for yourself.
01:00:22Why did you lie to me
01:00:23that my child was dead?
01:00:24Do you think I, Lin Yi,
01:00:25will put a wild seed
01:00:26around me
01:00:27and ask other men
01:00:28to have children?
01:00:30What do you mean?
01:00:31I mean
01:00:32what my mother said is right.
01:00:34You, Yunqing,
01:00:35are a broken shoe.
01:00:37You, Yunqing,
01:00:38the child in your belly
01:00:39was not taken care of by me,
01:00:40Lin Yi,
01:00:41but by other men.
01:00:47Why is it like this?
01:00:49Because the person
01:00:50who had a relationship with you
01:00:52that night when you were abroad
01:00:54was not me.
01:00:56You planned all this.
01:00:58What are you doing?
01:01:00you have no use value.
01:01:02I can't tell you
01:01:03and I can't do anything about it.
01:01:04I did arrange for you
01:01:06to be saved.
01:01:08Because there is a rich man abroad
01:01:10who needs to find
01:01:11a clean mother to take care of him.
01:01:12It's just right.
01:01:14All your conditions are very good.
01:01:16So I let you go.
01:01:18You are shameless.
01:01:19It's better to have money than to be a bastard.
01:01:22He gave me so much money.
01:01:24Why can't I make money?
01:01:26You should be glad, Lin Jing.
01:01:28You were of use to me
01:01:29back then.
01:01:31I wouldn't let you
01:01:32live in my house for nothing.
01:01:34Because an orphan like you
01:01:37will only drag me down.
01:01:39One day you will regret it.
01:01:41Do you think I don't know?
01:01:43Now the agent next to Mr. Chu
01:01:45is your best friend.
01:01:47And you
01:01:48are just
01:01:49in his light.
01:01:51A small agent
01:01:53can't protect you.
01:01:55Lin Qing,
01:01:56for the sake of our marriage
01:01:58for five years,
01:01:59I'll give you another chance.
01:02:01Now get out of Tianshan
01:02:03and pack up your things.
01:02:05Get out of Ninghai.
01:02:07you'll never see
01:02:08that bastard again.
01:02:19help me investigate something.
01:02:20Are you going to deal with that bastard?
01:02:22As long as you say a word,
01:02:23your brother and I
01:02:24will prepare everything for you.
01:02:26I have something important
01:02:27to tell you in person.
01:02:28I have something
01:02:29to give you in person.
01:02:31No problem.
01:02:33you are single now.
01:02:35I'll recommend you
01:02:36a good single boyfriend.
01:02:40I'm not interested in men now.
01:02:42I won't talk to you anymore.
01:02:43I'm leaving.
01:02:48You dress
01:02:49like you're not worth it.
01:02:50Didn't your sister
01:02:51break up with your family
01:02:52five years ago?
01:02:53I'm angry when you say this.
01:02:54I'm here today
01:02:55to tell you this.
01:02:56The bastard
01:02:57named Lin Yi
01:02:58in your company
01:02:59is so ungrateful.
01:03:00If it wasn't for this bastard,
01:03:01my sister wouldn't have
01:03:02suffered so much outside for five years.
01:03:03What did you say?
01:03:05It's our two hundred-million order.
01:03:06Lin Yi,
01:03:07the successor of your company's project.
01:03:09I must tell him.
01:03:10Although he's from your company,
01:03:11if you dare to protect him,
01:03:12our brother
01:03:13will have nothing to do.
01:03:14What's your sister's name?
01:03:15Yun Qing.
01:03:16Six years ago,
01:03:17I wanted to match you and my sister.
01:03:18But you didn't agree.
01:03:19What's her name?
01:03:20Say it again.
01:03:22What's your sister's name?
01:03:23Yun Qing.
01:03:24Six years ago,
01:03:25I wanted to match you and my sister.
01:03:26But you didn't agree.
01:03:27What's her name?
01:03:28Say it again.
01:03:29Don't you want to
01:03:30favor your company?
01:03:32Zhu Huai,
01:03:33I'll make it clear to you now.
01:03:34This matter involves my sister.
01:03:35It's that bastard
01:03:36who ruined my sister's life.
01:03:37Our family
01:03:38is not as powerful
01:03:39as your family
01:03:40in Jiangbei.
01:03:42But if you dare to protect her,
01:03:43I won't let you go.
01:03:44Do you remember
01:03:45I asked Xiaobao
01:03:46to find his mother?
01:03:47Jing Yue heard about it.
01:03:48You are interested in that woman.
01:03:50Do you know who this woman is?
01:03:52The scope is so large.
01:03:53How can I guess?
01:03:54It's a woman from your family.
01:03:56No way.
01:03:57Do you like my mother?
01:03:58Shut up.
01:03:59Are you talking about...
01:04:01This is your good sister.
01:04:02Aren't they of the same name?
01:04:03Last month,
01:04:04the jewelry design product
01:04:05your company cracked
01:04:06was designed by your sister, right?
01:04:08How do you know?
01:04:10I said my sister
01:04:11divorced that bastard.
01:04:12Why didn't she go back to her own company to work?
01:04:13It turned out to be
01:04:14you who
01:04:15kidnapped her.
01:04:17Xiaobao's mother has been found.
01:04:20Hello, aunt.
01:04:21Yanshan is also here.
01:04:22Hello, aunt.
01:04:23It's okay.
01:04:24Sit down.
01:04:25You're welcome.
01:04:27didn't I tell you?
01:04:28I don't care
01:04:30who Xiaobao's biological mother is.
01:04:31Even if you find her,
01:04:33I won't admit her.
01:04:34You said that.
01:04:35You must keep your word.
01:04:37Don't regret it.
01:04:39If you are not interested,
01:04:40why don't you
01:04:41satisfy my curiosity?
01:04:43Let me see.
01:04:45You see.
01:04:50It turns out that this girl
01:04:51and you
01:04:52have the same last name.
