Say You Remember, Say You Love Full Movie Eng Sub

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Say You Remember Say You Love
00:00:00Uh, so are you sure you don't want me to lock you inside?
00:00:05Let's save the catching up for tomorrow's prom.
00:00:08Dress to impress, alright?
00:00:11Wait, this was my grandma's necklace, and she passed it down to my mom.
00:00:18I want you to have it.
00:00:20I'd be over the moon if you could wear it tomorrow.
00:00:38I picked out a dress from Paris for you tomorrow.
00:00:41Go try it on.
00:00:43I'll catch you later.
00:00:48Jason, right?
00:00:50Nice car.
00:00:52Rent it for prom?
00:00:53Uh, yeah, I did Mrs. Bell.
00:00:56I'm sorry, but you can't go to prom with Lizzie tomorrow.
00:01:00Why not?
00:01:01As you know, the Bells are the talk of the town.
00:01:04A single dinner here can feed your family for months.
00:01:07You're not in a league.
00:01:09Mrs. Bell, I...
00:01:11I love her.
00:01:13And I'm gonna make it big someday.
00:01:15With football, you could even make it to the school team.
00:01:19And yet you're dreaming of making a living from this?
00:01:24Love is not everything.
00:01:25It can guarantee a comfortable life for my daughter.
00:01:28Mrs. Bell, I'm working really hard.
00:01:31I just need a little more time.
00:01:33Look, I can't have Lizzie struggling over diaper money in a few years.
00:01:38So I don't want to make it difficult for you.
00:01:40Just stay away from her.
00:01:42Or I'll make sure your father's plumbing business dies off.
00:01:47Got it?
00:01:59Why didn't you pick me up?
00:02:02I thought you were gonna drive me.
00:02:07Because he was busy picking me up.
00:02:10Uh, Jason?
00:02:12Who is she?
00:02:15Vivian Perry.
00:02:16You're the marvelous Elizabeth Bell, I presume?
00:02:19I've heard stories.
00:02:20Uh, what's going on here?
00:02:23Vivian's the cheer captain.
00:02:25She's with me tonight.
00:02:27But you asked me to be your date long before.
00:02:31Don't you get it?
00:02:33You're the placeholder.
00:02:34Oh, wait.
00:02:35Did I mention our marvelous night out yesterday?
00:02:43This has gotta be some kind of mistake.
00:02:45I know you, Jason.
00:02:46This isn't you.
00:02:47You think you know me?
00:02:53I dated you on a dare.
00:02:55And it disgusts me to pretend to like you day in and day out.
00:03:00You asshole.
00:03:03Guess we're even now.
00:03:06You know what?
00:03:07You can take your stupid necklace back.
00:03:09I never liked it and I never liked you.
00:03:11And you know what?
00:03:12I've always hated football.
00:03:14You're disgusting.
00:03:17You're breaking her heart.
00:03:19Did we really need to take it this far just for acting?
00:03:23Just to hate me to get over me.
00:03:29Just yesterday, Kansas City Falcons superstar quarterback Jason Clooney scored the winning touchdown, leading his team to a Super Bowl victory.
00:03:37It was a tough and exhilarating game.
00:03:39Started from scratch, you really made a name for yourself over the last five years.
00:03:43Curious, what kept you going and helped you score those crucial points to take you to the championship?
00:03:49Well, I just imagined myself as a knight.
00:03:51I fell in love with a princess when I was young.
00:03:54And whenever there's a challenge, I just imagine myself slaying dragons to win the princess' favor.
00:04:00A real life knight, huh?
00:04:02You think you know me?
00:04:05Now, you need to spill the tea.
00:04:07Did you win her over?
00:04:14But you lose some to win some, right?
00:04:18And now, America wants to know about the princess who stole the heart of a billionaire.
00:04:22Look at him. It's heartbreaking.
00:04:24Yeah, but thanks to her, we get to see his charming smile.
00:04:27Liz, isn't it?
00:04:29Trust me, he's nothing but an asshole.
00:04:34Guess what, people. Our ratings for last month, bottom of the barrel.
00:04:39If you don't believe me, check the data yourself.
00:04:42It's all these lazy journalists not coming up with anything juicy.
00:04:45Right, Elizabeth?
00:04:47You are our best journalist.
00:04:50Penny for your thoughts?
00:04:52I have an idea.
00:04:55America would like to hear about Jason's first love.
00:05:00That's right. We should dig her up.
00:05:04Our ratings would explode.
00:05:07I just remembered. You have lived your whole life in Sacramento.
00:05:11Didn't you and Jason go to the same school, right?
00:05:14I never really knew him or his girlfriend.
00:05:17Then find her.
00:05:19But I'm a journalist, not a paparazzi.
00:05:21Oh, isn't that nice?
00:05:24Well, guess what? Kim Kardashian's divorce got more buzz than Joe Biden's whole election.
00:05:29It's all about the clicks these days.
00:05:32So you know what? If we don't secure a spot in the top three, we are toast.
00:05:40Now go!
00:05:45I'll clear my schedule for the next few days.
00:05:53Jason, you are the LeBron James of the football world right now.
00:05:57We need to ride this wave and make more money.
00:06:00Then cut the cheesy lines and the plastic smiles, okay?
00:06:03It's getting old. It makes me sick.
00:06:07Jason, I am your manager.
00:06:11Remember what you said to me the first time we met?
00:06:14You came to me saying that you want to stand on top of the world so that girl's family can see you and regret.
00:06:22Like you said, you lose some to win some, right?
00:06:29You know what? You can take your stupid necklace back.
00:06:33I never liked it and I never liked you.
00:06:37You're disgusting.
00:06:40I need to talk to you about something else.
00:06:43A TV show. Sunshine Network or something in your hometown of Sacramento.
00:06:49They invited you for an exclusive interview.
00:06:52Did you just say Sacramento?
00:06:56You know what? Never mind. It's a small gig. I'll pass on it for you.
00:07:00Hold on.
00:07:02Book me a flight to Sacramento.
00:07:11I mean, how can he spout that nonsense with a straight face?
00:07:15I just imagine myself as a knight.
00:07:17Like, who does he think he is? Shakespeare?
00:07:19I mean, he truly does have the charisma.
00:07:21He is now a chart topper on the hot list.
00:07:24Just one casual word from him sends his female fans into a frenzy.
00:07:28Cindy Clark!
00:07:30Okay, I get it.
00:07:33He really hurt you five years ago.
00:07:36What am I supposed to do?
00:07:39Meet my boss who wants me to dig up his first love?
00:07:41Well, just tell him the truth.
00:07:43Tell him you're his first love.
00:07:44That way you can get into the spotlight from behind the screens.
00:07:47And broadcast my misery to the world?
00:07:50The mysterious princess and nobody.
00:07:55Hey, listen.
00:07:56You are not a nobody, okay?
00:07:59You're one of the Belles.
00:08:01You're still a princess.
00:08:03Kind and beautiful no matter what.
00:08:05You're probably the only person that would say that after all of the changes.
00:08:10Everything's going to be alright.
00:08:18Oh, he's even more swoon-worthy in person.
00:08:23It's as if the gods carved his features out of charisma.
00:08:29So, this is your setup?
00:08:32Ah, yes it is.
00:08:34I know it's modest, but it's home to the most buzz-worthy TV show in Sacramento.
00:08:37We got the TikTok challenge.
