Saving Nora Episodes 361-365

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Saving Nora Episodes 361-365 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
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00:20don't forget, share the video comment and like. When Morris heard that, he looked inside the
00:27interrogation room and saw Nora lying on the bench with Justin at her side. He then took a
00:33few steps away from the door and asked, Who is it? When he heard the answer, he looked pensive.
00:41Then he nodded and said, Okay, I understand. He walked back toward the interrogation room
00:48and was surprised to see a bodyguard in a black suit walking into the room carrying a blanket.
00:54Before he could react, he saw another bodyguard entering the room carrying a single mattress,
00:59who was followed in turn by another man holding a pillow. Within less than a minute, the hard
01:05bench in the room had been turned into a soft bed. Nora mumbled something and then lay down
01:11to continue sleeping. Justin walked up to her and covered her with a blanket. Morris was speechless.
01:19He shook his head and then went over to Justin and said, There's no need for all this. I'm
01:25satisfied that it has nothing to do with Miss Smith. She can go home and sleep. Justin gestured
01:32for him to keep quiet and whispered. We'll leave after she wakes up. Morris was taken aback. He had
01:39never witnessed anything like it in the whole of his career. What kind of a place does he think
01:44this is? He wondered a hotel. However, he didn't say anything to Justin, but walked out and after
01:52pausing for a few seconds, close the door behind him. The soundproofing in the interrogation room
01:58was very good. After the door was closed, it became isolated from all the sounds of the outside world.
02:06It was incredibly quiet inside and very conducive to sleeping. Justin was very pleased with the
02:13outcome. Old Matty's life was no longer in danger. He had been transferred to the intensive care unit
02:20and the people from the Smith's residence, who had gone with him to the hospital, left him there in
02:25the care of the medical staff. After returning home, Yvonne entered her room in a daze just as
02:31she was about to close the door. Florence arrived and walked into the room. She looked very annoyed.
02:39Miss Yvonne, that illegitimate daughter of Yvette's, turned out to be a famous doctor.
02:44Even so, it's not such a big deal and nothing she can boast about. It looks like she inherited her
02:50mother's medical talent. If she's made from the same mold as her mother, then she's also a bitch.
02:56She must have used some kind of drug on Mr. Hunt to make him fall in love with her,
03:01even though she comes with the baggage of a child. I don't understand why Mr. Ryan went soft on her
03:07and allowed her into the Smith family. Her existence is a humiliation to him. Yvonne
03:13said indifferently, Yvonne said indifferently, it's because Mr. Hunt and Nora, like each other,
03:20and the Smiths and Hunts, need a marriage alliance. So even if he's less than happy
03:25about Nora's situation, he'll still accept her. Florence became tearful, as she said.
03:32Mr. Ian has sacrificed too much for the Smiths. After Yvette ran away and left him alone,
03:38he remained unmarried throughout his life, and he was forced to adopt a child.
03:44Mr. Ian said that after he dies, he wants his ashes to be scattered into the sea,
03:49so that he can look for Yvette. He was so devoted to her, and yet she betrayed him.
03:56She wiped her tears and continued, I'm so angry at Yvette. Why did she betray Mr. Ian? His health
04:04has never been the same since she left, and now that her daughter is here, she's also causing
04:10chaos in the family. Mr. Ian personally invited old Maddie to stay here. Everyone in this family
04:17takes care of old Maddie, but she harmed him, and none of us should tolerate that, Yvonne said.
04:25Captain Ford is saying that old Maddie was poisoned, but I don't understand it. He eats
04:30the same things that we eat. So how could he be the only one who was poisoned? Unless, of course,
04:38someone did it deliberately. Florence sneered and said, I think Miss Nora was the one who poisoned
04:44him. She probably planned to use an antidote to save him at the critical moment, so she looked
04:49like a hero, which would increase her reputation. After she spoke, the sound of a disturbance came
04:57from downstairs. Yvonne and Florence looked at each other and then went down to investigate.
05:03They saw the police chief standing there with a few other officers. The butler looked at them
05:09sternly and asked, Isn't Miss Nora at the police station? Why are you gentlemen here again?
