• last year
You know, one thing that really irritates me is people not doing their jobs properly. And I'm sure you are the same. If someone came to your house and try to do some work and it wasn't done properly, you'd get annoyed and basically try to get them to do it properly. Or in fact, get someone else to do it because they've already shown their incompetence at, as, you know, what you hired them for what they're supposed to help you with.

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00:00You know, one thing that really irritates me is people not doing their jobs properly and I'm sure you are the same if someone came to your house and try to do some work and it wasn't done properly.
00:12You'd get annoyed and basically try to get them to do it properly or in fact get someone else to do it because they've already showed their incompetence at as what you know, what you hide them for what they're supposed to help you with.
00:28But there are times that being in support myself.
00:32I need help from certain services and support professionals.
00:38Don't get me started with them being called support champions because that already are really annoys me.
00:45So in this video, I'm going to go through a support issue that I had funny enough with Apple and just so you're aware.
00:53This is a Friday Fury episode Friday Fury episode.
00:57I will be swearing like a mother and if you don't like it turn it off.
01:04Don't even watch this.
01:05But if you keep watching it, you'll see why I'm swearing so much.
01:10I love swearing.
01:11I absolutely utterly love swearing.
01:14So you're warned now if you don't like it, don't watch this video because I have things to get off my chest and I just want to share them and I'm going to get into it.
01:22So I have an office it's on the ground floor.
01:29It's a door outside to the world people can walk in I have listing on Google and everything is fine.
01:37I do have walk-in traffic now and again and it's been like that for as long as I can remember.
01:44In fact, I was at a different address, which was actually an apartment even though people could come to me this place here.
01:51My actual office is and you'll see an image.
01:55I'm going to show you in a moment is actually a office worker biz a place of work that people can walk in it signposted outside McJunkie and I'm kind of proud of it in a way.
02:09So when I had I had a listing on Apple Maps and that listing it was my at my old address and I realized that it was still there were two listings.
02:27There was one for my new address, which I couldn't log into I had to try to gain access to that listing on Apple Maps.
02:35And then there was the old one which was actually active, but I've already I already contacted them a long time ago said change the address because that's my old address.
02:45I'm not even I'm not there for the past.
02:47I haven't been there for the past seven years.
02:50This is my new place and for some reason they haven't changed it or they might have changed it and then changed it reverted it back because they're complete fucking morons there.
02:58So what's happened is that I wanted to get on top of this and actually get it resolved.
03:07So I contacted I'm actually going to start showing you the emails.
03:12So I contacted them on the 24th of July.
03:17Let me make this a bit smaller for myself.
03:20Yeah, so I contacted them on the 24th of July here.
03:24And I basically said I try to verify my new listing which is at the new address, which is this address, but the details that you have are here.
03:37This is the old details and actually the old did the the old detail.
03:44Sorry, not the old address, but the old details, but these are the details that I want PS.
03:49I have I'm registered at the Chamber of Commerce and I have a Google listing here.
03:55Please help me.
03:56Can you help?
03:56Okay, so and then on the 27th three days later, we appreciate your submission, but we are unable to honor the request because places on maps only accepts businesses with retail storefronts and commercial location.
04:13Well, you fucking idiot.
04:15I am in a oh Jesus Christ.
04:18It just irks me.
04:20I am in a business location.
04:22This is actually commercial property you fucking morons.
04:26Anyway, maybe they don't know.
04:29So I replied to them.
04:32This is this looks horrible.
04:34I have better signage, but this is horrible.
04:37But that's that's my address.
04:39This is my post box.
04:41This is my office.
04:43This is my office is on the ground floor.
04:45There's a door there.
04:47I am open to business people walk by and actually drop in even a lot of neighbors actually do that.
04:55So I'm a little confused.
04:56This is me.
04:57I do have a door on the street.
05:01I'm on the ground floor and have clients coming here all the times see attached images Etc.
05:06Post box blah blah blah.
05:08Also, there is an Apple Maps listing for my business and my old address, which is here.
05:14This is the old address.
05:15This is the old fucking address.
05:17It's active.
05:18Why the fuck are you not closing that and opening the fucking one that I actually need you stupid assholes.
05:26Still active actually never did at the edge.
05:29Yeah, that place was an apartment.
05:31It didn't even have a door to the to the ground floor.
05:34But for some fucking reason they seem that that's still open even though I've told them many fucking times to fucking close that fucking listing.
05:44You stupid assholes anyway, so your place on profile will be reviewed.
05:50So that was the next day.
05:54Yeah, that was the next day.
05:56That was the next day 28th and then here we go.
06:02So week later, I guess this is the 4th of August.
06:06They said I have ownership of the new this is this is the name is wrong.
06:12But this is the name of the new listing the one that they said needed a you know, a front door Etc.
06:21So I said, well, thank you for this.
06:22However, I'm still having issues.
06:25There's something wrong with my iCloud account.
06:27I did the main problem is I was getting a network error when I was trying to activate that listing.
06:36So they've given me access to that listing.
06:41It's just gives me a headache even thinking about this.
06:45But I thought it was a problem with the email being incorrect.
06:50These were two different emails PS.
06:54By the way, the old listing still fucking active.
06:57How many fucking times do I have to tell you this and then again, I made another video.
07:03Sorry investigating the shoe.
07:05So this was two days later.
07:07We're still investigating the issues and then start coming back with what's wrong with you.
07:12Is there something wrong with your I Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable Etc.
07:17And this is about the work email address and that was an issue that I had to fix but for them to say shit like this just fucking irritates the hell out of me.
07:27I mean, they know I'm a technical guy, obviously, but apparently this support champion is a complete fuck with that.
07:35Don't fucking understand that asked from their elbow.