00:08:39We got the moves all nailed down.
00:08:41But you know what we don't have?
00:08:42That Jason Clooney killer smile.
00:08:46If I had known, I would have stopped you from coming here.
00:08:51Mr. Smith, I don't...
00:08:53Coffee delivery!
00:08:59Jason, what are you doing here?
00:09:02Wait a second.
00:09:03You know each other?
00:09:04Uh, no.
00:09:06I mean, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Clooney.
00:09:09This is our journalist, Elizabeth Belle.
00:09:12This is our champion and guest, Jason Clooney.
00:09:18The pleasure's all mine.
00:09:26This is the first time Mr. Clooney has been back home in about five years.
00:09:31We appreciate your invitation.
00:09:32And we'll consider partnering with you once you acquire a more improved studio space.
00:09:37Okay, think about this.
00:09:39Golden Boy returns home.
00:09:42This could be gold for his image.
00:09:45We're sorry, Mr. Smith.
00:09:47Uh, wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors.
00:09:50Actually, I'll do it.
00:09:52Jason, what are you talking about?
00:09:54On one condition.
00:09:57Mr. Clooney, name it. Anything you want.
00:10:00I want her to host the interview.
00:10:06I can't do the interview.
00:10:08I just heard she's interviewing Jason?
00:10:10Why the hell not?
00:10:12She's never even faced a camera before.
00:10:14This is a major interview, and Anne is the face of the morning show. She should do it.
00:10:19Elizabeth, you've always wanted to host.
00:10:22You're being weird right now.
00:10:24You know what I'm curious about is why he picked you, though.
00:10:26Yeah, did you hook up with him or something?
00:10:28Absolutely not.
00:10:30Anne has more experience.
00:10:32Everybody's gotta be a newbie sometime.
00:10:33It's just, I feel like I...
00:10:34It doesn't matter if it's Anne or if it's you.
00:10:36He picked you specifically, so you gotta do it.
00:10:40I want you to uncover his secrets.
00:10:46Yeah, okay.
00:10:50Just because you're interviewing Jason doesn't mean you can step all over me.
00:10:54Now go get ready.
00:10:56I can't wait to see how you handle your first show.
00:11:02Damn it.
00:11:16Jason, what the hell are you doing here?
00:11:18Shouldn't I be asking you that?
00:11:20The princess of the Bell family, not at a castle somewhere, but at a third-rate TV station?
00:11:26So you're here to mock me and laugh at my family after all these years?
00:11:31You think I'm here for you?
00:11:33I'm not that desperate.
00:11:35I'm just here for my image, that's all.
00:11:39The heartbroken lover act with that plastic smile that you put on for all your fans.
00:11:44It's nauseating.
00:11:47Wasn't it my smile that you fell for five years ago?
00:11:51I am not one of your clueless fans.
00:11:53Nor am I that naive girl that you knew five years ago.
00:11:57And if you mess with me, I'll make sure the whole internet knows what color underwear you're wearing.
00:12:06Excuse me.
00:12:09Jason, don't you think you owe at least an explanation for what that's about?
00:12:15Remember when I said I wanted to climb to the top?
00:12:17I remember that.
00:12:19She's the reason.
00:12:21Oh, holy shit.
00:12:24I want to know what really happened to our family.
00:12:34I can't believe you're interviewing Jason after all these years, and as a host?
00:12:40Yeah, he's definitely up to something.
00:12:42Probably trying to make me the punchline in front of everyone.
00:12:45The fallen heiress and her successful ex.
00:12:48I need to pick you a killer outfit.
00:12:50I'm not dressing up for him.
00:12:52It's your screen debut.
00:12:55Look stunning and make him regret what he lost.
00:12:58Here, go try this on.
00:13:01Fine, but I'm not doing this for him.
00:13:12Oh my god!
00:13:19Oh my god!
00:13:26It is crazy out there.
00:13:29I've never seen that amount of people in my life.
00:13:32And they're all coming to see you.
00:13:34The great Jason Clooney.
00:13:37She's coming to one of my games.
00:13:39There's even more people there.
00:13:41I'd love to.
00:13:43I could snag a ticket.
00:13:46Hey, we're ready to do the live. Where's Liz?
00:13:49I'm here.
00:14:03What are you staring at?
00:14:12I am requested to ask questions about your personal life.
00:14:15Do not mention me.
00:14:24Jason Clooney, everyone is dying to know.
00:14:27How does it feel, returning home as the youngest Super Bowl champion in history?
00:14:31It's great.
00:14:33I mean, this town raised me, so I'm just here to give back.
00:14:36I'm actually visiting some school sports teams to recruit.
00:14:39They seem like a match.
00:14:41Yeah, in her dreams.
00:14:43A lot of curiosity among fans.
00:14:45Would you like to tell us more about your first love?
00:14:48Oh, that girl?
00:14:51I mean, I've never publicly shared this before, but yeah, I could tell you a little about her.
00:14:58When I was younger, I fell in love with a girl who came from wealth.
00:15:03She was the epitome of beauty in every sense of the word.
00:15:08And I loved her more than anything in this world.
00:15:13But not every love story has a happy ending.
00:15:18You know the notebook, the movie, right?
00:15:22She was living her life on the highest shelf.
00:15:25And I was a nobody.
00:15:30And we broke up.
00:15:31Because of her mom.
00:15:33From that day on, I vowed...
00:15:36to make something of myself.
00:15:41Liz, focus.
00:15:46Thank you, Mr. Clooney.
00:15:48We've actually prepared a special gift for you.
00:15:58Enjoy your show.
00:16:24I am so sorry about the mishap during the recording.
00:16:26I didn't mean it.
00:16:30You're such a freaking...
00:16:35That accidental kiss sent our ratings through the roof.
00:16:37And that TikTok video went fry world.
00:16:39How did you plan that?
00:16:41It wasn't planned. It was an accident.
00:16:43Whatever it was, it worked.
00:16:45You know what?
00:16:46From now on, I want you to host the morning show with Anne.
00:16:50You're the chief host.
00:16:53You're not willing?
00:16:55No. No, it's...
00:16:57It's just a bit sudden.
00:16:58Thank you. I'll do my best.
00:17:00But to keep this position...
00:17:03You've gotta kiss Jason's ass.
00:17:08Can you do that for me?
00:17:13How could you let that happen?
00:17:15You need to keep your distance.
00:17:17It's just a stupid kiss, alright?
00:17:19Don't blow it out of proportion.
00:17:23It's about image, Jason.
00:17:25You can kiss Scarlett Johansson, but not a third-rate host.
00:17:28That does not help your image.
00:17:30What the hell with the image?
00:17:31I'm done playing games.
00:17:32Jason, we need to talk.
00:17:42Be my guest.
00:17:51So this is your celebrity life?
00:17:54Always the center of attention, and then hiding away from the world in your car?
00:17:59You even have someone guarding the door for you?
00:18:01Did you just come here to lecture me, or...?
00:18:05What you said on the show.
00:18:08Is that true?
00:18:11You said a lot of things. Which part?
00:18:14Did my mom tell you to leave me five years ago?
00:18:20What do you think?
00:18:22No. It can't be.
00:18:24You cheated on me the night before prom.
00:18:26You can't fool me.
00:18:32Why ask if you've already decided I'm the villain?
00:18:38Or is it that you just can't get me out of your head?
00:18:44In your dreams.