05:15The chief took out a search warrant and said, We've detected pesticides in old Maddie's blood,
05:21and we've determined that he must have taken this drug. The police officer took out a pill and said,
05:27This pill looks like something used in traditional medicine, but it's actually
05:32a pesticide, so we need to investigate who gave this pill to old Maddie. The butler seemed shocked
05:39as he looked at the pill in the captain's hand. He then turned around and looked at Florence. He
05:45knew that Florence had secretly gone to old Maddie's house and given him that pill. He knew
05:51that because he had seen it with his own eyes. Florence's eyes widened in shock and she cried,
05:57Isn't this the carefree pill? The police officer turned toward her and asked, Did you give old
06:04Maddie this medicine? Florence nodded blankly. She then explained in a shaking voice, Officer,
06:11you're mistaken. This is a carefree pill. I gave it to him to treat his condition.
06:17The pill was invented by Harmonia Pharmacy, and it costs more than three thousand dollars. It's not a
06:23pesticide. It's a legitimate treatment. She took a step forward to look more closely at the pill.
06:31She was convinced that she was correct and said, How can it be a pesticide? It's a carefree pill.
06:38It was invented by the Andersons, and Nora knows about it. She was unsuccessfully treating his
06:44illness and leaving him unconscious every day. I was worried that something was seriously wrong
06:49with him, so I gave him one of these pills. The police officer asked, Where did you get this pill?
06:57Her face became pale as she made an important connection, and she glanced over at Yvonne in
07:03disbelief. She stretched out her trembling hand and pointed at Yvonne. I took it from Miss Yvonne's
07:09room. After Florence spoke, everyone in the room turned and looked at Yvonne. Yvonne's eyes widened
07:16and she tensed up nervously. Then she took a deep breath and said steadily, But isn't that my mosquito
07:23repellent, Florence? Why did you take it? Florence looked at the pill in shock and then at Yvonne
07:30again. She felt as if her mind had been wiped clean and nothing made sense anymore. Then, in a split
07:37second, she understood everything and was devastated by her epiphany. Was the woman standing in front of
07:44her really the Miss Yvonne she had always thought of as gentle, generous and understanding? How could
07:51she do this to me, she thought. How could she lie? She clearly told me that it was a carefree pill.
07:58She must have wanted me to give it to old Matty so that I would kill him.
08:03How could she have deceived and betrayed me? Yvonne took a step back and asked nervously,
08:09Florence, why are you looking at me like that? Florence took a deep breath and made a sudden
08:16decision. By the time Nora woke up, it was already bright outside. She opened her eyes slowly,
08:24feeling as if there were needles stabbing her in the head. She put her fingers on her forehead and
08:29was about to say something when two strong, warm hands pressed against her head and gently massaged
08:36her temples. The pain slowly eased and her tightly knitted brows finally relaxed. She looked at the
08:43man, giving her a massage, and saw that Justin was still wearing the same clothes he had worn
08:48the day before. From the looks of it, he hadn't left her side the entire night, despite not having
08:55slept a wink all night. The man didn't look dispirited at all. Only the corners of his eyes
09:01revealed some traces of fatigue. Under the dim light of the interrogation room, he looked even
09:08more alluring. She thought of how he had held Morris hostage and told her to leave the day before.
09:15She stretched, stood up, and asked casually, weren't you afraid that I would run away?
09:21A smiling Justin looked at her closely as he replied, I knew you wouldn't. Nora posed her
09:27stretching and asked why. Because of the children? No, it wasn't that. He took out a handkerchief and
09:35handed it to her. It's because you said that you're in love with me. She took the handkerchief from
09:41him and wiped her face. He then added, just kidding. It's because I know you aren't someone who would
09:47do that. She was surprised that he felt he knew her so well, even though the two of them hadn't
09:54spent much time together since her return to the States. In fact, he wasn't even aware of many of
10:00her mysterious identities. Despite that, he had trusted her even in that situation. She put down
10:08the handkerchief, and as she gazed at the man's handsome face, her heart skipped a beat. She felt
10:14slightly embarrassed, so she looked away as she asked, is there anything to eat? She had been
10:22asleep for a full fourteen hours. Although she was still sleepy, she had to get up and replenish her
10:29energy, otherwise her body wouldn't be able to function. Yes, he replied calmly. After taking out
10:36his cell phone and sending a message, someone opened the door and came in with a cart of food.