01:04:53Yunqing and Chu Xiaobao
01:04:55have 99.999%
01:04:56genetic compatibility.
01:04:57When I first saw this girl,
01:04:59I thought
01:05:00she looked like Xiaobao.
01:05:01So I secretly
01:05:02took her two hairs
01:05:03to do a test.
01:05:04It turned out to be
01:05:05Xiaobao's biological mother.
01:05:06What kind of fate is this?
01:05:08Six years ago,
01:05:09I wanted to introduce you to my sister.
01:05:10You said you were not willing.
01:05:12But what happened?
01:05:13Now you and her child
01:05:14are five years old.
01:05:15What's going on?
01:05:21I think I heard mom.
01:05:26What I said yesterday
01:05:27have you thought about it?
01:05:28If you figure it out,
01:05:29come to me now
01:05:31to report your resignation.
01:05:32I let you down.
01:05:33Not only will I not leave Tianshan,
01:05:35I will also let you get out of Ninghai City.
01:05:41Do you know
01:05:42who I just saw?
01:05:44Mr. Chu.
01:05:45He himself
01:05:46is really handsome.
01:05:48I almost lost my way.
01:05:50No matter how handsome Mr. Chu is,
01:05:51he is also famous.
01:05:53I just
01:05:54heard Mr. Chu
01:05:55tell the agent around him
01:05:56how to prepare a surprise
01:05:57for his girlfriend
01:05:58and a proposal ceremony.
01:06:00I really envy
01:06:01this future Mrs. Chu.
01:06:07Mr. Chu is looking for you.
01:06:08Can I not go?
01:06:11Let's go.
01:06:14This Yunqing
01:06:15is just a small designer
01:06:17in the jewelry design department.
01:06:19Why did the CEO
01:06:21personally invite her?
01:06:24Let's go.
01:06:27Mr. Chu.
01:06:28What can I do for you?
01:06:30I want to ask you a few questions.
01:06:33What do you girls
01:06:34usually like?
01:06:39If you want to give someone a gift,
01:06:41just ask the future Mrs. Chu.
01:06:43What kind of man
01:06:44do you want in front of me?
01:06:45Your question is too broad.
01:06:47It's hard for me to answer.
01:06:48If a man
01:06:49wants to confess to you,
01:06:50what do you want him to give you?
01:06:52A branded bag?
01:06:53Jewelry jewelry?
01:06:54Or something else?
01:06:55Everyone's preferences
01:06:56and tastes are different.
01:06:57I can't answer
01:06:58your question.
01:06:59Is there anything else, Mr. Chu?
01:07:01If there's nothing else,
01:07:02I'll go to work.
01:07:03I have another question.
01:07:05I mean if
01:07:07you accidentally
01:07:08fall in love
01:07:10with a man
01:07:11you like,
01:07:12but this man
01:07:13wants to be responsible for you,
01:07:14will you say yes?
01:07:15I hope
01:07:17he won't show up
01:07:18in front of me for the rest of my life.
01:07:19Won't you give me a chance?
01:07:20We're just
01:07:21boss and employee.
01:07:23Your question
01:07:24is a little too broad.
01:07:26if you already have someone,
01:07:28please keep a distance from Yixin
01:07:30so as not to be misunderstood.
01:07:35Mr. Chu.
01:07:36What did you say to Qianqian just now?
01:07:38I feel like
01:07:39she's a little angry.
01:07:41What's wrong, Mr. Chu?
01:07:42Is there something on my face?
01:07:44From now on,
01:07:46keep a distance from me.
01:08:09He asked me some
01:08:10messy questions.
01:08:11I heard that Mr. Chu's son
01:08:12likes you very much.
01:08:13He wants you to be his mother.
01:08:15What do you think?
01:08:16Chu Huai has so many women
01:08:17staring at him.
01:08:18I don't want to
01:08:19fight with so many women
01:08:20for a man.
01:08:21But don't you think
01:08:22Xiaobao is very cute?
01:08:23And Xiaobao looks
01:08:24a bit like you
01:08:25when you were a kid.
01:08:26I think Xiaobao
01:08:27is like
01:08:28a shrink version of Chu Huai.
01:08:30Why don't you just
01:08:31say that Xiaobao
01:08:32is his child?
01:08:33Forget it.
01:08:34Since I promised Chu Huai
01:08:35to let him explain to Qianqian,
01:08:37I won't say it for now.
01:08:38I'll do
01:08:39what I have to do.
01:08:40Mom asked me to ask you
01:08:41when you'll go home.
01:08:43She doesn't blame me anymore?
01:08:44She knows Lin Yi
01:08:45bullies you.
01:08:46She can't even care for you.
01:08:47How could she blame you?
01:08:48I'm sorry, Mom.
01:08:50I should have
01:08:51listened to her.
01:08:52What does Mom mean?
01:08:53She wants to
01:08:54announce to the whole Ninghai City
01:08:55that you,
01:08:56the daughter of the richest man
01:08:57in Ninghai,
01:08:58will return to Yunjia
01:08:59on the day of
01:09:00the 100-million order signing.
01:09:01On the day of the 100-million order signing?
01:09:02We will
01:09:03take you home
01:09:04and make Lin Yi
01:09:05kneel down
01:09:06in front of you
01:09:07to thank you.
01:09:10What happened?
01:09:11President Yun
01:09:12promised to restore
01:09:13our cooperation
01:09:14on the 100-million order.
01:09:15And the date of signing
01:09:16is still the same.
01:09:17It seems
01:09:18he has already
01:09:19told President Yun
01:09:20what I told my uncle.
01:09:22you're really my lucky star.
01:09:25What else
01:09:26did President Yun
01:09:27tell you?
01:09:28President Yun told me
01:09:29to fire
01:09:30the two people
01:09:31who bullied Yun Qing
01:09:32in the company.