00:18:46I don't care what your motive is.
00:18:48The past is the past, and the show is over.
00:18:51Stop using our history for your public image.
00:18:53Now go back to New York and never bother me again.
00:18:57We need this country bumpkin to stay away from our prince with her nuclear waist paint and mouth.
00:19:05To all the Mrs. Cloonies, awaken.
00:19:07Cindy, please turn that off.
00:19:09I'm already having a terrible time, and that jerk just makes things worse.
00:19:12People are just so mean.
00:19:14But it'll be fine.
00:19:16Jason will continue to be Mr. Charming in New York, and we will still be stuck in Sacramento.
00:19:23Cindy, do you think it's at all possible that what he said on TV is true?
00:19:27Like, maybe my mom did all of those things?
00:19:30You better make sure of it.
00:19:51Oh, my dear daughter.
00:19:53What brings you here?
00:19:55Mom, you can't be doing this.
00:19:57You know that the doctor said-
00:19:59It's your father's to blame.
00:20:02He put down the weight of all our money and killed himself.
00:20:06He should have shot me too.
00:20:12What a coward.
00:20:18I saw the show.
00:20:20You look great on TV.
00:20:23Just like a girl should be.
00:20:27Mom, I actually came here today to ask you a question.
00:20:32He's lying to you.
00:20:35No matter how rich he is, that frat boy is still the same.
00:20:38Full of lies.
00:20:44Lizzie, you're my daughter.
00:20:47You have to believe that.
00:20:49I would never do anything to hurt you.
00:20:53Come here.
00:20:57I know, Mom.
00:20:59I should have never doubted you.
00:21:01I'm sorry, Lizzie.
00:21:03Mom did everything for your own good.
00:21:07On this beautiful morning, we will bring you the latest news updates,
00:21:10weather forecasts, and traffic information.
00:21:14Let's take a look at-
00:21:15Wow, you've got some serious magic going on here.
00:21:19First, you land the exclusive with Jason Clooney.
00:21:23And second, you convince Carl to let me be your sidekick.
00:21:27Well, I wouldn't have made it this far without that little nudge you gave me on stage.
00:21:31Spare me the drama.
00:21:34You slept with Carl, didn't you?
00:21:37This isn't always about sex and playing dirty.
00:21:40Oh, unlike some.
00:21:42Consider this a warning.
00:21:44Don't push me.
00:21:46If you're so concerned with keeping your spot,
00:21:49maybe you should focus on upgrading your skills instead of stirring up trouble.
00:21:52Listen, I am not here for this office drama.
00:21:55But mark my words, pull a stunt like that again, and it's on.
00:22:04Today we're excited to introduce a brand new face.
00:22:06Let's all give a warm welcome to Elizabeth Bell.
00:22:12Hi, everyone. I will be joining Anne here on The Morning Show.
00:22:15Isn't she fantastic?
00:22:17Guess what, folks? She's not the only fresh face you'll be seeing more of.
00:22:20Let's give a big welcome to America's heartthrob, the one, the only, Jason Clooney.
00:22:28Hey, guys. From now on, I'll be joining The Morning Show as a regular guest.
00:22:33Not bad for your first day on the job.
00:22:37Hey, what's all this about?
00:23:08Why are you still hanging around here?
00:23:10I live here?
00:23:12Cut the crap, Jason.
00:23:14Aren't you supposed to be in your New York mansion sunbathing by the pool?
00:23:17Oh, I didn't tell you? I bought a house here.
00:23:20Oh, yeah, it's a mansion. It's three stories, eight beds, ten and a half baths, got a swimming pool.
00:23:25Are you out of your mind?
00:23:27Oh, I see.
00:23:29Still clinging on to that kiss.
00:23:32Maybe. I mean, your kissing game has improved.
00:23:36And you still kiss like a dead fish.
00:23:39Haven't found anyone else to practice on?
00:23:47Well, staying here is a mistake.
00:23:57You can come out now.
00:24:00Mr. Clooney.
00:24:02So nice to see you again.
00:24:04You heard everything, didn't you?
00:24:06Hey, snitches get stitches, right?
00:24:09You got my word.
00:24:11It's okay. I believe you.
00:24:13I do have a favor to ask of you, though.
00:24:16Sure, anything. State it.
00:24:18I want Elizabeth to be my personal assistant during our cooperation.
00:24:27All right.
00:24:29You wanted to see me, boss?
00:24:31Yeah. Did I catch you at a bad time?
00:24:34Is there something wrong?
00:24:36No, not at all. Everything's perfect, actually.
00:24:39I wanted to ask you a little favor.
00:24:41What kind of favor?
00:24:43I want to ask you to be Jason's personal assistant.
00:24:46Did Jason put you up to this?
00:24:48No, not at all.
00:24:50Um, this is my idea.
00:24:53I just want to find out who his first love really is.
00:24:57Carl, I don't think that that's a good idea.
00:24:59Come on. Liz, you can do this.
00:25:02Elizabeth, you don't know the lengths that I've went through to get him in here.
00:25:07Now that his football season's gonna start up, we'll never see him again.
00:25:10We need some spice to keep things lively here.
00:25:14Liz, you've come a long way from nothing, okay?
00:25:21And I don't want you to forget who got you there.
00:25:25Now I'm hoping you can do something for me.
00:25:28Fine. But I can't promise anything.
00:25:39Yeah, Mr. Clooney, she's in.
00:25:42And she'll never know that you're behind it.
00:25:51You are way over the line forcing me to be your assistant.
00:25:55Look, I just moved here. I didn't bring enough staff.
00:25:58I thought Carl would hire somebody more... capable.
00:26:02Want me to get Anne?
00:26:04She'd love to kiss up to you, and she's more capable.
00:26:15That's not what I meant.
00:26:17I mean, you're tolerable, if not completely horrible.
00:26:25Look, I have a 2.30 appointment for my gear to be made.
00:26:28Could you drop it off at the Ford Care Shop?
00:26:31It's already 2 p.m., and the Ford Care Shop is like 20 miles from here.
00:26:34Perfect timing, right?
00:26:37Unless you want to stay here and continue this conversation.
00:26:42Take this.
00:26:47Oh, one more thing. Could you bring me a bag of coffee?
00:26:51As you wish, Your Majesty.
00:26:59Latte, low-fat, light, on milk.
00:27:04Oh my God, girl, what happened?
00:27:06Did you get in a race with the Flash or something?
00:27:08God, I wish that was the case.
00:27:11I have something exciting to tell you.
00:27:14I am now Jason's personal assistant.
00:27:16Are you fucking serious?
00:27:18And he is trying everything in his power to drive me crazy.
00:27:23And you know what? If he wants to play, so be it.
00:27:36Here's your coffee.
00:27:39Hold on a sec.
00:27:42What's wrong?
00:27:46This coffee's not right.
00:27:48Latte, low-calf, light on the milk. It's your favorite.
00:27:51What's wrong with it? What are you, Miranda Priestling or something?
00:27:55People can change, right?
00:28:07Here's your Americano, mocha, cappuccino.
00:28:11I have brought every type imaginable.
00:28:13Sugar? No sugar. Milk? No milk.
00:28:16Happy now?
00:28:18You're definitely a capable assistant.
00:28:20I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I asked you to pick up a tie for me.
00:28:25I have a shoot tonight.
00:28:34Grab my suit from the dry cleaners for tomorrow.