10:42Morris, who had hurried over when he heard that Nora had woken up, seemed troubled by what he
10:47saw. Those two are treating the interrogation room like it's a hotel, he thought. Not only has the
10:54man prepared her bedding, but he has brought a washbasin and toiletries over while she was asleep,
11:00and now he's even brought in a cart of food. Morris had never seen anyone who spoiled their
11:04partner as much as Justin did. He was about to say something when Justin held up his hand and
11:12stopped him. Captain Ford, he said, wait till she's done eating if you have something to say.
11:19I don't want her to get indigestion. Morris pulled up a chair and sat down.
11:25The interrogation room was his home ground, yet the two of them were so relaxed there.
11:30He was used to people feeling intimidated when they were in that room, and his work depended
11:35on that. After finishing her breakfast, Nora looked at Morris and asked, Captain Ford,
11:42has there been any progress in the case? Yes, there's been a significant development, he replied.
11:49The person who poisoned old Maddy is Florence Stone. We've brought her back with us. She's in
11:55the interrogation room next door. Justin raised an eyebrow in surprise. He asked, that poison isn't
12:02something that's easily obtainable, is it? So how did she get hold of it? Morris replied, she took
12:09it from Yvonne Smith's room. Does that mean that Yvonne was involved too? Nora asked, maybe,
12:17but it would be relatively difficult to convict Miss Smith of the crime, as there's no hard
12:22evidence to prove that she made Florence Stone poison old Maddy. What she did was, at most,
12:29trick someone into committing the crime. Also, Stone has admitted to doing it on her own.
12:35She's admitted to it. Nora asked in surprise, I think I need to go and talk to Florence.
12:43Okay, be my guest, said Morris in the adjacent interrogation room.
12:49Florence sat silently, waiting to be questioned by the police. Nora walked in and immediately
12:56noticed how tired and haggard the housekeeper looked. She obviously hadn't slept all night.
13:02However, when Florence saw Nora, the look in her eyes became fierce. Nora sat in front of her and
13:08went straight to the point. She simply asked, why are you taking the rap for Yvonne? Nora was
13:15sure that Florence wasn't the one who had poisoned old Maddy. She knew that the woman displayed all
13:21her emotions in the open, and was a direct and straightforward person who had openly ridiculed
13:27and mocked her. She was very protective of Yann and everything she did, and she was nearly as
13:33protective of old Maddy as Yann was. Therefore, there was absolutely no way she would do anything
13:40to bring shame to the Smiths. Florence sneered and said, I'm protecting her because she's Mr.
13:46Yann's daughter. Even if she's only an adopted daughter, she's still his daughter, whereas you
13:52bring shame to him. She averted her eyes and a look of sadness came over her expression.
13:58She then said, I'm indebted to Mr. Yann. There's nothing I can do to repay him except for this,
14:05Nora said. But she's not a good person. Florence became tearful and said, it doesn't matter whether
14:12she's a good person or a bad person. There was a time when your mother was a good person and saved
14:17the lives of many people. I also believe that she was good. But then she went on to betray Mr. Yann.
14:25Do you have any idea of how he suffered all these years? Joel was sitting in his study,
14:31looking very serious and pensive. The door opened and Yvonne walked in.
14:37She asked nervously, were you asking for me, Joel? He looked up and said, there's no way
14:43Florence would poison old Maddy. Both you and I know that very well. Yvonne bit her lip and refused
14:50to admit it. She asked, what do you mean by that, Joel? I don't understand what you're saying.
14:58Even Florence herself has admitted before she could finish, Joel cut her off. Uncle Yann hates
15:04people who violate the law and break rules. Even if you're his daughter, you're not allowed to do
15:09that. Florence may not expose you, but the Smiths will never tolerate and condone such vileness.