01:09:33After I go back to the company,
01:09:34I will
01:09:35take care of it immediately.
01:09:36Why does President Yun
01:09:37talk so much about Yun Qing?
01:09:38Are they
01:09:39related to each other?
01:09:40I heard
01:09:41there is another daughter of the Yun family.
01:09:42Both of them
01:09:43are surnamed Yun.
01:09:44Do you really think
01:09:45Yun Qing's
01:09:46ugly face
01:09:47is the daughter of the richest man?
01:09:49Since I met her,
01:09:51she has been
01:09:52an unmarried orphan.
01:09:53How could she
01:09:54be related to
01:09:55the son of the richest man?
01:09:57It's because President Yun
01:09:58is kind-hearted.
01:09:59After all,
01:10:00the 100-million order
01:10:01was banned for two years.
01:10:02You're right.
01:10:03Her poor status
01:10:04is not related
01:10:05to the richest man
01:10:06in Ninghai.
01:10:09After I successfully
01:10:10get the 100-million order,
01:10:12as the general manager
01:10:13of Tian Sheng Group in Ninghai,
01:10:14I will hold
01:10:15a grand wedding
01:10:16for you.
01:10:17I will ask my uncle
01:10:18to help you.
01:10:19We must get
01:10:20the 100-million order.
01:10:25Who is it?
01:10:29may I ask
01:10:30which one is Miss Yun Qing?
01:10:31What's wrong?
01:10:32This is a gift
01:10:33for Miss Yun Qing
01:10:34to attend the party.
01:10:35Come in, please.
01:10:40Your brother asked someone
01:10:41to send you something.
01:10:48Hello, Miss Yun Qing.
01:10:50Put these things
01:10:51on the table.
01:10:52Wait for me downstairs.
01:10:59I'm looking forward
01:11:00to tonight.
01:11:01If Nan'an knows
01:11:02you're the real queen,
01:11:03he will fall in love with you.
01:11:06I will let Lin Yi know
01:11:08the difference between him
01:11:09and me.
01:11:13Mr. Lin is so young
01:11:14and promising.
01:11:15Among many competitors,
01:11:16he stands out
01:11:17and signs the 100-million order
01:11:18with Wan Zhong.
01:11:19Mr. Chu still
01:11:20trusts Mr. Lin very much,
01:11:21so he gives the 100-million order
01:11:22to Mr. Lin.
01:11:23At this age in Ninghai,
01:11:24I can't find
01:11:25a better man
01:11:26than my son.
01:11:27Of course, mom.
01:11:29Look, who is that?
01:11:32Lin Qing.
01:11:33Why is it him?
01:11:34What is this bitch doing here?
01:11:35Is she here
01:11:36to seduce my son again?
01:11:37Which family is she from?
01:11:39I've never seen her
01:11:40in Ninghai before.
01:11:41According to her ring,
01:11:42it's a limited edition
01:11:43of the world's luxury brand.
01:11:44It's on sale for over 20 million
01:11:45during the holiday.
01:11:46You don't understand, do you?
01:11:47The pendant on her body
01:11:48is the most expensive
01:11:49in the world.
01:11:50It's the most expensive
01:11:51in the world.
01:11:52It's the most expensive
01:11:53in the world.
01:11:54It's the most expensive
01:11:55in the world.
01:11:56It's the most expensive
01:11:57in the world.
01:11:58It's the most expensive
01:11:59in the world.
01:12:00Her pendant on her body
01:12:01is the most expensive
01:12:02in the world.
01:12:03It's the most expensive
01:12:04in the world.
01:12:15He's just an inconsiderate
01:12:16man who has
01:12:16forgotten the price at home.
01:12:28I'm sorry.
01:12:29I'm not interested in garbage recycling.
01:12:31I came here today because someone invited me.
01:12:34Someone invited you?
01:12:35You are just a small employee of the Tiansheng branch.
01:12:38Who can attend the dinner party?
01:12:40Which one is not a high-ranking leader of Tiansheng and Wanzheng?
01:12:43And you?
01:12:44A high-ranking woman with a high position.
01:12:46And why are you invited?
01:12:48Yunqing, your habit of lying to people has not changed at all.
01:12:53Because I am the gold medal winner of the Global Jewelry Designer Contest, Qingyun.
01:12:58Is this reason enough?
01:13:03The gold medal winner of the Global Jewelry Designer Contest, Qingyun?
01:13:07Everyone here is a professional in the industry.
01:13:10How dare you use Qingyun's name to show off?
01:13:13Yunqing, you and I have been married for five years.
01:13:15I know what you look like.
01:13:18You are wearing a bright yellow dress today.
01:13:22Don't you just want me to be satisfied?
01:13:25Don't be fooled by this vixen.
01:13:27She just wants you to be proud of yourself from now on.
01:13:30She pretends to seduce you on purpose.
01:13:32Do you think you are so excellent?
01:13:35You have already become famous before you get famous.
01:13:38You really don't care about Newton.
01:13:40You don't have a mirror at home.
01:13:42But you have a urine.
01:13:43You still have a lot of people in your family.
01:13:46Why do you think I will transfer a rotten garbage back to you?
01:13:52Crows don't know they are black.
01:13:54You don't know you are stupid.
01:13:56But my eyes are not blind.
01:13:58I can see it.
01:13:59Look at this vixen.
01:14:00She hasn't been divorced for a few days.
01:14:01She has become so wild.
01:14:03It's a good thing you divorced her.
01:14:05Otherwise, it's just a matter of time.
01:14:07Our whole family will be poisoned.
01:14:10Yunqing, I gave you a chance.
01:14:13If you want me to lose,
01:14:14Do you have the right to say that?
01:14:16You can go to today's height.
01:14:18Do you really think you work hard and climb up step by step?
01:14:23That's natural.
01:14:24Of course.
01:14:25You can't help me.
01:14:27I can help Lin Yi get this hundred million order.