00:28:40Hey, can you grab the FEMA?
00:28:46Could you grab my gym bag?
00:28:53My magazine, please.
00:29:04My partial, please.
00:29:06Here's your partial.
00:29:08It's in my way.
00:29:13Oh, I bought you a cake.
00:29:15That's enough!
00:29:16That's enough!
00:29:18What's the real game here?
00:29:20Why are you messing with me?
00:29:22I'm just...
00:29:23I am here because I have to be.
00:29:25Carl made me your assistant, and I need this job, and I am doing the best that I can.
00:29:29But I am there to be a host, not your errand runner.
00:29:33Look, not everybody lives in a mansion with three stories and eight bedrooms and two ballrooms like you, Jason.
00:29:39I have my mom to look after, and I have my bills to pay.
00:29:42Is being my personal assistant really upsetting you this much?
00:29:45I thought your family was well off.
00:29:47What's the real issue here?
00:29:49Wow, really hitting the empathy button there, aren't you?
00:29:52Mind your own business.
00:30:03Hey Tony, remember that info on the Bell family I asked for?
00:30:07Yeah, how's that coming along?
00:30:16It's okay.
00:30:17Things will get better.
00:30:26That's for Mr. Clooney.
00:30:29Thank you for all you do. Have a wonderful day.
00:30:40How can he be so clueless and selfish?
00:30:42Men in this world only care about one thing.
00:30:44Money and women.
00:30:46There's only one explanation, Liz.
00:30:48He must really love you.
00:30:50No way. He is basking in the drama of my family's ruin.
00:30:53Are you sure he even knows the full story?
00:30:55Are you sure he even knows the full story of your family's troubles?
00:30:58It's small town news. He must know.
00:31:00Did you ever clear up that story with your mom?
00:31:02Yeah, and he twisted the truth.
00:31:04Ugh, I'm tired. I think I might just go to sleep.
00:31:17Come over to my house. I have a broken.
00:31:20Then find a plumber. It's like 11 p.m.
00:31:23Perhaps you can call my plumber when you get here.
00:31:28Such a demon.
00:31:30I guess I'm going to his mansion.
00:31:32And you're coming with me!
00:31:33What? No, I don't want a third wheel.
00:31:35Cindy, please. You know him too, and I really don't want to have to be alone with him.
00:31:42Okay, fine. What are best friends for?
00:31:46Let's go change.
00:32:00Nice to see you too, babe.
00:32:07Hey, Liz.
00:32:09Cindy, nice to see you too.
00:32:12Glad to see your pipes aren't leaking.
00:32:14Okay, hold up, hold up.
00:32:16Let me introduce you to some friends.
00:32:18Liz, Cindy, this is Mike.
00:32:22Oh my god, you guys are on the Falcons, right? You're Jason's teammates?
00:32:25Yeah, nice to meet you.
00:32:27I'm Cindy.
00:32:30And this hand's not getting washed again.
00:32:35And this is Elizabeth.
00:32:38Ah, this is the one.
00:32:41Well, it was really nice meeting you both, but we actually have to head out.
00:32:45Wait, wait, wait.
00:32:47I know I lured you here under false pretenses, but, um, it's my housewarming party.
00:32:52Can you just stay a bit?
00:32:54Can you just stay a bit?
00:32:56A bit.
00:33:00Fine, just a bit.
00:33:01Alright, let me get you a drink.
00:33:04Would you like to dance?
00:33:08Watch me dance, it's gonna be fun!
00:33:17Elizabeth Val.
00:33:20I'm surprised you're still around.
00:33:22Weren't you kicked out out of the elite circles?
00:33:25Had you married me instead, perhaps your father would still be alive.
00:33:29Your family would've been such a wreck.
00:33:32Please, your family's the circus and you're the headline joker.
00:33:36Who do you think you are?
00:33:38Who do you think you are?
00:33:40You're still acting like you're the princess.
00:33:42Your father lost everything to mine.
00:33:44Your father lost everything to mine.
00:33:46You're a little...trinkle.
00:33:49Get your hands off me, creep.
00:33:51If you fuck with me tonight, maybe I'll take care of your drunk mom.
00:33:58Who the fuck did this to you?
00:34:00She's my woman. No one touches her.
00:34:02Know who I am? I'm Jeff Robert.
00:34:04My family's pretty powerful in Sacramento.
00:34:06Do you know who we are?
00:34:08We're the Falcons.
00:34:09You okay?
00:34:10Yeah, I'm fine.
00:34:12So you're Jason Clooney?
00:34:15Came to the party not knowing the host? Classic.
00:34:18Here stands the Falcon's finest.
00:34:20The quarterback, the forward, and the center.
00:34:24There are stars on the field, but who's the one with the big shots?
00:34:31My bad, Mr. Clooney. She came on to me.
00:34:34Bullshit, as if I would. There's no reason to.
00:34:37Oh yeah? Your mom. Maybe yourself?
00:34:40What are you talking about?
00:34:41Well, all I'm saying is this piece of trash woman is a waste of time.
00:34:46Her dad killed himself. Her mom's an alcoholic after the bankruptcy.
00:34:50Her whole Bell's family is just a joke.
00:34:53And she's just clawing to get back to the top.
00:34:57That's why she's here tonight.
00:34:59Marry yourself a sugar daddy.
00:35:03You're a whore. And a gold digger.
00:35:06Watch your fucking mouth.
00:35:08You're gonna regret it.
00:35:12This isn't over, Mr. Clooney.
00:35:15No, I think it is, buddy.
00:35:18Somebody misses with our team. Or our girls.
00:35:24Is this what you wanted tonight?
00:35:26Dragging me into your mess and humiliating me in public?
00:35:29Cindy, can we please have a little bit of space?
00:35:34Look, I did not know what happened to your family, okay?
00:35:37Everybody in town knows. How could you not?
00:35:42Keep your distance from me.
00:35:44Everything that Jeff said about my family is true.
00:35:47Seeing me with nothing left.
00:35:49You happy now?
00:35:54You just broke her heart again.
00:35:56I never meant for any of this to happen, Liz.
00:35:59I'm so sorry.
00:36:08Here's the information that you wanted.
00:36:11Five years ago, Elizabeth's father's investments failed.
00:36:16Her mother planned to marry her off to Jeff to secure an investment from the Robert family.
00:36:20But Elizabeth disagreed.
00:36:22In fact, she flat out refused to marry Jeff,
00:36:25leading to the Bell family's bankruptcy.
00:36:28Her father committed suicide.
00:36:30But that didn't end bankrupt.
00:36:32And her mother is no longer alive.
00:36:34But that didn't end bankrupt.
00:36:36And her mother is now addicted to alcohol.
00:36:41I should have been there for her.
00:36:43It's not your fault, Jason.
00:36:45You understand me?
00:36:46There's no way you could have known.
00:36:48If I had been there for her, maybe she wouldn't have to go through this herself.
00:36:54I should have been there for her.
00:36:57It's gonna be alright.
00:36:59Don't beat yourself up over this, understand?
00:37:05Mr. Clooney?
00:37:07What are you doing here? Can I help you with something?
00:37:09Is Elizabeth in today?
00:37:11Oh, no, man. She took the day off.
00:37:14Hey, wait. Before you go, I heard you had a killer party last night, huh?
00:37:19Yes, that's right.
00:37:21Next time, you'll definitely be there.