15:18Yvonne felt exposed. Joel was staring at her and making her feel that he was looking right through
15:24her and reading her thoughts. He, however, was inscrutable. She looked down and said,
15:31I admit that I made a mistake, Joel. I shouldn't have bought a pill like that and left it in the
15:36room so that Florence had a chance to steal it. But I didn't break the law. Surely you can't say
15:43that I broke the law just because someone stole the pill. I bought and poisoned another person
15:49with it. Joel frowned. Yvonne, do you think I asked you here to force you to admit your mistake?
15:55If you do, you're wrong. Yvonne was taken aback. I'm not sure where he's going with this,
16:02she thought. Is he prepared to overlook it? He continued slowly. I'm not a police officer
16:08who needs evidence in order to convict someone of a crime. Neither do I need you to admit
16:15anything. But you and I know very well what happened. Although his voice was soft,
16:22it wasn't reassuring, and Yvonne's heart started to sink. He then stood up and said,
16:27since there isn't any evidence, I won't hand you over to the police. Besides, your uncle,
16:33Ian's daughter, and how you were dealt with will have to wait until he wakes up.
16:37However, I don't want you to manage any family matters for now. Yvonne looked devastated,
16:44as Ian's one and only lawful daughter. She had always enjoyed a very high status in the family.
16:50In fact, she had a closer legal relationship with Ian than Joel, who was only Ian's nephew.
16:58Although Joel managed the company's affairs, Yvonne oversaw family matters. She couldn't
17:04stop herself from asking, who do you intend to put in charge of managing the family's affairs?
17:10If not me, Nora, you can't do that. I'm Dad's only daughter. While she's nothing more than a
17:17shameful product of that woman's betrayal of him, you'll be embarrassing Dad if you do that.
17:23Joel had no sympathy for her and wasn't prepared to argue. He looked away from her and said,
17:29you can go now. Yvonne wanted to stay and argue with him, but she knew that Joel never changed
17:35his mind once he had made a decision. She clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and walked out of
17:41the study. After she had gone, Quentin appeared from behind a bookcase and asked, are you really
17:48going to let her off? Just like that? Joel rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache coming on.
17:54Uncle Leon is still in a coma, he said. As she's his only daughter, it's best that nothing happens
18:01to her for now. If he pulls through, he'll deal with her himself. Joel had been brought up by
18:07Ian and knew his uncle's character all too well. Ian hated schemes and conspiracies and would be
18:14completely unsympathetic toward Yvonne. He also felt that his uncle didn't seem to dislike Nora
18:20too much. Quentin asked, what if Uncle Ian doesn't make it? Joel answered coldly, then it will be
18:28time for Yvonne to get married. That will be the only option left for her. He wanted to change the
18:34subject, so he asked, has Nora woken up? Quentin and Joel were of the same opinion regarding Nora,
18:42which was that neither of them liked her very much. However, the sensitive Quentin noticed that
18:48Joel's term of address for his cousin had changed from the distant and alienated Miss Smith to a
18:54more familiar form. I don't know, he replied. She was still asleep when I left. He then sat
19:04down in front of Joel's desk and said, you know, she always seemed lazy to me. She never seemed to
19:10do any work and spent most of her day asleep. But then she turns out to be the famous Dr. Athena.
19:16It's no wonder she's rich. I hear that Louis has become her fan just because she's rich,
19:22Joel remarked dryly. What a promising future that fellow has quite said, Quentin.
19:30I, for one, won't bend over just because she's rich. She'd only get my recognition if she was
19:35the Quinn School's top student. He leaned closer to Joel and asked, what does our little cousin
19:42have to do in order to gain your recognition, Joel? Joel glanced at him, picked up some company
19:49documents from the desk and said, what a meaningless question. Joel's phone vibrated. He looked at it
19:56and saw that it was a text message from Tanya. Please let me know when Nora gets back. Joel
20:03sent her a question mark. Tanya immediately replied, Nora isn't picking up my calls,
20:09so I reckon she's still being detained. Jerry misses her mom. Tell her to pick up her daughter
20:15once she returns. Joel immediately got up, picked up his car key and walked out.