01:14:30And you, in these five years,
01:14:31In addition to being a useless rice worm,
01:14:34I'll drag him down.
01:14:35What else can you do?
01:14:36If you hadn't dragged my son for five years,
01:14:38My son would have been crazy.
01:14:40You said you were invited.
01:14:41There should be an invitation.
01:14:43Is this what you said?
01:14:47You just got an invitation.
01:14:49The name of Qinglin is written on it.
01:14:52Do you think everyone here is a fool?
01:14:55This invitation is fake.
01:14:57Look at the value on his body.
01:14:59How could this invitation be fake?
01:15:02I'm afraid.
01:15:03Yunqing, you're still lying and quibbling.
01:15:06I see your gorgeous dress.
01:15:08I don't know where the fake goods came from.
01:15:11In order to get my attention,
01:15:12It's really not a good idea.
01:15:14I think you're the one who's not good at it.
01:15:16There's a personal seal of President Yun of Wanzhong Group on my invitation.
01:15:20There's no seal on the invitation.
01:15:22Because your level is not enough.
01:15:24There's really a seal of President Yun on it.
01:15:27What's the matter?
01:15:28What's going on?
01:15:30Everyone's here.
01:15:31Uncle, you're just in time.
01:15:33Now the company's affairs are handled by President Yun.
01:15:36President Yun hasn't intervened in the company's affairs for a long time.
01:15:38But this woman,
01:15:39She said she was invited by President Yun.
01:15:45It does look like a personal seal of President Yun.
01:15:48But today it's President Yun on behalf of Wanzhong Group.
01:15:51Fully responsible for signing with Tiansheng Group.
01:15:53Why would President Yun send an invitation to someone?
01:15:56I knew it.
01:15:58This little bitch doesn't even deserve to lift my son's shoes.
01:16:01How could she get the approval of Ninghai's richest man in person?
01:16:05To attend the banquet.
01:16:06It's An Ruhai.
01:16:07How dare you!
01:16:08You can call my uncle's name.
01:16:10It's better than you barking here.
01:16:12You're Lin Yi's ex-wife, right?
01:16:14Tonight is an important occasion for our Wanzhong Group and Tiansheng Group to sign a billion-dollar order.
01:16:19It's also the day to welcome the return of the Eldest Miss.
01:16:21You didn't allow me to meet her in person.
01:16:24And you tried to make trouble.
01:16:25I can let people go to hell.
01:16:27An Ruhai.
01:16:28You're just a small manager of Wanzhong Group.
01:16:31How dare you yell at me?
01:16:34The billion-dollar order between Wanzhong Group and Tiansheng Group
01:16:37Is it a personal deadline or not?
01:16:40You know it best.
01:16:43Isn't my uncle signing the order?
01:16:44Is it you?
01:16:45That's right.
01:16:46You have such a great ability.
01:16:48You can stay in Lin's family for five years.
01:16:50It's a big joke.
01:16:52Lin Yi.
01:16:53This billion-dollar order
01:16:54I wanted to give it to you as a commemoration of the fifth anniversary of our marriage.
01:16:58It's a pity that you didn't seize the opportunity.
01:17:00I can help you achieve success.
01:17:02I can also make you famous.
01:17:04At this point,
01:17:05Are you still pretending?
01:17:06Are you pretending or not?
01:17:07You'll know when everyone is here.
01:17:09Wanzhong's place.
01:17:10It's not allowed for you to be so presumptuous here.
01:17:12Disturb the party atmosphere.
01:17:13Come on.
01:17:14Get this crazy woman out of here.
01:17:15An Ruhai.
01:17:16I'm your boss of Wanzhong Group.
01:17:18A distinguished guest personally invited.
01:17:20If you dare to touch a hair of mine.
01:17:22Believe it or not.
01:17:23Your An's family will be famous from Linhai City tomorrow.
01:17:25Lin Xing.
01:17:26You said you were the winner of the gold medal in the global design competition.
01:17:29That's just right.
01:17:30My teacher.
01:17:31He is also the judge of the global design competition.
01:17:33Mr. Bai.
01:17:34He will also come to the party today.
01:17:36Let's see if you're a northerner.
01:17:38Let's wait and see.
01:17:40Mr. Bai is here.
01:17:42Mr. Bai is here.
01:17:45You're just in time.
01:17:46There's someone here.
01:17:47Pretending to be five years ago.
01:17:48The winner of the global jewelry design competition.
01:17:52Take a look.
01:17:53Is it true or not?
01:17:56Qingyun participated in the design competition that year.
01:17:59Didn't show his face.
01:18:01I haven't seen him either.
01:18:03What does he look like?
01:18:05This kid.
01:18:06Looks like he's in his early twenties.
01:18:08When Qingyun was in the design circle.
01:18:11The time of the assassination of Feng Yun.
01:18:13This kid.
01:18:14I'm afraid he's still studying at school.
01:18:16Lin Xing.
01:18:17Did you hear that?
01:18:18My teacher is highly respected in the industry.
01:18:20Even if someone else speaks.
01:18:21He won't lie to you, will he?
01:18:23Let's see.
01:18:24What is this?
01:18:25This is the global design competition.
01:18:27Especially for the winner of the gold medal.
01:18:29The gold medal.
01:18:30That's impossible.
01:18:32Take a look again.
01:18:34It's fake.
01:18:35Can you take off your ring?
01:18:37Let me take a closer look.
01:18:39Of course.
01:18:43Take a closer look at this gold ring.
01:18:45It's got diamond powder.
01:18:49Under the light.
01:18:51This is a very special way of making.
01:18:54This is the hand of the organizer.
01:18:57It's hard to fake.
01:18:58It seems that five years ago.
01:19:00The genius designer in the industry.
01:19:03It's actually a young back.
01:19:07Mr. Bai.
01:19:08I'm flattered.
01:19:10Am I qualified to stand here?
01:19:14Yue Qing.