00:37:23I will be there, rain or shine.
00:37:25Sounds good.
00:37:28Do you know where Elizabeth might be?
00:37:30I have something for her.
00:37:32Do you know where Elizabeth might be?
00:37:34I have something important to tell her. I really need to see her.
00:37:37If you could give me her address, that'd be great.
00:37:40Sure. I can do that for you.
00:37:55Mom spent all of her money?
00:37:59I'm coming!
00:38:02Weren't you supposed to be at work?
00:38:04Where did you put it?
00:38:10The necklace!
00:38:12You used your card. Where is it?
00:38:14I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:38:21I am returning it.
00:38:23No, Lizzie, you can't do that. I bought it with my own money.
00:38:25Are you mad?
00:38:27This is the last of the money that Dad left us, and you are using it on stuff that we don't need!
00:38:32Lizzie, please don't refund it.
00:38:34It was supposed to be a surprise for you.
00:38:38I just wanted to give you a birthday present, something special.
00:38:42After all these tough years.
00:38:44But why go through all the trouble?
00:38:46Ever since your father passed away, nothing has been good.
00:38:50You didn't have...
00:38:52a proper birthday party since then.
00:38:56I just...
00:38:58I just wanted to make you happy again.
00:39:01I am happy.
00:39:03But I am not!
00:39:05My poor girl, you should have had a good life.
00:39:08But now you're stuck in this mess.
00:39:11I failed you.
00:39:13No, Mom, you did not fail me.
00:39:16If anything, I should be thanking you.
00:39:18You brought me into this world, and you gave me all of your love.
00:39:21I just wanted the best for you.
00:39:24Mom, I don't need any gifts.
00:39:27You are my greatest gift.
00:39:29I love you, Lizzie.
00:39:31I love you so much.
00:39:32I love you too, Mom.
00:39:38Uh, one second, I gotta go.
00:39:42How was that phone call?
00:39:46What is he doing here?
00:39:56Hi, how can I help you?
00:39:58Hey, um, my mom bought this like two days ago,
00:40:01but I was wondering if I could return it.
00:40:03Sure, you don't like it?
00:40:04No, it's lovely, it's just we can't afford it.
00:40:08No worries.
00:40:16Your refund is all processed.
00:40:19Thank you, have a great day.
00:40:29Hi, can I help you?
00:40:31Can I ask you a question?
00:40:33Oh my God, you're Jason Clooney?
00:40:35Sorry, I got a little excited.
00:40:37I'm such a huge fan.
00:40:38I've seen every game you've ever played.
00:40:40Thank you, thank you.
00:40:41Um, may I ask what she just bought, the young lady who just left?
00:40:45That young lady?
00:40:46She just returned a gift her mom bought her.
00:40:50Can you show me which gift?
00:40:51Of course, it's this necklace right here.
00:40:54Her mom came in the store and wanted to buy a birthday gift for her daughter,
00:40:58so I recommended that one.
00:41:00Honestly, I didn't think she would buy it.
00:41:02I didn't want to judge, but I didn't think she could afford it.
00:41:07Can I take a selfie with you?
00:41:09Of course.
00:41:15Can I ask you to wrap this up?
00:41:17You're gonna buy it.
00:41:18Of course.
00:41:23Buying such an expensive gift?
00:41:25You must be very close to that young lady.
00:41:27She's the love of my life.
00:41:35She's that girl!
00:41:41Everything's all set.
00:41:43She won't even notice.
00:41:48Good morning.
00:41:49There's our star host.
00:41:50How was your day off?
00:41:53Morning, Carl.
00:41:54Something I can help you with?
00:41:55Never mind.
00:41:59Don't worry, it'll get better after tonight.
00:42:03We are back in three, two, one.
00:42:12Uh, hey, what's going on?
00:42:23Happy birthday, Lizzie.
00:42:25I wanted you to have this.
00:42:34Jason, I...
00:42:36And that wraps our morning show for today.
00:42:38We hope your morning is as special as ours.
00:42:46Hey, let me drive you home.
00:42:53How did you know where I live?
00:42:55I'm D. Jason Clooney.
00:42:58I know everything.
00:43:00Thank you for this.
00:43:14Let's move.
00:43:23I should go.
00:43:26Liz, look, I know I've hurt you in the past.
00:43:31There's not much to explain there, but...
00:43:34I love you.
00:43:36Can you give me another chance, please?
00:43:42Some things can't be fixed.
00:43:45That's life, isn't it?
00:43:48Then tell me how to let you go.
00:43:54Happy birthday, Lizzie.
00:43:59Oh, no, what's wrong?
00:44:05I think I've lost him forever.
00:44:09Everything's going to be all right.
00:44:17I love you.
00:44:39What is happening?
00:44:41Jason quit the show.
00:44:43We can't use any of the scripts that were prepared.
00:44:48So your protector is gone.
00:44:50Let's see how you hold your own now.
00:44:56Elizabeth, what the hell's going on?
00:44:59I am not sure what you're talking about.
00:45:01I'm talking about Jason calling me out of the blue, telling me he's not going to do the show now.
00:45:04Then we handle it legally. We can sue him.
00:45:07This guy doesn't care about contracts or penalties.
00:45:10We need him back.
00:45:12Without him, the show doesn't work.
00:45:14I thought it was all good after your birthday.
00:45:16His life is none of my business, Carl.
00:45:18Cut the shit, Liz.
00:45:20I know about you two. You're his first love.
00:45:23I heard him talking to you while I was in the men's room.
00:45:25You need to get him back.
00:45:27Can you do it?
00:45:28No, I can't.
00:45:30Elizabeth, I'm begging you, please.
00:45:33While he was here, the network was soaring.
00:45:35We'll survive without him.
00:45:41But you better bring it.
00:45:45Football sensation Jason Clooney is seen with famous actress Emma Young.
00:45:52Jason has a new fling with Emma Young and we're still stuck covering local farm news?
00:45:57Don't worry about it, Annie. We're working on it.
00:45:59Two months.
00:46:00Jason has been gone for two months and the morning show is already back at the bottom again!
00:46:06Maybe I should be questioning your capabilities as a producer.
00:46:10Mind your tone. I'm still your boss.
00:46:12You brought me over here from that other show and you promised me stardom.
00:46:16Not obscurity.
00:46:19You know what?
00:46:21I'm out.
00:46:25You didn't quit. I fired you.
00:46:31Well, congratulations, Elizabeth.
00:46:33You're our one and only morning show host.
00:46:36Pack your bags. You're going to New York to get fucking Jason back.
00:46:43You're flying to New York?
00:46:45Tomorrow morning's flight.
00:46:47Carl's blackmailing me.
00:46:49I have to bring back Jason or else he'll expose our relationship on the morning show.
00:46:52But Jason is dating Emma.
00:46:54Are you sure you'll be okay seeing them together?
00:47:13Let's move forward.
00:47:17There is no us anymore.
00:47:19Our relationship is strictly professional.
00:47:22And I'm going to bring Jason back, okay?
00:47:24I'm coming with you.
00:47:26Where you go, I go.
00:47:28No one's messing with you on my watch.
00:47:31Unless it's New York.
00:47:32I know, right?
00:47:33I've never been.
00:47:34You've never been to New York?
00:47:36Well, back then we'd always just go to Paris.
00:47:38So, New York.
00:47:40We're coming!
00:47:52Alright, where's that tour guide?