07:38So I emailed them back pretty much straight away short answers, which device this which browser this Wi-Fi and Ethernet both.
07:50I've even went to a neighbor to try it.
07:52Also, please note the the work email.
07:55Okay that again.
07:56That was an issue that I had to fix.
07:58I even sent them a video.
08:00I made a video of it and then I followed it up by the way, just so you know, I've also tried.
08:07All these browsers and again made another video.
08:11Thanks for providing this information for fucking days later.
08:16What the fuck are you guys doing there?
08:19Playing pinball machine or something not actually doing your fucking job.
08:24We apologize.
08:26Please provide details additions of changes you would like to make.
08:30So did you not fucking read the fucking email?
08:34I fucking sent on the 24th of fucking July.
08:39I told you I like swearing but honestly this shit boils my fucking blood where these cunts seem to think that they're in support, but they have they don't actually support you.
08:53They throw you lines and actually not fix anything and I'm going to come to that with another email in a moment.
08:59In this thread because all they're there for is where we're helping you with a big fucking stupid smile on their face, but not actually helping you and I get annoyed because this is my industry.
09:13This is support.
09:14This is what I do.
09:16If I don't do my job properly, I feel shit.
09:19I really do.
09:21So I make sure I do fucking my job fucking properly.
09:25So the client is happy, but these assholes don't give a shit.
09:29They really just don't give a shit.
09:32Oh, so so what do you what things do you want to change?
09:40So this is when I just went ape shit and this is the same day actually.
09:47So I said, okay.
09:48Wow, you guys really suck at support.
09:50So let's try this again as if I'm talking to a child in baby steps or maybe get an adult to reply with an actual fix the original issue that I reported with a video on the 4th of August.
10:04In fact, that date was wrong.
10:05It was actually 24th of July.
10:08This is what I want to change.
10:09So I again, I made it really fucking simple.
10:13So a fucking monkey could understand this shit.
10:17So listing there are two listings an old one new one sort out the old one get rid of the old one.
10:22Give me the new one bear in mind.
10:25They've already given me access to the new one.
10:29So all I'm trying to do is actually just make it open and change the details, but I can't do that because there's some sort of a network issue, but they seem to blame my computer my Wi-Fi rather than their own fucking problems display names.
10:46There's nothing wrong with it.
10:47Just need McJunkie.
10:49That's the company name website.
10:51It's dot NL.
10:52Actually, it should be dot-com business hours change the business out.
10:56I hope this is clear enough.
10:58Also, why on earth is the issue of me not changing of I don't know why it wrote because I just so fucking annoyed why not?
11:08Is there an issue of me not being able to change the things with what I wanted to say?
11:11So now have to contact you to change the details all the time.
11:15True support is fixing an issue is fixing an issue not band-aiding a shit an issue fixing the issue not giving you a hack to just get around the issue fix the fucking issue.
11:34Oh Jesus fucking Christ and then they reply to me.
11:39I think the next day.
11:41I think it was the next two days later and we go around in circles.
11:47We reviewed the information you provided about our business.
11:50We noticed about your business.
11:52We noticed that your business provides an outbound service and does not have a physical location that customers can visit during business hours.
12:06I don't know what to say at this point.
12:08I'm guessing these are different people reading this but these cunts don't fucking read the proper tickets these assholes these fucking children these unicorns don't fucking read the fucking tickets properly to give fucking proper advice.
12:27Now I'm going back in circles.
12:29I mean, this is fucking stupidity.
12:32Now I now I have to explain again.
12:35I haven't replied yet because I wanted to make this video make sure they hopefully they fucking watch this video because this is how fucking pissed off.
12:43I am of people in my industry causing fucking problems for people like me who actually do their fucking jobs properly give proper fucking advice and actually create proper fucking solutions for clients like you who actually need help for clients.
12:59Like me who actually need help from these fucking are from these fucking assholes who have problems with these fucking systems create proper fucking solutions for systems.
13:11So clients can actually be happy using your systems not fucking making them annoyed.
13:17I get annoyed because it's my fucking business and I get annoyed because I just it just boils my fucking blood when people sorry.
13:28Not people when cunts don't do their fucking jobs properly.
13:33This is what fucking irritates me fucking irritates me.
13:38You need a physical address.
13:40Well, if I need a physical fucking address, why the fuck do you have my old fucking listing on your fucking Apple Maps?
13:49You stupid cunt.
13:52Did I say cunt enough?
13:54Anyway, we accept we please accept our apology for any inconvenience.
13:58This means nothing.
14:00This line means absolutely fucking nothing because you don't give a shit.
14:04If you gave a shit, you would actually read the fucking ticket and issue a proper solution rather than blame me for a Wi-Fi connection issue blame me for not using the right computer.
14:16I'm a fucking technician.
14:17You cunt.
14:19Should your business ever transition blah blah blah bullshit fucking arsehole cunt fuckers.
14:24So anyway, that's my Friday Fury.
14:27I'm just fucking furious about this bullshit that these companies pull because you can't just call them and fix these fucking problems.
14:36If you have a problem with Facebook or YouTube, do you think you can talk to anyone?
14:40No, because they don't give a shit.
14:42They just take your money take your fucking data and use your data.
14:47You get fuck all so make sure you own your audience and stop dealing with these big fucking companies that don't give a shit about what you do and I fucking hate it.
14:57The fact that they're in support like I am and give me a fucking bad name and make me have to fucking swear to my clients.
15:04So they understand how fucking annoyed I am these stupid fucking cunts.
15:09Anyway, that was my Friday Fury.
15:12Hopefully you enjoyed it.
15:13Hopefully you didn't turn off and you watch till the end like it to here.
15:18Have a great weekend and I'll see you next time.
15:20I'm just fucking annoyed.