01:19:15You are the gold medalist of the national design competition.
01:19:17Why didn't you tell me earlier?
01:19:19What's the use of telling you?
01:19:20You forgot.
01:19:21When you asked me to sign the divorce agreement.
01:19:23I told you.
01:19:24You don't believe it.
01:19:26I told you I had no one to rely on.
01:19:27I asked you for a reason.
01:19:29I want you to know about my family.
01:19:31How can you let me go easily?
01:19:33If I had known you were the winner of the gold medalist.
01:19:36I wouldn't have.
01:19:37Wouldn't what?
01:19:38Let everyone listen to one day.
01:19:39What kind of a cold-blooded, ungrateful thing are you?
01:19:42Don't spit on my son.
01:19:44You're the ungrateful thing.
01:19:46My son pitied you as an orphan.
01:19:49He wanted to marry you regardless of his identity.
01:19:51But how did you repay him?
01:19:53You have to show those skills earlier.
01:19:55Does he need to be promoted today?
01:19:58I was wrong.
01:19:59He is the winner of the gold medalist.
01:20:01As long as it's tonight.
01:20:02You will be helped by my uncle.
01:20:04Complete the signing of a hundred-million order.
01:20:06The price is soaring.
01:20:07It's really a top-notch circle.
01:20:09At that time.
01:20:11Even if it's three gold medalists.
01:20:13It's not as good as your price.
01:20:16He Yunqing.
01:20:17He broke the sky.
01:20:18What broke the wall?
01:20:19That's still a smelly worker.
01:20:21You're going to be the general manager of Tiansheng Group.
01:20:24At that time in the company.
01:20:25You said to the east.
01:20:26He can still go west.
01:20:30If I didn't see it with my own eyes.
01:20:32I didn't expect Mr. Lin's family.
01:20:34You are so great.
01:20:37It's all a misunderstanding.
01:20:38Maybe it's because I just proposed a divorce to him.
01:20:40He was angry.
01:20:41That's why he's in a mess at this moment.
01:20:43Please forgive me.
01:20:45If the signing of a hundred-million order today.
01:20:48Because of you.
01:20:49You will never see your child again.
01:20:53Let go of your dirty hands.
01:20:56The signing of a hundred-million order tonight.
01:20:58I will make you happy.
01:21:01He is the protagonist I invited tonight.
01:21:03You bully him.
01:21:04I think you're the one who's making trouble.
01:21:06Yun Shao.
01:21:07Although he was once the gold medalist.
01:21:08But you may not know him yet.
01:21:11He has a messy private life.
01:21:12A man who cheats in marriage.
01:21:14And hurt a wild seed.
01:21:16Don't be fooled by him.
01:21:18Yes, Yun Shao.
01:21:19You have so many women.
01:21:21Why do you have a broken shoe?
01:21:24If it wasn't for Qingqing's sake.
01:21:26Do you really think you have the right to attend tonight?
01:21:28What do you mean?
01:21:30Today is the signing day of our Tiansheng and your Wanzhong Group.
01:21:33I just talked to Yunqing.
01:21:35It doesn't matter.
01:21:36I'll tell you now.
01:21:37Although Tiansheng is Chu Huai's enemy.
01:21:40But with your qualifications.
01:21:41You don't deserve to talk to me in person.
01:21:43Qingqing came to beg me in person.
01:21:45Otherwise, you can stand here tonight.
01:21:50It's impossible.
01:21:51It's impossible.
01:21:52It's not up to you.
01:21:53What's going on?
01:21:54Didn't you ask your uncle for help?
01:21:55How can it be different from what Yun Shao said?
01:21:57I told my uncle.
01:21:59My uncle has also communicated with Mr. Yun.
01:22:01How can a small HR manager.
01:22:03Have the right to interfere in the company's business?
01:22:06And it's a hundred billion order.
01:22:08I, Wanzhong, do not allow company staff.
01:22:10To act in the name of public interest.
01:22:12An Ruohai.
01:22:13I think after today.
01:22:14You don't have to come to work.
01:22:15Mr. Yun.
01:22:16I didn't do anything.
01:22:18I've never intervened in this matter.
01:22:20Please give me another chance.
01:22:23Mr. Yun.
01:22:24Mr. Yun.
01:22:25So this is where you are tonight.
01:22:27Hug Mr. Yun.
01:22:28Fly to the sky.
01:22:29Mr. Yun.
01:22:30He can cheat on the wedding day with Lin Yi.
01:22:33Aren't you afraid that he will betray you?
01:22:36Yun Shao.
01:22:37The signing ceremony of the hundred billion order is about to begin.
01:22:39Is it normal?
01:22:40Or do you want to do it later?
01:22:41I can handle it myself.
01:22:42This is important.
01:22:43You go on stage first.
01:22:46I thought Yun Shao liked you so much.
01:22:48It's not like that.
01:22:49You are a wretched woman.
01:22:51You still want to climb the door of the Yun family.
01:22:55You are really delusional.
01:23:00Yun Shao heard that he was messing with men outside.
01:23:03He made an excuse and left.
01:23:05No man.
01:23:06You are nothing.
01:23:08And my son and Yun Shao's hundred billion order.
01:23:10I will sign it.
01:23:12I admit that you have some capital now.
01:23:14But you can only let those poor bosses wear it.
01:23:17In the eyes of the real rich,
01:23:19you are just a toy that takes advantage of the value.
01:23:22Let's wait and see.
01:23:26Welcome to the signing ceremony of the hundred billion order of Wanzhong Group and Tiansheng Group.
01:23:32Now let's invite our partners to come on stage to sign.
01:23:35Please welcome Mr. Yun from Wanzhong Group.
01:23:38And Mr. Chen Mao from Tiansheng Group.
01:23:43What's going on?
01:23:44Isn't my son and Mr. Yun signing the hundred billion order?
01:23:47Why is Mr. Chen here?