00:47:55Right there.
00:48:05I missed you.
00:48:10You too.
00:48:12Yeah, we're dating.
00:48:14I got the hotel ready for you two. You ready to go?
00:48:18Let's check it out.
00:48:21I'll throw you in later.
00:48:27I'm sorry for all the drama today.
00:48:29You know, paparazzi.
00:48:31No worries.
00:48:32It was me who invited you to the event first, after all.
00:48:36Forget about the past, Jason.
00:48:38You know, if you're up for it, why not spend the night?
00:48:43Forget about the past, Jason.
00:48:45You know, if you're up for it, why not spend the night?
00:48:49I'm sorry I missed y'all.
00:49:04What's up?
00:49:14What was that about?
00:49:16Just my imagination.
00:49:18I'm sorry.
00:49:20I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
00:49:23Jason Clooney, I wonder how long you think you can keep this up for?
00:49:32So this is the room.
00:49:34I'll talk to the manager.
00:49:35You don't have to worry about anything. Set everything up.
00:49:38You just sit back, be beautiful, and enjoy New York, alright?
00:49:41Thank you, Luke.
00:49:42No problem. Also, I'll be back around tomorrow to pick you up for a charity event.
00:49:46Jason's gonna be there.
00:49:47Mike, can you not tell Jason that I'm here?
00:49:50Yeah, sure. No problem.
00:49:52Bye, Liz.
00:49:56Okay, so how did you and Mike become a thing?
00:49:59Okay, so you know the night of Jason's party?
00:50:02Well, Mike asked me for my number that night, and we started hanging out, and here we are.
00:50:09So you're not upset?
00:50:11I was so scared to tell you because, well, he's Jason's friend and his teammate on the Falcons.
00:50:17No, of course not. I just want you to be happy.
00:50:21But if he mistreats you, let me know.
00:50:24Of course.
00:50:29No way she's here.
00:50:31She's in Sacramento.
00:50:37What up?
00:50:39What are you doing here, man?
00:50:41I just dropped off Emma. She has an event in L.A.
00:50:44Celebrity crush, huh?
00:50:45No, it's not like that. We're just friends.
00:50:48What about you? What are you doing here?
00:50:50Mike, can you not tell Jason that I'm here?
00:50:53I'm just here to pick up a friend. That's all.
00:50:56Uh-huh. I know you're dating Cindy now.
00:50:59Don't break her heart, bro.
00:51:01I won't. I won't. Seems like some of us can't get over our first love, though, huh?
00:51:05Have you heard from Liz?
00:51:08She's good. She's good. Why don't you go after her?
00:51:12No, she's better off without me.
00:51:16Hey, we're going to be late for the event.
00:51:20Okay, then let's go.
00:51:22You're not seriously going to wear that, right?
00:51:25We're going there to work, not socialize.
00:51:27This is a high society event.
00:51:29And Jason is going to be there. We need to make a good impression.
00:51:34Mike, I need your help ASAP.
00:51:58What are you looking at?
00:52:00Baby, you look breathtaking.
00:52:03My name is Liz. This is Natasha, the host of the event.
00:52:07Nice to meet you.
00:52:08Nice to meet you.
00:52:09Thank you so much for the last minute save with the dress.
00:52:12No problem.
00:52:14Let's have a toast.
00:52:29I'm actually going to go find Jason.
00:52:34What's so funny over here?
00:52:35Oh, we were just talking about our last trip up to Sacramento.
00:52:38I guess the rumors are true.
00:52:40Jason got caught up by a beauty.
00:52:42Oh, we're just...
00:52:44Who would want to miss out on such a crash?
00:52:49I thought that you were saying that host back in Sacramento.
00:52:52No, no saying anybody. That's tabloid talk.
00:52:55Come on, spill the tea.
00:52:57Why don't you tell us how that girl died?
00:52:59Actually, I'm curious about it too.
00:53:01Was she really your first love?
00:53:03Revealing the truth can disturb Lizzy.
00:53:06It was nothing serious.
00:53:08We're just a meaningless fling.
00:53:11Oh, so I guess a country girl couldn't tie you down?
00:53:21What's wrong?
00:53:34Is that the girl from Sacramento?
00:53:37Lizzy, wait.
00:53:39How did you get here?
00:53:40Oh, what, surprised to see a country girl at your fancy gathering?
00:53:45I didn't mean it like that.
00:53:46Then what?
00:53:47Was this another dare?
00:53:48Or are you just toying with me?
00:53:50I was dating you on a dare.
00:53:52It disgusts me to pretend to like you day in and day out.
00:53:55Or are you just ashamed to admit that you were with someone like me?
00:53:59I can explain.
00:54:00Don't bother.
00:54:02Your life and mine should no longer be entangled.
00:54:05I only came here to invite you back to the morning show,
00:54:07but obviously you have your glitz here and you don't need a country girl to pass your time.
00:54:18You knew she was here.
00:54:19Why didn't you tell me?
00:54:20Look, man, I wanted to tell you, but she insisted I didn't.
00:54:23We're teammates, man.
00:54:24We're brothers.
00:54:25How could you hide that from me?
00:54:26Man, it's not my fault you said that stupid stuff at the party.
00:54:29Say that again.
00:54:30You know what?
00:54:31You're actually a coward.
00:54:32This is the girl you love, and you don't even have the balls to face her.
00:54:35Maybe you just don't deserve her.
00:54:39Teammates, huh?
00:54:41I don't need brothers like this.
00:54:42I'm out of here.
00:54:49Why let this cause so much drama?
00:54:51Seriously, why are you so upset over just some girl like her?
00:54:55She's more than just some girl.
00:54:57Don't you ever call her that again.
00:54:59Seriously, she's just some small TV show.
00:55:01I don't care.
00:55:02I don't care.
00:55:03I don't care.
00:55:04I don't care.
00:55:05I don't care.
00:55:06I don't care.
00:55:07I don't care.
00:55:08I don't care.
00:55:09She's just some small TV host.
00:55:11So what?
00:55:12That doesn't give you the right to judge her.
00:55:14I'm Hollywood star.
00:55:15Since when do I need permission to comment on someone?
00:55:18Seriously, Jason.
00:55:19Think about it.
00:55:20We are both at the top of our games here, okay?
00:55:22Together, we would be unstoppable.
00:55:24You got it twisted, Emma.
00:55:26There's nothing between us.
00:55:28There never was.
00:55:29What does she have that I don't?
00:55:30Well, let's not pretend.
00:55:32You're using me to boost your status.
00:55:34Those rumors didn't spread themselves, right?
00:55:37You changed the paparazzi.
00:55:39Yeah, I'm no fool.
00:55:41And I don't care if you're using me or not,
00:55:43but drag Elizabeth into this again,
00:55:45and I'll spill everything.
00:55:49You are going to regret this, Jason Clooney.
00:55:58Lizzie, are you okay?
00:56:00I'm fine.
00:56:01I've sent the invitation to Jason,
00:56:03and he's given me his answer.
00:56:04I think I just need to be alone right now.
00:56:06Call me if you need anything, okay?
00:56:19Your cash cow is still alive and kicking,
00:56:22in case you're wondering.
00:56:28Your cash cow is still alive and kicking,
00:56:30in case you're wondering.
00:56:31What you did last night,
00:56:32the Bible and high society,
00:56:34thank you for that, by the way.