20:22Quentin asked, where are you going? Aren't you going to wait for our little cousin to come home?
20:28Joel didn't stop. On his way out, he replied, I am picking up the child and bringing her home.
20:35Child? What child? Quentin wondered. Isn't it the weekend? Maya wouldn't be at school today.
20:44Nora only came out of the room after she was done talking to Florence. She didn't blame
20:49the housekeeper. In fact, her loyalty to Ian received her admiration. It's so rare to find
20:56someone so loyal to their employer these days, she thought. No wonder Joel didn't fire her
21:02after he took over the family. Maurice asked her, was it Miss Smith? Nora said the interrogation
21:09room's soundproofing is pretty good. You should try using it if you ever have insomnia in the
21:15future. He was asking whether Florence had said anything and not inquiring about the supposed
21:20qualities of the interrogation room. However, as he watched the unaffected woman in front of him,
21:27he decided not to rephrase his question. Instead, he said, I apologize for my actions previously.
21:34Miss Smith. Apology accepted, Captain Ford. But I'd still like to ask you to do me a favor.
21:43What is it? She hesitated for a few moments before asking. Can you tell me what kind of
21:49case I'm involved in? Maurice remained silent for a while. He looked up and stared at her,
21:55considering whether he could tell her about it. Eventually, he stepped away and said,
22:02let's talk over there, Miss Smith. He realized there were some things he didn't need to hide
22:06from her anymore. Nora nodded and gave Justin a reassuring look as she followed Maurice into the
22:13room across the corridor. Nora was taken into a soundproofed room that didn't contain any type
22:19of recording equipment. Any conversations that occurred inside the room were never recorded.
22:26She was intrigued. She had thought that the soundproofing in the interrogation room was good.
22:32But when she entered the room and Maurice closed the door, she was shocked. All the sounds outside
22:38were blocked by the door, making her feel as if she were isolated from the rest of the world.
22:44Maurice showed no emotion as he pointed to a chair and motioned for her to sit down. He then sat
22:51opposite her. The two chairs were identical, and he stopped, acting as if he were interrogating
22:57a criminal. Instead, the impression given was that they were going to be talking as equals.
23:03Maurice wasn't sure how to introduce the subject, and while he was struggling with his choice of
23:08words, Nora asked, is the case about illegal drugs in human trials? I didn't expect you to be so
23:16perceptive, he said. Nora rolled her eyes. How could I not understand at this point, she thought.
23:24After old Maddy's incident, Maurice had kept asking her if she had given him any drugs.
23:30Then he had detected some unknown components in the man's blood. He had immediately become nervous,
23:37and his attitude toward her had worsened. At that time, he was certain that she had given old Maddy
23:43something dangerous later. When he had discovered that the old man's blood contained substances
23:49commonly used to poison rats and mosquitoes, he had become less interested in the case.
23:55Nora thought about it and asked Captain Ford, can we talk about this properly now? He nodded and
24:01rested his arms on the table. He said, Nora, do you know that there's a mysterious and dangerous
24:08organization in the world that outsiders don't know about? When he mentioned her mysterious
24:13organization, her first reaction was that he was talking about the Imperial League.
24:19She tried to look calm, but felt anything but. The Imperial League was a dangerous organization
24:25that aimed to control the global economy. But according to what she knew, it wasn't involved
24:31in human experiments or illegal drugs. So she quickly realized he couldn't be talking about
24:37that organization. She looked up at Maurice and said, please elaborate. His police training made
24:43him closely observe the woman in front of him. Unfortunately, although he wanted to be able to,
24:50he couldn't guess what she was thinking. Despite his many years of training, he was left with the
24:56impression that she was covered in an impenetrable veil. Whenever he felt that she was just an
25:01ordinary person, she would do something that surprised him. He said, we still don't know what
25:07the mysterious organization is called. We only know that they're involved in human experiments
25:13and illegal pharmaceuticals. Moreover, the drugs they create are extremely dangerous and could
25:19deliver a destructive blow to the entire human race. When Nora heard that, she sat up straight
25:26and looked genuinely concerned. A destructive blow. Yes, we've received intelligence that
25:33they're creating a virus and that they started human trials more than 20 years ago. 20 years ago,
25:40was my mother related to this organization? Maurice seemed reluctant to answer. He was
25:45silent for a long time before he said slowly, we suspected that your mother was working in
25:50the organization. So we arrested her back then. At that time, my mother was the leader of the
25:57operation team after her arrest. Your mother said that she had a patient waiting for her to treat.