01:23:49Did they make a mistake?
01:23:50Yun Shao.
01:23:51You can't go back on your word.
01:23:53Go back on my word?
01:23:54This contract is a cooperation between Tiansheng Group and Wanzhong Group.
01:23:57I want to appoint whoever is responsible.
01:23:59It's all because of you little bitch.
01:24:01You hurt my son.
01:24:07It's all because of you little bitch.
01:24:08You hurt my son.
01:24:12Lin Qifang.
01:24:13I have tolerated you for a long time.
01:24:14For the sake of you being my mother-in-law,
01:24:16I respect you.
01:24:17Do you really think my Yunqing is so easy to control?
01:24:22Get out of here.
01:24:23You are a waste.
01:24:24I thought you were the design director of Wanzhong Group.
01:24:26How capable you are.
01:24:27But you can't even help me.
01:24:29How dare you take credit on yourself?
01:24:32Don't speak so badly.
01:24:33Don't you know how much your son is?
01:24:35If he is really capable,
01:24:36why do you want me to help him?
01:24:38An Ning.
01:24:39What do you mean?
01:24:40I didn't blame you for lying to me.
01:24:41Now you are here to scold me, right?
01:24:43Is that so?
01:24:44It's your mother who is disrespectful to me first.
01:24:45Even if I, An Ning, lose you,
01:24:46I still have a lot of excellent men to pursue.
01:24:48And you.
01:24:49Without this hundred-billion order,
01:24:51you are nothing.
01:24:57How dare you hit me?
01:24:58Your dog-biting drama
01:25:01is really wonderful.
01:25:06Don't be so proud.
01:25:07In the eyes of Yun Shao,
01:25:08you are just a toy.
01:25:09There are so many people watching today.
01:25:10Will President Yun let you
01:25:11marry Yun's family with such a shabby shoe?
01:25:13I'm really going to let you down.
01:25:14I don't need to bet on Yun's family.
01:25:16Because Yun's family
01:25:17is my family business.
01:25:19You are really crazy.
01:25:20So dare to dream.
01:25:21All right, all right.
01:25:22Tonight, in addition to celebrating
01:25:24the friendly cooperation between
01:25:26our Tiansheng and Wanzhong Group,
01:25:28President Yun also carefully planned
01:25:30and prepared a special banquet
01:25:32for Miss Yun.
01:25:34Next, let's give a round of applause
01:25:35to welcome President Yun.
01:25:40Two years ago,
01:25:41after President Yun handed over Wanzhong
01:25:43to Yun Shao to manage,
01:25:44President Yun rarely appeared
01:25:45in front of the public.
01:25:47Now, in order to welcome
01:25:48the princess of Yun's family back,
01:25:49President Yun actually appeared in person.
01:25:51There are rumors in the room
01:25:52that the eldest son-in-law of Yun's family was adopted
01:25:54and the little princess of Yun's family was adopted.
01:25:56It seems that this statement is not false at all.
01:25:59if Miss Yun
01:26:00is so favored,
01:26:01if you become the son-in-law of the city gate,
01:26:03even if you lose
01:26:04the hundred-million order tonight,
01:26:05we can also become
01:26:06Yun's family
01:26:07and enter the city.
01:26:08President Yun is a woman.
01:26:10It's a pity for him to be alone.
01:26:14I have to say that
01:26:15the door of Yun's family
01:26:16is always open.
01:26:17The daughter of the rich family
01:26:19has a simple mind.
01:26:21As long as you play a little trick,
01:26:23it's not a matter of money.
01:26:25President Yun loves his daughter so much
01:26:27and scolds the daughter of Yun's family
01:26:28for being stubborn
01:26:29and insisting on marrying her.
01:26:30He still can't stand it.
01:26:34you had this opportunity before.
01:26:36It's a pity that
01:26:37you are not useful.
01:26:40If my son didn't have to marry you,
01:26:42my son would have become
01:26:43the son-in-law of Yun's family.
01:26:45I was not stupid enough
01:26:46to report it to my family.
01:26:47It's really a long time to see people's hearts.
01:26:49All right.
01:26:50In the same way,
01:26:51we also invite
01:26:52the protagonist of this party,
01:26:53our Miss Yun,
01:26:55to the stage.
01:26:59What's going on?
01:27:00The host said
01:27:02to invite Miss Yun.
01:27:03How did Yun Qing go up?
01:27:04She thought
01:27:05she was the same as Yun's family.
01:27:06She can become
01:27:07the Miss Yun.
01:27:11Yun Qing,
01:27:12do you still envy
01:27:13the few people I lost today?
01:27:15People call her Miss Yun.
01:27:17How did you go up like this?
01:27:18Do you want these people
01:27:19to look down on you?
01:27:20The dignity is earned by yourself,
01:27:22not given by others.
01:27:24I have nothing to do with you now.
01:27:26Even if it's a shame,
01:27:27it's a shame for you.
01:27:31How did Yun Shao
01:27:32make trouble
01:27:33with this crazy woman?
01:27:37It's good that you're back.
01:27:39It's good that you're back.
01:27:42Yun Qing is really the Miss Yun.
01:27:44How is this possible?
01:27:45Did you make a mistake?
01:27:47Yun Qing
01:27:48is an orphan
01:27:49without a father or a mother.
01:27:50How could she be
01:27:51the Miss Yun?
01:27:53Is it possible that my mother
01:27:54is pregnant with Shi Yuesheng's daughter
01:27:55and I have been with her
01:27:56for more than 20 years?
01:27:57Can't you tell the difference?
01:27:59it was because I
01:28:00spoiled Qingqing too much
01:28:01that she couldn't recognize people.
01:28:03She was hurt so much
01:28:06with your ability,
01:28:07how could you be
01:28:08so successful
01:28:09in Tiansheng Group?
01:28:11How many times did you make mistakes at work?