00:56:35I had to deal with the media the whole night.
00:56:37I don't really care.
00:56:39You remember when I first came to you,
00:56:41and I said I want to stand on top of the world
00:56:43for her to see?
00:56:44I remember.
00:56:45Well, I'm on top of the world,
00:56:46but it's lonely without her.
00:56:49Have I ever told you about my wife?
00:56:51You were married?
00:56:53I thought you were single this whole time.
00:56:55She passed away.
00:56:57We were newlyweds
00:56:59when she got sick.
00:57:01Back then, I couldn't even afford her medication
00:57:03because I was broke.
00:57:05So all I could do
00:57:08was watch her die in my arms.
00:57:11I'm sorry to hear that.
00:57:13I chose you because you remind me of me
00:57:15when I was younger,
00:57:16desperate for love.
00:57:18I made my fortune too late for her.
00:57:21If you really love this woman,
00:57:26don't wait.
00:57:27Go get her before you regret it.
00:57:29You understand me?
00:57:31Book me a flight to Sacramento.
00:57:34I'm not going to wait any longer.
00:57:38You didn't accept the invite?
00:57:41What did he say exactly?
00:57:42He said nothing, that's it.
00:57:44Come on.
00:57:46You didn't even talk to him, did you?
00:57:48Whether I did or didn't,
00:57:49Jason's not coming, and that is final.
00:57:51How can you talk to me like that?
00:57:54whatever history I have with Jason,
00:57:55fire him if you want to.
00:57:56I couldn't care less.
00:57:58Just keep me out of such matters.
00:57:59Sorry I'm late.
00:58:03What are you...
00:58:17Attention, everyone.
00:58:19As of today,
00:58:20I'm asking Elizabeth
00:58:22to be my official girlfriend.
00:58:29I'm asking Elizabeth
00:58:31to be my official girlfriend.
00:58:35Are you nuts?
00:58:39Lizzie, wait!
00:58:43Wait, wait.
00:58:45Stop, Liz, wait.
00:58:47You can't run away from this.
00:58:49What's that supposed to mean?
00:58:50I've made up my mind.
00:58:52Where you go,
00:58:53I go.
00:58:54Well, what about your training,
00:58:56since you're the greatest football player?
00:58:58Who is she?
00:59:00She's that girl from The Kiss.
00:59:01Do you remember her?
00:59:03Hi, everyone.
00:59:04I'm Jason Clooney.
00:59:05Let me introduce you to Elizabeth,
00:59:07the love of my life.
00:59:13will you be my girlfriend again?
00:59:16Is this from his past?
00:59:18She's the host from The Morning Show.
00:59:20That makes a lot of sense,
00:59:22why he did that shabby show.
00:59:23What about Emma Young?
00:59:25Emma Young and I are just friends.
00:59:28The only woman I love is right here.
00:59:31Are you out of your mind?
00:59:34No, I'm not crazy.
00:59:35I'm crazy about you, maybe.
00:59:39I love you.
00:59:41You're all that I want.
00:59:44Do what you want, but keep me out of it.
00:59:48This time, Liz,
00:59:49I won't let you leave.
00:59:56Emma Young and I are just friends.
00:59:58The only woman I love is right here.
01:00:08New York Times?
01:00:09It's Emma Young here.
01:00:11I have some juicy news.
01:00:14Are you interested?
01:00:21Public love declarations, really?
01:00:23Looks like we're in some romantic drama.
01:00:26Why can't he just leave me be?
01:00:28Maybe he deserves a chance to explain.
01:00:30Another chance to break my heart?
01:00:32I'd rather not.
01:00:35You see, I may have something to cheer you up.
01:00:41Oh my God, is that what I think it is?
01:00:44First of our trip to New York.
01:00:46Mike proposed, I said yes,
01:00:48and we're going to get married.
01:00:50Oh my God.
01:00:51And guess who's going to be my maid of honor?
01:00:56Of course I'll be your maid of honor.
01:00:58Thank you so much, Liz.
01:00:59There's so much to plan,
01:01:00and having you by my side means everything.
01:01:03I'm going to call Mike.
01:01:13Hi everyone, I'm Jason Clooney.
01:01:15Let me introduce you to Elizabeth,
01:01:17the love of my life.
01:01:18Emma Young and I are just friends.
01:01:20The only young and only woman I love is right here.
01:01:23Are you out of your mind?
01:01:24No, I'm not crazy.
01:01:26I love you.
01:01:29Should I give him another chance?
01:01:35Okay, I'm coming out.
01:01:40How do I look?
01:01:43You look like a dream.
01:01:46Let me just look at him.
01:01:50I mean, you look amazing.
01:01:54Hey, Liz.
01:01:55You should try this dress on.
01:01:56It would look so good on you.
01:01:59No, this is your wedding dress.
01:02:00No, it's fine.
01:02:01You're my best friend.
01:02:03And think of it as a dress rehearsal for your own big day.
01:02:07Okay, come on.
01:02:10I love you.
01:02:19You're here?
01:02:21Okay, we'll be out there in a second.
01:02:23Hold up.
01:02:26What's up, man?
01:02:27Hey, how's it going?
01:02:28Good, good.
01:02:29I've seen that video of you on Liz, man.
01:02:31That was real brave of you.
01:02:32Thanks, bro.
01:02:34Hey, I'm happy for you guys.
01:02:36I'm just glad to have you as my best man.
01:02:39I wouldn't miss it.
01:02:41Look, I should apologize for what happened at the party.
01:02:45I threw the first punch.
01:02:47But that punch you threw me, it was a wake-up call.
01:02:50Don't worry about it, man.
01:02:51To the Falcons.
01:02:53To the Falcons.
01:02:56Hey, we going or?
01:02:58Yeah, your suit is ready.
01:02:59And me and Sydney, we gotta go get some flowers for the wedding.
01:03:03We'll be back in a second, though.
01:03:04Sounds good.
01:03:05Sounds good?
01:03:06I'll see you.
01:03:07All right.
01:03:15Sydney, can you come in here?
01:03:27Oh, great.
01:03:28Can you help me tie this?
01:03:35How does it look?
01:03:45How does it look?
01:03:52Let's say you're done in there.
01:03:57Didn't mean to interrupt.
01:04:07You look breathtaking.
01:04:18I really hate to leave you, Lizzie, but...
01:04:20It's all right.
01:04:21Go enjoy your life together.
01:04:23I'll just have to find another roommate.
01:04:26No, but take care of each other, okay?
01:04:54Still fits?
01:04:56Dug it out of the closet.
01:04:58How's it look?
01:04:59A little tight.
01:05:01Take that as a compliment.
01:05:03Why are we here?
01:05:05I know it's not prom yet, but...
01:05:07I asked the principal to set it up.
01:05:09For us.
01:05:10Why did you do this?
01:05:12This is the moment where we last met.
01:05:15Where we broke up.
01:05:18I'm doing something I should have done five years ago.
01:05:21May I ask you for a dance?
01:05:40Oh, you still got it.
01:05:42Yeah, you're not a klutz anymore.
01:05:44Looks like your superstar Emma Young really helped you out.
01:05:48No, I learned these moves from a coach I hired.
01:05:51You know, after I got rich.
01:05:55I've always dreamed of finishing this dance with you.
01:06:05I'm sorry.
01:06:07No, it's okay.
01:06:10Um, I got something for you.
01:06:17What is it?