26:04She said that she was the only person who could treat the patient's illness.
26:09Nora understood and said, your mother let my mother go. And she ran away. That's why you
26:15refused to let me go this time. You didn't believe what I said. He was speechless. What does she mean
26:23by refusing to let her go? He wondered. He ignored her choice of words and simply said yes. Nora
26:30started to understand his heavy handed way of doing things. If it involves such a high level
26:36case, forcing her to stay was understandable. After telling her everything, Maurice stood up
26:42and extended his hand to her. So I hope you'll understand my actions now. Sure, I get it now.
26:50She didn't shake his hand, but just waved as they walked out. Maurice took the opportunity to say,
26:55although Florence's poison was stolen from Yvonne's room. If Florence doesn't say anything,
27:00we won't be able to hold Yvonne responsible. If you want to bring the real criminal to justice,
27:06you'd better think of a way to convince Florence to talk.
27:10Nora thought about Florence's complaints about her and said, unless it turns out that I'm Ian's
27:15biological daughter, it's going to be impossible for me to convince her to do anything. She then
27:21went to find Justin, and the two of them left the police station. As soon as she stepped out
27:26of the building, Lily appeared in front of her. She wanted to say something, but when she saw
27:33Justin, she pulled Nora aside. She asked nervously, are you okay? I'm fine. Lily said indignantly,
27:42what's wrong with the Smiths? Is this how they treat you? It's just too much. Also, because your
27:49DNA mutated, no one can say for sure you're Ryan's daughter. I think that your father is Ian.
27:56Nora patted her shoulder and said, if you don't have the evidence, don't talk nonsense. Whether
28:02she was Ian's daughter or Ryan's, there was no hard evidence either way, unless they got some.
28:09Nora wouldn't say anything about it to the Smiths. If she did, it might be awkward if she later found
28:15that she was definitely Ryan's daughter. Lily was obviously annoyed and asked evidence.
28:21How can we get evidence now? We need to go back more than 20 years and get some DNA samples from
28:27your birth to do that. When Nora heard this, it was as if a light bulb went off in her head.
28:32She suddenly remembered the manager who was looking after, ideally in pharmaceuticals,
28:37for her mother. But her eyes lit up. Ideally in pharmaceuticals always send dividends to Nora's
28:44account on time. She had plenty of money and never thought much about it. However, she remembered
28:51that Wayne Mayers was the man that her mother had personally chosen to act as director of the
28:56company. She nodded at Lily, picked up her phone, and stepped away from her to call Wayne. As soon
29:03as the call connected, she heard Wayne's excited voice say, Miss Nora, you finally thought it
29:10through. Are you coming back to help with the company? Why does this guy seem so pleased to hear
29:16from me? She wondered, isn't he happy to be managing the company? She didn't want to get
29:22involved in a discussion about that, so she said no. I just wanted to ask you a question.
29:29Wayne's voice became serious as he said, okay, ask away. Did my mother leave anything for me
29:35at your place? Yes. Before he could continue, Nora interrupted him, other than companionship
29:42and love. Is there anything else? Wayne sighed and dragged out his words. What specifically do
29:49you want? Nora asked tentatively. For example, did she leave anything from when I was a baby,
29:56such as a lock of my hair or a blood sample? No, of course not, Miss Nora. Why would your mom
30:04leave anything like that with me? Nora sighed and said okay. It was a long shot, but I just thought
30:10I'd ask. Are you busy, Miss Nora? Do you have a minute for us to talk? No. What's wrong? Is there
30:18a problem with the company? Not really. The company is doing well from the formula your mother left
30:25behind. I just wanted to ask when you intend to come back and manage the company. It's too much
30:31for me to do alone. There's such a lot to do here. And as the chairperson of, ideally, you have to
30:40take on some responsibility. You can't leave everything to me alone. I'm getting old. Nora
30:48listened for a full minute, and when she realized that he wasn't about to stop nagging, she asked,
30:53Wait, what did you ask me just now? I asked if you were busy.