01:28:13It was Qingqing
01:28:14who designed the gold medal
01:28:15as the winner
01:28:16and secretly sold it to those
01:28:17who wanted to make friends
01:28:19and please her brand.
01:28:21That's why she got
01:28:22the cooperation order for you.
01:28:24It's impossible.
01:28:26My son is so excellent.
01:28:28he has
01:28:29comes from his ability.
01:28:32But the fact is
01:28:33if my sister
01:28:34didn't speak out
01:28:35for the banquet today,
01:28:36you wouldn't even
01:28:37be able to
01:28:38step into the door
01:28:39of the banquet hall.
01:28:40Do you know
01:28:41when you wanted to
01:28:42sign a divorce agreement with me,
01:28:43I didn't even think
01:28:44about cancelling
01:28:45my brother's
01:28:46cooperation with your company
01:28:47because I thought
01:28:48even if I didn't
01:28:49have feelings for you,
01:28:50you still had
01:28:51feelings for me.
01:28:52You shouldn't have
01:28:53signed it.
01:28:54You shouldn't have
01:28:55hurt me
01:28:56to please Anni.
01:28:57You were so confident
01:28:58that I had no choice
01:28:59but to tell me
01:29:00the truth.
01:29:01That's why I
01:29:02gave up on you
01:29:03and took revenge on you.
01:29:04Lin Qian,
01:29:05we've been married for five years.
01:29:08you're telling me
01:29:09who you really are.
01:29:11How could you
01:29:12trust me?
01:29:14Lin Yi,
01:29:15that's enough.
01:29:16You still want to
01:29:17brainwash me?
01:29:18Lin Yi,
01:29:19my sister didn't care
01:29:20about what you did
01:29:21because she was
01:29:22a loyal person
01:29:23and not a fool.
01:29:24Now that you've lost
01:29:25her favor,
01:29:26it's better to
01:29:27stay away from her.
01:29:29even if Yi
01:29:30doesn't know
01:29:31who you really are,
01:29:32he's still good to you.
01:29:33It's Anni's fault
01:29:34for seducing him
01:29:35and making him
01:29:36lose his mind
01:29:37and divorce you.
01:29:38You're slandering me.
01:29:39I'm the one
01:29:40your son chased after.
01:29:41That's enough.
01:29:43throw this filthy thing
01:29:44out of here
01:29:45and get rid of it
01:29:46in Linhai City
01:29:47from now on.
01:29:49Lin Yi,
01:29:50for the sake of
01:29:51our five-year
01:29:53give me another chance.
01:29:54I promise
01:29:55I'll only love you
01:29:56in the future.
01:29:57Is this how you
01:29:58beg people?
01:29:59I admit
01:30:00I made a lot of mistakes
01:30:02I was a fool.
01:30:03I beg you to forgive me
01:30:04and give me another chance.
01:30:05I've always
01:30:06loved you only.
01:30:08give us
01:30:09another chance.
01:30:10My son
01:30:11has spent a lot of money
01:30:12on you over the years.
01:30:13He cares about you a lot.
01:30:15he wouldn't have
01:30:16spent so much money on you.
01:30:18All these years,
01:30:19you've been eating,
01:30:20using, and living.
01:30:21Are you still
01:30:22ashamed to mention it?
01:30:23Lin Yi,
01:30:24not only do I want you
01:30:25to kneel in front of me
01:30:26and apologize to me,
01:30:27I also want you
01:30:28to get out of Linhai City.
01:30:29Can you do it
01:30:33Why are you still talking
01:30:34to this scumbag?
01:30:35I didn't ask anyone
01:30:36to break his legs
01:30:37and throw him out of Linhai City.
01:30:38That's already
01:30:39being kind to him.
01:30:40My son,
01:30:41what should I do?
01:30:42I haven't even
01:30:43lived a rich life yet
01:30:44and I'm about to be kicked out.
01:30:45You can't touch me.
01:30:46I'm the executive of
01:30:47Tiansheng Group.
01:30:48I almost forgot
01:30:50Tiansheng Group
01:30:51gave birth to
01:30:52a scumbag like you.
01:30:53I didn't show up
01:30:54to teach you a lesson.
01:30:55You should be thankful
01:30:56for your luck.
01:30:57I've done so much
01:30:58for Tiansheng Group.
01:30:59We can't fire you.
01:31:01Just an ordinary employee.
01:31:03You can do whatever you want
01:31:04with Director Lin.
01:31:05You don't need to ask me for my opinion.
01:31:06As long as Qingqing is satisfied.
01:31:08Why is he here?
01:31:09You're the one
01:31:10who made my son
01:31:11and my daughter-in-law break up.
01:31:12Miss Yun
01:31:13got pregnant before marriage
01:31:14and that's it.
01:31:15I didn't expect
01:31:16that she would cheat on her husband.
01:31:18Nan Xiaosan
01:31:19is here
01:31:20with her child.
01:31:22It's going to be a good show.
01:31:25Auntie Piaoling.
01:31:28why are you here?
01:31:29Daddy misses
01:31:30Auntie Piaoling.
01:31:31He's afraid that
01:31:32Auntie Piaoling will be bullied by bad people,
01:31:33so he came to support
01:31:34Auntie Piaoling.
01:31:36I forgot to tell you
01:31:37that he prepared
01:31:38all the clothes
01:31:39you're wearing.
01:31:40Xiaobao is also
01:31:42by daddy.
01:31:44Xiaobao has a good taste.
01:31:46This is Director Chu's son.
01:31:47Why does he look
01:31:48so much like Qingqing?
01:31:49Is Director Chu
01:31:50really my daughter's
01:31:51Nan Xiaosan?
01:31:52How dare you
01:31:53Nan Xiaosan
01:31:54come here?
01:31:55Lin Yi,
01:31:56are you tired of living?
01:31:57How dare you talk to
01:31:58Director Chu like this?
01:31:59Where is Director Chu?