01:06:19It's the keys.
01:06:20To the Bell Mansion.
01:06:22I bought it for you.
01:06:28You grew up there.
01:06:29I figured it meant something to you.
01:06:33No, I can't.
01:06:34I can't accept this.
01:06:37No, I can't.
01:06:38I can't accept this.
01:06:40Why are you pushing me away?
01:06:44I can't stand the thought of being hurt again.
01:06:47When I needed you, where were you?
01:06:50I messed up, okay?
01:06:51I won't let that happen again.
01:06:53I promise.
01:06:55Times change things, Jason.
01:06:57We're not the same people that we used to be.
01:07:00Don't act like that.
01:07:01Maybe if you had said this earlier, things would be different.
01:07:03But what's done is done.
01:07:05It was the wrong timing.
01:07:06Why can't we start again?
01:07:09I only want a life without you.
01:07:13That's what makes you happy.
01:07:16I'll let you go.
01:07:18For real.
01:07:20I'll let you go.
01:07:22For real.
01:07:32Can I get you anything?
01:07:33Yeah, can I get a latte and a chicken sandwich, please?
01:07:39Remember me?
01:07:40From the high school prom?
01:07:43Of course.
01:07:46And Jason.
01:07:47How could I forget?
01:07:48I saw your show.
01:07:50Seems you and Jason finally made up.
01:07:51I'm happy for you.
01:07:53Oh, that's not true. We're not together.
01:07:55Um, but what about you?
01:07:56Didn't you and him...
01:07:58Jason didn't tell you?
01:08:00Tell me what?
01:08:07So it was all fake?
01:08:09Yeah, it was staged to push you away.
01:08:12What? Why?
01:08:13Your family was, like, loaded at the time, right?
01:08:16The night before prom, your mother threatened Jason.
01:08:18Break things off with you or she destroys family.
01:08:21That can't be true.
01:08:23Truth is stranger than fiction.
01:08:25You were the golden girl.
01:08:27He was the boy from the wrong side of the tracks.
01:08:29If I was your mother, I would have done the same.
01:08:32So you're telling me after all this time, I got it wrong?
01:08:37So you're telling me after all this time, I got it wrong?
01:08:42He loved you, Elizabeth.
01:08:43But he didn't want you to turn against your family.
01:08:46So the night before prom, he found me.
01:08:48Why keep it a secret for this long?
01:08:51What good would telling you have done?
01:08:53He chose to be the bad guy for your sake.
01:08:57You know what? You can take your stupid necklace back.
01:09:00I never liked it and I never liked you.
01:09:02And you know what? I've always hated football.
01:09:04You're disgusting.
01:09:06Right. The heartbroken lover act.
01:09:09With that plastic smile that you put on for all your fans.
01:09:11It's nauseating.
01:09:13Everything that Jeff said about my family is true.
01:09:16Seeing you with nothing left.
01:09:18You happy now?
01:09:20Look, I know I've hurt you in the past.
01:09:23There's not much to explain there, but...
01:09:27I love you.
01:09:29Can you give me another chance, please?
01:09:32Some things can't be fixed.
01:09:35That's life, isn't it?
01:09:36That's life, isn't it?
01:09:40Who thought he'd carry around the secret for this long?
01:09:43Even after your family fell apart, he still stayed silent.
01:09:48Thank you for telling me everything.
01:09:51I need to go.
01:10:03What did you say to him?
01:10:04What are you saying?
01:10:06What did you say to Jason the night before prom?
01:10:09You're not ready.
01:10:13Why would you do this, Mom?
01:10:15I was protecting you.
01:10:17You think I would let my daughter sit for a jock?
01:10:22He was the love of my life.
01:10:24How could you keep this from me?
01:10:26Think about Lizzie.
01:10:28If you ended up pregnant or alone.
01:10:31What then?
01:10:32What then?
01:10:34Yes, he's a celebrity now.
01:10:37And he should thank me because I pushed him.
01:10:40Otherwise, he would just be another loser.
01:10:43You made me despise him for years.
01:10:46How can you justify that?
01:10:48It's his fault.
01:10:50He ruined your life.
01:10:52If it weren't for him, you would be married with Jeff.
01:10:54We wouldn't be broke.
01:10:56And your father was to be here.
01:10:58I don't expect you to forgive me.
01:11:00But you need to know, I did it.
01:11:04Because I love you.
01:11:07Your love suffocates me.
01:11:13Everything I did, I did for you.
01:11:20Jason, pick up, pick up, pick up, please.
01:11:24Jason, I...
01:11:26Hi, this is Jason Clooney.
01:11:28Please leave a message.
01:11:36Miss Bell, this is Tony, Jason's manager.
01:11:39Do you know where Jason is right now?
01:11:41He's missing, I can't find him.
01:11:43He's violent and he's addicted to drugs.
01:11:46May I ask why you choose to speak out?
01:11:48I can't stand to keep watching him fool the world like this.
01:11:51I have to prevent it from happening to somebody else.
01:11:54These are all lies.
01:11:56Yeah, but the Falcons dropped all of his sponsors until this blows over.
01:11:58If we don't find him soon, the penalties are going to bankrupt us.
01:12:03I think I know where he might be.
01:12:09Let's roll.
01:12:16No, no, no, no, no, no, Jason!
01:12:18Jason? Jason!
01:12:20Liz, what are you doing here?
01:12:22Oh my God, you're all right.
01:12:24Why are you sleeping here? Why weren't you answering your phone?
01:12:26I fell asleep and my phone's dead.
01:12:29Well, I just thought that...
01:12:32Were you worried about me?
01:12:34Jason, I know the truth about what happened five years ago.
01:12:47Uh, should we give the two some space?
01:12:56Let's forget the past.
01:12:59I hope you'll stay by my side from now on.
01:13:10Good morning and welcome back to The Morning Show.
01:13:13Today's guest has been the center of media storms lately, Jason Clooney.
01:13:19This is his first time back in the public eye.
01:13:22Mr. Clooney, how have you been coping with everything?
01:13:24It's been a period of reflection.
01:13:27Just been training, resting, and taking things day by day.
01:13:31Well, there have been some serious allegations against you, including drug use.
01:13:35What's your response?
01:13:37Drug testing is a serious part of our training regimen.
01:13:40If there was any drug abuse, it wouldn't slip through the cracks.
01:13:44And what about the violent claims from Emma Young?
01:13:47She even had some bruises to show for it.
01:13:50Those bruises, they could be from anywhere.
01:13:52I've never touched her.
01:13:54She's trying out for the football team.
01:13:57We do get knocked around a lot.
01:13:59Does that mean you're denying the romance between you and Emma Young?
01:14:02Let me set the record straight.
01:14:04Emma and I have never been anything more than just colleagues.
01:14:09Actually, there's something I want to share right here, right now.
01:14:16What's that?
01:14:17The truth is, the only woman I've ever loved is sitting right next to me.
01:14:27The only woman I've ever loved is sitting right next to me.
01:14:33And that's the only reason why I agreed to come on this show today.
01:14:37Elizabeth, will you marry me?
01:14:51Yes. Yes, Jason. Yes.
01:14:59That's what I'm talking about. My man, Jason.
01:15:07Oh man, Jason.
01:15:13Thank you for joining us on The Morning Show today.
01:15:16That about wraps up our show for today.
01:15:18And we hope you have as much love and joy in your day as we do with ours.
