Space Angel Redub

  • last month
00:00And another tale, from the depths of space, that is the man, the man in space, part angel,
00:09part man, part space, he is the man who many have feared for years, he is Space Angel.
00:19And on another day in Shanghai city we have many people working hard, hard at work here
00:26in the space city base.
00:34Oh my god look at Becky, she is getting fat, oh she should not have put those photos up
00:39there, everyone can see them online, they are just obnoxious, oh my god look at her.
00:48Yeah this is a good song, I think we are going to leave this one on for a while, try to get
00:54the feel good vibe flowing out to all the brethren out there, can I get an amen to my
00:58homies for the knobs, all the knobs, well I lost my cool for a second, lost my cool
01:04for a second, flip a couple switches and yeah we are back here with WKLM 102.46 smooth hip
01:15hop beats on the fly, I am DJ 2 Fly, y'all can call me 2 Fly, we are going to take a
01:22minute here and accept a couple calls, maybe just one, I think we will be accepting one
01:29God damn it, when are you going to start playing my smooth jazz?
01:52What the fuck is that, yeah fucking shit, are you listening to that awful DJ shit, I
02:22am DJ 2 Fly again, I told you he is no good, you don't understand what it means to be cool
02:28mom, you just make me so sad, why don't you listen, you should listen to the things that
02:36I say or I will get angry with you, you just don't understand cool music and beats and
02:44fly, miracles don't happen fast and especially not for DJs, but I want to be a DJ and you
02:52party, shut up, damn son, DJ 2 Fly with WKLM 1243, just going to take a quick break and
03:14we are bringing the music back now, see watch me do this now, oh fuck, I fucked it up, it's
03:39glowing now, oh my god, the radiation in secret now, I can't control it anymore, yeah we are
03:41going to pick up our second caller, caller number 2, you hung up on me, where is all
03:48the smooth jazz bro, oh it's a great day to be flying, it's always a great day to be flying,
04:06the wing spread is wide, just quiet down woman, I am trying to just get some real funky old
04:11school shit, no, no funky ass shit up in space, only smooth jazz, I don't understand
04:18your prejudice towards hip hop, cause it sounds like shit, you are going to crash the ship,
04:27I am just going to fly back in real, oh god, damn it, we are all going to die, we are all
04:35just going to crash, space, you fucked all this up man, oh I did, I still have time to fix it all,
04:45oh this is fucked, listen, we can just, oh god, I am losing control, we are just going to rumble,
04:55oh, mom I think I am picking up people screaming, screaming, oh god, damn it, we are all going
05:08to die, oh my god, that was intense, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, alright we are going to have to
05:25calm down and just prepare for the worst, alright, listen to me, we are going to have
05:30get drunk. That's it, just shit plastered. Well, I have been known to slug a one or two
05:40on the way down on a space endeavor. Why not? Well, I've only got a little bit of my secret
05:49whiskey left for the three of us. I'm a little drunk already, so... Hey, fuck it! We might
05:56as well just toss this around. Here, you take the first sip. Oh, man! Oh, God, here we go!
06:04We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die! This may be the best damn whiskey ever! Oh,
06:16that's disgusting! And we're back with DJ Slug.
06:26Hey, DJ Two-Fly, word up to my homies. We're gonna take another collar here. What? You
06:30ain't smooth jazz or something? Is that what it is? Huh? And that's how I killed the whole
06:42crew and pretended to be dead. Just so it was a clever ploy, really. Yeah, you're gonna
06:50have to go back to the part about the duck pond and the swimming and the crew and something
06:53about a spaceship. What was that again? I mean, can you repeat that? Listen, it was
06:58all back in Tijuana. I had a couple of drinks. Oh, Tijuana. Is that like one of those places
07:04with the mini bars where they got those, what are those, like little umbrellas where they
07:08put them in the shot glasses? I can't believe it's space! First, no smooth jazz, and then
07:16boom, boom, boom. Hey, everybody. You wanna repent for Jesus Christ? Anybody? No! Nobody
07:30here wants Jesus Christ, man! Oh, actually, on the contrary. It does say right here, Fridays
07:35after 2 p.m., repenting, prayer, and sacrifice. My mom never baptized me. Maybe that's something
07:43I've never really thought about. Sometimes. Oh, yeah, you like that shit, man? Yeah, no
07:48baptism. I don't really understand why that's such a big deal to most folks. Well, Timmy,
07:55it's because you're a sinner. Why am I such a sinner, Space Angel? Why have I even been
08:04here? You bring up a good point, Timmy. You little bastard, you godless heathen. I ought
08:12to backhand you to the place you stand. Um, I wanna go home. No! You can stay right here
08:21wherever I want you! I'll get the moisturizer. Alright, now this is just getting kind of
08:28weird. Um, I think I hear my mom calling. I think I hear my mom calling. I think I hear
08:58my mom calling.
08:59I think I hear my mom calling.
09:00I think I hear my mom calling.
09:01I think I hear my mom calling.
09:02I think I hear my mom calling.
09:03I think I hear my mom calling.
09:04I think I hear my mom calling.
09:05I think I hear my mom calling.
09:06I think I hear my mom calling.
09:07I think I hear my mom calling.
09:08I think I hear my mom calling.
09:09I think I hear my mom calling.
09:10I think I hear my mom calling.
09:11I think I hear my mom calling.
09:12I think I hear my mom calling.
09:13I think I hear my mom calling.
09:14I think I hear my mom calling.
09:15I think I hear my mom calling.
09:16I think I hear my mom calling.
09:17I think I hear my mom calling.
09:18I think I hear my mom calling.
09:19I think I hear my mom calling.