30:59Nora said, I'm terribly busy, so I'm hanging up now. Bye. When she hung up, Wayne was left
31:07speechless. I really couldn't listen to any more of that nagging, Nora thought. She looked at Lily
31:14and said, I might be busy for a while, so stay in the country for now. Nora realized that with her
31:20identity having been exposed, there would be many people looking for her. It was a problem that
31:26would require Lily's handling if there were problems that other doctors could resolve.
31:32Lily would recommend them. If Nora had to do it, Lily would arrange a schedule for her.
31:38Okay, where do I stay? asked Lily. Nora thought for a moment, and then she said,
31:45Stay with me at the Smith's residence. We're going there now, so come with us.
31:52As they walked over to the car, Justin opened the back door. Nora got in, and Lily tried to follow
31:58her, but was blocked by Justin. When she looked up at him, she saw him glance at the front passenger
32:05seat. She immediately understood and said, Okay, I get it. You're Nora's boyfriend. I'll sit in the
32:13front passenger seat. I'm not an insensitive person. Justin was a little surprised when he
32:19heard her call him that. Usually people would call him Mr. Hunt or Justin, and it was the first time
32:26he had been referred to as Nora's boyfriend. He felt quite pleased about it. He got into the car
32:32and sat next to Nora in the back seat. The journey passed in silence after they reached the Smith's
32:38residence. Justin didn't stay with them because he hadn't slept at all the previous night and
32:44wanted to go back home and get some rest. As well as that, Cherry was still waiting for him at the
32:50hunts. Nora took Lily into the house just as they entered. The butler welcomed them. Miss Nora,
32:57you're back. His attitude had become much more respectful, and Nora was taken aback for a moment.
33:04The butler bowed and said, Miss Nora, I was wrong to have misunderstood and thought that you were
33:11trying to harm old Maddie. I didn't expect that you were the famous Dr. Athena. I was blind,
33:18and I apologize unreservedly. When the other staff heard that she was back, they all came out
33:25and greeted her. They had previously thought that Nora was going to use old Maddie to make a name
33:30for herself. They hadn't realized that she was sincere and wanting him to recover. In contrast,
33:38Florence had stolen poison from Mrs. Vaughan's room and had almost killed the man. When Nora
33:43had first gone to live with the Smith, everyone had felt some disdain for her. They had felt that
33:49she was there to exploit her connection with the Smith. However, after everything that had happened,
33:56they had come to admire her from the bottom of their hearts. When Nora entered the living room,
34:02the new housekeeper Lucy, who had just been promoted by Joel, went over to her and said,
34:08Miss Nora, you're finally back. Do you have any orders for me? Nora looked at her. Lucy was in
34:16her thirties and looked very young and energetic. Her attitude was very respectful. Nora pointed at
34:22Lily and said, This is my assistant, Lily. She'll be staying here for a while, so please arrange a
34:28guest room for her. No problem. Lucy said, Miss Lily, if you would like to tell me the style of
34:35room you prefer, I'll choose a guest room that will meet your requirements. Seeing that Lucy
34:40had everything under control, Nora left to go upstairs and take a shower. After Lily had chosen
34:46a guest room, Lucy arranged for someone to prepare it for her and then accompany her to it.
34:52At that moment, Yvonne walked in and said, Lucy, come over here. I have something to tell you.
34:59Lucy was surprised and looked at Lily. She then said, I'm sorry, Miss Yvonne, but there's a guest
35:06here and I'm dealing with her at the moment. Yvonne glared at Lucy and said, Lucy, since you're
35:12working for this family, you should understand who the most senior female member of the family is.
35:17My father is the head of this family. Thank you so much for watching.
35:22Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