01:32:00I didn't see
01:32:01Director Chu come here today.
01:32:02Now, in front of you
01:32:03is the president
01:32:04of Tiansheng Group,
01:32:06Chu Huai,
01:32:07Director Chu.
01:32:08Chief Qin,
01:32:10are you crazy?
01:32:11I know
01:32:12that you and Yun Qing
01:32:13are good friends,
01:32:14so you will help her
01:32:15to act.
01:32:16But you can't
01:32:17just point at a man
01:32:18and say that he is Chu Huai.
01:32:21That's right.
01:32:22This man
01:32:23I saw him
01:32:24in the building last time.
01:32:25He also drives
01:32:26a sports car worth millions.
01:32:28Yun Qing bought it for him.
01:32:30A small bar owner
01:32:32can't afford
01:32:33to buy such a luxury sports car.
01:32:35Before the divorce,
01:32:36you said you would always love me.
01:32:38But you spent a lot of money
01:32:39on this Nan Xiaosan.
01:32:41Is this the way you love me?
01:32:42I'm not as disgusting as you.
01:32:43I can't do
01:32:44such a dirty
01:32:45and immoral thing.
01:32:46I didn't let you get out of Tiansheng before.
01:32:49because you are just
01:32:50a business manager of a small branch company.
01:32:51It's not my turn
01:32:52to deal with you.
01:32:54I respect Qingqing's opinion
01:32:55and let her solve it
01:32:56in her own way.
01:32:57But now
01:32:58I have nothing to do with it.
01:32:59You said you were Chu Huai
01:33:00and you were Chu Huai.
01:33:01Then do I have to say
01:33:03that you are Cui Fangfang?
01:33:07Chu Jianxiao,
01:33:08the head of the Ninghai Chu family,
01:33:09is here.
01:33:10Su Qing,
01:33:11the head of the Ninghai Chu family,
01:33:12is here.
01:33:13Wang Tianren,
01:33:14the head of the Ninghai Wang family,
01:33:15is here.
01:33:16The three families of Ninghai
01:33:17are all here.
01:33:18Why did you say
01:33:19someone from the three families
01:33:20was invited to come?
01:33:21The owner of this party
01:33:22is the richest family in Ninghai.
01:33:23The four families in Ninghai
01:33:24are all here.
01:33:25What a big battle!
01:33:26But that's just
01:33:27to welcome the return of Yu Shui.
01:33:28How can it be called such a big battle?
01:33:30there's only one possibility.
01:33:33The Chu family.
01:33:34The Wang family.
01:33:35The Su family.
01:33:36Greetings, Mr. Chu.
01:33:39You are really Chu Huai.
01:33:40I know you're interested.
01:33:42I'm not the main character today.
01:33:44I don't want to choose the leader.
01:33:45That's natural.
01:33:47we also prepared a gift
01:33:48for Miss Yun.
01:33:49Yes, yes.
01:33:50Come on.
01:33:58The three families
01:33:59are all here
01:34:00to welcome Mr. Chu
01:34:01and his sister.
01:34:02It's really like a blood wedding.
01:34:03I wonder if Miss Yun
01:34:04is satisfied with the gift
01:34:05we arranged.
01:34:06The gifts prepared by the uncles
01:34:08are of course
01:34:09my favorite.
01:34:10Thank you again.
01:34:11But today
01:34:12I have something more important
01:34:14to deal with.
01:34:15Honey, I was wrong.
01:34:16I really know I was wrong.
01:34:17Give me another chance.
01:34:19I've always loved you.
01:34:22I was just deceived by Zhu Youmeng.
01:34:25Lin Yi.
01:34:26You look like this
01:34:27makes me sick.
01:34:29Why did I fall in love
01:34:30with someone like you?
01:34:32I swear here
01:34:33that I, Chu Huai
01:34:34will marry Yun Qing
01:34:37from Yun family in Ninghai.
01:34:38I'm willing to marry her.
01:34:44Will you marry me?
01:34:47I'm divorced.
01:34:48I have a child.
01:34:50He's still alive.
01:34:52I know.
01:34:53Don't you mind?
01:34:55Actually, I've wanted to tell you for a long time.
01:34:56Pretty aunt.
01:34:58You are Xiaobao's mother.
01:35:00Don't you think
01:35:01Xiaobao looks like you?
01:35:04You mean...
01:35:05The man five years ago
01:35:06is me.
01:35:07Fate makes us meet again.
01:35:10It was Mrs. Chu
01:35:11who went to the hospital in person
01:35:12and did the paternity test
01:35:13for you and Xiaobao.
01:35:14The result showed
01:35:15that you and Xiaobao
01:35:16are really mother and son.
01:35:19You are Xiaobao's mother.
01:35:21Will you recognize Xiaobao?
01:35:26You've always been by my side.
01:35:28I won't
01:35:29lose you again.
01:35:31Can you
01:35:32promise me?
01:35:34In the future,
01:35:35the three of us
01:35:36can be together
01:35:42Yun Qing.
01:35:43Our divorce certificate hasn't been issued yet.
01:35:44As long as I live,
01:35:46I can't marry anyone.
01:35:47Divorce certificates
01:35:49have always existed.
01:35:53From today on,
01:35:54Lin Yi and her family
01:35:56will be kicked out of Tianshe Group
01:35:58and the whole Jiangbei
01:35:59will be completely sealed.
01:36:01all the wealth they have
01:36:02illegally obtained
01:36:03over the years
01:36:04will be handed over to the judicial system.
01:36:07Mr. Chu.
01:36:08Mr. Chu.
01:36:09Mr. Chu.
01:36:10Mr. Chu, I was wrong.
01:36:11Mr. Chu.
01:36:12I've taken care of
01:36:13the case of Yan Yan.
01:36:17it's time to take care of our own business.
01:36:21I'm relieved
01:36:23to hand you over to Mr. Chu.
01:36:27I do.
